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I dunno if anyone already brought it up, but since there are options to choose your "gender" why not add trans options, it would be a cool addition!  

I really like this game btw, it's the best of its kind in my opinion


I agree with you!


let's keep our fingers crossed!!

Deleted post

right! I don't want my chara to be misgendered but also want him to have a pussy...  😭


Is there any benefit to getting the Black Heart from characters? Cause on one hand I want to fuck Gunnar cause I'm a top but on the other hand I don't usually like having negative affection with characters....

Deleted post

Usually no, since doing that prevents you for having a relation or sex with that NPS. In the case of Gunnar I'm almost sure that you chan fight him again even with a Black heart, but you don't have all the other scenes

(1 edit) (+2)

no not a single benefit. in the future maybe having a black heart with some other characters will make other characters trust/distrust you instantly. like if you use the love potioin on korg and get his black heart maybe rumors will spread among the orcs your a rapist or some shit and they will begin disliking you more and you have to earn back what was lost via the black heart.

or on the other hand having a black heart with... lets use Korg again might have some Northcrest people trust you more since orcs seem to REALLY dislike the MC. or other enemies of the orcs.

been a year since I said this but I've been looking for this comment to add this, this is all speculation on potential future content. it is not in game.


I dont see any mentions of what having pheromones do for your home I have mine at 100, havent had anything new happen and was curious what it does or if it even has any effects on anything yet?


It has no effect

(1 edit) (+2)

Ideia I had related to the Curse of the Lust

(Spoilers ahead)

Each character could have a Lust Meter which indicates how much the Curse of Lust has affected they. We know that apparently, the lizard people seems less resistent to it, so their Lust Meter would increase faster than the others.

Also, some actions could increase the Lust Meter of the characters, like when you give Rhot Lust Potions intead of the Restrain ones. This meter could be lowered by having sex with them or release them somehow (or giving them restrain potions frequently, what would give more meaning for you to be a herbalist).

An NPC with a full Lust Meter could trigger some sex scenes randonly (just like Bottom Logan route) and when their Lust Meter is low or 0, it means it would be impossible to have sex with them.

There could be a mechanic like, every week their Lust Meter increase a little or after some events. It could also be something fixed that is exclusively affected by the MC actions.

I think that since we have the option to side with Nameless, it could comes to hand to know how far we are to corrupt everyone. 

What you guys think?


Yeah, I mean we still got an orb, right? And Nameless seems interested on it. Probably something can be done, maybe. I just wonder how complex could be to implement all that. 

The idea doesnt seem bad. However at the present moment we simply lack information because we dont know what is Nameless up to really, which take us to the next question: Would this really fit in the story? We can only especulate at this point.

As much as I desire to interact with Nameless countless tentacles again as his lusty loyal follower, I am afraid we will have to be patient until Hyao decides is finally the right moment for Nameless story to advance. 

I didn't played this new update yet so I didn't interacted with him.

To be honest with you, I don't think Nameless's goal is to corrupt everyone, but he seems to be one behind the Curse of the Lust, so, it may help him in some way.


his goal wasn't to corrupt everyone, just get an item from the lizard tribe and he found getting rid of all of them to be the best way, and yes, he was behind the curse of lust.

I remembered that, but I do think the Curse of the Lust must be something to do with his plans. Apparently, he seems to cursed the orcs to but the effect is different since the Orcs just got more angrier. Maybe he want something from them too.

(1 edit)

It has been a bit since i played, but in one quest i remember... a woman is having fun with wolves.  Can we claim her? take her from them later?  or is she completely gone?  Hopefully we have that opportunity...?

Also how much content for each is there?  an example would be how much m/m or m/f and f/f?  is there a balance or does one have more then the rest for now? or does one have far less then the others?

Anyways i hope you and all are well and that you take care...

*The fact i that missed the notice at the top notwithstanding >< i am still curious on the current state of content... any help is most appreciated!*

(1 edit)

No, you can not save her, at least for know.

We know she is alive and that's it.

About the content, I think there is more M/F (If you pick the female MC) and M/M equally since there are just a few female NPCs you can interact. Most of the NPCs you find are males and most of them are bissexual.

I just saw you edit now.

For a game who still in development stage, this game is such a charming experience. He's well written and there are a lot of NPCs and places and events and quests and arts.

Right know, I think Hyao (the creator) already introduced us to the main plot,  but we can sure wait a ton of things to come before it ends.

Thank you for the information!  
And the time you spent on replying...

It kinda has me down that we can't save or possibly (read hopefully) claim the "wolf" girl yet.  But with the quality of the game so far and the shear awesomeness of the dev and their team i can gladly wait. 

Stay safe and take care all...!

To be honest with you I don't think in the near future (or ever) she'll be saveable. You don't seem to know much about her so I think you'll be surprised when you realize.


The fact you can not even mess with werewolfs while exploring the Den with Logan probably because Hyao would not be able to put it into words what Logan would feel seein another person he loves offering himself to werewolves LOL

I... I didn't think of it this way. but it makes sense. 


Probably would be a Game Over since he would kill us

I can't figure out how to finish the Korg halloween event. There are 3 parts to the quest. Meeting Korg at Rose's shop, answering Korg's question at home about light and dark colors, then a third part that I can't seem to figure out. Does anyone have an answer to this?

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After you finished the first Halloween event during Fair which held on Sunday, I think you need to enter to Bareshade during the night next day for the third part of this event.

I think you have to visit MC's house in Bareshade, not just the city

(1 edit)

question for anyone who wants to answer, do we call the updates the month they came outs update or the month they were worked on? like the update that came out this month is November, but it was worked on in October, so is it October's update or November's?

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Personally, I call the updates the month they came outs update. Just like when we hold some camps or parties, we actually call the month or the season that camps or parties were held, like summer camp, even we have prepared things for camps or parties before that.

I call them v 0.47, v 0.48 and so on. Actually the update 0.47 was worked on in September (the halloween special is part of v 0.48), it came out in October for Patreon members and in November for the public

Calling it the month they were worked on would be kinda strange. 

Let's think this way. Hyao released October's update day 5, so, he has enough time to work on the next month update and release it every month, on the 5° day.

Hey guys how do I get Gunnar's black heart?


Defeat him in combat and penetrate him after you do so.


seduce him to his max lust bar and fuck his ass.


Why would you ever think of hurting his feelings?? What is wrong with you?? He is such a husband content.

the reason they thought about hurting his feelings is prolly the same reason people do the corrupted lizard path, Horny.

Corruption path is such a bad choice since you'll loose most of the lewd scenes

(1 edit)

yeah. but you can have them in a separate save, one for the horny in bad and one for the horny in good. also you can only keep Roushk in jail if he is on the corrupted route and he gets a special scene with Rhot when you fuck Rhot after you capture him, that is not in the good route so special horny.

(even if i cant bring myself to do it i know it exists.)

Rhot is so precious I think that lizard needs a hug


someone has a backup before logan comes drunk to your house. if so please give me the download link


To be honest with you, you're not loosing anything.

He would hate you for that later and the whole scene is not that much either.

that might be why they need the save, they might have chosen the sex scene instead of the "nah homie you drunk" option out of curiosity and forgot to save at the choice.


He said in another comment that he just wanted to see what would happen


oh gotcha, didn't see that. my bad lol

How can i trigger this please 🥺

Why do you think Logan is such a difficult character to get along with? He's so different from the others since there are a LOT of ways to screw his route.

His choices are always kinda tricky since it's kinda difficult to read him. The fact that he is possessive and don't want to share you don't help either.


well for me logan is like tsundere anime girl haha, and that is preety fun to deal with😂


He's a lovely guy (just don't make him mad)


Which is the most difficult part of the game, actually


and thats the point where the game is more exciting right?😁😁

(2 edits) (+3)

To answer your question: I see how people can see in Logan a nice challenge to deal with, a hard nut to crack you know? That sort of thing, then they get to see his other side, that works for them.  

In my case however, I dont like when someone yells at me (whatever that reason is). I suppose I can let that detail happen in a fictional world... But I would never be able to endure such thing in a real man: I would lack the courage, guts and patience to withstand any kind of yelling. My 1st reaction would be to run away. Especially for a person that is not very confident.

At my age of 36 I expect (if such thing ever happens lol) that I can communicate and talk things out with my man in a reasonable way. I dont care if you are hot af or what but if you throw sudden violent temper tantrums, that is going to be a big no-no for me lol 


Interestingly enough, Logan agrees with your assessment of him!  At least, based on Logan's in-game actions.

He's abrasive, generally doesn't touch people, and with his now ex-wife leaving him he's a very bitter man, who closes himself off from everyone around him.

Every time you help him out, he notes that you shouldn't..  That you should do what everyone does and tolerate him at best.  He tries to do everything by himself, often to the point of severely injuring himself rather than asking for help.  Logan honestly seems to believe that he should just be alone, since he's not a good enough person to deserve anyone else - the one person he opened himself up to hurt him really badly.

For me, now, my being kind to Logan in return isn't due to a challenge; it's empathy.  I'd like to help Logan trust people a bit more again, and you're rewarded for this by him getting less abrasive.  Less angry.  Heck, it gets to the point where you can have people meet up with Logan who would definitely have caused him to flip out before - but instead now he just grumbles a little, since he trusts you.  Is much more willing to stick his neck out.  He's still gruff, since he's stubborn, and you're not going to erase who he is (nor should you!), but I find it heartwarming seeing him open up.

The scene where Logan first transforms, you catch up to him, and he in tears begs for you to stay (since he believes you shouldn't and won't) since he's terrified of being alone /right now/ when he's not sure what is happening to him is one of the most powerful in the game to me.

It's then kind of neat, in my opinion, that Hyao has an option for 'Ehhh I just want a ton of sex scenes' instead, haha, as you can always just go for bottom Logan and get plenty of scenes with none of that 'needing to form a relationship with him' in the way.  As really, nobody is for everybody - some people find Caleb being a goofball to be annoying, others rather adore him for it. 

Either way, that's Logan for you.


I never thought of it as Logan himself didn't feel he deserved love, but the way you said it actually makes that make a lot of sense! everything he does is to push others away, so he doesn't get hurt himself, but also so he doesn't hurt them. maybe Serena cheating made him feel unworthy of love and also angry at others who get it? like a double-edged sword where he wanted it but couldn't stand the idea and the potential betrayal that could happen after the last time, so in response he shuts himself away and shuts any pathway to his heart, but well, where there's a will there's a way lol.


Logan is toxic. Both in game situations and when you bring it to the real world.

He is toxic because he knows how stubborn he is, but he don't do a thing to change it. It just happened because the MC appeared on his life.

And you can say: "But he is hurten and don't know how to call for help or is afraid or it's too prideful to do it" and you're right.

The fact that he is a toxic person does not mean he isn't a human being. He is suffering A LOT through and before game events (since his marriage was basically dead).

On my opinion, what happens to Logan is something similiar that happens in psicology, during a relationship between a psycologist and a pacient. It's very common to the pacient to do something we call "emotional dump" (I don't know the proper word for it in English, sorry) where the pacient start to get feelings for his/her psycologist.

This happens because the psycologist figure is the one that makes you feel better. That understands you. You are not in love with him/her because you like him/her, but simply because it makes you feel better about yourself and you want this person closer to you.

This is basically how I ser LoganXMC relationship. You are the only one trying to help him regardless of how rude he treats you. You are the only one who saw him at his worst and stayed by his side. You are the only one who he feels comfortable to talk to. You make him feel better about himself, you make him feel that he is not a monster (despite he totally acts like one and it's totally understandable why people think what they think about him).


You're totally right. 

The only reason why we still try to get along with him is because we know this is game. We knoe that sooner or later he will grow feelings for us. But that does not happen always in reality.

Logan has all the characteristics of an abusive partner. He is that crazy ex of a friend of you. Not a nice person, for real.


While I agree with most of what you stated here, I wouldn't quite say /everything/, since uh...

>We knoe that sooner or later he will grow feelings for us.<

That part isn't true for me at least, haha.  Since another person who's pretty abrasive is Gunnar, and I am trying my best to be friendly to him whenever I can even though I honestly don't expect him to grow feelings for me.  Like, I'm also a top and do not put up with him being a jerk (particularly to anyone else; this fact is also true to Logan by the by), but I then have consciously stuck my neck out to help him out more than once.

Now, I then don't care about him nearly as much, but my ideal goal for him is 'can meet up on friendly terms' more than anything else haha.  Still, I'm definitely being nice to him!

I then only slightly agree with your last statement.  It is definitely true that Logan has the /characteristics/ of an abusive partner, but an important line is that he's then /not/ an abusive partner because he imposes on the player exactly once, and that's when you the player go after him during the werewolf event (And is, I believe, the only time he begs for help).  If anything, he pushes people away because he doesn't think he'd make a good partner at all, haha, and this is partially because he has serious anger problems, and partially because he was in a relationship and it ended sourly (that relationship also didn't sound the most healthy!)

And remember - the first time you and Logan are really in a relationship is, uh, 'right now'.  Before that he realizes he's having feelings for you, and addresses this in the most Logany possible fashion of 'trying to come over and get drunk enough to give you the only thing he presumes you want from him, since he's a mess' (And his dialogue is pretty clear about 'you couldn't possibly /really/ care').  You /really/ are helping the guy out if you go through his route.

If anything, the fact that he goes out of his way to try to /not/ be in a relationship with you helps show that he's a better person than he thinks he is. 

Contrast Gunnar for that, haha, which is part of why I'm not at all as interested in him, but can try to be nice to him all the same.

So yeah - Logan is the angry person who lives off by himself and doesn't bother people, which is different from being an abusive person who wants to take advantage of people.


I really think Hyao has something planned for Gunnar in the future, since he is not a Jerk all the time. He is very serious when talking about Scar and his mission.

If you're a bottom/sub he'll treat you harsh because that's basically what you are asking for when you met him (It does not help the fact that the MC never complains and the text itself tells you that he's enjoying it). About being a top, I don't know how he treats you, but knowing my husband it probably is not what you expect.

Being a top/bottom does not affect how loving he'll be with you. For know his just there for some (awesome) lewd scenes.

About Logan being an abusive partner or don't. I don't think he is abusive, but he portraits himself as one. We know, from him, that one of the problems from his prior relationship was the lack of sex and then they started discussing more and more. We don't know exactly what happened so we can't state anything from it.

There are a lot of way of being abusive and one of those ways it's how little he opens himself to you. Being in a relationship requires honestly when it comes to feelings and he does not do it at all (at least until where I played, before his new event).

When I played for the first time I thought that was impossible to get a romantic relationship with him because that's the way he acts. Just like the MC, when he starts opening himself up for you, I got confused on what were his intentions: he was kissing me because he liked me or because he thought that was what I wanted?

As I said he may not be an abusive partner, but that's the picture of him we get during the gameplay. He is a mess who's trying to get in a relationship with you and the only fact this is probably going to work it's because this is game. That's not how real life works.


>About being a top, I don't know how he treats you,
I can tell you the answer to this one: He's basically a total jerk to you regardless, haha.  He is indeed serious when work is going on, but even then he will stop and drop a jerk statement about what you should be doing, or a jerky-lewd statement about what you should be doing to him.

Now if he didn't then do his job, he'd also be incompetent and Gunnar isn't meant to be incompetent haha, he's a talented guard with some shifty connections.  But that is a different story, and he certainly doesn't start a relationship with you and then start treating you harshly because he thinks you might like it (That would be fine).  He opens by treating you very harshly, if you like it then hey that's cool for you.

Then I feel you're not quite being fair to Logan with your statements here!

>There are a lot of way of being abusive and one of those ways it's how little he opens himself to you<

I mean that stands to reason - you're not /in a relationship/ when that is happening!  In fact this involves him expressly noting that you /shouldn't/ try to get to know him better.

> He is a mess who's trying to get in a relationship with you<

No, he definitely is /not/ this.  He goes out of his way to /not/ get in a relationship with you, to try to stick to himself, to shut the player out, even to the point of injuring himself.  The first time he really opens up is when he transforms for the first time and is absolutely terrified about being alone - if you stick with him there you can note him still being hesitant and still being 'why would you /do/ that I'm not a good person'.

He is absolutely not /trying/ to get into a relationship with you, even when he begins to have feelings for you due to your being quite selfless towards him.  Heck, the whole focus of the 'I'll get you a beer' scene is that he presumes you don't want a /relationship/ with him and just want to have sex with him due to his muscles, so he's trying to get drunk enough to give you what you're owed without feeling too raw about it.   

Him trying to have a proper relationship with you is extremely new to him, and he's /much/ more mellow about it now once he begins actually returning your affection.  Even there he constantly compares himself to the he-thinks-better-fit-for-you Bernard, haha.

If you go after Bernard first, when you tell Logan that you did that Logan is completely understanding, 'Yeah, that was the right move'.

When you go after Logan first, he is astonished, "Wha?! Why didn't you go after Bernard?  Why would you go after /me/ first?"

>when he starts opening himself up for you, I got confused on what were his intentions: he was kissing me because he liked me or because he thought that was what I wanted?<

Oh this is pretty clear too - he cannot fathom anyone /wanting/ to be in a relationship with him, haha, but you are extremely nice to him and quite selfless at that point.  Really, that's the crux of the 'I owe you a beer' scene - him assuming that the only reason you could be there for him is because you like how he looks.

Which is also a big part of why, if you take that offer and thus confirm his expectations, it hurts him /so much/.  And at that point if you refuse, that's the second time he really opens up to you, really makes himself emotionally vulnerable to you.  And also marks a big change in his demeanor towards you, since that's when you actually start 'okay this is sort of a relationship' and he starts being at least a bit more hospitable.

Gunnar is much more of the abusive partner (Gunnar pretty constantly makes demands of you whether you pursue him or not.  This is then completely fine if that's your thing, mind you, but is much less fine if it isn't haha).  I am happy with the limited 'not tremendously negative' interactions with him that happen sometimes, though!

Logan isn't really searching for a relationship with you (or anyone at the moment, he got burned) and is constantly surprised by your actions towards him, and only starts to really like you when he notes how often you jump in to help him even though (as he often notes) it's stupid to do so since he's not a good person.

...Well, before now haha.  If you do have three hearts with him, then /now/ he /is/ trying to be in a relationship with you, and I imagine at least part of it will become pretty rocky since Logan is pretty messed up of an individual.  If nothing else, I'm sure he's thinking about his previous relationship every time he does things in this one.  So we can see for the future, haha.

I'm glad to have helped Logan get more comfortable with being a werewolf, too.


I'm going with the reason being Hyao understood everyone was obsessed with him and wanted to make him a slow burn for readers for longer playtime, which funnily enough also feels like the only GOOD way to write his character with how his plotlines have been set up.

those setups being, He was cheated on by his wife who had been with him for prolly his entire adult life with LITERAL animals and giant werewolves he counts as monsters, he then proceeded to become a werewolf which was something else his wife ditched him for.

Then had to deal with the MC being in his life and changing how he felt about certain things making him an even bigger mess in his mind, especially if you're a guy since he thought he was straight for his entire life until you showed up and basically made him question his own sexuality. 

Everything about him screams he needed help and him suddenly just accepting everything and being ok with it wouldn't fit with him at all nor would his choices being easy to read or make, how could anyone really tell with simplicity what choice would be correct unless you went through something similar and had someone like you who you wish said those things to you. this however is all coming from a major whore for him and also someone who could tell what choices to make due to having a major addiction to reading fan fiction/any book with a love interest that is damaged or hurt getting the help they need from someone they eventually fall in love with, giving me prior experience with what choices would make a person really mad or help them out. 

also, Hyao is like really good at writing character's that feel like real human's so if you understand how people would usually act in real life it gets a bit easier to read as well.


Damn Idk but I love to see him and to think how deep Logan character is


Logan is the most well written character by far. Maybe in the future we will be able to see more of his sweet side.


I'm hoping so

Hey so I'm using the mobile version and for some reason the screen's misaligned. It's messing up the buttons too, so it's pretty much unplayable for me. I tried reinstalling too, it's still the same.

Try using the options menu and selecting a new resolution, maybe it will work.

I did manage to try that, it still doesn't change anything

Okay I managed to find a fix for this. After opening the game, I go back to my phone's home screen and open the game again, and it realigns the screen back to normal.

Oh, that's great. I hope you have a joyful gameplay. If you need anything or have any doubts, feel free to ask.

Oh! Well since you're offering, I do have a question I'd like to ask. Do I need to have the axe or pickaxe to use them for their respective tasks, or is it enough to just have them in the inventory?


You don't need to equip it, if that's what you're asking. It beeing in your inventory it's enough for the game to understand you can mine/chop.

Oh thank goodness. Thanks answering my question!

someone has a backup before logan comes drunk to your house. if so please give me the download link

You made the wrong choices?

I just didn’t try to agree to sex when he comes, so I’m asking if someone has a save)

Damn I really love seeing Logan tretingthe MC as his property and getting emotional with Him but I wonder if the bext update will finally bring us His 4th heart and a romantic route


well just wait what @hyao will bring to us


damn YES!!


I don't think his fourth heart will be in the next update but maybe some minor stuff with him since Hyao said October's update was gonna be a bit smaller since we got the Halloween update.

Yeah but I wonder if the thing will be some different action during the sunday fair or spend the night with him but idk I just love that guy

[Spoilers] There will be some repeatable sexy stuff with him but nothing major


Are there any power bottoms on the game? I don't play as top so I don't really know.

(1 edit)

yes there are a couple, I can't list them all but Corrupted Logan is one.

Sorry, what is exactly a "power bottom"? I´ve heard about it a few times, but never truly understood. 

Power bottom = Beefy guy with the role of bottom?


It's an agressive bottom.

Deleted post

also yes this. perfect example of one.

Barrel... Ugh xD, I cant remember now. Who was Barrel again? A... bandit?

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Corrupted Logan is the same as the Bottom Logan?


Yes there are scenes were this NPC are power bottoms: Bottom Logan, Female Bandit, Vicoria, Korg, Ratkin, Scrap




If you are dominant when you use the love potion, he takes control riding you


This is awesome.

(1 edit)

someone has a backup before logan comes drunk to your house. if so please give me the download link

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for some unknown reason, I can't invite Feliar to the fair. Can someone please tell me how to invite him? I have to invite him to trigger the beginning of the end

You need to talk to him and choose "Seek some confort" (Requisites: Like: 15; Ask about the inscription in the underground)

Where I buy Pumpkins? I want to try to use it as a gift for Caleb <3

(1 edit) (+2)

I think he'd prefer if you would dress as a pumpin XD

That works for me too :D. Gonna ask Rose if she can make Pumpkin costume. 


Wow Ben Dover, I didnt realise at first, but I see what you did there. You are getting really good with puns xD


Thank you! I try my worst ;P

(+1) Halloween event we get a pumpkin costume? XD

I imagine next Halloween dressing as Pumpkin and telling Caleb "May I... be your Pumpkin this year?" Fuck, that would be f***ing hot. lol UwU


Given that we already sew with Rose it could be easilly implemented

(1 edit)

I chose the bad ending for the lizard tribe and captured Roushk. I brought him to the tribe to infect the whole tribe with the curse, but when i get back home roushk is no longer in his prison cell. Is this what's to be expected after the event? 

I also am kinda feeling bad for choosing the bad ending. It makes me feel want to start anew and choose the good one instead. Will I still get sexy scenes when going through that route? 

Roushk is back at the corrupted lake

Currently is better to choose the good ending, otherwise a great amount of content is lost.

The only unique thing for the bad ending is that you can capture Roushk and Roth end get unique sex scenes. otherwise is better to restart

Thanks. Yes, I think I will start over. 

You're welcome

I started a new game to try different routes.
The thing is: when I choose to not inform Othra about the corrupted lake under the forgotten temple, and when I suggest her to inform all lizards about the purification lake, the quest log still tells me to find Roushk at the corrupted lake, but when I take him to Othra, the quest log tells me I did not make those chooses, but the cleansing route ones. Is this normal? If not, what are the right steps to do?

Is normal: is a "bug". The only way to have the bad ending and show the red choices in the log is to choose "Tell the others about the lake" and Warriors’ + Acolytes’ lust >=10, otherwise indipendently from your choiches it resets as if you had choosen the green options

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

Its so amazing to think how this game keeps growing and growing. Hyao, thank you for the lust update ;) xD.  

Message written from the wolves den while I keep allowing the alpha werewolf to "plop plop plop" my ass. I also see a line of werewolves waiting for their turn looking at me mischievously :U. Its all thanks to you.


How do we raise Sabal lust?


Lust potions


Kay thanks

(1 edit) (+4)

Hyao thank you for making this game, originally I was only interested in getting dicked down but now I have several incredibly addicting storylines that I can't wait to find out the mysteries of and a massive community of people who have similar interests as me at almost any time of day! you're amazing and I hope your life is always blessed by luck and happiness.

also, deadass if you ever became an author for a book and wrote about stuff in Aigran or any other world you make I would prolly buy it in a heartbeat.

Who´s deadass?


my phrasing was off on that bit lol, what I meant was if Hyao ever wrote a book I would buy the book asap, deadass was just supposed to mean super serious lmao.


Ah, never mind then xD 


Omg, I'd buy the book instantly lmao

How to get three hearts with Logan?


First heart you get by choosing him during the wolf invasion on Bareshade instead of Bernard.

Second Heart don't have sex with him during the "I owe you a beer" event.

Third is unlocked by completing the werewolf storyline up until it's latest progression which is against the swamp creature in the forest.

"Third is unlocked by completing the werewolf storyline up until it's latest progression which is against the swamp creature in the forest." 

Is it possible if you be a little more clear on this part?

yep, no problem! you gotta do the entire werewolf questline with Logan starting with,

1. after or before the I owe you a beer event Logan has 3 events to do other than that, these are the ones where you have Logan beat the shit out of the alpha, the one where you meet the swamp werewolves/fight them and then last is the fight against the swamp creature in the forest. for the second one you go to Logan's place in bareshade and talk with him, you should either get an option to wait a week for one of his events or get it right away and that event basically says, "somethings up with the werewolves and I wanna handle it but I hate the werewolves, you like intervening in other people's business so you fix this" and you then proceed to do that. (Also, I believe you have prolly already had Logan beat the shit out of the alpha before, which is a requirement for this scene, if not I can also say how to get that event too)

2. The entire swamp werewolf questline. it starts with as I said above Logan not wanting to handle it because he hates wolves and wants you to check it, you start by going into the wolves' den and discovering a piece of a swamp creature, which then prompts you to check out the dark swamp, then eventually you are prompted to visit the misty abyss. you go there and discover that there are swamp werewolves after going towards the tree thing that fucks you if you visit it without our homie from TOS and as I said discover the swamp werewolves. beat one and go talk to Logan.

3. Logan freaks the fuck out and gets mad at the swamp creatures or whatever is stealing his pack (his words not mine) and tries to go and beat the shit out of them, but you just need to sit there and say, "that's stupid we can handle this better." instead of yelling at him. he will kinda cool it and then voila, you go to your house at night, and he should just appear out of thin air. 

and as a little extra suggestion, if you do everything EXCEPT the I owe you a beer event you can trigger the Logan visit at your home before that and miss out on a good bit of stuff, so I would suggest you do the "I owe you a beer" event asap if it's not already done.

(1 edit)

Thanks, I beat several in more than one way but (part 3) of your instructions is not occurring any thoughts?

p.s. i went green for "i owe you a beer" event

going green is the good path and makes it better, so good choice.


update : Finished "trouble in the den" chat choose "remain calm" action, but still no third heart.

(5 edits)

thats not what gives you the heart, you go home AFTER you choose the remain calm and it also is nighttime. you should then get a new event which is Logan asking you to go with him out because he wants to handle some stuff. the end of this is where you get the third heart.

(Also thank you for doing some stuff as I was completely stuck as to why you weren't getting the chat option, sorry I couldn't help more on that.)

Thanks for such a wonderful game! How close is the game to the final version?

I don't think anyone or even Hyao has an answer to this at the current time, people have made guesses, but nobody knows for certain, I guessed maybe a good bit less than halfway or barely halfway atm. Others have guessed higher, but I don't think Hyao knows right now.

There is an bug at the gorilla you encounter with tao,whenever its lust goes to 154,the game crushes..

Deleted 1 year ago

I'm stuck on the first step of Country Roads where it says to sleep at home until morning but it doesn't seem to be working. And my bandit morale is high so no interruptions or anything in the night

anyone else get stuck here or know what to do?

You need korg at home, otherwise you need to restart from a previous saving

is your like with Ste high enough and have you completed the event for taking Ste and the kids to bareshade?

so where can i get glowing amulet

Go to Othra with 5 glowshroom

do you have logan werewolf path full walkthrough

This is my guide:

Check my profile for more information. If you don't undestand something let me know

how can i get Korg werewolf Oneise, and Caleb horror story

Look here




for halloween content,

or search halloween in my guide

aah, I've downloaded the update yet it says I'm still on the 0.46.1 version. how do i play the new update?

Mobile or PC?



It's not an update file, each new version is a self-contained version of the game. You unpack the new version and then start it from the folder where you did that. Save files are located in a general place on your PC so it will find them regardless of any difference in locations between the older and new version of the game.

How do i do the Halloween Events? 


Someone told me one of them is triggered during the Fair weekly event, at night.

With Sabal, how do you meet the conditions to get the 'special variant' of his submit scene?


You need 5 of a certain item in your inventory. You can find the item in the same place you fight him


Nepeta. 5 Nepeta.


How do you have sex with Nameless????


ask to service him at the Orc village event during the night after you save Groth.

During my first gameplay, I repaired the glory hole at Ste's fence at the farm. Something strange happened after that. 

I choosed to sleep on his house and the MC had a kinda nightmare with the ratkin (I'm almost sure Scrap was there, at Ste's house) but nothing happened after this. No new dialogue with Ste, nothing.

Playing it now, I finished his glory hole again, but nothing happened. Does anyone knows if that's a RNG or was triggered by something I did?

ratkin nightmare? i thought it was a bunny who ripped out our throat. if it's really ratkin then yeah its RNG but i have no idea about the ratkin thing.


Maybe it could be? I was sleepy when I played it and I might misunderstood the whole thing.

But just for curiosity, this bunny thing is RNG?

yeah, it's a nightmare that randomly occurs when you sleep at Ste's place, the rabbit warns you and then rips your throat out, plus it has a jumpscare noise and nearly made me shit myself first time i heard it XD

I didn't played the halloween events of the other years. Is there anyway I can do it now? If yes, could someone explain me how to trigger these events?

yes, you can, I don't remember how to start the one with Korg as it's been a minute but the other one you just gotta wait until nighttime on Sunday and do the Halloween thing instead of fireworks or anything else.


Thank yoi. I'll take a look at it and if I have doubts I'll be back, ok?

(1 edit) (+1)

yeah, you don't need to ask permission, if you need help you just gotta ask it's no problem lol


Okay, got it.

The first one is at the fair at night


i decided to start another save for more options later and realized Rose hearing about the fair is pretty much just that meme of "you son of a bitch, im in."

Rose is the best. She's funny and I love her personality. I hope soon we could have more intimate time with her.

she is really fun, being stupid close friends or more would be fun because of how she is and how she perfectly fits with how i wanna make my MC lmao

We love a flirty queen.

yes, we do, and hopefully this queen will eventually become an actual queen as I am fully willing to sacrifice a kingdom for anyone I am interested in, in this game lmao.

When someone finish this new update, please inform me if the new option of the Logan event is done.

Hyao told us to keep a save because he would change it but I don't want to do it before the whole event is complete and then when he finishes I would need to take back my progress.


This option comes in 0.48, so not yet

(1 edit)

Thanks. I'll be waiting for it to start the new event.


Thanks for the updates @hyao 🍻

When will Blake and Arion private time in the blacksmith be finish?

eventually, we don't have a set time since Arion is a guest character Hyao can't write his parts so we gotta wait on Arion's writer.

i lost all my save file now i don't know how to play logan werewolf path

are you stuck on a specific part or is it just the entire questline thats giving confusion? 

i stuck at when he attack the alpha werewolf on his own

on his own? do you mean the fight against the Alpha where he is also a werewolf? because I believe your supposed to be there with him.

yes ,sorry am not very good at english

(1 edit)

when you lose the fight Logan should just go crazy and insta kill, if that doesn't work, I'm sorry and I'll try and come up with something else.

also don't apologize for not being great with english, its not easy so it's no big deal!

Logan werewolf required just that you do not encouraged him to the Bandit's camp, I think

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Can i  load past save file just to have fun with nameless again? I want to read the dialoge again when i served nameless😭

Will nameless bitching about it?

(1 edit) (+1)

he will mention it, but he won't stop you. you can reload nameless sex, but not choices that matter.

which is intentionally since the nameless has a variation if you're out of sanity where... I won't spoil it. if you wanna try it, have fun :P

(1 edit)

I hope in a future update, Nameless brings out the topic, like "You had intercourse with me X times. Someone has missed my pressence a lot. You just wont have enough, do you?" xD

However, I dont know if thats even possible to code. If Hyao, made possible for Nameless to remember our choices, perhaps could be done? :P It would be fun. 


I know for certain it's possible to code but how likely and how much difficulty are things I don't know, I'm betting it would be INCREDIBLY hard because it requires the game to tell exactly how many times you loaded a save with his scene in particular which would also require some different things because everyone will have that scene saved in the saves screen somewhere different making it not a "this particular save" thing but a "anytime this dialog is being read/played through needs to get recorded" so it would also have quite a few variables I believe because of that.. but to be fair I'm not a computer coder or professional this is all stuff I'm guessing off what others have said so maybe it's actually kinda easy, all up to Hyao to either confirm or deconfirm.

Deleted 1 year ago
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