This is a big 10, I love how I often get lost with what I am supposed to be doing because there are plenty of choices I can pick and I always lose track from my current progress whenever I do quests. So far so good, this is the best game I've ever played. . .
I have questions like...
How do I tame the Gryphon?
How do I complete the Junkyard Maze Puzzle?
Please Help. . . Uhmm Ya. . .
Something like that cause I am so lost, I find it really hard to figure out myself.
Daymm, Hyao really went all in this time with Talonand I immediately liked the character.
About the gryphon: you can't for now. About the puzzle: you can't for now (it's been literal years since it was first introduced so don't hold your breath).
Though razorbears are said to be tamable in a future release so watch out for that maybe?
I can't find Ste's farmhouse no matter how hard I try. I saved him, and the ork after him (or the ork then him, I don't remember the order). And I know it should be in the cave by the river, but I just can't find it anywhere. How do I even explore the cave if it only takes me directly to the page to choose where I'm going within the cave system. I feel like it's broken but I know it isn't. I'm just confused.
Hello, I would like some help. I have seen that I cannot advance no matter how much I want in the mission of the black wolf, where it specifically requires that we speak with roushk, here is my problem, no matter how much I want the option does not appear, I have seen a publication where there is a route in the mission of the curse of lust, where there is a red route, however it seems that I do not follow it, I am not sure if I actually followed that route or not, but basically I cannot advance in that story.
is there anything i did wrong? any recommendations?
Based on the picture I think you did great so far, I went through this kind of problem. Its either you lack something or you have to time it perfectly. . . uhm, try looking for every nook n cranny in the Blessings of Lust and Nameless event. Those events coming from the Lizard tribe are somewhat important to accomplish before the other tasks that are outside the Lizard Tribe storyline.
Well thanks, I haven't played lol for months, but the option still doesn't appear to me, there's only one mission that I haven't done, since the others I have done, even if they are still in progress, and it's the second collaboration with another game, which I don't remember the name right now, which confuses me more, since I thought I had everything done, I mean finishing the whole thing with the lizardmen, I even raised the friendship of both leaders and nothing, so I don't have the slightest idea of what requirement I'm missing.
Love as more and more of this game is released. Part of me is eager for the full game to be completed, but the other part is sad at the idea of never getting more content. The story is great - as is the smut. I'd love for this game to continue growing forever. Get more and more scenes with people/places new and old.
Only complaint with the current setup is being unable to continue the story with an existing save. But with the quality of releases, it's hardly a major complaint. Catch-up can be a pain, but isn't terribly prohibitive <3
Hi! I need help with Logan romance. I have done all of the steps for I owe you a beer but everytime I go home he takes me to the forest. Am I just really unlucky or am I locked out of his 2nd heart? Or is there a way to postpone the forest part until after I can get the beer to trigger?
hay so I just got to the part of full moon quest and I chose logan (top) and it says i can meet benard in the wolves den (i already am there) and im wondering if that the time limit i can meet him there or until i can meet him there
also would like to know if i don't meet him if he will show up agian
Does anyone knows how to activate Xeroth and Roth's scene?
Right now, every time I go to talk with Roth a dialogue in which both of them invite me to Roth's hut during the night triggers, but regardless of the hour I visit him again, no new dialogue or option appears, and it resets at midnight, meaning that once again they invite to Roth's hut.
so I finally managed to get up to everett's love point quest but for some reason it keeps saying I need ingredients I already have a ton of, is there some kind of trigger that I'm missing in order to cook for him and his soldiers?
Can someone tell me how to enter the alpha's den? I chose to save Logan (Top Logan) and yet every time I try it says I'm not prepared for it. I read on a comment that for it to happen I need to witness the clash between Logan and Barrel but it never triggered after days of playing. I need his fangs to cure Bernard and have tried everything I can think of.
Heeey, if im not wrong you need the tooth of the alpha Wolf, not the werewolf, you can obtain that item in the wolves den in the top right corner (sorry if u canto understand, im still not used to the lenguage)
I know I need the fang of the alpha wolf, my problem is that I was able to obtain the item without issue when I chose to save bernard in an earlier run, but now when I chose to save Logan I cannot enter the Alpha's den.
Do I have to cheat the item into my inventory or is there something I'm missing?
All that's left is to obtain the fang but as you can see I have tried everything even on an earlier save where I chose logan I ran into this exact issue. The only thing that I have yet to try is the clash thing in the tavern between Logan and Barrel but I have no idea how to trigger it. And yes, I checked camp morale is above 25.
I thought I remembered something about a new flag that the character liked bellies- and it would trigger a new dialogue with Harold, and with Barrel. I can't seem to find it in the patch notes though
Gente to a algum tempo jogando e chego na parte da lua cheia (missao) em que tem que dar a poçao pro bernado. Tenho que entregar a presa do lider da matilha pra bruxa, mas toda vez eu nao consigo entrar na parte onde tem esse lobo,fica falando que é melhor voltar (alguemm me ajuda pliss). Outra coisa é que tem uma parte que tem que domar um bixo lá que é tipo um javali (esqueci o nome) como faz, porque ja derrotei ele,mas na acontece nada.
Hi hiiii, u need to talk to victoria and speak about the New prisoner anda how to free him with a deal, then you have to speak with the stallion (sorry forgot his name) anda get him to "satisfy" victoria but I think u need at least 1 heart with him
I can't figure out how to speak to her. I can spy on her from one side of the map, and there's just a barrier preventing me getting closer on the other side? I can't talk to anyone.
there is something keep bothering my head for years even after i came back to this game again. HYAO!! can you please draw Madeleine's appearance, my head can't process what Rose's sister would look like beside an invisible baker for years 😭😭
You have to either kill a few emerine golems to get inside his chamber or mine a few crystals to enter his chamber I would rather go with the mining a few crystals because if you kill the emerine golems in then enter his chamber you would get 20 dislike from him
Hi! How do I update my game to the latest version? I'm playing on my phone with the Android APK and my current version is 0.71. I do see the download button on this forum, but I'm unsure if my old save will be transferred to the new version if I donwload it.
Hey, can anyone please help? I've finished the 'mountain dwarfs' event, returned to Northcrest, and I've talked to Everett about 'meeting Lady Tess'. He says to meet him at the Training Grounds, but he never shows up, and there's no new mission in the 'Northcrest Crisis' event. What do I do from here?
If I recall correctly you have to do Everett's "guard duty" quest back at the outpost. Afterwards visiting the training grounds should trigger the event. Also you must have met Olmar at the city gates which happens if you visit during the day after the orc war battle.
I usually dual wield so that the two weapon's damage and affects add together. If you're trying for the most damage with a single weapon then you'll probably want a longbow with glafire arrows. As far as melee weapons, the glafire hammer would probably be the strongest. Your aim goes way down, but it gives you bonuses to HP, Dodge, and Protection.
There's supposed to be a conversation between Everette and Gunnar at the training grounds, between 08:00 and 18:00 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If it doesn't pop up then maybe you could improve your relationship with either/both of them?
Hello! I have a bug when I speak to Othra And I press task's and subjugation of libido quest she says That I need to first learn the retrain potion pls how do I fix this😭🙏
did you already learn the restrain potion recipe? if not, get the quest from Bernard and go home to study and unlock it. if you have, I have no idea how to solve this.
No, take the quest from bernard go home, click the book you will see the recipe to learn, it not a bug, gl ontrying that, I know cause i use cheat and I stuck there for a long time
We could bring Feliar and Vicoria back to life? I couldn't save them and now I have to start the game again😭. By the way, I loved than the werewolves are having some relevance again, can we learn more about the beastmaster and find more notes and learn some new tricks? I would love to have more interactions with the beasts.
it's less bring back and more make it so they never died in the first place lol.
and on the second question, yes and maybe. the maybe is cause I have no idea about finding notes and learning new tricks, but I am certain we will learn more on the beastmaster since they've been being foreshadowed for so long and they might be the answer to a lot of our problems or at least a way to explain why some of them happened and how to prevent it from happening again.
I just fucking love how this game just start from a hypersexuality adult game to an unexpectedly serious storyline, Hyao really know how to attract our attention 😭😭
I haven't been able to get the crow in my recent save either. I'm wondering if it's broken... But on the other matter, try raising the wolves' libido in the forest before submitting. Do this a number of times and look in on the animal section at your hut.
I'm a bit confused about Logan as a werewolf in Lustful Desires. I've only been playing for 3 days, and I chose the peaceful route in the Bandit Camp. When I got to the Full Moon event, I discovered that I had to choose between saving Logan or Bernard. My goal is to have a relationship with Logan, but I want to explore what that relationship would be like if he becomes a werewolf.
My main question is: Is it possible to have a romantic relationship with Logan if I let him transform into a werewolf? I know this decision makes him wilder and more emotionally distant, but does it completely remove the possibility of romance? I like the idea of working on a complex relationship with him, but I’m unsure if the game allows it or if I should take a different path.
Additionally, I’ve read that Bernard has a more straightforward romantic development if you save him, but my interest is in Logan, especially his werewolf version. How viable is this route? Can I still have meaningful moments with him despite his transformation?
P.S.: I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my native language.
Werewolf Logan (Green path) is the romanceable Logan so you're on the right track. Corrupted/Bottom Logan (Red path) is the "wilder", more emotionally distant Logan, so much so that you cannot even romance him, let alone raise his likes in this path. Also bottom Logan will not be a werewolf just to be clear.
Do you know how to get Logan to invite me a beer? I have already done all the requirements except one that I don't know how to do: "Explore the underground cave at the River's Bank :(
if i remember correctly, you have to go to victoria's chamber and release the prisoner which located at the River's Bank, if you continue to explore enough you will see there will be another option is "exploring the cave" or something like that
I play on Android, and I have a problem with the game. If I click quickly, for example, skipping conversations, the game closes and I return to my phone's home screen. Can anyone help me?
Beside the awesome story, does our MC has any skills or abilities ? I wouldn't ask much but adding a couple of spells would make the combat gameplay more diverse and enjoyable :> (If I would say it straight out then i'm kind of bored spamming bombs because i went all in with intellect xd)
at the moment the only "abilities" we have would either be non canon or considered bad luck lmao. but I agree magic would be fun, not sure if it's gonna be added or how though. we already have what looks like a "mana" bubble in the libido meter so what would it look like and where would it go?
(said abilities would be our infinite of any stat we can buff via cheat cookies so if we fought anything it's one shot and they couldn't do physically anything, or how we always happen to get involved with massive issues that are pretty hard to escape from lmao.)
I mean if you noticed there is an empty bar filler just right below our libido bar while we are in combat mode, I have a feeling it could be a mana bar in the future, not sure about where would the mana bubble go since the libido took place tho-... But I'm sure Hyao knows ways to cooks
(still it would be funny just by thinking about a herbalist wandering around with their magic wand causing chaos LOL )
cannot lie never really noticed it was there because I was always too focused on... other things. but whether that is just a blank spot Hyao left cause of design choices or a way to hint towards a mana bar in the future, we'll have to find out. but can't lie now I'm a little hopeful lmao.
but off that, what do you think most of us would want as a first spell? seduction type thing to sleep with someone easier/more or a fireball/meteor/anything that could cause mass destruction? also who would teach us? Viccoria? new person? the witch? the Nameless?... Feliar???
from my guess, The witch and Victoria have the most potential to teach us spells and I think most of them would be self-defense spell or stat-boost spell in general, I don't think they would have a reason to teach us destruction spell beside Nameless.
(SPOILER ALERT...maybe) I have a theory that if we served Nameless we could learn spells/blesses of destruction but also could lead to bad ending forever (since he blocked us from changing decisions)
But i also think we can learn harmful spells from new character or just by looting stuffs, it would be cool too. And I don't think if we could learn something like meteor that would break the game (unless we turned into the final boss lmao). Seduce spell also sounds great, if Hyao let us use it outside of combat and inside of combat (but i'd prefer it to give "charm effect" to the opponent rather than a convenience lust potion spell to raise the libido or love potion...)
they would make the most sense, but at the same time thinking on it could we even use the magic they have? Vicoria is a succubus and the witch is.... special in ways explaining would spoil one of the biggest plot twists I semi saw coming but still loved because it was executed FLAWLESSLY, and the nameless is straight up just a eldritch abomination that's painfully hot lmao. so considering that maybe the most likely person to teach us magic would either be not a person but some random spell books we can find across the world like you said or an entirely new NPC we have yet to meet whose either important and we befriend during one of our chaos filled adventures so they decide to teach us magic as thanks or one of us seeks the other and asks to be taught or to teach us because either we want to learn it or they see great potential in us.
but if we do learn from them I feel like the witch would teach us buffs for ourselves and allies and maybe some magic to enhance our potions effects like making a strength potion boost 15 points instead of 10, or causing a lust potion to linger as like lusty mana and become like a semi-permanent (long as you got mana) lust powder.
Vicoria I don't think would teach us actual defense magic like a barrier or anything physical but more like how to toughen our mind to resist other succubus/incubus powers, or how to wield the powers of a succubus/incubus ourselves to make fights end quicker and potential fun start faster.
nameless I think would be pure debuff spells since we don't know if he has any physical weapons or offensive magic that doesn't include corruption or mind control. actually maybe he could teach us a spell to make lures useless and just mind control them into following us home lol.
and more for Nameless, his magic causing a bad end is actually a fucking sick concept! like the more we learn or use it the more something changes, maybe it would slowly corrupt us and make us appear more demonlike or maybe more like the nameless just also kinda human since we know so little about him we don't know if he was always that way or not lmao.
also off topic, maybe the spell books could also have lore involved? like some of the spells we don't learn directly from someone else explains certain things they don't exactly care to explain? like what the Nameless' limit's are and how his powers work, or how the spoilers were born and how long they've been actually been around! it also could finally help me decide whether or not I can trust nameless..... he so hot it's hard not to but I'm scared my friends and the other hot men I sleep with everyday cherish with all my heart could get hurt :(
The empty bar below the libido is where statuses are displayed, e.g. if you are bleeding, poised, seduced. It is a functional area not a spot reserved for future mana bar. Sorry to burst that bubble
Shhhh.... Let me keep being delusional~~ I was highly expecting Hyao to give our herbalist at least a phew spells/abilities... Or they could update our combat GUI status? who know? but for now I have been enjoying the story so far! thanks for the information anyways.
I love this game sooooo much! I dont even remember when I started playing it lmaooo!
I have a question, we are going to have more content about best boy Arion? I love his personality soooo much, so its a bit sad to have him all the time in the stables, well, at least I can give him a lot of carrots XD
yes, unless Hyao says a guest writer refuses to be involved anymore or they don't wanna continue being in the game they will eventually get more stuff. just gotta be patient and wait for them lol.
I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, I did my best to search through the multitude of comments I promise! I can't do the Country Road quest because Korg hasn't been at my house for a while. However, I am almost certain that I have had this quest available since he returned to the orc camp. Is there another way to do this without using an old save? And will it block me later if I don't finish it?
Also, thanks to everyone who worked on this amazing game, wow I love it!
How do I get the Barrel variant of asking about his visit and also asking to bring him upstairs? He's currently at the tavern for me but I can only have the option to check what he's up to. I also have bandit relations max and morale camp max also.
I think u need to keep trying to sleep for 8 hours. I kinda forgot honestly. I actually only need to invite him upstairs but somehow the game won't let me have another interactions that increase his like points so i try to restart the event. Just make sure to choose the option that gives him like points to 25 i guess
the key is found in the pile underneath where the prisoner is. for beating Viccoria you have 2 options.
1. DPS, just beat the strongest enemy you can for levels, get good gear, craft buff potions and voila! you might one shot her.
2. Seduce, literally just grab your highest tier lust potion or blast everything you have into appearance to max out the seduction bar thing a couple times and she becomes to aroused to fight.
There is also the option of getting Arion to have "fun" with her in exchange for letting her first prisoner go. Honestly its the easiest way to do it from my experience you just have to have Arion's like high enough I think you only need around 20 something like but I can't remember.
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This is a big 10, I love how I often get lost with what I am supposed to be doing because there are plenty of choices I can pick and I always lose track from my current progress whenever I do quests. So far so good, this is the best game I've ever played. . .
I have questions like...
How do I tame the Gryphon?
How do I complete the Junkyard Maze Puzzle?
Please Help. . . Uhmm Ya. . .
Something like that cause I am so lost, I find it really hard to figure out myself.
Daymm, Hyao really went all in this time with Talon and I immediately liked the character.
About the gryphon: you can't for now.
About the puzzle: you can't for now (it's been literal years since it was first introduced so don't hold your breath).
Though razorbears are said to be tamable in a future release so watch out for that maybe?
I can't find Ste's farmhouse no matter how hard I try. I saved him, and the ork after him (or the ork then him, I don't remember the order). And I know it should be in the cave by the river, but I just can't find it anywhere. How do I even explore the cave if it only takes me directly to the page to choose where I'm going within the cave system. I feel like it's broken but I know it isn't. I'm just confused.
You'll find the entrance to the cave that leads you to Ste's farmhouse at the forest path.
Not gonna lie I had this problem when I first played as well lol. Anyways hope this helps.
Thank you! I can't believe I was looking in the wrong cave this whole time! 😭
Glad to help 😊
Hello, I would like some help. I have seen that I cannot advance no matter how much I want in the mission of the black wolf, where it specifically requires that we speak with roushk, here is my problem, no matter how much I want the option does not appear, I have seen a publication where there is a route in the mission of the curse of lust, where there is a red route, however it seems that I do not follow it, I am not sure if I actually followed that route or not, but basically I cannot advance in that story.
is there anything i did wrong? any recommendations?
Based on the picture I think you did great so far, I went through this kind of problem. Its either you lack something or you have to time it perfectly. . . uhm, try looking for every nook n cranny in the Blessings of Lust and Nameless event. Those events coming from the Lizard tribe are somewhat important to accomplish before the other tasks that are outside the Lizard Tribe storyline.
Well thanks, I haven't played lol for months, but the option still doesn't appear to me, there's only one mission that I haven't done, since the others I have done, even if they are still in progress, and it's the second collaboration with another game, which I don't remember the name right now, which confuses me more, since I thought I had everything done, I mean finishing the whole thing with the lizardmen, I even raised the friendship of both leaders and nothing, so I don't have the slightest idea of what requirement I'm missing.
Love as more and more of this game is released. Part of me is eager for the full game to be completed, but the other part is sad at the idea of never getting more content. The story is great - as is the smut. I'd love for this game to continue growing forever. Get more and more scenes with people/places new and old.
Only complaint with the current setup is being unable to continue the story with an existing save. But with the quality of releases, it's hardly a major complaint. Catch-up can be a pain, but isn't terribly prohibitive <3
Hi! I need help with Logan romance. I have done all of the steps for I owe you a beer but everytime I go home he takes me to the forest. Am I just really unlucky or am I locked out of his 2nd heart? Or is there a way to postpone the forest part until after I can get the beer to trigger?
The event occurs in your house in the village of Bareshade, it's a random trigger when you enter the place when it's night. Hope this helps.
hay so I just got to the part of full moon quest and I chose logan (top) and it says i can meet benard in the wolves den (i already am there) and im wondering if that the time limit i can meet him there or until i can meet him there
also would like to know if i don't meet him if he will show up agian
Exclamation point in the forest dungeon map should be Bernard.
what is the time limit thing? it says 1/7 days rn
You have to wait 7 days until he starts appearing. You can't rescue him before that.
Does anyone knows how to activate Xeroth and Roth's scene?
Right now, every time I go to talk with Roth a dialogue in which both of them invite me to Roth's hut during the night triggers, but regardless of the hour I visit him again, no new dialogue or option appears, and it resets at midnight, meaning that once again they invite to Roth's hut.
Thank you in advance.
so I finally managed to get up to everett's love point quest but for some reason it keeps saying I need ingredients I already have a ton of, is there some kind of trigger that I'm missing in order to cook for him and his soldiers?
besides from the ingredients your need a Travellers set in order to make a fire and cook in the wild
Hi, I'm having some trouble freeing Tao. Could some kind soul help me? xd
Can someone tell me how to enter the alpha's den? I chose to save Logan (Top Logan) and yet every time I try it says I'm not prepared for it. I read on a comment that for it to happen I need to witness the clash between Logan and Barrel but it never triggered after days of playing. I need his fangs to cure Bernard and have tried everything I can think of.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Heeey, if im not wrong you need the tooth of the alpha Wolf, not the werewolf, you can obtain that item in the wolves den in the top right corner (sorry if u canto understand, im still not used to the lenguage)
Thanks for reply.
I know I need the fang of the alpha wolf, my problem is that I was able to obtain the item without issue when I chose to save bernard in an earlier run, but now when I chose to save Logan I cannot enter the Alpha's den.
Do I have to cheat the item into my inventory or is there something I'm missing?
how far have you gotten in the full moon event?
Go to the Wolf den during the day and fight the pack leader
I thought I remembered something about a new flag that the character liked bellies- and it would trigger a new dialogue with Harold, and with Barrel. I can't seem to find it in the patch notes though
Gente to a algum tempo jogando e chego na parte da lua cheia (missao) em que tem que dar a poçao pro bernado. Tenho que entregar a presa do lider da matilha pra bruxa, mas toda vez eu nao consigo entrar na parte onde tem esse lobo,fica falando que é melhor voltar (alguemm me ajuda pliss). Outra coisa é que tem uma parte que tem que domar um bixo lá que é tipo um javali (esqueci o nome) como faz, porque ja derrotei ele,mas na acontece nada.
Líder da matilha fica aqui querido
Hi, I only just found out that Ste exists and I'm having trouble rescuing him from Vicoria? There's a barrier preventing me getting closer to her?
Hi hiiii, u need to talk to victoria and speak about the New prisoner anda how to free him with a deal, then you have to speak with the stallion (sorry forgot his name) anda get him to "satisfy" victoria but I think u need at least 1 heart with him
I can't figure out how to speak to her. I can spy on her from one side of the map, and there's just a barrier preventing me getting closer on the other side? I can't talk to anyone.
there is something keep bothering my head for years even after i came back to this game again. HYAO!! can you please draw Madeleine's appearance, my head can't process what Rose's sister would look like beside an invisible baker for years 😭😭
I just imagine Rose's head on Harold's body.
How do you meet The Father? The one in the golem cave. The way opened itself but what made it open? I reloaded the game so i dunno how to open again.
You have to either kill a few emerine golems to get inside his chamber or mine a few crystals to enter his chamber I would rather go with the mining a few crystals because if you kill the emerine golems in then enter his chamber you would get 20 dislike from him
Hi! How do I update my game to the latest version? I'm playing on my phone with the Android APK and my current version is 0.71. I do see the download button on this forum, but I'm unsure if my old save will be transferred to the new version if I donwload it.
As long as you don't uninstall the old version, installing the new APK will prompt you to update the current one, which will keep your saves.
I can't open the new file in mi cellphone 📱
Hey, can anyone please help? I've finished the 'mountain dwarfs' event, returned to Northcrest, and I've talked to Everett about 'meeting Lady Tess'. He says to meet him at the Training Grounds, but he never shows up, and there's no new mission in the 'Northcrest Crisis' event. What do I do from here?
If I recall correctly you have to do Everett's "guard duty" quest back at the outpost. Afterwards visiting the training grounds should trigger the event. Also you must have met Olmar at the city gates which happens if you visit during the day after the orc war battle.
𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝘆'𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗺𝗮𝘀!
𝗜 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝘀𝗸 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗪𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻𝘀. 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗵𝘂𝗴𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗲𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗮𝗶𝗺 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻. 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗻 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗮𝘇𝗶𝘁'𝘀 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿.
I usually dual wield so that the two weapon's damage and affects add together. If you're trying for the most damage with a single weapon then you'll probably want a longbow with glafire arrows. As far as melee weapons, the glafire hammer would probably be the strongest. Your aim goes way down, but it gives you bonuses to HP, Dodge, and Protection.
Wait how do you get the glafire arrows and the glafire hammer. I didn't even know those weapons exist.
I updated the game to the current build and it's still not showing the next step. How do I progress the story?
There's supposed to be a conversation between Everette and Gunnar at the training grounds, between 08:00 and 18:00 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. If it doesn't pop up then maybe you could improve your relationship with either/both of them?
I'm pretty sure that's in Northcrest Conspiracy
mine looks a little different, my best guess is that something went wrong in your meeting with lady Tess
this is my last save in 0.71
I haven't met with Lady Tess yet
Hello! I have a bug when I speak to Othra And I press task's and subjugation of libido quest she says That I need to first learn the retrain potion pls how do I fix this😭🙏
did you already learn the restrain potion recipe? if not, get the quest from Bernard and go home to study and unlock it. if you have, I have no idea how to solve this.
yeah to already learning the restrain potion or yeah to not knowing it?
Already :(
You are same with me, it's a bug from you use cheat I guess?, and I think You should try a new save only way.
don't forget to read warning before using cheat good luck
(I play this game 3 time for that reason "bug")
Ooh that's why.... IM ON THE END OF COMPLETING THE GAME😭😭😭😭😭
No, take the quest from bernard go home, click the book you will see the recipe to learn, it not a bug, gl ontrying that, I know cause i use cheat and I stuck there for a long time
Oh imma try
We could bring Feliar and Vicoria back to life? I couldn't save them and now I have to start the game again😭. By the way, I loved than the werewolves are having some relevance again, can we learn more about the beastmaster and find more notes and learn some new tricks? I would love to have more interactions with the beasts.
it's less bring back and more make it so they never died in the first place lol.
and on the second question, yes and maybe. the maybe is cause I have no idea about finding notes and learning new tricks, but I am certain we will learn more on the beastmaster since they've been being foreshadowed for so long and they might be the answer to a lot of our problems or at least a way to explain why some of them happened and how to prevent it from happening again.
I just fucking love how this game just start from a hypersexuality adult game to an unexpectedly serious storyline, Hyao really know how to attract our attention 😭😭
1.- the crow it's not coming... Help.
2.- I can't make my pets want "Play" 😏 with me... Help.
I haven't been able to get the crow in my recent save either. I'm wondering if it's broken... But on the other matter, try raising the wolves' libido in the forest before submitting. Do this a number of times and look in on the animal section at your hut.
So sad about the crow...
I will try de wolves tanks
You have to talk to the witch and agree to get her help, both at night and morning.
And anyone know why this doesn't work on mi phone?
Hi, anyone know how find arden and giordi? I don't find them 😶
Why cant I find Maul? Ive completed Norcrest Conspiracy with a green ending and I chose to stand against Mirage. Pleaseee heeellppp!!
I'm a bit confused about Logan as a werewolf in Lustful Desires. I've only been playing for 3 days, and I chose the peaceful route in the Bandit Camp. When I got to the Full Moon event, I discovered that I had to choose between saving Logan or Bernard. My goal is to have a relationship with Logan, but I want to explore what that relationship would be like if he becomes a werewolf.
My main question is: Is it possible to have a romantic relationship with Logan if I let him transform into a werewolf? I know this decision makes him wilder and more emotionally distant, but does it completely remove the possibility of romance? I like the idea of working on a complex relationship with him, but I’m unsure if the game allows it or if I should take a different path.
Additionally, I’ve read that Bernard has a more straightforward romantic development if you save him, but my interest is in Logan, especially his werewolf version. How viable is this route? Can I still have meaningful moments with him despite his transformation?
P.S.: I'm sorry if my English is bad, it's not my native language.
Werewolf Logan (Green path) is the romanceable Logan so you're on the right track. Corrupted/Bottom Logan (Red path) is the "wilder", more emotionally distant Logan, so much so that you cannot even romance him, let alone raise his likes in this path. Also bottom Logan will not be a werewolf just to be clear.
That's is the most romantic route whit Logan...
If you no go and let him become a werewolf... You can't take his 3 heat's.
Will there ever be an update where we can save the jerk guard or keep him alive I love my bully too much i started sobbing.
Can I know how to trigger the "Between Worlds" event?
It will trigger after you saved Rousk (the lizardtribe leader), I think
between worlds only starts after you get the good or bad end for the lizard tribe and go to the dark swamp
When I fight the mud fish thins for scar and use a fire bomb it pops up an error
if i remember correctly, you have to go to victoria's chamber and release the prisoner which located at the River's Bank, if you continue to explore enough you will see there will be another option is "exploring the cave" or something like that
I play on Android, and I have a problem with the game. If I click quickly, for example, skipping conversations, the game closes and I return to my phone's home screen. Can anyone help me?
Generally, to prevent this from happening, I wait about 10 seconds for each click, it doesn't matter what, but I have to wait 10 seconds for a click.
Beside the awesome story, does our MC has any skills or abilities ? I wouldn't ask much but adding a couple of spells would make the combat gameplay more diverse and enjoyable :> (If I would say it straight out then i'm kind of bored spamming bombs because i went all in with intellect xd)
at the moment the only "abilities" we have would either be non canon or considered bad luck lmao. but I agree magic would be fun, not sure if it's gonna be added or how though. we already have what looks like a "mana" bubble in the libido meter so what would it look like and where would it go?
(said abilities would be our infinite of any stat we can buff via cheat cookies so if we fought anything it's one shot and they couldn't do physically anything, or how we always happen to get involved with massive issues that are pretty hard to escape from lmao.)
I mean if you noticed there is an empty bar filler just right below our libido bar while we are in combat mode, I have a feeling it could be a mana bar in the future, not sure about where would the mana bubble go since the libido took place tho-... But I'm sure Hyao knows ways to cooks
(still it would be funny just by thinking about a herbalist wandering around with their magic wand causing chaos LOL )
cannot lie never really noticed it was there because I was always too focused on... other things. but whether that is just a blank spot Hyao left cause of design choices or a way to hint towards a mana bar in the future, we'll have to find out. but can't lie now I'm a little hopeful lmao.
but off that, what do you think most of us would want as a first spell? seduction type thing to sleep with someone easier/more or a fireball/meteor/anything that could cause mass destruction? also who would teach us? Viccoria? new person? the witch? the Nameless?... Feliar???
from my guess, The witch and Victoria have the most potential to teach us spells and I think most of them would be self-defense spell or stat-boost spell in general, I don't think they would have a reason to teach us destruction spell beside Nameless.
(SPOILER ALERT...maybe) I have a theory that if we served Nameless we could learn spells/blesses of destruction but also could lead to bad ending forever (since he blocked us from changing decisions)
But i also think we can learn harmful spells from new character or just by looting stuffs, it would be cool too. And I don't think if we could learn something like meteor that would break the game (unless we turned into the final boss lmao). Seduce spell also sounds great, if Hyao let us use it outside of combat and inside of combat (but i'd prefer it to give "charm effect" to the opponent rather than a convenience lust potion spell to raise the libido or love potion...)
they would make the most sense, but at the same time thinking on it could we even use the magic they have? Vicoria is a succubus and the witch is.... special in ways explaining would spoil one of the biggest plot twists I semi saw coming but still loved because it was executed FLAWLESSLY, and the nameless is straight up just a eldritch abomination that's painfully hot lmao. so considering that maybe the most likely person to teach us magic would either be not a person but some random spell books we can find across the world like you said or an entirely new NPC we have yet to meet whose either important and we befriend during one of our chaos filled adventures so they decide to teach us magic as thanks or one of us seeks the other and asks to be taught or to teach us because either we want to learn it or they see great potential in us.
but if we do learn from them I feel like the witch would teach us buffs for ourselves and allies and maybe some magic to enhance our potions effects like making a strength potion boost 15 points instead of 10, or causing a lust potion to linger as like lusty mana and become like a semi-permanent (long as you got mana) lust powder.
Vicoria I don't think would teach us actual defense magic like a barrier or anything physical but more like how to toughen our mind to resist other succubus/incubus powers, or how to wield the powers of a succubus/incubus ourselves to make fights end quicker and potential fun start faster.
nameless I think would be pure debuff spells since we don't know if he has any physical weapons or offensive magic that doesn't include corruption or mind control. actually maybe he could teach us a spell to make lures useless and just mind control them into following us home lol.
and more for Nameless, his magic causing a bad end is actually a fucking sick concept! like the more we learn or use it the more something changes, maybe it would slowly corrupt us and make us appear more demonlike or maybe more like the nameless just also kinda human since we know so little about him we don't know if he was always that way or not lmao.
also off topic, maybe the spell books could also have lore involved? like some of the spells we don't learn directly from someone else explains certain things they don't exactly care to explain? like what the Nameless' limit's are and how his powers work, or how the
spoilerswere born and how long they've been actually been around! it also could finally help me decide whether or not I can trust nameless..... he so hot it's hard not to but I'm scared my friends and the other hot men Isleep with everydaycherish with all my heart could get hurt :(The empty bar below the libido is where statuses are displayed, e.g. if you are bleeding, poised, seduced. It is a functional area not a spot reserved for future mana bar. Sorry to burst that bubble
Shhhh.... Let me keep being delusional~~ I was highly expecting Hyao to give our herbalist at least a phew spells/abilities... Or they could update our combat GUI status? who know? but for now I have been enjoying the story so far! thanks for the information anyways.
OOOHH I forgot status effects existed lmao. thanks for reminding me XD
I love this game sooooo much! I dont even remember when I started playing it lmaooo!
I have a question, we are going to have more content about best boy Arion? I love his personality soooo much, so its a bit sad to have him all the time in the stables, well, at least I can give him a lot of carrots XD
yes, unless Hyao says a guest writer refuses to be involved anymore or they don't wanna continue being in the game they will eventually get more stuff. just gotta be patient and wait for them lol.
ahhh perfect then! thank you so much for the answer, I will waiting for it then
Hello everyone
I'm sorry if this question has already been asked, I did my best to search through the multitude of comments I promise! I can't do the Country Road quest because Korg hasn't been at my house for a while. However, I am almost certain that I have had this quest available since he returned to the orc camp. Is there another way to do this without using an old save? And will it block me later if I don't finish it?
Also, thanks to everyone who worked on this amazing game, wow I love it!
the quest requires him to be at home/our hut. nothing fixes that, you need to reload.
Okay, thanks a lot for the answer!
Is it essential to do it or can I skip it?
I think I know the answer but you never know hahatechnically no, it isn't essential, but it will lock you out of a Ste and Logan heart, which can potentially lock you out of any future events.
that's a little complex. if you mean essential to country road? yes. anything else after that since your already at the orc camp with him? prolly not.
Thanks both of you for all this information ! Guess I'll take the time to reload
How do I get the Barrel variant of asking about his visit and also asking to bring him upstairs? He's currently at the tavern for me but I can only have the option to check what he's up to. I also have bandit relations max and morale camp max also.
I think u need to keep trying to sleep for 8 hours. I kinda forgot honestly. I actually only need to invite him upstairs but somehow the game won't let me have another interactions that increase his like points so i try to restart the event. Just make sure to choose the option that gives him like points to 25 i guess
Fun! just like play DND but more horny
can you tell me how to defeat victoria and free the big green guy
the key is found in the pile underneath where the prisoner is. for beating Viccoria you have 2 options.
1. DPS, just beat the strongest enemy you can for levels, get good gear, craft buff potions and voila! you might one shot her.
2. Seduce, literally just grab your highest tier lust potion or blast everything you have into appearance to max out the seduction bar thing a couple times and she becomes to aroused to fight.
There is also the option of getting Arion to have "fun" with her in exchange for letting her first prisoner go. Honestly its the easiest way to do it from my experience you just have to have Arion's like high enough I think you only need around 20 something like but I can't remember.
nah that's Ste, you gotta either seduce her or win in a fight against her for Korg.