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I'm so in love with the relationship between MC and Lizard tribe, I hope to see more interaction about it, especially with Rhot expressing more love for the MC :>

I have a Scrap related problem 

I said that humans greet by kissing, progressed a bit and found out that now i can't get his heart. 

Is there a way to reload the save file before that choice? Or maybe rewrite that choice in the save file (i only have one save file)? 

Am I the only one missing the preference page cheat mode? 

You change your preference with potions. Submissive, Dominant, Top, Bottom, Gay, Straight.

thanks :) - but I meant the preference menu, with the cheat mode. Why is it gone?

It's still there on the mac version, but not until I load a savegame and go back to the menu (on the history or settings in the upper right corner)

I'm on the online game, and it's gone there. It doesn't show up again when I load a saved game and go back to the menu. 


How do I save the files that I don't want to lose, I want to keep them saved so I can download the game again, I'm using Android.

just don't uninstall the game


I can't seem to even get the black wolf to show up and start the event.  Halppppp

Where can I learn Restrain Potion recipe? I  can't find it.

It's learned by accepting the More Potions quest from Bernard, then heading back home. Select Study in the menu and it should be there.

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Oh I  mean Restrain Potion (strong) recipe,form Subjugation of Libido,so I don't know where is it, maybe it's a bug?

You have to get to the lizard temple and choose Tasks when you are talking to Othra. She will give you the recipe alongside some her Earth Moss to make 7 restrain potions (strong)  for the warriors

Okay that is Bug I restart and try this quest again then it work, maybe it because I'm using cheat, must to be more careful.


What happened to the preference menu?


Ohh it feels great to play it again and see all the new things it has!!.... But... I've noticed that there are mostly dominant characters, the first was Logan, I thought I might like him over time but definitely not. And now Maul, it's incredible that a character as rude as him is the one who has more events than someone more fun than Groth. Same with the Lizard tribe.

I'm versatile and I'm not that dominant (bad mouth or I treat my Bottom like bitches) so I like a good cock to ride as well as a nice ass, but when a jerk like Logan or Maul is there it definitely ruins everything. Even Scrap or Tao that they are nice old characters don't have so many events or even a chance to win his heart.

It feels better to spend more time with Barrel, I can switch between top and bottom, and I wish I could do more things with him. It might be cool to spend the night at Harold's tavern, depending on Harold's level of likes, Barrel and the player be able to cheat him and made threesome, Barrel being the one who catches him from behind and the player taking off Harold's clothes, and be able to decide whether to put Harold in the middle, be your top with Harold to fuck Barrel or Getting fucked by Barrel and Harold, even with double penetration... But it's just an idea heh


Dopiero się dowiedziałem, że jesteście z Polski. To mnie zdziwiło naprawdę. Poprostu przez to, że znalazłem tą grę o wiele wcześniej przed przeprowadzaniem.

( mam nadzieje, że nie bardzo przeszkadza, albo coś, to, że piszę w języku polskim, dla mnie ta informacja była tak czekawa, że mi aż się zachciało ;)

dopiero nie widziałem żadnych kommentarzy w jakimkolwiek języku oprócz angielskiego)

what does reputation give in this game? wolves treat me well, but it doesn't change anything, they still attack me.

it just adds more scenes to most enemies affected by it usually.

Ever think about submitting this game on steam for Apple Tablet?  I would be a customer.  If I’m able to play this on my tablet, I would be enjoying its convince.

I’m sadly missing out because of my limited time…..

1. How do I tame Logan I keep trying he nothing works, 2 how do I get a light source I’m struggling 

1. Im assuming you're doing the full moon event, you need werewolf lure (at least five) to tame him when you encounter him and then you can either defeat him or submit to him.
2. You can craft a torch at your workshop back home


I seem to be stuck on a certain part of the Black Wolf quest. It asks me to speak to Roushk about past humans but when I go to him I don't have the option to ask him. Did I happen to skip a step? If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreciate it.

Im currently stuck in the east side of the map. i have the required 30 hearts with the tavern dwarf and i have the warmth potions but the clothes dialogue isnt appearing. I have used the preferences cheat a few times for potions but that is all. Does anyone know why it isnt appearing and how to fix it?


Hi! It would be pretty cool if we could have the option to choose the genitalia APART from gender, so we could be a trans guy/girl.

Bc as of it right now, if we choose to be a man, we automatically have a p*nis! Just an idea from a fellow trans guy that loves this game! I also understand that could be a pain to code and rewrite the texts bc the game has so much content! <3


Trans girl here. Haven't played yet but this would make such a big difference. It's really hard to find any content for us trans folks; wish it wasn't like that.

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exactly! also i don't know why i am getting downvoted??? it was a pretty harmless suggestion, getting triggered over a genitalia choice is crazy when the world literally have rat people, orcs, lizard people, werewolf??? i guess people are just losers lmaoo

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(I'm sorry in advance if my English is bad. It's not my native language.)

I need help. I can't complete bandit camp event. I need to talk with Harold about one of the caravan's guards but this option just doesn't appears. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

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Nevermind, i got it. Turns out I had to Take a short break on the Track. I probably didn't payed enough attention to dialogs or something. Still pretty wierd that it was not mentioned in the event log.


Can I still get Logan's heart while following his bottom route? Cuz I ain't got any :( Whelp 

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No, to get his hearts you need to discourage him from going to the bandits (green path)

But that would be a sad me with no bottom scene of Logan :(

Choices baby!

does maul and orak has sort of relationship?? PLEASE tell me they don’t cuz I want Maul to only be with the mc wyeiegwiegieev (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


I LOVEEE Logan so MUUUUCH~~~<3


The day we get to meet/date the Black Wolf... I can't wait. Also, dating Groth when? lol

Same, these are the exact two things I've been really looking forward to for ages. :p

omg ikr? I absolutely NEED to know and see everything how he'll act when we finally do get around to bringing him back. and it's gonna happen eventually, no idea when but I think it's gonna be celebrated similar to how Logan finally admitting he liked us was lol.

Hey, I'm locked out of all the Orc stuff because the Nameless event won't progress. I've "slept until morning" dozens of times and never seen the crow sent by the witch. What should I do different?


Again, I see many people (including me) had the very same problem.
It seems it should be corrected in journal and coding.
First, in quest Lizard's Treasure at one point you have to talk to witch in regards to getting the information about mind-control protection.
You HAVE TO initially agree to her terms to hear her out. BOTH of them, BOTH day and night one. After the meditation and "Don't worry, you'll know" (that she will keep an eye on you - hence the crow) AND proposition to create amulet to block mind-control you will get an option to actually create it (to be sure make a save - just in case). AFTER all this next quest with nameless will progress. 
Nameless will be NOT pleased if you protect against him and will be pleased if you refuse in the end what witch have to offer. Your choice. 
If you don't get the rather obvious prompt after "slept until morning" that there was a crow, then you don't meet the requirements. 
The requirement being ALL parts of Lizard's treasure quest done. Without that part you WILL NOT progress. 
I hope that helps, if not, let me know, we will try to figure it out.

help i cannot bring diner to everestt even if i have all the ingredients ;3;

Event: Dinner comes to you
(Req: Orc War done, Everett Like 30+, Daytime,
##Traveler Set##, Meat, Potatoes, Carrot, Tomato, Repeatable)

Ohhhhhh i didn´t have a traveler set! thank you! but that is so mean it dosent say it in the requairements ;3;


How do I unlock the area of the Bloody Forest?

i think you need to do the orc things, they took me after talking with tanner and talking with worthy orc who led me into the forest

1. talk to tanner

2. talk to Groth's or Wolbuak or Korg, askimg them to be your witness (you can only chosse one of them) 

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help, i cannot trigger stuff at skullbreaker camp - i submited and i am at -100 and still nothing happens with khalgor, i even went and was able to get-51 asand still nothing (cannot get it higher)

and also when i am already asking - i saw somewhere gallery, that is only for patreons?


really enjoyed new patch but i have three questions - is there anything sexual ahppening in green halloween update? second is.. really hope that we get tanner/maul continuing.. seems like tanner like to touch bulges and there is something happening between two of them, because maul definitely told him truth about us and third question - i really hope there will be more with the leader.. he is hot daddy type

I currently have Hayden at 39 Like and I had the "ask about his evening" "ask if he needs help in the backroom" and "accept Hayden's invitation" scenes all unlocked. But I can't seem to trigger them anymore. I do have Bernard at 53 like as well. Does pursuing one relationship keep you from scenes with others? I tried making sure I went to the hot spring with a high libido too, in case that was it but that didn't change anything. I'd appreciate any feedback, I love those scenes.

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You need to be a sub for Hayden's scenes.

Does pursuing one relationship keep you from scenes with others?

There's Bernard and discouraged Logan, where Logan's 1st heart is tied to the saving him. There's also Logan and Ste, where you can get Ste's 1st heart but wrong choices lose a heart for either characters.

I am set as verse-- is that enough?

Oh I see now. I had set myself as verse but it must've moved to dom due to choices. Thank you


so... I'm doing the black wolf event and the bareshade alliance, but i cannot find madelaine neither roushk to continue with the missions

Guys I need help,asking! (sorry for bad English gramma I hope y'all understand) 

I've been focusing on Bernard relationship and accidentally choosing Logan 'bottom' route. The question is 

Is it possible to get full Bernard hearts (4of them) whilst also getting Logan's hearts if I choose to save/stay with Logan bottom in "were wolf" Events??? Or is it affects Bernard love story if I do choosing Logan bottom instead of Bernard?  I need the answer ASAP thank you so mach

Afaik you can't have hearts with bottom Logan. Encouraging Logan to go to the bandit's camp blocks you from having a romantic relationship with him and him transforming into a werewolf, so in the werewolf event you can only go after Bernard.

If you are not in bottom Logan route is recomendable to go after him because is the only way to get his hearts and no, it does not affect if you can have all four Bernard's hearts.

So if I choose to stay with logan in werewolf event I still can't get his first heart? So what's the point of choosing Logan in WW event then? I do wants to discouraging him at the first but someone's saying that there's no se* scenes in Logan top route is it true? 

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Si hay escenas con Logan, consulta la wiki

You get Logan's first heart by staying with Logan. You don't get it if you encourage him to go to the bandit's camp and/or go after Bernard. Logan has se scenes, but only like three or two (for now) and at least two of these are one-time.

Regardless if you want his hearts or not, I suggest discouraging him because I know that options marked in red (Like encourage him, let the lizard's tribe succumb to the curse, etc) usually locks you out of others events because you need the "good ending version" of the characters to progress.

No way I should restart all my  progress 😭 just found this forum after I bought the game 3 days and I just realized my bottom Logan still rude to me for some reason. And find out he is having se with everyone everyday in night day tbh I was confused about encourage and discourage meaning in English I just randomly pick them didn't know that would affect all the stories. . . Sorry for asking more question (bad English couldn't translete it in arabic-english it would be messed hope you understand it too) 

-Is there another characters love story that we have to chooses between them like Bernard-logan? And is it possible to have a heart with that rude cocky guard dude? 

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And also if I decided to choose Logan instead Bernard in werewolf event you said it doesn't affect anything with Bernard love story right? But is logan still rude at me if I want to save/stay with him? Or is there any change with his attitude to MC?(I haven't done my werewolf story I still trying to make those 2 items to start the event)

You can choose Logan and still romance Bernard. There is a change in Logan's attitude after you stay with him, although at first is not huge (but yes, he becomes less rude). He has 3 hearts in total btw, with the third one there is a huge change. To know how to get them I suggest you to go to his perfil in the diary, you have the info there.

I don't think that there is another thing like having to choose between two characters to get their heart so don't worry.

About the cocky guard... Yes, you can get a heart with him, but not soon. You get it in an event (main mission) that you will probably finish in day 100+. Until then I suggest you that everytime you see him just to continue submitting and being shameless about being with him. And never dominate him, he doesn't like that at all.

And don't worry about your english, mine is not perfect either.

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What is ingredients of  love potion?

Pls 🥺 


Will there be an update this month?

Is there a way for me to get Logans third heart even if i missed the owes you a beer st your house event? 

I also have Logan at 95 love so far.

Don't believe you can if you missed it.

Where can I get aconitum. Someone help pls

when looking for resources at the forest path, before crossing the bridge, you have a chance of finding aconitum

Thanks :D

Can someone help me about those earth, water and fire thing idk how it works :( (sorry my english is bad).

What mission is this for?

The junkyard that uses earth plate, air plate, water plate.

Uhm I been stop play for a month and I'm kinda forgot where can I get angel leaf extract?

The Track. On the way to the town.

But it just normal angel leaf?


Oh, sorry. Yes, Xer gives it to you in one of his repeatable quests.

Xer makes it for you when you finish his task

It's from a quest from Xeroth.


Ok. In love with Black Wolf now. Literally melted from seeing his scenes. ;)

Great artwork!


Top-tier husband material for sure. I always get excited to see new stuff about him pop up in the patch notes, especially since it's written in a really clever way that interweaves with and foreshadows important elements of the main story.

During the Lizard's Treasure celebration Ortha doesn't even ask what I think of Roushk.
Is there something I'm missing that keeps this part of the dialog from triggering?

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I couldn't save Feliar😭 Is there a way to bring him back after the fight or it's in WIP? I mean, they are demons, we can't use some kind of ritual or something to bring them back to life later?


Before the fight you have to increase your points of affectation with the

Get 70 like points with him, you can do the same with victoria as well

Wait we can save Vicoria? I once got 100 relationship points with her but only Feliar is saved. How do u save her?

60+ likes and gift her the romance novel twice


Ugh man i guess i have to play from the beginning again :(


only just before the fight and then stack up, you might need her in the future ;-)

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