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So... What if I had let korg go and how do I encounter him again :(

if your talking about freeing him from the cell you had to wait for him at the cave entrance.
If you used the love potion on him, then he got angry at you for doing simliar what the sucubus did to him an left an wont ever repear.

If you did either of these you have to go back to a previous save or start over


Text error: in "Hyden upsides of runing a hot spring"... Simple OR more complex

Even with the clothes on, I can imagine where his dick aims to lol

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble installing new version on android (I have 0.56), if I uninstall and reinstall would I lose my 30 pages of saves?

How do i get 2 hearts for roushk and rhot? And can i fck roushk?

You can fuck Roushk when you do the bonding event 


I think all this is missing is a possiblity for pregnancy. -That sounds insane I know, but it could be potentially fun depending on the pair ups. Say a female herbalist getting pregnant by Harold the barman.

You mentioned Trials in tainted space, the people responsible also make Corruption of Champions 2 and I think something modeled after their children's home (where children of the champion are cared for) could work in this setting.


Mpreg when. 


+1 for mpreg


1+ for mpreg


-1 for mpreg :) 


+1 for mpreg


definitely need  more lewd or romance scences with normal logan route;-;


i've only had this game a week and have already played it through 3+ times. the characters and plot are superbly written, the inclusivity + story changing with different choices are phenomenal touches, and this game just holds a very special place in my heart. it's the perfect mix of lewd and heartfelt, and i feel like i'm tossed into bareshade whenever i play it. of course theres a few faults, such as some things taking a bit to load and a few typos here and there (only two that i've noted, which is amazing for a game still in development), but they don't take away from the experience. this game is definitely a 10/10 for me, and if the full version comes out and requires money, i'll gladly pay because this game deserves it all.

tldr ; amazing gameplay + story, very inclusive, veryvery minimal slip-ups grammar/spelling-wise. would definitely recommend 💕

i can't figure out how to actually play this, cus I've downloaded it, but i have no idea how to open it or get it working, I wish I did though, It seems like a fun game.

What'd you download it on? Mobile, PC, Mac ect

Well I didn't know you could get it in mobile, at least not on my Motorola, but i did try PC, like one you'd find at libraries type stuff

Oh you should try Android download on your mobile device, update me if it works or not.

Sorry, I forgot about this whole thing, I'ma try it now

It's not letting me download it sadly, I can't figure out why though?

Try checking if you have enough storage. 

Check if you have trust unknown sources on. 

Check site settings => Pop ups and redirects /Allow 

See if internet is acting normal or if it's working. 

Other than that I'll probably need to know if it's the downloading or installing process that doesn't work


Getting to pick genders, orientation AND free cheats? Nah whenever I get paid I'm definitely finding the creators Patreon or something 😭

(1 edit) (+1)

hi:D, how can i be able to discover the "new road";-;?

what this new road about?

its a quest to connect a farm that hidden away an has no connection outside of using a cave to get it.
Quest grants a normal route to get there


Is there any way to increase Tank's like level while in Redwood? It's a requirement for resting with him but as far as I know there's no way to boost it once he's there.


Been playing LD since Febuary and im loving it a lot. The characters are great and the writting is phenomenal! Especially the lizards (I hope we get more scenes with Grushuk~) Currently im trying to figure out how to reach level 4 in the dark abyss swamp. Can someone help guide me to unlocking it? I've been trying to figure it out and im having 0 luck so far.

I wonder if we ever will get Sabal route or something? As I see he's included in Character lost not the Enemy list. It seem I can't make him like me more, instead we can just make him like us lessened. I don't want to fk him up as I'm a pure bottom in this game,


Actually, you can increase his like up to 10. It'll increase by having him get horny enough then submit to him. I don't think there's anything more to do with Sabal yet.


he will get a route. he's not just a enemy, he's an NPC we just can't interact with him other than the fight rn lol.

thanks for the replyy

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

I'm really loving this game so far. I've played through about 2 times now taking various paths. I admit to getting quite frustrated with the ease of missing out on events. My fear is that I might rage quit out of frustration with how some events are too complicated, and if missed, stalls the game. However. 

One thing comes to mind regarding Bernard and Logan (maybe even a few select others).

I'm longing for a love ending of sorts. To explain, I noticed that Bernard seems like a wonderful and caring sort that one could settle down with. But after getting four hearts with him I was a bit... um... put off by the fact that he is okay with me sleeping around and even doing so with his friend, Caleb (now, stay with me for a moment...). Not everyone wants an open relationship. Some people are actually built differently, and that's okay. But for me, that sorta put a damper on the Bernard relationship.

Now, Logan gained my interest. He noticed, and disapproved of my sleeping around. Also, obviously upset his wife was getting gang banged by a pack of wolves. He also seems quite guarded by his feelings and protected. 

It got me thinking... wouldn't it be nice to get "proposed" by one of them? (or others, down the line...)

With Bernard, a proposal would mean no real changes in activity. He would still love you regardless of your shenanigans. As long as you are honest with him.

With Logan, you would have to swear off shenanigans. Which would put the game in a more challenging light. You might even be tempted and run the risk of being found out or even caught. He does have a nose for it, doesn't he? I would imagine you would know the outcome of that scenario would be. Logan would kick you out and shun you for the remainder. 

Bernard or Logan (maybe even Caleb, Hayden, Dulrig, Feliar, Korg, Ste, Tank, Rhot, or Roushk could be a possible option). With this group, I would think that Korg and Ste would fall slightly on the side of Logan's attitude, but not as intense. 

I know, I know. I might sound silly. But just call me a romantic and old-fashioned. I am possibly one of the oldest players to play this. I think it's due to the writing skills and story. SO DAMN GOOD! I'm off to join the Patreon! 

So, am I out of my mind or on to something?

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

While not quite what you are noting, there /is/ a specific interaction with Logan if you end up voluntarily sleeping with him that is up your alley.

If you get to that point without having sex with anyone else (I believe that means 'have no sexual experience'), there is a separate scene.  

I don't know if he gets mad at you if this changes afterwards (I don't /think/ he does, in large part since I don't think the system exists to check why exactly your sexual experience is no longer zero), but having only Logan be your partner may be up your alley to attempt!

(Of course, logically, many of these problems are coming because you are being willing to sleep around.  Most of the cast doesn't attempt to have sex with you if you don't initiate, so I'm at least fairly sure that you could have a monogamous relationship with Bernard if you just consciously did that.  And, uh, didn't lose in battle to certain curse-of-lusted enemies, haha.  Logan is notable, however, as he's the one place I know of where this is expressly commented)

im having some troubles with the third heart with bernard, i reached 55 like of bernard already but when i talked to him he didnt offer me to stay at his house at night..?

there a guide by a person named Ben Dover.
dont know if its been updated to the current version or not yet

hey, im doing a new run of the game and am at the base infiltration part but don't know how to progress? on my old run it says in the log that I endured a rough pounding with Tank but when I let him dominate me this time I just black out and have to restart unless I ride him which gives me a different path and I don't remember what I did the first time around, how do I let him dominate me but also progress to the Scar fight? (side note is it necessary to let him dominate me here to get the cave scene later with him, and if so how?)

hi, im playing as version 0.57 and i saw it already have ver0.58. do i need to download it again and played it all again?

or is it a way to update and not to save the save file? 

please help:((

uh you just gotta install and it should transfer the saves between. unless Hyao says theres a save wipe, your data should be safe.

when there is a new update to the game you don't have to download the newest version if you dont want to.
As the games builds are not server side thing but client based. So can keep playing till you feel like doing the new build an its content.

I wrote a while ago needing some help.  When I try to do some of the main events in the game, the game crashes.  Can anyone tell me why? Is it my computer or the game? It is only at specific locations, such as the Wastelands and engaging with the other werewolf.  Please advise what I can do.

might be corrupted file in the game.
are you playing with the current update of the game.
does it do it just on a certain game save?
have you tried doing a new save?

would try completly clearing the game from computer an doing a fresh download of it.

I have tried starting a new game. It crashes in the same places all other functions work fine

I also have the latest update

if i already dw the 0.57, then did i need to start again fromthe beginning if i were to dw ver 0.58?

please helpp qmq


No, you can just update to new one and play from your last process.


unless Hyao says there is a save wipe, no. the last save wipe was 0.30 btw, so it's not likely to happen again.


The current android version sucks. Buttons aren't responsive at all. And it refuses to register my tapping.

(1 edit)

The android version's screen is kinda finicky. Be sure to set the screen resolution and dead areas under Options, and try turning the screen upside-down to update the mapping of what's where. Works pretty darn well once you do all that.

hi there, is there any way to earn more bernard like you? i keep playing but it seems that i dont receive any hearts from asking him for help anymore?

i heard that you can give him gift but when i click on the gift option i dont see how could i give gift to him..?

what level are you at with his like and hearts? also I'm 90% sure he can only receive the gift at night and the only gift you can give him is wine atm. 

off that though there are quite a few ways to get more like than just asking to help him and gift giving, they just all depend on your current standing with him. like before 1 heart you can begin by starting the werewolves storyline and looking for his missing friend. 

ehhh how can i able to give him gift at night?

go to him at 20:00 and he should invite you in for the night. this requires a certain amount of hearts though so can you tell me how much like and what amount of hearts you have with him?

about 24?

alright, going to his house at night isn't possible at the moment then, have you done the date with him at the bar? also has he invited you to visit the hut with him on Fridays? if you don't have the hut you can unlock it by doing his quest about searching for his friend and looking for it in the forest. 

Can you change your position from bottom to top in the game

yes, by making potions. (for example bottom potion and submissive potion.) you can even change orientation if you like to.


Deleted 341 days ago

I need help!!! During the full moon event, the option to save Bernard or Logan does not appear, it only saves Bernard automatically. Logan doesn't even appear to me after asking for a wolf bane (I already had a Bernard heart and I'm going the Logan slut route)

doing the corrupted/slut Logan route locks him out of being a werewolf and or involved in that questline at all. your only choice is Bernard in that path.


So I can't do the events that had werewolf Logan (were there any?)


power bottom logan cant be a werewolf. Only time is in a non cannon event with korgs werewolf outfit

there are a couple werewolf Logan events, you good with me listing them? 

btw it locks you out of werewolf Logan stuff, but it doesn't lock you out of the werewolf storyline. it just has Bernard take over most of it.

hi, i just started playing this game and i wondered why i keep meeting the pair bandit instead of the male and fat one;-; anyway to avoid this happenD: please answer:<

continue playing) thats the consequense of taking down many bandits


bandit morale got too low so now they appear in pairs


use love potions or submit and increase the rep from whatever it is currently to liked/loved. 

(you can check the rep in the book)


Can we get where the player can actually either end up mutating/taking on traits of the species that one is engaging sexually with, also including the possibility of having off spring with.


you might want to play trials in tainted space instead


uh it's not certain if we will get anything like mutation right now but Hyao said in the description of this that LD was inspired by stuff like TTS so it's possible. we've also got a technical pregnancy thing with the tar beings so maybe later more stuff will do that?


there won't be anything like that. people ask this a lot, the short answer is too much work rewriting everything to account for that


que tipo de motor de juego usaste fue unity


El motor del juego es Ren'py (Python)

Hi! I love this game so much but I'm stuck in a part of it, I cannot go trough the snowy montains and there is no way to find sulfur clod I'm afraid could be a glitch and idk what else to do :( 

You can find sulfur clod in the mountain's cave where you do mining task for the dwarf. You need to drink warmth potion and wear warm cloths which dwarf give to you.

thanks for the advise, but I'm still not finding or getting any sulfur clod maybe I can get it for coincidence? I don't know 

You need to search it in the cave. it's RNG so you may have to try some time to get it.

It doesn't seem like I'm able to trigger any of the new events/dialogues... we just have to copy the save files over, right? I don't see a belly fun option with Harold or any of the new dialogues regarding Everett/pastries from 0.57. Barrel is not in my relation log.

(2 edits)

Did you finish Northcrest's event in green route? If you did, have you tried to download the game again and play it again with the same save? I have seen the same problem in thread and there is no solid solution or the main problem for this.


Hi Guy's, love your game and super appreciate your hard work. it is so hard to find gaming content with heavyset, often chubby characters. Your graphics are awesome, and love your sketching style. I was wondering if it is possible to create interactive scenes in the game with the characters. maybe add a excitement meter bar when playing with the character with your mouse may make us players feel more connected with the characters.


Barrel is my favorite npc from the game lol, so the new event is perfect for me

I wonder if we will have an option to romance him on a later update (or just interact and talk with him more)?

how to make barrel spend night at gg home?


You need to have completed these steps:

  • Bareshade's lewd fame at least 6
  • Morale camp at least 25
  • Had sex with Barrel at Bareshade's tavern (he is there if the morale camp is at least 25)
  • You have a house in Bareshade
  • Choose the option "sleep 8 hours"

For the wrestling event you can see the steps in the new post on "development log"


only missed to sleep in house. thanks bro


can the cocky guard can be add to the relations?

Deleted 350 days ago
(11 edits) (+2)

Questions for the devs:

  1. Can Scrap's Corruption actually reach 4? (most of scrap.rpy)
  2. For the "virgin for Logan" route, it'd be nice if the Full Moon event log only checked bar_shop_third_date.limit > 0 instead of telling you to get Bernard's 3rd heart (quest_log_screen.rpy#3078) for the rest of the event
  3. The Matriarch fight aftermath code in Country Road is kinda buggy (forest_bridge.rpy#431-478) (I think flag_3 == 3 should be flag_1 == 3? And the code seems like ending the fight by depleting your sanity might use the last_battle_result from a previous battle due to script.rpy#7058 in label battle_result)
  4. Could you allow e.g. Emerine Arrows to grant Illumination for Cave exploration (script.rpy#2016, check_equip_light) without requiring you to also have a Ranged Weapon equipped?
  5. I don't think northcrest_brothel_rec_bandits can ever be completing without paying out of pocket because northcrest_brothel_rec_bandits.progress[0][2] is never incremented by stealing from bandits? misread the code, stealing from 10 bandits gives the same rewards as fronting the costs yourself
  6. The Banana is not actually consume-able. It is marked as "resource", which is correct, but also "consumable", "restore", and "cook", even though it cannot actually be consumed or "cooked" with (it can, however, be "crafted" into a Fruit Basket). Since it's described as "Quite tasty on its own", I'm guessing you forgot to add consume code.

Hi, I don't know if this is a bug or just something on my end but Everett seems to have disappeared from my Relations menu, I haven't played since update 0.56 but decided to download the new update and check out what's new, I went to check what my Like with Everett was to see if I could get the conversation with Dulrig that was added in 0.57 but realised he wasn't in my Relations at all, talking with Dulrig the option to talk about Everett doesn't come up and when I go to see Everett I can report about the Orc War and then Clearance Level but he is still missing after doing those conversations. I've even tried reloading an older save but he's still missing, has this happened to anyone else?


Ok so after going through some of the event logs to see if I had missed something I noticed that even though I had finished the Northcrest Conspiracy there was one box that wasn't ticked for "Wander around the Northcrest Markets at night", though I'm sure I had done that before, I triggered the event and agreed to keep Everett's secret which made him like me and he showed up in the Relations menu, just thought I'd mention this if someone else encounters this issue too.

Can someone help with the android problem my game just keep crashing

Is there any crash message displayed? Have you tried using an earlier save and doing things differently?

(1 edit)

for some reason i can't save my progress, everytime i try, i return to to the beggining of the game and i already downloaded the game again. can someone help me? ;w;

Are you play on PC or Android?

(1 edit)

on pc, it seems that it saves the items in my backpack, but not my status when i eat the cookies


Do something after eating cookies. The game needs to see a progress in a form of a text dialogue. Leave the house, go somewhere on the map, sleep. Just see one dialogue and then save. Then renpy will save all the changes. I know it's weird, but it's something I didn't figured out yet how to avoid. 

thank you so much <3

(1 edit)

Hey, just to let you know, the most recent download of update 0.57 is triggering my antivirus as it appears to have something deep inside it. If you've accepted any branch additions on github you might want to look into them.
Antivirus: Avast
Threat Name: Win32:MalOb-IJ [Cryp]

System: Windows 10 64 bit

Sorry, what is "any branch additions on github"? I kinda don't get it.

I don't know if it applies here but if someone posts a project to the website GitHub others can look at the project and make additions known as branches. These branches don't become part of the main code unless the creator accepts them and adds them to the main project. A known thing people will do is add branches that seem on the surface to be helpful additions but inside will hide a virus. This way they can spread a virus into a already recognized product without creating something from the ground up. I am unsure if the original project is on GitHub but if so someone might have snuck a virus in.

Thank you for enlightened me, but the original project of this game only released in and Patreon. So, another site is not official.

Ok well that means somehow a virus made its way into the game without Github, if the creator used any code he found online or something similar it might have been the source. Either way it needs to be removed as the current official build does seem to have a virus in it which will be infecting the computers of those who download it. 


Huge spoiler about the Northwest Conspiracy. 

Is there any way to avoid Gunnar's death or still meet the yeti and unlock other events without  finishing the northwest conspiracy?? I litterally cried in the middle of the night because of his death. (I went back to a point where Gunnar didn't die yet. I'm not finishing that.)


I don't think we have that way now, he still dies or seems die, but in the green route we may have a chance that he didn't get killed. 

How to make love potions guy? Idk what ingredients I need to have 😞


Here a recipe.

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