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I don't know how to get a torch. It needs workshop, but I can't make workshop coz I don't have planks. Where can I get them? Bernard is not selling, and Logan has no Shop option for me I dunno how to progress.

need to find the girl in the woods an bring back her pendant an show logan before he sells you planks


Aaaaaaahhh- Will there ever be an option for MC to be trans? I am loving this game so much!! The crafting is very fun and it makes you feel really satisfied and smart when you get a recipe right from the hints/riddles

the characters are all super well-written too with an incredible amount of depth, it's very immersive and gets you invested in their story lines... 

I'm still in the middle of the bandit camp and I just met Jester 🥺 Someone please tell me you can date him 🥺🥺🥺

(1 edit) (+2)

first bit, no clue. it's been asked a couple times now so maybe eventually? 

and Jester.... it's kinda complicated. (however I'm 90% certain it's a yes you can, with some important things later that add to him MASSIVELY that I can't say without spoiling a lot of stuff in his and a couple other storylines.) curious though, what do you like about him? his personality, appearance, story? something else I'm missing?


personality! He's super fun and chaotic and very my type! >< I don't know why, but I'm super into mischievous guys


ok that's good, should mean your fine then, also fair cause mischief and chaos are some of the best things in a person imo lol.


Why would you want that first one? 🤨

You can already choose whichever gender you want for your character.


yea but you can't change the pronouns or titles they use on you :(  playing as a girl makes me uncomfortable but i'm not the most into anal


hi can anyone help me go to the island of tao or all the tablets even the air one I swim on the other side and nothing I don't know what to do

Have you tried to remove the barracks which block the way to the island at the entrance of Junkyard?


It's incredible that the game no longer runs well just because of the ram And before I played much heavier games, so sad of me :'v

How to tame a werewolf (or any other animal) ?

You need a specific potion for the animal/monster you want to tame. The way to obtain the crafting of those potions is different for each of them.


And what do I do with them


you do the nasty with them

Deleted 354 days ago
(2 edits)

you can feed them so they like you more and do random stuff like pet certain enemies, or fuck around and let them pound you or pound them. if you have enough dominance in one you can get a couple variations for them too!

Hi, could someone help me, I'm stuck in the "full moon" quest that needs to help the werewolf Bernard and put him in a cell but I don't know where to find the material "diabosite" sorry if i say anything wrong i dont speak english


First. Did you pick Logan in full moon quest if not then go for him since it's the start of his romance route iirc.

Second. Diabosite is an ore in the basement of the tavern

Deleted 356 days ago

You can build their affinity by giving them food, and you can have sex with them. They will become more dominant/submissive over time depending which options you pick, and dialogue will change.

Other than that, you can release them, but you can't tame them in the same sense you can do with animals.

Thank youuuu. Yes i pick logan

i can't play , Plases i love game here 

Have you tried download the game again, maybe some file in game is missing in process of downloading from an internet browser.

Would anyone know how to make the raptor lure? I don't know where to find the recipe and I have a mission to do.

You need to take a mission from the witch to tame a raptor and bring it to her. She will teach you how to craft reptile lure.

you dont need a raptor lure you use lizard / reptile lure xD been awhile since i played i dont remember what the item is called exactly but its etheir one of those.

hey does anybody have juicy theories about Feliar? Cause I just saw in the shaft ( where Vicoria is ) Someone  wrote FILIAR IS A LIAR 


Maybe he cheated on her wk hahahaha

Feliar isnt like the rest of his species being constantly horny an wanting to fuck. Victoria is annoyed cause of fact that she couldn't get him to fuck around with her.
So the writting of him being a liar in the cave wall is him being a liar of a satyr

(1 edit) (+1)


What the hell? Does this mean we are going to face any kind of dragon race out there in the future? I cant think in any other creatures that can breathe fire. Any thoughts? One big... a few small... A elder dragon and their hatchlings?

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not an absolute we will fight a dragon but does sorta confirm we will meet one. whether we fight it or not is impossible to tell rn lol.

Im stuck at the quest "Orc War" where I have share my information with korg.? I can't find him at my house anymore but I think it has something to do with the choice I made along time ago. Have they fixed this yet?


If you messed it up and he left home, you have no other option but to load an older save or start again.

chances are you did the love potion scene with Korg an due to that he left due to you acting just like Victoria.


For anyone wondering, we will probably get the next update in a couple days. Hyao just made a post on his patreon explaining that he will need more time to finish the new version.


That dog needs to take more breaks, he works too hard on this game

I wonder how much time it takes daily to get us updates every month

Its more of the fact he constantly updating it each month. There more to the whole process than you would think.
Thinking of his overal mental an physical health cause dont want the guy to get burn out.

Hello does anyone have an save file i could use i just start the Norcrest Consipracy before we talk to tank also the lizard men tribe is still alive and kicking. I had to get a new computer set up because my tower didn't want to start so i couldn't back anything up

(2 edits) (+1)

Here a link of mine. Please read an instruction for more.


Thank you! <3

(1 edit)

Is there any way to open the door in the Junkyard ruins "from the other side", or obtain a Fire Plate?

Also, "Name 'fishvil_scar_murcad_whore_timer' is not defined."


pretty sure the fire plate is unobtainable and is currently a WIP along with the door. 

and that error, where did you get it? also what were you doing when you got it?

I got it by checking my reputation menu after taking Scar through the Murcad's Cove by seducing and dominating every enemy


I had to stop playing for a while, but will restart as soon as the new update is live, this game is so good (but also leaves me so horny LOL)

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Ikr? I crave for more Nameless content xD. My mind has trouble to focus  while I am trying to study at the library hahaha. (That thicc cthulhi lol)

But wait, in my last fan fiction I named him Lloig. I cant keep calling him "Nameless"

can someone help me with this? How do i travel this area? Do i need somthing?

I am wearing the snow clothes the dwarf gave me

I think that you should drink a warmth potion as well. I drank two and with that I was able to travel

yeah it's a warmth potion + the clothes that let you move in the mountains.

From what I remember from when I played you have to talk to Scar before you leave then you can use the snow clothes and the warm potion to travel across


does this game let u play as a woman? if so, i'm definitely interested in playing it


Yes. Indeed it does.

(2 edits) (-3)

Thankfully yes, and I wish more of these sorts of games would let one do so. :>

It's telling how you're getting downvoted by the usual thinly-veiled misogynists just for asking this question.

(1 edit)

where to report bugs? I found a few.
EDIT : I forgot I joined the discord group, I will paste these bugs there.

Logan suddenly mention their wife when you come back after beaten Scar.
and relieving yourself with assplay make your ass not virgin, yet you stay virgin after doing things with Hayden or Jester.

in the Full Moon event, right before the choice for helping Bernard or Logan, it mention Bernard when it should be Logan

Did you tell Logan to go to the camp (encourage him)?

no, he did not go to the camp

And when you chose to see Logan at windmill, does Logan save now?


Happy Orctober everybody :) 

If its ok, I´d love to share one of my personal favorites orc husbandos with all of you <3. Spoiler´d because is NSFW. This one would be my second in the top 3. First would be Orgrin Doomhammer, but as far as I know there is little to no fan art at all xD:

Hey guys, quick question. I'm kind of stuck at the end of Northwest Conspiracy. Scar and I have already scouted out Murcad's Cove, and if I go to the boat, it says I have to wait for Scar's group. But talking to him does nothing- did I miss something? How do I progress this event? The wiki just says "You need to hear a few conversations" before I can continue.

Can I have your screenshot of event logs? Maybe you miss some conversations like Everette, Gunnar, etc.

Nah i Completely finished it to the point that says (more content will be added in the future)or smt like that  Just saying that hayo needs to make more content for it

That weird, if you have finished Northcrest event, it shouldn't show that the event is still WIP. It should be show like this. Are there any task that you haven't finished in your logs? 


we need more orc war content it's been so dead sinse the game first started and that is not good, also we can't interact with red orcs camp ether which is not cool ,this is a suggestion BTW.


Hyao will eventually add more parts of Orc's war event somedays since it's a main story. But like now he chooses to add another part of Northcrest events, which technically, it's come before Orc's war event. So, all we can do now is waiting. 

The one for the phone doesn't work well. I couldn't press the buttons.

recently I found that the player get tired(debuff) really quick, without doing any activities like chopping wood or mining, is that normal? It gets so troublesome when trying to chop oak trees for Logan, you get tired before you even found the place, and only realized that after you get to the oak trees is frustrating.

If you got Exhausted debuff, it may cause you to get tired debuff easier that usual. Have you tried to drink a cleansing water for clear all debuff?

no, I didn't have the exhausted debuff


Have you tried to drink a cleansing water for clear all debuff?

So I’m confused lol. Does barrel leave bareshade? I’ve completed all the quests that are allowable up to this point, and I can no longer interact with barrel in the inn. I’ve yet to complete the scene where he stays with you in bareshade. Is this still doable? Or do I need to start over to achieve this?

No, he actually stays in Bareshade. And you can meet him in the Bar if you have 25 or more bandit's moral and have a love potion with you.

I’ve slept with him in the bar and completed the “get bandits supplies” quest, and then he disappeared. Not too sure why he left or how I can get him to come back. He’s been staying at the bandit camp.


This game is amazing! I've played a few free bara games on itch, mostly VNs. Did not know what to expect with this but it blew me away. There is SO much content, the artwork is incredible, the game mechanics are so much fun... just wow. The game is much bigger than I was expecting. I can't believe it's free. It's so polished it could easily be a paid game on Steam. I've dumped so many hours in this and still haven't experienced all the game has to offer. Can't wait to see where it goes in the future.  Thank you to all the devs who made this game <3

The update notes say something about Barrel being in the relationships tab, but he's not there on mine. Also, at the tavern, the only options when entering are as follows:

Approach the Bartender
Check the Kitchen
Check the tavern's stable
Enter the basement

I'm sure there's supposed to be a way to approach Barrel and talk to him. Camp morale is 89.

Have you talk to Harold and have "Belly fun" with him and Barrel?

(1 edit)

so the black wolf event. After Full moon. I’m stuck on the second step to complete it. It says to get clues around Bareshade but I don’t know where I’m supposed to look. I talked with Bernard, Blake ,The bartender, Rose and Caleb but I still can’t finish it. I thought I could talk with Logan but it won’t pop up.

 Never mind I just had to leave the town lol

the audio is not heard

where is the audio not playing? the whole game or just certain areas? if it's the whole game, try checking the volume mixer and stuff, if just certain areas, most likely not in the game yet as most of the sound stuff is a WIP.

You can't hear any of the audio throughout the game, I tried downloading the game again and it seems to work now but I don't know if the audio error will be repeated later

I don't know why this happened... maybe something went wrong with the install? did any errors happen while installing the first time?

There was nothing strange during the installation so the error is more strange

I cannot get the Discount option with Dulrig. I have a TON of lube, but there's never an option to gift it to him or anything.

the lube option is a guift not for the discount

Yes, but I'm sure it brings up a sex option with him. Either way there's no option for Discount for me

(1 edit)

did you give glafire yet? that scene is only unlocked after you give him it and he starts making Glafire gear and says "you know I heard a rumor the blacksmith can be convinced to give a discount..."

you need around 10 glafire and give him 5 and it will unlock the dicount option i think

question. with tao and exploring the junkyard i think i messed something up. are you suppose to be able to go further than the first floor? ive already gone to the jungle island so im not sure if i missed something.

Have you done junkyard event until the point that you can free Tao? There should be some to-do list in an event logs. And have you check at the bottom right of the map, that the way to the next area.

For some reason it's not letting me gift any books to Tao nor Roushk. Can anyone help?

Have you (I mean, the MC) learn about his hobbies by talking to him during the bonding time?

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do you mean Roushk or Tao?

Sorry, I mean Roushk.

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when I finished the “chase away the murcads”task for Scar he keeps on saying that I beat them with the lewd route which I didn’t. I fought them and I’m kinda afraid that that will ruin my brave reputation 😔

does it say you gained lewd fame? unless that message appears in the top corner, it shouldn't have any effect on your rep. also, did you do the seduce scar and submit path?

It didn’t thankfully and no I didn’t seduce Scar I beat him and Tank both by fighting 

alright so at least it's not affecting the save in any bad ways lol, and weird. I thought maybe it was something to do with that, maybe it's about how you did this quest before, have you ever done it the lewd way and turned it in?

no well kinda. The first time I did the quest I was kinda curious about the murcads’ lewd pose so I saved my game and I teased the murcads but I didn’t defeat it and I immediately went back to my saved file and fought, so me teasing it was never saved.

that's prolly not it then since I'm pretty sure the only thing in game that saves on its own and ignores your new choices is the nameless.... has this happened before at any other quests or is it just with Scar and the murcads?

im windering if Arion will be getting more content added on to his logs or am i just soft locked with him

Arion is one of the guest writer content, so you need to wait for the guest writer to write more his contents.

(1 edit)

Sorry if something is written wrong, I don't speak English. 

 I'm loving this game, but I'm stuck on the part where you get Glowshroom. If anyone could help me I would appreciate it, I even found the purified lake <3

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You can find glowshroom in purified lake by random. Like when you enter to the purified lake, there a chance that you will get a glowshroom. I suggest you to re-entering it until you get one and bring it to plant at your house.

And your english is fine, no worry. English is not my first language too.

Aw, thank you very much!  After trying what you told me I got one.  Thank you!!!!!

You're welcome!


Spoilers for Logan and Logan-related events!

Does anyone know if it is possible to have the wolf alpha Logan and Bottom Logan in the same save, or does the latter counteract the prior from occurring? I had noticed that I wasn't given an option to aid Logan using the werewolf event, and was uncertain whether it was due to the Bottom Logan route or simply that I had insufficient hearts with him. Any and all help is appreciated!

These two routes are mutually exclusive, aka you cant both have Bottom Logan and Werewolf Logan. So the reason why there was no option to help him is because he is a Bottom, not the the amount of hearts. As far as I know the only way to get hearts with Logan is to help him during the full moon event, but it's been a while since i played so don't quote me on it.

Ah damn, that's a shame but more than understandable. Thank you for the explanation!


Theory Time: (Spoilers Below)

Today I want to talk about the Main Character and how strange their entire existence is. For example, where did they come from? We don't know. We don't know anything about ourselves as a character. I know the character is just a stand in for us the players and likely shouldn't get a backstory but when you think of it from a characters perspective it seems odd. Just look at Gunnar questioning exactly that. "A Herbalist popping in out of nowhere." Which is true. At the start of the game we had apparently been apprenticing under a pretty renowned herbalist but barely know how to make a potion without his notes. SO how long had we truly been there? I would imagine not long at all if we had never visited Bareshade or known about Caleb and the Werewolves in the nearby woods. Based on character interactions we can rule out that our MC came from any settlement nearby. The only thing I can imagine happening is that the MC washed up on the beach from a faraway land and was picked up by our Master Herbalist by chance. Perhaps with Amnesia. The real question is why? What happened to our MC to get them to where they are now? Why is Gunnar the only one to question MC's origin? And why does the MC not answer or give evasive answers? It feels intentional. 

I would also like to point out how exceptional our MC is. I know we have our Masters Notes but we learn alchemy so easily, being able to preform it in all sorts of places despite Ruben talking about how complex the process is. Yet we have seemed to have simplified it down to cooking in a pot somehow, even though we only learned it at the start of our adventure. Next is our fighting ability, being able to overcome and defeat enemies an ordinary person has no right defeating, such as Tank and Scar one after the other. Both trained in combat for years longer than the MC (for all we know), Scar even questions how he could've lost to you. Yet you defeat not only them but Northcrests defenders, Orcs, Werewolves, Swamp Monsters, Lizards, and more, in one on one combat. Sometimes even three on one combat. It is mentioned that these enemies ARE stronger than MC despite being able to defeat them. You could amount this to the MC's strength not being his main attributer to winning fights but it seems unlikely. From what is mentioned within the text is seems as though the MC isn't exactly the largest of people compared to others. An athletes body and not a bodybuilders bara body like nearly everyone else. You can assume this with how often the MC is lifted with ease and mentions how muscular/large another character is. Even so the MC is still out preforming those hulking giants. Beating them in arm wrestling, wrestling, sparring, combat, racing (being able to catch Caleb a werewolf running at full speed.), and endurance. In simplest terms our MC is super human... if they are even human at all. 

I do not think our MC is human, or at least not fully human. Sure we have seen the MC lose, specifically the 0 sanity Game Over scenes, but overall a lot of strange things occur to the MC. For example Spectral Fever, Bernard gets it and passes out, we get it and it is barely a debuff. I'm surprised we aren't spreading it around like an STD and infecting every creature we meet. Perhaps that is merely a gameplay mechanic but a timer for a death game over would amplify how severe SF actually is. For now it is equivalent to the sniffles to the MC who can literally ignore it, just like the rats who carry it unaffected. Next is Lycanthrope, the MC is in constant proximity to the Alpha werewolf, despite being attacked or fucked, the MC is still not a werewolf (not that it can't happen given the 0 sanity werewolf ending but I don't think it states that you become a werewolf just the packs omega breeding bitch, which I guess is implied.) Next is Cthulhu himself (Nameless), despite being able to mind control Korg he chooses not to mind control the MC. He says that he just wants MC to willingly serve him, but if MC turns him down he just continues to threaten and stalk us. Even if we go to the witch for protection he doesn't stop us. It almost seems as though his mental magic isn't as effective against the MC as it would be anyone else. Finally the Lake of Lust which again is the creation of the Nameless, despite the Lizards falling under its spell and losing their minds, we drink and drink the water and just get a corrupted debuff. It seems like one gulp should cause us to lose our sanity but here we are being fucked in the lake being forced to swallow the water and we walk out practically unscathed where as other characters would've been fully corrupted. IT is likely that we are not affected as much due to being the Main Character (Plot Armor), but in all honesty it seems likely that our MC is odd themselves. Whether they have magic or are some sort of half breed. Our MC is resistant to diseases, curses and magic, but not immune. Does Victoria not try to use her seduction on you like she claims? Or did she try and it for some reason didn't work? Only when you were at your weakest when you confront her with Arion does she try again and nearly succeed. Can Nameless really control you like he claims? OR does he need you to submit to control you? It would explain why he attacks your friends instead of you directly. 

I know it sounds like a stretch. I just enjoy the game and like thinking about the possibilities. Especially with the last update feeling more story driven then anything. I'd like more of that TBH. More of the MC too, he doesn't need to be an exact proxy for the player, he already isn't. Anyway stay tuned for my next theory or rather rant lol. 

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I´d love to know more about our own origins as well. I hope Hyao adds something else in that regard :)  By the way: Do we know the name of our master? It is mentioned? Maybe I missed it. 


no, we don't know our masters name right now. I guess he is technically nameless because of this.


Very interesting theory indeed.


potential spoilers:

starting with the Nameless, it's not because we are resistant to his powers that he doesn't control us. it's because he can't use them in the temple due to it being protected against him. and the reason we aren't going insane from even a single gulp is prolly because the nameless made the curse SPECIFICALLY for the lizard people, not humans. from what I've read in game I believe the curse just forces out deep desire/puts a person into a far more feral state which why they go mad. since the lizard folk are beastkin, it might be like a heat state some animals go into where they desperately want to do stuff and have kids, but instead it's just the lizard folk wanna fuck anything to relieve themselves and go mad in the search for it. also, he does say he wants us to willingly serve him, but he can control us if he wishes. he literally forces us to thank him in the nightmare where he killed Rhot and made us relieved after we throw him the gem at our home, showing he did have a slight part of us wanting to give it to him at that moment. also, I'm pretty sure he doesn't stop us because he simply doesn't care, if we resist him, it's no big deal to him since all we did was stop one of his plans and in the end, we still gave him what he wanted. also even with the witch's aid, he still can control our friends, just not us in particular anymore. and from what I remember about siding with her he tells us to leave him alone and he'll leave us alone. maybe I'm misremembering something though since it's been a long time since I last sided with her because I find nameless way to hot lmao. 

no idea about Viccoria. she is one of the people in game who has less content than I have braincells so like, idk if she was telling the truth lmao.

but basically, everything else, I think has a really good basis to believe! we know absolutely NOTHING about our characters past, making in all honesty anything possible. not everything is reasonable, but what you've suggested all has a base in the game for being possible!

(on the point below, after going through the intro to check a small thing, it seems like we might have found him randomly instead of him just taking us in. might have misread it a bit though. still think this idea has a good base!)

such as being inhuman, the point on us just appearing suddenly and becoming an apprentice doesn't feel likely and our strangely insane constitution against diseases really make us seem more suspicious of being non human. it could be just a gameplay thing because Hyao knows it would prolly be REALLY annoying if we literally HAD to craft a cure before a timer so he left it as a plot hole for the sake of not making us suffer. but off that and on what we might be, the teacher did have notes on lycans in his stuff, so maybe the reason we know nothing about ourselves is because we are a cured werewolf our master took in after curing and a side effect of the "true cure" is amnesia? maybe the quest/place/whatever the master is doing is going to a place infested with Lycans and he is going to save the people and cure the Lycans, which would also explain why his notes never had a cure. not because he couldn't but because he took those notes with him! this one is mostly pure speculation though since our character would prolly notice if notes were missing unless the teacher happened to have like 2 copies one of which was finished and one which was the original but never got completed.

the Wererat idea though I severely doubt. I'm pretty sure they aren't created via humans being infected but are born of a mother and father ratkin. however, I don't have any proof for or against this, just that it seems unlikely to me. plus, if they were created via infection, that means Scrap was once human and he would prolly remember that and his story wouldn't be "embrace the whore rat" or "act more human" and instead be "embrace the whore rat" or "remember your old self". so only the route about being more human like would really change.... but still, point stands. and the wererats would prolly have caused our MC more concern if they could infect people since they were so close to the town and could infect everyone. but the resistance to spectral fever is something I don't understand at all. maybe they had a plague and eventually evolved into a resistance to it? or it could be a not a disease to them and only to us? maybe it's being inhuman which gives the resistance? which would in a sorta funny way add credence to us being inhuman as well lol. hope we find out why they are resistant to it so we theorize about ourselves.

also how long we had been with the master was stated in the beginning, just a couple months. it's literally ONLY mentioned in the intro from what I remember though so it seems really easy to miss.

but off us being a werewolf or such, what else could we be if not human? maybe a homunculus? we don't know if those exist in this world and if they do it could explain some stuff about us. such as the strength increases passively with nearly no limit and how we stayed with our master. maybe we think we found the teacher, but he actually created us and the reason he left was to deal with rumors/the consequences of our creation? or someone else made us and he realized what we are and took us in to protect us until we could protect ourselves from others who would seek to use our power. 

I would say demon or something similar but we meet Viccoria and she would absolutely notice if we were a demon or such, plus it would appear demons are weakened by sunlight and we are completely unaffected by it so I highly doubt this idea. maybe I'm missing something though.

another idea though could be a sort of Fae creature? like how Feliar is a Satyr we might be some sort of... I don't actually have anything since all the Fae creatures I know have major visual identifications like fairies with wings and Satyrs with the goatlike features. but if anyone has a creature humanlike please share it!

maybe we are human, but a human who was experimented on and eventually discarded as a failed product and we don't remember it because we just got into an accident or something and met the master? or we are aware of it and remember but hide it from everyone and it just hasn't come into lore yet so it's not been mentioned?

and again, even if a stretch, really fun ideas! so long as your enjoying it I bet Hyao is happy about this :) and I also like thinking about possibilities in the future of the game, but you had some ideas I don't think I could ever come up with on my own lmao. even without a good amount of evidence, they have just about enough stuff to make them mostly possible! I hope we find at least one thing about ourselves so we can confirm/deconfirm our theories and stuff. 

Are you planning on adding more Logan content he is my favorite character that's why I'm asking



I know right I really hope they add more hearts for him

yeah he will get more content later.  any character in the relation log will eventually get more stuff lol.

i need some help here i need to complete the orc war event but i need to talk with korg about the commander but korg has left so i have no idea how to tell him about the fair in bareshade can someone help me?


Once he left, he will never return (in this current update), so I suggest you to load your previous save back and play again.

(1 edit)

So, there is a bug happening with Rhot that when you try to get him to visit you the second night of you resting in the shrine he does not come. I kept sleeping in the shrine for over 50+ days and he didn't show up. (I think it's his first heart quest thing)


Did you tell him that he needs to ask you a permission to visit you? I choose he don't need a permission and he visit me every night.

It doesn’t give me the option to do that, I’m at the part where you have to wait for him to stalk you two times, the first time worked nominally but the second one doesn’t appear.


How many Rhot's like you got? But I think you got enough since you can trigger the first event. So, the last one you need is luck, since I think it's RNG to trigger the event.


So i played a bit and reach quite a good portion of the game and was wondering if there would be a possibility of adding a new event in the full moon event where the player could actually decide to become a werewolf in order to save a friend in danger and again its just an idea but it would be cool if it happened and this would activate a new form for the main character where he can decide when to transform either during battle or during exploration

it would be neat but it would take a lot of rewriting the early game to add. essentially it's a good idea but would take forever to actually add even if hard focused for a couple months straight. I also planned to list everything that would need changes but my arm started hurting from typing it so I stopped lmao.

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