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how do i get the lets have some fun part with Everett ?

(1 edit) (+2)

After found him have fun with Booner, go talk to him again at the Outpost and there should be a new conversation appeared.


I love Everett´s embarrassed face <3. He looks adorable. 



will there be a new continent in future updates?

Maybe and may not, but I don't think we will get a new continent in the next or sooner update. Since the story have not mention about the new town or villages.

How updated is the wiki? I checked it to see how to raise Bernard to three hearts, and it says that if I visit his shop at 55 likes, he'll invite me to his place. I'm currently at around 70, and I don't have access to this third heart. 🤔

Have you check your relationship logs? It should show what you need to do next (both quest tab and talk tab). And have you ever had sex with Caleb?

I found what I was supposed to do. I checked the quest log and saw that there was more of the wolf quest that I was supposed to do, and then I was able to progress. 😅

I'm glad to hear that.

Ok, so bug report, i'm not into orcs, so i left krog go his way (green orc) , but that softlocked the game, and the "missing scout" mission is unfinishable, hope the dev reads this, i tried even starting from beggining with a new save

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I'm not sure what is "Missing Scout" mission. But yes, some event especially with Country Road event, need Korg to trigger the event.

Its 1 mission from everett, but  some time ago, it worked without any problems, it would be really great to give players choice of partners, cause im really not into orcs

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Unfortunately, Korg is some kind of key character for main story event like Orc's war and Northcrest event. So if he left, it's mean some main event will be softlocked. I hope for alternative way to process the event too.

Yeah, me too, thanks for the info, although its odd that before there was no problem with that


I hope Logan will get to join the sleepover event eventually, maybe under the guise of “watching Caleb in case he attacks” 


Then it'll turn to be foursome with werewolves. Interesting indeed.


Hyao? Could we have a Xmas event, where Everett dresses as Santa and visits Bareshade or something like that xD?


I dont know if I've missed or passed something on my playthrough but I just recently noticed that I dont have relation profile for Everett. Also cant gift him... help


Have you found him have fun with Booner in the Northcrest market at night?

Pretty much. I've done all quests the game can offer...


Have you check in your relationship logs? There should show all things about him and what you have/haven't done with him. Like this

how do i get more likes from Everett

You can give him a gift, and do some event with him and Feliar at Feliar's place.

(Slr been busy with work). I can't even find his name in the relations page. And wierd thing, I believe Gunnar was supposed to disappear in the relations page. He is still on mine.

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That's weird, since if Gunnar should not show on your logs, it's mean you have finished the Northcrest event which you should have met Everette so many times. Are you sure that you have found him and Booner? And I have seen some bugs report about Gunnar's relationship log too. I think Hyao will fix it's in the next update.

what gift can i give to bernard it seams i cant get any more likes from talking and i cant do some quest without it 

You can give him a fine wine and a kiss (if you have his love enough). Also, if you want to raise his like, you can talk to him and help his works. It's a daily repeatable way to raise his like.

yeah i have a ton of fine wine but i cant give it to him and the option "ask if he needs any help" dont give any like anymore (it used to give but dont give anymore )

Have you try offer your service for a day? That could help too.

will there be a way for me to get orc brute into the prison ?

Not so sure about that. They still don't have a plan for that in current update. But in the future, they may.

Ever since the past few updates the app keeps crashing on my Android device, and I honestly don't know what to do. I can't even click fast on text since that increases chances of the game crashing. Is this an optimization problem?

In case it's relevant, my phone runs Android 12 and has 2GB of RAM. If anyone has any advice at all I'd highly appreciate it!

Have you try upgrading android to the current version (13)? I'm not sure about android platform. But upgrading your OS and mobile OS may help. And may I ask? Have you ever had the same, or at least the similar problem, with another games? 

Hey, just a question

Is the "beardog" thing not finished yet or I'm just dumb?

The "beardog" thing I refers to is that dialogue that between Rose, a hunter and a lady that happens when you enter Bareshade. It's said that both the hunter and the lady saw a white thing around Bareshade, one think it is a bear and the other that it was a dog.

After that Rose appears and says that the MC will be checking the situation for them, but I never saw her mention it since.

It is already done and I'm just not able to figure it out who is the "beardog" or is it an unfinished questline?

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Baerdog's name is Garuik. You can find him since 0.45 update at New Road while maintaining the road during 22:00 – 6:00 Also, you can invite him to your house once during 22.00 - 00.00 in 0.49 update. (If you have invited him but you come home later than 00.00, the event will trigger in the next night at the same time in your house.)

And his content is written by guest writer Urso, so you need to wait for it like another guest writer characters.

Oh ok, now I get it. Thanks man



Can you get with the Cthulhu guy? 👀

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Also, this might be a problem

Nvm, I’m dumb, I fixed it


You can have sex with him but otherwise currently, no. You can't (sadly) get with Nameless.


Well, good to know..

Now I just gotta get to that part


So I've seen on the update that there's a chance to fight Barrel at Wrestling at the fair on a Sunday. I've faced him and got 2 options - fair fight or throw the fight. It says there's an alternate if Barrel has ever slept over which I'm sure he has.

It says there's a round 2 in your house that same night but it's not showing up at all for me and idk what I'm doing wrong.

Also, there's no option to approach Barrel in the tavern now and idk why

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I think you said about 0.58 update which available for Patreon supporter only. I think you need to put spoiler tag.


That's weird, I think this event did not require any special requirement except winning or losing him in Westling fight. Have you done a belly fun with Harold and Barrel yet? And what is you conclusion in Northcrest conspiracy event? Did you tell all info about Bandit's camp to Everrete?

Belly fun? No. There's no option for it when talking to Harold. As for the bandit camp, there's no option to tell Everett about it either, but I'm fully up to date with the Northcrest side of things

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Can you screenshot your event logs? I want to know how to process and why there are no "Belly fun" in Harold's dialogue since it doesn't require any special requirements except his like (if I remember correctly).

What exactly do you need from my event logs?

Actually I want to know what you haven't done with him. But you can check in Relationship logs instead. Like this

where can I find good armour to equip because the stuff I got rn is meh but I mean GOOD armour (for charisma or appearance stats personally)

Raise your lewd fame around bareshade and you can ask Rose, the tailor, for access to slutty clothes that raise your charm (tease accuracy) and lewdness (tease strength), you can also make a wig from the hair you get from beating the nymph and a harness rarely from beating Barrel, the chubby bandit.

many thanks

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How I can continue the Black Wolf Quest? Im stuck at the finding clues in the Mythcore 

Can you screenshot your event logs? I want to see how your process the game.


If I remember correctly, all I do is just checking every grid on the map. Especially at Paulo house on the top right of the map.

Hm, okay. Thanks

Unsure if you have found it after all.

A prompt appeared for me on the bottom Spyglass (E3) "Look for clues regarding the 'Black Wolf'"

I'm unsure if you have to visit Paul's place first, but there is dialogue over there too.

Already found it, but thx for the help

Yup I am also stuck don't know what to do any help

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Hi, I'm playing on windows, is there a way to rename/name tamed creatures in the stable? (i.e. raptor horse or dog) i cant find a way to do so.

try and do the go outside option in the hut. I'm pretty sure you click who wanna name then and it's done.

In your house, choose "Check outside" >> "Check on the animals". You can name all your tamed animals here.

Ah help. Recently, I switched from Windows PC to Mac, but I'm not sure how to transfer the save file to the version. I've already got a copy of my previous saves from the pc.

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Help. I cant explore the snowy mountain. I already equipped the proper armor and drank the potion but game wont allow me to do anything. 


have you gotten the letter from scar and told him you were leaving?


Huh?? xD. I did that ages ago. My objective is to trigger the ruins from update 0.56:

  • Conversation: Human settlement (Req: ‘Your friend talk done’, Ruins of settlement found)
(1 edit) (+6)

Fun Fact: In Relationship logs, there're 2 characters that have a random (actually it does have a set of words but it still randomly) occupation and it change almost every time you click their plus icon. 

One is Caleb, his occupation can be "Warewolf" "Good Boy" "Bad Boy" "Knot for hire" "Awoo Barks CEW" and "Wuff Wuff.

And second one is Hugo, his occupation can be "Sure" "Sup" "What's that?" "Uh-huh" and "Professional Sniffer."


That's indeed a fun fact

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I love how Caleb be a Good boy as an occupation.


my bad y'all i messed up. update came out lol

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Not a problem. Besides there isnt too important content on this update anyways :p


I want to know how I can have sex with Orgram. 

currently, there are no content for Orgram. So i guess you have to wait for some months.

(3 edits) (+2)

Guys! A new 0.57 update for non-patreon player and 0.58 for patreon supporters has been released!

i really need more guide how to make this a perfect adventure game i'm really i'm bad at it

I suggest you to play as you wish

The game is not finished yet, if you don't like something, just create a new save and play in a different path


Make a lot of save for your critical decision could help too. 

i did that in the previous one but that was a long time ago since this is the new update i have to make another one i guess i'm just start over seriously how was a really good at it before now i forgot how to do it again got damn it i wish i could just recorded for put in notes or save in the different files back then i only save in one file at a time or the same files

(2 edits)

I'm locked out of the quests because of low likes with Bernard. I tried buying fine wine but it doesn't show up as gift and Bernard isn't there at night.

The option to hunt on Friday is also not showing up.

// Ah nvm I had to ask him about it in talk every week

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Have you tried to help his work? It's a daily repeatable event that help you raise his like.

Ohh thanks.


I have a question, is this update big because it's late?


We don't have an update this month because Hyao took August to rest. As someone else said in a comment, maybe we will get an update at the end of the month or next month

When will the update be released?

Hyao said that he plans to release the new update in this month. 

help, I swear, for the past 2 hour's I've been looking for wolf's den and I know it's in the forest next to my house but no matter how may time's I try I cant find it. Please help.

Did you play in Bottom Logan route (Red route for Bandit's camp event)? You can find wolven den only in Normal Logan route.


But Bottom Logan is best Logan

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Hello. Kind of stumped, I am on my last quest, the one where you have to prove to the orcs you are strong and I got to the part where the leader ask to kill red orcs. Thing is when I go to the camp it tells me to go back. Did I do the quest too late?

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Not the camp. He meant BIG red orcs. The ones that is tainted.
(If I remember correctly)

Yes, the sexy ones xD

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If I'm not mistaken, we won't have the new update until the end of September, just like last year.

 Does Nameless only appear when I do the lizard tribe good ending ? Cause I want to do another route where I do the opposite of what I did in my first route.


Yes, he still appear when you finish the Lizard quest in good route.

So... does he appear if I do the bad ending for lizard quest ?

I'm not sure about that. But I think he still appear in the next event in Northcrest even you do a bad ending in Lizard's event.


I might be wrong but do we get an update this month or does Hyao get a well-deserved rest? There was a month in which Hyao makes a break, yes?


He mentioned a while back that updates would be around the 5th or 6th, so it isn't technically late. He hasn't mentioned an hiatus so let's be patient a little longer :)

What is the image of your profile? I am curious :)


I believe it is Hulkling and Wiccan making smoothies :P


he said August was his break on his patreon recently, so I don't think this month has an update and next month will.


Thats what I thought. But I wasnt sure XD. Thanks for confirming it 

I'm very curious about what is going to be


hope logan has more romantic route

Same, I enjoy teasing him too much 

Im stuck at the quest "Orc War" where I have share my information with korg.? I can't find him at my house anymore but I think it has something to do with the choice I made along time ago. Where can I find him?


Oh you probably gave a love potion making the quest locked out completely

Oh.. I hope they fix this.


I may've missed this before, but is there an in-depth explanation anywhere of your home and the things you can do there? While I find everything fairly intuitive, I find myself confused on some of the mechanics, such as the Defence, Pheromones, etc of the hideout, and how the pets work, such as how dominance and like effects interactions, if at all. If anyone could offer an explanation of these, or point me in the right direction, it'd be very much appreciated!


I can explain some things but even after playing for a long ass time I have no idea what others do (namely pheromones, like they exist but I have no clue what they do). also most that I know is pretty basic and just the stuff you craft from the build menu.

also atm I only know of one use for defense and that's when you have low like with the bandits, it prevents them from breaking into the hut when the MC is sleeping. maybe Pheromones make it so they are horny when they break in so it's easier to get the tease win against them?

here is the basics you can do in the house; Crafting weapons and some other items after you build the workshop.

craft potions and study recipes from random stuff in the world.

keep animals like a Wolbauk, Horse, Raptor, Wolf and Dog.  

grow certain plants at home so you don't need to ever leave the hut or go to annoying places for certain items.

keep prisoners of war you kidnap from random locations/hold people who are not currently in control of their body or mind.

store items you don't want to clutter your inventory so you can get to other items quicker when out and about.

you can also chop wood outside and check on animals and name them stuff. I named my wolf Amicus lol.

dominance is if they will listen to you, if they have low dominance, they will listen to your commands but if they have high dominance they just do as they please instead of listening.  similar to prisoners.

like is how you learn new stuff, if your pet/mount doesn't have enough like they physically cannot learn anything new. but once they reach a certain threshold, they can be taught new stuff. like the wolf can help in battle and the dog can search the area around the house for items like berries and stuff! 

I can't think of anything else but anyone who does it would be welcome if they added stuff in!


Ah, thank you so much for the help! I've been playing the game for a little over two years now, but realized that I'd never actually found out what certain things did/effected, and considering the wiki lacked depth on a few things I just thought it best to ask hahaha.

Admittedly, I didn't even know the bandits broke into the house at low like, but what you mentioned definitely seems likely! I'd thought it may have something to do with prisoners or pets, but had come up short in terms of results after maxing out their like and dominance at the same rate as normal.

Might mess with things and report back in how it goes, but thank you again for your input!

glad it was helpful! if you find out I'm wrong or discover something new sharing it would be nice! it could get added the wiki :D

It has been a while since I offered to play around with the ideas, but I am back with my findings! Obviously, I need to preface this by saying that I can't guarantee this is all right, but this is what I observed with the ideas we had. Also, there's a tl;dr at the bottom if you don't want to read it all.

Ok so, we'd discussed the Aphrodisiac section possibly affecting the Bandits breaking in, and thus, I tested that out first. First of all, choosing to let Korg stay with you makes it impossible for the Bandits to break in at all as he disposes of them before they can make an attempt. However, in the event he is not staying with you, the earliest I got the bandits to break in was Day 11/12 with -100 Like - This was a new save where I used the cheat console to progress what I needed to. Regardless of how full the Aphrodisiac bar is, the Bandits will remain hostile with no initial libido, suggesting that it does not affect them. I only went as high as 100 Aphrodisiac (10 used), but I think there would've been some indication if it had worked. This did at least show me that, in the event they do break in and then leave, the players' house gains 20 defence which goes up by 20 each time they attempt and fail to break in following that.

Following this, I thought it may affect the pets as they're also housebound. In my playthrough, I have 100 Aphrodisiac on my house and noted that the Wolf and Dog have a scene unlike the other animals, so took to testing this theory too. However, I quickly found that this is just another scene the Wolf and Dog have built into them after reaching enough Dominance over the player - I believe it starts at Dominance 30, with little change to the scene at the cap of 50 Dominance. 

Finally, I also have six prisoners in the same playthrough - 2 Ratkin, 2 Werewolves, and 2 Lizardmen - and debated whether the 100 Aphrodisiac had affected them without my notice, as many had come after I added it. Thus, in the new save, I caught a Lizardman and did the same test, interacting with him before and after applying the Aphrodisiac, and I found that it changed his manner from a  cold, stern one, to one reminiscent of the Tainted Lizardmen below the temple. I also noticed that it seems to make their passive text more sexual, such as openly masturbating, thrusting through the bars, or engaging with you while you're already playing with another in the cell. I am unaware if prisoners can usually escape as I've never had the issue arise, but if it is a feature then I'd imagine it likely makes it less likely the more you use/prevents them from doing so. Otherwise, it's simply a bar to fill for lustful flavour text and maybe some scene variation.

Overall, I don't think the Aphrodisiac is as useful for the house as, say, Defence, but probably worth it if you're playing entirely for the hornier scenes. My apologies that I took so long to get around to this, but hopefully this helps with general understanding!

tl;dr - Aphrodisiac only affects prisoners, giving them a hornier attitude and maybe some lewd scene variation.

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We've been getting updates the 5th and 7th of each month. Maybe Hyao will upload the .57 version later today or in the next two days :)

How do I find this?

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You can buy it from the shop, if I remember correctly, in Lakeshade.

I went to look and didn't see any. Could you please tell me some details?

Sorry, I was wrong. You can actually craft lust incense from the recipe, if I remember correctly, in your notebook at your house. But you can also craft from this recipe too.

I don't remember where you get the recipe, but you can make that or you can buy it in Lakeshade. I also believe you cam buy the lust one at the whorehouse

there is a way to import my progress from my phone to pc?

Can someone help me with "Subjugation of libido" quest? I dunno where to learn recipe of strong restrain potion. And w/o it Othra always tells me that I cant help her. Even with "cheated" potions or handmade recipe from guide

Did you learned restrain potion recipe for Bernard? I think you need to craft restrain potions from the recipe that acquire from Bernard's quest "More potions" and I'm quite sure that we should have learn the strong restrain potion after we accept her quest.

Oh, thanks. When I was playing like 2 years ago, I crafted restrain potions when Bernard asked it. And now I cheated it for sort-of speedrun. And cuz of that I didnt learn recipe of normal restrain potion. Now I learned it and I can take the quest from Othra. Thank you for help again


You're welcome!


hi! I was wondering if the werewolf boys(bernard, Caleb, and Logan) had a confirmed favorite color yet? I wanted to try making things based on their image


we don't have any confirmed favorite colors, but I wanna guess Bernard likes Green, blue or maybe yellow, Logan would like red, and Caleb would share Green or likes brown. this is purely off appearances though lol.

maybe someday we can ask them what they like? sounds like a nice casual conversation thingy :)

i am trying install the android version and it's keeps on saying error can't install the application 

do you have permission to install from itch enabled on your phone? 

Yes I gave it permission to download but Everytime I try to install it a message saying something went wrong can't install the app try again later 

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