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Hey guys! I want to see what happens when giving Grushk a lust incense, but I was wondering if there were any downsides/bad consequenses for doing so. I just caught up to the story and I need to know if having sex with him will have a negative effect on the story 

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think it'll cause any bad consequences for story and gameplay. But if you choose to "Replace the incense with a standard one," you will get 15 like from him.

Thanks for the answer!!


You're welcome!


Fun Fact: The default name for male MC is Nevar and female MC is Nori.

In case you are not name the MC or you just skip it accidentally, the game will auto-set your MC name from your MC gender. I just come to realize about this since other games also have a default name for MC, so this game must have too. 


oh. I didn't even realize we could skip giving MC a name and instead get a default one.... thats pretty neat! thanks for sharing :D

(1 edit) (+1)

I play some Renpy game and accidentally press enter while giving MC name and found out that there is a default MC name. So I try with another game like Tavern of Spears and know that Eyvind is the name of the handsome wolf MC.

(1 edit) (+2)

I knew about TOS having a default name since I believe it has in faint text "default name is Eyvind" when customizing his stats and naming him. it's still neat though :)

Guys, in the Northcrest crIsis it says I have to meet Everett at the training grounds in order to talk to lady Tess but in the event log it says rest of the event is still in progress. Do I have to do something first to trigger the event?

Can I see you event log? I want to know how your process is. Actually, if it said WIP, it should mean that you have reach the end of the updated story.


It's seemed you already talk to Everette about meeting Lady Tess at his office in outpost. You have to wait for the future update.

Oh, I thought the Northcrest crisis is done already.  Thank you! Btw can I ask if the Mythshore and orc war event is done already?

(1 edit)

You're welcome. Those 2 event also still WIP. You nee to wait for the new update. BTW there are a new event name Black Wolf to play.

How to trigger too horny to sleep event? I add lust potion quest unique demand and give lust potion to the soldier but nothing happen

It's RNG event, so you should try to re-enter again to reset RNG.

I'm only able to trigger 1 guy, i think this event is the old one about the new one i try full 7 days but nothing

(1 edit)

If I remember correctly, the newest event during Visiting Barrack is trigger by RNG during the late night (before 6.00 AM) you also need to do Alden quest to trigger it as a requirement. If you already done it all. The last you have to do is "do it again" since it's also RNG. You can just revisit it again or save-load until you get some.

Maybe the game has something wrong. I checked and the version is 0.51, I used Itch app for update but it didn't change

Are you play this game on Android? Have you tried to download the game from internet browser?


Will there be more Harold content in the future? Maybe a threesome with him and his wife or a public scene like he teased during the love potion scene with Barell in the basement?


What happens when you put in a hot pot Nameless content and Caleb content? Well, this is what happens  xD

Step by step - Manuel - Lustful Desires (Video Game) [Archive of Our Own]

does anyone know how to find Emerine? I tried looking in the mulbury mountain complex but I can’t find the area.


Are there any ways to save Gunnar guys? Despite his personality but I wanna save him from the death



No, either inform Everette the truth or help Scar, Gunnar still die. But helping Scar will make Gunnar love you. But he still die. ;w;


The fact that you can earn a heart just before he "dies" leads me to believe that he might not actually be dead. Give it some time and we'll see how the shapeshifter storyline continues to unfold. 


I hope for his return someday too.

Tengo la duda cual es la diferencia de motivar o desmotivar a logan después del ataque de los bandidos?

He will act as a bottom (if you encouraged him) or a top (if you didn't)

Deleted 173 days ago

Why it says forbidden download pls help me. I can't download the latest 

Have you try changing an internet browser? Or changing internet connection.

Hi everyone, I'm stuck trying to going throug the mountains, I already have the trousers and the Warm postion but still I'm unnable to go throught the mountains, did anyone know how to go throug?

You have to make a heat potion, I don't know how, but you can search

I already have it and also de warm trousers but still can't go throug

Drink the potion, put on clothes and go 

You also have to talk to scar back at the camp and tell him you're leaving. But I did that too and it's still not letting me go. The mountain that has the option to try crossing it but it tells me I'm going to die if I don't turn back. Wait do you have trousers or do you have a coat? I have a coat not pants. Are there two items We have to wear?

Make a warmth potion. 

Ingredient 1

Pulp (red)

Ingredient 2

Pulp (red)

Ingredient 3

Scarlet Chalice

Ingredient 4

Sulfur Clod

Ingredient 5

Scarlet Chalice

How does one get 2 hearts on rhot?

(1 edit)

I don't think we can have his 2nd heart right now.

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I'm wondering if my game is glitched. I've talked to (Scar), made the warmth potion and drank it, and I have the winter coat equipped. Every time I try and climb over the mountain it tells me I'm not prepared and will just die.

Try exploring the path between ste's farm and the path were you farm white herb. There should be a scene were you need to light up lanterns there making you able to explore the mountains again

(1 edit)

No I'm still stuck in the mountain the first time. There's nothing else to do here. Edit: I didn't realize there were two pieces of clothing you had to put on so that was the block.


Really yearning for more Nameless content...
It's like, ever since last halloween if I recall correctly? Maybe when the  Northcrest plot is progressed to a certain point? (Something to do with the unknown Shapeshifter)


Same, just same.


Sometime ago I wrote a fan fiction featuring my MC and my tentacle husbando Nameless. If you guys are interested I can share it here. It is not that long (well, I mean, I dont think it is). Also I would like to finish a second fan fiction soon... but it sucks because... my family is keeping me just busy xD. 


is it normal that the bandit girl doesnt have a graphic on mobile

(1 edit) (+1)

female bandit doesn't have a sprite on any device right now. so like technically yes. it's normal lol

is there a way to get this in app form without the downloads on itchio (my downloads don’t work on itchio on my phone and I have tried all of the downloads despite most of them being for different platforms.)

do you get an error message that's says something like it can't download from a different place than the appstore or something to that effect when installing the game on mobile? if it does your permissions are set to block downloads from anything other than appstore or certain trusted apps that apple/Samsung or whatever other device you might be using.

if not that error, please send an image of the thing telling you it won't work, maybe that could reveal something. also don't install stuff like the mac or PC versions on mobile, they won't work at all for mobile devices, and or even if PC or Mac installed, the game wouldn't run well or at all I believe.

no when I try to download from itchio it lets me download it but i cant open it and i cant fine it in the appstore or goodle play

look in downloads, there is the file for installation on the phone

ok thank you

but anytime I try to open the download it doesn’t work which is what I was trying to say earlier

Do You Have space in memory ?

If you use iPhone aka. Ios, there still no Ios version for this game.

Okay so I still can't trigger the 'Scouting Mission' from the latest update. I don't know why. In case I've missed it, can someone refresh me when and how do I get the 'Exiled' talk from Roushk. I might've missed that or something. 

have you done hunting event with Roushk, Grushk, Rhot and Xer (sometimes)? if so did you explore the question mark in the zone you do said event in after completing the quest and speaking to the corrupted lizard dude who you can cure? after you talk to him you can talk to Roushk about the exiled if I remember correctly.



                                                      Possible spoilers

Guys, regarding the story so far concerning the shapeshifters, I did a horrible discovery. According to the fandom wiki, Cthulhu has the ability of shapeshifting =(. So, I´ll go straight to the point. I am scared that Hyao ends killing my eldritch boyfriend because of the flow of the history. Besides we dont have any relationship log with the Nameless one... I have this horrible feeling that Nameless wont make it far because he might be involved in the shapeshifting issue... But I dont want to kill him or do anything bad to him. I just hope I am wrong and I just being paranoid here... Please Hyao dont kill Nameless... xD

(6 edits) (+4)


I don't think so. Nameless claims that there a third party who cause the chaos in Northcrest and it's not him. Also, he warns us about one shapeshifter who be a friend with us.

Yes, I am aware of this too, which is my only hope :P

(1 edit) (+2)

uh I guess minor spoiler from past stuff.

as Itsara said, the nameless himself said he is not the culprit behind the shapeshifters or the chaos in northcrest, so I seriously doubt he did it. I only trust him since so far, he hasn't lied to us, just hid things he doesn't care to tell us. plus, we find out it wasn't a living person/beings influence that made the shifters, but a relic that someone else found giving more credence to nameless telling the truth. also, we don't even know if the shapeshifters are aware the nameless exists like he is aware of them which would further disprove the idea he is involved. and again, he warned us of the shapeshifters knowing we were getting involved with it to try and stop them, so if he was involved, why warn us? we completely destroyed his corruption of the lizard tribe plan so he would prolly want to keep us away from northcrest if he was in control or going for control, not warn us of the danger and leave us be. 

(And another small detail that isn't really stated anywhere so it's mostly speculation on my part, but I think the nameless isn't supposed to be EXACTLY like Cthulhu, just similar designed and some other similar character traits.)

so like TLDR, in my opinion no. it would make literally no sense if nameless was the one behind the shapeshifters based off everything about him so far, so our tentacle husbando is safe for now :)

Yes. My tentacle husbando... <3


Alguien sabe si hay alguna traducción al español?


El juego no esta disponible en español :(

Es posible que se empiece a traducir cuando el juego termine de desarrollarse, pero solo se puede jugar en inglés hasta el momento


Okay, gracias por responder :)

oficialmente no, pero existen motores de traducción para rempy que puedes usar, son muy fáciles de instalar y la ultima vez me funciono bien con LD (obvio son traducciones de google, pero peor es nada)

Interesante, te molestaría pasar el enlace? Te lo agradecería mucho :D

Ese es el enlace oficial, la guía para instalación esta ahi mismo, pero si por cualquier razón no funciona, intenta buscar versiones mas actualizadas del mismo traductor "Translator3000" en foros de internet

Muchas gracias por tu amabilidad ;D

Do ya know how to go to jungle?

I'm already finished free tao but I don't know the way to explore island

(1 edit)

Have you cleared a way to island? There would be some obstructers which block a way to island at the junkyard entrance, also you need to talk with guards there to process. 

it's work! Thank you🙏 

You're welcome.

I'm stuck on Northcrest Conspiracy. The step is "Explore the deeper part of the Murcad Cove cave together with Scar.

Inside the cave, it says "Better not venture further ahead without consulting with Scar first."

When I talk with Scar, the only options are Jester, Note from cave, and Gift. No tasks.  Am I missing something?

When you arrived at the cove entrance there should be an option where you can enter it with scar

Hi, just out of curiosity. What happens if you make Tao your sex slave? Or if you decide to free him, what happens?

Deleted 286 days ago

Someone know how to clear the barricade in Mythshore? I cant seem to do it. 


You need tools to clear the barricade

Thank you c: 


Hey hey... Grushk called me "Hatchling..." How dares he >:( xD?

Recently got into the game and I was doing the Lizards Treasures quest. I went to the witch’s hut to ask her about it(as I looked it up after a while of struggling) and she doesn’t give me any dialogue(both day and night forms). Is it meant to be like that or am I missing something?

Good evening I can not find the location write about the quest

have you spoke to Korg about the area? cause it doesn't unlock until you do.

We can find korg were cause I can't find it at home


did you use the love potion?




pretty sure he's gone forever because u used the love potion.


then I'm pretty sure your softlocked. this is a thing that happens when you start the quest and do that event during it, you gotta reload a save from before you used the potion.


Can I only get Dulrigs heart on the first Munberry trip? My guy is set to versatile and bottom and I give him x5 emerine but still no heart. Any info would help, thanks.

it's weird, you can't be super eager during the trip or you don't get the heart. so like, do one sexual thing and talk to him once and then give the emerine and see if that works.


will there be an update in the future with more Logan romance content and perhaps a function where you can recruit an ally for battle? specifically people you have a good relationship with (that have battle experience of course)

The Logan thing is sure to happen eventually and instead of putting characters, it will be pets like the wolf that help you in battle but I hope I'm wrong.

Thank you. I already know how to utilize pets. I was just hoping i could use Logan as a partner

(2 edits) (+1)

first thing, yes. Logan will prolly have a LOT more content in the future. second, prolly because it's technically already in game but atm it's only for certain story stuff rn instead of anywhere gameplay.

How do you get the scene with Everett and Booner at night in Northcrest? I tried exploring the residential area and market place multiple times but its not showing up

you need to unlock battleground area first when you have access there roam the street at night resident are to sex with booner market area to see their cg

hiii I'm stuck with something how can I get more sulfur clod I just tried everything but It doesn't seem to work can someone tell me where or how can I get it pls?

How can I have sex with Grushk?

(1 edit) (+1)

You can have sex with him while doing Scouting Mission quest. There would be an option call "Use yourself as a distraction." Another and repeatable way is giving him a lust incense and try to talk with him again, there a chance to trigger sex scene (If you not, go back and talk to him again). You also need to have love potion with you.

Deleted 350 days ago

I have a question about "Normal Logan" (top) path. In the Werewolf questlines, before curing Logan, you could capture him and have fun with him (MC as a top). The MC would say something like it would be possible to top Logan in the future. Did anyone test this yet? To top Logan in his normal route.

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no need to test it since rn since Hyao would alert us if that was a thing. so like right now no it's not possible, but that dialog could be a little bit of hope for future stuff.

Hi, I just downloaded it again after a few years and I am very impressed by the many changes. The music and visuals are beautiful.

While the above honey is true, I have some vinegar (maybe). Is there a bug or am I doing something wrong? I try playing the hero route, but defeating bandits in Benard's job, does not count unless I win by teasing?


I think it's a story lock, introducing us to use another method for winning.

hii!!! can someone plsss help me? i dont have the option to kiss tank while sleeping w him :'( how can i active that option?? thanks ^-^

You need to talk to Seth (aka. Scar) about Tank's past and others. Then try to sleep around 20.00 - 22.00. There should be an option to sleep with him.

I can't seem to activate the Scouting Mission quest. It doesn't pop up when I enter the ruins. Help?

hi!! so you have to explore misty abiss first, so when you enter the temple you will have a conversation w grushk and thas it ^-^

Thank you for replying but I've tried this, there's still no Scouting Mission quest when I enter the lizard's camp.

you find the not-so-lustful lizard? you have to find him first too *-* his in the third part of misty abiss

Where can I find Ruins of Settlement to unlock the conversation with Yeti? Help

You need to explore the area nearby in the mountain trail.

Can someone tell me how to start the  new wolves den quest? I have done trouble in den, captured caleb, and mythshore event but i cant seem to trigger it. I'm in bottom Logan path btw.

did you make logan into a slutty power bottom or did you discorage him to go to the bandit camp

Hes a bottom in my save. Does that mean i cant unlock the new Brimscorch werewolf content? Since i can finish troubles in den just fine, i thought it didnt matter whether you make Logan a bottom or not for the new WW event...

Y'all probably got this answered already but I'm to dumb to find out who and where is vadir

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He is the owner of the tavern near redwood forest. You need to enter the tavern to talk and get some quests from him.

Ok thank yoooouuuuu👌

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how to get some action from roushk during training? he always get all shy and stop, i have two heart

You need to give him lust incense, first give the incense holder (don't remember if it's the correct name), then give him the incense


done that but he still all shy for me, >:3 need to make him into my scaley bish

I don't know if you can top him, but you can get a bottom dom scene. you can try and be a top during that scene and see if it gives you a top dom scene with him. the only requirement is having high strength and winning the duel with a certain amount of hearts.

is your character a dom bottom or sub bottom? if your sub bottom the scene won't play unless you lose the fight, while if your dom bottom the scene won't play unless you win. so basically, if you wanna be submissive, reduce your strength as much as possible and be submissive in the stat menu instead of dominant, but if you wanna be in control, blast your strength to high hell and be dominant in the stat menu instead of submissive.

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