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Deleted 1 year ago
(2 edits) (+7)(-8)

Why can't you just enjoy the game as Hyao planned rather than always finding something wrong with it. I for one don't see a need for pronouns in a game that shows male homosexuality as its main selling point. 


Gatekeeping is not the solution...

(1 edit) (+2)(-8)

As an alternative way to reduce, no better yet, to delete gatekeeping, why dont we remove LGBTQIA+ labels from society? Answer --> We cant, because humans as a society have shown definitely questionable levels of respect to others. So yeah, congrats Society, we have created labels in a desperate way to earn respect but also they act like a heaaaaavy anchor that we have to carry ;).

If things worked as they should, we would never need them...

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

I don't want to start a fight here so I won't answer anything beyond this point, but I think you are misunderstanding what gatekeeping is...

Removing labels is just about nomenclature... the Him-s, She-s and Them-s would still love be addressed by his, hers and theirs preferred pronouns even if there's no more "naming" gays, lesbians and trans...

Gatekeeping is about not be inclusive in a intentional way, like when refiner214 says: "I for one don't see a need for pronouns in a game that shows male homosexuality as its main selling point." so trans and enbys should accept playing as male or female and don't ASK for more options, they weren't even complaining, just ASKING...


I may not get what gatekeeping is but you dont get labels either... Cool. 

I wont add anything else. It´s not gonna change anything anyways. Itsara down there clarified everything. Case closed. 

(1 edit) (+2)(-3)

Look this is really dumb and don't even feel like I should have to defend what I meant to say but I guess the time we live in we have to be careful about everything. But since I was tagged in a comment that I made yesterday let me clarify what I meant so people like @marcusvinicius1986 wouldn't feel like I am "GateKeeping". I wasn't saying to exclude people or to upset a group of people but to allow the writers to decide what THEY want to do. Most of us are here just playing the free demo, so before maybe asking for something maybe see how everything turns out first. I will say that maybe I came off rude to Can Of Garbage and if that was the case, I'm sorry for that, but people need to stop taking every word and turning it into a moment for them to "Put someone in their place" because it wasn't that serious. Now with that please do not @ me just because you did not like my comment. 

Deleted post
(4 edits) (+4)

Actually, I think Hyao can. But it will cause a very huge update since most of dialogue and events would be changed. You may think Hyao just need to add options for players to select a pronounce for MC, but it mean Hyao need to redo every single dialogue from the beginning to match with a pronounce you have chosen. Just like a novel with a lot of alter version just because pronounce, body, and gender be changed.

And it will be hard since not only Hyao who writes story scripts but also another guest authors who write it.

Deleted post

I think that, depending on how the code was written (And I'm saying it with my low acknoledge of coding), it can be easily done.

If Hyao marked the pronouns used in the dialogues with a specific tag, it can be coded to change based on the players choice.

(2 edits) (+2)

You may right, if I remember correctly, some of coding script was written to be compatible with the change of gender and pronounce like 

"bra bra bra (mc.gender) bra bra bra." 

But some of them not, like 

if mc.gender = male >> show texts A, if not >> show texts B (just an example, Python is not written by that.) 

So it still hard to redo it from the beginning, in my opinion btw.


Yeah. In the end, depends of the code that Hyao used.


not an opinion, it's facts lol. redoing EVERYTHING from the beginning would take a long ass time and would potentially take 2 months/more to add because of how large the game is current and the 2 months is a generous guess even when assuming Hyao would do only that until it was done instead of content updates.


An in-universe answer is that society is "transfobic" or at least not trans welcoming, since the trans characters hide this fact, although these characters are written by a guest author so maybe, like for race, only some place don't like some kind of people.

An out-of-universe answer is that you'd need to change too much stuff. For example, while in some cases you have phrases like "Dulrig said:<<You are a good [if Male "boy"/ if Female "girl"], [if Male "lad"/ if Female "gal"]>>" that can be easily changed, sometimes you have scenes that change based if you are male or female, like "Then Logan started to [if Male "stroke your cock saying:<<You're a horny boy"/if Female "touch your clit saying:<<You're a horny girl>>"]".

The thing that I don't understand is that I assumed that a trans guy would play as male and a trans girl as female having the opposite problem of yours (correct pronouns and incorrect body parts)


At the very least, I have to admit, it is interesting to read how the code looks like lol. And yet, I am probably right if I say this is nothing but scratching the surface of the whole thing huh.

Deleted post

Can someone tell me how I send my saves to another cell phone?

hi, how do i get the cloth?

(3 edits)

In bareshade in the tailor store (Rose)




How do I get back home?


you are currently stuck there until the next update (or updates) depending on how long it will takes hyao to bring you home :)


Hi.... can we bring "him" back?? I never expected for him to get... "removed" like that... it hurts.. Hyao you're cruel.. I'm bawling like a damn baby over an adult game. Fck.

"Him" ??

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

[Spoiler Alert]

Maybe Gunnar.

Reckon it was censored for spoiler reasons...

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh, sorry. I think we already know it for a month or two. But I will censor it. Thank for reminding me >:D


100% same... i did not use all my effort to "charm" him just so he could be ripped out of my book 😭... but as it was explained to me, it needed to happen.


he is the first person ever to be "removed" so we can't be certain. with how many people just came out the woodworks when he got removed, I think he has a good chance of being alive/coming back to life. plus, he finally has a heart with us so like.... unless Hyao is getting our hopes up to fucking tear our hearts out, he should eventually come back.

Where can I find this? I tried searching for it but couldn't find it.

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

[I misunderstand the question, sorry]


I think you mean the bar's basement.

What do I have to do to explore the tavern? It says you need a light to explore.


you can craft torches at home or after you complete the bandit camp questline you can unlock an amulet that glows permanently when equipped, for that you need to go to new forest you just unlocked after the bandit questline is done and explore it until you unlock the troll bridge which then you need to look for another way around the bridge and find a cave with glowshrooms/worms, I don't remember exactly which. last step is to choose between the witch or Othra for the amulet. 

Yes, I misunderstand it. Thank you >:D


isn't that place for Emerine?


Oh, I misunderstand it. Thank for correct it!

Can i still get 3 hearts from logan because i didn't know you was supposed to do the "i owe you a beer" quest before completing the trouble in the den

Sadly, you need to have your Logan heart less than 2 to trigger "I own you a beer" event. But since you get the 2nd heart from the trouble in den event, you cannot get the 3nd heart from "I own you a beer" event. I suggest you to reload your save to previous save file and play it again.


What are the ingredients of the aphrodisiac?

(2 edits) (+2)

water lily, essence blue, succubus leaf, empty spot and essence green. 

Source: xXToothless113Xx. I felt kinda lazy so I copy-pasted one of his comments where somebody else asked the same thing :p 


what Mengor said lol

Hey, does anyone know if Logan is the only one who notice during sex scene that mc is a virgin? That was sweet, he was kinda happy that mc was waiting for him and now I wonder if anyone else would react same.

Hyao specifically mentioned when he wrote a scene like that for Logan in the update notes, so I don't think so.


Thanks for answer :з



I gave Korg a love potion, and I can't finish it, do you have any suggestions?


reload a save. your kinda screwed otherwise.....


It seems a lot of people like using the love potion on Korg somehow xD


I did once too but when I saw he ditched I deleted every trace of that save lmao.


What do I need to do to complete the Aaron's Stop Stoker quest?

(1 edit) (+1)

the Stalker is Hayden, and you need a certain stat level to either side with Hayden and bathe Arion or side with Arion and stop Hayden. just go to Hayden and the choices should tell you what the stats you need are if you don't already have what's required.

Something weird ended up happening with my save at some points, so I lost my love stat w/ roushk, any way to fix this?


Not me crying over a porn game right now... Damn, I was working so hard for that heart as well haha. I feel like the writing is getting better and better.


Right!?!? As soon as i saw "... loves you more" i was like 😲 


and then "relation log removed."


thats the part that stung the most 

Where can I find Binding Powder?  I tried looking everywhere but couldn't find it.

You can buy some from Torben

Can you post a picture of him? I don't know his name at all?


I'm pretty sure that you can first find him on the track and then later on at the river's bank and at his house in bareshade after doing the bareshade's expansion event.

Mmm... Torben thicc merchant lol 


you can also find him during the fair!


Also Bernard

Anyone know how to increase the sexual experience ?

My ass stat and mouth stat is high enough but my cock stat is still stuck at beginner


When you're relieving yourself, choose to jerk off or by dominating/topping on the battlefield.


fuck literally anything and everything you can. you gain it by doing any and all sex scenes, I use the troll from the bridge scene when he has high like to farm for butt and mouth experience and it works pretty well! so I suggest you try to find a character scene where MC is top and is repeatable anytime and as many times as you want. if you're ok with overleveling your appearance stat though you can use that and insta win fights against the satyrs who you can face or butt fuck after getting to max lust in the fights. if you already have Everett and Feliar fucking you can also do the sex scene with those 2 and choose to either top or be in the middle to increase your cock stat too. plus as VolxdoSioda said, you can just jerk off too. if you get the sexually exhausted stat from fucking too much you can just throw lust potions I believe.


Ah yes... my endless lusty top troll bridge xD. Maybe I should pay him a visit or 2 :P


Or a 1000, that is how many times you have to use your cock to get to expert level

Thanks for the replies

I want to ask another thing. When finishing the Lizard treasure quest, there are "make a speech" option and "do your best" option when sitting between Othra and Roushk. But in my case there's only "do your best" option. Is there something I need to do to trigger the "make a speech" option ?

You should have at least 9 int if I remember correctly

I already have 15 int and it still the same


Oh wait I get it now, I need to have 13+ on charisma and/or appearance 

I can't make a progress on "The Curse of Lust" quest. How can I learn the recipe of Restrain potion?

if you cant learn the restraint potion, then i recommend either getting the crafting recepie(or however its spelt) from the cheat menu, or getting some restraint potions from the cheat menu.


Thank you so much <3

you're welcome.

(2 edits) (+1)

you learn the restrain potion from a quest you get from Bernard, he asks for help with sexual urges as a quest which then allows you to study the potion at home and learn it after accepting it. doesn't even need to be finished to learn the potion lol. you can also use Ben Dover's guide which has all recipes! 

also this is the recipe. if your good with just using a comment!

red berry




red berry


Thank you so much <3

np, have fun!


someone was able to approach Tank, I’m having a hard time getting it?

(1 edit) (+1)

How can i get out to the red wood forest?

We cant for now. Lets see what happens in the next update. 


I dont want to spoil anything but, im so sad/mad that the person i really liked died and got taken out of our relationship journal 😭😭😭. Please ruin the story for me, will we see him again? 😭😭😭


Who knows. Only Hyao can decide that. I could be wrong, but based on the number of people that liked "that character", it should return later. Right?

(I know, I´ll get roasted to negative points by saying this xDDD) But if it doesnt happen then. Perfect ;D, I dont need it... "Acta est fabula" for him.  


i hope they "decide" to bring him back,  i dont care if he is evil this time around,  "i can change him." 😂. Lol at least bring back his relationship tab so i can "honor" his memory. 


I love him now but don't blame you for not caring if he comes back lmao. however, where did you hear "Acta est fabula"? and why do I feel like it is literally the perfect phrase for how this character died lmao. 

seriously if he didn't die a lot of things wouldn't have had as big an impact nor felt as serious. we might not have thought the danger in Northcrest was bad if someone didn't die, and since it was someone that we know personally and our companions had been with almost their entire lives, it reveals how incredibly dire everything is. plus, now the companions we are with atm have another reason to fight, to honor his memory and be rid the world of those who stole him from them. 

I hate character deaths but sometimes a story isn't good without them. if you just resurrect the dead every time someone dies or never have any good guys die it's not always going to be a good story because there is no suspense or concern about how things could go wrong. which it's also the same with the opposite, character death constantly just makes everyone far less invested in characters since we know they prolly die in 5 minutes anyway causing everyone to eventually abandon the series knowing nothing good will happen anyway. in this maybe his death was one of the only ways to convey the tone this chapter of the story needs, as much as it pains me to say that.

(3 edits) (+2)

For everyone curious, "acta est fabula" is the screen you get when Fiona dies in Haunting Ground (a survival horror/clock tower-ish game that I highly recommend by the way, if you like that genre) 

As for characters dying, yeah it sucks, specially when one gets attached to it xD. I guess I never found this character in particular appealling enough. He was always way too wary/cautious to the MC which never worked for me. But I understand that it fits perfectly with the rest of elements of the story so nothing can be done :P


I hate that both of you made this all make sense 😅, Should have just let me be angry 🤣.

Guess now I gotta put my attention ("Honor") on another character (need to get myself mentally detached now🫠).


When i sae that phrase i couldnt pin where i heard it lmao, i thought it was a genshin impact saying 😅


we can't spoil anything as nothing is there to spoil yet sadly :( I know what you mean though, I finally started liking this character after hating him for being one of the biggest assholes and now he's dead :( we all hope he comes back, but as Mengor said only Hyao can decide who lives who dies since he tells this story.

Deleted 81 days ago

if you're able to "mount" your animals at the mentors hut near forest, then I would say you got all that you could get from 'beast lover', but I'm actually not sure if that is all...

What happens if Korg leaves before Country Road questline? Rip quest xD? 



(1 edit) (+1)
它在文件夹中: \(安装游戏的文件夹)\LustfulDesires-0.52.0-pc\LustfulDesires.exe 使用 Google 一名翻译

I love this game sooooo much, can't wait for the story development of Northcrest and Nameless events. NICE WORK BTW, GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!!!! 🤌🏻❤️


Sorry, but I couldnt help the meme:

Nameless: exists.

Me: I mean, I am not a slut, but who knows xD


every male in this entire game: exists

Me: 5 bucks is 5 bucks.....

How meet garuik again I mean I already meet him at the new road and he said "lead the way" when I going back home and didn't see him at all. HOW. EXACTLY?

after meeting Garuik, return to hut after midnight

he only has 2 one time event's rn as far as I know and you can't interact with him otherwise. I don't remember the trigger for the second one, but Baconnegg suggests going after midnight so try that!

Can anyone tell me where the redwood forest

it appears after the mission with Scar and Gunnar

I don't get it

You need to fully complete the Northcrest quest line -which you can see in your journal. Get the other things mostly complete before going to Northcrest with Scar, Tank, and Gunner. It'll give you a prompt to save when you know the quest.


I love your work and enjoy the story you have set.  I use the cheats to catch back up because, i love when Logan give my guy kisses.  I do have a question, is there consequence for using it?

I am a struggling artist that basically had a lack of connection and resources my entire life.  Truthfully if some individuals basically didn't burned bridges I had established I probably would only had the ps3 as a way to pass my time.  Sorry for digressing.

I am trying to say I am still trying to become a good artist but, I don't want to miss this game either.  


I don't want to act like I know what you been through, but it feels to me that you lack a sense of community and friendship, I think you could really enjoy joining the discord server, it will be easier to make friends, or if you shy feel free to send me a message anytime you need to vent...

I also bet we'll all see the greatness of your art in no time.


How do we join discord? And @RegreSinx, I am curious to know what kind of art do you often do :)?

click here: Discord there is no need to download the app, it works well on the browser.

Weird. It says invalid invitation =(

(1 edit) (+1)

Weird, in the game frontpage it should have a new link for the discord...


I wanted to be a porn artist ever since I was 14.  I am 33 now and grateful I had waited of age but, I didn't planned to wat pass 18......  gay porn of random men I thought was hot in my youth and, hmm.  I still suck so just lines and scribble


That's not it.  But, I will online community most definitely.  I had always manage to gain a social grouping even when I didn't seek it because, I was pursuing art, craft anything art related.  I did it this ways all my life because I tend to need a lot of practice and motivation.  Home life didn't help.  I regret that I did it this way for so long because, the time really was advancing.  

There is tones of reason so, if you're willing to help me learn discord I will be grateful.


For the first question, no, there no consequence for using it. Hyao design cheating mode to make player catch up with the previous update contains faster. Cheating mode actually made for big update in 0.30 which cause older save to crash and cannot be played.

And I want to send you a good cheer up, wish you can be a good artist as you want. >:D

thank you.  btw, who got remove?  why too?


If you mean got remove in game. It would be a spoiler ...



for the first thing there aren't any consequences for using the cheat menu. it only has a risk to break a save if you grab something you're not supposed to have because it can cut off certain story events because you need to not have the item for those story events.

and the second thing, I'm sorry you're going through this. it's prolly gotten even harder than it was originally because of the AI bullshit lately but just know everything should take a turn for the better eventually. life usually comes in waves of good and bad, sounds like you've been through the ringer so you should get some good luck soon :) it's also no problem sharing this, unless you're trying to use the comment section/fan base of this as therapists. we are horny gay furries with a lack of morality that could frighten anyone lmao. however, as MarcusVinicius said, you should join the discord! don't try and spam art promotions as that would get you banned, but you could make some great friends who might be able to help you out with things!

also, neither is exclusive, you can be an amazing artist and still enjoy the game. some people I follow on twitter who do drawings and animations I fully believe could be in an animated film worth like 2 million play this game and are plenty caught up! you just gotta know the line between too much playtime and balanced playtime. don't play so long you can't do your job/work on getting better but don't think you need to do nothing but practice/do work and play when you wanna. also just know I and prolly quite a couple other people are rooting for you to succeed. gl on your journey!

(1 edit)

I’d like an iOS version doesn’t anyone know that you can use AltStore to install third party apps not endorsed by Apple? Best part is u don’t have to jailbreak ur iPhone/Pad to use it. I have several emulators on mine. 

For those in the Redwood Forest, has anyone figured out how to make the beds for the camp? I saw that they were added, but I can't seem to make them.

You need 4 pieces of wood, beast fur, fern leaf each. You also need to see Tank protecting camp event once. This event should trigger during the night around 2-3 days after you reach to Redwood and it RNG.


I don't wanna tell you how to do YOUR game, but could you please put in the game the art for the early game enemies and gear? until now we don't have the "pair of bandits" or the image for most of the gears MC uses...


Actually, Hyao is not the one who makes the arts, he buys it from other artists.

He is doing what he can with the amount of money he receive for month. If you are not satisfied with it, try supporting him on Patreon to help the game development.

(1 edit) (-3)

First - I started by saying "I don't wanna tell you how to do YOUR game", so take all this a a suggestion.

Second - I know he buys art for the game, and BECAUSE of this, wouldn't make more sense to buy FIRST the art for the most viewed/most played parts of the game? like the pair of bandits we fight since in-game day 4.

Third - wouldn't gear (very small images) cost way less than characters? therefore be able to get more done with the money available?

Fourth - I want to support him, I've been playing this game since the middle of last year and haven't loose a single update, but right now I'm unemployed so I just can't.

Not everything is a criticism...


Doing old art means I won't have current art and my recent approach to the game is I want to have sprites for the newest events. Whenever one of my artist will have some free time to fill one of the lacking sprites we are going to do it. 

On icons work a separate artist who was feeling more comfortable with items like fruits/potions than an equipment itself, that's why those were handled first. He is slowly starting to work on equipment, so there will be more and more of them in time. 

And those artist have their own lives, their own projects, they can only give me that much every month.


Thank you for the response, and sorry if the way a presented my ideas/point of view were offensive in any way. Love the game I'll surely sub to the Patrion as soon as I start working again.


You know what... Fuck it, I'm gonna start learning how to draw... I have aspirations of become a game developer anyway, at least is a start...

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Hyao try to add more gear and another icons in almost every update, you can see on the update logs, I think it will fully update in next several updates.

And I also want to see pair of bandits too, even I have seen some fanart of them.

OHHH! I'd love to see some fanart


Bandits - I think that's the fanart Itsara mentioned about. Or at least that's the only one I could find. 


Yes! This is what I mention to! Thank you >:D

Thank you both!


it's so weird seeing your old twitter handle being @ed lmao. why did you change from Artemis btw?


Ummm did i do something wrong the dialogue is not showing itself

(1 edit)

Have you already seen Gunnar meeting with Everett? It should trigger by exploring Northcrest Training Ground on Tue, Thu, Sat (during 8:00-18:00). Also, you need to visited both Mythshore and Orc's village to trigger this event.

I already completed both of those quest but somehow the bug still doesn't show a bug maybe?

(1 edit)

So, have you meet Everett talking with Gunnar about MC yet? It's a requirement for Everett conversations. If you are sure that you have met every requirement event for the meeting, just try it again. Because it also RNG to trigger.

How can I boost Logan's morale?

Is boosting Logan's morale mean turn Logan to Top again? If I understand it correctly, there no way to change the route after you choose a choice. So you cannot change him from Bottom Logan route to Top Logan route.


as itsara said it's impossible to change from bottom to top if you mean that, but if you mean his like meter and love events there are quite a few ways! I'll start with one time events I can remember,

the first meeting if you tell him about what his wife did I believe he gets some like to you because you told the truth. 

next the village being attacked if you treat his wounds right away and don't ask if he wants help, he gets some like.

if you discourage him from going to the bandit camp and help him with the wall and doing the right choices you get more like.

the first search if you go along and do the right choices again during both day and the night variants.

I don't know if this one is after or before the attack but I know it's for sure after the first search, this one being the confrontation. he starts getting mad and you have the option to get pissed and call him out or stay silent, choosing to call him out gets you punched but also more like and a cute scene of him opening up to us a little.

this is the "attack" I mentioned (it's just Bernard thought he saw Caleb and Logan was changing into a werewolf for the first time) if you choose to check on Logan and stay with him he gets like and a Love point and another cute scene after he wakes up.

I don't know if when he says you should have picked Bernard if it get's like but it might.

before you get the cure and save Bernard, you can give Logan wolves bane during the day and it gives more like to him one time and unlocks a continuous event at night until he's given Antilycan.

then "curing" him I believe gives you more like as well.

then after doing some events such as Barrel and Logan almost getting into a fight (Barrel didn't really care and was just being horny, Logan got pissed because that was gross. I would have sucked his dick but Logan ain't me lmao) the next event would be all 3 Bareshade expansions, and last I think is the country road event where you make a path to Ste's house. during that event if you do everything perfectly you get a lot of Logan like too. however all of those lead up to the next event, the one where he visit's your house in Bareshade. this is INCREDIBLY important. he comes in and offers some booze or wine and you start talking. mentioning his wife causes his to get upsetish but other things give like I believe. after your done talking though he gets super drunk and starts trying to fuck you. if you say yes if your werewolf like is high enough he turns into a werewolf and screws your brains out, but if it's low he stays human. either of these scenes come at a major cost though, it gives a black heart, and he will HATE you. just decline this scene and you get something both cute and depressing plus another good heart for him.

also, this is one I don't remember but I think it does give like too, that being the training the new guards for the watchtower upgrade with Logan and the drunk dudes. say he smells nice and it should give like I believe.

once you get the fair unlocked as one of the expansions you can also go to his house and invite him, again onetime thing but once you do if you make it fun, he gets more like with you and gives you a trinket he won from a game you play with him.

I think the next one Logan starts sneaking out of Bareshade and you follow him into the wolves' den where you fight the Alpha, and you can encourage or discourage transformation with him but either one you get more like.

the swamp werewolf thing is next, do the event where he goes to your house in Bareshade first though because if you don't I hear you can get soft locked out of that event forever. this one is triggered after the one mentioned before is completed and has a lot of steps to start, the game guides you in the right direction though so just follow what the game says and you'll get both his third Heart and a spicy scene with him as a werewolf or human depending on what you choose.

the last thing should be the diabosite weights. once you have 3 hearts (I think this could be not a requirement but if it doesn't show up and you only have 2 maybe it is) and diabosite unlocked you can ask Blake to make some for Logan and he will thank you after recieving them. you can also then suck his dick if you ask to watch him workout when you have 3 hearts with him.

that should be it for onetime events, now repeatable.

work out, doing this has a limit eventually but it's a good start.

getting him wood from the quest that appears after completing his first quest to fetch Oak Wood, his new Axe from Blake and water lilies.

if you gave him wolves bane at night you can visit him and until you have the "cure" you can just stay with him and get more like for a while. this also has a limit but it's not easy to hit if your actively trying to get the Antilycan lol.

after that or a different quest from him you can get a quest to give him more Antilycan and wolves bane so he can suppress the wolf and that gives more like too everytime for a certain amount of times.

certain gift's I believe are able to be given multiple times and give like each time so those too. idk since I haven't tried but with other characters it works so prolly him too lol. 

if you do the stay with Bernard the whole day thing sometimes Logan will come in and if you go with him and work in silence it gives more like too.

that's all I got for now. if anyone has anything to add that would be nice!

Why do I come to the plain and I can't see Groth

Why do I come to the plain and I can't see Groth

(1 edit)

Can you give me more detail, like what time do you go to the plain, how your game processes, and have you enter to the dungeon at the plain yet?

I'm in but once I'm out there's no option to get in

According to Orc's War Event logs, first, you need to talk with Orgram to start the event.

After that, you need to go to Plains of Death. Please make sure you be there during daytime (6.00 - 19.59).

Then, select "Path to the shine."  It should automatically trigger the event which lead you to fight the red orc.


I'm stuck in redwood forest, did I mess up? Cause I can't seem to find a way to escape that place other than loading in on a different save...

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No, you have reach WIP part. You need to wait for the next update. But you can gather some new materials there and also some new enemy too. And don't forget to upgrade your camp so you can make a pot for potion making.

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After getting 3 hearts with Logan (I have 2 bc I missed the beer heart) how do I have like fun or spend time with him because even if I got 2 love and did almost all his story line for event line (such as trouble in the den or full moon) I can’t do anything with him 

Y’all know a way?

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Firstly, I need to know what is "I missed the beer heart", does it mean you haven't triggered that event yet or you select the wrong choice in that event.

Have you seen character log? There's a tab name "love" at each character which suggest you what you need to do to get character heart. Like this

basically I finished the troubles in the den event or the main buy and then the side quest were getting hearts with Logan so I got my first one already and it told me to get the second heart which is the beer event so I did the first step seeing them fighting in the bar then it told me to go home for the rest of that heart but instead of doing that I went straight away to the last heart event where he ya know claims you but when I went back o check for Logan hearts I had 2/3 and there were a X for the beer event heart  

You are locked out of that second heart, it was imperative to get the second heart before the third one... Sorry

ok so does that mean if I can’t ever have any good (fun) moments with him anymore because I just want to be with him

Sadly, but yes, you need to have your Logan heart less than 2 to trigger "I own you a beer" event. But since you get the 2nd heart from the lasted event, you cannot get the 2nd heart. I suggest you to reload your save to previous save file and play it again.  Or if you want, I can give you the save.

why do my comments keep getting deleted what the flip

But I can see all your comments below. I think it just some kind of refreshing page thing.

I was wondering what is the difference between positive and negative attitudes and which is better?


Negative attitudes means that the enemy will attack you with physical attacks more then lewd ones, some enemies will also be more inclined to flee battles...

Positive attitudes means the the enemy will actually like you more or be more lewd then physically violent during fights, some end-scenes will be more sexual and or have more sex participants...

examples of this include the werewolves and Orcs!

Btw how do i increase bandit's morale?

go to bandit camp and meet jester, give them money or you can be their low rent beaches


Love this game, hope we'll get a corruption route with Bernard where we Rejected him after we got a heart or something then he turns obsessive and had a hard time maintaining his anger issues

I want to know how to make an aphrodisiac


water lily, essence blue, succubus leaf, empty spot and essence green.


thank you


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