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can anyone help me, i'm kinda lost. i already arrive at the orcs camp and required to catch me big pig thing. even though i already throw a lot of lure it still doesn't come back with me back to the orc camp. can anyone help me solve this please.

p/s: i already done it like 20 times trying to catch that pig beast but still unable to make it follow me back to the camp


You might have another companion with you. If thats a case, then you need to leave him at orcs tribe

i did leave them at the orcs tribe but still won't be able to catch the damn pig

Are there consequences for not giving Wolfs Bane to Bernard/Logan?? 

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If you don't give them wolf's banes at the first time. They will lose control and running to the forest (Wolven den). You need to find them at night and beat them to bring them back. After that, there are events which you need to cure them to complete Werewolf event just like when you give them Wolf's banes. But if you give them Wolf's banes, they will like you more. But if you lie about lack of remedy, they will like you less.

Okay, so I already posted almost a week ago that I could not get Logan to visit my little hut in Bareshade because I advanced a little too much on the events, but now I redid everything before continuing his quest, and got in and out of the house, went for a private bath to make it later, and he still does not show up.

I am doing something wrong or....?


Just copy pasting my last comment about it-

This one is a bit tricky, since you'll need to do quite a lot - it took me more than a month in game to get it because I was kinda lost too.

Make sure you only has one heart with him, 'k? It won't happen if you have the third heart (involving the Den event). But you'll need at least 40 likes too. I did with 70 and went smoothly. 

First, you'll need to talk to him and help him with his job.

You'll need to progress on the Living Aspects of the village too, with Bernard.

Then the "new road" event, offering Ste to go to Bareshade and talking about constructing a new road since the underground can be dangerous. You'll also need to supervise and help the workers. (I got anxious trying to keep everyone alive, seriously).

I also went to the fair with him, but be careful on what you talk about. He won the guessing game (boy just loves our smell, and he knows we knows it) and gave us a Lucky Charm necklace. Wear it. 

Then stay at your home in Bareshade, not the hut. At night he'll make a visit. Create a save file if you want to have the angry sex scene, but came back and choose to stop him if you want the heart. In the morning, grab his hand.

Hope it helps ♡


I just lost all my save bcs the file broke...-



I can provide you my save files. So please don't hesitate to tell me if you want some.

(1 edit) (+2)

Now I just wonder what Korg and Bareshade villagers will do when we didn't come back home for a month or two and also lose touch with everyone in Bareshade. Since in Gloryhole bad ending, Korg was expelled from the village (MC's house for more specific) because villagers suspect that Korg is the cause of MC disappearance. Also, there some of them feels depressed when MC gone and try to find us day and night. 

And yes, meanwhile MC enjoying(?) in the mind-break ecstasy.

Hey itsara, you probably already forget me but im claw!.

Where is Ben Dover? Im pretty sure he got a Fanmade guide.

and very sad the save that you have me is gone :(

Can i have the link to the guide? I will start all over again :<

But well it is what it is

Lustful desires fan-made guide (Public locked version) - Google Sheets

Here a fan-made guide by Ben Dover.

It's okay, I do remember you now!

First, here a guide.

Second, I can provide you my save files, so please tell me which route, part do you want?

Ehem, before i want to thanks about the guide, and now you offer me to have your file, you're to nice itsara!.

Can i have the good route?

It's okay, here a save files.


I would like to know how to migrate the old version to the new version for android because now i play on my phone


If I remember it correctly, you just need to install an update one and it will replace your old one with a new old while your old save files are safe. I'm not sure we need to migrate that since in PC we just place a new one in an old one and play it.


Thank you very much and I wish you more handsome.


I like that Gunnar actually addresses how suspicious it is that the herbalist seemingly has no background and came out of nowhere. I hope that this is touched on more later on. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Walk into northcrest naked. It'll prompt an event.


doesn't need to be naked, just remove the pants and undies and that works too if you wanna keep other gear on.


You can also attempt to steal some money while wandering in Northcrest's market area. If you don't have enough AGI, there a change that you will be caught and sent to jail.


how do i name the dog??? because i typed a   name in then press enter/space but it brings me back to the thing before it 

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i have just lost half of my progress is gone and i didn't press the x so what happed 


I'm on a wolf mission And I had to choose who I should help. Who should I help the most?

Won't go into spoilers, but go for Logan.

no save it at the point so you can go both way


suggest Logan since if you pick Bernard you lose some content with Logan, but if you pick Logan you lose nothing with Bernard.

This is major choices which may this game separated to 2 routes. But you can still play both of routes if you save it before you choose one.

is there more stuff with inkeeper? i remember him having some basic sexual stuff, but then no change for long time - i think there was option to pay him (dom/bot), option with rat and rogue and free drink option (and love potion) anymore stuff? also anything more with blake then massage

if you have a high lewd fame and jerk off during I think afternoon in game and maybe some like with him you got a chance to get a scene outside. 

Blake only has 3 scenes atm one being his massage scene you mentioned the other 2 are his love potion event and the other MC isn't involved in at all. that's the one with Arion.

yeah, i know about arion, didnt know about the afternoon, how to increase lewd fame?

walk into town naked as one way, do the jerk off in public thing a shit ton because you'll get caught some of the time and if you have any gunnar like sleep with him in front of Torbens house. eventually you'll get the option from Harold to sleep with people in his bar for money and that also works.

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stil no luck - spamming it whole day and either no one notices or someone notice but it is really short text

nevermind, he found me and offered me belly play, nothing about sleeping with people in his bar - if that wasnt the quest from him which i had open for loong time

yeah it was the quest. glad you got the scene in the end too!

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how do i seduce the matriarch ?
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This game has so much content, I haven't even finished everything and you release a new patch! Thanks for all the hard work and for making this amazing game! :)

I got no 'Tank's past' option when talking to Seth. How do I get it?


I, too, am unsure how to progress. Keep waiting for Scar to wake up

I just kept sleeping until he wakes up

Return to the camp a few days after he wakes up.

I got it. Thanks

Hello, I have a question regarding the orc questline.
I finished the quests to prove myself to the chief, is that everything that is currently avaliable in that storyline?


As far as I know yes, in the event section (the scroll) it should tell you if there is more.

I see, I wanted to make sure since the unfinished questlines had WIP written in the event section, but the orc one seemingly just cut off. Ty for the answer!

is the update here ???

Not yet, sweetie

:( its been so long. Hope it will come soon

it's out now, the update took a little while longer since Hyao needed to finish up the patreon version.

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Will the murcads have nsfw sprites? As in, dicks out?

The artist of the murcads did create the two versions (sfw and nsfw) of it cause i saw it on twitter but there are in patron. So either hyao forgot to add it to 0.51 or hes going  to release it in future updates.

I see, thank you

anything that's an enemy will eventually get a lewd sprite if you can do lewd things with them/seduce them at all.

I was wondering what the difference between red and green was the path it chose when I talked to the lumberjack. please tell me

You can't romance him if you choose red one & he becomes a bottom.



Red = Bad/Morally reprehensible option

Green = Good/Morally correct option

I recently unlocked Mythshore and failed the Perception 10 check and the event tells me to follow the survivors but I'm stuck, how do I continue?

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I reread what you wrote. There should be a route available for you to follow. The goal is to get to the upper left corner of mythshore. If you can't back up or go anywhere, reload a previous save. If you can, get to around level 10 perception then back up and go back to your spot. I recommend using a focus tea, the Christmas gag collar, and the lizard-man blessed piercing to help since all of these should raise perception and you get them pretty early game.



I swear, I never regretted having made a choice so much without having saved the one I wanted before, I went to do the green bug missions there (after having talked to the Witch and accepted her help) I would try to see all the dialogues, ok, but then I started with the one I didn't want, then I saw that I really didn't like it and it would change, ok, then when I least realized there was no way I could change my choice I thought it was amazing what they did, now I'm here dying of regret (I chose to serve the green bug) 

So serving the bug was an bad ideia?

If you choose to serve the green bug(aka the nameless) later in the quest where you and Groth (the orc from the orc village) go check the shrine,the green bug will show up again,and he will ask if you still want to serve him or change your mind.

If you choose to keep serving him,there is a sex scene with him and Groth(if you involve him,but it's a bad option.

Ayooooo that's not guud cuz I choose to serv him..... But I will try to avoid that part 

Thx for the infuuu


Even if I am going to hell, I chose to serve Nameless xD 


you can choose not to have sex with Groth while he's under nameless' control, it's not required to sleep with both. you can just sleep with the nameless only and keep him out of it.

I am from China and I would like to ask how can I change my Korg back to a red heart while playing the game because he is missing

if you used the love potion/got his black heart it's impossible to get him back.

thank you!

You'll probaly have to return a save from before giving him the love potion. Then, do NOT give it to him when the option appears. He'll hate you if u do. 


Sorry, but I have a silly question plus idea

Would be okay if after we found the [spoiler] zombie city and survivors, solving or not the whole situation, we go find comfort with Bernard or/and Logan? 

Cuz really, I find out the whole situation to be quite traumatizing for the MC, even the texts show it how hard it is to be there and walk around. Maybe searching for some comfort with the ones they have a heart or something would be nice.

Love the game, really, I was just thinking about it since I arrived that part. The anxious MC and heavy situation got me thinking about searching comfort, what I believe would be appropriate considering everything. (Aside from getting comfort from Feliar, he's cute, but Bernie and Logan are the best, even if the last one sucks at comforting-)

What do you think?


the idea of telling Bernard about what MC has been through/his adventures sounds amazing and has so many different wonderful applications. like we could tell him about our lewd things and get lewd stuff, sad stuff and get him to talk to MC about certain issues like the fear of the nameless or the zombie city as you said, or adventurous stuff like how we beat the shit out of several people who we should never have been able to beat and he is just like "how? bro how?" while worrying about MC.

Logan maybe would notice the MC seems distant/zoning out more and pretty much force MC into talking about our issues and maybe the "lewd" option from Bernard would instead of having positive sexual interaction would get him to lose like with us or maybe if its werewolf lewd issues he become jealous/more possessive like how he gets if we have high like with the werewolves during his forest scene. the sad stuff would be the same and maybe he would just offer to beat the shit out of it and get us to laugh while explaining that's literally impossible, and the adventure stuff would possibly get him to ask to come with us to help make sure we don't get injured or something like that, which could have a choice pop up that would allow us to take him with us sometimes on adventures to anywhere and he would leave his stock with Bernard while we explored? 

actually maybe this idea could lead into getting certain characters as companions, not just Logan! like whoever you talk too when you choose to speak of your adventures if you've done enough things that they either have seen or know are absolutely true and they have enough heart with you they ask if they can come with on your journey and would replace the animal companion (excluding the horse/wolbauk since they are mounts and decrease time spent traveling, maybe they would just ride with you and the horse/wolbauk would lose combat capability? maybe that would also add in new events when traveling long distances, like your companion wants to rest if it's night and y'all sleep together if you like each other or you set up 2 tents if your just friends.) and that could be how companions are added in more than just a couple one-time events?

plus, we could get more variations of how certain characters react to MC's fighting style, like if we get Korg he would maybe become embarrassed/confused about the lewd "fighting" style or ask to spar sometime if we defeat an enemy quick enough just to see which of us is stronger, him or us. Logan might get pissy if we fuck random enemies and eventually do something like either a sex scene where he says MC is his and MC needs to stop being a slut or a fight where he returns to Bareshade because we are being just like his wife (or do we refer to her as ex-wife at this point?) and it's angering him. if we get Caleb maybe a variation where he join in lewd scenes and when we win asks if we're hiding anything because of how strong we are as a human. if we somehow get Rhot maybe he could start realizing he doesn't hate MC and wants more than just to randomly fuck and becomes closer with him and potentially gets his second heart? maybe after 3 hearts with Roushk/Othra we could get them to leave for a short while so they can learn about humanity/other cultures but after a set amount of time it forces us to take them back home and it won't let us trigger events that lock us into a zone to avoid an issue with the code. I wonder if we could even get the bandits to come with us? specifically if we beat Scar instead of doing the lewd stuff with scar and Tank, we could command a bandit or the 2 bandits to come with us as a sort of protection or just needing them for training? we would finally get some use out of the camp lmao.


I loved all your ideas, omg

But taking them with us will probably be a feature far far away for now, considering how much work this would take. Talking with them in search for comfort or just open ourselves up sounds like a more viable option. 

Still, let's keep our hopes up, yeah?

I can't stop thinking about Bernie looking at us with both worry and admiration on his face while we talk about some shit - like beating the orcs up - or freaking out when we're badly hurt, or even just hugging and caressing while we talk about the Nameless, the zombies, ghouls, and whatnot. Can easily imagine him saying something like "Thank you for keeping your promise (the one about us being careful), I love you too much to lose you", ans something like "I love that you trust me enough to talk about your adventures/misfortunes". Maybe some comfort sex? Praises, sweet love making. Bernie being the cinnamon roll we love.

Or Logan going batshit crazy considering how we smell of death after that town, worried like hell, inspecting and sniffing us to see if we're hurt, or dying. Hugging us enough to hurt when he finishes checking us.  Or being all proud when we say we beat an orc and countless zombies/ghouls. Something like "That's my girl/boy/love" and we question him, just making him go beet red. Proud sex with lots of praises, praise kink going through the roof. Angry praises includes some dirt talk and names.

Or maybe even Rhot hunting us down when we step close to the temple just to check on us since we reek of death, spating something about "Don't make me worry like this ever again, you silly human!" while burrying his snout in our hair or neck, making sure we're alive and well. Making sure we're still hot blooded and fine. "Don't go making people fall in love with you just to almost die!" "So you love me?" "S-SHUT UP" and his tail holding us firm in place. Possessive comfort sex. Easily some "my human needs to make sure to come back" or "never forget to come back to your lizard" between lots of love and possessive talk.

Also, can you imagine Roushk and Othra running through the temple to hug us out of worry? I can, both of them talking about how thankful they are for us to be alive, there with them. Lots of "My hero" talk, some tears (mosly coming from Othra), praises, sweet love talk, admiration talk. A few "thank Razit and Orsu's blessings to keep you safe" and "please, [name], just try to take care of yourself the same way you care for us". Maybe, and a massive maybe, comfort sex and cuddling. After care and everything. Just a really sweet time. Hopefully with Othra being included. I hate how we exclude her when we're with Roushk. More love to that adorable lizard, please.

Idk, got these ideas while reading your comment.

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you gotta stop giving me more ideas. also, yeah it's gonna take forever to add it, I'm just talking about fun things for the future lol. when/if Hyao adds it will be a wonderous day lol.

but yeah, Bernard being worried is a given and would be so cute, I would feel bad for making him worry but he is just so cute about it! plus you mention Logan being worried about the "scent of death" from the zombies and maybe Bernard would also smell it and that's what would start the conversation with him? but then after we start talking, we eventually go from the reason behind the scent to ranting about the orcs, curse of lust/nameless, Northcrests issues and the rest of everything else lol. also, maybe the comfort sex would happen if your lewd fame and he would ask if it would help us or if that's the reason we sleep around, it's nice for us and we end up being reaffirmed and such as you said. Bernard is just that type of dude to try whatever to help and I would love it. (plus, maybe the comment about keeping ourselves safe could be dependent on if we took damage or if we have full health before we talk to him/trigger this event which if we did have full health, he would say thank you for keeping your promise but if we didn't maybe he would be applying some bandages while we speak and depending on how low our health is maybe more dialog?)

and yes. everything you said about Logan would just be perfect. we enter his shop and don't see him for about 3 seconds then he basically ambushes us and starts checking to see if we are injured/infected or something and maybe if we encouraged transformation, he would be in his beast form while he checked us and after he finished he would lick our face while hugging us in the beast but if we didn't encourage transformation he would be a human and just kiss us. then we would be like "put me down!" in a joking manner because of how long he was holding us/it hurt because he was so relieved we were ok that he didn't control his strength on the hug. then demanding an explanation after putting us down and maybe apologizing for holding us so long which would then trigger the event causing us to go into detail with him and at certain parts it would cut to him grinning and being really cocky/proud we beat someone like the orcs/got into the orcs or were able to defeat someone like Roushk if we rant about the curse of  lust but becoming frustrated after being told he can't try to beat the Nameless' ass. which maybe something would happen where we could compliment him to the point of getting him really cocky and asking us to check him out or he just straight up asks to screw around? idk how Logan would trigger the comfort sex thing. he might do it but it's weird how he would do it lmao. but yeah, he would absolutely praise us like hell if it was after we ranted about like the orcs or how much chaos we went through in Northcrest.

please. PLEASE LET RHOT DO THIS. the idea of us coming home and Rhot ambushing us being like "where have you been??? are you ok?? why do you smell like your dying???" while his tail is like death gripping us from his concern and maybe Korg would see and start coming over and we would have clear things up and maybe could introduce Korg to Rhot lol. or it could occur somewhere else? like it would have a chance to occur at certain places, like outside Bareshade right before we enter, around the bandit camp, that rest point between the camp and swamp, the swamp/dark swamp, The Temple ESPECIALLY because he might have others looking out for us too like Grushk or even the little River place with Feliar. all of which would be followed by passionate love making where he demands we never scare him again.

Roushk might do something similar to Rhot but instead he would have some guards waiting to alert him and Othra (if you chose both) where after they spot you, they would book it and tackle you asking what happened and why we disappeared for like a week or why we smell/look like we just crawled out of hell. then the rant would happen, and they would comfort us, depending on if you had slept with both or just one maybe they would only cuddle or if you slept with both they would try that to help you relax and you would sleep in their chambers for that night/unlocking it for later use too where you could wake up to both with you. also, I agree with it being with both since Othra is a QUEEN just like our girl Rose in Bareshade. plus, it's not really our choice to exclude her rn since we kinda don't have the option to include her yet lol. Hyao will add it eventually it's just kinda on the back burner atm. 


I love it how we just keep having more rambles and ideas and all of them make sense in a way - also how we can just go on and on talking about - it's so much fun. 

And YES for all your ideas (aside from the lewd fame, mine is 0 and I don't plan on leveling up - dunno, not my cup of tea), seriously, they're amazing!

And yes, please. Please. PLEASE. A system where when we don't visit for a while - I'm thinking about two weeks to a month - they get anxious and worried and have a talk about it. Fucking please. They can even send letters. Like, we're at Northcrest (or close enough), and Torben brings letters for us from worried Bernard, who's been also talking with Logan (who got moody and grumpier since we've been gone), the Lizards (who are so freaking worried they're going to Bareshade even on weekdays just to check on us), Korg (who's obviously worried sick, and even makes food for two sometimes, just wishing we're home soon)... 

Just thinking about this gave me more ideas lol

Gonna keep quiet, don't have money to become a Patreon and actually give these ideas to Hyao haha

Will probably write a few drables ♡


ikr? every time I see you comment I know I'm in for a good read and some ideas that are written so well they could be in books sold by professionals. it's great!

not leveling lewd fame is fair, in NorthCrest it's impossible to lower it as far as I know so thats fair there and even though lewd fame in Bareshade can be lowered the scenes and way your treated aren't very heroic so it's a lot more fun being heroic lol. thanks for the compliment as well, I think your ideas are also amazing!

plus I've spoken about a "if we're missing for a while" thing, but this was just supposed to be a bunch of mini/normal/big events after the entire Mythshore storyline involving Paulo, however these events we've spoken of all could quite easily be changed instead of one times into multiple if we are gone for longer than a certain set time (I like your times, a month sounds like the best option in my opinion though because it would mean it's not going to happen everytime you go somewhere else to do an event.) and having specific interactions where you talk to Bernard and he's just hugs us and we talk Logan just growls and says he's glad we're ok and starts to smile while we just stay with him and the lizards all just overreact and try to see if we're hurt while Korg is either setting things up for us to be in a better house when we get back or preparing to go out to look for us lol.

please share any you feel comfortable sharing! they are a lot of fun to read and even if you're not a patron Hyao checks these comments and maybe something we say could stick and he might add it! no absolutes but maybe. (He would definitely appreciate any donations or subscriptions to his patreon though since it means he can work more with less stress.)

and looking forward to those drables!


I'd love a gunnar companion 

Hum, I have maybe a slight problem, if somebody can shed a light, but, I tried getting Logan to visit my house in bareshade, but he nevers shows up, like not kidding, clicked in and out of the house to see if it triggers, spent 2 weeks in game, nothing, I am not sure if its because everything else for the final part with the swamp werewolves and him showing up at my house in the middle of the night are making it impossible to trigger the event.

Has happened to anyone, or thats just a bug I found?

Yeah, the swamp wolves story makes it impossible to fix. You need to finish the bareshade expansion, see the scene with Logan yelling at Barrel, have at least a 10/12 total strength, and finish country road. To get the country road, you need to save Ste from Victoria, do all of Ste's quests, and then take him to bareshade. To help, after finishing the first werewolves quest, don't continue Logan so you have more time to get that scene.

Oh, okay, thanks for the help, I appreciate it.

''I taught Gunnar a lesson'' and the black heart appeared. Can you tell me what it means and what it entails? and if it's better for me to have it with a black heart
Ty in advance

Icona di Verificata con community

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I don't know what that thing at the bottom is that says Icona di Verificata con community but the black heart means he hates you and does not want anything to do with you. it is also a terrible thing and you do not want it at all.

I thought the community check icon was from the site itself anyway thanks for replying. I take this opportunity to ask you one more thing; i downloaded version 0.44.4 when it came out, if i want to play a recent version how can i not lose my data and continue the story?

If you download the new version on Android there are no changes on Mac, Windows and Linux I know they are not lost but the update is a little different

android? I didn't know there was. Thanks anyway for the info, I appreciate it

you only lose data if you update from 0.30 or before to the latest. you should still keep your data and be able to continue if you're updating from 0.44.4.

So I just need to save the data of the 0.44 session and then insert them in the recent version?

that should work?


when will the next update be? i cant wait :D

4 days, 4 more days, I hope...

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should be the 5th of this month, unless Hyao announces a delay for some reason. since we're at about 2 days left it shouldn't be delayed though.

Hello, sorry for the dumb question but I keep trying to find "Diabosite" that you need to build the prison but I legit can't find it anywhere :( could someone help?


If I remember correctly, you have to complete the "Rat Problem" and "Rats!" quests for Harold/the Bareshade tavernkeeper, which will unlock the tavern's basement for you. 

After that, you have to keep exploring the area close to the entrance until you unlock the mine. It's a random event though, so you gotta keep trying

Hope this helps!

omg theres more on the entrance?! I'd never think to try again there! Thank you so much

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I dont want to sound like a greedy, selfish bastard however...

Content creator for Ste, if you can read this: Could you please add some kind of blowjob scene for Ste? Pretty please? Seriously, its my obsession, I have to, no better yet, I must suck him off. No matter how long it takes to be implemented in the game, no matter the amount of hearts I have to reach, but I seriously think that lewd scene needs to happen at some point in the game. Ste is in my opinion 100% blowjob material, he is very sexy, handsome, I have to... 

Or at least I hope Hyao can pass this message to the content creator xD.


lol fair Ste is hella hot and a BJ just sound hot as well. don't know if he checks but if he does hope he agrees XD

Question about The Nameless *SPOILERS*

So I misclicked the option for The Nameless event step 5, and as it mentioned that it would be a serious option I tried to go back but as he appears to remember choices beyond save data it will not let me change to my desired option. Is there any easy way to remedy this? Would I need to start the game from scratch?

For future reference, if you have no other saves then just reload that one. But, you have to delete save files. Which I'm not sure how you do. You do this because saves from 0.44 and beyond can be continued and ported to the newest version.

Preferences not showing for Windows version?

Just got this on my laptop, game loads up fine but the preference tab is completely blank. I was wondering if anyone else have this problem and if they knew a way to fix it.


Finally got caught up again! .........


the game and the story is more and more great every month


For real. And we finally got a heart with 'this' character and then 'THAT' happened ..


congrats on catching up! hope you enjoyed the process and yeah.... "that" thing after we finally got a heart with "them" was rather painful. hopefully we can get a way to change that scenario or it's not as we have seen it.


Ty! I enjoyed it for sure, the music that was added made it so gooood. Ok but all those seperate save slots I have for one-time events (being lewd with 'them') will hit different now...

And I don't expect this character to return soon, too..


the music is amazing right? Civ does insane for his stuff!

 also yeah especially after figuring out how they felt by literally going into their mind during the event "it" happens the sex will be awkward lol. I also agree that they prolly won't return for a while but I still have high hopes we get to change things or fix the incident.


The game crushed when I finished the quest 'A person to rent'


Unlucky, try again. I think it was just a random crash.

So, I was out for a while and

WTF does Bernard has an Iron Hand??

I started the game and there it is. I don't remember it being like that.

Please if it has something to do with story and it's a sprite bug, do not spoil me. I haven't played so far yet

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yeah, no it's so far not important to story but it also isn't a sprite bug. pretty sure it's just a glove, reason being if you sleep with him, the glove is completely gone on his naked sprite.

Bro I was shocked I was like what

I give it a break and my man LOOSE HIS HAND JUST LIKE THAT

I noticed his iron hand too, thought he lost his hand or something but in his werewolf form he is perfectly fine :))) maybe that iron hand just a glove

I'm far more chill right now


(2 edits)

How do I find the crafting recipe for Aphrodisiac? 

I think I had some but crafted a potion with it, and dont see any listed on the map or in the crafting list, and the guide just says it's found in "Crafting"

Check the witch's hut during the day. She'll tell you how to craft it.

Tha Day Witch on the Swamp. She teaches both Aphrodisiac and Love Potions if I'm not mistaken. 

I managed to create Aphrodisiac potion, but I still struggle with the love potion :( I tried many combinations already


Try like this, sweetie:

1. Succubus Leaf

2. Water Lily

3. Succubus Leaf

4. Water Lily

5. Nymph's Hair

(2 edits) (+1)

I love the game, thought I'd drop a comment about a minor bug I just found. I'm sorry if this is a repost, I searched back through about 2 years of comments and didn't see one.

Anyways, I've been playing through as female, and gave Xeroth a love potion, and the scene switched mc's gender to male, although just for the scene.

 This is with the android 0.51.2 version. (Sorry for the version confusion, I transposed the numbers.)

Keep up the good work!

(4 edits) (+1)

how the fuck do you still have the 0.15 version? that was literally 3 years ago??? I don't know if this will solve it but try and install the latest version of the game I guess?

little late warning though it will delete your current progress as version 0.30 had a major change that included a save wipe because of it changing all the UI.

even later edit, didn't realize it was number mix up and should have assumed lol. but yeah as Bored Witch said it's just something that happens sometimes, the gender gets switched a good bit. like at the gloryhole for Ste if Lenny shows up your female character suddenly has a penis lmao.


Oh, that happens sometimes to my Female MC too. Some scenes just switch to him/his/he

And my Android is not that old.

(2 edits) (+2)

Great game. I didn't expect much going in, but was pleasantly surprised by the sheer amount of content that is present within the game, and while I do think there are some rough edges here and there (there needs to be more in-game direction on where to find as of yet unfound alchemical ingredient types and typos need to be fixed).

As far as the alchemy goes, I had no idea where to get the stuff for werewolf cures for a long while until I realized some of it was gated behind another quest (I think?). Anyway it's quite fun.

I do think the ratkin are a bit of a missed opportunity though. When my character got captured I expected to either be held prisoner for a while and presented with cut scene choices, or, even better, find myself stripped of my gear temporarily while forced to serve the rat men in a number of different quest (with some fun times inbetween of course).

I'd recommend adding some flavor there rather than having the rat king shrug it off and send you away. It's plausible they may not even take you to the rat king at all if they thought they could get away with it. There's too much potential to be had there to leave it as is IMO, and all of it can easily be balanced around play styles (or desires maybe I should say).

Edit: The same is true of the werewolves, which I think should mount some sort of assault on the players home leading to similarly interesting plot points depending on choice, which I haven't seen yet.


Regarding alchemy, when you select a location on the side of the map, its name, enemies, and ingredients that you can find appear, remember many of the stories are made by guest writers, if they do not consider it, hyao will not be able to add anything

(13 edits) (+2)

IIRC plants and enemies only appear after you find them or fight them, respectively, for the first time, not before. Even then, one of the alchemical ingredients I needed was on the forest path, which only unlocks after defeating the bandits. I simply was not interested in doing their quest for a long while.

I started out with the Lizards, and after their main quest began to focus on the rat men and werewolves simultaneously. So I had a lot of areas unlocked and eventually as the quest piled up I got confused as to where to go next because they started demanding ingredients I didn't have access to yet with no real indication that I recall on where to find them.

A reference guide at the house left by your missing master that hints at or tells you where ingredients are even if you have yet to find them or unlock the area they are in would be a nice touch IMO. It makes sense in-game and avoids being too hand holdy at the same time.

Unexplored areas (some of them not the hidden stuff like the ruins) topside should be marked on the map but not accessible (Lore wise it'd make sense for an alchemical master who travels all over the place to leave behind a fuller map in his house of established regions and pathways). Practically, that'll give players some direction in the future to access the stuff they'd prefer to do first without needing to resort to online guides or quest grinding.

AKA I need X,Y,Z it can be found at B, which is behind the bandit camp. And there you go. You still need to navigate the quest on your own and figure out if B really is the reason you can't access the area.


Regarding the letter that the teacher must leave, he does it at the beginning and communicates with you later, many of the things are unknown when you progress slowly in the game. It is a game that has intersecting stories, that is why it is difficult for you to find certain things or objects. , but it is an extremely excellent game, look at many games, but currently it is the only one on Patreon since the others do not reach me the same as it is or their Patreons are paused, but hey, it is an excellent game, let the creator finish it

(11 edits) (+2)

Of course it's a good game. That's why I made this account in the first place, specifically so I could come on here and leave feedback. I don't do that for many games, even official titles. This is the only itchio game I've commented on thus far. I also made it a point to say how fun the game was in my initial comment to avoid anyone thinking otherwise.

That said, if the creator is reading comments, which he should be, than feedback, especially useful feedback like my own (I'd like to think anyway), should be taken into account.

The letter of communication left by the teacher that you are referencing does not, as far as I remember, have anything to do with the mechanics I suggested and even if it did, it would come too late to matter.

It is difficult to find things in this game at a certain point because, I would argue, there is not enough direction provided to the player in the game itself. That's why he has a guide linked in the options menu and that's why there are plenty of comments even in here asking for help with certain quest. I'm not asking for quest markers mind you, but rather Morrowind style hints which are more than reasonable and currently do not exist.

None of this makes the game bad nor does it mean the creator isn't already aware of it. He must be if he has that guide to begin with. Yes, it might even be that my feedback is a couple months too late and he's already on it and if so that's fine. I'm just giving him possible ideas to address it in the future if he needs or wants them.

So unless you or someone else would like to talk about my suggestions in-depth, I don't feel it's necessary to elaborate further. I believe the game would wholly benefit from implementing some of the ideas I put forward here in the future, and I believe some of the stories could be greatly expanded if anyone who is responsible has a mind to do it and I see no harm whatsoever in letting that be known to the developers.

When, how or if those things get implemented are solely up to the people responsible for the game and everything I have said has been polite, fair and reasonable, and I'd like to continue providing feedback for this game for the very reason that I enjoyed and enjoy it as much as I do.

That's how you're supposed to contribute to things you love, try and help it grow into something even greater.


So I have a slight problem, for some reason I can't get Gunnar's encounter on the track where he asks me to suck him off. I get the merchant just passing by or asking to trade, but never Gunnar's thing. At first I thought it was because my Brave fame was high and lewdness 0, so I raised my lewdness to 4 (my brave fame is the same), but still no encounter. I am at a loss at this point. Any advice? 

Side note: This might be the problem, but I had to reinstall the game on a different device (I don't really care about my saves) so maybe I have to reinstall it?


If that happens to you, it means that you rejected the first time Gunnar offered it to you, which is not repeated, as a consequence certain tasks are interrupted


I never rejected him, he just quite literally never showed up as an encounter. Either way, it got fixed when I reached a higher lewd level.


You need 5 points of appearance to meet Gunnar in the tracks.


huh, that's good to know. I guess he has some standards after all lol

(1 edit) (+3)(-11)

Is there a way to disable zoophilia scenes? i swear i hate looking for logan's wife every save because i end up having to pay attention to the those scenes to be sure I'm progressing (also, wouldn't be better to remove them? could probably take the game down for this or something, i love this game so much)


is part of history , I don’t think so

(1 edit) (+2)

There is a way to avoid it tho!!!... Cut, poke and Bash them with your weapons!

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think so but you can turn off the "skip only seen" thing and skip the entire event without having to see it at all. nothing in it is required and when you get the last interaction it has a special thing in the top corner of the screen that tells you that you got the required quest item.


One thing I've been think of is about this:

What are you planning to add?
Improving the look of the interface.

And one the improvements that I think can be done is on the "Job" screens, 'cuz after we accept or reject a job/quest we are redirected to the questioning screen, which would be ok if the NPC had only one quest offering, but it can get tiresome on NPC with more than one quest (like Bernard, Harold and others)... It would be better, in my opinion, to keep the job/quest screen open after accepting a quest until we decided we chose all the ones we wanted...

(3 edits) (+4)

Finally, after doing all the new stuff at Bareshade that I missed, I can actually start the new area stuff.. ngl.. when I saw Ratkin's deal in the patch notes; Was hoping it was sex at the bar with ratkins like bartender mentioned..

Edit: I'm getting stuck at the 0.44 patch dungeon part with the two earth- and one water plate.. I'm missing something...


The rat king has one half, and the other half you have in a mimic I think, then you unite them in your inventory

(2 edits)

ah yeah i got the half at the rat king, not sure if i had it from mimics, gonnna check it out then, thnx

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