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Why does jerking someone off decreases their attitude towards you??
Also there's no graphic/sprite for the Lizardman Fighter, i'm not sure it's intentional, i figured it would use the same sprite as the Lizardman Warrior


Hello adventurer!

  Some characters need development in the plot to improve relations between you and him/her, therefore, performing a sexual act without having the necessary intimacy conditions may lead to the NPC's disgust.






What's the effect of Choosing "encourage Logan" on the story?

Hello adventurer!


  Encouraging Logan to go to the bandits' camp will cause him to be corrupted by lust and also on the day of the attack on the werewolves in Bareshade he will not be attacked as he will be ''busy''...

Ooooohhh, so this is why i cant choose to save him on the werewolves attack

Turns him into a very horny but still angry bottom. I tried encouraging him and now he's taking all the men in town.

Is there any walk-throughs for this game that are updated? the one on wiki sukcs

Hello adventurer!

  It is recommended that you just follow the mission guide in the ''Event Log'' tab to progress with the story. Just one golden tip is to leave the mission; Troubles In The Dean to finish only after getting two hearts with Logan.


I see, thanks

Carai o cara é br só agr eu vi

Olá aventureiro! 

Precisando? Estaremos a disposição! 🤝🏽🇧🇷 Conecte-se a comunidade no Discord para receber apoio mais rápido de outros jogadores sempre que necessitar.

Forte abraço!

Abraço nengue

Hi, is there any way to skip ahead to the part where you can choose to help Benard or Logan. I dont want to sit through the game skipping dialogue and fights. 

Hello Adventurer!

Dialogues with NPCs are essential for developing some relationships with them, you need to understand well the choices you are going to make before making decisions as they may be irreversible (Spoiler).

Regarding Logan and Bernard, unless you have progress saved directly for them, there is no other way to skip to the decision moment where you must choose who to save.

Hi, um who else do I need to "ask around for the beta wolf" in bareshade, Ialready talked to Bernard, Blake, Harold who'd did I miss?

Hello adventurer!



  • Conversation: Ask about Beta and Alpha (Req: ‘Beginning’ event done)


  • Conversation: The Blue Eyed Man (Req: ‘Ask about Beta and Alpha’ talk with Harold done)


  • Conversation: The Blue Eyed Man (Req: ‘The Blue Eyed Man’ talk with Rose done)


  • Conversation: The Blue Eyed Man (Req: ‘Beginning’ event done)
  • Conversation: Present Bulwark (Req: ‘Search for the grave’ event done)
  • Entrance: Retrieve Bulwark (Req: ‘Mythshore memories’ event done)


  • Conversation: The Blue Eyed Man (Req: ‘Beginning’ event done)


  • Next Step (Req: Talking with everyone about the mysterious man)

If you have already talked to all the NPCs, you should just re-enter Barshade to interact with the mysterious man.

oohh thanksssss, I took a break cause I was stuck, thanks, now i'm back to the game and catching nuts!

how do i make the crow show up? i keep sleeping in my house and nothing happens.


Hello adventurer!

Be aware that the crow's visit is based on a percentage chance for such an event to happen.


Where can i find rhot after having the bad ending for curse of lust?

Hello adventurer!

  After choosing the bad fate in ''The Curse Of Lust'' you just need to talk to the NPCs Roushk and Othra. You will have contact with Rhot through a scene in the dialogue with both of them and you will be able to talk about their trip to Bareshade. Rhot will be available both before and after in the Ruins when approaching the warriors.

hi, I am having troubles with obtaining a pickaxe from Blake, it isnt in his store? Any advice is welcome on how to unlock the pickaxe


Hello adventurer!

If the Pickaxe item is not available for purchase from NPC Blake, it is necessary to progress in the mission: More Diabosite. 

I see in the guide that there's a scene when taking the lizard's to Bareshade with Rhot and Logan, but I can't get it to happen. I have bottom Logan and 21 like with Rhot. Do I need to do something else??

The scene happens when you choose to go with Roushk and Bernard inside his shop instead of staying with Rhot outside if I remember correctly. 


Hi, i have question about Tank
Ive tried many times to have sex with him using certain potions, but i never got sleep with tank option in sleep menu( got beds in hideout). 
Can anyone advise on this? I ve been through multiple threads there but no help.


Sadly I think you can only do it if your fight with Tank in the bandit camp ended with sex. That's what I've seen at least


does anybody know how to start this event? I sleep in my hunt but i can't trigger it

(1 edit)

I had trouble starting that for a hot minute. But I suggest doing other quests first? Not completely sure but it worked for me.

I hope I can bring my boy Scrap to the fair sometime soon!

How to make the Aphrodisiac,I've tried it many times。。。。。。。


You can learn it from the Witch in the swamp.

1.  Water Lily

2. Blue Essence 

3. Succubus Leaf         

4. ///EMPTY///           

5. Green Essence

sorry, can you tell me what "WIP" means, are these contents that can be unlocked, and how?

Work in progress : a general term to denote that what’s depicted is not the finished product.

I'm waiting for a new update I've complete all 

Does anyone know why the Krampus statues are coming up as an option when i click "relieve yourself"? It did work before but now it just dissappered. I have the statues in my inventory, just not as a option.

So I tried it on my other save file where i had all four statues and it appears, can someone plz explain?

does anyone know how to trigger the orc search quest? i already did the final trial and nothings coming up.

Person, after picking up the clothes and talking to Seth, what should I do?

Is there a way i can get Logans 2nd love point back? I didn't know finishing "Troubles in the den" before getting a house in bareshade would lock it

Hello adventurer!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to recover the lost link between the player and the NPC once they have made a difficult choice. It is recommended to save progress before each important decision to rewind through LOAD and redo your choice (Rewind through LOAD does not work with Nameless as it breaks the fourth wall).


Hello everyone I hope you are enjoying your own hot adventures in LD hehehe

This is just a short essay on the discussion around the art of the game. (if you're not interested just ignore me :3)

I have a degree in graphic design and I am also a NSFW artist, so I will try to support this opinion as best as I can, I start by saying that I find all of LD's art very good, every artist that Hyao chose maintains a level above average when it comes to NSFW art and I respect/admire them all. Now, why some people (myself included) find it annoying to see other artists outside of Zoro's work has a very simple explanation.

1.- Zoro was the first and main artist of LD for a long time, a large part of the game we still experience with Zoro's art, that has created an attachment to his style (you may like it more or less) but it is undeniable that Their style becomes a “house hallmark” for much of the adventure, this has repercussions in several ways, as communities of people who enjoy NSFW, we like to support and see our artists upload, consume their drawings and related things, Now that Zoro is “missing” from the project, it leaves us with a bitter feeling in our mouths, since in part, it feels like having cut off a part of LD's own personality.

2.- As I said at the beginning, I think that all the artists have done an incredible job, even thanks to the game I have discovered a new artist who goes straight to my favorites list, but in graphic design we have a term that must always be followed in any visual product, “the graphic line”, regardless of whether it is better or worse, you must always maintain the same visuals throughout a project, because when you mix them (even if they are better) that clashes in the minds of consumers and creates noise in the product, again, I think all the artists are good and some have managed to replicate the essence of Zoro very well, but they are not him, and this creates a clash in the game.

3.- Finally, the most important thing (I think) we need closure from Hyao, I love LD but I will judge it for what it is, a project in development for which I have paid several times, I think it is fair that as a consumer, its creator be more honest with us, give us a definitive idea of whether Zoro could one day return or they simply broke relations peacefully, the limbo we have been in has harmed LD, it was understandable that this was not talked about at the beginning given the Zoro's mental state, but 3 years have passed since that moment. As consumers, I consider it necessary for Hyao to make a statement about the situation. It is possible that if relations are broken, some will abandon the project. but I believe and have seen that the LD community is strong enough to survive that without problems and I think a proper closure would help both us and Hyao himself.

Although I would love to know that Zoro will return at some point, if the game decides to continue without him, that's fine, LD is a game with a lot to offer beyond its visuals and the community will support Hyao in any decision, LD is one of the best and more ambitious NSFW GAY projects and I am happy that it exists, I simply think that this is a thorn that we have been carrying for a long time.

Thank you for reading and I apologize if something was not understood, English is not my mother language so I used a translator for this little essay.


To be honest, I´d love to see Zoroj making more art for LD. He´s very talented. I just hope nothing bad has happened to him. 

@Caiza2002 Where could we see your art? And whats your specialty, if its ok to ask? :)  


haha thanks, well, if you want to see my art you found me on twitter(X), my username is CheeseLion2_

I say that my specialty is bara, muscular and hairy daddies haha, but I also draw furry. I continue practicing my art so I am still in the process of discovering what calls me the most

Does anyone know how to do this mission? "find a way back to the other side of the mountains." 

you need to cross the snowy mountain, in order to do that you need warmth potion and the winter clothes

Thank you

How can I save Gunnar from the infiltration mission at Northcrest Castle? If there is a way to make it clear, or if this is part of the adventure, can someone clarify it for me?


you can't. nothing can be done to save him. he's gone. 

What? No way, hope that can be changed later in the Game, gunnar He doesn't deserve something this tragic.

his death is cannon an cant be changed

Help, I can't use save editor anymore, it shows the pic below. I guess is because of my android version, but I need affirmation.

I remember playing this long time ago, but it was gender-locked as male protagonist and I couldn't continue playing it. I'm sorry but just wanted to ask if maybe the option to play as female available? 


What do you mean by "gender locked"? The option to play as FMC has been there for about 5 years now. If you mean the game doesn't take in consideration the character's gender otherwise, yeah, MMC and FMC are exactly the same the only difference being the pronouns and genitals in the text (and the mannequin in equipment view). Plus the occasional pronoun slip up and whatnot as it seems nobody bug tests as FMC.


Yea that reminded me, someone told me that before. I see, just thought maybe by now it might've been different since those things are what's most important considering the theme of the game. Anyways Thank you.

How to find Roushk guy? I need some help ;-; I've been searching at the forgotten temple but still don't see him

he's not at the temple, he's corrupted and you need purify him with the pure lake. or cleansing lake I have a shit memory about that place lmao. 

also asking these to see if you found these or not cause they are required.

have you unlocked the pure lake? also have you been to the corrupted lake?

if yes to unlocked both, just go to the corrupted lake and it should say "wait for Roushk".

if no to the pure lake, you need to get 3 pieces of a lizard statue. one can be obtained from the witch via a quest to get her a corrupted lizard egg, another from sneaking in the bandit camp at night, and the third is either from the beginning where you first discover the lizard temple or from the place you need to place the statue pieces to unlock the lake. it's in the temple, I believe the game has the choice to inspect it as something about a locked gate in the back.

if no to the corrupted lake, I believe you just need to complete the witches quest to get her a corrupted lizard egg and return to the swamp and go to it.

if no to both, just do both. you also might need a torch or to equip the glow amulet from the witch or Othra.

(1 edit)

Oh my god thank youuu

But how do I get a quest from the witch? I don't saw any task from her ;-;

check during day and night, her stuff changes depending on the time of day




Need help getting Logan's bottom scenes, camp scene and telling him I saw him are both done, but whenever I go to the locations for the scenes, such as under the tavern, the scenes don't trigger. Is there a set chance for them to happen, or is there another requirement I'm missing, such as story progress locking it. Im currently on ver 0.56 as I haven't bothered updating the game yet, is there an issue with the scenes in that version?

(1 edit)

no there is no bug for the scenes on that version, but which scenes do you mean? cause he doesn't have a sex scene in the tavern. the only scene he has in the tavern is yelling at Barrel for being a pervert. an example of a few scene you can find tho is checking Logan's house at night, you'll see him and Barrel fucking, or if your lewd fame is high enough you can catch him screwing himself outside and help him.

the scene I was referring to was with the blacksmith in the mines, but no matter how many times I visit the right places at the right times, the scenes never play. Ive tryed to on multiple days, but none of the scenes ever play out. I know the conditions for the outside scene and the house scene but even though I have the conditions done, none of the scenes ever play

oh. that one. I've only gotten it once, and even then it was entirely an accident. but this made me kinda curious about how, so I'ma go see if I can get it again. good luck if you haven't got it yet

after ruining Mirage's plan, I'm still confused whether Lionel (shapeshifter) and Mirage (witch) are married (father and mother) or not?, or lionel just summoned to make her plan easier?, but before the fight he wasn't summoned, like Victoria/Feliar , hhmmm maybe I'll dig up information about mirage (side with mirage) cmiiw



So....we are currently in a power triangle right now instead of a love one...
(Nameless, Mirage and the Shapeshifter at Northcrest)

Gunnar and Victoria/Feliar's life and death are involved in currently, will there be something worse in the future...?

It gives me headaches to think of it there might be more people that could suffer if we proceed the storyline....

(1 edit)

Interesting! I think that if we proceed with the shapeshifters: then Everett, Seth, Tank, Lady Tess (which we havent met yet) Alden and of course the no longer "Jester" we knew at first, might be at serious risk... Hell, perhaps Ruben and Dulrig as well somehow? But it seems unlikely.

In the case of Nameless however... other than the MC, I dont know who else could be affected by our decisions... Mmm.

i got Logan's 3rd heart quest but that locked me out of his second 1 can i somehow get Logan to 3 hearts still?

u need get his second heart first before u do his 3rd heart. if u do his 3rd heart first the second heart will be locked and u cant get his second heart

How does an aphrodisiac work? 

Is there an updated guide for the game?

So i havent been able to encounter Alden in northcrest an know i should be able to meet him after encountering an talking to Everett


Guys I'm kinda confused here the quest for the orcs' final battle is not triggering for me when I visit the orc village. Can someone help me?

just go to the Orc Camp, not the Village ;-)

I had the same issue. You need to go to the Orc's Camp (village).

Hey guys, thanks for the help on the Emerine Golems :) The scene for 'too horny to sleep', I have completed the quest around 5 times (the potion supply quest is repeatable and appears as the only one where you give them potions) I saw that you're meant to give them lust potions, but the option to add lust potions to the list doesnt pop up? are there some requirements, like a lewd requirement or an amount of "like" you're meant to have before it'll trigger?

You can give lust potions upon completing the delivert to the quartermaster


I keep getting this message when doing hunting contest quest,

uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: could not find label 'misty_abyss_d_encounter_33'.

So I've been trying to get the bottom Logan scenes but basically none of them trigger? I have the scene at the camp done and I already did the scene where you tell him that you saw, is there a specific chance the events have of happening? Or is there something else that im missing

He is a sorta secretive power bottom slut, can see his bottom scenes at his house at night, sometimes at night in the mine under the tavern, once logan an korg meet an give korg the ok to fuck him which will allow when roaming during the festival to get scene of logan getting gaped with orc pickle.

I know all of his scenes already, but my problem is that no matter how many times I go to the places to trigger them, such as his house at night, or the mines, none of those scenes trigger. That's why I'm wondering if there is something I missed, like a hidden condition to those scenes being able to play that I've missed, like progress in the story or if there's just a set chance of those events triggering

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