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In the lizards treasure there is that big green guy that forces us to take a lot of harsh decisions, is there any good outcomes out of that? Or is still much of it that its a wip?

Yes it's still wip and it can be have bad ending if you don't chose carefully

it has a good path yeah, you just gotta have a certain amount of like with them before you tell the leader about the big green guy. the bad ending only occurs if you let them go crazy I believe.

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So what's lead to a good ending? Like save them haha wanna hang out with that green guy though 😂

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lower than 10 total lust between the lizardmen and acolytes, and never choosing the red options when talking Othra. after that have high like with multiple lizard NPC's and be honest with Roushk.

slightly spoiler version, once you unlock the purification lake tell Othra to keep quiet about it to not risk the lake, and stick to that decision later when asked again. also save Roushk instead of kidnapping him, but back onto what to do if you already saved Roushk and told Othra to keep quiet, that is to get a bunch of like with every lizard NPC you can. you have to make a choice later that changes depending on how much total like you have with the Lizardfolk in total. not the wild ones you beat the fuck out of, but the NPC's you can romance and are named. such as Grushk, Othra, Rhot, Xer and Roushk. I believe you need around 100 total? not for each just 100 after combining all the lizards like number. like 25 per lizard or 60 in one and 10 in everyone else to be safe. you also don't need any hearts, but getting Rhot's first one gives some cute dialog during a later event during this. it's usually already done if you've gotten to the part where the like is important and you never chose any options that decreased like with anyone in the tribe. but if you wanna be safe, you can just get them all as high as possible.

and in detail for the lust thing I mentioned earlier you need to keep low, their are a couple events (one time for all the acolyte ones and a couple repeatable for the warriors) for it. one is the one you can encounter a priestess feverishly trying to get off because she can't enter the temple due to her horny thoughts randomly when going to the temple, this only happens once as far as I'm aware, and during it you get 3 choices, give a lust potion (does nothing as far as I'm aware other than make her run), eat her out (this one increases acolyte lust) and give her a restrain potion. uncertain if the restrain potion reduces the total acolyte lust but it might. the other one for acolytes is the one where you save 3 acolytes who left the temple, letting them people they are stuck with do as they please will increase acolyte lust, but for one of those if you offer yourself it increases warrior lust instead. increasing the Acolyte lust is a lot harder if you unaware, warrior lust is super easy, just submit to warriors in the practice duels after teasing them.

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Oh i've already surpass 100 then i've already have 52 like with Roth and othra and roushk are around 60

I've also follow all green path

60 each or 60 total? either way you should have plenty then and just need to continue the plot. where are you currently?  wanted to add this in because I just realized you just said you have 60 with Roushk and Othra, do you have any hearts with them yet?

So what's next I run out of mission here 

seems like your caught up, your out of content for now. wait until next month and the public version will get an update.

I still don't understand the bad ending if I chose to side nameless or the witch tho, I don't understand

which choice is this? I only know 2 and neither have a "bad ending" they just both want you to choose a side and don't really have consequences unless your corrupt the entire lizard tribe and that consequence is only in the swamp.

yes in the swamp and in the orc tribe, 

How to obtain Logan second heart please I keep coming back in my hut in barshade exact time but still he doesn't offer me a beer why? I already have 71 likes though

make sure you've completed bareshade expansion and country road quest first. in country road quest Logan is involved in the storyline and make saves because (I won't give you spoiler) one of the choice on the quest can lead to a black heart for Logan. after the country road finished, just keep checking on the hut until Logan appears.

I restarted all then focus to Logan

How do you unlock the country road, and how to get your first heart with him? Im going for bottom logan route

bottom Logan locks you out of his romance route. you can't romance him in that route. you can only romance Logan if you discourage him from going to the bandit camp and you'll get his first heart if you choose to help Logan instead of Bernard the night the werewolves attacked bareshade.

Hi what event to do so I can unlock country road?

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you have to have met Ste and saved him from Vicoria's prison first. Find his house in the farmstead and bring him to bareshade. Make sure that Korg lives with you. after you brought him to bareshade, the quest will be available.

And what about the i owe you a beer? Is it also locked for me? Cus i cant do it for some reason

me too on the troubles in the dean there's a caution that some content cannot viewed if you don't have two hearts of logan

yes. as I said previously, bottom Logan route completely locks you out from romancing him. you won't get a single heart from him in bottom Logan route.

On the hut you mean the my house in barshade? Interesting about the black heart reply asap haha

Some one help me how to earn second heart to Logan please I have waited so much time in my hut in barshade but he didnt come help me asap please

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Hello, I have a concern about the recent update (update 0.61 & 0.62). I know the importance of saving the game so I always do it before closing the app. But I think I have encountered a bug (?) while playing on pc. It's the 2nd time that it happened. My latest saved was on day 38 but when the game loaded, it showed the previous saved file. What should I do??

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Hello, It's my first time downloading this game, I can see that this game have a high potential but there's a bug(?) I've encountered, the game would crash and it would not even take a minute for it to crash again (its infuriating since I like the game) P.S I'm an Android user and i don't know if the problem is my phone or not, but one thing for sure I still have a huge free storage and my phone's version is Realme C30 go version | android 11 .(Please help me!! I've been suffering this problem for 2 days now and I'm still on the tutorial ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ) After crashing, all the save files I have would literally be deleted making me go back to the tutorial. 

I'm playing in Android too and I haven't found bug/crash, maybe you have to reinstalled the game maybe it will fix it 

I don't know where the next mission is.

Explore the cave near the orc's camp. 

and im idk if me have open the lustful desires-32 or lustful disires please help me :( im want much play this game :(

I installed the game but I don't know what to do about it


Just play, the game if you interested, believe me you will get interested to know more

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Guys, how do I get myself to play? i dont know im pc

anyone has a save before choosing between bernard or logan? can u send me a copy of it? :( i delete my so i cant experience doing logan's. starting from scratch would be so far huhu help!

Logan love path it's such pain in the ass for sure so yes I suggest you pick Logan path so you can get 2 heart with him, but still he is hard to get

hello! thanks for ur reply. it didn't notify me lol. anyway! how to achieve more hearts for logan ?

Well trouble in den, country road and save him, don't chose Bernard if you chose Bernard you will get stuck in 1 heart 97 like, yeah I've been there, and also you can date him during fair every sunday just stroll untill you find him, I know it's very low chance to get him in the fair. But if you want to know more there is wiki about this game, feel free to see 

Event quest says i need to check up on logan at the sawmill - re: troubles in the den. already talked to him but it doesnt check out? (sorry bad english)

You have to talk to him at night,I'm not sure what time but night before 12am and it's not Sunday, and I hope it's help


I hope in the future to see a spicy minotaur hehe...


I take it you haven't met Ste yet? :>


ste? uh... No.

He is Minotaur and he still wip

Deleted 237 days ago

if you've already got the gift just visit him at night. I believe you can give him wine.

i have wine but it doesnt say give gift unlike logan where i gave him dumbells

Might need to progress your relationship with Bernard a bit before you can give him gifts. I believe you can gift him a kiss or the fine wine if you visit him at night.

as Ceesunz said might need to progress the relationship, how much like do you have atm?


Is it normal to fail some checks even with high stats? I had around 50 of each and failed a perception test during Othra's hang out, so I loaded a previous save and raised it to 100 with cookies, but still failed. I also failed one during the scout mission in the orc camp.

I had 300 in like everything to check those out of curiosity, and yeah. I'm pretty sure some those checks are impossible lmao. I haven't check on the scout mission though, will update this after checking that one.


I'm a little late for the reply, but thanks for answering me!

np! sorry about being late, just hope this helped lol.


Will this game ported to Steam someday?

What are the qualifications to work at Entice? The Lady called me a threat to the business and not to go whoring about the city.


higher than 25 in all stats minimum, but not above 50 max. if your higher than 50 she refuses because your too good lol

I see I shall try to apply before I become to skilled on the next run.

you can use the cheat menu and lower your stats if you don't wanna go through all that. get burnt cookies, those reduce stats.

And Im is there gonna be a Elves? Or Beastmen with Dog ear or wolve Ear or maybe its on future...

Elves.... we haven't seen them mentioned but we got Orcs so prolly. beastmen with dog/wolf ears though, do you mean humans that have animal ears or like actual wolf/dog dudes like Hyao's character?

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Then also the ghost dick are WIP i know that patch was add on 0.31 or 0.32 but its still WIP

it was an april fools day thing I believe so maybe next april fools?


And the part Everett visit Feliar at night MC watch the scene but as player's only imagine no real Visual which is sad...


And the part of Succubus in the cave seeing Korg or Ste with the Succubus having s** only Narration no Visual Image while Succubus Riding big and thick poles =)×

(1 edit) (+1)(-3)

Also the Part of Encourage Route for Logan seeing him being Rape by Bandits in Camp I hope their are Visuals image for Research Purposes... Yes research


Hello Good Morning / Good Evening... 

I have been playing this game before and stop cause of studies but some visual´s is still missing like the bottom route of Logan with Blake in the mine I have read most of adds to visual of 0.31 to 0.62 nothing like add visual where when you explore the underground you will see Logan with Blake having s** only narration no visual of normal then messy and also the quest of Arion where its Hooves have problem you will visit Blake to put some Iron Hooves i think then their is another kinky s** with them that after watching you can go inside or join them buts its WIP as always no visuals as well of normal and kinky when i last play it on 0.31... And some first mobs of female bandit and lizard hunter in the swamp no visual i hope it add in soon update... And the part of like giant swamp creature or some a tree that Hayden tell to MC of why he became like bulky hunk with green hair cause Hayden before tell that when he go to swamp he experience a kinky were he was gangbang by vines of a monster that look like a swamp creature but more strange and big i hope add visual before and after the story to MC when Hayden open up to about it or the MC Encounter it cause their are Text of it but no Image...

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hi, i just kinda new to this side of lol.

so if i wanna play this game with the best experience do i choose to be guy (Homosexual route) or female (hetero sexual route).

And also if anyone got the most recent guide/walkthrough (Spoiler is okay) can you please provide me the link.

pls answer this cuz I don't wanna miss any good content from this game, Thankyou ✨:)


gender doesn't affect much from what i experienced, but there is a variety of content that varies depending on sexual orientation and prefered role, out of that most of it you will be usually dependant on you choices, so just keep a save at every major decision, and for content in the game most of it can be seen in the in-game notebook.

I would like to say gay is the way but I haven't tried hetero. There is so much gay and it is wonderful for sure. But the replayability of this game is kinda crazy so you could always try both.


thankyou for the answer!!

definitely gonna try both gender but i will try playing as a female first <3

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TL;DR gender and sexuality don't lock you from content (excluding one scene but that is a scene only for tops so you might not care if your character is a bottom), and nothing is truly missable except for permanent choices from the nameless, and the morality choices because you can't change what happened without a reload.

Gender and sexuality don't affect the game enough to be a concern, just pick whichever one you want since the only thing it really does is change some Dialog from "penis" to "vagina" in sex and gives you female or male pronouns. this is the guide.

also only a little bit of content is missable right now, and almost all of them revolve on you being either evil or nice. also you can reload an older save to get anything you wanna know about, such as if being a dick would be fun. there is only one exclusion to that, and that one particular is the nameless and his events. so be EXTREMELY careful during the his choices. it has to be something you actually want because the nameless blocks your ability to change your choice even if you reload. 

but back on the other missable stuff that's hard to change, that is the green and red options. you can reload your save to change these but it's usually pretty far back and quite annoying to redo everything up till that point you needed to reload from. also the  choices being red and green mean it's important and your choice will either have consequences, or a reward. well depending on what you feel would a reward it might be useless for some of them. an example for green that gives a reward would be saving the lizard people instead of corrupting them, if you save them they have sorts of stuff for you, such as cleansing water which removes all debuffs/status ailments! (excluding literally nothing since I've used it to even cleanse being tired/exhausted lmao). and an example of a "bad" green choice.... only one thing comes to mind and that is a certain characters... situation. he's in a real bad spot and if you choose the red option, it technically keeps him out of the situation and saves him from his fate. that is also my only example of a "reward" for red choices, however even then it's not absolute since he may have gotten into a new situation and either left it worse, or better. so usually green is just better both morally and content wise, unless you don't mind the punishments and want the stuff locked behind the evil choices. then it's really just up to you.


wow it's a lot of information XD.

it's fortunate then because I'm planning to play as female in this game and not missing anything (I'm fine missing the top content since it's not my cup of tea anyway)

i just installed the game and definitely started playing it tonight.

thankyou for the guide it's gonna be very useful for someone like me who doesn't wanna miss anything in game lol <3

(2 edits) (+2)(-1)

hope it helps! I only did the Logan thing on a female route out of curiosity for the dialog change so that's most of what i know for it, if you find anything thats weird or buggy try and report it in the comments here or on the discord.


Hi hyao, after playing your game in my loptop since i couldn't play through my phone i would say these game is really good, and the smutt is really good, and the story line as you go further for me i think its really good, i hope in the future update we can finally see the face of our character and i hope we could do more with the one were fighting like i hope that if you battle enough to them your like gonna onlock route, and i hope there will be a route with goblin, and the lizardmen too, but overall its super gooddddddddd arghhhhh

I hope your next game would be reincarnarion, incest, beastality, teincarnation, action, adventure, and fanatsy, like our gay horny mc will be reincarnated in the novel that the gay horny mc read, and after reincarnating he became the one of the bully of the mc in the novel that he read that would soon to die, and after reincarnating he vowed that he would not be virgin in his 2nd life and would take everycreatures dick in his ass  including his father dick, dog dick, eleve dick, dragon dick, every dick,



Could you add a gallery for the nsfw images?


there is one, it's a patreon reward tho.

Yes im stucked here in the orc war. What is the next step? and how can i get khalgor scene?

Hello adventurer!

Check the version installed in the game save and if everything is in order, try talking to Orgram again for another dialogue.

If the problem persists, try returning to your cabin and sleeping and check if the mission has been released.

If the problem still persists, it may have been a conflict in the storage area, try using a nearby save to reverse your progress.

I really hope the bug on andriod can be fix TT

Hi! I would like to know if it's possible a spanish translation? I would love to help

(1 edit)

Hi! forgive me if this is a silly question but im rather new to playing Visual Novels. Am I able to take my save data from update .59 and use it on .61? I moved the save data file over to the newer version but when I go to load my data it still says im playing on version .59. thanks for the help :)

Its bc you saved them on .59, if you load it and then save then its going to be .61.

as Aiko-chan said, it's just visual. the saves will always say "0.59" when you update since the save was made during that version, but if you load the save content from the update you just installed will be accessible as long as you loaded up the right version.

okay! Thank you guys for the help 


Not equipping any pants or underwear actually adds quite a bit of dialogue throughout the game. But you will get arrested for doing it in Northcrest. Which isn’t always a bad thing…

Deleted 241 days ago

This game is so good, I hope in next uptade we can expand the character like Alden, or Ruben, they seem Intresting to me 🙂

how many sex scenes do Logan has??just asking cause I never see him you know 😁

I only encounter 1, but I hope we can have multiple tho

Deleted 244 days ago

Well bottom Logan seem nice but sadly we can't date him so, I guess 1 is the correct answer, because it's only 1 when you can date him when you discouraged him 


depends on which Logan you wanna know for. if you wanna romance him and let him top, there are 4 scenes. one causes a black heart tho so it's not really worth it unless your just curious about the scene. 

Bottom and no romance has 9. none have any complications to worry about since the complication is he can no longer get romanced in that path

also this is me going off memory, there could be some scenes I missed but from what I remember this is how many there are with both.

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Will Hyao add more scenes for Bot Logan? I am hungry for more content of him with other characters. Like a repeatable Rhot and Logan scene. It only happens one time and I wish they had a repeatable one like with Korg. Heck, I also wish there was a B!Logan and Gunnar but I'm not sure this one will ever happen even lol considering certain recent events. Hopefully there's a B!Logan and Bernard in the future, I feel like that's the easiest pairing to make a scene for. 

yeah he'll get more scenes. idk how a Gunnar Logan scene would work, but I think it's possible if Gunnar chills out if he returns. Rhot seems likely if we can take people from Bareshade to visit the temple or set up some sort of interaction between the two. Bernard does make sense but I think he only has sex with people he loves/has a thing for. so it's weird for him.


It could still work with Bernard honestly. Remember the mini quest Bernard has "More Potions" where he needs more Restrain Potions. Hyao could edit that that small quest. He could make it work via dialogue options where the player could suggest using Logan to get his rocks off instead- that way it's repeatable. But we should be able to tell to him to just stick to potions as well, like how we could suggest Korg to have sex with Logan or tell him not to. So there's player agency. 

Plus I'm betting that his werewolf urges have heightened his libido, he says so himself. So maybe we can assure him that it's okay for us, like he is okay for the player to slut themselves as well. I mean he does also get a little bit turned on seeing the player get all slutty in the forest during that werewolf event.


Is this only male i mean gay games,just wonder,i want to try so want to know first


You can choose male or female, but mostly gay

Damm it


Pretty much like 98% gay. You enter your character's orientation and role at the beginning.


ahh ok thanks ,damm the game looks funs n refreshing..Damm it xd

Help! I was progressing a new playthrough and accidentally saved it on to my main save file. Is there any way to retrieve the old save file ? 

Hello Adventurer!

Unfortunately, after losing or modifying a SAVE it is not possible to recover it, we do not recommend trying to make changes to the storage to try to recover the progress as this may generate conflicts with future data.

Hi, I'm stuck on the orc war. I already had my first fight against Khalgor and the Scene with Nameless but after reporting the mission in the orc village nothing else happens, how do I continue? Is there a scene with Khalgor?

Hello Adventurer!

To help you with greater precision, could you send an image in response with the event log of the orc war stage?


Will Rhot become a character in the relation log someday? Just figured he would since he's a lizardman with an unique sprite and dialogue

Hello adventurer!

Rhot is one of the many lizard characters you can bond with in Lustful Desires.

I need a Chinese translation

Hello adventurer!

Lust of Desires is still in the development phase, so there is no other language available other than the original (English), please wait for future updates or we suggest the use of an automatic screen translator for better immersion through the dialogues with the characters.


Question, but is it just me or does everytime I make a save file at the wasteland area my save gets corrupted-

Hello adventurer!


   Some areas of the game can and/or will be settings of immutable choices in the story's fate. Your files, in the specific situation mentioned above, are confined to a specific area of the device's storage and as the game is still in constant development, there may be bugs that corrupt the backups.

    But don't worry, your criticisms can and/or will be forwarded to the development team.

is there a way i can get those saves back cause it's- a bit annoying to restart the whole thing-

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