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How to get heart with xeroth?

Have the conversation about submirting to him. I think you have to submit to him but someone stated that even saying no gives you the heart

does anyone knows how you can invite Ste to the fair? I have 2 heart and 65 likes, when I went to do the fair exension only appeared to talk with Feliar, Korg and the lizards (Bernard already meet Ste at this point) and when I talk to Ste nothing about the fair it's mentioned


You don't need to talk to Ste about the fair. After Ste visits Bareshade for the firt time he appears at the fair

in my first play when he appeared in the fair it's mentioned that I didn't invited him, so I thought it was something I did wrong or something haha thanks!


You're welcome!


Hi, I don't know if anyone would know when more content would be added to Arion or Tank, if not Jester are my favorite characters.


Arion is a guest author content, so Hyao doesn't write about him, but includes the new content when the fuest author has new ideas, while Tank and Jester are linked with Northcrest and the orc's war and since Zoroj is the one drawing for this storylines and since he's on a break i suppose for now there will be no nwe content about them. Take in consideration that this are only suppositions

Have you taken Tank to the Murcove cave, and had a scene with him upon leaving it?  Just checking, as that was something I'd missed for a long time when playing the game, heh.

I don't know if you already know but the sex battles with mucrads have different sex scenes if there is tank


I have a question

lately i see that the game has change the art lately 

is Zoroj stop drawing for the game ? Or This just to spice thing up ?


Zoroj has some stuff going on and is taking a break for a while, he hasn't quit as far I know, and I think he will be back sometime.

could someone tell me if the site has a 2n heart and if it has a way to get it?

(sorry if I made mistakes English is not my first language)


Ste. has a second heart you get it at the end of the country road

(2 edits) (+1)

You get Ste's second heart by doing the Event "Country Road" and having normal Logan, by the end of the event you'll go to his house and you'll get a mini ending on the event you can get his second heart from there

Oh i think i miss it i can't do it again rights? Cause i end event country road and i don't even know ste has second heart cause i don't get second heart.       (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)


Yeah it's a one time event when miss it you miss it :\, but as a general tip if you redo the game, at the end of Country Road when you go visit the farm you need to choose to be there for Ste and then when he tries to start the naughty say you'll do later

Hello and how is everyone doing? I have a question I'm trying to get the Ste Repays Logan but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong I want to be able to explore Ste's house a bit does anyone have any tips or guide on how I get the addition encourage him. Thanks in advance.


Hi! Today I'm doing better than the days before. Sorry, it's my fault: "encourage him" is synonym with "bottom Logan". Thank you for pointing it out, I'll change it as soon as I can, since "encourage him" is ambiguous.

Ok thank I was playing normal Logan route so I wasn't sure what where I made a mistake in my gameplay.  By the way Ben in my good path I'm trying to get Garuik to show up but he says he'll appear in my hut but he never shows up I'm guessing it cause Korg is in my default home is there a way around this without losing Korg?

It's still a WIP, no way to do it yet

(1 edit)

Yay, he just appeared.

That's a bit of leaving the player in the lurch*.
I'm new here... So how's such a thing handled, will the game remember me picking him up and place him at the hut in Bareshade when more content is released?

* I was really happy when I saw a new character especially one that seems to be an alchemist or similar. You know, new types of potions, maybe learn how to make extracts... Ah, yes he's sexy too.

Yes the game will remember

omg could you share a link to that guide?


Check my profile for more informations

(1 edit)

Does anybody knows if, in the future, Hyao is planning to let us make choices which result in character deaths?

Like, making a choice and ending up with Logan dead and you being no more able to interact with him.

I like this idea of having the chances of screw things up and have real consequences on the gameplay. has already happened: there are 5 people that can die because of you, nevertheless these are not main characters like Logan or Bernard. I think their presence is too important for the stories/the mechanical elements to die and affect the gameplay.

I didn't killed anyone yet. Who are those 5 NPC and how it happens?

If I remember correctly one dies in the lair of the succubus, I think there are 3 possible deaths in the construction of the rural road and one more in mistyshore which is Pablo I think

Yeah, 3 in the new road storyline and 2 in the mythshore storyline. I didn't count the one in the lair because you can't save him

I didn't knew they could die omg (maybe Pablo but I could never be that mean)


you scared me for a second with the Viccoria's lair thing then i remembered its that dude that was turned into a black goop thing.

(1 edit) (+2)

Spoilers about game main story ahead, you we're warned.

Since that lake village (I forgot the name, sorry) event thing, we've discovered that the Wraith Fever has something to do with all the shit that happened there.

Playing the game again, I realized that Bernard was the first person in Bareshade to get sick (after him there were a few others he mentioned).

When I was studying about the recipe of the Spectral Sirup, there is a line saying it has a chance to occur to those who visits graveyards and things like that and I remembered that, near Bareshade, there is that Old Crypt on the underground tunnels.

It made me think if Bernard was messing around that place (it would mean that, when you tell him about the Old Crypt, he says that he had no ideia it was there, so he would be lying) or someone from Bareshade that knows something.

I think this people probably is connected with what happen on the lake village (since the path to the Old Crypt is around there). It could be one of the occultists that spread the disease there and know is living in Bareshade, far from the eyes of Northcrest, hidden in a small-nowhere-village.

And it makes me think if the shapeshifters corrupted the royals from Northcrest, there sould be one of them from that family that was resting in the lake village.

It also reminds me of something Nameless told us once, that we already have contact with a shapeshifter and my guess is that he or she is probably from Bareshade.

What do you guys think?


Love this comment.

Bernard definitley has some weird stuff going on and I wouldn't be suprised if he was lying/hiding things from the MC.

About the Wraith fever thing I remember it being spread by the big rats under the tavern, so maybe Bernard could've gotten it from interacting with one of the bar patrons? (Personally prefer your idea though)

I remember posting a while back about Bernards odd gauntlet and the strange gem in it but I'm still waiting on an update that can help explain that.

The gauntlet and the gem seem so out of place on a seeming normal freindly merchant in a remote village...

About the lake village do you mean Mythshore? The one filled with zombies?

It would make sense that whoever caused that fled through the hidden passage and ended up in Bareshade, I remember one of the tall buildings having a note on the top floor from whoever caused that but I'll playthrough again and see what I can find.

I personally still have no trust in The Nameless but he could just have been vauge with his word choice, technically werewolves are shapeshifters so he could just be using that to gain our trust.


The thing about Wraith Fever been spreas by the Ratkins was something I forgot and could actually happen since in the Basement there's a scene of a Ratkin fucking a Bareshade guy, so, yeah, maybe.

I don't know exactly if it was a coincidence or not, but right after I gave Bernard the Spectral Sirup and ended the Shopkeeper Sickness event, I unlocked the Rat Problem event. Maybe there are connected after all.

I never noticed Bernard's gem and that's a interesting point. Maybe in the future we could unlock a dialogue which we ask him about it.

About the Nameless and the shapeshifters, I totally disagree with you. The game is very clear when they talk about werewolves and shapeshifters. Never once I know they used both as synonimous. When the game talks about werewolves, they use exclusively the "werewolves" word. Same as the shapeshifters.

I believe Nameless was telling the truth, since he seems interested in what we are doing and just gave us this hint. My  strongests guesses are Feliar (since I saw that message about him on the cave I never ever trusted him again. I don't really think Victoria would be craving messages in stones walls, she has more interesting stuff to do anyway), Hayden (He is the newest member of Bareshade from what I know and he said that he moved to Bareshade, so he's not from there and the fact the he never mentioned Northcrest or were he came, it's kinda strange.) and Bernard because, as you said, he's probably hiding something from the MC.


Yo good catch with the Ratkin and Bareshade guy scene totally forgot about him, also couldn't remember if the ratkin could spread it or just the big rats.

You are right about the werewolf and shapeshifter language, I just thought since clearly the Nameless isn't from Aigran (name of the world(started a new playthrough because of this)) and sees a potential ally in us that he was using some sort of trikery to make us think we could trust him so we would further his goals or something.

About the suspects... while I grow more suspicious of Bernard and what he's doing I don't believe he could be the shapeshifter because he seemed to know our mentor at the start of the game, Hayden being the newest member to bareshade and his odd colour of hair (I know he explains it but I'm not sure i buy it) is definitley suspect but I don't know much about the swamp creatures, what they can do, or their origins.

But with Feliar I don't know I feel like having liar in his name and someone writing "Feliar is a liar" is probably a red herring? Maybe Victoria or someone else did write that I don't know maybe he lied to Victoria and that is what caused their falling out and maybe she did that to get back at him?


I don't trust Feliar because there's a lot of interactions with him that ask if we trust him or not, definetively more than any other character.

You are not asked this when you met Ste or Korg (maybe one time, but it's just that). Feliar is very persuasive and he's actually very close with the leader of Northcrest army, Everett. Since we know the shapeshifters are, actually, pretty interested in Northcrest government, this is something we should consider.

Anyway, I really hope the shapeshifter revelation to be a big and main plot. It would be hell good to see a NPC I loved and trusted has been betraing us this whole time.


Hey I think you're forgetting something important about Feliar, the way he behaves when you give him the love potion is weird. Most people who drink the potion look at you with primal lust no matters if they are dominant or submissive they just want to fuck with you. Feliar was like "oh look, I got a boner,  wanna touch it?" Sure he is a Satyr and that maybe explains the behavior. But the weirdest part is when the potion runs off he is not dizzy or confused and remembers everything. Every other person who takes the potion has barely or none recollection about what happens. So yeah way suspicious mister!

Just something that slapped me right know.

Maybe the secret ingredient of the coffee is a small dose of Love Potion?

He is a lonely satyr who almost-never have guest. He always complains abouy being lonely, so everytime he has a guest, he offer a cup of coffee with a little dosage of Love Potion. Not enough to make you feel completely lost and wishful, but enough for you to feel confident and relaxed around him.

Maybe Love Potion does not have the same impact it has with the others because he is already familiar with it. Not to mention the fact that he knows you put a Love Potion in his coffeejust by drinking it (it's mentioned that the Love Potion should be spotless when you do it with Xeroth, I think).

maybe, although he never actually tells you what he puts into the coffee, he just says that he makes a special coffee with a secret milky ingredient 😉 and Vicoria says he puts tar larvaes in the coffee.

 Also he never said that you put love potion into the coffee, he said that you put something into the coffee and you could get in trouble because he doesn't know how is going to affect him. If Xeroth found out about the love potion just by looking at the tea, maybe Feliar knew you drugged by the taste of the coffee, been he a coffee maniac.

Now about the resistance to love potion it could be because he is a shapeshifter or be a Satyr but there's also a wild theory in this chat that Vicoria and Feliar were a couple before and she probably stuffed him with aphrodisiac so he may gain some resistance. 

Think about it when Feliar and the MC ar fucking he cums 3 times and he's suppose to be an Old Satyr so a young one must be able to do it 5 or 6 times that is hardly enough for Vicoria so is most likely she use her powers or stuffed him with aphrodisiac to keep going. I mean we think Arion is the one that could satisfy Vicoria because he can at least cum 10 times in a row,  when Mc is getting fuck by Arion in the stables he can get fuck like 9 or 10 times before black out and while the MC is a twitching mess Arion is like "yep that's a good hole, Next!"

So yeah is a little tricky to think that Feliar is the shapeshifter because he could be or he just could be an old Satyr with deep scars and trust issues.

(1 edit) (+1)

Wow, I didnt realise this, you are right. Now, things are getting interesting. Damn, this is is rough, the shapeshifter could be anybody... But maybe the 1st character I would point out to is the witch, because in the end we dont know her motivations either. Then again since she is a witch, it could be obvious to blame her... Mmm... Any other shaddy characters xD?


It would explain why she has 2 appearences and her tricky nature (because she definetively knows something else that she is not telling us). But, as a shapeshifter, being isolated in the middle of the swamp doing what exactly?

From my point of view, I think the shapeshifters have a goal and a leader, since they are working together and seems to have the same interests in Northcrest royalty. 

In my opinion, the shapeshifter or is someone from Bareshade, or is someone close and related to Northcrest in some way.

Torben maybe?!! While he is not a main character compared to the others... He´s got freedom to move between Bareshade and Northcrest :O His role as a merchant would suit him to keep his true identity well concealed. xD


Torben seems to pure to do something like that, but it would be a good plot

(3 edits) (+1)

Question : How do I get rid of the "Drunk" effect ? 

I tried sleeping and resting,  but nothing works :(

Edit : nvm, "Cleansing Water" did the trick.


Thank you Hyao for the update 7w7. As time passes, I get constantly impaled by every f***ing hot thicc creature that dares to grapple me. And... ITS GLORIOUS!! Mwahahaha xD

(4 edits) (+1)

I have a question.

Does anyone know where is save files in this game?

I moved another folder old versions of this game, but when I played new update version, there were a lot of save files remain still.

I want to clean those file(old version's save file) up at new update version.

I want to delete them.

Thank you.

Dear Hyao,

If you have a time and chance, I would love you to add function for deleting save files at the update in near future.

Best regards,

I need to say I would like to do it too.

The easiest way to delete files is by pointing on the saving and press the delete button

(1 edit)

I didn't know it. Thank you very much!!

I'm sorry for Hyao.  A function for deleting save file were already prepared  in this game.  Thank you.

You're welcome! Actually this function is already implemented in Renpy by default. If you search on internet there are other interesting funtions like using o to make the text wider.

I play it on mobile and I couldn't do it. It's something exclusively from the PC?

I'm playing this game on my PC.

I'm not sure about mobile.  I'm very sorry.

I don't know, sorry


Is it possible to have 3 hearts with Logan before the Scouting event? I hope i didn't miss one

You can have 3 hearts with him only after the scouting event


Seeing an end to the swamp werewolf thing with Logan was awesome! Three hearts and it finally makes a difference 

(1 edit)

I´ve got 2 after the event. I am missing the 3rd one. Do I get another one at the fireworks event maybe? 

how did you guy trigger the event? i slept for 7 days and camped at the forest since 22:00 and still nothing idk if im missing something

You need to go to your house in the forest around 20:00 to 4:00.

the original home?



You missed the "I owe you a beer" event. If you want to have all three hearts you need to restart before the new event, because you can do the "I owe you a beer event" only if you have 1 heart

ffs, I need to remember to make more saves, now I fucked it up hahaha xD

Yeah, remember that there are more than 10 pages, you can croll left

(1 edit) (+1)

I wanted to ask this question a long time ago: is there gonna be any event with barricades and aphrodisiac that we can put around our home? I mean... do we even need to protect it? Or I missing something?

Actually, I think that if you don't defend your home you'll have random events about bandidts visiting you at night, it happened just once because I hadn't the house upgrades yet


Do any of you have any idea the max hearts we can get from the guys so far? I feel like I'm lacking from some of them.


The max number of hearts I saw was with Bernard, 4


List of all the hearts you can get: Arion 2, Bernard 4, Caleb 2, Dulrig 1, Hayden 1, Korg 1, Logan 3, Othra 2, Rhot 1, Roushk 2, Scrap 1, Ste 2, Xeroth 1.

Thank you so much for this! 

You're welcome!

Thanks man ^v^

You're welcome!


Love the game, it's super hot and fun to play and get lost in the world. Do kinda wish there where more rump pic of the characters though. Nice and meaty dicks are amazing but I'd love some of that hefty male ass that keeps being described to me

Me too!!!


hello how can i start swamp werewolf quest? is it in quest log? i did find swamp werewolf monster in misty abyss on beetween world quest but how to trigger the event?

If you've fighted the swamp werewolf creature you've nearly finished the trouble in the den quest. You need to make the talk "trouble in the den" with Bernard or Logan and than you've ended it. For more informations look here:

How do you make xeroth win the hunting quest?

(1 edit)

distract everyone else with either sex or anything else that works, also I think if you screw with him first it gives a reason to win instead of him just using it to collect herbs.

(If that doesn't work with seducing him try it without and vice versa if you start with the other and it doesn't work.)

I have questions again rhot have second heart or not? and how to get it if is have thank you.


No, there still no second heart for him.


I guess Rose lost the bet lmao

How To get third hearts from Logan

In normal Logan route. After you finished trouble in den event, you need to wait a week. Even if you did it before, in this update you still need to wait a week.

After that, there a chance that Logan will visit you at your house, outside Bareshade, by night. If Logan don't visit you even you have wait for a week, just re-enter your house to reset your RNG.

(1 edit)

Kinda unrelated; Im on Logans bottom route but im missing something to start the Troubles in the den event. When i enter Bernards shop nothing happens, I have the Misty Abyss unlocked, though i dont exactly know what the "WW story" is. Any help?

(3 edits)

This event, also every event which lead you to get Logan's hearts, are available for Normal Logan route only. You cannot get any Logan's heart from Bottom Logan route. 

(3 edits)

Oh sorry i actually didnt mean that for Logans hearts, i know you cant get them on the bottom route, i was just talking about starting the troubles in the den event in general on the bottom route

Here a guide for Trouble in den event. You need to focus on BT Logan route. But tbh, the difference between N and BT is who is the event starter and who will end this event. The most processes are the same.

just reentering house is enough? i went to forest and back and nothing

Deleted 1 year ago

omg dude i just got it!!  it totally rng jesus i got 2 weeks spend to trigger by reentering the forest and the house 

for me it was problem that i didnt do the event going into abyss - i quess i did it some time ago and the save got deleted

wait so i should sleep in the house in Bareshade till he comes?

No, your house in the forest

I need help. How to active event Forest Scouting on new version and how to get third hearts from Logan. Thank

Do you play in Normal Logan route? And have you started Trouble in Den event?


Gracias Hyao



i remember doing the swamp event but not sure, and in event log i cannot find it, also i wasnt able to trigger the new event, so i propably didnt do it during this save - how i can trigger it again? the swamp?

If in the mysty abyss you can fight swamp werevolves creatures instead of the swamp creatures and you don't have the talk "troubles in the den" with Logan, you've already done it

yeah, i had trouble in den, but didnt meet with tentacle werewolves, did those, went to house and immediately it triggered the new event



Could someone please tell me how to start Logan's event, it won't let me and it's already been a week in the game

Try checking if the time is right. I made that mistake of not reading fully.


Thank you Hyao for the new update ❤️

Sorry, how can I get the first heart with Normal Logan ?

first heart is you choose him for the Bernard or Logan choice for the first werewolf thing.

I just downloaded .46, and I can't wait to play it! It looks really good

(1 edit) (+4)

Since Flexible Survival and TITS were some of the inspirations for the game, can we expect some transformation scenarios for the herbalist ? (excluiding the bad end tf's, which i'm also curious if we're going to see more of those :3)

which bad end tf??

atm there's the Tar being tf ending, i don't remember if there's other ones.

There are also bad ending with tf with the jellies, swamp tree and Roushk

How can I unlock the path in the cave in Junkyard,also how can i trigger Journey with Tao when i have done all the quest in the junyard

Have you finished "Rat's problem" storyline?

Bug found: Its about the Booster potion. Each time I log in the game the recipe its available to study it. I tried saving the game. I logged out and in again and I had to study it once more. 


Does this bug still happen even you have learn this recipe and go to another place and save it? Sometime ren'py couldn't save a process during brewing screen, maybe ren'py cannot detect a change in this screen, except you exist that screen and save it later.

I see. Let me try that.


Success!! Thank you :). After learning the recipe I saved at the lizard´s area. It seems to work just as you described. 

Glad to hear that!

(1 edit) (+4)

What enemies do grab/inmobilize you? I just found that allowing enemies to do this while they´ve got a boner and choosing the "wait" option its just so f****ing hot. Do we have a list xD? 

For now I´ve seen this with: 

Werewolves, Swamp creatures. Gonna test this with troglodytes 7w7

(1 edit) (+4)

Mercenary hogsvine do have a move which can immobilize you too. And if you lose or surrender while you immobilized, you will see some sex scene with that.


Definitely try it when fighting Gunnar. The one with a Wererat is also amazing

wait you can fight Gunnar? How

(1 edit) (+2)

You can fight him once in Fishing village during Northcrest conspiracy event. After that you can fight him whenever he not in Bareshade at Riverbank. And beware about your first fight, it has a long-term effect to Gunnar relationship too.


The main question is which ones DON'T have a grapple. Like 90% of enemies have a grapple, the problem is waiting and surviving/restraining long enough to get them to grapple. If you have a save file before cleansing Roushk,  his fight also has a grapple.

(1 edit)

Darn it xD. Then I missed that X). Yeah, also I think the Agility stat might be related perhaps? When fighting the troglodytes sometimes I read something in the line of "They had trouble to catch you" or something like that.


dont think anyone has said this one, the Krampus fight has a couple. one gives a different ending if you submit to them during it or reach max lust in it.

also Krampus and lizard hunter


Playing through the game, I do find both cool yet unfortunate that some scenes change depending on your sex expertise. For instance, without an expert(maybe experienced) rating in ass, you get a failed double penetration attempt for the corrupted warrior lizard. While trying to increase my last experience to expertise, I found that the two warriors at the waterfall interaction is no longer available and is replaced by a work in progress one. Although I have a save from before to use, I just find it a bit bothersome that I can't just choose to go with the other result.


Amo este juego.


I'm dying please give it too meeee😭😭😭😭😭

(2 edits) (+15)

I think the creator of game or other people wouldn't want to see people comments arguing, but you should suppress your need. Wouldn't it be a disturbance.? Because I've realized that the creators of the game are humans who need time to rest too. And I suggest that if you still wish the update you should spend a small amount of your money supporting the game creators instead of soliciting and you will get what you want in no time thx.


I  too am anxiously waiting for the update, but I do agree. Hyao will release the update when it's ready. With how much work they put into every update,  the creators put into each update, they deserve a much-needed break.   


I know it just came out but I just wanted to say that yeah, I hope Hyao took his time and didn't feel pressured, His mental health is more important than any game


Where's theeeeee update hyaooooo😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

its here now.

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