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guys is it normal that the quest with roushk at the corrupted lake get me out of the game without the possible to save? i think its a bug... And i can't go over the event log, cause i dont manage to go over the battle... can someone explain me how to continue?

Deleted post

Did anyone finish the Forest Scouting? I been done it so I waited for a week to see the new boss fight. Am I supposed to go to the Forest, the mist area, or the wolf den?

You just wait and sleep in your hut and Logan coming to take you in the forest

My dumb butt was going to the forest at 20:00 fighting waiting for something to happen lol. Thanks dude!

I think i found a glitch that i haven't seen anyone mention yet so ill share it. Doing the nameless event, I made a save on the choice screen where you chose to accept the witches help or not. I chose the latter at first, went through the dialog with the creature until the end. Then I loaded up said save and tried the first choice, did the night witch quest and talked to the creature again. At this point even if you load back, the game will still think you visited the night witch even if you didn't choose that path. 

It's not an error, it's done on purpose so you don't change your choice

Deleted post

Thats kinda weird because my first choice, being not to take the witches help, wasn't attached into my character ID but the contrary. It's quite strange this is the only time that the saving system can't be utilized but it's whatever, I already ran this game enough times so I won't make another character. Thanks tho for ur guys help 

Question of extreme importance guys, If I submit to Gundar. Would that count as threesome? He can grapple me quite easily and its tempting... that far I admit it. However, even if the game has thrown to me several threesome opportunities already, the truth is I am not into 3somes... 

My motto is: there are 2 things you never share in this life: 1 the car, 2 the boyfriend lol. 


Than it's better if you don't submit to him: he likes to share his property

May i ask when will the 0.47 update be released?

1-5 november 

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Does anyone have a list of all the Game Over scenes?

I already know about the Rat King and Corrupted Roushk, but that's all I know.


Try to search "game over" on my guide

If you have problems let me know

I need to be honest I don't really understand this guide (totally my fault, btw), so I'm picking your information and doing one on my own.

Anyway, it's helping me a lot to have it all in one place.

I just need to advise you that are some things that are missing on your guide, for example, in the Outdoor Fun in Bareshade, if the game understands you're ok with feral scenes, you have an option to submit to a Stray Dog.

Can you explain what you don't understand about the guide so I can make it clearer? 

I don't put locked bestiality scenes, only the ones that you risk to encounter even if you don't want it,

Can you explain what you don't understand about the guide so I can make it clearer? 

I don't put locked bestiality scenes, only the ones that you risk to encounter even if you don't want it, maybe I  need to make it clearer in the introduction. If you think other events are missing let me know, please!

Is there a way to have a Game Over with Arion?

I increased my Endurance stats using the coockies to see how long can he last and in the end my sanity fell to 1, but no GO.

I tried doing it again and nothing changed. It means basically he fucked my brains out and thats it?


You can't have a game over scene with him because he's a good guy and qhen you're going to lose your mind he stops


That makes sense. Thank you.

You're welcome!

It would be interesting for the community to create a folder or something with different save files (for example, one save file with the bottom logan route and the slave tao route, another one with bottom logan route but the tao free route.

This could be useful and spare time of the whole community to check the new content that are directioned to a single and specific chain of choices.

I don't know if this is already a thing, but I think it would be a great idea :)


Itsara candly shared it


That's amazing, I'll be using it in the future. Thanks.

You're welcome, thank him too!

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Is this a real thing or it's just Hyao messing and teasing us?

If it is real, what exactly I need to do to be able to study it?


It's just teasing but if you submit ro the alpha werewolf and you have good reputation among werewolf I think you get gangbanged


Thank you, I haven't found him yet so I didn't knew it.

You're welcome!

What a wonderful coincidence... My werewolf rep is 100... 7w7. Oh boy, here I come xD! 


you spelled "cum" wrong ;P

If someone died in the country road event, does that mean you can't get Logan's 2nd heart? Or do you have to watch the fireworks with him first before the new werewolf swamp event???

The only thing that changes for now is you lose a bunch of sex scenes

Like what?

A Blowjob with lenny and one with Edmund at the gloryhole, sex scenes with Edmund at the brothel and creating the gloryhole if logan is not a bottom requires more time


Hello, I was rash in making my decision with Nameless (oops)  and chose to side with him, however when I went back to a save file I made before that he said not to play tricks on him? Is there any way I can revert back to before I made my choice? Thank you!

P.S. as much as I would love to restart the game for all the juicy scenes again, it would be a pretty huge pain to play back to day 90 D:


You can do it only by editing the save file itself .

You have to find the variable associated with your choice .

Here's how i did it , i opened the archive.rpa with notepad++ ( that you can find in the "game " directory) and found the section regarding that choice to see which variable meant what

Then I edited the savefile on Saveditor online

Cool! I need to try it. Is there a risk of breaking the game?


Not really... Unless you edit the Actual archive.rpa  or you change too many values in the save file

good to know!

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No, dont revert the decision :(! Lets all love the Nameless one. Only strong ties of trust will allow us to find out Nameless´s goals xD. 

xD Hopefully I made the right choice then :wink:

where can i found oak wood?

Oak wood is found in the forest.

Choose the option "Explore Surroundings" (I think this is the option caption, sorry if I'm wrong). It's a randon generated event, so, it depends on your luck.

(If you want a hint, craft some energy drinks before looking for oak wood since you'll be able to collet just 2-4 and you'll be tired already. Use the enrrgy drink opening your backpack to remove the tired status. You'll be able to collect some more without needing to go back to your place and sleep)

There is a bug or not where when i take a lot of cookies for a stat and tried to consume 1000 of it when i try to save the result it glitches and revert to its value before, so if my strength stat is 10 before consuming cookies it reverts to 10 when i consume 1000 cookies and try to save it.

Consuming 100 is safe though and it doesn't recert to its previous value.


Technically is not a bug since you're not suppose to eat so much COCKies, since for now 40-50 in all stats is more than enough to surpass all test it makes sense that at 1000 the game breaks


I saw what you did there xD 

i've tried it before and around 200-300 is also safe.

hi, hello, does anyone know how to get the 4th hearth with Bernard? I've read that it's possible but haven't figured out how.

You need to watch the fireworks with him


Coolio! Thank you!

You're welcome!

Is there any keyboard shortcuts for choosing options? Trying to grind out potion materials is going to give me carpel tunnel.


You can use the cheatcodes to avoid grinding (by going to options and unlock the cheatcodes)


i don't know why they haven't implented the possibility to capture every type of red orc enemies ( with a Game Over where they F you so much that you lose your mind and they take over from that)...

I honestly would prefer new content for "forgotten" characters like Hayden or the Rat King instead of brand new content ( just for a while)


This.Is.An.Amazing.Game. Thank you for existing Hyao


I Miss Zoroj


You can have a game over scene by submitting to the brutes enough times and Hayden is a guest writer character, so Hyao doesn't write about him

LOL hahaha. Really? Ben Dover, do you know if does this happen when your sanity reaches 0? I say this because I have submitted to different red orcs but I didnt have game over screens. 


Yes, like all the other game over scenes, it happens when your sanity reaches 0, but unlike theother game over scenes, losing sanity is a random event (you can lose sanity only with the infected brute in the wasteland that has the black goo in the arm)

Nooo!! But, but!! Thats the hot one... Aw shucks... To submit or not, thats the question. 


yes he is

I know, I did that... but i love them so i wish for more content about them , that's what I meant with my post , thanks for answering anyway and also thank you for the info about Hayden . I didn't know sorry

Don't worry it was just so you know why there isn't more content of him. Are you italian?

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Yes , anche tu?

Sì 😬

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If someone died in the country road event, does that mean you can't get Logan's 2nd heart? Or do you have to watch the fireworks with him first before the new werewolf swamp event??


Does it have an NSFW scene?


You mean the Game? Yes, Yes very much so it is a NSFW Game with many different Scenes you can get depending on how you play and how things unfold with many important or unimportant NPCs.

anyone know how to find Garuik again ? i see him in forest near farm .

you can't for now

Anyone know if I can see Garuik again? If yes, please tell me...

you can't for now

Hey, I am really happy that we had a huge update some days ago. Unlicky,it is not avaible fro me since I have bottom Logan.

So, do we have in the guture assimilare update dedicated  to us? 

And how many should Ihave with him since my past choices and considering that I went after Bernard and not him
Currently I have 0

You don't really have a 'relationship' with bottom Logan.  Bottom Logan is essentially saying 'I just want a lot of sex scenes'.

Upon which relatedly, there are a /lot/ of sex scenes with bottom Logan and, um, half the cast haha, so there have been a lot of updates dedicated to 'And bottom Logan does a thing'.  Either way, you don't get hearts with Logan if you have bottom Logan as there's no direct relationship there, just lots of sex.

Anyone here knows how many hearts we could get for Logan? And how to get all of them?


currently in this update 3 : the first is won after choosing him over Bernad in the WW event. the second after having check all the expansion missions of the town, ww event ending, ending the rural route. the third after helping the ww who is the current one

Is there anyway to reset the Nameless choices?

since reload and rewrite the save doesnt work, i dont think just start new from the beginnig would do now

or just anyway to restart everything would be appreciated 

You can create a new character with a different name, that resets the nameless choice

oh, thats work? thanks a lot!

(2 edits)

Yup the choice ties to the character id aka the character's name, hence if you simply make another id it'll reset the choice

You could replace your persistent files in your both save folders with a previous one to reset your Nameless's data, anyway it may cause you some bugs if you lost persistent files.

i found the one in the save folder that seem to got overwrite everytime i start the client, but where the other one?

If you play on PC, there would be another one in %appdata%/renpy/lustfuldesire....


Is there a way to interact with the Cthulhu lIzard thing?


As far as I know, nope. I wish there was xD. For now we can only hope that maybe Hyao give us that option in the future. It would be so cool <3 

#Cthulhu/Nameless fever intensifies!

(Side note: I want to kiss his tentacles lol. If thats even possible xD) 

What do you mean by interact?

Well, I just assumed by "interact" he meant something like visiting/talking to him just as we can visit Bernard and spend the night with him; spar with Rhot daily, training session with Logan and so on. Secondary activities, I suppose :P

But yeah... who knows what the future holds for our favorite deep one :)


Yeah, I wasn't sure what he meant


guys I still have never been able to get the Ste and Logan scene... help :(

I found the guide but I don't want to replay the whole game... anyone know how to import saves on a Mac?


You can play the game again using cheat codes to get items you need and speedup your stats.

It'll be less painful than playing it normally.

But if you want my opinion, you should have a save file for every important decision because in the future, let's say Hyao introduces a NSFW scene between Tao and the MC, but you need to have the Tao Slave route.

After finishing the game, start playing it again in different saves and take this opportunity to try new things (maybe you even found something you missed on your first time?).

Anyway, good luck with that :)

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kinda new to the game and i have a question is it possible to have a herm character. and if it isnt possible will taht come in a future update?

What do you mean by herm character?

sorry for wording it badly i mean hermaphrodite playedble character

Is not possible and it will likely not be implemented, since doing so means changing all the  keyworks in all the story

understandebale have a nice day

Thanks, you too!

May i ask when will the 0.47 update be released?

Around the start of next month.

anyone have a save file for new logan event?

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I have one here

If you have any problem, please tell me.

Any top logan sex scene?

Bcs so far i don't have any D:


If i remember correctly, there 2 sex scenes in Normal Logan route. First one during 'I own you a beer' event, but if you are having sex with him here, he will hate you. And another one in new update event which you should try once!

Huh? Wait, wait xD, if you choose to have sex with Logan in the "I own you a beer" event you lose 1 heart? Is that what you mean Itsara? if it is, well it sucks then, and now I am not that worried I accidentally skipped this event haha. 

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If you have sex with him, you will get black heart, which mean he hate you and you cannot have more romantic relationship with him.

And you should try this event once! This event makes you understand his point of view and I grow to like him more by this event too.

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How do i unlock Bonding event?

I already got the heart with Roushk/Othra and made the hunting contest quest.

Have you already done hunting contest? The quest which Rhot give us weekly. If you already done it, there should be new conversation appear in talk option with Othra.

Cool, I wondered about this too :D

I'd like to know if there are any enemies who, if I surrender to them often enough there will be extra scenes. Thanks!

Deleted 1 year ago

Wolf,Gorilla. And more i think

Extra scenes depend on reputation: all enemies have extra scenes if you have enough reputation

Is it true? I believe you but I have tried increasing my reputation and I found that only red orc changes or am I missing something because most of my enemies still choose to attack me? sorry for ask questions again~ thx!.

New scenes aren't always during fights, for example if you have good reputation with ratkins and you are a sub, when you go to the pit in the junkyard there is a possibility of trigger a scene. In general higher reputation means more flirting, lower reputation more fighting, but even at 100 you'll need to defend from physical attacks

how to get grushk to like me?

You can't havehis heart for now, but you can see him naked or horny


I'm playing the game again tryind to have a Loving (100) reputation with all the creatures and I realized there's no way to tease the Bats of the track.

Is there anything else I can do to increase my reputation with them? Give them an item or doing something specific?

And if you guys know if there's other enemies in the game that it's impossible to have a high rep, please list them for me.

I want to know so since love potion doesn't work with it too.


The creatures that you can't tease even with potion (I call them unteasable) are: bats, jellies, hornets, crabs, vultures, skeletons, ghouls and zombies. You can't have better or worst reputation among this enemies, even using items.

Thank you! >:D

You're welcome!

Thank you so much for the list. I really appreciate it.

I think it would be better than to change the reputation message of those creatures to "Indifferent (-)", like it's on display on the slimes reputation.

You're welcome! Maybe the reputation for unteasable enemies is used to signal how hard they try to attack you, I don't know

Sr Cole? May I ask you a favor? Once you hit the cave where the troglodytes dwell. Can you find out if you can get grappled 7w7? My score with them is 100 already, but the game keeps implying I am just way too slippery and nimble for that to actually happen... 

Which means I dont know if: 

A) They cant grapple me either because of their inherent blindness or due to my agility stat.

B) They cant because Hyao didnt program them to do that lol xD

C) I have just terrible RNG? 

Let me know if you figure it out :P


I will, don't worry.

It will probably just take some time because I don't play too much a day, but if you are really curious, try it:

1° Save the game at any place or location 

2° Use the cheat code to get some burned agility coockies (they decrease your agility, so I'll find out if this is a problem or not).

3° After testing it out, just reload your save before doing it.

I always do it when I'm experimenting things but don't wanna screw up my gameplay (like fucking 288229 times with Arion without needing a break)

Does version 0.47 have Logan in human form romance 🤧

I hope to have because damn I love that guy

We all do

Anyone know how to save game files in case I change phone? I want to use a new phone but my game files are on my old phone, is there a way to backup files and restore files on new phone? Thank you!.

Maybe the files are restored on your cellphone's archives and I think you can share them to another cellphone via bluetooth or some other way.

If youre use apk no.but if anycase you some apk that can use the game. U can

How do I start the New Forest scouting event? I already waited 1 week, and completed the swamp werewolf event.

After you wait for a week, there "a chance" that Logan will visit you at your house, outside Bareshade, by night. If Logan don't visit you even you have wait for a week, just re-enter your house (just go outside and come back to a house) to reset your RNG.


Just sleep at home and wait for him to come to you.


Is their a way for tao to take you back to his homeland, I have chosen to let tao free and he said to talk to him when we are ready to depart but he does not have a chat option for me to leave. Someone Please help

Have you unlocked island entrance? You need to unlock it first.

how do u unlock the island entrance?

After you unlock junkyard, there would be an option 'clear obstacle' or something like that. After you try to clear it 3-4 times, the path will be cleared, and you can proceed to island node. But a first you still cannot go to surface from that, you need to talk with ratkins who guard there and inform it to rat king.

I'm glad to see the advance in Logan romance route but even the Samwill is the only place where we can have a litte cute love I'm hyped to see if the next update oh Hyao will bring us his 4th heart and a relashionship thing like having sex or sleeping together(I'm only saying this because Logan is my favorite character and I'm loving the game and this romance)

How can I unlock the conversation about the package for Everett. Cuz I think I missed it. I did the delivery with dulrig but the package and gift option for Everett isn't available

You need to explore the Marketplace at Northcrest in the night and follow Everett, is a random event so keep trying.


so,IM redoing my save (I hate to start over TwT),and the full moon event need 3 hearts + 40 like with Bernard,how to get that?

Note:i save logan instead of Bernard at the start

Firstly, you can still get 4 hearts from Bernard even you choose to save Logan first.

You can get his 1st heart after you sleep with him on the same bed in the hut, 2nd heart from going to hot spring as he invites you, and 3rd heart from stay for the night at his shop.

Ty for the reply itsara :).but i still need 1 answer.40 likes on Bernard,i tried the option to help him but the system don't make the like bar more up,so?

You need to go to the hunt and sleep on the floor i can't sleep with Bernard?

You can sleep with Bernard after you reach 40 likes. If I remember correctly, even if you make the best choiches and help Bernard, you still can't reach 40 likes and you are "forced" to sleep on the floor at least one time so you can reach this treshold and sleep with Bernard

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Why we need to sleep on the floor since we can get his heart if we sleep on the same bed with him?

You can sleep with Bernard after you reach 40 likes. If I remember correctly, even if you make the best choiches and help Bernard, you still can't reach 40 likes and you are "forced" to sleep on the floor at least one time so you can reach this treshold and sleep with Bernard. Thanks for sharing the screenshot: I didn't noticed that I wrote 1D instead of +1L on "sleep on the floor". I need to correct that, thank you!

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Have you found Bernard WW form in the forest? And can you send me your quest logs?

I already Get an answer for my own question.So i have 39 Like,(i forget how i get it). And i can actually get more likes when im with Bernard on the cottage. :D

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Glad to hear that! >:D

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