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(5 edits)

I couldn't save Feliar😭 Is there a way to bring him back after the fight or it's in WIP? I mean, they are demons, we can't use some kind of ritual or something to bring them back to life later?


Before the fight you have to increase your points of affectation with the

Get 70 like points with him, you can do the same with victoria as well

Wait we can save Vicoria? I once got 100 relationship points with her but only Feliar is saved. How do u save her?

60+ likes and gift her the romance novel twice


Ugh man i guess i have to play from the beginning again :(


only just before the fight and then stack up, you might need her in the future ;-)

Hola necesito ayuda, actualmente no puedo avanzar en la historia. 

Solo tengo disponible la misión de Ste y no puedo avanzar, pide que vaya a dormir pero no se cumple

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You probably have to sleep in your house, the house at the beginning of the game, not the house in the village

Si ya lo hice varias veces, pero aún así no se completa esa misión

lo mismo me lleva pasando desde hace un tiempo y hasta ahora nadie me ha podido ayudar haha


Hay un horario en el que dormir si mal no recuerdo debe ser antes de las 00 hs

Ya intenté de todo, en todos los horarios, en todos los días, varias veces. 

En este punto empiezo a creer que es algún problema del juego ya que no soy el único con este problema

Durante estos días solo me la paso farmeando experiencia en los mapas jaja


Saca captura de pantalla a lo quebré pide y subi lo acá así sabemos cuál es el error o si te saltaste algún paso lo cual bloqueo esa interacción

en el mismo event log menciona que antes de media noche, entonces no importa cuantas veces duerma antes de media noche lo mas que pasa es el evento de ruidos afuera pero nada de ste :(


hope we get more Yeti soon ❤️

What are the requirements to fight the Alpha because when I go to the Den I keep being told to prepare. What is it I should prep ???

Just continue the troubles in den event till you enter it with logan. after that you should gain access to it at any time you desire

How can I pass the mountain in the Northcrest crisis quest?

SO there is a virgin route with logan where you basically have to have 0 sexual experience in the 3 stats which results in small changes in daialog with logan on certain scenes. The question is does this that you forever cant unlock/continue relationships with other characters because wolfs den to save caleb you need 3 hearts with berend but if you have the virgin route with logan it basically locks you out from that

So is there a way to get 3 hearts with berend to find caleb or is the only way to keep the logan virgin route is by never completeing the event wolfs den

You can only get 2 hearts with berend before losing your status as a virgin since the 3rd heart well... you know what happens

as far as I'm aware, no. you have to get Bernards 3rd hearts to progress that stuff and there is no way around it.

How unfortunate, either they didnt think it through or they really just expect the player to start the event on a different route

The game is still WIP, the other route is in development

Apparently there is a way to bypass the 3rd heart event. I did it by following the wiki but just go to bernard at night. do all the things till he says that he can control himself and asks if you're ready or want to leave. leave and then come back the next day and the caleb talk option should be there

(1 edit)

You can leave during Bernard's 3 heart event, take the "Bernard likes you less" and then come back to ask about Caleb which lets you complete Wolf's den. I know the new axe throwing event also has some content if you got Logan's third heart as a virgin and haven't had sex with anyone since that point.

Dont wanna spoil but if you get Logan's third heart you aint a virgin no more *cough cough*

Sorry, I meant that there is a variation on the initial axe throwing scene if you were a virgin prior to the third heart scene and have not had sex with anyone but Logan in the time since his third heart scene.

Hello! I read on the wiki that I may become Khalgor's slave if I complete the Orc War and have -70 reputation with the red orcs. I completed the event but had bigger reputation, so I lowered it by killing orcs, but the scene doesn't trigger. Did I do something wrong or is it just WIP?

Pretty sure lowering your reputation (respect) is by submitting to them. Fighting the Red Orcs will increase your respect.

Thank you, I'll try


Also try to remove your armor first before going to their camp. Like fully naked. Helps lower your rep much faster since it goes down to -100.

It helped, thank you!

I need someone's help telling me how to defeat an alpha werewolf? I always lose after just 1 hit, it doesn't make sense I guess... My character has 100 HP with level 15, I also don't know what level range is needed to be able to pass this event... Please help me...

¿Has probado a activar el código de trucos en el menú de preferencias? Puede ayudarte a conseguir cookies que mejoren tus estadísticas".

I don't know, how to do it? Is it some kind of cheat?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm not certain what the other person said but if it's what I'm thinking it is, yes it's a cheat. you can open the menu, go to preferences and click "turn on cheats" then every item is available even limited ones in an infinite capacity in that menu. 

if you use it, make sure you go somewhere before saving if you just used items/got them. there was a bug I'm not sure if is still around where if you saved after giving yourself stuff without changing screens the cheated items would vanish.


You can use sleep mist potion and enhaced lust potions. Raise his libido and then... you know ;).

Alpha gives a lot of exp, so  grind some encounters and try to use the skill points on CON and AGI for future bosses.  ¨Just enough for 200 hp or 1 critical dmg will smash you down always.

Be prepared with a lot of potions and you will be fine.

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Then what about the two Minions he always summons? It's also quite annoying if they always give a bleeding debuff? I've tried dozens of times and still lose, this makes me want to stop playing :(

Edit: Well, I did as you suggested, but I used another method which is a bit wasteful, give sleeping potion and wolf poison periodically until the enemy's life is gone... At least this is the most effective way without the risk of getting hurt, lmao...

(1 edit)

there is no need to defeat it, just raise its libido to 75% and submit (when you see its big junk is enough). You'll get a lot of exp but the difference is you wont get alpha juice as ingredient. But is Ok for grinding exp at the moment.

what gear do you have? also are you using potions and stuff to buff?

If you have high reputation with werewolves, there is a chance it wont attack you or use normal attacks, but it is a chance only. In my build I use gears that rise charm and lewdness, so 3 or 4 pants down and it's done. Anyway be prepared with health potions, soap and well rested for bonuses. Barrel has a harness if you did encounters with him. Rose sells gears that rise those stats, too. You can submit to alpha at high libido to get exp and reputation, enough for lvling.

At top i said mist potions and lust potions. So when it wakes up drops your pants and then you go. At more lvls just use your body as a weapon.

Help please... It says on the wiki that after you go back to othra during the ceremony she will give you back the green gem and she will ask if you admire them but she didn't... She didn't asked me after taking back the gem the day turned into night and the event is over ;-; please help me because I really want to get Roushk's first heart😭😭

Why not? Why not get Roushk's first heart, also im pretty sure you get Roushk's first heart in the lizard celebration and the gem has nothing to do with that

I might of misunderstood the question but you can also just decline Roushk's offer that would lead to his first heart

How do I go from one version to another without losing my progress?

It's the first time I'll do it


You should just be able to download it like how you did for the first version and your saves should still be there.

That's what i've been doing and had no issues yet, this is because the save data is also saved to a different folder.

Hi! First, I wanted to thank you for your hard work. You're making a great game!

I've recently started a new playthrough and I wanted to try the 'no Bernard romance' "route". And, boy, was I glad to see Logan has some unique dialogue if you don't have sex with anybody else.

Anyway, I was wondering if there are plans to keep updating this "route" for the whole game. At the moment, it's not possible to start Black Wolf event without finishing Full Moon, and that requires having three hearts with Bernard. 

OHHHHH so this must be why i cant start the black wolf event


Can I play the game only focusing on m/f or fantasy creature?


You have to play as a girl, as long as you don't mind male characters hitting on you, that's where all the majority of the m/f stuff will be. Only other m/f if you play as a guy are for 2 characters, I think? One is a succubus and another is a lizard priestess but is already committed to someone but you can share. So... those are your options. I'm sorry.


In future can you add more for guy

Uh, not really the dev so I can't really say. Sorry, my guy.


no problem 😁 


Guys, just my two cents, but I wish we had more Blake content. I think he's being wasted and overlooked, and I see so much potential in him. Am I the only one who feels this way?


I honestly wanna see a CG of his and BLogan's time in the mines... plus yeah, a heartable option would be nice, and same with Scar tbh. I wanna date these dark kings.


I totally agree, I wish there were more Blake and Scar scenes, but with such a large cast, it's challenging for the devs to give everyone screen time, especially when trying to progress the storyline.


I could picture a scene where we try and date him and use many options during the date (leading to many scenarios) about making Blake laugh or at least smile lol. I dunno, I think that's cute. Similar to Ruben's Break. I think it'd be funny lol, bonus if there's some sexy scenes if you manage to make Blake crack a smile.


Theres a wip scene with him, the player and arion that has been left unfinished for a real long time


I mean scenes specifically between MC and Blake, or better yet, making Blake a romance option.


he is a romance option, he just hasn't had stuff in a minute. if they are in the relation book and aren't called guest stuff in update notes they will get more stuff from Hyao eventually!


that's a WIP cause it involves guest content, eventually it should get added though!

how do I find the New Road?

Is anyone able to help me trigger this scene with Harold? I've been attempting it for a bit but it's not showing up. Is there something specific I need to do or does it only happen at a certain time or day?


that scene needs you to have submitted to Scar during the battle at the bandit camp after throwing lust potions at him. 

Deleted 113 days ago

SAME. i also have this problem. it's really irritating me


you need to know the normal restraint potion  its red berrys in 1 and 5 then nuts in 2 and 

also you learn it from the quest given by Bernard

Does anyone have an upto date guide that easy to read i have dyslexia

also do you know how to get logan to owe you a drink


Can someone please tell me where I can find the 3 missing acolytes? I already found one at the shrines.. I want to go and take a look at the fanmade guide but I can't access it.. I can't go to this games wiki too because it's not there.. please help ;C

The first location you will need to go to find the second acolyte is the swamp. For this one just look around till it triggers.

Then for the second location for the third acolyte go to the forest pond during the day and the other acolyte should be there. If the pond is not an option you need to explore the forest till you find it.

(super sorry for leaving you hanging in the other message I hadn't seen your reply till today)

Hi, I'm having a problem with version 0.71 of the game. Once you click on the garden, the game stops and a white code screen appears.

Who is Talon?? Narram's sprite is in FA and it says it got added in this update but I don't recall a mention of him anywhere...

He's the Crocodile from the Black Wolf story

(1 edit)

can someone pls help me i just got to the nameless event as it said to trigger this is by "hear a call of a crow by waking up from home" from my understanding but everytime i either "sleep" or "sleep until morning" i can't seem to trigger it so im stuck can someone pls help, its been 30 in game days i wasted just by trying to trigger the next event, im at my wits end :( 

You need to continue the event. The witch will send the crow later, so you are forced to give 1 gem to Nameless no matter what.

(1 edit)

So, after catching up on the previous update logs, it seems that I missed the 0.69 update for Rhot's "Other kind of competition" feature.

Is there a way to trigger it on this update or is it a one and done sort of deal?

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Maul got very complex. He liked me less when i talked to him at battlegrounds. Now he won't invite me to tent? And so now i can't battle with him? Lol this game got very complex now XD

Is it because your character is a top or idk 

Have you tried changing your character to Versatile or Bottom? That could be why. 

I will try and switch. Thanks!

My mind is in shambles, I can't find where to learn the restraint potion recipe ;-; please help. (I'm on day 17 :[ )

You can learn the recipe from Bernard. You will find it dialogue option of additional job, you will first need to do the job of dealing with some bandits and soon enough the little quest should appear.

Then you will need to return home, learn it properly from the scroll icon in your hut, and bam you can make it. Though i'll provide the recipe for you anyways if you want to do it the easy way.

Restrain potion-
1st: berry (red)
2nd: nut
3rd: nothing
4th: nut
5th: berry (red)

There is also a strong version of this you will learn from a character named Othra. Overall I recommend just trying out every option and having fun, loading saves if you don't like the outcome, and you will learn and discover more. Anyways hope this helped!

Oh ma ga, thank you so much :D

no problem!

Now I'm stuck finding the three missing acolytes.. if it's ok with you, can you tell me where I can find them? I really want to progress more but I've searched every nook and cranny of the map and I still cant find them ;-;

Responded to your most recent comment about this. Sorry again for not seeing your question sooner.


I need more harpy contents!

I think it's a bug, but the 'nameless' event remains as "rest of the even it still in progress", and 'Orc War' need progress the 'nameless' event.

Is there any way to continue, do I have to redo something, or I just wait?

As far as I remember you need to go to both witches and inicially accept their offer. At that point you can resign and decide to manage to "fight" Nameless alone or accept her mind-control amulet and meditations to protect from him controlling your body. THEN you will be able to progress those quests further. I know it's not intuitive and this text under quest is missleading, but I THINK this will resolve the issue and you will be able to continue the story. 

Hello, can someone tell me how to raise respect with the skullbreakers horde? Relationship with Red Orcs is high (>80) and I fought Mirage.

Thanks in advance. ^^

Beat up the red orcs acting as guards without submitting

Thank you! 


I really love this game, but I hate Rose and Groth, man... Just seeing the interaction between the two makes me want to vomit, she stole my husband Groth! I will never forgive that.

Could have the option of ending both of their happiness, putting a curse on her so she turns into a lesbian and leaving my Orcs alone.


I mean Groth pretty much flirts with everyone not just Rose, this is what happens when you fall for a flirt lmao


Jesus lmao. I'm sure you'll be able to romance Groth still, possibly. I don't know.

I am like 90% certain we can still romance him and they are just having fun. also we still have another character she might have feelings for.... so like Groth is prolly still available for us lmao.

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You remind me of when I fell for a straight guy in high school and he got a girlfriend.

In the 0.67 update, "Northcrest Training Ground Check the abandoned camp, The encounters with Red Orc and Northcrest Soldier were moved from Battlefield location to here."

Why my Training Ground can't find this option?

Hello. On my part, Feliar died during the orc war. Will it greatly affect the outcome of my game? Will his absence disrupt my progress at some point in the future just like Korg leaving Mc's hut due to the Mc sneaking love potion on his drink? Please reply, thank you.

I cant do the dulrig love point 
it say:
 ScriptError: could not find label 'munbury_complex_b_encounter_11'.

i try 0.69 and 0.68 but still this error ?

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Is there anyways for me to skip to where I left of ? My old phone where my progress is is broken.

i ask the same i lost a lot of progress


how do I advance the Orc War event? I am stuck at needing to talk to Everett but it is not working, there is no prompt to talk about the orcs with him

same i don't have it idk

(1 edit)

you need to help the orc escape from vicoria to unlock this dialogue

Is there a Turkish language option or will it be added?


hey do y'all think the Nameless or Mirage is stronger? also whose goal do you think is gonna be the worse one?


I vote Witch Rose. Not gonna spoil anything for .71 but the fact that she can out bully someone without a hint of magic (even though non-canon Rose definitely does) is just chef's kiss. I bet she can even make both Nameless and Mirage into her b*tch and have them wear werewolf costumes for funsies and invite the two of them to Caleb's non-canon coffee shop. 


ok I won't lie, that sounds hilarious and wouldn't mind seeing that be true just to know how Mirage and Nameless would react to being in that situation lmao.

Mirage seems antagonistic, but Nameless also seems pretty messed up with how he forces Rhot or Korg to fight you and gives you a vision of everyone dead. I'll be honest, I'm a simp for Daddy Tentacles so I'm siding with him anyway. I'm suuure It'll turn out okay.

Also considering Nameless can remember your choices across saves, he seems a lot stronger.

In 'The black wolf' quest it says "Speak with Roushk about human visiting in the past".  How in hell do I do that since I took the red path in the 'The curse of lust' quest and Roushk is currently in me basement lol. Someone pls help!!

I don't believe you can because you took the red path, one of the consequences for choosing red paths is you might loose out on content.

So you'll need to make a new save game with the green options to experience it unfortunately. 

your right, red path makes anything requiring Roushk, Rhot or any Lizardman impossible for right now.

Yes i figured that out waayy to late lol. Thank you. Do you also hapoen to know how I can meet  Maul?  I have completed Northcrest Conspiracy with green ending and sided against Mirage. 

I have two Krampus statues but can’t figure out how to use them. In the past I thought all I needed to do was relieve myself but they haven’t worked for me for the past few updates. Any ideas?

do you only have 2? cause from what I remember there are currently 4 so maybe it's because your missing the other 2? (getting them all just means you can choose which of the versions of the event you wanna do. like the 1 statue, 2 statue 3 statue ect ect.)

(1 edit)

So how do I trigger Arions date? I have one heart already, I've had his 'Let's fuck' sex scene, I've completed the second date, I have 79 like, but still the 'Let's spend some time together' conversation isn't triggering. 

Rose doesn't have the option to sell tulips or talk about Arion and I can't find answers anywhere ;-; please help me.

(2 edits)

can you check if the dialog appears in a save before the second date in case doing that one locked it somehow? 


Note for future Mike-Bug, it finally triggered, I have no idea how but uhhh, progress with the lizard quest, and have about 90 like and your good. 

(2 edits) (+2)

After wandering consistently from place to place, I find myself back at the masterpiece LD. Rest here, traveler. Let's discover what I've missed...

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