so after you save Ste he goes back to his farm, an mentions about a cave near the troll bridge he used.
for bandit morale gonna have to use love potions to raise there like of you, but morale think need to do some quests for Jester to raise it.
ya the expansion takes quite awhile an best to start it early an do other quests an stuff so your not just ending go to bed, wake up, go back to bed, wake up on repeat till you reach the number of days needed for duration based quests.
Don't you remember after the effects of it went away Korg got pissed off at you for what you did. He was disgusted by you tricking him an treating him just like the sucubussy an just uninstalled himself from your life. Only way to get him back is to go to a save that before you gave him the love potion
Thanks for developing this wonderful game, I once played several years ago, and recently started playing again.
But I met some problem, I tried to trigger the rework gloryhole event in farmstead, and it said MC can seek help from Lenny, when I found Lenny in Bareshade he said he don't know MC.
So I thought MC may need to meet him somewhere else first, but when I tried ''offer help in Bernard's shop'' several times, just Roland and Edumnd visited the shop.
Would Lenny visit Bernard's shop? Or the ''don't know'' dialogues is a fixed plot?
When talking to Ruben, you talk about the Booster, Antilycan, and Spectral Syrup, but on the third option of spectral syrup I only have one option of "Nothing to add" what do i need to trigger the third positive interaction? What am I missing?
I don't know, but I would like more Sabal content, more interactions, events in the back alley including intervening in them, we could talk with the Rough Alurine and the Big Ursadin, plus we already have an adventurers guild, why not put a mercenary guild too. I would also like them to put Derek, Warren and Mei as dateable NPCs
Um...not sure if it can help, you needed to finish ''Lizard's Treasure'' first, and wait several days...until go through the ''Orc war'' event, and seen finish the nameless event in log book, then sleep(or try sleep until morning?) in the house near the forest(MC home).
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed playing this game a few years back, and I'm so happy to see that it's still getting updates! I just started a new save and wanted to thank you and say that you were doing an amazing job!
Many people compare Maul to Gunnar, but for me personally I like Maul soooooo much more than Gunnar.
I think it comes down to that even though both are domineering, Maul still gives you some space. If you don't seek him out, or if you reject him, he will just say cool and back off. Gunnar on the other hand has some scenes where he will try to humiliate you even when you make it clear you're not into it. That's just uncomfortable for me.
It's a fine line but I think it's an important one in D/s writing.
i've been interested in trying this game out for awhile, im a little curious though, are there any transformations of either the player character or any of the NPC's? <3
TF is a huge kink for me and i was wondering if it happens here or if its mostly anthros and humans and stuff having fun <3
Yeah, not really. TF is a huge kink for me too, and there just isn't anything that good in the gay market right now. CoC2 and TiTS have some good gay oriented scenes at the beginning but both are fully commited to the female/futa scene now. Shame.
However, even without TF lustful desires is worth playing. It's just better written than most NSFW VNs, imo.
i was obsessed with CoC1 for a long time and it remains my all-time favorite <3, CoC2 is ok, but its nowhere near the same game CoC1 was, and honestly needs WAY more corruptions and corrupted-routes before it can hold my interest for more than a few days at a time.
i also love basically everyone and everything when it comes to gender and orientation <3 <3 but most games that try to cater to everyone's tastes tend to miss out on specific kinks or get too bloated with "good" content while missing out on opportunities to make GREAT content<3
in CoC2's case, it feels kinda bloated with side-characters and unbalanced content-wise. needs more Corruption like the game-title would suggest, and needs more sexy guys loving other sexy guys, and honestly needs side characters with preferences that if the player doesnt meet them, they dont have romantic/sexual interest in you. CoC1 managed this with a few NPC's and it made those side characters feel like they had more depth and encouraged further playthroughs or self-transformation to see what they do
anyways, i came for a comment response and wrote a novel ^^; TLDR i agree with ya about TF and CoC2 and more m/m stuff needed in these kinds of games <3 and im gonna still try out LD here because there is some awesome bara eye-candy here even if there isnt really any TF content <3 <3
Oh yeah, CoC1 was great back in the day. I still remember the dominant centaur archer and the cute orc from the swamp. That's exactly what I was talking about, variety. CoC1 offered enough for me to go through all of it and be engaged all the way.
I don't really know what's happening with CoC2. I suspect some writers left or something. Because Brint's content was HOT at the beginning but then suddenly nothing, other than his counterpart Brienne.
I feel Lustful Desires, at least at the beginning part, took great inspirations from CoC1. LD still has some good scenes with werewolf TF for key characters, and some hot corruption scenes. Hope you'll like it!
ive been on the CoC2 discord server and from what i picked up there, a couple of the main writers for important characters/scenes left the project before finishing some characters and plotlines, there are also a bunch of secondary writers writing all kinds of side-characters. the whole thing is feeling kinda open-source ngl.
i still pick it back up every 5-6 months or so to see what's new, and occasionally i find something hot that i enjoy for a bit as well <3 <3 but ultimately the game feels like its a long way from being finished in terms of main storyline, and i doubt it will ever truly be complete as far as side-quests and stories are concerned
i think my biggest issue with CoC2 is more of an issue with myself, i'm into such awesome kinky stuff and games, that a lot of CoC2's content feels vanilla to me. and i have to force myself into the perspective of a more average horny person and that's when i realize that CoC2 is still a LOT better than many run-of-the-mill hentai-games i find on Itchio, Steam, and other places.
constantly comparing it to games i like more isnt the best way to look at it objectively though, for example i love the game GROVE for different reasons than i like CoC2. personally i like games that pick a theme and stick with it and with their target audience, cause they tend to make a very good game compared to many games that set out trying to be inclusive to absolutely everyone, and end up tiring the devs out from all the different content and variations they need to physically code into it ^^;
So instead of giving us Gunnar back, we got an orcish Gunnar... I'm not complaining xD But I can't help but wonder if there might be some crossover later hehe. Can two dom jerks learn to share? lol
I so need to have Maul invited to the Fair. I have a feeling he'd like Bottom Logan. Maybe even force Logan and MC to an embarrassing competition on how low we can both be since he loves humiliating us.
Also not gonna lie, Maul is the one for some reason that got me into becoming Patreon lol. So hopefully we get more of him.
haha we need cheat codes to change routes then, cos I'm all green (top Logan etc) so that unique combo wouldn't work with me xD But I am keen to see some interaction between the various romances, kinda like being "caught" by Bernard while Gunnar is railing you haha. And yeah, Maul was a welcome addition, aside from him the update felt a little light. Very keen to see some more Nameless and main story progress, though I always love me some new boys to play with. Pity we can't have it all, but poor Hyao is just one guy lol. At least we got art for Maul right away, there are still some placeholders I'm keen to see get a face :)
Lol, that's why I got two saves for both paths. I do wonder if we'll get more red paths, especially ones tied to the main story in the future. Hopefully.
I. LOVE. MAUL. He scratches my Gunnar itch with that humiliation aspect with him. Also, how much is the limit for the Lewd reputation for the Iron Bloods? I stopped at 20 before giving up and uh... seducing Maul in battle. Does it still go higher?
There's entire genre(s) with far more plentiful content dedicated to skinny and slender men devoid of buffs and chubs (Yaoi/BL). Lol let us have our moment :D
Thanks for replying to my comment Wearwolf27!😄 It occurred to me because I would like the enemy log to be more relevant, I mean I like it the way it is but I feel like it's not very important and when you reach 100 nothing happens, it would be nice if special events were unlocked with the enemies and some new locations🤗
I agree 100%, special scenes, options and places would be epic! Maybe the special areas, scenes, or options, would let you collect materials from each creature without harming it? 🤔 (Griffin feathers, wolf Fangs, tufts of fur, ect...) Maybe a special material from each once you reach a high relation status? Like a material for a specilized potion that makes interactions with them easier? Like wolf repellent but for everything else, or a pheromone that makes your charm more effective for each creature?
i know that's a thing with some creatures, like with the nymphs if you "play" with them they will give you some of their hair as a gift and you can get beast essence (and i think maybe fur too but i may be wrong) from the wolfs if you submit turn one when you have a high enough relation with them. i think it would be cool to add a feature that allows you to lock the status of relations once they get to a high enough point so that way you can still collect the other loot items without having to worry about getting attacked in your own home or chased out of the woods lol.
The miraheze wiki can be used to find information that was on FANDOM.
Please be patient as staff attempts to fix lingering issues. There will be a lot of broken links and lack of images. I ask again, to please be patient.
I need help, a long time ago I saw in the wiki that when Ste visited me after repairing the road I could have a harmful scene if I had Korg with a heart and the amenso an aphrodisiac in my inventory... but nothing happened and without the wiki I don't know how to do it, by the way I also read here that I can ask Ste to participate in a threesome, how do I do that?
Yeah, I've also had a hard time now that the Wiki is gone. I already finished the country road but haven't got that part yet since I don't go home often nor sleep there. How about this, just save your progress if Ste visits you and keep saving if there are choices in the conversation in case you might choose the wrong one. That's what I've been doing to avoid a choice that will make a character like me less.
Also, I think one heart doesn't mean the character will get jealous or love you less if you interact with a different character together. I read the Wiki about Ste before, and maybe they are having a threesome, but that's just a probability because I haven't got it yet.
Hi! You can do it during Ste's second visit(you also need to introduce them to each other). He will visit you a week after the first visit, from 10:00 to 12:00. Choose "make lunch", invite Korg, choose "potatoes and meat". Hope that helps <3
I am trying to find the junkyard and I have seen a comment about just keep exploring the underground beneath the bar but I still have not found it no matter how many times I try. Am I missing somehting? And yes I do have a light.
Messaged Fandom Support and they were really cool about it, we should be able to download the data and move it to the new site!
"Fandom does not allow wikis on our network with explicit content, or about explicit topics. We have recently turned our attention to various wikis that fit these criteria but haven't been caught in our screening process. Unfortunately this means that we are no longer willing to host your wiki.
You can get a download of all articles from the links on the "closed wiki" page. Unfortunately we are not able to provide images or Discussion threads.
I'm sorry to give you such bad news, and hope you find a suitable home for your content."
So there is a hope that it's just a case of migrating the data!
Also big shout out to Fandom support for being respectful about it all.
← Return to game
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I was having a lot of fun but now I got extremely frustrated.
I can't progress on Logan's love missions anymore and I don't want to miss the beet scene forever.
- I found and saved Ste, but he's gone forevet and I don't know where he is.
- Bandits morale is always -85 no matter what I do. Cant do the tavern scene.
- If I go back home is always certain that Logan shows up and spoil the beer scene
-Bearshade expansion events takes forever
so after you save Ste he goes back to his farm, an mentions about a cave near the troll bridge he used.
for bandit morale gonna have to use love potions to raise there like of you, but morale think need to do some quests for Jester to raise it.
ya the expansion takes quite awhile an best to start it early an do other quests an stuff so your not just ending go to bed, wake up, go back to bed, wake up on repeat till you reach the number of days needed for duration based quests.
Found it, its the way near the Bandits camp before the bridge.
Ive done all Jesters jobs, I hope more become available, but ill try the potions
just a heads up everyone, it looks like the old wiki page has been closed. Here is a link to the new one.
Is there an efficient way to buy succubus leaf? Or anywher to buy it except for the witch? (For update reasons)
Im pretty sure that no
I cant access the second layer of the werewolves dungeon, can anyone help me?
You can only do it at the end of the Werewolf storyline
You mean its only avaliable on the troubles in the den event?
Also i cant do the commander's notice thing for some reason idk why
How do i enter the orc´s camp? it says that it couldnt be wise to approach the camp
That area is only used during the Orc War storyline. You need to keep progressing to do it.
Thank you
How can I defeat the red orc, he beats me every time I try,_,
I lost Korg... Where is he? I gave him the love potion... Help
He doesnt come back if you give him the love potion. Did you at least save before doing it?
Ofc not, I didn't know he was done for good. so what, I can't progress with quests? And now?😭😭😭
check the Autosaves to see if there's some hope. But I think you cant progress the Orc war stuff
Don't you remember after the effects of it went away Korg got pissed off at you for what you did. He was disgusted by you tricking him an treating him just like the sucubussy an just uninstalled himself from your life.
Only way to get him back is to go to a save that before you gave him the love potion
Thanks for developing this wonderful game, I once played several years ago, and recently started playing again.
But I met some problem, I tried to trigger the rework gloryhole event in farmstead, and it said MC can seek help from Lenny, when I found Lenny in Bareshade he said he don't know MC.
So I thought MC may need to meet him somewhere else first, but when I tried ''offer help in Bernard's shop'' several times, just Roland and Edumnd visited the shop.
Would Lenny visit Bernard's shop? Or the ''don't know'' dialogues is a fixed plot?
When talking to Ruben, you talk about the Booster, Antilycan, and Spectral Syrup, but on the third option of spectral syrup I only have one option of "Nothing to add" what do i need to trigger the third positive interaction? What am I missing?
You need to know the recipe to Spectral Poison.
What would that add to the event?
Thank you friend
Hey guys just quick question. When are we gonna get more lakeshard/island content? Just curious :P
I don't know, but I would like more Sabal content, more interactions, events in the back alley including intervening in them, we could talk with the Rough Alurine and the Big Ursadin, plus we already have an adventurers guild, why not put a mercenary guild too. I would also like them to put Derek, Warren and Mei as dateable NPCs
I keep on trying to ask the caravan merchant if he can do the deliveries to northcrest but it doesn't show the option. Is there something I'm missing?
Did you go to ask him at his house? Because you have to do Bareshade Expansion for that. You have to choose to build new houses to be able to ask him.
Ah. I did not thank you
How to unlock Arrows in the workshop
After collected Giafire and Emerine, talk to Dulrig, there will have the topic of ''How to make arrows?''
Im still having a trouble with the "nameless event" I can't continue the orc war pls help
The witch crow event don't activate :(
Um...not sure if it can help, you needed to finish ''Lizard's Treasure'' first, and wait several days...until go through the ''Orc war'' event, and seen finish the nameless event in log book, then sleep(or try sleep until morning?) in the house near the forest(MC home).
Anyone know what's the 'Pheromones' rank (condition of the hideout) in our cabin for? What does it do?
i believe its currently unutilized by any upgrades or events. mainly just there in case hyao wants to do something with it in the future afaik
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed playing this game a few years back, and I'm so happy to see that it's still getting updates!
I just started a new save and wanted to thank you and say that you were doing an amazing job!
The rollback key doesn't work. Does anyone know a solution?
i believe that feature is currently disabled/unimplemented
can you disable the gay shit?
This is 90% gay so no
can you disable your account?
Play a female character I suppose? Otherwise I suggest you look elsewhere.
Many people compare Maul to Gunnar, but for me personally I like Maul soooooo much more than Gunnar.
I think it comes down to that even though both are domineering, Maul still gives you some space. If you don't seek him out, or if you reject him, he will just say cool and back off. Gunnar on the other hand has some scenes where he will try to humiliate you even when you make it clear you're not into it. That's just uncomfortable for me.
It's a fine line but I think it's an important one in D/s writing.
Why does the game always make us be wary of Feliar? He's always so cute and friendly, I hope I'm just imagining things
Get as much as likes as you can if you really like him (+70 points or something)
his goat butt o3o is very plump an breedable
i've been interested in trying this game out for awhile, im a little curious though, are there any transformations of either the player character or any of the NPC's? <3
TF is a huge kink for me and i was wondering if it happens here or if its mostly anthros and humans and stuff having fun <3
from memory, there isn't really anything TF related besides a few werewolf characters
ahh thanks! i think ill give it a go anyways <3
Yeah, not really. TF is a huge kink for me too, and there just isn't anything that good in the gay market right now. CoC2 and TiTS have some good gay oriented scenes at the beginning but both are fully commited to the female/futa scene now. Shame.
However, even without TF lustful desires is worth playing. It's just better written than most NSFW VNs, imo.
I kind of liked CoC for its variety, so it's a shame it more or less does one thing now.
i was obsessed with CoC1 for a long time and it remains my all-time favorite <3, CoC2 is ok, but its nowhere near the same game CoC1 was, and honestly needs WAY more corruptions and corrupted-routes before it can hold my interest for more than a few days at a time.
i also love basically everyone and everything when it comes to gender and orientation <3 <3 but most games that try to cater to everyone's tastes tend to miss out on specific kinks or get too bloated with "good" content while missing out on opportunities to make GREAT content<3
in CoC2's case, it feels kinda bloated with side-characters and unbalanced content-wise. needs more Corruption like the game-title would suggest, and needs more sexy guys loving other sexy guys, and honestly needs side characters with preferences that if the player doesnt meet them, they dont have romantic/sexual interest in you. CoC1 managed this with a few NPC's and it made those side characters feel like they had more depth and encouraged further playthroughs or self-transformation to see what they do
anyways, i came for a comment response and wrote a novel ^^; TLDR i agree with ya about TF and CoC2 and more m/m stuff needed in these kinds of games <3 and im gonna still try out LD here because there is some awesome bara eye-candy here even if there isnt really any TF content <3 <3
Oh yeah, CoC1 was great back in the day. I still remember the dominant centaur archer and the cute orc from the swamp. That's exactly what I was talking about, variety. CoC1 offered enough for me to go through all of it and be engaged all the way.
I don't really know what's happening with CoC2. I suspect some writers left or something. Because Brint's content was HOT at the beginning but then suddenly nothing, other than his counterpart Brienne.
I feel Lustful Desires, at least at the beginning part, took great inspirations from CoC1. LD still has some good scenes with werewolf TF for key characters, and some hot corruption scenes. Hope you'll like it!
ive been on the CoC2 discord server and from what i picked up there, a couple of the main writers for important characters/scenes left the project before finishing some characters and plotlines, there are also a bunch of secondary writers writing all kinds of side-characters. the whole thing is feeling kinda open-source ngl.
i still pick it back up every 5-6 months or so to see what's new, and occasionally i find something hot that i enjoy for a bit as well <3 <3 but ultimately the game feels like its a long way from being finished in terms of main storyline, and i doubt it will ever truly be complete as far as side-quests and stories are concerned
i think my biggest issue with CoC2 is more of an issue with myself, i'm into such awesome kinky stuff and games, that a lot of CoC2's content feels vanilla to me. and i have to force myself into the perspective of a more average horny person and that's when i realize that CoC2 is still a LOT better than many run-of-the-mill hentai-games i find on Itchio, Steam, and other places.
constantly comparing it to games i like more isnt the best way to look at it objectively though, for example i love the game GROVE for different reasons than i like CoC2. personally i like games that pick a theme and stick with it and with their target audience, cause they tend to make a very good game compared to many games that set out trying to be inclusive to absolutely everyone, and end up tiring the devs out from all the different content and variations they need to physically code into it ^^;
So there is no update of patreon version this month?
So instead of giving us Gunnar back, we got an orcish Gunnar... I'm not complaining xD But I can't help but wonder if there might be some crossover later hehe. Can two dom jerks learn to share? lol
I so need to have Maul invited to the Fair. I have a feeling he'd like Bottom Logan. Maybe even force Logan and MC to an embarrassing competition on how low we can both be since he loves humiliating us.
Also not gonna lie, Maul is the one for some reason that got me into becoming Patreon lol. So hopefully we get more of him.
haha we need cheat codes to change routes then, cos I'm all green (top Logan etc) so that unique combo wouldn't work with me xD But I am keen to see some interaction between the various romances, kinda like being "caught" by Bernard while Gunnar is railing you haha. And yeah, Maul was a welcome addition, aside from him the update felt a little light. Very keen to see some more Nameless and main story progress, though I always love me some new boys to play with. Pity we can't have it all, but poor Hyao is just one guy lol. At least we got art for Maul right away, there are still some placeholders I'm keen to see get a face :)
Lol, that's why I got two saves for both paths. I do wonder if we'll get more red paths, especially ones tied to the main story in the future. Hopefully.
How to use the prison to capture bernard
I have tried everything I even use 10 wolf lures to take him
Is ur prison reinforced? You can't capture werewolves with the basic prison.
Who's omar
I. LOVE. MAUL. He scratches my Gunnar itch with that humiliation aspect with him. Also, how much is the limit for the Lewd reputation for the Iron Bloods? I stopped at 20 before giving up and uh... seducing Maul in battle. Does it still go higher?
Guys, can anyone tell me if everything is okay with Hyao? The wiki page went down too... did something happen to him? I'm a little worried.
Hyao came back recently on vacation and he's trying to catch up on work (the patreon update). The FANDOM wiki was nuked by the company. It has migrated to Miraheze:
The update, in Hyao's words, is "most likely tomorrow".
Thank you very much Horus-ra, I'm glad he's okay and thanks for the link to the new wiki.
Thank you for the update, just found out the wiki was nuked myself.
I can't wait for more Orc content
omg I love the new Orc 💚
I'll be in the dark waiting for them to make a character that is skinny not buff nor chub that's all (but idk if they will even make one)
There's entire genre(s) with far more plentiful content dedicated to skinny and slender men devoid of buffs and chubs (Yaoi/BL). Lol let us have our moment :D
I think the closest you're gonna get is our horsey boy.
Will there be an update this month?
Not yet
Thanks for replying to my comment Wearwolf27!😄 It occurred to me because I would like the enemy log to be more relevant, I mean I like it the way it is but I feel like it's not very important and when you reach 100 nothing happens, it would be nice if special events were unlocked with the enemies and some new locations🤗
I agree 100%, special scenes, options and places would be epic! Maybe the special areas, scenes, or options, would let you collect materials from each creature without harming it? 🤔 (Griffin feathers, wolf Fangs, tufts of fur, ect...) Maybe a special material from each once you reach a high relation status? Like a material for a specilized potion that makes interactions with them easier? Like wolf repellent but for everything else, or a pheromone that makes your charm more effective for each creature?
I was actually thinking of a more civilized and formal interaction but I think something like that works too👍
i know that's a thing with some creatures, like with the nymphs if you "play" with them they will give you some of their hair as a gift and you can get beast essence (and i think maybe fur too but i may be wrong) from the wolfs if you submit turn one when you have a high enough relation with them. i think it would be cool to add a feature that allows you to lock the status of relations once they get to a high enough point so that way you can still collect the other loot items without having to worry about getting attacked in your own home or chased out of the woods lol.
Mmh, yes?
i had no idea thank you for showing this even if it was entirely a random thing i saw it, still thank you
Welp since the wiki's gone, how do I get the recipe for the booster?
Examine the weird brown substance you found and that's it. If you know how to get the angel leaf extract recipe, could you please tell me?
I dont think there is a recipe, just go to Xer's hideout in the underground and take the "Angel leaf study" task, then he will make it for you
Hey! I have followed your advices and I went to Xer's hideout and fid the study part. However, still I have 0 angrl leaf extract.. could you help me?
He gives i to you when you "End" the Angel Leaf Study
is something bendover made with alot of the stuff that the wiki had
Thank you so much!
Migration from FANDOM to Miraheze was successfully completed for the game wiki:
The miraheze wiki can be used to find information that was on FANDOM.
Please be patient as staff attempts to fix lingering issues. There will be a lot of broken links and lack of images. I ask again, to please be patient.
This is kind of funny.
Yeah....if a file is the same name as the one on Miraheze's creative commons... then it uses that file instead. It's mildly annoying.
I need help, a long time ago I saw in the wiki that when Ste visited me after repairing the road I could have a harmful scene if I had Korg with a heart and the amenso an aphrodisiac in my inventory... but nothing happened and without the wiki I don't know how to do it, by the way I also read here that I can ask Ste to participate in a threesome, how do I do that?
Yeah, I've also had a hard time now that the Wiki is gone. I already finished the country road but haven't got that part yet since I don't go home often nor sleep there. How about this, just save your progress if Ste visits you and keep saving if there are choices in the conversation in case you might choose the wrong one. That's what I've been doing to avoid a choice that will make a character like me less.
Also, I think one heart doesn't mean the character will get jealous or love you less if you interact with a different character together. I read the Wiki about Ste before, and maybe they are having a threesome, but that's just a probability because I haven't got it yet.
Hi! You can do it during Ste's second visit(you also need to introduce them to each other). He will visit you a week after the first visit, from 10:00 to 12:00. Choose "make lunch", invite Korg, choose "potatoes and meat". Hope that helps <3
I am trying to find the junkyard and I have seen a comment about just keep exploring the underground beneath the bar but I still have not found it no matter how many times I try. Am I missing somehting? And yes I do have a light.
Maybe you're doing it wrong perhaps? Just go in the basement and head left.
Did you found "tunnel"(left from the bar's basement)? Go there and leave the underground
I got it. I missed the portion of it saying leave underground thanks
Messaged Fandom Support and they were really cool about it, we should be able to download the data and move it to the new site!
"Fandom does not allow wikis on our network with explicit content, or about explicit topics. We have recently turned our attention to various wikis that fit these criteria but haven't been caught in our screening process. Unfortunately this means that we are no longer willing to host your wiki.
You can get a download of all articles from the links on the "closed wiki" page. Unfortunately we are not able to provide images or Discussion threads.
I'm sorry to give you such bad news, and hope you find a suitable home for your content."
So there is a hope that it's just a case of migrating the data!
Also big shout out to Fandom support for being respectful about it all.
how can i go to the brothel, it says it is under renovation
It requires day 80.