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will roushk get a CG porn scene?

The stuff with Barrel was just... perfect... loved it

How to make the letters bigger

How can i make the extract of Angel leaf for the booster 

I'm afraid, it's impossible. At least, now.  You can take it only by completing quest from Xer.

Who is he i cant remember ? And where i find him ? By the whey tanks 

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He is a lizardman. You can find him at his hideout (from 9:00 to 0:59) which are placed between Currupted Lake (Swamp) and Lake of Purification (Ruin).

No problem :3

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I lowkey wanna start over and full romance logan, any recommandations and things to look out for?

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I recommend doing a virgin route if you are going to romance him, it's worth it. The wiki tells you how you can do it.

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Oh boy thanks, Hyao, for that Bottom Logan update! I didn't expect it would happen lol. And don't think I didn't notice that Bernard x B!Logan tease. Ha! I know you also teased another B!Logan event but that one with Bernard got me looking like 😏

If only lol...

Maybe we could just ask help from Daddy Nameless or just chuck an aphrodisiac and love potion at the two next time Logan asks for resist potions from good ol' Bernie.  

How do I get "Unwelcome Offer'? I already got 'A Different Kind Of Headache.

Check the abandoned camp:

I don't find this choice, How can I find it?

I've been having an issue with the Group Challenge quest. I get the quest, go to the Plains of Death (daytime or nighttime), and can't find Groth. I've explored the area constantly for multiple in-game days to try and see if he pops up but not sure what to do. Tried aborting the quest and trying again to no luck.

Does anyone know what to do?

Anyone know how to get the crow to show up to progress the Orc War quest-line? I'm up to date on all the questlines but can't get the crow to show up

have you slept at your house until morning? I tried that a while back and it worked when it was weird for me.

Have you talked to both night and day witch?

Well got one bit of the new Northcrest stuff done, accidentally while trying to figure out how to activate "Logan's Struggles" which..I still can't figure out but I want to do.. so I can then do the bandit stuff afterwards too

it should just occur during the day when visiting Bernard.... do you have anything else that might be blocking it via Bernard or another character unfinished?


Not that I'm..aware of? I'll keep looking through the Bareshade stuff and people there and see what happens - thanks!

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Where do i get The items needed for "fixing" the fence ive talked to dulrig, blake, Roland, other guy i dont remember The name of and The option to speak with logan doesent appear i cant even go to The place where The fence need "fixing" 

The fence automatically gets fixed once you finish Country Road.

What i meant with fixed was make The glory hole didnt want to say it beacuse sometimes when i mention nsfw things here The comment gets deleted


Oh, whoops, I totally missed that.

I'm not quite sure what you are asking for. Do you mean how to find it? IIRC, if you keep walking around in Farmstead, you eventually run into the broken fence.

Do you mean how to have a glory hole scene with Ste? In that case your likes with him need to be high enough, then you mention the broken fence to him during the night. If the fence is already fixed, you can't do this scene.

After logan foxes it you have The chance to make another glory hole and youre supposed to ask The right people and logan is the last one i need to talk with but The option doesent come up

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Oh, sorry, I guess I'm not the person who should be responding to this, I've never seen this text.

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can't fully remember some of them but you can get planks from either Logan's shop or your house if you have an axe and the tools from Bernard's shop. also I believe I went with Roland since I'm not certain how to get Logan or Lenny to help if you wanna try him. I believe you need to go to Bareshade at night and an option should show up about him. I am 90% sure I did before Bareshade had that new area so you might just need to walk around at night instead of an option showing up too.

Can anyone share a new art of Logan?

it's been teased on Dangpa's twitter a while back if you wanna see that.

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I've been waiting for this (laughs maniacally)


All hail Hyao and his team!! 


Calm yo self

Hey, can someone tell me what do I trully need to get the love heart with Dulrig? I tryied the wiki tutorial to get the love of that damn dwarf but I was not able to do it yet. He is at 30 Like.

Also, while i'm here, what do we have to do to ble able to hide at his place in the Northcrest Conspiracy quest?

it is not implemented so don't worry about it

You can hide in his place since update 55, I just want to know how much like you have to get


Do "Discount" talk, have at least 40 likes with Northcrest soldiers, during the trip ignore his hand, in the cave rim him once, protect him from enemies, give him 5 stones, and that should give you the heart.


did all that and no luck...

i aleady have 100 likes with the soldiers already, but so far, and almost 40 with the that dwarf, but no luck so far getting the hearth. I wonder if i'm missing something

I think your attitude has to be submissive or you have to be a bottom. Not 100% sure though.

I don't think submissive is required but you need to be versatile or bottom.

When will update 0.67 be released?

i mean it will  be updated, they already posted the update details on discord, they probably are just working on some bugs


Hey Man. I have a little question. Can you contact someone from Staff of hyao discord server? I got banned couple month ago cause someone hacked me and posted some invites to crypto scam servers. Can you contact with them for me? I already wrote here hoping someone would answer me but after long time no one respond. My id: dzindzel. Thanks you in advance.


I wish they update can use love potion on caleb


What for? The guy is pretty open to sex 24/7 😤

Help, I'm trying to progress "Orc War" event and it's currently the only one ongoing event in the journal. So, the problem is I stuck with "Progress the 'Nameless' event", but it seems to be impossible? I think I did parts of the Nameless event a long time ago, but it's still uncompleted in the journal, and when trying to do the required steps (to see crow in the morning) nothing happens. Could it be bugged or something? Would be glad if someone had a solution for that.


I think you have to sleep until morning at your hut to be visited by the crow. If that still wont work, i suggest you consult the wiki

Yeah, I did sleep, many, many times, nothing happens.
Wiki doesn't seem to have any useful information either.

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I recently just answered someone with with the similar problem, their names Soli1248741, scroll a little and you'll find them

Oh thanks, I tried to find similar question but apparently missed it.

is there an update?

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Yes, there will be.

Can someone help me the game keeps crashing EVERY TIME and i cant play can some one help me? (I play on am Android)

question.  can i move my save over to the newest update? or when i download the new update i can just continue where i left off? i just really dont want to do it all over again.

If you are playing on PC, make sure the "saves" folder in "game" folder stays there when you are updating your files. On Android, IIRC you can just install the update APK and it'll retain your save file while updating the game.

would it be a smart move to copy the save folder somewhere else just in case? and plop the save in? i asume this is what you mean

Sure, you can take an emergency backup, just in case.

How can I reduce my respect in Skullbreaker Horde Camp?

When you enter the camp, there's a prompt to either submit, or fight, an orc. Submit.

Submit to orcs, you can also be completely naked for extra points.

HELP, im buying a new phone, can i "transfer" my save to my new phone? i don't want to restart and play it all over😭

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First, open a file manager and navigate to main storage > android > data > com.r3nn.ld > files. Copy the "saves" folder and "log.txt" files. Next, paste and upload them to a cloud storage service like Google Drive (make sure you have all the necessary account details).

When setting up your new phone, install the same file manager. Log in to your Google Drive account there to access the uploaded files. Copy the "saves" folder and "log.txt" from the drive, then navigate to main storage > android > data > com.r3nn.ld > files on the new phone. Replace the existing "saves" file with the copies you just made.

Or simply just use a flash drive if you have one.

Hello, sorry, I just got back to playing and noticed that normal wolves no longer appear with penises, or is this a mistake?

Pd. Sorry if I'm writing wrong, I don't speak English.

It depends on your relation with them, their dicks will only show when you have it high enough

Not really. It depends on your beast_lover status which is hidden. Your relation doesn't matter at all. To get beast_lover points you need to do lust scenes with beasts. You may need to do this 20 or more times until the functions related to beast_lover available. Keep in mind that violently winning against beasts decreases the beast_lover score and will lock all options again if you do that too much.


(Second time posting it) Someone please help me how do I stop arions stalker I know it's hayden but every time I try to go to him there isn't an option to do it is it because my relationship with him is now strong? someone help me!!!!

It's probably your relationship, how many affinity points do you have with him?

with Hayden it's 80 and Arions 62

Have you done all the conversations? Like, ''Ask him about the shopkeeper'' , "Ask him about the blacksmith" , " 'Don't you ever get tired?' " , and the other two? That might be why it hasn't triggered.

How do I invite Tao to the fair, no option is popping up for me, did I miss something?

Same problem 😔

You need to save him from the Rat King, take a journey together, invite him to Bareshade, and also finish Troubles in the Den.

Yeah I did all of that

How do I progress through the Bareshade Alliance event? I'm stuck at the "Talk to Bernard" stage, but no option appears!


I hope there were more Harpy contents!


Someone please help me how do I stop arions stalker I know it's hayden but every time I try to go to him there isn't an option to do it is it because my relationship with him is now strong? someone help me!!!!

This might seem like a stupid question, but does anyone know how to access farmstead/plains cave?  The wiki says through forest path, but instead of connecting to plains cave it somehow connected to Northcrest's Caves (south entrance) directly, which is not what the wiki map shows.  I've tried just looking for resources at forest path hoping it would trigger finding it, but I've had no luck and looked for over 24 hours of in game time.  

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Have you rescued Ste?

I somehow missed that, thank you!

I have a question about how to cure Bernard, I don't know how to get rid of his illness, can you help me?

Visit this game wiki, here is the event guide, good luck


Hello! This is going to be a long comment so sorry in advance, also english in not my first language so it might have a lot of typos. I just started playing this game about 2 to 3 weeks ago, and I just wanted to say for 1 person making this game it is extremely amazing and very very fun to play. I love the grinding and how you make different potions. The different events and story paths is fun too. I really love the art and the character designs. It would be really cool if there was a mod or if there was a feature in the game (not saying you have to do it, I'm just sharing my opinion) that would allow you to import, or make your own character. Because I love to role-play as my character that is a dragon in his human form, like just how the character is now you don't have to see a face or anything, just the base of it would be fine.

I do have one thing I don't like in the game and that's the fact that you can choose your sexual orientation and being a dominant, switch, bottom but it doesn't change that much in the game. What I mean to say is that I choose my character to be gay and a bottom and yet they still tops sometimes and my character libido still raises when the opposite sex tease, and you would even still have sex with them if it maxes out. Besides that it's still a great game overall keep up the amazingly great work!

I'd say it does matter. Relatively small, but it does. For example sex with Harold in the inn looks differently for dominant character and for any other, women can't dominate some characters at all, for example Harold for that matter. Bottoms have exclussive content with characters like Dulrig or Hayden, some scenes with characters like Feliar, Roushk or Jester are different depending on your dominance, some characters like Tank or Barrel react differently for such characters. There are some scenes with the latter when you can be a bottom yet dominant. Enemies like Nymphs also will react differently to women or gay characters than to women-liking men. 

As I understand your point I just want to ask you, how do you think it would look like if you chose heterosexual male as a character. Libido damage would almost never matter as most enemies in the game are males. Also, I can't imagine situation if you would lose and you would be r-worded by male enemy. In other games like this it is still understood that sex is pleasurable then as you are bi/pan-sexual even though. Here, if the character would be hetero, wouldn't this be, well, I don't know, distasteful? Just a little bit? Not to mention, most of game content is male-centered so you limiting yourself to sex with female characters would be really reductive. 

I'm not saying that you're wrong, but some mechanics are a lesser evil here and kind of necessary. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with the game. There is also quite unique content with Logan if you're a virgin for that matter. So there's a lot of possibilities, don't let your preferences limit you from finding more about it ;)


I cannot tell you how many times I had to restart my playthrough just for Logan haha. But yeah everything you said does make perfect sense thank you for informing me :)

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Hello, a while ago I started playing again, I love seeing the new content but I also had an idea, it's definitely difficult to write so much NSFW so I came up with the idea of expanding the content that already exists without having to add new ones. characters, when you equip clothes or things like the cock ring, it would be interesting to see the enemies vary a little, I always thought it would be really fun if the bandits told you something different when they saw you in just a thong. , I understand that maybe this would be complicated to set up but it would definitely make the game mechanics and interactions deeper, as always, kudos to Hyao for working so hard.

How many enemies have those 0 sanity endings?


You can search on lustful desires wiki "sanity ending". It's listed there, as well as how to get them. 

Como consigo o fabrico el afrodisiac? Alguien me puede decir


Hola, según la guía lo puedes fabricar así:

Ingrediente 1: Water Lily

Ingrediente 2: Blue Essence

Ingrediente 3: Succubus Leaf

Ingrediente 4: nada

Ingrediente 5: Green Essence



Creo que si o si necesito la receta y no se como conseguirla 😭

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Hola, el español no es mi lengua materna, así que solo estoy usando un traductor. Aquí tienes las formas de conseguir estos ingredientes:

Para el lirio de agua, puedes dar un paseo alrededor del estanque en el bosque o comprarlo a la bruja.

Para la esencia azul, la puedes conseguir matando a los limos azules que también puedes encontrar en el bosque por la noche.

Para las hojas de súcubo, hay un 12% de probabilidad de obtener de 1 a 2 hojas explorando el pantano; también puedes comprarlas a la bruja por la noche.

Para la esencia verde, también se encuentran en el pantano, necesitas matar a los limos verdes.

Espero que esto te ayude.

muchas gracias me sirvio bastanye tu respuesta ya fui capas de fabricar la pocion


Alguém sabe porque o evento Logan Ihe deve uma cerveja na sua casa em Sombra.

Pedido: 20h00 - 3h00, 40 Com,

 não acontece???

se ele apareceu na cabana, e você já ajudou ele a entrar na toca dos lobos, nao é mais possível acionar esse evento. você vai ter que recarregar um save antigo e fazer todas as tasks necessárias antes, e evitar ir à cabana à noite 


I have the required things needed for a Prison with reinforced cells, but it keeps telling me that I don’t have enough material, although I’ve kept triple checking. How do I fix this?

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Did you guys recommended Bareshade? or Northcrest? to Paulo and John. 

I offered them Bareshade, it just seemed much safer than NC at the time. I saw in the LD wiki that the event can progress a bit more if you suggested NC, was it a bad idea?? 

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Suggesting Bareshade is an option??? I only had option for Northcrest.

EDIT: Oh you need to progress Bareshade Expansion for it... Good to know.


Curious. If some of the character have Corrupted/Red Paths, what would be your "ideal" red path for them and which characters do you have in mind? As far as I know, Logan has the most infamous one of all. Then there's the Lizards, though I haven't tried that path yet honestly. Gunnar has one but it's a main quest thing I think so it doesn't only affect him? 

But anyway.

Bernard: I know people have been wanting him to either show dominance or even be a sub lol from what I see from twitter/X. But personally, I kinda want him to... cuck us. This game really has a lot of fetishes covered and seeing as uh, cuckolding hasn't appeared yet, I think a Red Path/Corrupted Bernard would fit. 

And since he is also sort of like the "Main" love interest for our character, even though this is more of a polygamist society, us corrupting him to lower his sexual purity and fuck someone else while we watch would be hot. Specifically, Red Path Logan. See? It's all connecting lol. It'd be a sort of vengeance on us for Logan for letting him get fucked in the Bandit Camp. Red Path Bernard wouldn't call us "Love" anymore though, and we'd see him go a slight bit arrogant but not too much.

Everett: Okay, we've got a glimpse of good ol' Santa getting it with his soldiers in a non-canon event. But how about a Red Path for him where this time, there's no memory wiping involved. He'd be exposed to Northcrest for being a slut and even give in to being the Army's Bitch. I still think he should keep his title but he'd loosen his seriousness in a Red Path. Like when we visit him in his camp, we'd see him bouncing on a soldier's cock instead of a dildo. Or maybe when we visit the Barracks, sometimes we'd see him get passed around during the guards' card night. 

Hell maybe even see him sometimes on the battlefield giving in to the red orcs and gryphons so openly.

I couldn't think of anyone else more honestly, I swear I had a lot in my mind before writing this but... meh. They're gone from my brain.

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What do you think about Caleb? If we choose not to save him, imagine that dumb mutt becomes a wild monster of the night, roaming around the forest like a predator, kidnapping anyone he can to fuck with them. 

Then there's also a chance for us to be fucked by him whenever we stroll at night, or we see a CG of him ramming a stranger.


Oh god, tell me you're not a mind reader lol. I actually had a Caleb segment with the same idea as yours but deleted at the last minute because it wasn't as long with my Bernard and Everett paragraphs. LMAO. 

Yeah, and I also thought of him joining the Alpha, or whoever gets to be Alpha alongside the Beta Black Wolf as bosses in the Forest Den. 

Hell, maybe he'd be one of the werewolves who'd get kidnapped and get a new sprite of being controlled by the Swamp Monster as the story goes on. It would make Normal Bernard to have to be Alpha (For the Bottom Logan route). His story is lacking in that department lol if you make Logan the red path so I think something like this could fluff up Bernard's role in that event. 

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