OMG! Thank you for Logan's story. I've been hyped with Logan since before he fights and becomes the Alpha. That is very fulfilling. Just love the tsundere guy.
I really love the Black Wolf quest. I would look forward to meet him again. I'd love to give him antiglycan potion. Not so sure if it would help though.
I enjoy how the game keeps growing. I really engage in the story.
I think they got Grushk and Groth mixed up. but yeah, it's a shame. but since the nameless quest, it's been apparent that Groth might be straight after all. I hope in the future he'd be interested in the MC at the very least.
yeah that's the nameless quest part I meant when I mentioned it because having sex with him is a red option. I thought it was because it's nonconsensual but the more I progressed, he just kept talking about girls so I kinda guessed on that quest. again, I hope MC still have a chance in the future because he's like the only fun and unserious orc so far.
pretty sure he's not straight, but Bi. I think I can remember a scene where he flirted back with me as a dude when I was flirting with him. also I'm nearly certain if you say you had "friends" during a certain event when he asks if anyone is waiting for us to come back he responds that he has had a couple as well.
and something kinda funny is I'm pretty sure Hyao hasn't made a single character that's purely straight from what I can remember lol. maybe some characters claimed they were straight but they all turned out Bi when we appeared to seduce the hell out of them lmao.
well it might not be that way, they might just be interested in having fun instead of romance because Groth also gets flirted with by Viccoria if you save her and I think he flirts back. also she has a second potential partner in blackwolf since it seems like she had a thing for him from when she talks about him.
If I remember correctly, in the aftermath of the war, our MC asked Groth, "you into men?" And Groth avoided the question. It's not a yes, but most importantly, it's not a no, so yeah, don't lose hope!! Instead...
Is there a certain pet name you have to choose? I am having such a hard time naming my pets, every attempt I make at naming my pet it just sends me straight back to the "Check on animals" option. What do I do about this because I can't finish the "Tame a raptor" quest without naming my pet first, or I think... Any tips?
i never had to name my raptor, just make sure u take it with u when speaking to the witch and if you're on PC pressing "enter" after u get a name should save it
no, names are entirely optional. for example I named my first ever wolf Amicus and nothing changed other than his name. also as Mirage said, you just gotta take it with you to finish it. if the quest isn't there at the time you visit the witch just wait until the opposite time.
This is the only option I get when interacting with every pet I have (including the horse); when I finish typing out the name and hitting enter it says "what do you want to do now?" As if I hadn't entered the name at all. This seems to be a reoccurring issue as I have done multiple playthroughs and still can't get past this simple task.
Are you trying to take the horse with you? You do that through that "hammer" button located in your picture. Then you press the "Animals" button on bottom left, and you can take out your horse from there.
Yes, whenever I try it has the same result, "Name the horse." To be honest I might just uninstall and wait a little while because I've been having issues with many other things as well.
Just curious, do any of you people have a favorite dick (or Knot) you like looking at in the game? Mine's Gunnar, that Mustache Northcrest Guard, and the Red Orc enemies (Bald and Mohawk). I just know those dicks look and smell musky as hell lol.
Ooh, so you like 'em tapered dicks lol (thick at the center and slightly slimmer towards the tip). I can't remember what the Bridge Troll's dick looks like though. It was annoying having to pay the toll every time so I kinda bought the pass to cross whenever I wanted and then I kinda just forgot he existed all this time.
Definitely gonna throw my vote in for werewolf Logan, wish there was more to do with bottom Logan, but lately I've been riding Boomer's Grizzly quite a bit.
is there a limit to the number we can respond with? cause I gotta quite a couple favs lmao.
Logan and Roushk are all of them
I mean most orcs and Beastmen. Orgram and Groth's naked teaser images from twitter like last year were awesome, and even if Everett never uses his dick that ones pretty good too. Tao, Rat king, Satyr's, demon Satyr's, werewolves in general and Hugo for Beastmen.
I got a new computer so I decided to start a new game. During the first interaction with Gunnar, I clicked "Tease him back" and apparently it caused him to never interact with my character again.
What's especially annoying, however, is that even after I restarted again, he still refused to interact with my character, as if I had already made the same choice.
I made it all the way up to after the battle with Scar and the river interaction before I realized that there'd be no further opportunities to have sex scenes with him. So I decided to restart one more time, and noticed the same pattern yet again of Gunnar not interacting with my character despite not talking to them.
I'm probably just going to erase my log and try again with a whole new slate, but I thought it might be a good idea to flag it if need be.
Okay, so I'm guessing that the game files aren't saved in the folder it comes with. Cuz I just deleted the entire folder, erased the recyling bin, re-downloaded it wholesale, and yet for some strange reason... all of my saves are still there.
Which also means that Gunnar refusing to interact with me is also still there, despite restarting.
I really think that this game needs a "Nuke" button or something, cuz this is starting to upset me. Apparently I can't get a clean install on this computer.
isn't the Nameless the only person who can make your choice unchangeable? I'm like 100% certain Gunnar does not have the ability to do it as well, so this is most likely a bug. did you do anything to the files beforehand? no one's ever had this kind of problem so could you share some of the things you did before talking to Gunnar and choosing that?
I was able to delete the AppData and erase the saves. But it still seems weird. No matter how many times I take a rest on the road, Gunnar never comes up to me. The Merchant offers to sell stuff, but the Cocky Guard never makes a move other than touching himself and going "..."
This, despite having a Lewd fame of 16, and a 100 affinity with the Bandits, to give an idea of how often I've done this.
Now that I think about it though, the main difference between the first time I did this on the new computer and now, is that I think I locked all of my orientation attributes, which I did not do originally. Granted, I locked them as homosexual submissive male, so I'm not entirely certain what the issue is regarding Gunnar.
Probably gonna try restarting one more time, leaving the orientations unlocked and seeing if that has some sort of effect. Cuz otherwise, I'm stumped as to what the issue is.
I got a little curious and decided to make a new save to try and do what you did to see if it would appear on my end and almost literally 10 seconds after I chose tease him back he showed up again and let me change my choice from tease him back to encourage or reject the offer.
also I locked in everything you said you had locked so I don't think it's that.
and a quick question, do you restart from the literal beginning or are you loading previous saves from before you made that choice? and what days do you look for him? I think I remember reading somewhere you can't find Gunnar in the exact same spot after unlocking Northcrest, or maybe it's meeting scar and winning. also I decided to check if I could get the scene on a save where I had already unlocked Northcrest and even when he was near in bareshade he wouldn't come out on the tracks after checking for a couple in game days he was around and days he wasn't.
and another question, you said you can encounter him and the merchant at the river, does Gunnar have an option when you talk to him to ask for a rematch? if it does, you can actually use that by seducing him and submitting early which will unlock other scenes by increasing his like, not the track one though. I believe that one might get locked after a certain point of the northcrest storyline. not sure where though.
Hi, Just a quick question when you restart do you ever change your player stats, cause if so I know that for Gunnar to approach you your appearance stat has to be above either a 6 or 7, then he should approach. If it's not that then I have no clue.
After restarting, I kinda thought, "hey, if I get the Harness from Barrel so early on, I won't need appearance, better increase my perception and intellect!"
Apparently, it's better to be a bimbo than brilliant, alas. At least, if you want the attentions of a sexy Cocky guardsman.
rescue Othra's husband by unlocking the gate with the statue in the back of the temple to reveal an important place, choose green options only to make sure they don't end up in a worse spot instead of being cleansed. also gain access to the underground area of the corrupted temple in the swamp. I'm trying to make this as spoiler free as possible but if you need more details or your at a different point than what I've mentioned just ask.
Hey, would there be a chance of an optimization update for weaker devices? It doesn't need drastic changes, I believe that just a quick save and quick load button on the game screen would help a lot, using my case as an example, the game vrasha all the time on my Android, and sometimes I lose progress, until I open it the menu and save can cause the game to close, so I think the quick save and load buttons would help a lot to at least not lose progress when the game crashes, I love your project and the game's story!
nevermind, i saw below that the gallery tab can only be accessed as a journeyman position on patreon build. leaving this here in case anyone else searched for it. sad face...
When I want to go to Country Road on the last mission, he says, ' celebrate with the workers, bring Company with you, and I didn't know who to bring with me.' pls help
It means a mount. So a horse or a raptor. You can select it in your hut in menu with tools picture and then with horse picture on the left part of the screen. You have to have a stable improvement made though. You can't have a mounts without a stable. To create a stable you need 20 planks.
i think i made a mistake in the early game, one time i had to give restrain potions to Bernard as a quest, and i used the cheat menu in Preferences instead of learning it normally at home, and now i cant progress Othras quest because i have to learn the recipee for that potion first. And at home there isnt an option to learn it either. Is it possible to change this somehow? In the savefile or something?
u just need to wait about a couple days the "more potions" quest to come back and make sure u learn the recipe before ending it. fyi u can see how much longer till a repeatable quest pops back up by pressing the book, going to relationships and clicking quest
a second solution is you can just make the potion from an external guide, I don't remember how but I messed up and didn't have a potion recipe on one of my other saves, so I just made the potion using the recipe from my main one and it appeared in the tab as if I learned it.
I'm having some trouble finishing the full moon event... I got up until the "Bareshades defense" and can't figure out how to complete it. Can anyone give some tips
Is there a way to build the country road with Korg living with the Iron Bloods? I just learned about this event but its probably too late what with Korg being with the Iron Bloods.
well, then it’s a good thing that I saved before the fight with the Witch. While that would definitely delete weeks of progress I don’t really care if I can unlock the Forest Road.
As far as I know, there are only 2 sex scenes but one of those is where he'd end up hating you (Black Heart route). The more "canon" one (and only one atm) you can get is from the "Troubles in the Den" event. There's a variant of this as well if you remained a virgin all throughout the game prior to this event.
Though there is also one scene where you can sniff his pits but... is that... considered a sex scene? I thought it was pretty sexual lol but then again there's no penetration or cumming there so I guess not.
If you work out with him and have all the available hearts so far, you can admit to only wanting to watch (that ends the scene if he doesn't love you enough) and it will lead to some oral fun. That's all that is available so far.
do you wanna include non canon stuff or just canon stuff? cause in the case of both canon and non canon I can think of 4 scenes, the 3 already mentioned by Khaylis and Saber, and the Halloween event from forever ago where you screw with all 3 werewolves and Korg.
and another semi weird scene/scenes that could count, you can technically sleep with him when you capture him and he's in the prison if you either didn't choose Logan or never gave him the wolves bane and let him go wild in the forest.
also you can seduce him when he's fighting you as werewolf Logan/red werewolf or whatever the enemy name is lol.
I'm stuck at the Assembly talk with Bernard (the option for Assembly doesn't show up) and I think it's probably because of not inviting the NC guards to the fair yet. How do I invite them?
Sorry for the late reply, but either way I don't remember too well xD I did this a while back. Generally, you can get a pretty good idea of what to do by checking your quest journal. It should let you know who you have invited and who you haven't. I know that after the fight with Mirage you have to do a bunch of chatting to the different orcs and Everette, as well as Feliar. So, it might come down to you needing to chat up everyone to see what you are missing.
I downloaded the Android app and after playing for maybe a minute or two it will shut off on me. What can I do? I really want to play this game. I have also deleted the app then redownloaded it and still it was doing the same thing.
Unfortunately, you have to go back to a previous save file where you can do the other Love Point options. The X means it's no longer available. Try going on the Lustful Desires Wiki, on there, you'll be able to find a guide on how to get all 3 of Logan's hearts and avoid losing them.
I love the Gryphon! When will be able to tame it and then ride it? I mean uh, like a mount, but maybe also the other one as well lol. Practically speaking though, I think the gryphon could be a good mount to add "Fast Travel" too seeing as it can fly. That way we could visit other places easily, like with Tao's place.
Also, maybe I missed it the on the screen, but they I don't think they have an Enemy Relationship stat yet even though we could use love potion on them and make them love us. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
Hyao does not want to make the gryphon openly available. However, as of 0.66 Patreon version, you can befriend a sick gryphon that will take you from one of the northern caves to another (between Mythshore and the orcs). And yes, some relation logs are missing but they'll be added later.
Also can someone tell me how to be ALL bottom in the game? Because in combat, when i win because of lust damage, i just get the options to TOP the enemy? Like, to bottom i have to LOSE in the combat???😭😭 help i drinked the bottom potion so many times
You have to get them horny enough then Submit. Think about it this way lol, if you beat them in battle using lust that's you being the dominant one. They don't like that so you lose favor with them this way. If their sprites changed and they expose their dick that's when you Submit. They'll also like you better this way (increases their Love points).
OOH god thank you so much, so yes you have to kinda lose the combat to be fuck3d, because when we submit, we "lose" the battle yk? But thanks, i was so confused!!
Hey! So is there any lewd content with Caleb, the wolf? Because i Just get options to drink beer or play with a bone with him??😭😭 idk if im doing something wrong
There's some decent ones like some Glory Hole options (for you and a certain other character), a threesome with another different character, and then there's the Non Canon events. He also has a variant event for the beer I think if he likes you enough. A lot of these I think are achievable with enough likes. Can't be sure though, it's been a while since I've done something smexy with Caleb.
I'm trying to find/remember where to find the red lizard from the tribe, i found the acolytes but after that I've not been able to find him, help please?
I need help, for a while I haven't been able to unlock several events and I think it's because I failed others, I got stuck in the part of reinforcing the village, and then it wouldn't let me continue with the construction of the new road and I got stuck from there.
For the expansion of bareshade you have to wait a certain amount of days before another expansion becomes available and for the country road you usually have go to the forest path before 12:00 so sleep until morning then just head straight there but just go to the event and check if there are any things you need to do in order for you to progress the event
Thank you, for the moment I left that event forgotten and it's been like 150 days in the game and nothing is happening, for the moment it only allows me to "advance" with the nameless route, and access the occasional event, but From then on the game is "frozen" in some way.
Can anyone share with me how to obtain the non-canon event Korg’s werewolf onesie? I’ve spoken to rose on multiple occasions between the required hours to trigger the event. I’m also living with my daddy orc. So according to the in-game log book I should’ve triggered this event ages ago. Yet for whatever reason it’s not triggering. I don’t want to finish Orc Camp before I trigger this mini dlc-like content.
Heyo, I'm having problems with the mission: "Additional suppliers" for Northcrest, Alden. I only have to talk with Torben, but when I see him the quest continuation doesn't appear. Does he need to be in Bareshade when the houses are builded or do I need to meet him somewhere else such as Track or River's Bank?
I might be slow on this but if it helps anyone out you can check red orc respect (different from reputation) by hovering your mouse over the skullbreaker camp
anyone know how to hard reset this game ? I want to experieance new walkthrough and read every single text from the start I've tried delete saves but The progress and save still there I don't want to skip any text on accident and this game kinda take a little TOO MUCH of my space
The game creates two permanent files to track your choices (flags and variables) and progress (what text you've already read or not) throughout the game. One is saved locally in the game's folder, the other one is hidden in your userdata. You'd need to manually delete/rename/move both for a hard reset.
I've been playing the game for a year now, and I want to thank Hyao for his hard work!
My first playthrough, I took all the green path options. Ended up with 2 himbo husbos in Logan and Bernard.
My second one was all red options. So powerbottom Logan lol.
Red alert for spoilers about B!Logan and Roland!!!!
So, Logan. And Ste. There are 2 scenes at the Farmstead. Y'all know about the first one, but there's a SECOND lewd scene and some info about Bea and her research if you go upstairs.
And then there's Roland. Save him during the New Road event, and you can get caught staring at his package helping Bernard in Bareshade. Then, you can encounter him at the glory hole on Wednesday. Normally, he freaks out hearing your voice and leaves.
Which happened in my green path playthrough. In my red path, he lets you touch it and you get a facial.
You can also encounter him at Entice. Seek a dance, it's an RNG encounter. He knows it's you.
So, question for Hyao: any chance we'll have a sprite for the buff, blue-eyed and hung Roland?
Oh God, Roland! I remember him. I remember wanting so hard to have a B!Logan and Roland scene lol, seeing as they were also childhood friends from what I can remember. I wanted a scene where Roland would see B!Logan differently in a sort of corrupted/kinky way.
← Return to game
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OMG! Thank you for Logan's story. I've been hyped with Logan since before he fights and becomes the Alpha. That is very fulfilling. Just love the tsundere guy.
I really love the Black Wolf quest. I would look forward to meet him again. I'd love to give him antiglycan potion. Not so sure if it would help though.
I enjoy how the game keeps growing. I really engage in the story.
Everything is pointing at Groth being straight and not being interested in men... I'm gonna cry...
At least there's still Korg.
After you progress far enough in the lizard tribe path, you can give him a lust incense and it unlocks a special scene.
Oh what? Can you tell me more? How do you even give it to him? I don't have an option to gift him anything.
I think they got Grushk and Groth mixed up. but yeah, it's a shame. but since the nameless quest, it's been apparent that Groth might be straight after all. I hope in the future he'd be interested in the MC at the very least.
Lol you're correct, i got them switched,
But there is a night with Nameless that you can have some fun with Groth.
yeah that's the nameless quest part I meant when I mentioned it because having sex with him is a red option. I thought it was because it's nonconsensual but the more I progressed, he just kept talking about girls so I kinda guessed on that quest. again, I hope MC still have a chance in the future because he's like the only fun and unserious orc so far.
I wonder if Bottom Logan can uh... persuade him. Dunno how he does it but he sure can make a lot of men into fucking him.
pretty sure he's not straight, but Bi. I think I can remember a scene where he flirted back with me as a dude when I was flirting with him. also I'm nearly certain if you say you had "friends" during a certain event when he asks if anyone is waiting for us to come back he responds that he has had a couple as well.
and something kinda funny is I'm pretty sure Hyao hasn't made a single character that's purely straight from what I can remember lol. maybe some characters claimed they were straight but they all turned out Bi when we appeared to seduce the hell out of them lmao.
I hope you are right. The game seems to be going for Rose x Groth right now, but to be fair I love Rose so I wouldn't mind that outcome either.
well it might not be that way, they might just be interested in having fun instead of romance because Groth also gets flirted with by Viccoria if you save her and I think he flirts back. also she has a second potential partner in blackwolf since it seems like she had a thing for him from when she talks about him.
If I remember correctly, in the aftermath of the war, our MC asked Groth, "you into men?" And Groth avoided the question. It's not a yes, but most importantly, it's not a no, so yeah, don't lose hope!! Instead...
Is there a certain pet name you have to choose? I am having such a hard time naming my pets, every attempt I make at naming my pet it just sends me straight back to the "Check on animals" option. What do I do about this because I can't finish the "Tame a raptor" quest without naming my pet first, or I think... Any tips?
i never had to name my raptor, just make sure u take it with u when speaking to the witch and if you're on PC pressing "enter" after u get a name should save it
no, names are entirely optional. for example I named my first ever wolf Amicus and nothing changed other than his name. also as Mirage said, you just gotta take it with you to finish it. if the quest isn't there at the time you visit the witch just wait until the opposite time.
This is the only option I get when interacting with every pet I have (including the horse); when I finish typing out the name and hitting enter it says "what do you want to do now?" As if I hadn't entered the name at all. This seems to be a reoccurring issue as I have done multiple playthroughs and still can't get past this simple task.
Are you trying to take the horse with you? You do that through that "hammer" button located in your picture. Then you press the "Animals" button on bottom left, and you can take out your horse from there.
Yes, whenever I try it has the same result, "Name the horse." To be honest I might just uninstall and wait a little while because I've been having issues with many other things as well.
Don't lose hope. I actually went through the same issue; however, I just kept trying to rename them over and over again until the names appeared.
Look
Just curious, do any of you people have a favorite dick (or Knot) you like looking at in the game? Mine's Gunnar, that Mustache Northcrest Guard, and the Red Orc enemies (Bald and Mohawk). I just know those dicks look and smell musky as hell lol.
Gotta vote for Tank here. Bridge Troll ain't half bad, too. Neither is Nameless, while we're on it.
Ooh, so you like 'em tapered dicks lol (thick at the center and slightly slimmer towards the tip). I can't remember what the Bridge Troll's dick looks like though. It was annoying having to pay the toll every time so I kinda bought the pass to cross whenever I wanted and then I kinda just forgot he existed all this time.
Khalgor and Dulrig's dicks are very mesmerizing.
Oh yeah, Dulrig's got a nice one as well. Honestly, I think all of the dwarves are packing lol.
Definitely gonna throw my vote in for werewolf Logan, wish there was more to do with bottom Logan, but lately I've been riding Boomer's Grizzly quite a bit.
Lol I was thinking of adding human Logan as well since he's got some nice pink dick head.
is there a limit to the number we can respond with? cause I gotta quite a couple favs lmao.
Logan and Roushk are all of themI mean most orcs and Beastmen. Orgram and Groth's naked teaser images from twitter like last year were awesome, and even if Everett never uses his dick that ones pretty good too. Tao, Rat king, Satyr's, demon Satyr's, werewolves in general and Hugo for Beastmen.
Booner's Grizzly, looks so thicc lol. The Orc Brute's too, and nameless... Aghhh, there's just so many of them.. ♥️❤️
I got a new computer so I decided to start a new game. During the first interaction with Gunnar, I clicked "Tease him back" and apparently it caused him to never interact with my character again.
What's especially annoying, however, is that even after I restarted again, he still refused to interact with my character, as if I had already made the same choice.
I made it all the way up to after the battle with Scar and the river interaction before I realized that there'd be no further opportunities to have sex scenes with him. So I decided to restart one more time, and noticed the same pattern yet again of Gunnar not interacting with my character despite not talking to them.
I'm probably just going to erase my log and try again with a whole new slate, but I thought it might be a good idea to flag it if need be.
Okay, so I'm guessing that the game files aren't saved in the folder it comes with. Cuz I just deleted the entire folder, erased the recyling bin, re-downloaded it wholesale, and yet for some strange reason... all of my saves are still there.
Which also means that Gunnar refusing to interact with me is also still there, despite restarting.
I really think that this game needs a "Nuke" button or something, cuz this is starting to upset me. Apparently I can't get a clean install on this computer.
Goto AppData (hidden) and Renpy folder, delete the LD folder there, as well as the save folder in the game folder.
isn't the Nameless the only person who can make your choice unchangeable? I'm like 100% certain Gunnar does not have the ability to do it as well, so this is most likely a bug. did you do anything to the files beforehand? no one's ever had this kind of problem so could you share some of the things you did before talking to Gunnar and choosing that?
I was able to delete the AppData and erase the saves. But it still seems weird. No matter how many times I take a rest on the road, Gunnar never comes up to me. The Merchant offers to sell stuff, but the Cocky Guard never makes a move other than touching himself and going "..."
This, despite having a Lewd fame of 16, and a 100 affinity with the Bandits, to give an idea of how often I've done this.
Now that I think about it though, the main difference between the first time I did this on the new computer and now, is that I think I locked all of my orientation attributes, which I did not do originally. Granted, I locked them as homosexual submissive male, so I'm not entirely certain what the issue is regarding Gunnar.
Probably gonna try restarting one more time, leaving the orientations unlocked and seeing if that has some sort of effect. Cuz otherwise, I'm stumped as to what the issue is.
I got a little curious and decided to make a new save to try and do what you did to see if it would appear on my end and almost literally 10 seconds after I chose tease him back he showed up again and let me change my choice from tease him back to encourage or reject the offer.
also I locked in everything you said you had locked so I don't think it's that.
and a quick question, do you restart from the literal beginning or are you loading previous saves from before you made that choice? and what days do you look for him? I think I remember reading somewhere you can't find Gunnar in the exact same spot after unlocking Northcrest, or maybe it's meeting scar and winning. also I decided to check if I could get the scene on a save where I had already unlocked Northcrest and even when he was near in bareshade he wouldn't come out on the tracks after checking for a couple in game days he was around and days he wasn't.
and another question, you said you can encounter him and the merchant at the river, does Gunnar have an option when you talk to him to ask for a rematch? if it does, you can actually use that by seducing him and submitting early which will unlock other scenes by increasing his like, not the track one though. I believe that one might get locked after a certain point of the northcrest storyline. not sure where though.
Hi, Just a quick question when you restart do you ever change your player stats, cause if so I know that for Gunnar to approach you your appearance stat has to be above either a 6 or 7, then he should approach. If it's not that then I have no clue.
Shit, that might be it, thanks.
Yep, it was this.
After restarting, I kinda thought, "hey, if I get the Harness from Barrel so early on, I won't need appearance, better increase my perception and intellect!"
Apparently, it's better to be a bimbo than brilliant, alas. At least, if you want the attentions of a sexy Cocky guardsman.
How do i get rhot after curropting the lizard tribe
Go to the ruins and it's a random encounter. Leave and go back to ruins until you get him.
Thank you
Hello! How to achieve the "cleansing" of the lizard tribe? x.x
rescue Othra's husband by unlocking the gate with the statue in the back of the temple to reveal an important place, choose green options only to make sure they don't end up in a worse spot instead of being cleansed. also gain access to the underground area of the corrupted temple in the swamp. I'm trying to make this as spoiler free as possible but if you need more details or your at a different point than what I've mentioned just ask.
Hey, would there be a chance of an optimization update for weaker devices? It doesn't need drastic changes, I believe that just a quick save and quick load button on the game screen would help a lot, using my case as an example, the game vrasha all the time on my Android, and sometimes I lose progress, until I open it the menu and save can cause the game to close, so I think the quick save and load buttons would help a lot to at least not lose progress when the game crashes, I love your project and the game's story!
The game already saves your progress automatically in the autosave section of the save screen. It resets from time to time though.
can someone please show me how to access/enable the gallery in the PC version, 0.65?
nevermind, i saw below that the gallery tab can only be accessed as a journeyman position on patreon build. leaving this here in case anyone else searched for it. sad face...
When I want to go to Country Road on the last mission, he says, ' celebrate with the workers, bring Company with you, and I didn't know who to bring with me.' pls help
It means a mount. So a horse or a raptor. You can select it in your hut in menu with tools picture and then with horse picture on the left part of the screen. You have to have a stable improvement made though. You can't have a mounts without a stable. To create a stable you need 20 planks.
i think i made a mistake in the early game, one time i had to give restrain potions to Bernard as a quest, and i used the cheat menu in Preferences instead of learning it normally at home, and now i cant progress Othras quest because i have to learn the recipee for that potion first. And at home there isnt an option to learn it either. Is it possible to change this somehow? In the savefile or something?
u just need to wait about a couple days the "more potions" quest to come back and make sure u learn the recipe before ending it. fyi u can see how much longer till a repeatable quest pops back up by pressing the book, going to relationships and clicking quest
thanks 👍
a second solution is you can just make the potion from an external guide, I don't remember how but I messed up and didn't have a potion recipe on one of my other saves, so I just made the potion using the recipe from my main one and it appeared in the tab as if I learned it.
ill keep this in mind, but talking to bernard worked sp i can finally progress the lizard tribe!!
I'm having some trouble finishing the full moon event... I got up until the "Bareshades defense" and can't figure out how to complete it. Can anyone give some tips
Is the android version broken rn? I'm trying to play but it's crashing constantly
How to activate
Can I still do the country road event if korg is moved out?
No, if he moves out you're locked out of Country Road. I had to revert to an old save to do it.
Is there a way to build the country road with Korg living with the Iron Bloods? I just learned about this event but its probably too late what with Korg being with the Iron Bloods.
No, if he moves out you're locked out of Country Road. I had to revert to an old save to do it.
well, then it’s a good thing that I saved before the fight with the Witch. While that would definitely delete weeks of progress I don’t really care if I can unlock the Forest Road.
Is there a way to save Gunner from dying?
There is no way to save Gunner.
say, am i the only one that wants to make sabal a dateable character?
You're not alone. I even want to visit his tribe and make his leader my bitch too.
nope. a lot of us do, I think he should become a romanceable NPC at some point too, so we just gotta be patient lol.
Are there any sex scenes with logan in normal top route without currupting him?
As far as I know, there are only 2 sex scenes but one of those is where he'd end up hating you (Black Heart route). The more "canon" one (and only one atm) you can get is from the "Troubles in the Den" event. There's a variant of this as well if you remained a virgin all throughout the game prior to this event.
Though there is also one scene where you can sniff his pits but... is that... considered a sex scene? I thought it was pretty sexual lol but then again there's no penetration or cumming there so I guess not.
Which one is the Black Heart route?
If you work out with him and have all the available hearts so far, you can admit to only wanting to watch (that ends the scene if he doesn't love you enough) and it will lead to some oral fun. That's all that is available so far.
do you wanna include non canon stuff or just canon stuff? cause in the case of both canon and non canon I can think of 4 scenes, the 3 already mentioned by Khaylis and Saber, and the Halloween event from forever ago where you screw with all 3 werewolves and Korg.
and another semi weird scene/scenes that could count, you can technically sleep with him when you capture him and he's in the prison if you either didn't choose Logan or never gave him the wolves bane and let him go wild in the forest.
also you can seduce him when he's fighting you as werewolf Logan/red werewolf or whatever the enemy name is lol.
I'm stuck at the Assembly talk with Bernard (the option for Assembly doesn't show up) and I think it's probably because of not inviting the NC guards to the fair yet. How do I invite them?
You talk to Everette in his camp after doing the orc battle.
Right now there are only "War" and "Northcrest" topics. Does this mean I've already done that? Or did I miss something?
Sorry for the late reply, but either way I don't remember too well xD I did this a while back. Generally, you can get a pretty good idea of what to do by checking your quest journal. It should let you know who you have invited and who you haven't. I know that after the fight with Mirage you have to do a bunch of chatting to the different orcs and Everette, as well as Feliar. So, it might come down to you needing to chat up everyone to see what you are missing.
I downloaded the Android app and after playing for maybe a minute or two it will shut off on me. What can I do? I really want to play this game. I have also deleted the app then redownloaded it and still it was doing the same thing.
Android app not installing. Anyone else having the same troubles or is it just my phone being weird?
hi guys, im blocked with the new update, i cant invite tao to the fair and i cant continue with the quests... how can i resolve?
Free Tao from the rat King and bring him to Lakeshard. Should be able to invite him then.
Hi guys, does anyone have 0.65 Fem MC save?
Hi i am trying to tame logan after i tamed bernared and i cant tame logan pleas help idk what to do
You can only tame one of them depending on your playthrough.
Hi I want to you to help me please I want to collect all Logan's hearts but I only have one heart and the rest have X on them what should I do please
Unfortunately, you have to go back to a previous save file where you can do the other Love Point options. The X means it's no longer available. Try going on the Lustful Desires Wiki, on there, you'll be able to find a guide on how to get all 3 of Logan's hearts and avoid losing them.
Unfortunately, I don't have any save file, does that mean I can't complete Logan's hearts 😞
Nope, but you can start a new game, that's what I did when I missed one of his hearts
I love the Gryphon! When will be able to tame it and then ride it? I mean uh, like a mount, but maybe also the other one as well lol. Practically speaking though, I think the gryphon could be a good mount to add "Fast Travel" too seeing as it can fly. That way we could visit other places easily, like with Tao's place.
Also, maybe I missed it the on the screen, but they I don't think they have an Enemy Relationship stat yet even though we could use love potion on them and make them love us. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
Hyao does not want to make the gryphon openly available. However, as of 0.66 Patreon version, you can befriend a sick gryphon that will take you from one of the northern caves to another (between Mythshore and the orcs). And yes, some relation logs are missing but they'll be added later.
Ooh that sounds promising. Thanks.
Also can someone tell me how to be ALL bottom in the game? Because in combat, when i win because of lust damage, i just get the options to TOP the enemy? Like, to bottom i have to LOSE in the combat???😭😭 help i drinked the bottom potion so many times
You have to get them horny enough then Submit. Think about it this way lol, if you beat them in battle using lust that's you being the dominant one. They don't like that so you lose favor with them this way. If their sprites changed and they expose their dick that's when you Submit. They'll also like you better this way (increases their Love points).
OOH god thank you so much, so yes you have to kinda lose the combat to be fuck3d, because when we submit, we "lose" the battle yk? But thanks, i was so confused!!
Hey! So is there any lewd content with Caleb, the wolf? Because i Just get options to drink beer or play with a bone with him??😭😭 idk if im doing something wrong
There's some decent ones like some Glory Hole options (for you and a certain other character), a threesome with another different character, and then there's the Non Canon events. He also has a variant event for the beer I think if he likes you enough. A lot of these I think are achievable with enough likes. Can't be sure though, it's been a while since I've done something smexy with Caleb.
oh ok thank you!!!
Full edit
NOt me thinking wip meant extra content haha, I assume it's meant as work in progress.
Became a patron regardless. Great content.
Not sure if there's extra content at all but well deserved
Hola, alguien sabe si en algún futuro vallan a traducir el juego a español?
No, lo siento.
I'm trying to find/remember where to find the red lizard from the tribe, i found the acolytes but after that I've not been able to find him, help please?
Roushk? Forgotten Temple.
I need help, for a while I haven't been able to unlock several events and I think it's because I failed others, I got stuck in the part of reinforcing the village, and then it wouldn't let me continue with the construction of the new road and I got stuck from there.
For the expansion of bareshade you have to wait a certain amount of days before another expansion becomes available and for the country road you usually have go to the forest path before 12:00 so sleep until morning then just head straight there but just go to the event and check if there are any things you need to do in order for you to progress the event
got rep +20, talked about prisoners and he told me about tent behind camp, cannot find it though
In the Skullbreaker camp? It's 'tent'.
dont mean about sleeping, but tent with special quest
hoéw to get respect or lose respect in the orc camp?
If you want to lose respect, submit to the orc guards when you get to the camp and be nude. To gain respect, fight the guards when you enter.
you can also spam face fucking one of the people tied up outside. the red and green orc's or Gur and Dur.
Can anyone share with me how to obtain the non-canon event Korg’s werewolf onesie? I’ve spoken to rose on multiple occasions between the required hours to trigger the event. I’m also living with my daddy orc. So according to the in-game log book I should’ve triggered this event ages ago. Yet for whatever reason it’s not triggering. I don’t want to finish Orc Camp before I trigger this mini dlc-like content.
If I remember correctly, you need to sleep at your hut before midnight.
Heyo, I'm having problems with the mission: "Additional suppliers" for Northcrest, Alden. I only have to talk with Torben, but when I see him the quest continuation doesn't appear. Does he need to be in Bareshade when the houses are builded or do I need to meet him somewhere else such as Track or River's Bank?
Nevermind, you have to build new houses. I completely forgot about that, after not playing this game for long time.
I might be slow on this but if it helps anyone out you can check red orc respect (different from reputation) by hovering your mouse over the skullbreaker camp
anyone know how to hard reset this game ? I want to experieance new walkthrough and read every single text from the start I've tried delete saves but The progress and save still there I don't want to skip any text on accident and this game kinda take a little TOO MUCH of my space
Just transfer all of your save files to a memory/Sd cars or something and voila new playthrough and bigger space
The game creates two permanent files to track your choices (flags and variables) and progress (what text you've already read or not) throughout the game. One is saved locally in the game's folder, the other one is hidden in your userdata. You'd need to manually delete/rename/move both for a hard reset.
thank you very much now I can play this game like i play it first time ❤️
Anyone know if there's a guide lmao
There's wiki for lustful desires just type idk roshuk lustful desires and the wiki will pop up I've been using it a bit here and there
Hola y'all!
I've been playing the game for a year now, and I want to thank Hyao for his hard work!
My first playthrough, I took all the green path options. Ended up with 2 himbo husbos in Logan and Bernard.
My second one was all red options. So powerbottom Logan lol.
Red alert for spoilers about B!Logan and Roland!!!!
So, Logan. And Ste. There are 2 scenes at the Farmstead. Y'all know about the first one, but there's a SECOND lewd scene and some info about Bea and her research if you go upstairs.
And then there's Roland. Save him during the New Road event, and you can get caught staring at his package helping Bernard in Bareshade. Then, you can encounter him at the glory hole on Wednesday. Normally, he freaks out hearing your voice and leaves.
Which happened in my green path playthrough. In my red path, he lets you touch it and you get a facial.
You can also encounter him at Entice. Seek a dance, it's an RNG encounter. He knows it's you.
So, question for Hyao: any chance we'll have a sprite for the buff, blue-eyed and hung Roland?
Oh God, Roland! I remember him. I remember wanting so hard to have a B!Logan and Roland scene lol, seeing as they were also childhood friends from what I can remember. I wanted a scene where Roland would see B!Logan differently in a sort of corrupted/kinky way.
WHOA! There can be a succeeding progress even if you choose a red path! Awesome! Thanks!