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Is there a guide to the game to find any missable content? cuz I read on a site I go to sometimes that there are missable content in some places in this, and It'd be nice to have some ways to get them, or at least know how to get them.

not SPECIFICALLY for missable content from what I know but there is a really big guide made by Ben Dover! I can link it if you want

sure, why not


is it just me or is the rolback not working. and i dont have it on disabled

The creator themself disabled it.

why is there still a rolback option in the settings then?

I really don't know why, it's just most likely there for no reason though. It might be because if it's removed the game brakes or something, so I'm just gonna assume that.

I have a question, does this game have CG?

It does, but as far as I could notice, CG start after a while of playing.

Some CG show up automatically, but some CG showed up only when I clicked on the eye in the upper left. If you feel like a scene sounds like it has CG, try clicking the eye.

There's a bunch of amazing CGs in Lizards' questline if you want to see some. There other places, but I won't spoil. I don't remember any in the first stages of the game, though.

how early is first stage to you? cause like there is a CG at the bandits camp before you beat the bosses, and that seems pretty early.

yes, but not with the MC. only NPC's, and some are locked behind different routes.

Could someone help me? I can't open the garden, it's giving me an error.


Hey everyone! With the recent update, I have a question:

Does anyone know if increasing the respect points in the Skullbreaker camp has an effect on the interactions with the red orcs / unlocks more scenes in the camp?


I am interested in this as well. 


not yet I believe since it would have been mentioned in the update notes.


First of all: I love this game. So many stories. So wild. So much fun. Thank you!

I'd like to know if there are plans for our house in Bareshade? It'd be nice to leave our animals there, too. And to use the nice garden, that Bernard added for us. Or some stories? Like iniviting guests. Or surprise visitors. That would be awesome. It's kinda sad that he build that house for us, but we only use it for sleeping.


actually the house does have some of those things you wanted added. not a garden or animal pen tho. I'm gonna write a couple scenes you get in the house and I'm gonna try and put it far down so if you don't wanna know exact stuff it doesn't spoil it for ya.

I'll start with a (currently) one time event, Logan visiting your house after certain events have been completed/done until a certain stage. you also gain the chance to have sex with him but it gives a black heart after.

repeatable event next, Barrel's visit. your just gonna need the house (kinda obvious but like just saying that in case lol) and a certain amount of like with him. he just shows up randomly and you can let him in or not.

and a unique event last, you can get a scene with Feliar if you choose him to watch the firework's with at the end and invite him to your house.

Oh, thank you very much! Good to know.

The garden would be nice though. The animals are not that important. But after Bernard even mentioned the garden it would have been really nice. And helpful.

Especially right now I would love it, cause there seems to be a bug with the current PC version (0.63). The game always crashes when I try to build the garden in the hut. I were so happy after Bernard said that he added a little garden.

Could someone please tell me how to get the lizardmans tail if I have already completed the bandit camp quest. The option to sneak around is gone, and tank is gone too. Please help.

Activate cheats in the settings and give yourself the item.


I wish there was  more prisoner I could get 😉 *wink wink*


maybe Gnoll Brutes, Centaur Spearmen, Troglodyte, and Swamp Werewolf (I know I’m being horny but I can’t help it)


nah youre so real for those.... they're hot asf

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TL;DR, I agree with all of those but think the swamp werewolf one isn't really likely (even if I desperately want it.) and I also listed some prisoner's I would want later.

restating here, I would love for all of them to happen but I don't think the swamp werewolf would work since I'm pretty the thing changing the werewolves into swamp werewolves has a limited range due to the fact it hasn't just grabbed and turned everything ever into a swamp werewolf/...swamp human? swamp Lizardmen? idk, it just means I think it's not really likely to be the swamp werewolf anymore lol after that. however that doesn't mean it's impossible just unlikely.

but off that... please Hyao. I NEED them. like deadass double Gnoll or double any of the ones you mentioned would INSANELY hot maybe the troglodytes would create a jerk corner in the prison and if they become dominant enough and the gnolls maybe could break the bars someone or something at a high enough dominance or something and take us back to the mountain or they keep our place and we become a sex toy to them and also put in the prison where anybody can fuck us. also double Centaur? like normally I'm not into Centaurs but he would be worth it lmao. especially if we can somehow get spitroasted by both, despite the.... biological limit to have  multiple partners via the massive horse legs lmao. 

however now I wanna add some people I would love to give to our prison, Orc's, other variants of all multi mobs (essentially Lizardmen Hunter, Rider's and base lizardfolk would all become individual enemies affected by either a stronger version of the taming stuff or the original one.) and last is goblins, both the shaman and basic one would be separate and have different dialog. for example the goblin Shaman would use his potions and turn us into a obedient slut to please him for hours, and if 2 of them they would make it WAY longer, while the regular Goblin's would just dominate us and fuck us silly and with 2 they double penetrate us later with one cumming onto our body and all over our face, but then go again and cum inside this time then fade to black and a text box that talks about how we are incredibly sore and surprised the Goblin's stayed after getting the key.

I want human prisoners. Like that Northcrest Mustached Guard and that Muscular Bald Bandit, then basically have the option to use them to "Relieve Yourself." 

How do I complete missions? Do I press "end" after doing it?

no. Who ever you got the quest from you go to them

Can anyone please tell me how to save Vicoria's new prisoner?

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If you mean the bull you can talk with arion to switch and be honest with him(he'll be ok with it)

Or fight vicoria.

How do I get in?


Uhmm yeah soo... You might not be surprised by this info but..... You have to fuck with the golem until the status of them is reaching 100 = loving


I wonder when we´ll have sex with father? We still have to show him personally how good we take rock-hard golems (Pun intended lol)

That part is in development, I also recommend that you download the app "game screen translate" it is much better since you only price one button and everything on the screen is translated instead of selecting 

Is there a medicine that makes enemies surrender?

no, but you can cheat an insane amount of appearance or strength cookies to one shot them every single time.

Question. If intellect increases the potency of consumable items. Will that also increase damage of crafted bombs, or will they always have a fixed damage point?

Guys, how can I get the recipe for the Restrict potion? Help me pls!

u need to accept the "restraint potion for teacher" or the repeatable "more potions" task from bernard then go home and learn it whilst the task is active. check bernad's tasks in relationships to know when the more potions task is read

Thanks so much <333

I can't for the life of me start the nameless arc. The damn crow won't show up in the morning and I've tried time and time again, does it happen to anyone else?

I'm pretty sure u just complete the "curse of lust" quest then complete the "ToS crossover" quest that'll let u continue the lizard's treasure" quest and i think just rest till morning  that'll kick off the nameless quest

yea i've done all of those and keep spamming rest til morning and nothing happens 

did u take the quests from/talk to both the day and night witch? i think interacting with both may help progress it since they are the ones that send the crow

yup from that one quest that you need to go back during the night but i'll try doing that again 

it worked! you're heaven sent, thank you !!

Does anyone know how to help the prisoner of Victoria? (Not the Orc) i don't have any clue where to go. 

Talk to Arion.

Hi, maybe someone can help me please. How to meet Roland in the glory hole on the farm? I've seen Edmund and Lenny there many times, but Roland has never been there. All three characters are alive in my game. What should I do to make him finally come?

I can't remember if this was the case but have you met him for the second time during Bernard's "Offer Services" activity? It's totally random but if I remember correctly, you'd see him in the Glory Hole after you've seen him again in Bernard's store. Maybe I'm wrong, it's been a while since I've been to Ste's farm lol. 

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I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share some feedback on the recent or before updates to the game, and I apologize in advance for the lengthy message.
Well, I came back to play after I had put this game aside for a long time. I have noticed the locking of relationships and Events feature, but I would like to inform you of my difficulty using it. Normally, I play on my phone (Android). I really like adding features like information and details, including this feature, but at the current version 0.64.1, when I press "info", sometimes it accidentally "Locks". "Gone without me knowing. And now that I'm replaying from the beginning, doing The Curse of Lust, even in the missing acolytes. section, it's stuck at 1 person missing, but I'm sure I found all 3 at ruin, forest, swamp. When I look at the event I found that it was "Locked" and now I can't find them anymore because I've already seen them.
So I think you should make a separate UI for "Lock" instead of double-clicking "info" or it might prevent the event from happening if "Lock" is set (maybe it already happened or not, I don't know.
I understand that game development is a complex process, and my intention is simply to offer constructive feedback based on my experiences. Thank you for considering my input, and I look forward to seeing how the game evolves in future updates.

Best regards
Edit: I apologize for any misunderstanding and misleading.


That's not what the quest "lock" does, it simply makes the quest text fixated so you don't accidentally display the information of another quest by hovering your cursor over it (only noticeable on desktop).

If you have version 0.64 then you could try the Discord group, it has channels for frequent mistakes and common misconceptions and people there are quick to answer your questions.

Anyway, which ruin acolyte did you help? The one that counts towards quest completion is being held captive by the warriors. You can confront them late in the afternoon I believe.

I'm stuck on fresh Stew for scrap

Oh boy new update!


It would be fun to create a chapter select or something. My pc crashed and now I have to redo all of the beginning to get back to where I was in the game. I had a few hours of gameplay.

Could this be added ???

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you can save the game, and the game should auto save (although i dont think this is enabled). you can also skip dialogue by pressing TAB or CTRL. make sure you save often, and back up those saves to an external hard drive!

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I unfortunately did this too, accidentally spilled juice while im cleaning my pc. Given there's so many content in-game, I dont think a chapter select would be implemented so the best thing you can so is enable cheats and start over again. 

Dear all I can't find the Pack leader to get the wolf's fang. I seem to miss something! I tried the wolfs den several times. Can't even overwhelm werewolf Logan. He's beating the crap bout of me despite the werewolf lure .... Help anyone?


Wolf fang you get from the wolf boss in the morning, top right skull in the first part of the dungeon (outside). Werewolf boss is at night at a ! near the bottom right area. As for werelogan, you can try silver weapons, lust potions, wearing armor, bringing your dog or raptor with you (trained for combat, "help") and save scumming (save when the fight begins, do a turn, reload if you get hurt, save again if he misses you until you win).


Thank you so much! I fought really everything in the den during day but I guess it's like the most other things there is not a 100% chance. Now I know where I have to look. And for Logan .. I that's super helpful. Thanks a lot. Gonna start grinding for supplies today. 😘


Oh there is new update oh gosh thank you hyao


Anyone know where to find the goblin shaman? I noticed art was added for it, but I can only recall encountering regular goblins.


it appears to be in the redwood forest! there are a few mentions of it elsewhere, but your going to be able to battle it in the redwood forest :)


it’s more common in the cave near redwood forest where you can mine Sulfur Clods for fire bombs.

Hey I've been trying to join the discord but the link is expired could someone provide a new one?

the invite link worked perfectly fine for me. are you in the max discord servers you can be in?

I can't seem to download the new patch says forbidden? Can anyone help?

it seems to work fine for me. have you tried restarting your device, using a different broswer, or restarting your internet? if none of these work, it may just be a temporary itch issue and youll have to contact them!

Is there any recipe to craft our own Blinding bombs? Cant find it in the recipe list.


1 - glowshroom
2 - nothing
3 - white pulp
4 - glowshroom
5 - nothing

hope this helps!


I love Xeroth's design and personality, is there any way I can date him?

theres a lot of dialogue related to him. if you interact with him more, im sure more opportunities will open up with him! you may need to clear other quests and such to see more of him. as for dates, it doesnt seem like theres any available right now. there are multiple sex interactions though!

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If I'm not remembering incorrectly, I believe you can invite him to the fair and then ask him on a date if you talk to him there?



How do i finish this? I cant proceed to the orc quest because of this

I'm pretty sure you might need to continue a different questline because it's locked for right now, try doing some of blessing of lust.


so if i remember correctly need to sleep in your bed before midnight and wake up to where the crow form the witch arrives.
Its rng based so could take a lil while

Hi, did you manage to finish this quest? because I  can't finish it too

The quest is in wip right now so you can't finish it currently.

Helllo I question but how can I date scap


I'm hoping for more Scrap content too. He's adorable. I hope we can eventually bring him to town, even just for the fair or something. 

So far I have only seen scenes where you can cook with him and give him baths, and the scene that I think it a one time only thing where he and the protagonist "sleep" together. He's got stuff with Hao too, but yeah, I hope we can get some more from him.


he's a guest written character, so his content comes differently than others. he should eventually get more stuff unless Hyao states that his writer either wants him out of the game or can't write him anymore for some reason.

theres a bit more content then that, for example, dealings with the rat king, a fight between other rats and rebuild his house too! there even seems to be some scrap corrution dialogue too. ;)


i dont think the owner of the game will make anymore updates on this game


What are you talking about? Lmao, the game is far from being finished. Hyao still has lots of loose ends to complete xD. Why do you believe he would leave Lustful Desires in this condition? 


idk a lot of creators leave their game unfinished because either they dont feel like making it anymore or something comes in between and since there hasnt been an update in 2 months i thought he quit making the updates


Hyao mentioned that he was skipping the February update here because on January we got 2 updates instead of 1 (putting us at the same patch version as the Patreons).

On Patreon he did make an update last month, and while this month's is late (by one day), it has been like that pretty much every time.

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Not to mention he use to have a 30 days gap between updates, so I believe he's not gonna cut short any time soon.

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I get what you mean. That happened to me while I began to follow Marcus´ progress with Eldet. Something happened and he stopped the project... Its annoying you know, I lost 20€. The kickstarter campaign received enough funding and the start was good but yeah... he stopped. I think he was under a lot of pressure. A shame. The VN looked pretty good.

That said, I trust Hyao can complete LD. He´s made a lot of progress so far.   

Looks like he may have recently resumed work on Eldet - might be worth checking out

Cool :O I'll take a look later. Thanks for the heads up!

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Are you serious? Is this comment a joke? He (Hyao) has released 2 updates in one, count each month as one update and you'll find out that LD should be updating  somewhere around this month


why are you so hostile i said thought key word THOUGHT i could be wrong. 


Sorry. But please, next time count up the days between updates, even a little bit of research would tell you that the updates are around monthly

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Please have a little patience. The devs are working as hard as they can just to please all of our lustful desires.


i said "think" but since a bunch of games on here stop out of nowhere i maybe thought that he quit aswell


No worries, in fact, Hyao and his team are pretty active.


Hyao is good boy, a very good boy who wont stop an keep up with upgrading his game.
There no sign that he will just stop any time soon considering the constant monthly updates, with last month being on skipped which 99.9999999999% of us agreed that he was allowed to do.

How much gay potions that I need to take



at least 3



How to proggres nameless Quest?


I don't think it's finish yet.

depending on where you are, it might be a WIP. could say where you are in it?


Just went through all the lizard content. Felt like I've read a whole separated VN. So much work and feelings were put into their storylines, Roushk, Othra, Rhot and all the others :)

Would be great if they had some relationship recognition in their hello \ goodbye quotes, perhaps one or two simple repeateble dialouges for kiss \ anything else regarding their relationship. Overall amazing work, really looking forward to reading all the other content!

(petition for Roushk to become a real person)


Also, I tried Tavern of Spear long time ago, but back then it didn't hook me up. The way Nauxus was represented in LD (especially his sprite and CG, dear God!) made me really want to go through Tavern of Spear more than ToS itself lol


Jungle content? 10/10 Looking forward to more.

Sabal is such a Tsundere and I totally enjoyed that little bit of interaction wholesale.


Can't wait to rape his tribe too

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It's genuinely hilarious that you got downvoted so hard for saying this in the comment section of a game filled with rape and which lets you turn an entire tribe into depraved sex lunatics.


Lol that’s why it’s the evil red choice, he’s proclaiming it proudly that sounds fucked up D:


I'm just being honestXD


how do you define rape in this case? cause if you mean how we seduce enemies into screwing around, they could technically always leave instead of sticking around to actually have the sex.

Most of the creatures can be seduced or love potion affects them though.  Riding them until I'm done with them I guess.

Sorry, who was Sabal again?

he are leonin in LD


Lion looking guy on the west island

Is there an updated guide out there??

the actual wiki on google is updated quite a bit

just search what you need in the wiki and youll find it (or just join the discord and ask in there)

hi everyone. i have 2 questions:

1.) where do i get green essence?

2.) are there any prerequisites to find the witch?

thank you in advance


1. Look around the Swamp

2. Do the Curse of Lust event. Look around the dark swamp until you find the witch. The witch holds one of the statues that is needed in the Curse of Lust event.

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Kill green slimes for green essence, you'll need crushing tools or piercing as far as i know to do damage


Why does the game crash when my raptor likeness reaches 0 I can't get past 0 likeness


I'm not seeing full moon event in log does anyone know how I can fix it?

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