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does anyone know games like this one? I like the game but I just can't with the gay and furry stuff.


If you use the gender change potion you will turn into a woman and it won't be gay anymore. Hope this helps!

If you're looking for straight male-female sex games, you may not get the answers to your questions on this forum. It's a good idea to search for what you want in the sex game on the adult game site that inspired you to learn about this game. I think you can have a relationship with Rose and Vikoria in this game, but I think Rose is the only one who can develop into a romantic relationship.

Im not looking for an adult game like this just one with the same mechanics and style. doesnt really matter if its for adults or not


If that's the case, I think it's a shortcut to try various things by yourself on game sites such as steam, free game sites, etc. Hopefully this forum will get you some information, but it will take time.

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you can use some of the tags on this to find similar games without the porn stuff by just removing the "Erotic" "Sex" "Adult" and "Bara" tags but leaving the rest of them. might show other games similar or more to your taste!

also little late, but good luck finding something fun!

how tf to i get outta the first town (i have skill issue)

(1 edit)

just grind enemies to get levels 

edit or use cheats


a comment someone made got me thinking, how do y'all see the MC? personally, I like to mix Guran's (really cool artist who does fan art for multiple games like Shelter and LD! he is also really good at it :D) MC with myself from real life when I imagine MC. how do y'all see them?


Actually, LD's MC remind me of Tokyo afterschool summoners (TAS) with MC3 or MC4 body type (from left to right), not that buff nor twink since LD's MC must have some kind of workout by walking or running around the entire map and the fact LD's MC can suppress Rhot (on the bed) who have train himself every day. 


Ironically, I see my MC as the little red riding hood (I don't know the exact translation of this to english). I don't know why, but it is what it is for me. 

About the race, I see him as a rodent because it is my favorite animal and my favorite OC is a rodent too. 


Oh, thanks for the appreciation

 I always thought nobody liked my Fred, cuz a twink MC seems a bit rebellious in a game dominated by bara characters lol

What a coincidence that it's been almost 2 years I haven't checked LD on itch(I usually get the Chinese version through another page.) But I happen to want to check it today without any reason and saw this comment

btw, I remember your id, you are the guy who suggested me a long time ago that I post fanart in Twitter

 Thank you very much for your advice at that time! I think we probably already got to know each other in Discord, but I definitely haven't told you about it yet. (If that's the case, DM me on Discord, I'm curious who you are :p)

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tbh before I saw your dude Fred I could never put a face to my MC, I was always stuck imagining him as a blank character until your guy came along and just right away clicked into that slot and I can no longer imagine him any other way XD. thanks for sharing him and helping me finally put a face to MC! plus it's not that rebellious to me considering the amount of people who like twinks getting destroyed by said bara men or the other way around lol....

also I like coincidences that let people see when they get complimented :)

also holy shit that was you. I saw your twitter after Hyao rewteeted some of your art and followed you then and it never clicked that I had sent that suggestion on here. 

also it's my pleasure since I got to see the art you posted! it's all great :) 

(the Discord thing though prolly not since have yet to speak in the server since I don't use this ID for my discord account nor have I even used discord since like 2019 XD)


I see him as Link but with longer hair and some cloak live Raven in TeenTitans (I have no idea why I imagine him like link since I never played any game with him lol)

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one thing can you make a scene where you meet children and depending on your actions cuddle or be mean to them plus ive seen so many game like this have no childern in it even tho theres towns full of people and crap


Wait what

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ive seen thousands of games with towns that are humongous that the towns contain near millions of people but you never meet any children even tho you look around the town. there's no children whatsoever like how is there so much people but no kids in such huge towns


There are kids on the game if you play long enough.

The game don't talk about them because they are not important, lol.

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oh do you interact with them at all?

(1 edit) (+2)

Actually, we can interact with Ste's children too. They will come to Bareshade every Sunday for the Market feast, and you can also meet them at their house. And during the Sunday feast, while you wander around there, you may see Korg playing with Bareshade's children which you can talk to them too.

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This is the nasty creep, he is 19 and trying to show off child porn in discords


Well, I knew it... My gut-feeling was right


So i was actually wrong, he confirmed it on tiktok, THIS is the actual guy. which believe it or not, is actual 10 times worse, and 10 times more believable for what he does

(1 edit) (+3)

Is this question weird? It feels weird...

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no i didn't mean it in a weird way. i'm happy when i see games like this cause i've seen so many game that are supposed to be like medieval times with kids running around and stuff but most games i see are nothing like actual medieval times and just focus on fucking guys or girls or just focus on fighting monsters to get girls. i like skyrim for how many people are in the town and stuff and the realism of how medieval times were. except for the shouting power and werewolves and vampire's obviously but its still fun to ride around on a horse and fight people like knights and swordsmen did before it's also why i like those events where people dress up as knights and swordsmen and stuff.

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Do you know what would be awesome once the game is finished? An ending screen for all the bad endings (the ones which your sanity drops to 0)

I believe Hyao is planning on doing something like that in the future and I hope so. Would be fun to have a different art to each ending. The only problem I see with this is that the MC do not have a skin defined yet, so it would need a bit of creativity to do those.

(2 edits) (+2)

maybe a bunch of choices for every bad end would be neat but that would get rather complicated due to how many there are. when the game is finished the number of bad ends will probably surpass the amount of screen that we have to even put choices lol.... or do you mean like a playlist of all the ones you unlocked on that character?

also, CGs for those scenes are impossible due to a poll from forever ago. Hyao asked if we wanted more sex scenes without a drawn MC so we can use our imagination or a defined single character with scenes like from Tavern of Spears or Robin Morningwood. we voted more content with no sprite for MC. maybe Hyao will do a redo of it if like EVERYONE started talking about CG's being a better choice, but it would cause a very large number of issues for more than just Hyao. I would list them, but I don't feel like typing an entire novel unless asked about the reasons lol.


I agree that, by the end of the game we will have a large amount of bad endings, but even though CGs are not the best option, I think that a simple game over screen could be fun.

In the future, we could have an extra options with the list of all the endings we unlocked (the bad and the good ones).

How to sleep with tank?


you need to have max seduced him in the fight he had before you fought scar. other than that just do literally everything involving Northcrest and the bandits until you reach the Redwood forest and build the beds after doing the "tanks past" talk thing.

So is there a recipe for angel leaf extract I'm somehow not finding or are we just supposed to grind it off Xer?

I am ALMOST sure that is it. If I'm not wront (which I can possibly be) you can find it talking with the Witch during the day.

Seriously, idk how to get that 3rd love since the expansion didn't finish yet on that time. So do I still have a chance to get it?

Sadly no:(, you have to create a new save or go back to when you still one heart with him, don't finish the troubles in the den event first since its stopping you to get him to a 3 heart

no. later a new event might appear but for right now there is no way to get a third heart if you made that mistake.

How do I combine the four elements? I have air, earth and water, but I don't have fire. How do I get fire? (Take Tao back to his village ) 


I don't think we can get fire plate from a gameplay. But we can get it by cheating mode.

No, there is no cheating 

I mean, there is cheat mode in preference menu that you can get any items in the game from it. But I'm not sure we can get a Fire plate from it.


that is still in development, and or still a WIP event. you can take Tao back without doing that event tho.

How to Break the wall 

you need to have a good attitude with Emerine golem around 40 to unblock that path.

How did I not understand 

I opened it but I can't get in 


still WIP, you can unlock it but can't enter.

On a mission to bring Tao back to his village, I can't find a fire element where to find it 

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Like xXToothless113Xx have said, Fire plate is still WIP so there is no way we can get it now. And it not necessary item for any quest, you can bring Tao back to his village without using it.


This game is really really good like as in, buy i hope in the future update, there would be a sex scene in the fight, like when you bet down the enemy there would be a scene when your gonna fuc8 wiyh them  and also i hope that they will add some more choices when fuck1ng with your enemy (these are only my suggestion), but overall its really good

As far as I know, this kind of scene is not gonna happen soon.

If you noticed, the Main Character do not have an appearance defined yet.  Because of that, we have no art of the MC during the whole game.

Guys, do you know if there's any further interactions with Sabal? I'm really curious about this "Hakthal".

nope, Sabal is in development for right now.

I want see Tank without mask Can someone show me Tank Without a mask, please 

I don't think we can since there still no Tank w/o mask sprite in this previous update (0.54).


Zoroj is the artist for Tank but he's been taking a break so he hasn't created the maskless variant yet. it should be added eventually!

I don't understand how to do this task.

I think you have to talk with Othra about this.

I went to look for pearls by the sea, but why haven't I found one yet?

I haven't been able to find it for a long time, so I'm leaving it alone too.

(2 edits)

These two grids is pearls farming spot. There a little chance to get it so it all depend on your luck. Exploring these two spots have a chance to get a Big pearl too. And Big pearl is not Pearl.

I can't go until the update comes and I'm back to the original map ;; Anyway, it was helpful. thank you!

You're welcome.

Does the feminine juice have an effect on other enimies that arent the tar beings?

Hi sorry to bother but Im a little stuck too... well in the last buil 0.55 I finish all te part 1 until the talk with everet to meet lady tess... but I go to the wolves Den and nothing, dont trigger anithyng at all the part 2 of the guess writer I cant doit, either Mythshore and the forest... please someone can help me :3

(2 edits)

0.55 content is only available for Patreon supporter. I suggest you to put a spoiler tag. Since some people here just only play in 0.54 update.






Do you play in Normal Logan route? You need to play in Normal Logan route which you can gain his heart. Then, go to Wolves den and enter to the door at the bottom right of the map to process to the alpha den. After that, you need to see the alpha which will trigger the event.

oh dam... I dont had a normal route... I got it before but my computer explodes and I lost my saves...  (if someone pass me a save im be very grateful) well thanks for you help :3 

I have a save file for Normal route. I can provide it if you like.

yes please :3

(1 edit)

This could help, here a link.

Ps. I can't reach my PC during this 1-2 days so I can only send you a 0.52 update save files. If I come back to my home and got my PC, I will update save files in the same link.

Ps2. Read an instruction for more details.

I'm sorry, I don't know English, so I'm writing from a translator) I had a problem with korg, he disappeared from home and I don't know where to look for him the last time I met him in the woods before meeting with Cthulhu, but accidentally skipped it now he needs to be invited to the city for fair and I don't know where to find him


Did you use a Love Potion on him? If so, that makes him leave for good.

Is there a second heart with ste? If there is a second heart how do i get it? I already finished the new road quest and got a choice between "protect everyone" and "want to be there for ste" but i choose protect everyone😭, do i have to choose the second?

It seems "I want to be there for Ste." ---> "Try another time" is the only way to win Ste's heart for a second time.


My English is not very good so forgive me for the mistakes, I think there could be a potion that changes the MC's gender, there would be no way to see the main missions scenes, but it would change in encounters and fights, it would no longer be necessary to create 2 saves. 🥲


that would be so awesome


Helloo, i really like this game like hart hart, but everytime i play it, the game crushes and i got out of the game and cycle repeat how do i fik the bug or the crash TT

Hiw do i fix it pllsssss

Btw i play on andriod

I'm having the same problem :/, I gave up and played on PC. The game crash at the beginning on Android.

"constant renpy crashes on android" seems to be a somewhat common problem. You can see people discussing it on github and reddit, and may benefit from them.

It could most likely be a Ren'py problem ...


hello, I am curious about a couple things.

1. Will there be more heterosexual sprite updates, like the female bandit?

2.Will there be animated sex scenes like in Tavern of Spear?

3.Is the Mythshore storyline moving forward anytime soon?

4.Most importantly: Seeing as the story is branching out and getting less linear with every update, will it be possible to make different runs for the mc? Like for example, say:
a cunning villain run (where you become sort of an emanator for the Nameless, perhaps to the point where you become stronger and more evil than him), 
a warrior of purity run (where you guard your virginity till the end, and your focus on training means you're formidable and unmatched, though I'm not sure how exactly you'd be rewarded for it, perhaps a love interest with a special character at the end game)

so far the lewd run seems the most well established, as you get the most of the content in comparison. I would like to know if there's gonna be consideration for more story development if you go the red route basically,  because most of the time it's simply about locking content away. It'll help me decide whether I'll be a patron. thank you

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1. yes, eventually the female characters and straight stuff will get added, but it's not a priority since Hyao is focusing mainly on the new stuff being added. eventually he is going to get all the old stuff in the backlog finished in either one major backlog update or throughout a couple different smaller updates with less new stuff and backlog content instead of just a big/regular content update.

2. not as far as we know. there will be CGs for other characters and routes like Bottom Logan, but none of it will be animated. maybe this can change but I don't believe Hyao has said anything about it changing from CG to animated stuff.

3. sorta? we learn some new stuff about Mythshore's past soon but nothing for its main story is getting updated.

4. yes. it's kinda already started to shape up that way, you have the Bottom Logan route for example and corrupted Lizard tribe. growing stronger than the nameless is a little bit of a stretch but could potentially happen. being eviler than him is also a weird thing since we don't know if he is ACTUALLY an evil person, we just know he is willing to do anything for his goal. whatever that goal is.

the warrior of purity thing though is both possible and incredibly unlikely. it's unlikely in the way you described it, but possible. however, it's more likely for specific characters instead of as an entire route, like the scene if you're a virgin with Logan's werewolf attack against the invading swamp monster.


Happy Pride day everyone :).

Hello I got stuck with the Orc War. The quest is to bring him the big pig but I can't take off my wolf. Whenever I try to leave him at home it just "You can't leave it here". Oh and I don't have anything to do with the wolf such as feed

I don't think it was necessary to ride a pig... Couldn't you just catch and hold it and report it? My memory is a bit vague, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

I hope people who didnt have sex with Tank at the bandit camp get to sleep with him in the future updates. Cause its too far to start over all that to get back to current update. I have beds and did all the current stuff and cant sleep with Tank


So is it confirmed ZoroJ is never come back? Or still on indefinite break?

Oh no =/. Did something happen?


Hyao would tell us if Zoroj wasn't coming back and if I remember he said a while back specifically it was still a break and he would return eventually.

will there be more content baced around sabal in the jungle and around the junkyard ?

does anyone know how to permanently delete your own save data?

I want to start over on a fresh save file.

You can delete your own save files in Save folder and in AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LustfulDesires-1520529303 to clear all your save and persistent files.

Does anyone know how long the next update will take? I focused only on Northcrest Conspiracy and I have many other missions to do but I don't know if it's worth going back to save. (sorry for some mistakes, I'm using google translate)

They're usually posted on the 5th of the month.

In the update do you just get stuck in the red woods indefinitely till the update or is there a way back on the main map?

Yes, we will stuck there until the next update have come. I suggest you to farm some special material that cannot be found in another area as much as possible.

Guys I'm help with the northcrest conspiracy I can't seem to talk about Everett's conversation with the smug guard forgot his name I tried staking out the three days at night am I doing something wrong?

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Have you already talked with Scar about Cove exploration? Not only witness Everette and Gunnar meeting at night, and you also need to finish the cove exploration. So, you can process to talk with Everette about Gunnar.

Does that include sending Tank in? Cause I did this ages ago and am just now wrapping up the bareshade expansion.

Have you "take a look" at the training ground? It seems you need to take a look there during daytime on Mon/Wed/Fri after you report Everette about Mythshore.

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I've been trying to get Dulrig's love point, it says "fulfill all his needs" on the Munbury mountains trip but "don't be TOO eager." I got a bunch of like points by observing and slipped 5 emerines into his bag on two trips now but no love :(

I don't think there a way that we can get his heart in present update, but we still can gain his likes.


It seems that you need to get his discount before the Munbury trip. You also need to let him tease the mc on your way to mountains. During his excavation, you shall protect him but not eat him out more than twice. Then slip 5 emerines into his bag. And above all, you cann't be a top.

Know how to get his discount? 

You will need to provide him with 5 glafire stones first. Then you can find topic "discount" in Dulrig's talking list. You will gain his discount after doing some naughty things with him.

Anyone got save file or know any? Last time I was around saving redpanda guy and unlock top left location, and also finish orc quest line. I move my PC and lost all my Renpy game save. And spending god know hours and do all the grinding again is hard.


If you still can reach your old PC, I suggest you check out auto-saving file in AppData\Roaming\RenPy\LustfulDesires-1520529303. There should be your game process save and persistent files there.

I've been searching aphrodisiac to make lure potion but still can't find it. I really want to fix Logan and complete the mission but always stuck here

I'm not exactly sure where we can get a recipe of aphrodisiac, but here a recipe.


You get it from the Witch in the swamp, though she does not tell you the exact ingredients.


Go see the witch of the day, not the witch of the night. The recipe should turn out.

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So i unlocked the unique images for ratking and tao, both pics for roushk and othra, bernard breakfast, wolf bernard breakfast, everett and booner, nameless, barrel and male bandit, alpha wolf and logan wolf, ratkin and random guy...Did i miss anything?

I think you miss some pics in Bottom Logan route, like $lutty Logan with Barrel.

and how do i get that😁

You need to play in Bottom Logan route. During Bandit's attack event, there a choice which you make between encourage or discourage Logan to go to Bandit's camp. This choices is the crossway of Normal and Bottom Logan route.

Deleted 1 year ago

In my opinion, "I owe you a beer" event is the event that we first understand what's in Logan mind all along. It understandable to be the event which give us his 2nd heart. Anyway, this event is kinda RNG since it not 100% to trigger, and if someone has not sleep in the house, there no way triggers this event and easily miss a chance to get the heart.

I think, in the future update, Hyao may add some new event which give us a heart for someone who miss the heart from I owe you a beer event or make this event can trigger even we have his 2nd from Trouble in den event.

it would be nice to have that for people who missed out on the heart or skipped it by accident but I don't know how Hyao would add that. the point of it is that you DON'T sleep with Logan because he's not ready, but if you complete his storyline, he is. meaning Hyao would need to either rewrite it or just let it be a weird thing in progression.

however Hyao will be adding other ways to get hearts with characters so you can still get 3 hearts at minimum since the max we know about hearts is four, meaning Logan is going to get one more guaranteed heart event. maybe we can get more hearts later and that will add to the minimum but we don't know right now lol.


It appears to me that Logan is the "High difficulty" romance option, so making it easier to get his hearts defeat the purpose...


I need to raise my morale with bandits to 25 and I don't know how.

Preciso aumentar minha moral com os bandidos pra 25 e não sei como.

You need to send money to the bandit camp to boost morale.


there is 2 ways to increase bandit morale, give money to jester or do his quest "bitch for the thugs" then turn it in. I used google translate for the second bit, if you don't need it just ignore what it says since it's supposed to be a double lol

há 2 maneiras de aumentar o moral do bandido, dar dinheiro ao bobo da corte ou fazer sua missão "cadela para os bandidos" e depois entregá-lo. Estou usando um tradutor, então espero que isso pareça certo. desculpe se não.


If you are dominant, you can also do the 'roam around' option.  If a bandit crosses you, by teaching him a lesson you boost the bandit's morale.

I have no idea if that works or if there is an equivalent if you are submissive, haha, but the roam around option is repeatable if you're dominant.  It's also best done at night, as that way you don't get any additional events interfering.

.....theres a scene if you're a dominant person while roaming around? the only thing I think would count as a submissive version is the scene that requires you to have lost to Scar by seduction but I don't know if it increases morale.


thank you so much(i'm used Google translate too)

There's another option if you lost against Scar. Just wander around the camp enough and you'll get an option to submit to Barrel, which raises the moral as well.

The art style is very in line with my aesthetic. It's a great game, and I hope to continue working hard. Unfortunately, if I were to come into contact with this game in a finished state, it would be great if I could play it all in one go.


Guys how do i sleep with tank or have any other interactions other than giving him a potion or ask to guard Seth? I’ m kinda confused

You need to make a bed at your camp by improving the camp. Also you need to talk with Seth about Tank past.


honestly, best game ever

Very agree

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