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I am progressing the Orc's War event.  Journal states that I have to progress Lizard's Treasure and Nameless Event. I corrupted the lizard's tribe so never had to do these events. Is there a way past this or is it a future update? Thanks. 


Sorry. The red path (corrupting the lizard) is not progressed yet. I'm putting main focus on finishing the good boy paths first. I know the orc stuff blocks a lot of other things, so I'll try to make it unlock for the corruption path soon... 


Thanks for the swift reply. No panic. Love the game!


So...we r stuck in this situation??


Hello! How do you get the Logan Owes you a beer at your house heart?


check update logs 0.31


I've always been shipping my MC with Gunnar but after this update... OMG

This update was so wild and i loved it! so excited for more!!


Soooo... Gunnar

Tbh, I didn't like him that much when he was first introduced. But now, after this update...


FOR THE SAKE OF LOGAN'S SMILE, HYAO, PLEASE DON'T LET HIM DIE! The man just romantically kissed us, acquired his first love point, got removed from the relationship log, and then top it off by leaving in an another major cliffhanger?! Like, dafuq?? Talk about ghosting in a good way XD

Holy shit, I can't wait for the next update! I really hope it's the continuation of Northcrest's conspiracy event. I don't know 'bout you all, but I'm more engrossed in the story than whether I can fit the nameless' monster in the MC's... the sex stuff. 

I had gotten irritated at how aggressive Gunner was so I seduced him and fucked him one time and got a black heart and wow he is still butt hurt over that. I don't understand what we can't just slip some of these people submissive or gay potions, like why is there only one character we can do that to?


So I have been trying to work at the brothel since it was added and can't figure it how does anyone know how to work there?


The conditions for brothel consider from your stats, like Str, Int, Charm etc. and your sex experiences also be considered.


25 min and below 50 max if i remember correctly are the stat requirements. also sex experience.


How can I trigger the Country Roads event? I have already found the playground on the farm but nothing changes with Ste's dialogues

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Did Korg stay with you at your house? If I remember correctly, he need to be there with you, It is a condition to trigger the event.


Can you get regular hearts with Gunnar? I know you can get hate hearts with him.

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Yes, in this update (0.51) you finally can find a way to get his heart, but.......

You need to find it out by yourself.


yeah... it's complicated now.....


I got the heart. I regret everything.


at least you got the heart?....


*weeping alone in the corner*

(1 edit) (+3)

I know some of you may kill me now but...

Ultimate Baka Mitai Mashup Clean Version - YouTube

This is one of those times. Right?

(1 edit) (+2)



are there any events for a logan told not to go to the bandit camp or not yet the guide has only his encouraged to go to the bandit camp stuff. 


you have to follow Logan in the Full Moon night instead of following Bernard


is there a way to delete your saves i would like to restart and i dont want to be constantly confusing old saves with new saves


you can if you find the save folder in the files and delete it.


Will Zoroj come back to the development of LD?His latest work seems to be the witch from 0.41?I really love his work and personally think that his working has the most lustful vibe.

Later characters from  Narram seem a little off though. I mean they might be good for a traditional rpg game,but not really compatiable with LD.  (The lion warrior  really could have been better)

Anyway,I still love the game on the whole and can’t wait for your next update:)

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he most likely will but we can't tell until Hyao/Zoroj post something saying Zoroj left or if he's coming back anytime soon.

also I completely forgot about the post forever ago about Zoroj taking the break, thank you Itsara for mentioning that again lol. that also adds to it, Zoroj is just relaxing from issues with social media and deal with his IRL issues and stuff.


Hyao once said "No, ZoroJ did not drop the project and I didn't replace him with Narram. ZoroJ has his own life, his own problems, he wants to learn new things and focus on his own work for the time being. I understand that and I can only plead for you to do the same."


someone please explain to me how to tame a raptor for the witch please


There's a crafable item name "Reptile's lure". Like how to tame a wolf, you need to use a lure to raptor and defeat it too tame. And it RNG, so you may have to try several times to tame it.




If you use 4 lures on an enemy, it becomes a guaranteed capture iirc.


Okay so I may be dumb.. I'm currently in the part of "the full moon" mission where I have to tame Logan and Bernard. It needs me to build a prison, and reinforced cells, but I don't have any wooden planks, nor a workshop. At the same time, I cant talk to Logan to buy any planks in order to craft one...

So question is, is there a way to get wooden planks besides Logan?


if you have an axe you can chop wood at your house which should make planks


I have a battle axe and some wood. How do I make them into planks?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

You need the workshop to do that. I think your only choice (besides restarting the game) is to turn cheat codes on in Preferences and add them from there.

According to the fan-made guide, you might be able to get them from the junkyard as well, but I could not find anywhere to do so.

EDIT: Now that I remember, Rose gets access to Bernard's shop when he's not available. Not sure if she also gets Logan's?


So I got frustrated since I needed Bernard to turn back in order to finish "the full moon" event and "Rat problems", but I didn't have neither workshop nor prison to do so.

Eventually, I clicked on Logan's shop and saw Rose has access to their stuff, so I managed to get planks from her.

Needless to say, I managed to progress thankfully!


hi everyone, i’m new to the game, i’ve started it few days ago, i just have to ask some questions. In the event full moon i’ve done everything , choosed bernard, in the last part i went to the witch for ask about why the cure didn’t work but it does’t appear any question to her. Also ive saved korg and ste.I have korg in mu house  and triggered the event of the fair. The problem is when i go to the farmstead i can’t find ste. What can i do? Did i miss something? Thank you for your help and forgive my bad english

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I think you need to "Wander around" or the same option like that during daytime until you find his house.


thank you for your reply i did exact thing and unlocked everything

I just downloaded the patreon pc version of the game, but I have ALOT of hours on the browser version, is there anyway I can export my save files? I found the export option on the browser version but I can't find any import on the dowloaded version. 

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I think you need to place your procession files in save folder of download version.

What do you mean by procession files? 

What files you got when you export files from online version?

can someone tell me how to find the secret village of tao or what's his name? i already release him from the rat king and now i can't ask him to help me find the damn village in the forest that the dev mention in the new update. not the shrine. also can anyone tell me how to do the puzzle at the junkyard that requires the pieces? am i doing something wrong?

(1 edit) (+1)

The village name Lakeshade, you need to unblock the underground pathway at the entrance of Junkyard to go. (There would be an option to unblock it if you haven't)

After sometimes of unblocking, the path will be cleared and you can go further the meet the guards at the entrance of the island, go talk to them. Then, report to the Ratking, and go talk to the guards again. So you can go up to the island. After that, go through the jungle, lake, and you will reach Lakeshade.

And about the plate

1) Earth plates

> First one at 0,5 in 3rd lv. Dungeon. You need to place water plate which drop from Mimic at 0,5 in 2nd lv. dungeon to fill water in a gap and then you need to swim from 0,7 in 3rd lv. Dungeon across a gap to get a plate. 

> Second one at 7,6 in same lv. dungeon. You need to place 1st earth plate at 6,8 in 3rd lv. Dungeon to open a way.

2) Air Plate

> Left-half from 2nd lv. Dungeon at 2,3. Then, go back to Rat king and talk about a half plate with Tao.

> Right-half from talking with Rat king about half plate.

> Full Air plate from combine Left and Right half plate. Check on inventory>>Misc.>> click 'use' at any half plate to combine.

3) Water plate

> Drop from defeating a mimic (event droping) in 2nd dungeon at 10,8 (always encouter with Mimic), 8,10 and 10,10 (randomly encouter, sometime you can get useful items from here like some weapons, equipments, potions, bombs, money, etc.)

ok thanks for the info. really help a lot and really appreciate it. by any chance does the quest for Northcrest's Conspiracy just end by we get stuck at the redwood? is there any way to have a good ending or is it still work in progress? and i can't seem to tame the wolfbauk or what it's name even though i already use the lure so many times

(2 edits)

For wolfbauk, you need to talk to some NCP in orc's tribe village, help him until you gain his trust and he will give you a recipe of  wolfbauk lure.

And the 1st question, this may contain spoiling contents. I suggest you to put [Spoiler Alert] and avoid posting it directly by tap enter around 3-5 times since there are people who have not play Patreon update yet.

[Spoiler Alert] 

And the answer is yes, it still work in process.

ok thanks.  and sorry for the...ermm u know.

It's ok, but next time please don't forget to pur spoiler alert tag.

Im trying to find korg but since he was in my house i cant find him, where is korg?

Have you ever used Love potion on him? It makes him mad at you and left your house. But if you haven't, there would be an option to talk to him while you stay in your house.

Yeah i think i gave him the love potion

If he left you, there no way to bring him back. I suggest you to go back to previous save, in case you want him.


Okay, I may be dumb to ask, but is there a way to craft wooden planks on your own, without buying them from Logan?

You need to upgrade your house first (build workshop).


oh okay, thanks!

Can someone help me of how to do the payment plan?

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If I remember correctly, you need to go to Northcrest residential area during the night (20.00 or more) on Monday to Wednesday. There will be an option name "Goodwood Lane". Then, find a guy name "Benjamin".

Hello! I was wondering if it's alright if you have started the "Troubles in the Den" event (I already got 3 checkmarks)  but not finish it and still be able to get the "Owe you a beer" event for Logan.


As long as you haven't encountered him visiting your house at night, not the one in Bareshade, then you're still able to try and get the 'I owe you a beer' event. So your hearts with him must only be one if you want the beer event. There's a second part on the 'Troubles in the Den' event log where it detailed how to get the beer event.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Já faz bastante tempo que eu joguei essa parte da história, mas acho que você só tem que ficar andando na floresta de noite, eventualmente vai poder espiar a mulher com os lobos, depois de umas 4 ou 5 cenas você vai encontrar o colar no chão e não vai mais encontrar ela.

Guys, could someone tell me if there is still that Excel file that spoke of all the recipes, I need it

(2 edits)

theres a guide made my BenDover.

Lustful desires fan-made guide (Public locked version) - Google Sheets in case this one doesn't work though I'll link his account too. 

Ben Dover -

edited to remove the "should" bit because Ben confirmed it was on there. 

Yes, inthe the "Items" sheet


So I noticed a small inconsistency for Logans 3rd heart scene. I made a character specifically wigh the purpose of being a virgin until that scene, but I did make him masturbate one time, which changed the status from "virgin" to "beginner" for his ass. Other than that one wank nothing ever happened sexually. However when I finally got to that scene, Logan said that I had sex with Bernard, which is not true (still have him at only 2 hearts), so I guess it's just a thing where if you are a "beginner" with any body part, no matter the way it happened you are automatically with Bernard? Or is that just a bug?

yes, it is always automatically with Bernard if you're not fully a virgin, but the thing where jacking off caused ass skill increase is weird and most absolutely a bug.

Ah yeah, figured as much, thanks for replying. It would be nice if the virgin status could somehow be changed or something for situation like these. Idk maybe a potion that you can only get with cheats or something

Would be interesting if Hyao gave us that in the next update

I'm on the same boat right now and I'm so annoyed after wasting three days starting a new save and getting all the way back to where I was. Masturbating makes the skill go up and it doesn't matter whether you have hearts or not, it will say the same thing pretty much, it just won't specify a character.


There used to be an area in Settings where I coild recalibrate my screen and where the game would register my taps. Occasionally, the game breaks somehow and registers my taps in other places than where I tap, and now I can't find the recalibration option. Can anyone help me?

I have a question. how does the hearts (or rather love) system work? can you only get hearts with one character, or have I just not done the right things with certain characters?

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You can gain hearts and likes from doing some certain events, like dating, doing some choir, giving some like gifts, or saving their life. You can find it in a guide.

you can get hearts with most characters but require certain story paths an options to have been done.
You can get hearts with as many people as there no negatives to it

Exactly, Hyao is a true gentleman that strongly believes in the benefits of polygamy :P


The last one I played was the one about the orcs, since then my cell phone can't run the other versions :'c:'c 


anyone have a save for orc brute bad end? been trying for an hour or two and cant trigger it :/


I think you need to have very low sanity to get that.

I got it as low as I possibly could before the fight, but for some reason it won't trigger. Not sure if there's some other condition to get it maybe


if you win after losing all your sanity it cancels out the scene I believe, the scene doesn't insta happen when you're at 0 btw so you gotta submit and hope your low enough. but if you lose and you're at 0 with no scene trigger it could be something else.

No luck getting it still. I use potions to get the enemy to 160/300 libido and then spam defend and heal myself when needed. Submitting and letting enemy win by maxing my libido doesn't trigger it. Any ideas on other stuff to try?


your spamming insanity potions before the fights right? I can't think of anything else, I'll see if I can find a way to trigger it and post what I find for ya.


You also need to make him horny with potions


very good can not wait for the finished product i maybe early in the story but so good 


I saved ste but when I'm going to his farm I'm getting lost in the maze farm and can't find the way to his house please HELP

I imagine you have the shiny amulet which allows you to go out or search the subsoil, second you must search well once you leave the cave at least you will be a little while until Ste’s house appears

Should i wait for days until trying to search again in his house?

You must look in the forest for the cave that leads to the house, but it must be done by exploring the subsoil like this

I found this cave but i don't know what to do next

you keep exploring the farm outside the cave till you randomly stumble upon the cabin during the day.


I saved ste but when I'm going to his farm I'm getting lost in the maze farm and can't find the way to his house


I made it to the area by Ste’s farm but the smell keeps driving me off how do i get past it? 

the smell can't be passed right now, its a wip. luckily it's not important to anything atm.

Please help I can't pass the maze in ste's farm what should i do?

it's RNG, you just gotta walk around until you meet the kids.


Can you please make it so that the self-voicing reads the words first instead of the stats like before it's really annoying especially when you want the dialogue read to you instead of reading it yourself


I saved ste but when I'm going to his farm I'm getting lost in the maze farm and can't find the way to his house


I am on iOS is there anyway I could still get this


Some patch FR un progress or something? 🤗🤗


Could you learn  English ? It's easy but not so. I used to play games for that. Or, don't you like challenges ? It's pity.

I use an application called "Textractor"

using it is not difficult

- Open "Lustfuldesires-32" (it works best in this) and "Textractor" (use the X86)

- Cuendo have both the game and "Textractor" open, you enter the "Textractor" (the most large page), enter to "attach game" and between the options choose the game you are playing.

- now enter the game and let some dialogues pass
- Preate the "Textractor" and press the upper bar (The long one that says"console") in it will appear several options and among them you must find the one that has the dialogues of the game (it is not so difficult xD)

- And ready, in the last tab of the application will appear the clean dialogues, I recommend (says there) right click and tighten the "Always visible" option, so that the bar with the dialogs do not disappear when clicking on The game, where you will leave it so that it does not hinder you that is your problem hahaha

PD: A lot of text, if you have any questions just ask, I check this page once a month approximately xD

And before I forget you need the Internet to use it, also remember configure your language (the tab that says "Google Translate")


How do you unlock the Sushi Set?

residencial área in Northcrest , Julián work


I saved ste but when I'm going to his farm I'm getting lost in the maze farm and can't find the way to his house


if i download a new verision do i lose my save data? im pretty far on an older version and dont really want to start over

Sometimes you do kinda depends how big of a jump it is and what version you had before as some updates change a lot.

i have had removed the game from my pc couple of times as back when updates were not as frequent an would still have saves remaining. as didn't do deep removeal of everything so kept saves.
So if you have say one version still on your device it will still have the saves from it.

only time when saves from one version to newer version not usable when its a major change to the games coding that requires you to restart.
as like when the first town was list of buttons for each location to now a map of where each house is an such. that was enough of change to make everyone restart

it stays unless Hyao needs to wipe data again because of an update. thats only happened twice I believe?


I really want logan to visit me in my hut but i already finished the "Troubles in the den" Event😭

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