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Anybody know how to get the roushk events for the corrupted lake? I am playing 0.14 version

(2 edits) (+1)

Go to Inner shrine of the lizard shrine ,when you open the door that requires three statue parts, you can find the purification lake.

Complete all talk with the Othra and maybe the dialogue with Rhot,It should be triggered in the corrupted lake

I have done all that but i just keep running into the corrupted lizards and the blue lizards....any idea what i did wrong?

Did you go back to the shrine to talk to othra about the lake? 

Yes I did. I dont know what to do. I guess I will just keep trying and see what happens or use the save editor to modify the dialougue so it is all new.

OK,Sorry can't help you. It should trigger when the conversation is finished.


Did you have a dialogue with Othra with important decision marker? 

After finding the lake of purification Othra shows up and you can say to her that she should tell others or keep it a secret. After that there should be a conversation about the lake when you talk to her. There you have to confirm your decision. 

After that there is an option "Wait for Roushk" when you are in corrupted lake. 


How would any of you recommend to farm XP to level up?

How i acess the caves?

after you defeat scar and tank you can leave bareshade and explore a new forest area, at that area spam explore until you come across a bridge a troll guards it and has a toll for you to cross which the prices are for permanent passage or one passage you also can pay with your body to go across but your mouth/pussy/ass needs experienced to be able to use them as payment, then after that you find the river and exploring you find a cave with glowshrooms that you take to the priestess in the lizard temple or witch in the swamps to get a glowing amulet so you can enter the northcrest caves.

submit or dominate fat bandit how?

(1 edit)

The Harness isn't a common drop, but keep at it - however you are victorious you'll get it eventually.

Edit: This may also be a good time to pick up the 'more bandits' quest from Bernard if you haven't. It's a bit repeatable and gets you some money.

The harness? Can you please tell me what that is.

(1 edit)

An item you get as a 'rare drop' from defeating the fat bandit, presuming you're on version 14 of the game.

Ok thanks what does it do? 

Submitting to him is another way to get it as well, and i don't know since i don't have it yet.

oh thanks for telling me another way to get it.

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How can i unlock the orc scene i´ve invited him home and did all the conversation with him but didnt get the scene?


Check into your house in the mornings, his scene tends to happen then.


oh thanks a bunch :D

How do I recharge the pets' energy? I wanna keep training the dog.

Feed him to recharge his energy.  The easiest way I find to get meat is to go hunting with Bernard.

feed it meat that you buy from the shopkeep

How can i find corrupted lake and underground?

You can find them inside the cave past the Bridge the Troll guards, after heading there the first time, talk to the lizardess in the ruins or the witch in her hut on the swamp about the cave and do what is needed to get the item for it, after you get it, equip it before gonig back there and you can explore the underground cave, then go between the first town and the cave to unlock new spots inside it randomly, the monsters in there can lower sanity i think, but i know the 2 slimes and the raptors lowers the sanity meter.

Deleted 5 years ago

Cilck on that cave and the town icon or any of these little dots to move around, i think it is random when you find new locations in there each time you do that, and if you wondering about unlocking a shortcut back to the human town, head there in the undergrond from that cave and you should be able to unlock it so that you can return to the underground from  there instead of the cave.

I'm sorry, i should say that now I want to find corrupted lake to do roushk events. Is this triggered on the underground side? Because I've been hanging around in the swamp for a long time

Are you using the 0.14 Version of that game? Which you can get from Patreon? If not, you won't be able to do more events with him, and you can interact with the lake in the underground scetion more on that version, so you should be able to find it with the version of that game.

what causes the sanity meter to decrease

The 2 slimes and the raptors can lower it if you lose/submit to them.

Also the tar monsters if your female/have the feminine potion as a guy plus the succubus now.

I still have not gotten the feminine potion, does that change your gender to female or femboy if that gender type is included in this game?

no the potion makes you seen like a "female in heat"/horny chick and it attracts them if your male and that's the only way to get them to fuck you. Plus you get one from feliar and more of you complete his quest.

Ok, i will use that if i need to after getting it.

(1 edit)

Would anyone have any recommendations for keeping the morale at the bandit camp high? I've already gotten the regular food/beer shipments to the camp from Bernard.

If you are dominant (I'm not sure how it works if you're not), when you roam around the camp one of the options is to teach a slacking bandit a lesson.  This raises morale and is repeatable.


If your not dominate you can do the slut for the bandits quest to raise it but it takes a bit to recharge the quest.

Hello ! I did lost acolyte scene now i am in underground did the orc quest but still cant find witch's hut. How i can find it ?

Have you unlock the Dark Swamp? If not, keep exploring the normal one until you do, then have a look around in there at night until you get the scene where you are running away from something chasing you in the fog, that leads to her hut unlocking.

I thought we were wandering and her voice appears in our head and we see a wisp then pass out...

I think that is how the game describes when that event happens in the Dark Swamp at night, it can be hard for me to remember things.

I have invited the orc and did all of his conversations. What do I do now with him, is there another scene with him? If so, how do I get the scene?

Where do I find the orc?

in cave

so how do i explore the underground cave and the other places that need light sources

also where to find the 3 acolyte

One is by the swamp
One in the lake near the forest
lastly on should be there at night near the lizardmen temple. 
As for underground chat with Priestess after this I think.

for the underground could you explain it im stuck i have found the forgetten temple and i dont know what to do next

im trying to get the glowing amulet so i an explore the caves but i dont know what to do. i have already found the lake of purification and the corruption and i dont know whats next.


Do you have the glowshrooms you get when you go to the Cave by the bridge? You should be able to talk to Othra and have her make the amulet.

So how Can i invite the Orc ?

After you rescue him from the demoness in the dungeon, wait for him after you leave it and you start a scene with him, one of the options should allow you to invite him into your home during the talk.

i really need help ?

hey um this is pretty dumb but how do you get to the bridge/river...?

wait nvm found out I had to complete the bandit thing

okay but is there a way of completing the bandit questline with 100 bandit attitude?

Bandit attitude does not affect the quest. I found what I was missing was after speaking to Jester I needed to just hang around at the track at night. It took me a couple tries because it didn't trigger on the first night. If this does work, you should be ready to infiltrate camp which I think happens in daylight. Don't even think about starting the fight without at least a couple dozen healing potions and maybe some restrain potions.

How to get points of affection and hearts with shopkeeper and the others? I'm stuck around 38 points on some of them (except Hayden, Arion), and have no idea how to get more 

with logan there isn't any aside from I think up to 7 shopkeeper you go into his chat options and help him out then when it stops he prolly asks you out and if the bandit attack happened you can get some points by being kind and asking if he's ok instead of others then after a bit he'll invite you to go hunting go with him and take the floor bonus points if you have high perception and get more meat. Low perception always let him shoot. Then after that he invites you to the bathhouse you gotta tease him and act kind them there's nothing after that. And as far as I know the bartender doesn't have anything yet until the next update which should be out at sometimes the 30th where he gets a love potion scene.

How do you get Jester's beer? 


Buy it from brenard the shopkeeper

Does the love potion have any effect in battle? Playing the 0.12.5 version

It doesn't as far as I've seen, I tried it on multiple monsters with no avail. xD


Oh hyao said a while ago that it increases the species liking of you or there "we want to fuck" instead of "we want to kill" meter. I forgot what's it's called but they like you more when you use it if I remember correctly.


I've used it on bandits to improve their relationship rather than submitting to them and having them take my gold.

I've been stuck for a while. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but characters people talk about like Logan and Scar are not showing up so I'm not quite sure where to go from here

Well if you have unlocked the camp you have to keep selecting [Look around] or (explore) at night until you unlock Jester and then talk to him and keep doing the same thing until certain events unfold then check the track at night then back to Jester for more speech.

How do i reach Northcrest cave? I'm playing the most recent version. I've opened up the south entrance but can't access it.


hi, how obtain the horse, and how to start liking blacksmith? i found diabotite gave it to him, more diabotite but nothing is happening, also is ther more for logan or orc? I had logan at night with bandit scene, and logan whoring himself out at night when releasing yourself, but nothing more - also i got orc to home, had jerkoff with him but cannot find mroe triggers


You have to build the stables in order to get the horse.  Once you have the stables built, check the... riverside? I believe it's the riverside, haha. One of those places across the bridge.

Those sound like everything thus far for orc, blacksmith, and Logan.

ah,:( i have checked riverside and nothing, i have stables and dog

(2 edits) (+1)

You have to select [Take a break] during the day until Gunnar and the Caravan show up. (I'm not deffo about what build this is in, since I'm running 0.13.1

Blake has no events apart from the mineral one that you did. (Except love potion)

Logan has a different event if you discouraged him from going to the camp alone since he becomes a workout buddy. (Which then you can only increase friendship if you have strength over about 18)

so i am stuck with logan like this, too bad:/ I didnt seen Gunnar for quite long time, i told truth to merchant, apologized ot gunnar and nothing else happened - i will try to take break again

(3 edits)

After meeting Arion - is there a chance to meet him again somehow? If so - any hints? I've unlocked everything up until the cave and haven't met him since that event.

Also, what is there to do with a horse after training it completely? The intimiate scenes stop and it just assists you in fights?

(Also I can't figure out how to get deeper into the Lizardmen temple. I found the head & the tail..Don't know what's missing.)

Version 0.12.5 btw

More Arion and the temple will be availabl.e in 0.13

About the horse. One is helping you in a fight and make the traveling slightly faster if equipped. The other is making the traveling much faster if equipped. 

Ummm Can someone please help me on how do i explore the caves? I have 5 glow shrooms and there is no talk option for neither the priestess nor the witch during the day. Please help and if it helps im on the 0.12 version

It's in version 0.13, it's going to be uploaded on itchio in a week


Will there be a guide for the game?


Maybe, when I'll find some time to work on it.

LD - there's only that for now, items and recipes


I love this game. I want to see more bisexual options for men. I wish my character could do more girls.


Any chance there will be a APK ver I can't exactly play these games in my family living room. If not ill just have to play it when no one is home or something. XD

Help. I'm at the 54th day in the game, Bernard has 2 hearts, I found that Hayden had a brothel and not hot spring and he probably fucked all the guys in the village, Black ... no comment, always level 3 of intimacy with him, and logan a real headache. But nothing happens, I already found Jester, but the game does not advance. I forgot to do something ?!

Did you see the caravan guard/Gunnar talking to Scar at night yet?

No, not right now.There is a precise hour, because I tried to see the caravan every night, but they are the same event. (Except when I unlock the "special" training of my dog xd)

Not in the town, in the tracks

Deleted 5 years ago

Find. Thank you ;)


Will the Blacksmith be a romance option? He's the perfect husbando...


Will Tank be a romance option? I think he is so hot. He is my favorite character. He kinda reminds me of road hog.  

Judging by what Hyao said previously he won't be a romance as such. (Maybe more of a pet role if you topped or a relentless top if you bottomed, depending what actions you took in the camp I presume)


Hyao, where would it be a good to suggest ideas? (If you're receiving them that is) xD

Loving the game so far. I would recommend if it would be possible that you could make a guide of the game (where to get ingredients, where to get materials to build, how to get to certain places. Etc...)

There is a small guide here: LD - Recipes

It's mostly about items and recipes. It should be up to date... but it may miss some things. I don't have enough time to make a proper guide right now. 

Thank you, at least it's something. :) 

(1 edit)

Hi there Hyao, firstly wanted to congratulate you on an awesome game and world that you have created. wanted to find out though why certain characters don;t display (e.g. The Guard, the 2 bandits, the female bandit, Othra etc,) are these just not showing up for me (cause i can find images of the guard, he simply hasnt ever appeared in my game though), or are they still in development?


They are still in development. I don't have pictures for all of the characters in game.

If it comes to guard, there's a chance I missed some of his appearance at the beginning of the game when I was adding his picture. 


Hi Hyao, thanks for getting back to me, regarding the other pics i eventually found more info on Patreon comments when you did the poll about what everyone wants.

Regarding the Guard, yeah his early game pics didn't load. I also need to ask, cause I'm assuming Gunnar is the guard you run into with the caravan, his name doesn't update when you do the public fun with him nor when you generally encounter him. I did eventually find a scene where he is shown (when you have to apologize to him by the river at the Satyrs house (I was NOT disappointed, nice scene))

Anyway, thanks again for the hard work, I'm a new fan that only found and joined the Patreon/Game 3 days ago. Looking forward to your work, I'm all caught up now haha!

Thanks, it's much easier to find those missing places when someone actually mention them. Otherwise I have to look through the whole code for the specific areas. I already found the public place and replaced them with guard screens. I will have to make some more adjustment to the beginning, when the player meet him, so that may have to wait slightly longer. 

And thank you for the support then ^^ I'm happy to hear you are enjoying the game so much and I hope you will like future updates as well!

I had 5 Glowshroom but still unable to get inside the cave, Witch and Priestess don't have any quest or more talk to me either


If you have 5 of those then there should be a new topic in the talk menu. Something about the light. Priestess should have it anytime, Witch only during the day. 

Can't talk with the witch in the day and no talk in priestess either, in in the 0.12 build so maybe thats the cause?

Uh... Yes. Those amulets appears in the 0.13. Sorry about that. People here are commenting stuff from 0.13 so I don't know anymore who is playing what version. 

Its ok, i didnt specify my game version and people here says they can without saying the version either

I’m interested in playing this but I'm worried I’ll be forced in to non-Gay scenarios. Can I avoid all the F/F and M/F stuff if I want?


You can /mostly/ avoid non-gay content.

There are a few female enemies (To my knowledge, four).  Any of the three that beat you will result in female-based content, while if you beat them via fighting (and not teasing) there isn't any sexual scenarios involved.  

It is otherwise non existent, and those four situations are very easy to deal with (One more or less stops showing up after awhile, one is a one-time boss, the third and fourth aren't terribly hard to beat up, although admittedly I had a high strength stat)


I love this game so much that I think I've completed every aspect of it as a top and bottom xD

I was wondering if you ever plan to make makes changes to Appearance/Strength stats as if you go full appearance then you're pretty much screwed again the Slime/Tar monsters, and as Strength you're perma stunned against the Satyr which isn't much fun.

Don't feel intellect stat plays much into the game at all as it makes little difference in battles or events that I've noticed, just makes learning an item less of a chore. 


The game is not well balanced ^^" I'll probably redesign the stats system at some point. I'm not sure when though. 

How do i explore the caves? it says i need light but i dont know how to make a torch or where to buy one?

You need to reach the northcrest cave first and find glowshrooms first. With five of them you go to the priestess or witch. 


hey hyao, your game is just perfect and so fun and just great to play. i guess it would be just right if you make a sex scene in the end of teasing enemy as example with the werewolves, lizard warrior, and many more depending on how you submit to them. i really hope that you would consider my opinion and thank you for making such a great game!

What do you mean by scenes? Like pictures for those scenes? If yes, then I need first to decide how to portrait the main character. 

Oh yeah that would be cool but I can see the difficulty as commissioning a certain look and then everybody complaining about said look since they would want it to be their "Ideal Image".

Only solution I could think of atm would be to get sketches and hold a poll about which they would like the main char to look like, but either way some people would be unhappy, so it's pretty problematic either way. xD

(1 edit)

That's exactly why I didn't decide how to portrait the main character yet :P 

yes, picture for those scenes. How you potrait the sex scene depends whether you want to show the main character in it or just highlight the sex scene as example picture of werewolf being jerked by a hand or something like that.

Will the game be released in Russian?

I don't think about other languages now. Too much things needs to be polished.

Does anyone know where the last Acolyte is? I can't seem to find her. I found the one in the swamp and forest areas. Please help!

Deleted 4 years ago

Oh wow, Thank you so much!!

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