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did anyone have done the mythshore event?

Not yet

ummmm how should i deal with the warren at stes house its says that i feel eyes watcing me and i should take about ste that didnt challenge his pride? how should i do that?

I saw someone saying it's not complete yet


Hey guys, fairly new to the game.

I have a problem that i noticed that i need 40 hearts in order to get my first heart with Bernard. I had about 15 then (day 25 more or less), because i didnt help him daily...i just didnt know it worked like this.
Now i first want to reach 40 likes before going to the hut with him.

But i don't get any likes anymore when doing the daily suddenly stopped, as if it was too much now...any tips on what to do?

Thanks :)


If you stop getting likes then you probably need to continue the main story or find something else to do with him. Soon you might see an "Offer your services" which is like the daily help that you need to repeat for more like.

Thanks for the response,
ill try it out.

Oh i just saw, that the Forest Scene might be i can go every Friday evening to the hut and do it again? 

Deleted post

ok guys im so confuse about the panda dog in the new road everyone is talking of where they stay him in the house of ste and sparring or putting him love potion how should i do that? i need help

As far as I know, you're not able to fight him

he just visit me in my house where should i find him next?

I don't know since It never occurred to me.

How do i play the forest scouting event from patch 0.48?

Need to wait 30 days after the swamp werewolves thing

When yall gonna make the nude blake when u use the love potion? 

Hopefully soon

how to reach orc tribe ?

Keep following the Orc's War event log and it will lead you there eventually

I gave Korg a love potion, and I can't finish it, do you have any suggestions?

Well. Try talking with Everett and see if he unlocoked a new dialogue.

You wasn't supposed to do it before talking with him, since Korg is the main path to this event.

does it still have dialogue again?

Sorry for taking this long and I hope you'll found a way to do it.

You was supposed to unlock a new dialogue since Korg is gone, but if don't, try restarting it :/

Can you work at the brothel?



Do I just need to boost my north lewdness I'm guessing

no its a stat cap, you need no less than 25 in all stats but no more than 50. (stats being perception, strength, charm ect ect.) also after some other people asked I believe having better sexual talents also helps or is required. lewdness is not required at all for this I believe.

I'm trying to progress the Orcs War event, I got Everett's quest Missing Scout but I've no idea how to complete it. Anytime I head to the Munberry Complex spot but it says to report to Everett, but upon visiting Everett, there's no prompt. I've tried searching for how to progress but found nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

it could be an in-progress event, do you have Korg at home or is he not with you?

It's been a little while, but if I remember correctly after freeing Korg I didn't invite him back to the house (this is my second save file and was wanting to see if there was anything new).

I believe it's prolly in progress then since Korg is the intended route for that plotline.

Guess it might be time to go make save number 3 then. Thanks anyway

are there any negative consequences for giving grushk the lust incense? because it sure feels like he'd be upset with us if he found out

Can someone tell me what happens to Logan if I choose Bernarde and vice versa?


Well what happens if pretty much the same for both if you choose the other, you help one and the other can be found at the Wolves Den in Werewolf form at night, you can help them and cure them at your home if you capture them.

What it means though and for a more Meta Suggestion (if you want the info):

 if you do not Choose Logan you do not gain his first heart and I think you are locked out of his future relationship events and quests (might be different now because Updates but I think very very unlikely) and you will gain 10 like for Bernarde. Though if you choose Logan you can continue Bernards relationship and events.

To keep it simple I would suggest choosing Logan as you can just continue boths relationship events if you choose him so you make win win here.

Thank you very much, you saved me of another month thinking about who to choose


no it is not changed now, your still sorta locked out of his relationship if you dont chose him.

(1 edit) (+2)

Choose logan to gain both guy's hearts 

I need help, I used a love potion on Korg, and I can't complete the orc war mission, do you have a solution?

Try talking with Everett

soo.. i need help - i dont have any heart ith roushk and dont know how to get any more - it is eird, i didnt have any problem on different save, but on my main i cannot get contest to trigger - have zero hearts with any reptiles:/ and grush has only 20

You did all the repeateable things with them?

Also, try doing the Bareshade Expasion event log to increase your interaction with them


how to meet garuik? i am on new road during night, maintaining road and nothing for several days

As far as I know, it's RNG

So, I think you just need luck

please, ho to move save files?

Move from where to where

how can i get the event of the i owe you a beer and the helping nieghbor hood ?  i tried so many times lm so confuse

(4 edits)

It isn't mentioned in the quest diary at all for some reason, but you need to complete everything in the Bareshade Expansion quest (fair, new houses, watchtower) for the "I owe you a beer" event.

how can i invite the gray lizard at the fair?

i have a question where is the den in the map? cause garuik mentioned that he justs some place to leave

(2 edits)

I can't seem to trigger Logan's "I owe you a beer" event despite having seemingly completed all of the prerequisites and sleeping/relaxing at the protagonist's house in Bareshade like a hundred times. Is it just outright glitched or something?

Edit: I figured it out. It isn't mentioned in the prerequisites but everything needs to be completed in the Bareshade Expansion quest in order to trigger Logan coming over. So for me I had the fair and houses built, but not the watchtower.

how do u get to homestead?

Hey guys, can someone help me? In kinda lost in this part of tge "rat's problem" i have the wind,water and earth stone, and i pick the ring across the river. And now i don't know what to do, can someone help me?

I eventually gave up on that too  because it wasn't required for whatever I was trying to get at the time. I don't even know what the reward is supposed to be

that event is currently incomplete, it's missing some items and such so there is no way to complete it yet.

Really,lol, but anyway where do i find the last rat? I find the one that led to this place another one and the other i don't know, do you know were i can find them?

Somewhere in the middle of the map on the dungeon where u entered that place

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I can't give dulrig lube like its not an option but I have some

whats your like with him?


I believe you need some more. try and do his quest daily and eventually more options should show up, then do some of those and eventually you should be able to give him the gift.

Where's the third element for The Curse of Lust quest?

Third element of what?

You mean the Acolyte? 



The acolyte are 1.- swamp... 2.-forest (whit the Ninfa) 3.- in the temple ( after the 18:00 hrs)

The statue parts.. 1.- Dark temple 2.- misión for the Jung witch 3.- bandits camp.

So how can you offer yourself to Dulrig?

Give him a lube first, I think

How do you get hearts with Sabal?

you cant yet.

non posso entrare nella caverna che porta agli orci e non trovo korg credo i canti enter the cave that take you to the orc vilage and i don't now where Is korg the orc in the prison

Korg is located at Victoria's chamber. It's in the cave near the satyr.

does anyone know where do you first encounter Garuik?

(1 edit)

road to Ste's place after the road expansion event. also has to be at night I believe.

does anyone have could give me a save before the update check???



I recently discovered this game and am currently obsessed with it. I have a question. My relationship with Bernard has reached 100, but he hasn't invited me to his house yet. How can I get invited and make it ♡ 3?

watch fireworks with him

firework? When and where does the event occur?

(1 edit)

Every Sunday once you have upgraded the town to unlock the fair. You need a bunch of different types of bombs to set up a fireworks display.

Oh, after the town upgrade mission. Thank you for providing information:)

I have any quastion I can't  go looking for Logan because The wolf's den is not found even when walking through the forestthe only options are a cottage and a pond.


Last time I played was still in May (0.43) time to catch up then


your gonna be there a while lmao


With all I've read on the patch notes... yeah you're right haha


wilbara, it’s nice to hear from you, it has some super good updates, the truth is leaving you wanting more with each passing day hehe

Yeah I got distracted by this very popular mmo hhaha, but I'm getting close to endgame so I thought to finally check LD again.. I've read the patch notes and yes I'm looking forward to it lol

If i already got 4 hearts in bernard does that mean i cannot got full hearts in logan.🥺

you can, but you need to discourage logan to go to bandit camp

andd go after logan in werewolf event

I cant seem to give the medicine to Bernard even if I have it in my inventory. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

do you have spectral syrup or heat occisia?


Waiting for the update

War is over, honey



Deleted post

normally I can see something slightly wrong when people downvote but wtf is wrong with not having time lmao


I told you, people sometimes are WILD

didn't understand at first but now I do lol


Tell me I didn't yet T.T

where is the beer ??

A lot of people seem to be having problems with this.

As far as I know, you can't do this "mini event" if you already did the Swamp Werewolves thing

the beer event or item?

ive been waiting and waiting logan to visit me my house in barnshade what should i do?

Have you already done the Swamp Werewolf thing?


🤔 mmmm... If you finish the "Problems in the den" event... Logan doesn't visit you...

You need to finish the Bandit, the Town, and the  Road event, have 25+ affinity with the Bandits and see the crash in the bar... Have al the likes posible whit Logan and be a lot patient...

When you have all that, you onli pase de days in the town... Slipping in you house and working with Logan pas the 19:00 hrs. And take brakes in you house... Only.

where should i rest and sleep in barnshade ? or in my home near the forest

what house should i rest in my house in barnshade ? or in my house in the forest

(1 edit)

Bareshade but if you already finish trouble in the den questline then there will be no scene anymore

so i will do ALL the events before i will do the troubles at the den ? 

yes, don't ever make any progress on the quests if hasn't done the bareshade expansion and new road. 

guys how i can unlock the nameless event log... and how can i complete the lizard treasure log? i'm blocked here

Complete the quest line «lizard’s treasure”. 

yeah but lizard's treasure it's blocked a that quest... and i don't know ho to fix to complete it

i think you need to restart that event because you choose the wrong path.

i already finish that quest

If you doomed the lizard's, the event is till wip.

If you don't... 🤔

I see you steel the gem ant don't admit... I never do that... Let me star a game and try to pass.

How do I get Bernard's third heart?

Well, If I remember it right, you need to spend the night with him at his home

and how do i defeat that big red enemy who face the green guy i always defeated hes so strong

I think he's unbeatable

umm i have a question about the panda dog man he said that i should lead the way but where exaclty does he mean? i just met him in the sew roads and i never seen him after we talk

it's still WIP

Ummm when i go to the path shrine I witness a weak male harpy that always stay away from me when he saw me what should I do? I want to help him.

and also theres a door that i cannot enter like (maybe in the future when your ready) and also theres another door that has a nest for harpies i cant  get in 

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WIP(Work in Progress)

Not yet available I'm afraid

im still stuck on an orc war and the mthythore that i help those two guys is it still work on progress?


I really like RPG game like is there more game like this? I play TOS and Outland Wanderer and of course this game. 

what is the full name of the game TOS?

I think it's Tavern Of Spear?

yes tavern of spear

Meh, I was hoping that this was some kind of new game for me, but I know about it.  but I didn’t know about the Wanderer and that’s why I’m downloading it now 😌

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