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How do you get the Restrain Potion recipe? I'm a bit further and finally coming back to this but can't seem to find it anywhere for the lizard questline

The Restrain Potion is learned as you take the More Potions quest from Bernard in Bareshade. It will add a note at your study book. Check it at home!

I know this game's primarily gay men/bara content, but any chance you're ever gonna add a way to progress the werewolf plotline Without romancing bernard? been playing this game since before it even had art & a little too interested in it's story to back out now. Also I can't seem to advance the minotaur's plotline at all. Road to his house never gets built.


There is a secondary path if you choosed Logan, but you'll still develop your relationship with him.

About Ste's plotline (the Minotaur), what exactly you're having problems with?

I remeber you need to talk to Logan and then visit the Path between the bridge and the Bandit's camp. Everyday something different will happen there.

(I strongly recommend you to go prepared because you won't have the chance to do it again. Depending on your actions, you may achieve the good or the bad ending of this event)

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Don't you still have to find bernard's lost friend in order to progress? I guess i wouldn't really know. I knew abt the logan vs bernie path, but originally i didn't romance Either of them until it seemed like i Had to. (hint system said get 3 hearts with bernie to progress werewolf plot & find the missing dude) Been awhile since i did the plot. Main problem is I'm just not into men & there's very limited options for gay women in this game. At least to unlock the village upgrades. Which are necessary for a lot of the new content it seems.

As I said, I get it's primary content is gay/bara men but it still offers the ability to play as a lesbian or bi or straight woman too. Albeit very limited options if you do try to play as a lesbian. As for Ste, I'm not sure what the problem is? I've never been able to progress past him going to the village with his kids. He discusses & sets up plans to build a path to his house, in game hint system just says to "sleep till morning" but nothing happens. 

I visit the location you mentioned & nothing ever happens there either. Interestingly, another glitch i encounter is i still sometimes get the first orc throwing out "guests" whenever i sleep till morning. He's not been in the house for a Long time. I'm honestly tempted to start another new playthrough to see if i messed smthn up, but this is a very long game with alot of content in it. So that would be. Somewhat Annoying to do. 

You can reject them. And you wont get heart. But you still need to play the story

Originally i Did reject them. But i went back after finding no way to progress the werewolf plotline without romancing bernie. Guide insisted I needed 3 hearts to get the werewolf quest completed & get the village upgrades.

I'm not sure if you NEED to bring back Caleb to Bareshade. Try to raise your likes with Ste more. Then try to talk with Bernard or Logan about the path construction. 

About playing as a lesbian woman, well, the game itself stats that there is a HUGE focus on male content. But the game is not completed yet, surely we'll have more female NPC's until the end.

About the path I mentioned, there is nothing there until you start the New Road event.

Korg is really a bug, soon Hyao will be fixing that. 

If you want to, there is a fan guide of the game here: (Be aware of spoilers). Try taking a loog at Ste's page and matching with your choices to see how to progress. Any doubts you have, feel free to ask.

I think i was following the fan guide. As far as I'm aware i've done everything to set it up, but can't progress new road. Have 1 heart with ste, talked to everyone about setting up the road, but it just never starts being built.  

Also I know, but like i said i've been playing since around version 0.12 or 0.14 before it had any art & back then I hadn't realized it was going to be mostly men. But i got pretty invested in the world & characters.

Nearly every other scene provides the ability to avoid sex/romance, so it feels a little weird that it seems like i Have to romance bernie to continue both the werewolf & main plot. Unless i missed something somehow.

I think that this will probably change later. This thing about Bareshade Expansion needing you to have X hearts with him. Hyao still is writting the and can always change something. Your point is valid and understandable.

About the New Road event, I don't know exactly gow to help you since I've done it just once. What I suggest you is: 

1 - Try gaining more hearts with Bernard.

2 - Bring Caleb back and finish the Full Moon storyline

3 - Start and finish the Bareshade Expansion

After those things done you'll be able to have a special day in Bareshade weekly, it's a fair.

With it being unlocked you'll be able to invite different NPCs not-Bareshade-citizes to party in. I THINK it will trigger you a new topic with Ste and I THINK he'll say something about it being better with a sortcut. Then, try talking with Logan about it.

I know it's not good to have this kind of interaction with them, but in the last case you can just skip the dialogues and get the heart.

I thought that a way to solve this thing of needing to have X hearts with X NPCs to progress in-game even though your character are not romantically atracted to them could change the hearts meaning to not just a platonic stuff but some kind of trust level. 

The scenes you'd get trying to get hearts with them when you MC is not into developing a relationship with the gender of the NPCs would be changed by some more deeply-bond friendship which they start to trust you and see you as a great friend.


I guess I have to wait for the next update?? Found every location so far with no new quests. Not that I'm complaining since I love having repeat fun with certain characters.

Nameless, Northcrest, and Orcs Quest are still under WIP. Last I checked.

Yeah. This update of november will be focused on the Halloween thing, but surely he'll add some story stuff.

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Hi, I haven't downloaded any update since I downloaded for the first time this game (I've been playing the version 0.42 since then) and I was wondering if I'm going to lose all my savings in the game the moment I download the updates

I've got zero experience because I don't usually download the updates of the games I play, they just update themself. PLS can someone give me a hand???


Hi, you won't lose your save files, but you need to consider some (a lot of) stuff changed between your version and the updated.

Maybe there are something that changed and you won't be able to do it again cause of your progress, but it won't affect the things you haven't done yet.


If you are kinda lost, I recommend you to read the Devlog of the updates to see what is new and what changed, and then you decide if you'll start it again or not.


Thank you for the advice! I've checked the updates and I think there's nothing special I have to replay, I've recently started the werewolf quest with Logan etc. and there's just the quest at the junkyard that I need to continue

I haven't reached Northcrest yet so I think I won't have any problems updating the game.

thx a lot xxxx

You're welcome!


Does anyone knows if Hyao is planning on adding more map screen? Like the one in Bareshade?

It would be awesome to have a map for all the "citys" you visit in game. I hope so.


I literally stopped playing because I have already all the requisits to the Logan event and I don't want to do it now :(

(2 edits) (+2)

You should create your own sex routine in Lustful desires. For example:

1. Impale myself in Alpha werewolf

2. Fuck Blake.

3. Blowjob the troll in the bridge until I am satisfied.

4. Spend the night with Bernard.

5. Muscle inspection at Ste´s farm

(And gather herbs from pots lol)

6.  Reload save with my master Nameless for moar intercourse.

There :D xD. 

Customise your sex routine in any order you like and choose the activities you love most 7w7. Its not easy when you dont have much time and you have to share the love with everybody :U 


I'm dead after this 💀💀

I'll buy a new computer day 28, so, I'll probably wait until day 5 update to start playing again. Until there I'll be playing with a female character to see what happens (I can't believe there you just have sex with all those people and not get pregnant what)


This is a fun response xD. Thank you. I just love the chill community in here :D


But I've I had to choose a husbando per day, it would definetively be

1 - Worship Rat King because he deserves it

2 - Make me guest Barrel as confortable as I can (wouldn't mind he using my face as a pillow tbh)

3 - Gunnar (It does not need an explanation)

4 - Satisfying Tank because big boys need toys too

5 - Adding a bit of sauce on daddy Feliar's coffee because this man is a god

6 - Bernard and Caleb (yes both)

I haven't had sex with nameless yet so I don't know even how to do it (I'll figure it out next month though).

the game is fantastic, but have some problems (it's not a hate). usually you don't know what to do next when starting some quest, and you also end up being lost for a while just like me. I'm not able to create the spectral sirup I don't know why, I've learned everything I could have learned and I still can't create it. But apart from that the game is very good.

The spectral sirup requires you to decipher the Heat Occasia riddle. You'll probably unlocked it already at your study book.

It's a riddle because the game will not tell you the crafting for it, you'll need to read and put the right ingredients at the right spot to create it.


Im having trouble finding the last ratkin to find in event Rat problem. I found 2 rats in the 2nd area of the junkyard which is said I needs to find 3 missing ratkin.

 and I think the last one is in the underground dungeon behind the hidden door which is blocked from the other side. in the top left in that area. But I'm basically stuck as I use the plates figuring out how to get to the other side.

i also explored most of the first area as I brought tao with me. Its actually tyring

Also  I guess you need to accomplish this to go to the next island which ratkin won't allow till I have the rat kings permission to pass. Which is still not available to me when I talk to him 

The missing ratkin is not there, I guarantee you.

Try revisiting some places in the junkyard. I'm sure you'll be able to find him.

Does anyone have a guide to all the events and the recipes for the potions?

There is Ben's guide, but I strongly recomend that, if it is your first gameplay, do not use it as a full guide. There is a specific sheet for all the recipes here.


Yo, I don't know if I can say suggestions here but I have an idea for a sex scene with Blake for submissive tops.

Normally for Blake if you pick the "watch him (i forgot what's it's called)" option and have over half lust you get an option to fuck him but if you don't have enough strength and try to do it you'll get basically thrown out.

So I was thinking that if that if you have enough like for Blake, instead of getting thrown out Blake would then pick you up and lay you down somewhere out of site from the entrance while pinning you down and then tease you with his ass and then rides you. 

Idk if that's good for a submissive top but i hope it's a good enough suggestion.


That's a great ideia. I wish we could see more content of Blake.

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there isn't really a place for suggestions on this so I'm pretty sure it's fine to just say it in the comments.

also yeah that feels like it would fit for a sub top.


Alright, thanks ya'll


I just want to blowjob Blake... He´s got to be huge (I am just speculating since we only get to see his balls) xD. Yes, I wont have enough blowjob lol.

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Yeah same, I just like being submissive honestly lol


Since I didn't get a definitive response, I'm gonna post this again.

I can't figure out how to finish the Korg halloween event. There are 3 parts to the quest. Meeting Korg at Rose's shop, answering Korg's question at home about light and dark colors, then a third part that I can't seem to figure out. Does anyone have an answer to this?

I didn't made the halloween events yet. But, on my first route I slept at the MC's house in Bareshade and he visited me wearing a halloween fantasy. 

I don't know the exactly conditions for it to happen though.

Go to your house in Bareshade during the evening


I have a bug where the bandit pictures do not show up at all, it is just the background pic, no enemy pic but yet their health bar shows and I can choose actions.

Actually we have the sprite of the the Bandit (Male) and Barrel only. The Bandits and the Bandit (Female) do not have a art yet.

Ahhh I see. At least I know it is not a glitch on my side. I even reinstalled the game a few times to try to correct things. haha

You'll find a couple of enemies whose sprite are missing and other which sprite is not complete yet (there are just some shadow figures of it)

if your like of bandits go low enough you get both male bandits coming after you instead of one. Which doesnt have a spirit for it

There seems to be an issue with the sex scene with Hayden in the hot baths. Thought the scene his picture stays the same and the clothes don't come off. Any suggestions how to get him naked? LOL

It really is a bug. Keep investing on his relationship and eventually you'll see his package.

Is just an error, sometimes the pictures of the PNC don't reflect what's happening

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I think we're overdue a new Gunner x beast scene.  Maybe he catches you with the stray dog, or a wolf in the forrest, or even a tamed Wolbauk?  ;]

There is the scene with the horse, but the stray dog definetively would do

That scene was epic. Definitely always have an eye out for something similar. 

how do you get that?


You need to have already enabled the bestiality option.

I don't know when exactly it happens, but keep submitting to feral animals and eventually the game will understand it (to be sure if it is enabled or not, go to Bareshade and choose the Outdoor fun, if there is an option "Stray dog" than it probably is active.

I think to trigger this scene you need first to meet him at the track on the scene with him and the other caravan guard. He'll say something about you already had sex with a horse and that's it.

Than you need to go to bareshade and, on the Outdoor fun option, choose the Caravan (there are some specific days they are in Bareshade and you can interact with him and Torben but I don't remember exactly which). The Caravan option has like, some 4/5 different scenes, so, it's a random chance to get this scene with Gunnar and the horse.

I do remember it started with you confronting him.

how can i start the new event with logan? i already finish the swampwerewolf and waited more than a week

I think you need to sleep at your house. I'm not sure though.

You need to sleep on youre house,and if it didnt work try again because it's an rng/not guarantee the first time


Playing with a female character to see how different the NPCs will treat me...


There are some problems with the narrative when you choose to not watch what happened with Selena not even once.

The game still adress you like you know what is happening when you clearly could not. Also, if you choosed to not watch Selena and the wolves, when you go to talk to Logan about the pendant, you should not be able to choose if you'll hide the details or not (since you don't know what happened, you just found her pendant)

Hold on a second now.... Could it be that this Selena is actually involved in both the disease and the werewolf problem? What do we know about her so far? According to the last Logan event, this person would have the power to give the werewolves commands as well.

Fishy fishy...

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I just got spoiled I'm gonna cry.


Ouch, my bad. Sorry 


At least it's just a theorie LOL

(2 edits) (+1)

little spoiler alert.

I don't believe she has any intentional involvement in the werewolf's infection and was just a slut at first but maybe she is also now a pawn of the person who is taking them? also, the mystery person doesn't have the ability to give commands to all the werewolves just the one he has under his control, the one that runs to him in our latest Logan event. however, I do believe he can control the swamp creatures due to the giant one that shows up, and maybe was planning to get ALL the werewolves that night using the big guy. 

(And what we currently know about Serena is literally only that she went kinda insane from getting fucked so good by beasts that she is just sitting in the werewolf cave getting fucked to this day. kinda like the MC bad ends but this one we see the aftereffects of what happened instead of having to reload a save. also, that she was unhappy in the marriage because she suddenly wanted a LOT more sex than Logan was able to provide. maybe the curse of lust somehow affected her as well since we know she went into the forest before she was having marital issues and might have drifted a little close to the corrupted swamp zone?)


I like it. Take my kudos good sir :D

does anyone know how to raise the like with Caleb? I keep doing the beer and howling but his like won’t go up and is stuck at 24.

Try spending time with him at the fair

Also, I think that if you have enough reputation with Bernard, you can call Caleb to Bernard's house and you'll eventually find new chances to increase your relationship with him


Uhh... guys I think I made I mistake. I believe I gave Rhot way too much love. This itself isnt bad however... when I have sex with him now he uses the "Slut" word a bit too much for my liking =/. 

Another aspect I have to deal here: he is getting very... mmm, how can I say it, jealous or possessive, maybe? Whenever I have sex with the leader, after that Rhot comes for more sex, and I thank Hyao for giving us the option of telling him "No" in that situation. Even though I know Rhot can be a good guy--- eh lizard, I dont know what just happened but Rhot makes me feel unconfortable now. 

Is this the outcome that happens when the 1st time you encounter Rhot you suck him off? Is there any solution to tell Rhot to use the "S" word a bit less? If not, its ok. There are more options out there xD.


judging how their hasn't been a lizard update concerning Rhot for awhile now, I think thats just how he is. You can run some of the events again and say things he doesn't like maybe?


He asked if you were confortable with being called human slut after you bring Roush back, you probably chooss you like it.

Try decreasing your likes with him, but I think he'll still treat you like that since. On the last option, just avoid/jump his dislogues since you do not feel comfortable with it.

how do i trigger the nameless event?


After finishing the Between words event I think. Try sleeping on the ruins. That's the first step.

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ah thank you, I haven’t finished that yet so that could be the cause


I'm almost sure it is. If you still have problems just ask.

How do you solve the rat puzzle with elemental plates?

Zone 05 means first row, sixth column, Zone 108 means eleventh row, ninth column and so on.

Item Effect/Use WHERE HOW
Plate (Air) HIDDEN RUINS – Zone 90: Square shaped hole INVENTORY Plate (First Half); Plate (Second Half); Use
Plate (Earth) HIDDEN RUINS - Zone 21: Rock wall and Zone 68: Rock wall HIDDEN RUINS Zone 05: Other side of the pool -Pick the plate and Zone 76: Camping zone
Plate (Fire) WIP
Plate (First Half) Plate (Air) JUNKYARD Level 2 – Zone 23: Useless junk -Tao noticing a plate
Plate (Second Half) Plate (Air) JUNKYARD Rat King -Half of the plate
Plate (Water) EXPLORE JUNKYARD – Level 2 – Zone 05: Water container JUNKYARD Zone 108: Wooden barrel -Look inside DEFEAT

Tell me if something is confusing or you don't understand.

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi, is there any way to intimate with Ogram or Khalgor? maybe during the fight raising their lust and how?

Not for now

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Khalgor technically but it's not really him. just the nameless showing you your wildest dreams lmao Orgram has nothing whatsoever atm.

how did you did it? winning the fight against him? if so pls give me tips I've tried everything 

no, you can't win the fight against him, its fixed as you play Groth instead of MC so your stats won't allow you to prevail. also, as I said it's the nameless scene, if Orcs like you enough it shows Khalagor and all the other red orcs pounding your brains out for a second. like he does with all the other things.

How do I continue with the nameless event?

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after the lizard's treasure, so i'm done with lizard's treasure

Deleted 1 year ago
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 sorry I answered that question very badly since I was half awake when I answered that. But the event is litterly called nameless event and it doesn’t show the steps except the first one (which is the bird sended by the witch ).

I just got a bit further in the event but those steps weren’t in the quest log.

I’m mainly just wondering how to get to the encounter with the nameless in the  plains of death because I heard people talk about it.


Hello 👋

So I just wanted to ask if it's possible to add an option to use multiple items at once? Like for example if you have 1000 cookies you could put an option to put the amount of cookies that you want to use at once without having to click 1000 times??  💕

On ny opinion, this os probably not gonna be included, since we just have this kind of problem using cheats, but it's a good ideia.

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Like using 1000 cookies at once 

No. Bcs if the Dev add it, it's gonna break the game.

Imagine using 1000 health option etc.

I think they meant only off battles, and mainly for people who don't use the legit strats and just use crazy amounts of cookies from the cheat menu to max stats out. if they do mean in battles i agree that would be kinda broken, and by kinda i mean completely and absolutely destroying any form of difficulty ever by essentially making potions the most op thing in the game.

Yes that what i meant.If you say off battle then it's gonna take more time,because they need to code it so that it just meant for outside battle.

Do you guys know why insade the Den, on the map, there is a question mark at the center of the Alpha's room? At first I thought that was Selena and we would be able to interact with her, but nothing happens when I go there. It is a bug or something Hyao is planning to add?

It's almost surely her, since the bad ending with werelogan let us know that she is in the "throne room", but for know we can't do anything

I never done this bad ending of Logan, maybe in another route


It happens if your sanity drops to 0 while submitting to werelogan during the full moon storyline

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By submitting or having sex with certain nps and enemies, like the jelly monster orWerelogan when is in the den out of control


spam insanity potions then do the slimes and save after/before every loss, when you finally actually get a bad end reload and leave the fight instead of submitting then do whatever other bad end you want.

When exactly the troubles in the den event ends?

I saw Logan stressed about something going on with the pack.

I saw the vines of swamp in area outside the den.

I saw the purple swamp creature in the dark swamp.

I found and fought the swamp werewolf at the tree in Mysty Abiss.

I went back and talked to Logan about it.

Is there any other step to made or now I need to wait for the event of the forest?

You only need to wait for the forest scouting event

Will I have the chance to refuse and do it later?


unfortunately no


Thanks for warning.


You're welcome!

How do i proceed in "Lizard Treasure" mission, im in the third part when you have to talk to Roushk to take him in the trip. But i talk to him and that option doesnt appear. Help :c 


If the trip is for Bareshade, it needs to be early in the morning.


No problem, when I played I thought that maybe I lost my chance too

how,can i trigger the payback event? (logan)could someone help me?

The Payback event first of all requires you to do the Hunt for Werewolves quest of him.

Then, there is a randon chance when you enter the Sawmill, you'll tale a pick at Logan mad and unable to control his transformations.

The third step is visiting Bareshade at night, you'll find Logan at the entrance and he'll just go and let you there.

If you want to start the event, right after talking to him, open the map and go to the forest, to the Den, and find him inside the door at the end of the map.

Thanks for your reply!I'll try for it now

No problem. Let us know if you were able to do it.

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Things I'm most interested in knowing:

1 - Who/What is behind the Alpha Werewolf, the Beta Werewolf and the sudden increase on werewolves attacks. During the Payback event, the MC ask himself if the Alpha is not natural from tha region, so who or what brought him there. This is something that could be inserted as a Caleb route thing, for both of you investigate it.

2 - Where is the teacher of the MC. He (as I remember) never visited Northcrest (as we know by now) and I don't think he went to Mythshore either (since there is a human city too). He's probably looking for the source of the Curse of the Lust but how he knows where it is? He received a message from someone warning him or he, from all the people, was the only one able to track the source of it?

3 - How exactly the Curse of the Lust works and spread? Maybe it's through the sex? That would explain why some people seems to be affected by it and some not. But Roushk and his soldiers loosed their minds to the curse after drinking water from the lake. The corrupted lake is the origin of the curse? How it got infected?

4 - The Wraith Fever is the first step of a bigger disease as we saw in Mythshore, it seems that, what happened there, was something more close to an experiment that gone wrong, as in Bareshade it seems that the origin of the disease was probably because of the rats coming from the Old Crypt near there. But why Bernard was the first one to get sick? The tunnel is connected to the bar, to the basement of the bar. Harold would have notice if he saw rats walking around but he just calls for you help a way before you solve the Wraith Fever thing. It just don't click for me.

Just some things that I think a lot.

I can actually answer a few of these as it's a little obscure where the answer is kept.

1. for this one its more speculation on my part but I believe everything involving the werewolves was an experiment by someone trying to make an army of werewolves or just figure out how genetic modification affects the werewolves. that person doing this would be the man we see talking to the werewolf after the swamp creature gets its ass whooped.

2. no one knows yet, but the teacher actually was in Northcrest I believe, when you talk to Ruben and ask about your teacher, I'm pretty sure he says he was in Northcrest for a short amount of time but left quickly. I got no idea where to, but he was in Northcrest I believe. 

3. It's not spread through sex purely, it's the corrupted water and sex. the corrupted water was born from something the nameless did and was the only way originally the curse could spread, but once it took effect on a few lizard folk they started spreading it via sex as well as interactions with the corrupted water. however, the original corrupted water may have been from the corrupted lake it was not the source of corruption, that was the Nameless and he is also the one who I'm pretty sure corrupted the original lake.

4. the reason Bernard got sick is actually a little confusing to me too but the version he had actually was much milder than the one in Mythshore. the reason the one in Mythshore was so bad as we all saw was because of the booster added into a "cure" made by those people from Northcrest who ended up causing literal zombies to be born. Bernard if we had not treated him would only have died, not become a zombie since the version he had wasn't affected by the booster like the ones in Mythshore. 

This is all I got, some speculation, other facts from past events and stuff characters told us. although usually quietly when we are trying to jack off since the character is either getting fucked or fucking during these dialogs lmao.

i didn't played Logan event yet but I do believe it involves someone else too.

I had in mind the sentence of Ruben saying he does not remember anyone who fits the characteristics that you describe to him, but I can be wrong though.

But why Nameless corrupted a lake if he could just corrupted Roushk and Othra and end the leadership of the lizardfolks? It would ruin theis society faster. And why he NEED them to be corrupted to get the gem? Maybe the speel of the lizards are something Nameless can not fight though?

I still believe Bernard has something to do or knows something of the Old Crypt. It's so strange the fact he is the only NPC you can talk about it, not even Harold who OWNS the bar. This man smells funny and I do think we can wait for more of him ahead.


yeah, it was a little confirmed lol.

maybe I misread the event, but I thought he said out teacher was in Northcrest for a short time, might be my bad. ill check again.

he corrupted the lake and such because he can't reach inside the temple, something is protecting everyone (except us) from his power. also, it's because he needed the barrier to fall so, he could get the gem. so yeah, the magic of the lizard folk is pretty much exactly why he needs them corrupted lol.

mentioning it does make him kinda fishy, I wonder what's going on without us knowing?

Maybe the reason why he can touch us is somethinf about the 4° wall? Like he knows the MC is a character and is the only one whose actions are not pre scripted?

Can i get spoilers about Alpha Werewolf? i cant get to said part yet. I thought it was pretty majestic, as well as sexy of course, and on the halloween update it got a new event going on where a Whole In-game picture was shared about it. Is the Alpha Werewolf doing fine?

He's fine. Trust me.

thank you very much~ 

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Today is 11th of November... Happy single day everyone.

Sniff... :´(


I'm not single if I have a 2d husband

Hey, I am really happy that we had a huge update some days ago. Unlicky,it seems that I cannot unlock the caleb event; event if I thibk to have all the requirements.

Caleb likes me more then 50, I walked with him

I have Feliar,Steve, Korg the lizards invited to the fair

I finished the werewolf eventgoing after bernard and helped him

I have bottom Logan; so I couldn'thave the event of the last update.

What about swamp werewolf?which event was?

So far I have caleb's horror story unthicked in my non canon mission.

Could you help me  please? :) thanks!

This one:


I dunno if anyone already brought it up, but since there are options to choose your "gender" why not add trans options, it would be a cool addition!  

I really like this game btw, it's the best of its kind in my opinion


I agree with you!


let's keep our fingers crossed!!

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right! I don't want my chara to be misgendered but also want him to have a pussy...  😭


Is there any benefit to getting the Black Heart from characters? Cause on one hand I want to fuck Gunnar cause I'm a top but on the other hand I don't usually like having negative affection with characters....

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Usually no, since doing that prevents you for having a relation or sex with that NPS. In the case of Gunnar I'm almost sure that you chan fight him again even with a Black heart, but you don't have all the other scenes

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no not a single benefit. in the future maybe having a black heart with some other characters will make other characters trust/distrust you instantly. like if you use the love potioin on korg and get his black heart maybe rumors will spread among the orcs your a rapist or some shit and they will begin disliking you more and you have to earn back what was lost via the black heart.

or on the other hand having a black heart with... lets use Korg again might have some Northcrest people trust you more since orcs seem to REALLY dislike the MC. or other enemies of the orcs.

been a year since I said this but I've been looking for this comment to add this, this is all speculation on potential future content. it is not in game.


I dont see any mentions of what having pheromones do for your home I have mine at 100, havent had anything new happen and was curious what it does or if it even has any effects on anything yet?


It has no effect

(1 edit) (+2)

Ideia I had related to the Curse of the Lust

(Spoilers ahead)

Each character could have a Lust Meter which indicates how much the Curse of Lust has affected they. We know that apparently, the lizard people seems less resistent to it, so their Lust Meter would increase faster than the others.

Also, some actions could increase the Lust Meter of the characters, like when you give Rhot Lust Potions intead of the Restrain ones. This meter could be lowered by having sex with them or release them somehow (or giving them restrain potions frequently, what would give more meaning for you to be a herbalist).

An NPC with a full Lust Meter could trigger some sex scenes randonly (just like Bottom Logan route) and when their Lust Meter is low or 0, it means it would be impossible to have sex with them.

There could be a mechanic like, every week their Lust Meter increase a little or after some events. It could also be something fixed that is exclusively affected by the MC actions.

I think that since we have the option to side with Nameless, it could comes to hand to know how far we are to corrupt everyone. 

What you guys think?


Yeah, I mean we still got an orb, right? And Nameless seems interested on it. Probably something can be done, maybe. I just wonder how complex could be to implement all that. 

The idea doesnt seem bad. However at the present moment we simply lack information because we dont know what is Nameless up to really, which take us to the next question: Would this really fit in the story? We can only especulate at this point.

As much as I desire to interact with Nameless countless tentacles again as his lusty loyal follower, I am afraid we will have to be patient until Hyao decides is finally the right moment for Nameless story to advance. 

I didn't played this new update yet so I didn't interacted with him.

To be honest with you, I don't think Nameless's goal is to corrupt everyone, but he seems to be one behind the Curse of the Lust, so, it may help him in some way.


his goal wasn't to corrupt everyone, just get an item from the lizard tribe and he found getting rid of all of them to be the best way, and yes, he was behind the curse of lust.

I remembered that, but I do think the Curse of the Lust must be something to do with his plans. Apparently, he seems to cursed the orcs to but the effect is different since the Orcs just got more angrier. Maybe he want something from them too.

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It has been a bit since i played, but in one quest i remember... a woman is having fun with wolves.  Can we claim her? take her from them later?  or is she completely gone?  Hopefully we have that opportunity...?

Also how much content for each is there?  an example would be how much m/m or m/f and f/f?  is there a balance or does one have more then the rest for now? or does one have far less then the others?

Anyways i hope you and all are well and that you take care...

*The fact i that missed the notice at the top notwithstanding >< i am still curious on the current state of content... any help is most appreciated!*

(1 edit)

No, you can not save her, at least for know.

We know she is alive and that's it.

About the content, I think there is more M/F (If you pick the female MC) and M/M equally since there are just a few female NPCs you can interact. Most of the NPCs you find are males and most of them are bissexual.

I just saw you edit now.

For a game who still in development stage, this game is such a charming experience. He's well written and there are a lot of NPCs and places and events and quests and arts.

Right know, I think Hyao (the creator) already introduced us to the main plot,  but we can sure wait a ton of things to come before it ends.

Thank you for the information!  
And the time you spent on replying...

It kinda has me down that we can't save or possibly (read hopefully) claim the "wolf" girl yet.  But with the quality of the game so far and the shear awesomeness of the dev and their team i can gladly wait. 

Stay safe and take care all...!

To be honest with you I don't think in the near future (or ever) she'll be saveable. You don't seem to know much about her so I think you'll be surprised when you realize.


The fact you can not even mess with werewolfs while exploring the Den with Logan probably because Hyao would not be able to put it into words what Logan would feel seein another person he loves offering himself to werewolves LOL

I... I didn't think of it this way. but it makes sense. 


Probably would be a Game Over since he would kill us

I can't figure out how to finish the Korg halloween event. There are 3 parts to the quest. Meeting Korg at Rose's shop, answering Korg's question at home about light and dark colors, then a third part that I can't seem to figure out. Does anyone have an answer to this?

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After you finished the first Halloween event during Fair which held on Sunday, I think you need to enter to Bareshade during the night next day for the third part of this event.

I think you have to visit MC's house in Bareshade, not just the city

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question for anyone who wants to answer, do we call the updates the month they came outs update or the month they were worked on? like the update that came out this month is November, but it was worked on in October, so is it October's update or November's?

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Personally, I call the updates the month they came outs update. Just like when we hold some camps or parties, we actually call the month or the season that camps or parties were held, like summer camp, even we have prepared things for camps or parties before that.

I call them v 0.47, v 0.48 and so on. Actually the update 0.47 was worked on in September (the halloween special is part of v 0.48), it came out in October for Patreon members and in November for the public

Calling it the month they were worked on would be kinda strange. 

Let's think this way. Hyao released October's update day 5, so, he has enough time to work on the next month update and release it every month, on the 5° day.

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