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How to get Logan's all heart?


For the first Heart.
You must Discourage him from going to the Bandit Camp because if he does that is the Bottom Logan path which doesnt have any hearts. 

Then at the Full Moon Event Choose Logan. 

His Second is more complicated.
You must do the "I owe you a Beer" Event:
It must be Evening
All Bareshade's Expansion event completed
Ste’s New Farm Road Quest completed
The Scene ‘Clash with Barrel’ seen
‘Ask about his work’ done with helping,
and his Like must be 40 or more and have 1 Heart.
Then you must Enter your home at Bareshade. 
And once its all going choose the "Grab his Hand" Option.

How can i counter clash with barrel?

How to get Bernard's all hearts and Roushk's all hearts?

(2 edits)

For Bernard's first, second and third hearts, follow the Full Moon storyline. For Bernard's fourth heart watch fireworks with him at the fair.

For Roushk first heart finish Lizards' Treasure storyline without lying to Othra and having 40 likes with Roushk. For Roushk's second heart do the talk "Bonding" with Othra for three times choosing a different place to visit, the fourth time gives you a fourth option that you have to choose.

For more information try to click on my name, than creator page and see my guide (the first link is sufficient), there is the column "hearts" that includes all the option you need to choose to obtain every heart, Bearnard's and Roushk's are among them.

If you have questions let me know!

information try to lick on my name

o3o been trying to lick the name but nothing happens

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Sorry, after that you need to click "creator page"

Edit: I've just noted I've written lick instead of click: it makes sense that licking on your name doesn't do anything 😜 


ya wanted to make lil joke out of the typo

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Yeah, initially I thought it was serious since I read click instead of lick twice in your comment, but I got it upon second reading: I read it when I had just woken up 🤣

I need help, i want to transfer my actual account to another phone is there a way? And if not can will be a way? :>

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I just copy a comment from 'a vague direction'

"If you're transferring from Android, find the folder containing the terms, "hyao," or, "ld," in Internal Storage > Android. They may contain save files used by the game and paste them in a folder.


So if you want to transfer your save files between your phone device, you need to copy those folder and paste it to another phone's game directory.

More info here:

So Rhot invited me to his hut at the evening, an wondering if it was just a flavor text thing or actual event i do in game

I'm not sure about that. But I have seen those text for a long time and nothing happen. So I assume that it just a flavor texts.

darn wanted to fuck that scaley butt in his own bed

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Hey there, I'm relatively new to the game and I'm kind of confused. For some reason when I go visit the sick shopkeeper, the game doesn't recognize that I have the antidote. It says that I've completed all the steps in the book so I don't know whats going on.


the thing you make following the recipe on the book is one of the ingredients to making the cure what you need to do is the spectral syrup, just look through your learned potions list and you'll find it there

Hello there. I need help, I don´t know how to get the second heart with Arion and the first heart with Dulrig. Please someone help :(


For Arion you need to have a date with him (the one in which there are two Nymphs that talk with him), than ask Rose for advise, buy from her a tulip, give it to him, return to the stable after one day.

For Dulrig is more complicated. Try to follow my guide (link in the description of my profile) the things to do to obtain Dulrig's first Heart have DuI in the "HEART" column and if you want you can filter that column so maybe it's simpler to read. If you still don't understand I'll ry to eplain via text.

Don´t worry about Dulrig no more. I don´t know how, but I managed to obtain the heart with him.

Meanwhile with Arion, in order to get the first date do I have to have a good relation with the Nymphs? Because I have 93 likes with Arion and I still didn´t got the option to have a date with him...

I'm almost sure you don't need it. In order to have a date with him you need to accept his invite to have a date when you enter the stable, but in order to be invited I don't know what you have to to. Have you choose the option Let's fuck?

Don´t worry, the person below me, Itsara, gave me the key to obtain the second heart with Arion, all I needed was that damned Tulip. Thanks for the help tho, have a nice rest of the day :)


Sorry I wasn't useful XD I thought it was clear, have a nice day too!

(2 edits)

You can buy a tulip from Rose. Then, give it to him. And the next day, go meet him and he will ask you out for a date.

You were right, all I needed was that f** Tulip, but thanks to you I´ve finally obtained the second heart with Arion. Thank you so much for real!

You're welcome!

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oooh i'll download the latest patch soon then! haven been keeping up :o ... the orc story hasn't continued yet, probably ... right?

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I dont think so. Last version was focused around Tao and the new locations. Edited: I guess I´ll spend some time increasing the likes of the orcs you meet in the random encounters 7w7 haha. 


If you mean canon event, yes. There still no update in this orc's war event.

Anyway, you can still raise Roghak's likes to reach a limitation around 35-36 and some sex scenes with him too.

I think that the orc story is linked to Zoroj's drawings, so untill he fills better I don't suppose that we'll continue that part. Not that I'm complaining, I love Tao's Island!

Help. I can't not find the man in the "Payment Plan" quest anywhere. I've roamed the street of residential area for 3 ingame days straight  but still can't find him.  Anyone know where he is?

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You can find him in Residential area at night on Monday or Tuesday. There will be an option which lead you to him appeared.

Mon/Tue 20:00-24:00. If you go to the residential area a new option, "Goodwood lane", appears.

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is there a limited amount of times you can ask to work at the brothel? or can you only ask on certain days? bc i've met all the requirements (master at all types of sex, all abilities under lv 50/above lv 20, loving reputation with many 'enemies') and for some reason, the option to talk to ebony about working at her brothel doesn't show up (it did show up when i first spoke to her though)

Deleted 2 years ago

There are two options:

You can ask her only one time and if you fail you need to restart from a previous saving.

If you fail the first time, it appears the second time only .if you met all the requirements.

I don't know which one of the two is true.

Also I think you need Entice reputation alongside the other things (I'm almost sure is sufficient to complete all the quest and buy each of the shop items once)

i have no idea how i did it, but the option showed up again and now i'm officially employed at the brothel. don't ask me what happened dhjhd

HaHaHa! Ok!

How do I get to the forest??? I don't understand the quest to get to it, can someone help me out please?

You need to clean the barricade on the undergroung before going into the junkyard, then finish the rat problem event and you should have a clean way towards the jungle through the underground

Alright thanks.

Forest? What do you mean?

does anybody know how to unlock this orcs camp when i go here it says that it's to dangerous

Well the whole Orc Quest is still in development so we will need to wait before we can properly explore it in future updates.

At the current point in game, you can't unlock that camp.  While we can presently befriend the Iron Blood clan, we can't actively befriend either of the other two (Well, besides Korg himself haha, but he doesn't speak for his clan), so that camp remains off limits.

So is Zoroj still involved with this game? I'm curious


Copying a comment from Itsara


I just copy from a post in Patreon

"....No, ZoroJ did not drop the project and I didn't replace him with Narram. ZoroJ has his own life, his own problems, he wants to learn new things and focus on his own work for the time being. I understand that and I can only plead for you to do the same..."



Guys, how do i triggered the nameless event? Do i need to meet specific person at northcrest?

The Nameless event start during the Lizards' treasure storyline

i already finish that. But at that time, i still hasn't go to northcrest. Right now, the witch ask me to wait until the time come but nothing happen.

Than you need to discover the orcs' village

what is the purpose of love/hate with enemies? does it change anything?

During the fight if you have a higher reputation it's more probable an attack that increase your lust rather than one that decrease your HP. Plus some sex scenes require you to have a certain amount of reputation to be triggered.

Like Ben Dover said, also some dialogues with some characters may change when you have high attitude with some enemies.

I don't know how to get anything other than plate(air).

Zone 05 means first row, sixth column, Zone 108 means eleventh row, ninth column.

Item Effect/Use WHERE HOW
Plate (Air) HIDDEN RUINS – Zone 90: Square shaped hole INVENTORY Plate (First Half); Plate (Second Half); Use
Plate (Earth) HIDDEN RUINS - Zone 21: Rock wall and Zone 68: Rock wall HIDDEN RUINS Zone 05: Other side of the pool -Pick the plate and Zone 76: Camping zone
Plate (Fire) WIP
Plate (First Half) Plate (Air) JUNKYARD Level 2 – Zone 23: Useless junk -Tao noticing a plate
Plate (Second Half) Plate (Air) JUNKYARD Rat King -Half of the plate
Plate (Water) EXPLORE JUNKYARD – Level 2 – Zone 05: Water container JUNKYARD Zone 108: Wooden barrel -Look inside DEFEAT

Tell me if something is confusing or you don't understand.

Previously, I heard that the recipe for the restrain potion can be unlocked by "more potions" with Bernard, but no matter how much I try, I can't unlock it.  Is this a bug?  Also, if there is a problem, is there no choice but to start over from the beginning?

Try to see if you can study it at home

I remember that I could see it by pressing the book mark, but I still can't learn it.  Is there a problem?

If you cant find restrain potion among your learned recipes, put in your caulderon

NothingBerry (Red) Nut NothingNut

and you'll learn it

Sorry, I'm using machine translation, so there may be some misunderstandings.  Are the placements and combinations suitable for this?

After re-translating all the words involved in this, it turned out that I was doing something wrong. solved. I am very sorry. And thank you very much.

Does anyone know how to get the last plate? And how to unlock the barricade? Also how to progress the path that only unlocked by using Tao books?

1) Still WIP

2) Are you talking about Ratin's Blockade? Because the barricade is an item, while Ratkin's Blockade is the scene you see after reaching ISLAND'S CAVE. You need to go to the TUNNEL (the place you reach through the basement when you want to go to the junkyard) clear the path 10 times and than explore the underground.

3) Still WIP

Olá sou uns dos seus jogadores do seu jogo eu gostaria que tirasse minha dúvida eu só queria saber uma coisa? Quando o jogo vai se traduzido para o português para nós brasileiros essa e minha dúvida e também desculpa pela outra mensagem meu inglês não e bom e sinto muito

Olha eu duvido que vai ter uma tradução BR pro jogo, vendo que é um jogo Indie e feito por uma pessoa só na maior parte, então se houver alguma tradução em português a mesma vai ter que ser feita pela comunidade

Deleted 2 years ago
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Aé eu não sou o desenvolvedor não tá só tô dando minha opinião sobre uma tradução pra português


I don't have art for some people, like the female and double bandits, are those coming later?or is there just a problem with my game?

It's still WIP.

I'm new to the game, I wanted to know where I can find Logan after the event where he becomes a werewolf, and if it's possible to continue the romance with him after that and how to do it.

Did you go after him or after Bernard? If you went after Bernard you can't continue the romance yet. Otherwise you can reach his second heart following Itsara previous comments (scroll down and you'll find them) or this table

BARESHADE TAVERN – ENTERING THE TAVERN O CLASH WITH BARREL Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LoII1w
End Bareshade Expansion Storyline Local watchman (4), Enjoy your time with Bernard and BERNARD’S GIFT FOR YOU BEzzz LoII1x
End Country Road Storyline STE MEETS LOGAN CRzzz LoII1y
BARESHADE SAWMILL – TALK A1 Ask about his work -Help him +1LU7 Str: 11:12 LoII1z
T ENTERING YOUR HOUSE O I OWE YOU A BEER First Heart; L40; CLASH WITH BARREL; End Country Road Storyline; End Bareshade Expansion Storyline; Ask about his work -Help him; Evening; RNG LoII2

-Let him in LoII3
--xx>-Stop him LoII4
--xx>--Grab his hand Second Heart LoIIend
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This new update is great! But how do I continue the Garuik path?


You meet him only once

I havent met him yet. Where is he? I already did the tour with the Pig humanoid.


He is in another part

  • Introduction Event: Meting in the Once Hidden Home (Location: New Road – Maintain the road, Time: 22:00 – 6:00, Req: Event with bareshade with people arguing they saw bear or a dog)

The scene about people arguing they saw bear or a dog is during Full moon event, so if you ended this storyline you're ok.

It's possible that the event is in Forest path (the place near the  troll's bridge). Let me know if you found it in the forest path or in the new road.


Confirmed. Time: 22:00 - 6:00 Found him in new road, the event triggers randomly. Thank you <3 (So this is what happens when you fuse a polar bear and a dog. Ok xD) 


Noted! Your welcome!

Yeah, I love the fact that even he, like us watching part of the artworks, can't explain what he is XD. And the fact that he was alluded long ago makes sense retrospectively: when we search for rumors about the beast talking with Harold, Lenny reports that the saw a transformation of a being. We think is a werewolf from the forest,  but in this universe mature werewolves (like Caleb or the Alpha) don't transform!

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Olá só uns do jogadores do seu jogo não sei falar inglês é meu inglês meu inglês e ruim desculpa por isso mas eu queria tirar só uma dúvida?Quando vai ver traduzido para o Brasilpara nós brasileiros o jogos de vocês espero que veja esse minha resposta e o jogo e ótimo e bem bonito.

Can someone plz help me I can't find the air plates


Left-half from 2nd lv. Dungeon at 2,3. Then, go back to Rat king and talk about a half plate with Tao.

Right-half from talking with Rat king about half plate after you have been talk with Tao.

Full Air plate from combine Left and Right half plate. Check on inventory>>Misc.>> click 'use' at any half plate to combine.


I add only that you need to visit the Junkyard with Tao, otherwise you can't collect the first half of the plate


Oh, thank you! I never knew it before.

Could someone please help me. I couldnt seem to find where the Ratkin's Blockade is.

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Is that the area where a ratkin is stuck and you have to pull the tail?

Ratkin's Blockade is the scene you see after reaching ISLAND'S CAVE. You need to go to the TUNNEL (the place you reach through the basement when you want to go to the junkyard) clear the path 10 times and than explore the underground.

Thank you so much

You're welcome!

i just download finish the game and start  new , when i go perference unlock cheat code like 1 or 2 sec, it force close game..

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can I gain a heart with Grushk yet?

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I think you're confusing Grushk with Roushk. You can't gain an Heart with Grushk yet

Bug: During the Scrap bath scene the images are mixed up. Shirtless Scrap still has his shirt on and naked Scrap is the horny/lustful version.

What's news on build 0.46.

Can you share that information. Thank


I think I could not go deep into details. But I'm sure you gonna love it. Now I'm crying with joy.

How can I go to the Island from Junkyard? 

I still don't have a clue.I already have the air element board.Swim into that closed room, but you can't get anything else.

you need to clear the area where you enter the ratkin's island from being blocked and then chase away the rakin from the area then Tao will talk to you about it.

Does anyone know if it is possible to work in the brothel? It tells me that I need more status but it doesn't increase anymore and my skills are maxed out.


Yes, you can. You need to have high enough sexual experiences (mouth, ass, cock), stats (like strength, appearance, charisma, etc.) (around 20 would be fine) And Lv. less than 100.


also, stats can't be higher than 50, I usually do 49 to be safe.


Thank you for more detail!

I'm not wanting to wait 2 weeks for the Android build. Does anyone know where the save data is on one so I can move it over to my PC?

I don't think we can transfer save data between platfrom. I have seen some comments here that they try and they can't.

but i can, and i forgot how to move the file😭

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Thank you!

I cant go to the island with tao the dialog option never comes up after the update for me. I have a save where i can ask him but that dosent work cause you can only go beetween 6 and 12 and cant ask him after that. Im on android if that helps.

Try to go to leave the underground from the island cave, after the text tells you you need a guide retry to speak with Tao

Thanks it worked.

You're welcome!

(1 edit) (+5)

I've updated the fan-made guide. Here are the links (the same text is written in my profile if you forget the links.

Lustful desires fan-made guide (Public locked version):

I strongly advise you to use the guide the least amount possible and only if you’re stuck, but don’t use this guide to play the game, otherwise you’ll just replay the game the same way as I have done and you’re taint your own experience, plus this guide is full of errors and misconceptions that can be passed onto you if you use it too much.

If something is too confusing, you have questions, suggestions or if you wish to know something that the guide can’t help you with, you can note me on FurAffinity (Ben.Dover).

If you see errors (from mispelling, to inconsistencies in the way the information is presented, to wrong requirements) please make a comment in the following document at the relative cell.

Lustful desires fan-made guide (Public commented version):

This guide, unless the public locked version, which is updated monthly, is updated in real time.

Note: The first document is set up as everyone with a google account and a link can see, the last one needs permission because only the user who start the discussion typing the first comment can delete that discussion. So, if a discussion is over, I can contact that person and tell them to delete the discussion. In this way the document doesn't risk to be full of obsolete comments.

Let me know if something is not working.


It seem like both links need a permission to access it. I think if you set it up as 'everyone with link can see' it would be more convenient to use.

And I don't understand why this thread got downvote lol


maybe they thought it was clickbait because it was locked? whatever the reason, thank you again Ben!


You're welcome!

The first document is set up as everyone with a google account and a link can see, the last one needs permission because only the user who start the discussion typing the first comment can delete that discussion. So, if a discussion is over, I can contact that person and tell them to delete the discussion. In this way the document doesn't risk to be full of obsolete comments.

Maybe I should have mention it, I'll add it to the OP.


I wrote that in the update page, but no harm in saying this here as well. 
August will be without an update. I will be taking a break. So the next public release will happen at the end of September. 


Thanks for the update Hyao, take all the time you need, as usual your work is awesome. Thank you for this amazing game.


Thank you for your hard work Hyao. Enjoy your holidays :D


Take your time to enjoy and relax. Hyao.

You definitely have the right to take a break.

Thank you so much for giving us this game and keep updating it.

(1 edit) (+5)

After 3/4 years of consistent updates, a break is more than deserved!


Please do take your time, for that you must have been very busy, enjoy your rest. And thank you for your hard work.


Thank you for your (and also your team) hard work! You deserve the best break for your health and mind.


Thank you Hyao for the Consistent Updates!, Take all the time you need to relax and thank you again for your hardwork on the game

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Well it maybe weird and stupid question but how to erase the saved progress? I try to delete all file and download a new file but the save progress is still there!

What i mean is this save progress to be erase all completely not just overwite.

Put your mouse on the saveslot and use the canc button

Oh I see. Thank you I know how  to do it. Thanks :).

You're welcome!

Helllppp how to get past here???

I've been posting questions a lot, i feel dumb af lol

Don't worry about it. You need the air plate, see my guide for more informations.

I'm sorry, I have an access denied error from my end. I can't see how I can cross the waters. I know it has something to do with the air plate, but I'm not sure how.

Even the locked version?

Yes. I've tried both of  the links you've made above. I still got an access denied error.

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Like Ben dover said. You need to place air plate at the opposite side and come back again to swim

Question again 🤧 How can I go to the Island from Junkyard? 

Another question, how/where to get elemental plates? I can't get to the inner parts of the junkyard, even with Tao. 🤧

First question : work in progress

Second question: rat king quest, then go up in the junkyard then right if i remember correctly 

Deleted 2 years ago

thanks man 😊 

I know this is primarily a gay game but will I lose out on a lot if I play as female in comparison to male? Are there less scenes?

I think difference gender may affect to difference dialogues, at least our pronoun will be changed. Anyway I don't think that canon events will don't trigger if we play female MC, but I'm not sure with non-canon events.


Yea I hope so too. Non-canon events most probably aren't specifically made with female MC so I understand. Appreciate the reply

no, the game just doesn't have many female characters.

I think you misunderstood, Im happy it's mostly male characters, I just meant I want to play as female and wanted to see if that would make a difference in events/story than when a male MC plays.

No, i understood alright. What i meant is that there aren't many female NPCs. It basically becomes a straight game with female MC. The game is focused on male content, as in you date mostly men.

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