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(1 edit)

I have tried to see the corrupted minotaur scene. I have 5 sanity, it is Wednesday in game. I have repeated it multiple times. I have also followed the good path for logan and have two hearts of Ste. I can't seem to view the scene?? Any tips?


Have you restored the gloryhole? (Sleeping at night at the farmhouse, talking to Blake, Dulrig, Lenny and Roland, wait some days and revisit the gloryhole during the sleeping at night option) If you have already done it, maybe you need to be submissive. 


I think MC role and position are not a requirement for this scene. So it pure RNG.

(3 edits) (+2)

Yeah, I just checked and role/position doesn't matter.

Edit: It seems that while role and position have no effect in triggering the encounter nor the game over scene, the aforementioned requirements are needed to encounter the corrupted minotaur, but for the game over scene you need something more: currently the most probable requirement missing is mouth experience, since if you're expert is unlocked, while if you're skilled is not.

(2 edits)

[lowkey] Sorry for language matter, but from your edit, does it mean MC role and position are requirements for this scene too? I'm not sure I'm understand and translate it right. Since my versatile MC can trigger this scene too.

It's my fault, it was ambiguous. I have changeged it.


corrupted minotaur? what is that?

nvm I believe I found it, the ending was interesting and now I am far more curious about what's in the maw lmao. also I only got it on my female save, don't know why I can't get it on the male one.

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If you defeat or dominate Vicoria rewards you with 20 dislikes from Ste. Months ago, when I tried to have sex only with Vicoria I couldn't. Maybe you need enough likes with her, but I'm almost sure you can't because (spoiler) if you have a threesome your sanity drops to 5 and Arion saves you before you go insane, indicating that if you have done this alone, you would have got insane.

(2 edits) (+1)

You can have sex with Vicoria and while you're doing it as long as you still have sanity you can stop at any time(like the stable fuck with Arion), I think the option to fuck her is only available if you're straight or bi and have high endurance.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you! I did that while my character was gay and the game still let me join Arion and Vicoria, so I wrongly assumed that was the only occasion to have non fighting sex with her. Thanks to you I know that there is another WIP game over scene with her.

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Handjobs, blowjobs and Aphrodisiac are not a problem for him, only sex and love potion are. Were afraid that doing something in the hot spring with him coud be dangerous, right?

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Don't be worried: unless you use love potion you're safe.

Hey, I was doing the quartermasters quest additional suppliers and talked to rose, bernard, and blake, but when I went to talk to torben, there was no option to ask him about delivering the supplies. Did I miss something? Every time I go to Alden it says it is incomplete, I aborted it and started it again and I wasnt able to ask anyone about it again

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That quest you just need to talk to Bernard, Rose, Blake and Torben for the last one. For Torben, you need to talk to him when he stay at Bareshade. It weird that there no conversation about deliveries appear to talk when you talk to him last.

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why'd you remind us D:


corrupted minotaur ending? O_O

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Usually I don't care if you're writing my nickname wrong, but since searcing my comment could be difficult, I just say is BendotDover (like Ben.Dover that is a wordplay on "Bend over", I know is childish, but so am I XP).

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh god. I just notice that there 't' in your nickname. I just write your nickname Bendo-Dover all time. Sorry ;w;

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That ending hit me hard with a phase 'They never give up on you'...

Did you try given spectral poison to John ending? It tragic too. ;-; I'm depressed. Can I blame BendotDover for give me a curiosity to find those ending (jk) lol

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Roushk and I have two hearts, but why can't we trigger additional scenes of private training


It is RNG event. So you just need to try it again until you get that.

How do I get the scene with Everett and Booner? Also, neither the option to gift him dildos nor the talk about dulrig's delivery show up for some reason. He's already visited Feliar several times btw

Oh and the discord link is working weird, the invite screen does work but it doesn't let me join the server...

(2 edits) (+1)

For a scene between Everett and Booner. You need to roaming a street in Northcrest's market area at night (I'm not so sure about a time, but it should be around 20.00 - 00.00). This event is RNG so you just need to repeat it until you find them.

And for Discord, I'm not sure about that since I can join to it with my Discord account normally.

Thank u!

You're welcome >:D

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I think you need to wait for a great content update next month. I usually find some games to play during waiting for update.

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Oh, that great! For me, I'm playing Top Logan route to catch up the update since my Bottom Logan route finished it.

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curious, I looked up how many there are.. or actually trying to remember ones... there are 14 sexy scenes with b!logan, only one is non-canon tho..

How many you got so far?


You have to try it once! >:D

The secret route? 0_0

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(1 edit)

So what do you do with the Nameless' dissision? Because I just found out I Literally can't change them, but I also want to know the other options. Does everyone get's indanger if we don't chose the keep the other safe option?  

P.S. I know he said don't be hasty but..... COME ON!!! 

Worst case: STARTING ALL OVER AGAIN. And I think everyone knows that this is a long game so I really don't want to

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I will answer last question first, you can't change your choice once you choose it even you start to play this game again. Unless you have remove persistent file in %appdata%>renpy>lustfuldesire... and in your save folder. Because your choice has been save in these files.

For other choice, I'm not sure but I think if you choose other choice except 'to kill nameless' and 'to serve nameless' and you don't get the witch's mind protection, nameless will see you as neutral. If you choose 'to kill nameless', nameless will see you as enemy. But I don't know an outcome if you choose 'to serve Nameless' too.

BTW please wait for another comment to be sure.

I don't know if this depends on different platforms, you will be told "you shouldn't be messing your save files like that" if you only delete both persistent files and load before making the decision, maybe they are other factors connected to this unchangeable choice.
(P.S. playing on PC)

(1 edit)

I see. I just replace persistent file (one before choose a choice for Nameless) to current persistent file in both folder and it work normally. I think if you just delete it and not replace it with a previous one, the game will show a dialogue like that. BTW I play this game on PC too.

Warning: This kind of action may cause some bug for your game. Please consider it with care.

Hmm...maybe I should have backup the persistent file  before meeting nameless blindly, is not working for me.
Oh well, guess I will have another run.

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I chose to serve, not much different.. he just tells lowkey teases me that I can't go back and look what other choices I could make and what the outcome of it would be..

I don't know the interactions at the Plains of Death, but in my case the game gave me multiple times the choice to back out beforte having sex with him.. So yeah there is a chance to deny it if I regret choosing it.

Wait... you can have sex with the Nameless? How?

And thank you all for replying. I guess I'll just stick with the serving option now. It's how he said I have no concerns for the others give me the guilt.


If you serve him, you can have sex with him during the latest part of the Orc's War story, which is unlocked after you have finished the lizard stories and gained the trust of the orcs. The length of the sex event depends on your relationships with the enemies (I had loving with werewolfs, ratkins, bandits, northcrest soldiers, lizard warriors and red orcs).



For now there aren't many differences. The information I've gathered from other comments are the following. If you don't choose kill him or serve him during the lizard treasure storyline, in the orc's war storyline you can choose to serve him. If you choose to don't serve him, nothing special happens, while if you choose to serve him and after you confirm that you want to serve him or you change your mind once again, you should be able to have a sex scene with him that should be longer and have more scenes based on which enemies love you, that can involve Groth and that can kill you if your sanity is 40 or less. Plus there should be an option of asking to protect Groth linked to a Charisma test.

I think that the decision to make the Nameless' choices unchangeble is the most disliked. Personally I don't care for two reasons. The first is that he game has multiple storylines, and this means that the result of an action that you do now could show it's negative repercussions 5 months later and, since I don't mantain my really old savefiles, functionally is the same as a nameless choice. The second reason is more filosofical: in my opinion, if you choose an option because you already know the outcome, you are not playing your version of the game but you're copying someone else's choises, that for me is fine for the seconds times I play the game, but makes the first playthough less autentic and personal. This is what I think in order to not get contrariated, but I know is not a solution that can be shared by everyone.


Just want to ask

Bcs i always submit to the wolf and the "like" increase,when i meet them,i always get to submit or fight them

Is there any creature like that other than wolf?


I think every creature that we can fight except slime, zombie, ghoul, skeleton, hornet, etc. can increase affection by teasing them til they got horny and submit. For some creatures, you can tease them until you win and get their affection like Werewolf, Ratkin, Wolf, Lizardman, red orc, etc. But some creatures must submit to them after you tease them like Ragroach, Swamp creature, etc.

I meant like once you meet them there will like event that get trigger,like when we meet wolf we would ehem.. and ehemm.. til hours or so


I'm not sure that I understand your question right (since my English skill is not that good). But if you mean some irregular sex scene when we submit to them which consume your time. There a Ratkin at Junkyard, Trol at a bridge, Swamp creature at swamp, and maybe some more. I'm not so sure about that.

BTW please wait for another comment to be sure. Sorry if my answer can't help. 


Do you want to know only the events in witch you can choose between submitting or fighting, or all the events that unlock sex scenes with enemies based on your reputation among them?

Based on reputation actually

(2 edits)

This should be the table of all the sex scenes that are unlocked after reaching a certain amount of reputation with humanoid enemies. A:B means that with A reputation the scene doesn't trigger, while with B the scene surely triggers. If you have questions or you find errors let me know.

TRACK TAKE SHORT BREAK MEET A HORNY BANDIT Bandit’s reputation: ???:???; Submissive; RNG
-Get on your knees
-xxx-Go with it Hate Heart
-xxx--Reason with him Bottom 2 Variants depending on reputation among Werewolves
-xxx--Provoke him Bottom 2 Variants depending on reputation among Werewolves
-Please them
JUNKYARD EXPLORE JUNKYARD Zone 21: The pit Submissive; Reputation among Ratkin: -47:-22; RNG
FISHING VILLAGE EXPLORE THE AREA HORNY MURCAD -Help the beast Reputation among Murcads: -2:50; Submissive; RNG
NORTHCREST – MARKETPLACE ARMORY – TALK Munbury trip L10; Emerine crystal (2); All – Leave this part of the cave; Go deeper into the underground; 6:00-10:00
-Ignore it Discount; Reputation among Northcrest Defenders: 25:50
--Tease him Top
--Ignore him Top
--Fuck with the soldier Don’t be Top
--Refuse Don’t be Top
-Go wild S???
--CRUISE GUNNAR-Comply-Show your gratitude +2L Reputation among Northcrest Defenders: ???:???; Submissive???; Tu/Th/Sa; RNG
--CRUISE GUNNAR-Resist-Show your gratitude +2L Reputation among Northcrest Defenders: ???:???; Submissive???; Tu/Th/Sa; RNG
NORTHCREST – TRAINING GROUND VISIT BARRACKS CARD GAMES -Stay -Throw the game -Pretend to not have the money Reputation among Nortcrest Defenders: 67:70; 20:00-24:00
NORTHCREST OUTPOST TALK Let’s have some fun Package from Dulrig
-Ride him
--SOLDIER ENTERS THE CHAT Reputation among Nortcrest Defenders: 67:70
BATTLEFIELD CHECK SURROUNDINGS HORNY ORC Reputation among Red Orcs: :51; Submissive
-Come closer
-Try to escape
TWO HORNY ORCS Reputation among Red Orcs: :51; Submissive
NORTHCREST SOLDIER ENCOUTER Reputation among Northcrest Defenders: 39:40
-Gunnar was away today... GUNNAR JOINS THE CHAT
-Dulrig needs materials Equipment Remains
--Thank him ‘properly’
---Fuck his ass Top
---Rimm his ass Bottom
---Finish the blowjob Bottom
MUNBURY MOUNTAIN – NORTH SIDE Zone 90: Troglodyte’s private place
TROGLODYTES JERK OFF-offer yourself to them Reputation among Troglodytes: 30:83; RNG

Hey everyone. How do you get hearts with Caleb? Also, are there sex scenes with logam yet or nah?


You can get his 1st heart with him by give him a heart shaped cookie. After you get his 1st heart, you can get his 2nd heart by picnic with him.

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Wait from what the other commenter said there are not top sex scenes with him willing to do it yet. Are there really none where he doesn't hate you after?


well there is that event, you will trigger it automatically if you just keep playing it, but that event is non-canon so it doesn't count..

I'm being purposely vague right now so you can still be suprised.

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For a second I was questioning what the hell were you talking about and what have I missed and then I remembered, now I'm cackling like crazy.


Like Itsara said^

Also no willing sex scenes with T!Logan yet..

Hello there. Can someone clarify something to me: is the nameless character the chtullu looking monster? I'm trying to get the mind protection thing and for that I need the crow event and for that I need the nameless event. I've already tried progressing by giving the monster the stone to see if the crow would show up but it didn't.

Yes I've unlock the orc's village

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I've already gained the Orc's trust. Do I need to give the stone from the lizard people to him? I thought that I could save both stones if I got the mind protection thing but it seems I need to give it away?

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Lmao I was literally holding off on completing the lizards quest so I could try and keep the 2 gems for them

Impossible to keep the 2nd one? Oh.. ehh.. well.. about that.. if you submit to him he will let you keep it.. for now.😅

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Someone please help i cannot for the life of me find the way to mythshore and the paulo and john characters. How do i find mythshore ;-;

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Oh my gosh thank you so much <3


when is the ratkin route released?, i can't wait

I'm looking forward to that too >:D maybe we can play more story in Rat's problem event in a near future update.. maybe.

(1 edit) (+2)

Then I have good news for you next update is ratkin centered.


Finally a reason to do the rat story stuff, cause I avoided it in my 2nd playthrough because there wasn't much...

If by chance,How to obtain Feliar Heart?

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or guide on how to obtain every character's heart? I don't want to make mistake again hahaha


This are the Hearts you can obtain

A=Arion’s Heart
B=Bernard’s Heart
C=Caleb’s Heart
D=Dulrig’s Heart
H=Hayden’s Heart
K=Korg’s Heart
L=Logan’s Heart
O=Othra’s Heart
T=Rhot’s Heart
R=Roushk’s Heart
P=Scrap’s Heart
S=Ste’s Heart
X=Xerot’s Heart
I,II,III,IV= First, Second, Third, Fourth

The Harts you can inadvertedly fuck up are Korg's, Logan's, Scrap's and Ste's. The Heart's that you can fuck up only for a misclick or misreading are Othra's and Roushk's and maybe Rhot's (I've never tried to choose the wrong answers in the events that). The Hearts that I'm almost sure you can't fuck up are the remaining. Bernard 4, Arion, Caleb, Logan, Othra, Roushk 2, the others 1. You can be rewarded black hearts by Gunnar, Korg, Logan (twice), Orgram, Rhot (-100 likes but i suspect it was implemented before the black hearts) and Ste. 

I'm still working doing this part of the guide. For now the only NPC that is more or less complete is Scrap. If you tell me what you're interested more I'll work on that, but in this case I prefer to copy-paste my guide to see if it works, rather than give you the same answer others could give.

-xx-Point at the hug SI02A
-xx-No, not really SI02B
O Zone 61 – NEW HOUSE-Yes, I like it. 2L MEET SCRAP; Wait 7 days SI03
SCRAP’S HOUSE – TALK WITH SCRAP A Stabilizing the house 2L NEW HOUSE; Plank: 5; Tools: 5 SI04
A Have you found anything? Stabilizing the house SI05
O The book? Have you found anything? SI06
-Lie to the rat king SI08A
-Be onest about Scrap SI08B
SCRAP’S HOUSE – TALK WITH SCRAP Talk about the Rat King 2L Talk about the recent incident-Lie to the rat king SI09A
SCRAP’S HOUSE – ENTER SCRAP’S HOUSE SCRAP IN TROUBLE Talk about the recent incident-Be onest about Scrap SI09B
-Fight the rats SI09BA
---Fight the last rat SI09BC
--Don't DEFEAT or DOMINATE Ratkin SI09BD
-Let them search 5D SI09BE
SCRAP’S HOUSE – TALK WITH SCRAP Were did you found your treasure? Talk about the Rat King or SCRAP’S PUNISHMENT SI11
Have you ever thought about leaving the junkyard? Were did you found your treasure? SI12
Bath time! Have you ever thought about leaving the junkyard?; 10:00-20:00 SI13
SCRAP’S HOUSE – ENTER SCRAP’S HOUSE TAO’S VISIT Meeting Tao; 6:00-18:00; Bring Tao SI16
-SCRAPS LOVES YOU First heart MEET SCRAP Don't choose -Point at the kiss SIend

I'd want to know if it's clear when you could fuck up and what to do and if you have questions or suggestions of any type.  


Thank you this is really helpful(●´∀`)ノ♡

(6 edits) (+3)(-1)

I don't think that we can get any Feliar's heart in current update (0.43) but maybe in a future update.

And for guide, BendotDover can help you! He is now working on  guide project for this game.

Or you can ask you question here. I think everyone here glad to answer your question. (if we know an answer lol)


yes thank youu(´ ▽`).。o♡ the affection i got from feliar is 100 but i l still can't obtain his heart that's why.

BendoCover really is our lifesaver ♡(∩o∩)♡


(I have no idea why this comment has been downvoted, lol..)

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(I'm not sure either, maybe he/she/they can't handle my poor English skill lol)


(Lol you're doing fine, sometimes I see some lil' mistakes and then I want to correct you, but I also want tell why... the thing is I am terrible at explaining things in English because I probably need to use terms that I never use when it comes to grammar)


Thank you! I'll try my best to improve my English skill >:D

(1 edit)

Okay, I took on a job at the brothel where I have to find a man who owes the mistress money but I can't proceed? It says he's in the residential district but there's no special commands I can see and wandering around only gets me inane NPC chatter or fucked by Gunnar and Booner. Am I missing something? Is it just a super low RNG?

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You can find him (I'm not sure about his actually name) by entering residential area at night (after 20.00 -00.00) on Monday - Tuesday. There will have a new option appear to be selected.


You don't need to roam the streets, but on monday or tuesday I think between 20:00 and 24:00 if you go to the residential area appears a new option, something like lovegood lane. 

It's not an RNG event and as far as I know 5% is the lowest probability, so, for future events, if after 5/10 times you repeat the same thing the event doesn't trigger, is safe to assume that something is missing. 

I suggest you to save before entering the lane and try all the options up until you end the quest, since there are two more or less interesting scenes, but they are mutually exclusive (if you want spoilery details I can give them to you).

Talk about the NPC in this quest. I'm not sure that we will have a chance to meet him again after we accept a job at brothel. I hope to see him more. But I think he mostly like side story NPC who appear and disappear just like Florist we met at Bareshade lol


We'll surely see him again in a future update, given what is said in one of the endings to the quest. I think his story will be more similar to Geordi, Edmund, Lenny or Lady Cerise, since the writer, Wisdom, is the same.

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Ahh. You give me hope! I'm looking forward to future update now lol

So new question. I've been Gunnar's dedicated cumbucket but is there any way to advance the relatoinship beyond sexual or just that route?


Yeah, only many many sex scenes

At current update build (0.43). Gunnar still see us as a whole for having sex (he call MC slut). So there still no relationship event with him but only (so many) sex scenes with him.

Hey, did I fuck up? @@ I'm trying to romance Logan in my current game. I  saved him first when he became a werewolf and did the country road quest perfectly and got my house buiit. I slept in it and all I got was Barrel who fucked me. Do I need to completely finish the Bareshade expansion to get Logan visiting?

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Yes, you need to complete Bareshade Expansion. Be sure to "really" end the country road storyline (you should see the location (new road) if not visit ste more or less between 17:00-20:00 to see their first meeting.

I did that and defended both. I'm ok still, right? 

Yes, have you seen Logan clashing with barrel at the tavern?

Yeah, I saw that after going in and out a bit. So all I have to do now is fiinsh renovating Bareshade? 

... I say like it won't take A While.


Yes, the event should happen at evening. Be sure to not sleep with him, otherwise he will hate you. In addition (is not a requirement) equip "lucky charm" (invite Logan at the fair and play the guessing game), so you unlock a little thing missable (don't redo all the game just to obtain lucky charm, it unlocks a cute thing, nothing more.

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Is there anyway to know what time Logan and barrel clashing in the tavern? Because after I finished every single requirements (except the clash I guess because I forgot if I have seen it or not) only barrel would visit the house

No, but if you have bandit's morale is at least 25 and, after entering at least 5/10 times the bar, nothing happens, is safe to assume it already happened. I forgot to mention that  to trigger the "I owe you a beer" event you  need one heart and forty Logan's likes and to enter the house, you don't need to sleep. 

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TL;DR: I think I'll use, the guide is kinda finished but not really and shared maybe 1/2 weeks before the end of the month.

Hi! If anyone wants to message me privately, I have a Furaffinity account (Ben.Dover)

I thought about using (the same I used to share the saveslot) to share the guide.

The bulk of the guide is already made. I think nearly every event of the game is registeded, I'm trying to make the guide more readable. Is difficult to explain, but I want to make so that if someone is interested to now how to be rewarded with someone's heart, or how to complete a storyline (sometimes the ingame guide is not clear or lacks some passages) they can simply filter the data and you know where to go, what to do and how to unlock. For now you can easily read what to do and how to unlock, but if you dont know where you have to go to do this things is kinda confusing. 

Another problem is that I worked at this for months, and I changed various times what to put in the guide (for example at the start I chose to not write down the options that don't give you likes, since I though they weren't important, but for example when you meet Scrap and you choose how to bee greeted, none of the choice gives you likes, but one prevents you to obtain his heart, so now I don't write the options that give you likes only if the event is repeatable) so I'm trying to use the same criteria along the guide. 

The first version of the guide will be largely incomplete on some aspects, manly items, enemy and Nameless storyline. For example there are more that 333 items in the game that I've listed: at the beginning I wanted to list where to find them and what they do, but, especially for equipments items, there aren't many people that want to know where to find Adventurer's boots or apples, while knowing how to craft the most recent potions, like booster, when and where you can learn water bomb or how to craft no-horny potion is certainly more usefull. 

Now my idea is to continue my playthrough with encouraged Logan to see the differences, make some different choices, register events that previously I hadn't and see If I can use my own guide instead of the one in the game to progress the stories. After that, based on the time I have, I want to do another playthrough without using cookies and cheat-codes for items i can't tecnically use from the beginning, since many times having a certain amount of skill is a requirement to unlock one scene, and I always pass the tests without realising it, while I want the guide to display that. Finally, If I change my mind, I'll try to understand the various choices you can make with Nameless and the Witch, and redo the lineup of the events that are cited in the ingame guide, but I don't think they are worth the time for now.

Even if the guide will not be complete, I'll share it maybe one or two weeks before the end of the month, so I can have feedbacks, correct some errors and release a better version some days after the next upgrade, with the newest content in the guide.

My guide is full of errors and I'm afraid that if I publish it too soon it could create more damage than benefit. For example one user had completed the bareshade expansion without having Bernard's hearts and if you follow my guide this seems impossible and I want to replay the game to see if I can do the same thing. So now I'm testing the water, by using pieces of the guide and, with the feedback I receive, rearrange it.

Basically, the more questions are asked, the more I can test my guide, the more I'm assured that my guide isn't terrible and the faster I publish it.

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Thank you! I'm trying my best!


Your guide project would be useful for every LD player, especially for new one. I'll encourage you! >:D


I really hope so. Thank you for your support, let's hope you're right!


Thank you for the guide. I'm very grateful for you for making this.

Thank you very much!

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Its really awesome how you working hard making the guide for us. Thank you.


Thank you! Since half of the entries are sex scenes, I'll be curios to know if the relative female scenes exists!

Is there any way to make both Logan and Bernard love you?

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Oh i chased after bernard because I thought if didn't matter as long as I cured them. If I save logan I can still romance bernard right? His events are way to wholesome not to romance him

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Thank you! Also is Roushk romanceable? Don't know if he is considering he's in a relationship with Othra. If he is, what do I need to do?

(Yes I already saved him)

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Hello, I want to ask if by any chance i can get a Logan's Heart?. I didn't choose him first in full moon story. And i dont want to repeat again huhu i finished also the bareshade expansion and coutry road event.  Please advice


Unfortunately you have to restart, I'm sorry.

My god so stressful hahshshdhs AAaaaAaaaAaaaAa


I should make a list of all the things you shouldn't do if you don't want to lose hearts or big chunks of story and NPCs, but the problem is that people realise the error when is way to late. 

If you don't already know you can use cheat codes and cookies in the "preference" menu so at least you can play faster.

Yes, its faster but i dont want to repeat go over the caves in northcrest this is the event i done huhu  i just want heart from that tsuntsun logan  huhu


If you want I can share my savefile, but it's already more or less completed, I already made many mistakes and I already have 2 of Logan's hearts.

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┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻


I want to check if i've registered all the game over scenes, basically I want to know if there are other npc/enemies that make you lose your sanity (spoilers).

For now the ones that I know are: Jelly (I think there are all the same), Lustful Roushk, Hateful Rhot, Alpha werewolf, WereLogan, Swamp creature (Werewolf), Vicoria, Tar being, Troll, Nameless, Corrupted Minotaur, Arion (not really a game over since he's an ally), Ste (i think is a WIP and not really a game over since he's an ally), Rat king (wip maybe?) 

I'm almost sure I'm forgetting someone, does anyone know who?

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Wait WereLogan has a game over ending?? Didn't know about troll, either... and who is the corrupted minotaur?

I know that the raptors and big orc brutes also have one.

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WereLogan (when he's still in the den) and corrupted minotaur are the reasons why I want to see every game over, since they give hints to future developments of the story. Since I want to avoid bestiality scenes, do you remember if that is the case for the raptors, or you simply lose your mind? 

I've complitely forgotten about the orc brutes, I had assumed incorrectly that all red orcs don't make you lose sanity. Thanks!

The corrupted minotaur is what I call the one you can encounter at the gloryhole (not Ste that you can meet talking to him and that hasn't a "bad" ending yet). MC mistakenly thinks is Ste, but the game over reveals that is not him. Be prepared for what I think is the most depressing scene of LD, beating even the scene you can read after giving spectral poison to John.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the minotaur is only on Wednesday and you need sanity of 10 or lower.

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No problem, the big orc brutes don't always make you lose insanity though.. and yes the one with the raptors has to do with beastiality, I also try to avoid it but I wanted at least to get the walbauk scene with Roghak so yeah..

Oh so they are corrupted minotaurs? I thought they were mole .. beings..

I... don't want to even know how sad the scene could be if you give spectral poison to him....


Yeah, I don't know why but when I read milking walbauk, I thought that was simply milking a walbauk like a cow and I didn't know why I couldn't unkock it, than I read some comments and realised how stupid I was, considering the tipe of game this is. XD

Maybe you skipped, or forgot (I don't remember precisely either) but when you visit Bareshade with him and when you read his wife journal you know pieces of Ste story: more or less he is a fugitive from his place, since all the other minotaurs have an illnes that makes them angry and horny or something like that. 

I've tried to see all possible endings in order to know more about the illness and make more theories, but in my official playthough I saved them, because I'm not a psycopath XD

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Oh lol you thought literally milking hahah.

Oh right now I remember.... yeah I totally forgot about it, second playthrough I was just rushing it to make better choices and save one-time sex scenes.

Ikr in our 'real' playthrough we want to save and help them all.. I'm just glad that this game lets you do it while being a sub bottom.. so it's not always an instant game over.

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Wait, if you want I can give you my savefile, I don't want to make you lose time for only one depressing scene.

Edit: even because I think that if you "complete" the game is more depressing than skipping some parts of it to see this scene.

Edit 2: This is the link

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How to Encounter Minotaur i peek and wait a while at gloryhole a few times in wednesday night my insanity is also 5.but he still don't appear i mean he doesn't introduced himself. 

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Yes,i see other comment they said it recquires 2 heart from ste to encounter 

Just curious, is the corrupted minotaur game over scene inplemented in current public version(0.43)?
Although this curiosity might end up driving me into depression...

Yes, it is: you need to peek the gloryhole during wednesday's night with 5 sanity.

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Hmm...I can't encounter it even though RNGing...
Are there any other possible requirements?

Can you tell me who is Corrupted minotaur? I'm curious that I would miss something. 

The corrupted minotaur is what I call the one you can encounter at the gloryhole (not Ste that you can meet talking to him and that hasn't a "bad" ending yet). MC mistakenly thinks is Ste, but the game over reveals that is not him. Be prepared for what I think is the most depressing scene of LD, beating even the scene you can read after giving spectral poison to John.


Oh god. I don't know what to say... But thx you! I will try to see it once.


You're welcome! I forgot to mention that the minotaur is only on Wednesday and you need sanity of 10 or lower.

(1 edit) (+1)

Ok. I found him now. I though he is Ste for a whole time lol 

And about the bad ending... I'm feeling down. It hit me hard with a phase 'They never gave up on you.' ;-; I'm gonna cry


Yea, is something you don't expect from a lewd game.

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This game make me have a deep bonding with characters more than I think.

So, the next station is giving spectral poison to John ...

Edit: Ok. I have found a bad ending with Paulo and John now... There no words left from my mouth but my mind still screaming 'oh my god' over and over again lol I never expect this tragic ending from this game.. never..


Could we get a debug shortcut between the orc tribe and Northcrest after we've discovered the orc tribe? It's tedious to go through the caves back and forth constantly.


I agree with you, I wish we could skip at least the tree underground short paths, but I don't think this will happen for two reasons: firstly having going through the caves being tedious will make ending the orc's war storyline being more rewarding, secondly when people told Hyao this problem he added in the zone 59 of the northern cave the chance to find a shortcut (maybe you need perception to unlock it).

For now my suggestion, other than to unlock that shorcut, is to unlock the shortcut you can find in the zone 84 of the southern cave (requires perception and is an event that has a chance to happen). Moreover, since the content of that area for now is limited, you could use a saveslot to save the game when you are in the village and when you want to check if there is something new of importance, use that saveslot to do so.

How do I get "medication" first the shopkeeper?

I'l assume that he needs to recover from whatever illness he's got in order to progress the story. What do I do???

You have to go to Home to study the illness, then you'll have to go find the priestess of the lizard tribe and ask her about one of the ingredients for the cure, after that you just make it

How to start Ste’s New Farm Road? I already finished Country road Event.


Is the same thing. Country road is the name of the storyline, New road is the name of the new "location" that you unlock after ending the storyline. 

Thank you so much. but why I still don't get  ‘I owe you a beer’ event?

I pass Clash with Barrel seen and got Logan 89 likes with 1 heart. Also, I finished Bareshade's Expansion event.


Did you already witness his outburst during daytime? I think you must witness this event after you done all of this. (The rest of this I just copy from Wildbara)

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house in Bareshade at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.
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Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.

Seem like I didn't see the fight plus now I can't fine Barrel in Tavern anymore. what should i do.


To find Barrel in the Tavern you need Bandits' morale of at least 25. The fight like the ‘I owe you a beer’ event is has chance to happen when you enter he tavern/home, so if it doesn't try to enter up to 5/10 times.

Who is Logan?

He is a Lumberjack at Bareshade.


Thanks, amazing update!

How do I find Caleb? Everytime I go to the wolves den and then into the real den and defeat both Beta and Alpha werewolf's nothing happens. The full moon quest is bugging too by not confirming the first step to Caleb's Part. Can someone tell me what I was doing wrong or what's wrong?

I assume that you choose a Normal Logan route. Have you cure Bernard yet? Because the one who ask you to looking for Caleb. If you already cure him, go talk with him after his work hour (maybe after 20.00 I'm not sure).

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I've chose the corrupted path then cured Bernard, went to go find Caleb multiple times but there was nothing in the wolve's den that give a clue about Caleb.


Have you done all this things? You can't go alone to the forest to find Caleb, you need to do the "Looking for Caleb" talk with Bernard at night and win the various fights against the werewolves (if you fail you can retry the following night).

BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Ask about the hunt Ask about his friend; End Shopkeeper’s Sickness storyline FM23y BI07
FOREST GO TO THE COTTAGE HUNT Ask about the hunt; Fr: 18:00-24:00 FM24 BI08
-x-Sleep in one bed L40 FM25 BI09
-x--Stay close First H FM26 BIend
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Talk about the hot spring First Heart FM27 BII01
HOT SPRINGS Wait for Bernard Talk about the hot spring- Agree or Tease him a little, Sat/Sun: 18:00-24:00 FM28 BII03
-xx-Sit close to him-Look at him Second H FM29 BIIend
GENERAL STORE – ENTER/LEAVE THE SHOP BERNARD’S INVITE TO VISIT AFTER WORK Ask about his well-being after antilycan?; Second H FM30 BIII01
GENERAL STORE – TALK Plans for the night Second Heart; 20:00-24:00 FM31 BIII02
Stay for the night 20:00-24:00; Plans for the night FM32 BIII03
-Stay Third H FM33 BIIIend
GENERAL STORE – TALK Looking for Caleb-Yes +3L Third Heart; 20:00-24:00; Wolf’s bane; Antilycan FM34 CI01

If something is unclear or my comment doesn't help let me know.

So, it turns out I had to follow the "!" mark and then put the alpha werewolf to sleep, then increase my libido.

When I saved Caleb I was with Bernard, I didn't fight the alpha werewolf and increasing your libido shouldn't be possible during fights unless the enemy is unteasable. Your comment confuses me, because contraddicts what I've always done, and makes me worry that my guide is too much incomplete since my comment wasn't usefull to you. If you confirm that that is what you've done, I'll try to replay this part like you did, so I can update the guide. Sorry for my disbelief, I didn't know what you did was possible. XD

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May I ask? Have you already get any heart with Bernard and go to hunt with him at the hut in forest?

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oh yeah on a passive note thank you Hyao for the coffee event being added, you were in involved in a way that just made it amazing and also inadvertently made me even more suspicious of Feliar due to how he reacted to the entire thing lol, i wonder if he knows about the MC being able to save scum XD


Hyao appears only in weird moments when no one is expecting it. 
Which means people would start to expect it at this point... hmm... need to change the strategy. 


maybe try being predictable then switching to the most chaotic you can, works to surprise people I know :P

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I can't seem to start the Glory Hole quest. I've talked to Ste about it, and slept at the farm, but nothing! Any advice?

May I ask? Have you found a hole in a fence yet? If you haven't, try to 'Inspect the area' until you find that. If you have found it, I think you must talk to Ste about hole in a fence at night (please make sure you have enough like with him), then he will invite you to explore a fence (please make sure you have a source of light like torch, witch's amulet, etc.).

I have, and I have explored the fence and gotten the scene with the 'mystery cloth', but nothing past that no matter how many times I sleep at the farmhouse

Do you have an encouraged or discouraged Logan? Have you finished the Country road storyline? When you visit the farmyard do you have the option "explore the fence" among "go straight to the house" and others?

I have discouraged logan, and I did finish country road, but I don't have that optio

Do you have Ste second heart?

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For B.Logan, no one will repair a hole, so you can start a gloryhole event almost immediately. 


Actually B.Logan fixes the gloryhole himself, that horny bastard :p

So you don't have to do it.

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Oh, i see. So I must skip reading that part. Thx for correct it >:D

I started a new file and I forgot how to "unlock" Torben's name. The game still refers to him as Merchant. Help pls

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I think it was when you help out Bernard in the shop for the day, and there is a chance (if they're in town) that Torben and Gunnar might visit the shop, that's when Bernard calls out to him.. I'm sure of it..

I really need to clean those up, cause with certain characters it's easy to miss... especially when they were supposed to be just random npcs! 

How can I unlock Farmstead? I searched the cave near the bridge and all surrounding areas but nothing.

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Have you save Ste from Vicoria's cave? After you save him, he will tell you where Farmstead is.

Hiiii, a question, during the full moon event, how do I save Logan? The game always goes after Bernard without giving me a choice after the Bareshade attack...

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Then you have chosen for Logan to go after the bandits; the encouraged Logan route.. or.. bottom Logan route..

You can only choose to go after Logan if you discouraged him to go after the bandits so you need to go to a previous saveslot where you hadn't made that choice yet.


Ahh yes yes, I understand! Thank you sir, have a happy life!

Oh lol thanks you too, glad to help :)


So just to clarify, you can only get 3 hearts with Logan at this point in time? Thanks Wildbara I always look for your responses on here, such a pro haha :)

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Oh thanks haha, I try my best to help others if they're stuck :') ..

Maybe it was a typo? But there is no 3rd heart yet with Logan unfortunately.


He help me a lot when I first play this game too! >:D

does the game itself updates itself or i have to redownload it?

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You have to redownload it, and you can carry over your save if you copy your save folder to the new one and it's all done

Oh okay then how do i carry over my save

If you're playing on pc you don't need to do anything, if you're playing on android I don't know but I think you don't need to do anything either.

I just typed it?

Anyway copy your 'saves' folder that's within 'games' from the latstest build that you have.

Download the newest (0.43) build and paste your 'saves' in the 0.43 'games' folder and you're done.


Oh, yeah but I tried to but was confused so I need the specifics on it lol, thanks for the help 

Sorry for the question, but why do you copy/paste your saves? If you download the version and simply open it you don't see all your previous saves?


Ah, yeah back when I tried to switch from 0.37 to 0.38 I looked up how to carry over savefiles, and I found couple of comments where you had to copy and paste it...

When I tried to do it without copy pasting it didn't work, so yeah I've been doing it like this just to be sure.. It's not complicated at all so I don't mind doing it everytime.


Does anyone know how to get the new fair content or the gloryhole

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New fair content? You're talking about Ste being there? You should have at least one heart with him, you get it automatically after you have finished the Country Road story.

In the encouraged Logan route, the gloryhole is fixed by Logan himself, in the discouraged Logan route it is however your job to fix it. Try mentioning the gloryhole to Ste and fix it at night (sleep at Ste's). You can check it and the game will tell you that you need to visit Dulrig/Blake and check on Lenny (when you enter Bareshade).

Sleep at Ste's again to check on your progress, it should be done in 14 days or something.

Who is ste? and what country road? I seem to be missing  a lot

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Ste is the second prisoner (after Korg) that you can save from Vicoria at her cave. The Country Road is the next story part you'll unlock in your questlog if you visit Bareshade with Ste.

I wasn't aware of a second prisoner! Which update was that from


Ste was first entrance to this game around 0.18 build.

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you prolly also be like:


RIP save files

how much charisma and or appearance is needed to tell dulrig/others about the gloryhole?

I'm not sure that gloryhole event with Blake, Durig, and another one (I'm not sure his name lol) need certain charisma and appearance as a requirement. Because I just go talk with them to process the event.

How a can get the sort cut to de mumburi complex (the caves)

Which short cut do you refer to? Do you mean a short cut underground way between old crypt and munbury complex right?

If that so, you can unlock a shortcut way by exploring a munbury complex at middle-bottom (the same row with a gateway to Zombie town) there will be a hidden gate appear (not sure that it require certain perception point to find it or not) and it also RNG so you can walk left and right until you find it.

thanks 👍 I will try.


So I just manage to win three Krampus. And there is 4 various sex scene with three Krampus after wining them (with a power of save-load) and it hot!


There are 4 scenes in total with them? Or are you talking about 4 scene outcomes depending on your role after you won?


Yes, there are 4 outcomes that depend on MC role.


4? I count 3 (Fuck them, Make them mess withn each other-ride and Make them mess withn each other-just watch) if you win and 3 if you lose or submit.

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There have 4 outcome scenes if you win, Fuck them, Ride them (double penetration outcome) [if your MC is submissive], Ride them (Leader submissive outcome) [if your MC is dominant], and Watch then mess each other.

By the way, I manage to find all 4 by let my MC be versatile both role and position and also the power of RNG.


Thank you, I'll check it!

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Me being a sub bottom I immediately submitted to them... whoops... I'm gonna check it out because now I'm curious...

Guys where can i get pomenge i forgot.

In the desert near the orc village, death plains? Or something I don't remember the name.


Does anyone know how to get Rouhsk to 2 hearts and can we have sex with him?


You can get 2 hearts for Roushk and Priestess by doing bonding event with them (go talk to Priestess and choose 'Bonding'). Repeat it in every options (I mean you can doing this event almost every day, at a certain time.) until the forth option appear to be selected.

And yes, you can having sex with him after bonding event and there have various sex scenes depend on how your role (Dom/Sub) and position (Top/Bottom).

thank you! Do you know how i can get Caleb to 2 hearts as well?

After you get his 1st heart with him by give him a heart shaped cookie. You can get his 2nd heart by picnic with him.

Hey i tried what u said but theres no Bonding options for me (Priestess is only cleabsing and meditate, while Rouhsk only private training which doesnt give me like points anymore) is there something i should do/missed?

Did you already finished Lizard's treasure event? I think you need to finished it first.

I did and i already got his 1st heart (I picked him when Othra asked me during the celebration). Othra has no heart, but her likes is 68. I only got cleansing, relic, meditate, and cleansing water option from her but not Bonding. Help meeeee

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I think you need to have Othra 1st heart to trigger bonding event.

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I can't seem to access any of the new Bareshade content aside from the Quartermaster's quest. Advice?

You need to talk to Bernard about Northcrest suppliers first. Then go talk with Rose, Torben, and Blake.

That's the only bareshade content I seem to have access to. It's all the fair stuff and the farmhouse that I don'

New Bareshade contents which available in this update (0.43.1) are only chain tasks from Alden quest. It doesn't seem to have more than that.

Sorry if I misunderstand your question.

Do you have the fair and the farmstead unlocked?

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I have an issue finding Torben for this quest. He seems to be available at River's bank only and while speaking with him there is no option to mention any deliveries to Northcrest. I wonder what I'm missing

For Alden's quest. You need to talk to him while he stay at Bareshade. But before that, you have to complete Bareshade expansion event in residential aspect first to build Torben's house. 

Aye, I realized that in the meantime. The game requires patience :)

Yes, that how the game work. >:D

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