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i wanna ask about harold is it posible to bring him to love me? if yes ho can i do it i trie desperatly but i get only likes.

thanky you :)

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ok thank you anyway <3

Good, I have a question, it's how to get the heart with scrap I have 99 likes with it and not yet the heart.

 I give him food and talk about him, I get him out of the rat king, but when I ask him if humans are lacibo I say yes and now the scene of him being with another rat comes out. 

The issue is can I get a conozon by giving him food (which combines specifically if you can choose) now that it is lacibo yes or no. Could you please clarify for me.

Deleted 2 years ago
(2 edits) (+3)

Scrap's heart is tied to the type of greeting you chose to say that is human's usal way of greeting people, if you said that humans normally kiss then when Scrap meets Tao and Tao debunks your lie Scrap gets embarresed and you don't gain the heart(the food option only raises his likes and that's it).

To get Tao to meet Scrap take Tao into the junkyard bring him to Scrap's hut, Scrap will stay hidden during the time and you will get some dialogue with Tao, come back without Tao and talk to Scrap about a friend wanting to meet him after that come by with Tao and you'll get them to meet


fuck i chose the kiss cause i thought it was somewhat cute. welp time to create an entire new timeline for scrap alone lmao

I have some questions, first of all how do you get the "gift" for Logan and Bernard? the only person that I was able to give a gift was Rose so far.  Second question, how do you get logan 2 and 3 heart? I only got tree hearts with Bernard but I was really trying to get Logan, I already made the fair, the houses, the defense and have picked him to see the fireworks 2 times hoping that it would give me a heart but nothing so far (and I only see him at the fair one time, its normal for him to only go once or did I do something wrong?), I have 86 likes with him and only one heart. And just to satisfy my curiosity, it's posssible to have penetrative sex with Korg without using the love potion? if so, what do you have to do?

I know this problably won't happen but I hope that in the future we could become more close to Tank, the scene you are with him in the cave (when he is submissive top) and he talk how everybody fear him and nobody ever called him pretty was sweet, I know he problably isn't the most popular character but he can be kinda sweet. 

sorry for the long text and the many question but if someone could help me I would appreciate and sorry for my grammar mistakes, english is not my first language.

(1 edit)

Sorry for the even longer reply. XD


  • Fine Wine (Req: Only during evening visit)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Harness, Collar, Leash (Req: Walk event done)


  • Lube (Req: Doing discount scene)


  • Big Black Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)
  • Canine Shaped Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set
  • Big Black Dildo/Canine Shaped Dildo/Equine Shaped Dildo
'No-horny’ potion set WORKSHOP Learn Restrain potion; Learn Restrain potion (Strong); Learn Lust-relief powder
Big Black Dildo BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Canine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Equine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Exotic Coffee BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fine Wine BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Flower Arrangement BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fruit Tea BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Harness TRACK DOMINATE or SUBMIT to Fat Bandit
Lube BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Leash TORBEN’S HOUSE Shop
Spiky Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Tank Top STANDS Clothes

I know some parts are difficult to understand, but I want know If using this table without other explanations, you think you could understand how to gain Logan's hearts or if it's too cryptic. 

-Discourage him 5L BC5Cd LI2
O WEREWOLVES ATTACK ON BARESHADE Day 30; Learn Wolf’s bane; Wait 1 Day; Wolf’s bane: 2; 20:00-24:00 FM07 LI3
-Help Logan 10L Discourage him FM07l LI4
--Stay close to him First H LI5
U FAIR O ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD-Assure him you want it 3L LII1wx
O BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU More homes (2);Wait 7 Days LII1wy
O Local watchman (4) Logan and Blake Improving Bareshade’s defences; Wait 15 days LII1wz
O WAIT FOR THE ORC -Offer him to rest back at your place Talk with the prisoner-Yes, give him the key LII1x0
O LAST DAY AT THE WORKSITE PARTY AT THE WORKSITE; Sleep until morning; 6:00-12:00 LII1x1
O CLASH WITH BARREL Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LII1y
A Ask about his work +1LU7 Str:12 LII1z
-Let him in LII3
-xxx-Stop him LII4
-xxx--Grab his hand Second H LII5

No there is no sex with Korg without negative effects. I think Tank will be developed in the far future (like at least one year form now) since is hinted that he's half-human and I suspect he's half-giant and that the giants live in the north-eastern region.

omg, thank you so much for your reply!! About the hearts with Logan, I think that reading your table I can understand what I should have done, but I think that maybe it won't be possible to get the hearts without reseting because I did the missions in a really wrong order and then some options didn't show up to me, like I made the worksite but I didn't go the last day so I didnt get the "PARTY AT THE WORKSITE" and the "I OWE YOU A BEER" didn't show up to me either. For the gifts, I dont go a lot to Northcreast and I completlely forgot about the brothel, I would never get the gifts without your help lol and about Korg, that's too bad, he actually its my favorite, maybe in the future when they finish the orc war arc we will have more scenes with him and it will be nice to get more of Tank in the future too. Anyway, thank you so much for taking your time to help me, I really appreciated.   

You need to reset only if you have encouraged him to go to the bandits' camp or if you followed Bernard during the werewolves' attack. If the heart column has numbers you need to follow that order, if has x,y,z there is no order but you need to do everything. PARTY AT THE WORKSITE is part of the NEW ROAD event. I've made an error and it should be STE MEETS LOGAN, that happens at the end of the event. 

I'm making a guide and those tables are part of it, but I'm afraid it's confusing. For example the devlog states: 

Event: ‘I owe you a beer’ - entering your new home (Req: Evening, Bareshade's Expansion event completed, Ste’s New Farm Road completed, ‘Clash with Barrel’ seen, ‘Ask about his work’ done with helping, Like 40, Love 1)

And I don't know if you can understand it clearly.

Thank you and you're welcome. If you have more questions I'll answer them.

Maybe it would help make a little bit less confusing if you put in the table just like you answered above, the first table that you replied to me without the context of the x,y,z made me kind lost, but seeing your reply above gave me more understanding and was a more easy way to understand, even if would make the content on the table more long it would help people to understand better and even answer some question that they could have in the future. For example, you gave me the information that to get to "I owe you a Beer" a need to have Ste new farm road and I didn't have done it yet, and in the first table I dind't get this information, but putting more information (like what events you need to have completed before you can achieve something and what you need to do to get to these events it would help a lot).

Another quest that I have is whaht do you need to do to get "Clash with Barrel"?

I'm doing a "guide to the guide" sheet, so when it's ready the x,y,z problem should be resolved: I wanted to test if, even without an explanation, I could be efficient in responding. Next time I'll make sure to copy part of the explanation. 

For the "I owe you a beer" the events you have to complete are stated in the table: First Heart; L40; CLASH WITH BARREL; LAST DAY AT THE WORKSITE; STE MEETS LOGAN; ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD; BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU; Local watchman (4); Evening; RNG.

STE MEETS LOGAN is the scene that ends the new road event, ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD; BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU; Local watchman (4); are the scenes/talk that end the tair, the houses and the watchtower. It's definitely better if I add more rows stating that.

For the clash with Barrel scene the table states: Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; End "White Moon" Event; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG.

The devlog states: 

Event: ‘Clash with Barrel’ - entering bar in Bareshade (Req: RNG, Evening, Normal Logan, Werewolf event done, Bandits morale at least 25)

Part of the original table is like this

-Ask if the bartender is telling the truth [1D] Harold
-Say that it’s none of your business 2D
-Ask Arion if he can pay for the beer
--Suggest Arion works for the beer 2L
--Offer to pay for the beer 3L
O CLASH WITH BARREL DISCOURAGE HIM; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LII1y

So when I use the filter to select rows that have text in the heart the information is lost. I will copy-paste TAVERN – ENTER THE TAVERN in the CLASH WITH BARREL row so when I use the filer this information remains. 

Thanks for your feedback, It was very usefull!

For the brothel, how do you complete 'The Rowdy and the Rough' quest?

You need to have 500 gold and this should pop an option to pay


Ah! Thank ya kindly.

How the frick do I get planks/srs

I know I'm dumb but like-

You can buy them from Logan


Thank you sm!


You can create them using the workshop at your house, you can buy them from Logan or you can find them in the junkyard


Thank you so much! :)

how to do Dulrig discount scene


The only requirement should be terminate "Glafire stone" talk by giving him 5 Glifire stones

how many logan's hearts can get in 0.42

you can only get 2 hearts for now

Do you know how to get his 2 hearts? I'm in 1 heart for now...

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house in Bareshade at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.

2. But the first one can be missable though

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It's gonna be okay broski


I just wanna say, you can use his lust against him so, make a lot of lust potions if you ever loose your save to an update

Have you also tried capturing Rhot?

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You need to follow the path of corruption for the lizards' tribe. After you visit the new corrupted lake in the ruins Rhot ambushes you. It happens only once.

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(1 edit)

Do you have corrupted water in your inventory? Maybe you need to wait one day and visit the ruin by day

ah, no there is no interaction between the two of them, unfortunately

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That threesome scene varies if Roth's dominance stat is positive or negative, Roushk's dominance stat doesn't change anythin.

Oh really... Guess I was wrong... I might check that out then!

I don't know why but my game now crash every time I load the pref. menu.

In deeper caves, how to gain Emerine Golem's trust to collect minerals  and break the wall and enter the door in the upper left corner?


You can tease them in battle and have sex either winning or submitting or just throw love potions each potion increase your affinity by 25 points.

oh thanks

You can't enter that door since is a WIP (Work In Progress).

How do you get the Lizard's loincloth?

I've only seen it on the cheat code list but idk how or where to get it.

(1 edit) (+2)

You can get Lizard's loincloth by walking nake to Xeroth. You need to strip your pant and underwear item off (in game of course) and meet Xeroth at his hideout while he still there (I think around 9.00 - 0.00).

my game does not want to enter, does anyone know what this is? 😭😭

my game does not want to enter, does anyone know what this is? 😭😭
(2 edits)

It just an age restriction. Because in this game contain 18+ content, like artworks and stories. If you are 18 years old or more, just click continue to play.

I press to continue, but the game does not start😔😔

what platform are you on?

Samsung Galaxy

is there anything else to do with Logan on discouraged route after werewolf event? I still haven’t gotten Bernard to 3 hearts so I’m not fully finished but with him all I can do is spam workout and I can’t even tell if it’s making a difference ??

You need to finish the werewolf attack story, bandit story and bareshade expansion (especially the more houses and the fair parts, that's where you get more interaction with him.) Also make sure you have more than 40 likes with him.

(1 edit)

I cant progress on the "Rat Problem" quest, help

How do I take Tao to the stone tablet???

Deleted post

Thanks a lot for the help, I'll do that then

Man I feel so dumb...After the quest to earn Orgram's respect, is there any continuation after? I'm kinda stuck..

There is a little continuation. You need to process Nameless event until it tell you 'the rest of this event is work in process' or something like that.  Then, back to Orc's tribe and talk to Orgram again, he will give you a new request.

P.S. This quest related to Nameless event which affect to your future gameplay. Please choose a choice with care.

Which choice is the best that I should choose for the Nameless event?

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't know either. Because in this present build (0.42.1) there still no update content in Nameless event. For me, I just choose what MC would want to (aka. predication). lol

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Hey guys, I want to ask a question...Is it possible to achieve 2 hearts with Arion in the 0.42 build? I can't seem to get him to 2 hearts....Thanks!

(2 edits)

Yes, you can. You need to buy a tulip from Rose, a girl who sell clothing, and give it to him. Then, visit him next day. He will ask you to date with him. After finished this event, you will get his 2nd heart.

Okay, thanks! Didn't know it was a tulip, I thought the bouquet was a flower arrangement, silly me haha

No problem at all. Glad to help you! >:D


random reminder Hyao is awesome and deserves to have fun and live his life best he can.



Stuck on the event that make the shopkeeper sick

And the lizard tribe event

Can someone give a tutor?

Bendotover is making an up to date guide as we speak... or type...

You need to make heath ocisia as that is PART of what yoy need to make the spectral sirup. The guide that's by Hyao but not up to date still has all item recipes which you can get through the main menu.

You need more perception to find the statue when wandering the swamp if I remember correctly.

Click the scroll icon in the bottom left and than "events log".

For Bernard sickness, if the in game guide is not enough, this could help

HOME NOTEST Heat occisia riddle Learn Spectral syrup BS03A
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE O Give medicine Resolve Heat occisia riddle or Ask about Heat occisia; Spectral syrup BS04

Heat Occisia
Angel Leaf Pulp (Red)
Spectral Syrup Pulp (Blue) Heat Occisia Pulp (Red) Heat Occisia Pulp (Blue)

For the lizard tribe event I need more information about where you're stuck, but the ingame guide should be enough.


Ty for the info

I can't seem to trigger the event of Khalgor and the Skullbreakers when entering Orgram's tent. I've already done the event in the plains of death where I saved Groth from the red orcs and an encounter with the Nameless.

Still a work in progress, not in the game yet

(1 edit)

Was trying to trigger it as it was listed in the v.0.38 dev log.

Edit: Nevermind, I think it was that part where Groth and the MC told the story of the event in the Plain if Death and the entire clan gets ready for war. I was expecting for Khalgor's tribe to appear in the Iron Blood Village, silly me XD


I've tried to enter the tent and I don't think is a RNG event, so I think it's the conversation you have at the end of the event in the plains of death. One other hypotesis is that, maybe, if you make different choices, instead of having this talk attached to the event, you have it separately.

Does anyone know what the purpose of offering in the shrine at Plain of death? I offering some daggers/swords and nothing happen.

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I think so, I don't find a way to do more with offering recently. Thank you >:D


I think it's usefull only the first time. The other times if you offer equipment with at least 37 gold of value, you have back the same amount of coins. I think it will be usefull after you encounter Korg's tribe, since his tribe has a link with spirits and after the first time you offer something MC feel someone watching him.

P.S. Why did you deleted your post? Your answer was usefull.

(3 edits) (+2)

I see, that interesting about orc's tribe spirit too. Hope to see more way to do with this in future update.

P.S I deleted it since I'm not sure I answer a question right or not. Last time, in these kind of question about nameless, I misread a question and give a wrong answer that not give any help at all. I feel shamed lol


I remember it, but you should never be ashamed of giving the wrong answer, because it could help both other people that aren't the one making the question and other people that try to answer the question, so they can add to your answer ;)


Thank you a lot! I will remember that >:D

(1 edit) (+3)

I think they give buffs to your character. I offered an Antique Blade and then check my status (the heart icon) and there are buffs like 'Poison Immune' and 'Bleeding Immune'.

Oh!? I never try that before. I need to try it once Thx!


Though the buff only lasted for 480 minutes.

(1 edit) (+1)

That interesting! Thank you! >:D

Hi lusties. Uhm, I screwed up, I didn't made my research before progressing on the quest of the Nameless and now I'm stuck with my previous choice. Does anyone here managed to somehow select the other choices? If so, may I know what comes after those choices? Appreciate any feedback XD 


I'm going to do that in the next month, after I'll be sure how to speedrun lizard treasure and orc's war and what choices change the persistent file. For now there aren't many differences. If you don't choose kill him or serve him during the lizard treasure quest, in the orc's war you can choose to serve him. If you choose to don't serve him, nothing special happens while if you choose to serve him and after you confirm that you want to serve him or you change your mind once again, you should have a sex scene with him that should be longer and have more scenes based on which enemies love you, that can involve Groth and that can kill you if your sanity is 40 or less. 

how do you get that scene

You need to serve Nameless

You can't change your choice after you choose in nameless event. Because the choice you choose has been save into persistent file not in save file. If you want to re-choose again, you need to have a previous persistent file (one before you choose a choice.)

I deleted it last time since I'm not sure that I answer your question right lol

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(1 edit) (+2)

I mean the reason that the herbalist is a blank humanoid shape is to allow you to imagine them as you'd like but I imagine my male herbalist as a young guy with a medium height tan skin, shoulder length curly black hair and dark brown eyes with a somewhat beefy body but like the type of beefy you get due to doing physical labor rather than exercise and sometimes I just feel like changing the way he looks to a black guy with the same age and height but instead of shoulder length hair he has a very long braided hair that's the same colour of his other appearance and same eyes and more of a swimmer's build, his clothes is normally what I have equipped, also both versions have a messy beard. As for my female herbalist I imagined them like female versions of the male versions I described they have the same height as their male counterpart though the equivalent of the first appearance instead of being beefy is more toned with some pretty serious muscle game starting to show and the counterpart to the second appearance is pretty much the same as her counterpart. The appearances I described keep switching between themselves and I have no control over it so I just imagine that the cosmic powers the herbalist possesses makes them keep shifting between forms and nobody but me realizes. Funny enough the first appearance is based on myself irl with some creative liberty since I have the body build closer to the second form.


For some reason I imagine my MC to look like that one guy who gets fucked by a Ratkin in the mines.

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Me too!! lol I have been play many NSFW games (mostly gay game). I have to admit that this game is one of my most favorite game so far. This game can turn someone who not into with furry stuff like me to be a furry fan. For Tavern of spear, I love the art style in this game so much and I will try it soon.

(3 edits) (+4)

Same.. this game has set my standards very high because of how interactive the scenarios are and many different variants it has depending on your actions. AND this happened to my first gay visual novel (rpg)!

I also spent a lot of time in Only I Have Skills, that game's dedicated to bottoms but it doesn't have much content compared to Lustful Desires.

Just started with GameOver, lil' bit at loss at how to continue the game, same for Tavern of Spears.. wish both games had questlogs just like LD has.

Lastly, the game that comes close to LD when it comes to content and enjoyable characters is, imo, After Class. It has 5 different routes so there's lot to explore.

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(2 edits)

You should :D The way they describe those sexy scenes are just as hot..

Ah nice! Then I'll look up that fan guide of ToS!

(Btw I also managed to continue GameOver more.. had to interact with others more often. Liking that one as well. Oh and I forgot to mention another great bara that you can check out; Robin Morningwood Adventures!)

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Ahh .. yeah that game is almost done, just a couple more updates..

The others that I mentioned are still in development and still free so...


Is it possible to implement a "penis size" feature(you select your own size) or would it be too difficult at the game's current state? Maybe at the end after all the other more important stuff gets done? Maybe some unique reactions to the size as well. Normal size would be all the reactions now, and then the size difference would have different routes. Yeah I'm asking for too much! 😂 Ignore me haha

Love the game btw, SO MUCH time and work has been put into the game clearly! Fantastic work of art, truly! 


Male: Cute<Normal<Hung/Massive

I don't think many females play but I suppose you could do the same with breasts. 


Sounds not like a bad idea... if you play as a bottom then it won't matter much, but I think it still matters a lot more for dominant top players?

All the sexy scenes may change involving your dick size and that means a lot of (extra) (re)writing...

ooo what about a path changer that depending on the size of your penis it will decide if you become the bottom for the character(Logan) or you become the top for the character(Logan) XD

ah.. yeah I think that would still need some more extra writing... and I don't think Hyao wants to add more when he's finished the game :p

(2 edits)

For anyone is struggling to find Caleb for the first time,I solved the problem apparently it is in the Full moon event idk if you need to do all the quest but i finished them anyway.After finishing the Full moon (mine is the logan werewolf route so mine last quest is 'talk with logan and ask him how he feel after antilycan treatment')and Caleb part will appear(you need three hearts with Bernard but I only have 1 but it still works)so ya , I hope this helps 🙃(and im sry if i spoiled anything)

Sorry if my comment didn't help. I thought that, in order to make the second expansion of Bareshade, you needed the fourth heart with Bernard, and in order to start the Bareshade expansion you needed his third heart. Every time that I visited Bernard by night to obtain his third heart the werewolf attack triggered, so I wrongly assumed you'd already completed that part. 

I assumed that you knew, but now I'm not sure: do you know that in the game there is a questlog by clicking one of the icon in the bottom left and after in the top left?

I feel very dumb playing this game, I don't know how to make any potion besides the lotion and the health potion. I am at day 66 and still can't wake the owner of the general store, I tried to find how to make the potions but didn't found anything, I found out a guide with some sreadsheets but even then they didn't have the missing ingredients of the options, can someone please help this dumb person lol

you just made an ingredient for that medicine potion, not the potion itself, i assume you were talking about spectral syrup?

(1 edit)

nope, I only made the healt potion, the spectral syrup I can't make it. To make the spectral you have to know how to make the blue and red pulp (which I don't know how to make it) and you need Heat Occisia (and I don't know where to collect this). To wake Bernard, do you need to have the spectral syrup? or is it another potion? 

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No you need to make the Spectral Sirup and in order to create that you do need to put the ingredients in the right order, so in the correct slot to craft it.

Pulp (Blue) in slot 1 and 5, Pulp (Red) in slot 3 and Heath Occisia in slot 2 and 4.

How to make the pulps? Put a blue berry in slot 1, 2 and 3 and then you can craft a blue pulp, same story for the red pulp but replace it with red berries.

(1 edit) (+1)

dear lord, I saw that you need it 3 berry to make the pulp, but I thought that you always needed to have 5 ingredients to make the potions and I was putting random things in the last 2 slots trying to make the right combination lol but thank you so much! 

Oh lol, no problem, now you can finally continue :)

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This is my first game playing with Renpy.. is it really that bad since it has 40+ builds? So far I'm not running into any troubles..?

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For me, this is not my first game which develop from Ren'py engine that I have been play. I see your point about users issued problems in some platforms (especially on Android) but I think it hard to transfer this game to other engine because a different engine use a different language (I mean like Ren'py use Python). And come to think of it, I don't see the way to transfer save files we have been play from Ren'py to another engine.

And about big and complicated problem, I think Ren'py can afford it. I have seen many games which develop from Ren'py and being great. For example, Doki Doki Literature Club was developed from this engine too.

And last, I agree with you about supporting the developer. This game is deserve to get support for more CGs/OST. (Of cause, if you can.)


I been playing this almost year. I haven't run into any issue so far I know of. 

I have a mission to find 3 acoycle (sorry if bad spelling) and i can't find the last one,i keep searching in forest and swamp and everything pls help

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Oh my God thank you i was trying so hard try to find the last one and Its all in the lake byeee i feel so dumb searching in swamp each day

Ummm can I ask how  do I encounter Caleb for the first time?(the location),I also finished building the house , the fair and the watch tower if the help. I've searched everywhere for answer but... it was fruitless.Plz someone  help me!


You need to do the talk "Looking for Caleb" at Bernard's place from 20:00 to 24:00. You need one wolf's bane and one antilycan in the inventory and to win against the werewolves, otherwise you fail and you need to redo everything the night after.

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My main problem with this is the implication it's a choice to be gay. Like gay shouldn't even be an option if your character is going to be bi anyways. By that I mean women turn your character on even when you are gay AND some options you can pick unknowing such as the bushes scene imply your character is attracted to a women. This could be an opportunity to implement a game mechanic but nonono. There is no point of adding sexuality if you're going to do this. Not trying to nag but I've had women IRL force themselves on me to try to "make" me straight (btw I did not get "rock hard" like this game would suggest a gay man would.) Having it in games that give me the "option" to be "gay" is just annoying. I understand bi people exist but if you're gonna make a bi game for bi folk with a male leaning can you just say that. No I'm not going to play a game where my sexuality is basically implied just not to exist. Certain options shouldn't even be options when you're gay. How about putting a gay (questioning) and straight (questioning) option, that way if people want that for the rp they can and that way you don't come off like you're borderline implying sexuality is a choice. I just can't play this as the way it is.


So I'm no expert and I do recognise that it might be an issue with a lot of gay folk, but I think the reason why those passages are not influenced by your sexuality is mostly because of the constraints of the engine that's being used, but there are choices that are affected by your sexuality such as with Vicoria and Madeleine, the combat though is something that's different and since you yourself are able to tease straight enemies seeing as some of them complain that your character is male then having the same happen to you isn't that strange, also the population of the world the game is taking place seem to be suffering of an unspecified increase in libido which is kind fogging up people's brains(I'm not speaking of the curse of lust specifically since on the opening to the game the character you play as says as much themselve), so in all I don't think that it is the intention of the game to say that everyone is bisexual or your gay character is bisexual is just a limitation of the engine and there's also the fact that most female enemies or even NPC's that you can interact seem to be an early addition to the game which makes adding/editing to those passages of theirs kinda tricky(I'd assume)

(11 edits) (-2)

Ah didn't think about it that way. Still waaaay to awkward for me to play. Even with that in mind that still means it's not really a game meant for someone like me. Plain and simple, plain vanilla. Whatever the reason for it, it just makes sense to make it a bi game and remove the sexualities all together. Functionally they do nothing.  If you are unable to implement the way sexuality actually works don't include it at all. I also want to add it IS weird that a women can turn on a gay man in combat and yes it's weird with straight men being attracted to gay men too. It shouldn't be a thing. Realistically though what in society is more acceptable to label yourself as gay or straight? You know the answer. You can always excuse a "straight" man being attracted to your character with just being insecure in himself  (and actually being bi or gay) or some shit. You cannot say the same for the main character you create with the sole purpose of embodying your own identity and honest attraction (It is you and you know what you get it up to) . And if some magic brain fog causes you to magically be bi then once again that implies it's some sorta choice (because no forms of conversion therapy irl changes someones attraction) There is no purpose to it being there. I understand the limitations but at a certain point it's dumb to have sexual identities for sexual identities sake if you aren't able to make them work. Why not make sexuality choose the enemy encounters? Or if you can't make them work just remove them? A few throw away lines about your character being "gay" right after losing and getting fucked by a girl doesn't really do anything to remedy that. It's like a band aid on a gash, and honestly it comes off as the good ole "Every gay guy would enjoy pussy if he had the right one" line. I'd honestly just have the character be bi so it didn't create that disconnect.


The reason why the game make you exited by woman, even if you're gay, is to balance the sexualities, otherwise a straight man could arouse everyone and being immune to nearly all the enemies, while a bi man could be aroused by everyone and not be able to arouse everyone. 

By the way you talk about this problem, it makes me think that you've not played the game enough. The function of sexualities is to change the rate of female/male enemies that you can encounter, so if your character is gay you'll never meet the female bandit or the female harpy, and the only unavoidable female enemies that could arouse you will be the nymph and the lizardman acolyte. Only two among more than 40 types of enemies. Plus, if you don't want to be aroused by the nymph, you can use the hate potions so their attitude will fall and they will attack instead of flirt.

You say that gay shouldn't even be an option, if your character is going to be bi anyways, but, actually, the main character turns gay if you don't lock your orientation, since there are more men to seduce in combat than women and by game mechanic this change your sexuality from bi to gay. In all the game there are more or less a dozen sex scenes with women, while there are more or less two hundred with man, plus in all the game you can see only two images of naked women, while naked men are abundant. You're focusing on two/three scenes in the early game that involve women, but if you'd continued the game, even playing as a bi character, you'd see that horny women are practically non existant.

In my opinion, it's paradoxical that you say that the game is not meant for you, a gay man, and that is meant for bi folks, when in reality bi folks are complaining that there are not enough sex scenes involving women and say that this is a gay game with just a sprinkle of straight sex, just so it could seem to be bi.

My advice for you is to continue playing the game, you'll realise that this is not a game where your sexuality is basically implied just not to exist. Or don't. Playing this game, unlike your sexuality, is a choice. XD

(1 edit) (-2)

I have met female bandits for starters with the gay option. Also you aware bi leaning towards men exsist right? By people like me I mean people who were molested and or sexually assaulted by a women. Secondly, if there being more women in game made it where I could actually be gay I would have no problem with it. I have no issues with them. I just don't want to f them. And even 1 encounter is too much btw (even though you encounter women just without the drawing) :). If balance is making a gay character bi then once again it's just lazy. Using a potion implies it's a choice sweatheart.

(3 edits) (+5)

Maybe people should not read so deep into a porno RPG game. But if it bothers you so much there are plenty of porno games out there. I doubt it is going to change. Something made to make the variety of smut in a porno game more accessible offending you is just sad even by todays everyone is always offended standards.  Chill sweetheart.


Being a bi man leaning towards men, I'm aware that those kind of people exist, but I don't know why are you bringing that up. 

If your concern is to avoid having sex with women, among the options I've listed, there is the option to escape the fight. If your concern is molestation and sexual assault, than yes, this game is not for you, since your character will be molested, will be raped and will rape. 

I'm not questioning the fact that is lazy or that it could be implemented better, I'm questioning the fact that being straight or gay in the game has no function, and that is a problem so big that makes the game unplayable if you want to play as a gay man (while if you'd want to play as a staight man I'd agree). 

The game doesn't use the same logic as reality: using a potion doesn't imply that your sexuality is a choice, but it's a game mechanic that allows you change your choice and experience the game in a different way. You are not your character, you pay as your character.

is mythshore still a wip? I can't seem to find the entrance to it


Yes and no, the rest of Mythshore event are still work in process but there a way to entrance to Mythshore. You can go to Mythshore by exploring the 2nd dungeon in cave complex and then enter to the gate located at bottom-left of the dungeon. There will be another dungeen. You can go to Mythshore from there.

is it the secret passage in the munbary complex?


Never mind i was just dumb ;w; thanks i found it

Glad to help you >:D


I wish we could have a reputation as a slut-warrior and that influenced people reactions towards you, simply because my herbalist can wipe the floor with most enemies but I keep choosing to submit in battle because he's a sub bitch, so it would be funny to have enemies be cocky and all that during sex but respectful outside because they know you just don't turn them into paste because you don't want to

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

This was the first thing that came to mind:

Deleted post
(4 edits) (+2)

Sex and Violence with Machspeed.

(it's a short animation done by the creators of Gurren Lagann, Kill la Kill and PROMARE.)

(1 edit)

 why does the game keep crashing on my android 11 phone? I can't even read 3 dialogues without the game crashing:(( I've played the game on the same phone before and I didn't have this problem 

How do I find all the statue pieces? Specifically, how do I find the Bandit's camp

(1 edit) (+1)

Been a while....ehm... Bandit's Camp will be unlocked during the Bandit Attack story, Logan will reveal its location.

The pieces can be found at the shrine of the ruins after you examined the statue. The other two are at bandit's camp when sneaking around and as part of a quest for the either day or night witch at the swamp.

Just keep reading the questlog, it tells you what to do step by step.

(1 edit) (+1)

Actually like Wildbara said. For more detail, after you examined the statue, you can find Lizard's Head by 'Look around' at Swamp (RNG).

(4 edits) (+6)

If you are on your way to Munbury Cave with Dulrig, you can get spitroasted by him and the Northcrest soldier which is hot ofcourse...

But since I also have loving attitude with the red orcs... I wish Hyao will add a variant of that scene where you run into one of the orcs instead. I wonder how Dulrig would react if he sees you getting fucked, lol.

I am thirsty for more orc content in any way, any time okay.


Me too! After I have been play Northcrest's conspiracy event. I think MC is a kind of 'the one who stop the war by using his/her body as a weapon' and I hope for more interaction with red orc in the rest of this event too.


I think so too and I'm really curious about the confrontation IF your character is a slut like mine... I mean how DO you stop a war when you submit your body to the enemy.. will they come with a compromis similar with the situation at the Bandit's Camp?

Or will it be like the Lizard Tribe, where they used to be too lustful but in the end become their self again only a bit more horny...? 

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm curious too. And I think it would turn out amazing in every aspect too.

Does anyone know how to acess the crystal door thingy deep into the golems territory I can't get past it send help i keep getting fucked by golems ;//^//;

You can't go deeper since is a work in progress.

thanks i've been trying to get through it thinking i needed more bombs XD thanks for saving my ass literally

(1 edit)

I'm sorry but I really can't defeat Roushk  :(( He has too many backups and I don't know how to defeat him at once because it always ends up with me railed or dead :( Can someone help me please? What are the necessary things I need ? 

After ending the Bandits' Camp quest use sleeping mist and corrupted lust potion for an easy win.

(1 edit)

Ohhh okay, thankss! Who should I put it on though

Sleeping mist works on everyone, lust potion I don't remember, but, given that the fight ends when Roushk loses, target him.

How do i get the second heart with roushk(?) Red lizard 


You can get 2 hearts for both Roushk and Priestess by doing bonding event with them (go talk to Priestess and choose 'Bonding'). Repeat it in every options (I mean you can doing this event almost every day, at a certain time.) until the forth option appear to be selected.

(1 edit)

Ight thanks

how to unlock the fair on the village. Thank because I’m forget

After you have his second heart, meet Bernard at the General store between 20:00 and 24:00. Stay for the night and then you can start the the fair quest. 

Who do I talk to learn the Strong Restrain Potion recipe so  I can finish Othra's request?

(1 edit) (+1)

You learn it from Othra when you take Subjugation of libido. In order to take this quest you need to take More potions from Bernard and study Restrain potion at home. If you've already taken her quest you only need to craft the potions.

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