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Does anyone know how to get a heart with Rhot?

Finish the stories of the lizard tribe, and sleep at night at the ruins, keep doing it and invite rhot to your room and accept his future visits.

I don't know if it's a bug or not. But does anyone have a problem with rolling back to earlier diologes? Because both my mouse and keyboard doesn't work with it anymore.  

how do we get pearls?

(1 edit)

Enter to the cove (nearby fisherman village). There are two question mark spot near the entrance, you can find pearls by stepping on those spots. (RNG)



Hi! Really love the game and love the update! So thanksful that you take time from your life so you can do this game!. I'm sure you have many thing to do but there is one thing that i write in a comment before that still doesn't work in the game and is the rollback option. Still can't roll back toc hange option and others things.

Thanks you again for you hard work and hopeful you can see this comment Hyao.

Deleted 1 year ago

You can get 2 hearts for Roushk and Priestess by doing bonding event with them (go talk to Priestess and choose 'Bonding'). Repeat it (I mean you can doing this event almost every day, at a certain time.) until the forth option appear to be selected.

I have a question, how do I find Roushk?

Process 'The curse of lust' event, then the quest will tell you to find him in corrupted lake (in forgotten temple).

Thanks, but how do I unlock the recipe for the containment potion?

Pardon, but I don't remember that the game have this kind of potion. Please explain more what is containment potion and how we use it.

I think they meant restrain potion and the translator they're using translated as containment

Oh, thank you!

Exactly, I don't speak much English, sorry.

Talk to Bernard the shopkeeper and accept the 'more potions' quest

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Just some random suggestion, I really like playing this game but I cant 100% enjoy because I always get a headache later and worst sometimes it turn into migraine, the reason is I play on android and the text is too little for me to read which makes me dizzy until my eyes hurt and boom another headache. I'm probably the only one who's gonna ask this but can we have the text size a little bigger? I mean some dialogues there doesn't even occupied half of the text box so it may be possible, thanks :)

I already played it last year and got migraine so I uninstalled it then played it again last month then the same thing happened, I still want to play it but I don't want to play in exchange of few days of pain. :(

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How do you get the two hearts for Roushk?

My question as well. i am looking though the log to find it.

You can get 2 hearts for Roushk and Priestess by doing bonding event with them (go talk to Priestess and choose 'Bonding'). Repeat it (I mean you can doing this event almost every day, at a certain time.) until the forth option appear to be selected.

I know I got heart by priestess by allowing her to stay. Think I got one from Roushk under (not going say it snice spoiler.) But that it.

During cerebration after finished lizard's treasure event. You can gain 1st Othra and Roushk heart from answering Othra question. And 2nd heart from bonding event. Please make sure you choose the right choice.

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Oh yeah! thank mate!

Edit: Got their second heart. Thank again Itsara.


Your welcome, hope it help mate >:D

how can I interact with Ste?

Save him from Vicoria's, he's the 2nd prisoner after you have saved Korg

soo i have been taking a break at the path for a while now but the only thing that comes up are bandits and  am actually hoping that gunnar would come but he never does and i have enough appearence and charisma so did it lock at some point?

Did you finish the Bandit Attack story, then? Cause if so.., you made a deal with Scar that they won't be realming around the path..

do you mean the quest?

No the entire story arc of them, Bandit Attack.. If you finish that one then the roads, or paths, are clear of bandits. 

i did everything i could with the bandits but they still come every time 

oh! I read your comnent wrong, my bad.. I thought you wanted the bandits (and Gunnar) to show up but that didn't happen..

I don't remember how high the stats were in the beginning but I made sure thst indeed Appearance was one the higher ones when I started and I already run into Gunnar couple of times...

You can also run into Gunnar when the caravan is attacked but decide to submit to the bandits instead of fighting them off.

Ok I have a few questions, I was starting a new playthrough and tried to make the hero route, no funny stuff during the quests, with a submissive MC and I was playing the different paths in each quest. 

The thing is that during The Curse of Lust quest I remember that if you captures Roushk and have sex with him, later at the celebration after the Lizard's Treasure quest he ask you about it and if you are honest, you gain likes points with him and at the end of the celebration he kisses you. If you have a heart with Roth, after Roushk leaves you Roth appears, gets a little jealous and kisses you.

So I make 2 saves, in the first i do what i just described and have 50 like points with Roushk at the kiss scene, but in the second save I beat Roushk and take him to the temple and get one heart with Roth, so I was expecting not get the likes points at the celebration, but get the kiss scene, and then SURPRISE!! no kiss, my MC was left alone in a dark could lake waiting for his lizard lover 😭. I have 45 like points with Roushk at the moment. 

So the question is, did I miss something or I need to rape him/ let him rape you to get the kiss scene??

My other question is about werewolf Logan progress, when Logan visits your house at Bareshade he tells you that he hates being a werewolf and that he wants more antilycant but then when he beats the werewolf alpha you can encourage him to accept his werewolf nature and he tells you that he is willing to ask Bernard for some tips, which is a huge step for Logan, a good one, but because this 2 events starts after the Full Moon quest, if you make the Bareshade expansion quest in order by the time you finish the more house update, you already have beaten the werewolf alpha so it looks like at first Logan is accepting being a werewolf and then he hates it. So I don't know which one is the canon route or if is intended that way so you can choose. 

Although I'm pretty sure that everyone wants another chance with werewolf Logan in bed or floor. Anyway those are my questions, sorry for the long post.

I think you didn't get the kiss because you lack likes with Roushk and the alpha fight was introduced in the game recently the visit is older so I think that hyao simply thought that the majority of players would have already done that but also being willing to experiment with something new doesn't necessarily mean that you like it so there's that

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Ok makes sense thank you. 

BTW a few months ago we were discussing if Feliar was the informant for the third party at the orcs wars and at the time I didn't think he could be because MC tells him about his adventures so Feliar most know that he is more than a herbalist, but when I read all the dialogues I realize that the MC tells him that he deal with the situation but don't really gives details of how. So it could be possible that even if Feliar know all the problems that MC have got himself into he would not know how strong the MC is.

Ony complaint is that when i make enemy lose by seduction in one hit it wont show the horny sprite. Will it be fixed in later update pls?

Where to find Logan the werewolf

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Hi, I need to see Korg for the "Orc's War" event but I accidentally lost Korg with Love Potion, how can I find him or get him back ? I have no clue where he is now :(

I think for now you can't. You need to start to a save before you gave him the love potion. At what part of the Orc's war event are you in?

Well thanks.. I'm at the very beginning of it and I don't have any save for Korg so let's redo the game :(

yeah love potion gets rid of him permanently i think.

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1.Roushk  2.Dulrig  3.Logan. 4.Bernard  5.Scar  6.Blake  7.Gunnar  8.Rhot  9.Ste  10.Caleb

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Grushk (1), Caleb (2), Scrap (3), Dulrig (4), Everett (5), Ste (6),  Rose (7), Barrel (8),  Harold (9), Tank (10). I haven't played some parts of the game recently so this could change.


1. Bernard

2. Korg

3. Ste

4. Rhot

5. Roushk

6. Caleb

7. Arion

8. Gunnar

9. Logan

10. Scrap 


1 Bernard, 2 Logan, 3 Roth, 4 Roushk, 5 Caleb, 6 Hayden, 7 Krog, 8 Ste, 9 Harold, 10 Tank


1. Bernard, 2. Logan, 3. Korg, 4. Caleb, 5. Rose, 6. Groth, 7. Roushk, 8. Rhot, 9. Barrel, 10. Gunnar.

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She's so cool, and I like she just keeps teasing and she she doesn't mind the mc is doing it pretty much with everyone, lol..













1)Bernard ,2) Logan , 3)Ste,4) Harold , 5)Hayden , 6) Durling, 7) Gunnar , 8) Scar , 9)Roushk ,10) Caleb

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Can you blame them? He is a big teddy bear/wolf


And plus when you wake up from night with Bernard.... I forget there new art with him with your Food. All I can say DAMN! 

For me, because he has all Husbando elements.


10. Hayden

9. Korg

8. Xeroth

7. That Bald Male Bandit

6. Bernard

5. Caleb

4. T!Logan (T and B Logan are basically different timeline variants of each other because they're so different already as the story progresses)

3. Rhot

2. B!Logan (What can I say, I'm a voyuer, I like this Logan despite not engaging anything with him because I'm also a bot)

1. Gunnar (This guy is honestly my kink personified)

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bro we need a romance with the bald male bandit he is stupid hot lmao

yeah, but first he needs a name lol. 

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Or a gun part you know, like the barrel of a gun. I found some cool (and funny) names that'd fit for gun part inspired names for people (And dogs) lol, like Clip, Flintlock, Hammer, Lock, or Mag (For magazine)

 Though if we're gonna go for the box type, maybe Casey or Cas (for a case or cask) or Drumm (for drum) or Chester (for chest storage) 

he is canon crate in my opinion now.

I think so. Honestly he is a reason I give a try on this game.

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1. Logan, 2. Scrap, 3. Caleb, 4. Korg, 5. Bernard, 6. Tank, 7. Barrel, 8. Dulrig, 9. Everett, 10. Rose and Feliar(they're tied for this one)


1. Rhot, 2. Logan, 3. Arion, 4. Groth, 5. Jester, 6. Othra, 7. Xeroth, 8. Bernard, 9. Ruben, 10. Ste.

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Bernard (1) I love his bear hug and his smile.

Logan (2) I found some innocent side of him that make him more attractive.

Ste (3) I call him daddy.

Gunnar (4) The one who make me think I'm slut somehow.

Caleb (5) The good boy one.

Barrel (6) I don't expect anything from him until his night visit at MC house.

Krog (7) I think he can protect me lol

Roushk (8) Red lizard warrior who admire MC very much.

Rhot (9) The one who call us cute.

Rose (10) Best girl ever!


1. Logan (I prefer the normal than the whore Logan)

2. Caleb (A Good boy)

3. Bernie

4. Korg

5. Roushk

6. Everett

7. Dulrig

8. Ste

9. Hayden

10. Gunnar

So I had a question, is there a 2nd heart with Logan and is there also sex scene with him in Top Logan route? Or it just only happen in bottom Logan route?

There is a second you get when your done with the bareshade expansion and you can have sex with him but he'll hate you after

So there's no way you get sex with him without him hating?

Nope not until 3 or 4th heart like Bernard

So after the 2nd heart how do I get the 3rd one?

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it's Still a Work in Progress on 3rd and 4th hearts for Logan

Right now you can only get 2 hearts for him

sorry about the confusion


Gonna copy paste my previous comment from a while back about Logan's 2nd heart..

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house in Bareshade at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.
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Thank you! Tbh this is my 2nd run and the whole point of my 2nd run is how to get logan heart because I don't even get heart in my 1st run and maybe later I try 3rd run for bottom Logan route

Nice! This is my 2nd run as well but both times I have the Top and Bottom Logan route running, I just keep switching between the two so the stories are up to date on both..

I found out that in Bottom route there is no heart for Logan, and no 2nd heart  for Ste..

How can I get ste 2nd heart? In forget how to get it even though my first run already had it

Ste's second heart is unlockable only with Top Logan, finish Country Road, check the Farmstead and head to the house.. you should run into Logan already being there, choose the option 'be there for Ste' and lastly suggest to have sex with him another time..

How can I get salt?

Explore Mythshore (Leading to the dungeon)

Hi, how can i heal shopkeeper? I have heat occisia but i don't know how use this.(Let me tell you, I made it without knowing the recipe.)


You suppose to study the recipe in the book of your house, the heat occisia is an ingredient for the spectral (something,  I can't remember) and give it to the shopkeeper.

There is a medicine called spectral sirup that you are supposed to study for in the hut

I'm trying to write a guide for the game and more or less see what happens choosing every option. I remember that some choices with nameless are irrevocable and you need to restart another game from scratch in order to change your choices. Does anyone know what are those?

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It related to a file name 'persistent' in %appdata%>renpy>lustful... . When you choose a choice, it will automatically save data to a persistent file. In case of Nameless, you can't change a choice in the same game file because of these persistent file exist in your game data.

Locked nameless choices have a designed screen, like when you choose between encourage or discourage Logan, or is better to save the persistent file every time?

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Not necessary, in other case (normal/bottom Logan, good/bad ending in ruin etc.) you can change you choice by reload your previous save. But in Nameless case, you can't.

I know but before you make important choice there is a big statement like "this choice may affect the future" or something like that whit nameless i'm at the fourth nighmare and nothing like that happened yet

I see, if you want to make sure that you will never miss it. You can backup persistent file before you choose some important choice.

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I think for this one I'll end the event doing what I like and at the end I'll make all the other choices so to not screw up my gameplay. 

When does the fair occur? I forgot

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After you finish Bareshade upgrade in Entertainment aspect. The Fair will be held at Bareshade every sunday (12.00 - 22.00).



Hola,tengo una pregunta cómo puedo ir a visitar a "ste" despues de rescatarlo de la succubo o esta en "wip"?

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usando un traductor para esto, lo siento por la falta de ortografía, pero está desbloqueado en el área del sendero del bosque donde hay una cueva, entras allí y simplemente exploras las nuevas opciones.

edit, if anyone who can speak Spanish and English can tell me if this is spelt wrong or has issues, please tell me I don't wanna spread something that's wrong.

If you use the underground tunnels you can go to Ste's house after gaining enough affection with the creen that above 30 likes you have the option to take him to Barshade where the rural road search begins. 

(If you understand Spanish well, I use a translator and it reads very well!)

Ah right i forgot, how did i get second heart with arion?

Buy a tulip from Rose and give it to Arion and visit him again next day, he will ask you to date with him.

Do anyone have walkthrough?

I was gone too long and now i'm forgot everything (I mean sex scene).

Pls make a note or file for me

There is a old Guide >> here 

This guide has not been update for a long time. But the basic stuff like brewing recipe and some events for some characters are available. If you have any question that not mention in guide, you can ask us here and in discord server

Just did the bottom Logan route. So I've seen Logan fucked by Barrel, Ste, Caleb, MC, and Korg. Are there any other scenes besides that?

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I think there is a scenes with blake in the  barshade mines in the night time 50% i think. If I'm wrong please relpy

yes you are right, it's after 18:00, rng

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after 18:00 in the basement you can run into him having sex with Blake. During the Bareshade expansion he will also have sex with 3 other guys, but those events aren't repeatable..

Edit: just saw the reply above me, whoops..

During bareshade expansion? Is it during the defensive or the houses?

Both actually, you will visit Bernard when starting the more houses part, right? Bottom Logan will get angry at a person and drag him to a secure place, you can watch him and join him as well.

and during the better defensives when you recruit people for the watchtower, Logan was willingful to help train them because you knew he was already planning how to have sex with them, unfortunately we never got to see that..

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You mean with that drunk guy and the other one who likes to be called "daddy", right? I can't remember their names. Would have loved to see that lol, even a repeatable one like whenever you visit the watchtower guards you'd see BLogan with the drunk guard or the "daddy" guard. 

For some reason, seeing BLogan like this unlocked a voyeur part of me I didn't know I had lol. 

Lol, I totally agree with you.. and seeing B!Logan visiting the watchtower isn't out of character with him..

Ah yes their names are Tom and Audrey? Andrey? I keep forgetting which name belongs to who... Hoping they'll get a character portrait soon.

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There some scene during Lizard tribe visit to Bareshade event. If you choose to stay with Roushk while Roushk talking to Bernard, you will see a dialogue between Rhot and Logan and some sex scene too. (Only for Bottom Logan route)


Really?? I never did that one before... I only stayed with Roushk in my first playyhrough with T!Logan. And stayed witb Rhot with B!Logan.

Good thing I have lots of saveslots with a lot of missable sexy time, so I can easily go back to check it out^^


Lucky for you! Hope it worth for you to replay it again. >:D


Still had the saveslot with Logan getting fucked by the bandits so coul go from there. Yes that moment with Rhot was indeed very hot, wish there were more repeatable events with B!Logan being a whore...

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I hope that too. And if there have some CG in those scene, I think it would be great!

Managed to get to this one now, lol. Was hot to watch, can we mention this with Rhot at all afterwards? Or Logan. It'd be nice to have a repeat performance so I can watch them again lol. 

From latest version, nope. You still can't mention about this to both of them. Unfortunately some scenes are one time event so you can encounter it one time only in your gameplay (except you reload a previous save file). I hope some new repeatable sex scene for BLogan too.


I'll be honest, I'd actually love to see a BLogan/Gunnar, just to see how both characters would react to each other. BLogan is a powerbottom, which isn't exactly what Gunnar likes, he likes them submissive and pliant. But he also likes ass and BLogan also likes dicks in his ass, so I'm betting they could come to a compromise. 

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Yep, it's rng every fair. Kinda feel bad for BLogan actually since he hated his ex wife for banging the wolves but ends up being the same.

Welll.... there is that love potion scene.....

How do you see Logan get fuck by Ste?

You have to finish county road then go to farmstead to check on Ste. After a week around 18:00 (please correct me if I'm wrong) you can see Ste fucking Logan either upstairs or downstairs. It's repeatable but i believe only happens once a week.

How do you learn soothing potion and strong soothing potion without using the guide? I'm not interested in how to make it but what quest/event do I have to take to learn it without using the wiki or the guide


You have to complete Quests with Ruben "Ruben is an apothecary located in Northcrest."

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He will give you a bunch of tests then teachs you how to make a soothing potion both weak and strong 

Thank you! I forgot about that.

How to delete persistent save file? Pc version

I just delete ALL my saves to do it but I don't know if it works for you though

I did delete it then started the game and nothing changed 

However i checked the save game file and there is a persistent file that doesn't go away even after deletion


To delete that persistent file you need to go to the computer's storage look for the appdata and then find the renp'y file within all of your data will be there and if you delete the persistent file there it affects the game  

which persistent file?

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Hi, I didn't really give a good explanation you need to go to on your case the Acer(C:) look for the users file, select your user name inside, then look for the appdata after opening that go to the roaming and look for the RenPy inside look for the Lustful Desires file open it and all of your save files will be there including your persistent one, if you erase it from there it's permanent erasure.(I'd use a screenshot to show you but my pc is not taking the fricking screenshot)

What is the last event you can finish ingame?

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 *sorry i mean full moon


Isn't orc war still a work in progress?

The event finish with Caleb returning to "normal" after taking antilycan. After that there is troubles in the den when we see a swamp werewolf and logan/bernard becomes the new alpha werewolf

Does having lewd fame in barshade effect how npcs talk to you?

Specially logan?

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Wait... Logan can catch you sucking Gunnar's dick?? I know that quote you mentioned but I can't recall him running into me and Gunnar..

So far only Bernard has run into me doing Gunnar... I wonder though, I think Bernard knows it too at all these moments, he should have that sensitive nose just like Logan as well right?

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Is this scene happaning while you help Bernard during the day? Because I had a scene with the merchant and Gunnar but nothing sexual, maybe because I am dominant?

When you have a beer with Bernard if you have greater brave fame at some point a strange thanks you and call you a hero, while if you have a greater lewd fame the stranger squize your butt and Bernard act negatively towards the stranger.

When you have the first date with Hayden at some point a stranger touches your butt and Hayden says that he know your fame but the date is between you two, so I imagine, similary to Bernard, if you have a greater brave fame this doesn't happen.

When you sleep with the bartender you top or bottom based on which fame is greater

You have fun resting at the bar if you have lewd fame>=3 and at the hot spring if lewd fame>=3, also at the track whit the merchant if you are submissive maybe if lewd fame>=3 or if you let Gunnar use you enough. 

There are more changes in npc's behaviour (like Logan) if you go around naked rather than having lewd fame

Wow, really? thanks I'm going to try it later. 

That's okay :)

Really? Thanks for the info

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All good 😜

High lewd will lead to more random events, when you're exploring or relaxing, that a drunkard or other strangers will come to you and ask you to blow them.. (it's the other way around if your brave fame is higher)

Bernard will also comment on you during the story knowing that you like to ride dick, just like Barrel, Harold and Logan. But it won't affect your progress in any way.


anyone else just suddenly realize they have weird tastes due to literally fucking Cthulhu in this? like I'm not ashamed but I wanna know why I am into an almost literal Eldritch creature.


Ngl.. Nameless is also the first cthulhu I like ... maybe it's because of his body type... I happen to like muscles AND big bellies... nah that's prolly not it.......


yeah but Musclegut's are hot as fuck though, those are not fair with how amazing they are lol


It's the perfect body type, for me that is.. strong AND huggable... 


also they have like 50% chance of having MASSIVE dicks.


I've always been aware that I'm into some weird things but this is one of the games that highlights it for me, but yeah I understand that feeling.


fair, this has some interesting tastes, thus showing us what we are into lol.

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it does sound a little like that, but your prolly not wrong considering how many Kinks/fetishes there are.

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Green skin, 

Muscle Gut, 


and Giant Dick

 yeah your not the only one thats a Monster Fucker and it's fucking great

Is there a third heart for logan?

No there is not


rip, Thanks anyway

When is the next update?


End of the month


Do someone know how to trigger the country road event? I already set free Ste.

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If you haven't discovered the underground path to the farmstead go to forest path after day 40/44 and there is an option "enter the cave" or something like that. If you have already visited the farmstead you need 30 likes (maybe less), than you can chose "Weening the Calves" and after that "Going to Bareshade" that should trigger the event.

Ehy guys, just a quick question.. how can I make the antitoxin?


Short answer

Poison Extract
Pulp (Red)
Angel Leaf Pulp (Red)

Long answer

You need to solve two riddles of the Old witch: 

the first is poison extract

Pulp (Green) Mushroom Mushroom Pulp (Green)

while the third is antitoxin

Poison Extract Pulp (Red) Angel Leaf Pulp (Red)
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1. At the moment the most we can do with Ste is a double bj/masturbation session when he visits your house and you cook lunch and call Korg to join.

2. Yeah they were referring to the nameless, we like calling him Cthulhu since that bitch is a demon and keeps acting like an eldritch abomination for no reason whatsoever.

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Actual sex with Ste? No.. not yet, but there is lots of teasing and kissing.. there also a blowjob at the gloryhole where we THINK that's him on the other side.

Yes we are revering to Nameless.

Does someone knows if we can get more interactions with cthulhu?

Where are you now in the story?

I started the orc tribe quest, I found the nameless quest, I think that I have to wait now. Sadly

Finish the Orc Tribe quest then you can get to have sex with him

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we don't know yet :/


I trust him, albeit I'm paranoid and keep suspecting everyone and anyone but I do trust him, but yeah we don't know yet¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Despite the fact that I actually trust him, it makes me uneasy that his race (Satyrs) knows about love potions, female juices and what use he gives to the larva!


i trust him out of he is hot, but don't trust him out of "bro why you alone here and got an evil succubus despise you with a vehement passion."

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For me, I actually not 100% trust him (but I choose to trust him in gameplay btw). According to Vicoria, she said that 'Feliar' isn't his real name and Nameless tell us about 'shapeshifter' friend we have. So I assume that Feliar is the one who cause Orc's War and Nortcrest Conspiracy. Another reason, his appearance make me think about 'Satan' somehow. 

But it just my opinion. He may turn out to the most trustful person in the next period of story, I don't know either. But for sure if you choose to not trust him in gameplay, he will like you less lol

Is there any way to remove sexual exhaustion debuff? I know that Cleansing water can remove it but Cleansing water is uncreatable and limited (one a day).  


Try sleeping 2 times in a row, that always works for me


Thank you! I will try it.

Is there a bug where you're always tired, no matter how much sleep you get? I don't know how to get rid of the debuff. I hope it's not depression :P


You need to sleep 8 hours past 03:00 or during the middle of the day, why? I have no idea


Thanks! It worked!


Like Just Nonsense said, and you can also remove 'Tired' debuff by drinking 'Energy drink.'

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Did nameless main quest must complete The curse of lust good ending route?
i'm complete The curse of lust with bad ending and already give green gem to him and it didn't trigger anything after that

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the nameless story is only at the good ending, I take you were talking about the nameless story arc after you done trials for the orcs, right?


yes indeed.

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Curious... which voices do you guys imagine when the NPC's are talking to you? These are the ones I imagine;

Bernard, Roushk, Scar, Ste and Khalgor, I hear Jamieson Price (Baine (World of Warcraft), Rider/Iskandar (Fate series), Sojiro (Persona 5)).

Logan, Orgram and Red Orcs, I hear Patrick Seitz (Garrosh (World of Warcraft), Franky (One Piece), Gamagori (KLK), Olberic (Octopath)).

Barrel, Harold and Tank, I hear Fred Tatasciore (Soldier:76 (Overwatch), The Hulk (Marvel series), Rocksteady (TMNT 2012)).

Everett, I hear David Lodge (Jiraiya (Naruto), Kenpachi (Bleach), Jeralt (FE Three Houses)).

Dulrig, I hear Keith Silverstein (Torbjorn (Overwatch), Gouhin (Beastars), Shido (Persona 5)).

Arion and Jester, I hear Sam Riegel (Phoenix (Ace Attorney (Games)), Donatello (TMNT 2003), Teddie (Persona 4)).

Booner, I hear John Eric Bentley (Barrett (FFVII Remake)).

Groth, I hear Chris Metzen (Thrall (World of Warcraft)).

Korg, I hear your playable orcs from World of Warcraft.

Rose, I hear Laura Post (Catherine (FE Three Houses), Ragyo (KLK), Primrose (Octopath)).

Xeroth... I hear either Bryan Messey (Gumshoe (Ace Attorney (TV)), Oolong (Dragon Ball series)) OR I hear the voice of Stitch from Lilo & Stitch...

As for Gunnar, Bald Bandit and Rhot... unfortunately I can't link a VA with them... same with Caleb, Blake, Hayden, Othra and Nameless...

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That's an interesting way to look... or listen to it, right?

I don't watch any isekai's out there.. it's always about a boy meeting cute girls falling for him.... but where are the big burly muscular men?? Oh wait they died in the very same episode of their debut OR they're literally background characters...

"That weirdly friendly shop owner that you meet for 1 minute then comes back 3 episodes later then never appears again." Oh my God I feel this.....


Yeah.. Isekai is not the best anime genre there is due to extremely high chances of harem and repetitive plot, however when it's done well it really shines.

Like overlord for example, not only it has a pretty good worldbuilding, also lacks of harem and has pretty good male characters' designs like ainz's alter ego: momon (his armor is amazing) , gazef stronoff and my fav, sebas tian.

Tensura is also pretty nice... I mean, If you don't mind some fanservice, of course. There are some orcs (not the wow kind) , ogres, dwarves and a really cute guild master. 


I've heard about Overlord, but never watched it... might give it a try. Also gonna have to look it up what Tensura is.

Tbh I don't watch that many anime anymore, it's always seasonal with years in-between...

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For: Bernard , Ste , Logan , Roushk , Blake - thick voice ( 7 deadly sins -Scanor )

 For: Scar , Durling , No Name , Bonner a Grave voice (Vin Diesel) 

For: Everett, Feliar, Gunnar, Groth, Roth a voice of some Guard or Police not very serious not very sharp (Ban -7 deadly sins)

 For:  Xero, Arion A sharp voice (Natsu Fairy Tail or Tanjiro's - Demon Slayer) For : The Orcs the voices of Warkraft Thick voices

 To : Rosa , Madeline , Othrha any slightly soft female voice . 

by londel isekai where they look muscular I only know one is a BL called "The Bride of the Titan"


Oh I haven't watched 7DS in a LONG time (lost interest) but I can kinda still hear Escanor.. nice.

The Bride of the Titan... I looked it up, lol I only recognize the sex scene that I saw on Twitter, didn't know it was from that anime..

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm envious of the fact you can hear them with different voices I can only hear my voice but with different intonations and overall vibe depending on the character ( ;∀;)


Oh for reall.. that's kind of... unfortunate... :(


STOP. I DONT WANT TO IMAGINE TORBJORN AS DULRIG. I ALREADY HAD A THING FOR TORBJORN I DONT NEED ANOTHER REASON LMAO (although everything else I can say I never thought about it that way but knowing some of the voices you named I can actually hear it and also don't like how we share a taste of games with how many characters I could recognize.)


Lolll... Well there you have it; another reason to like Torb more..

The OW characters that can punish me any time were Soldier76 and especially Reinhardt- No I'm not simping what are you on about??

Anyway guess all I can say is; "COME GET YOUR ARMOR!!"

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do not get me start on those 2, not ashamed to admit it but I have like 50 fan fics I found for each of those character's lmao.. especially Rein in my end too. also wait what? simping nothing like that happening here :)

why was Torb's armor removed ;-;


Hehe nice.. Lore-wise I shipped Reaper76 hard.. sex-wise tho, I shipped Rein76 all the way- give me that silver bara daddy sexy time....

That's why I like Everett so much (being so slutty).. I hope that there will be a corrupted route for him too, where everyone knows about his fantasies and you can run into him having sex with the Northcrest Soldiers and with the Red Orcs (at their camp).

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i have a very strong feeling that will happen in the blackmail route, like if he does enough things against you, you actually leak the info and eventually you can stumble upon it and maybe after introducing him to Korg again some... "things" could happen, and he might be courageous enough to explore outside the city :)

(also yeah lore-wise I agree full send on Reaper76 but I also think McCree/Cole whichever it is now could be fun for reaper, then I like to add in Reinhardt dating Ana even if I'm gay it is hella cute with some of the interactions those 2 have. sex-wise I cant lie I haven't seen enough stuff about Rein76 but have seen plenty of Reinhardt and Torb to say I'm a fan of that... also may have gained a thing for size diff)

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