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How do you Get all bernard shop upgrades in the bareshade expansion part?

I can't get them all only two out of three.

edit:I was asking for Bernard's shop upgrades instead of bareshade upgrades

Isn't that 'wait 14 days and the next one becomes available'  This is by memory but I feel that's how you do that.

I tried but i couldn't ask him the third time I talked to him about it.

His shop upgrades I mean like the alchemist table, the meeting room and the extra merch.

If anyone can help with that I would appreciate it

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Very nice VN RPG. Love the story and character developments, and a good amount of lewd for that naughty player. There is just one problem I have seem to run into, and that is regarding a decision you make with the nameless the second time he comes around. I misclicked a one of the options and wanted to load back up a save, but it seems it was programmed to remember my previous answer. I do hope there is a way I can change that, and I do hope it does not have dire consequences and screw up my playthrough because I really don't want to play through the game again to change one misclick that messed up my playthrough.

Among other things, making a new playthrough won't fix it either - it's locked to your files.  I'd just make sure that in the future, when the Nameless asks something, make sure you click the one you really want.

Ah ok, bummer. Thanks.

How to trigger new quest from logan i cant trigger it can someone help me?

In the talks of Logan Top there is training, after doing so you must wait for the night to meet him at the entrance of Barashade with ,you can follow him to the forest of wolves and now the entrance to the second level is unlocked

How do I build the cell for Bernard werewolf?

First you need to build the prison, then more Plank and silver powder. This last one will be able to buy from Logan or the night Witch.

i’ve been asking for 500 years on every forum- how do you trigger the stre / logan scene after doing all the pre-requisites / re-instating the GH.

i’ve done everything and can’t get to it. please help.

you have logan top or bottom because top doesn't have scenes other than babysitting when he visits you. Logan bottom never played them.

🤔 Somewhere Help How Can Find This Oak Wood By Lumberjack Job ???


Just go to the forest near your home and check nearby area until "choping wood" event will trigger. Don't forget that without potions you can chop only three times.

Thanks 👌

🤔Barafun Do You Know Where Can Find This Heat Occisia ???

you craft it. the recipe is in the book when you study it

How do i tame the wolbauk? I got the poison but it doesnt tame the wolbauk

you need wolbauk lures, you get them from the dude who gives you the poisons i believe

Deleted 3 years ago

Both the amulet and torch are in your equipment/outfit tab. You have to equip either one of them. 

Can someone please help me? I can't get the light source. I got the glowshrooms, went and talked with Priestess, I should have gotten the amulet, but it's not in my inventory 

I’m sorry but I really need help with the Caleb scenes I don’t know when or how to exactly start them. Can anyone please help?


  • Training (Req: Werewolf event done completely, 30 days must pass – you can skip the waiting time with the option at the sawmill)
  • Payback time – step 1 (Req: Saw training, night only except of sunday, entrance to Bareshade) how do i get to the other part in this?

Hmmm Thats truly an interesting experience with Nameless with the save files, you had me with the sex scenes and now you have me with the mysteries.

Can you do anything with the injure harpy at path to shrine or that it for now

nothing unless its a secret

Which One did you guys pick The Nameless or Miss Witch.

Originally went witch and neither but based on the conversation with Nameless I decided to redo it and leave the witch and talk with Nameless and siding with him. (I reccomend loading a save after making your choice on why you do everything with nameless and redoing it for a new path)


How do you unlock the fair


I wish i could become a werewolf myself. I dont mind having to craft an antilycan from time to time, even if its not a canon in the end, i would really like to be one.


same, its something that sounds amazing because like imagine changing and jumpscaring your opponents/sexual partners by changing and not explaining shit, or just sitting there and changing suddenly and saying boo bitch im a wuff.

Is the new CG released?

Anyone knows where Torben's house is? I can't find it.

You need to have finished the Bareshade Expansion event (specifically the one where you add More Housing to the town).

Deleted 1 year ago

Just wanna say. Love the new Gunnar content in almost every update. I honestly feel like he's competing with Bernard and Logan for the most amount of events/screentime in the game.


wow you must rly enjoy his *cough cough* bc i fu-- got a black heart from him without any hesitation 


sigh, sometimes I think it's a curse lol. I just find his vulgarity honestly appealing...


i may despise him, but i cant help but like the same thing as you..........


I'd also like to imagine Gunnar having like a rough cockney accent lol. 

Sorry to ask but how you can enter the second part of the wolves den?

you need to have encountered some events with Logan and be caught up with the werewolf storyline.


how do i do the lycanthropy cure (playing v 0.36.0 )

what do you mean lycanthropy cure? do you need the recipe or something else?

Antilycan? Check in Full Moon event and complete the missions marked there.

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can someone help me on the lycanthropy cure ??? 

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for yall who want to explore all nameless choices, you could (theoretically) go to %appdata%, LustfulDesires folder, and delete the persistent file

again do this at your own risk and backup your saved files first, as I haven't tried it yet and could corrupt your saved files (and your game)

Deleted 1 year ago
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Its only there after Bareshade expansion quest to add more to the town. I think you talk to Bernard about it to get it started 🤔


i got bored while being unable to sleep after the update so i decided to create a whole ass college AU about this game. The MC is an unpopular chemistry kid with honors in that class but average in every other, along with being the only chemistry student in the honors class cause the teacher only pick certain students for his class, but one day he disappears but has something saying he will be back and is providing evidence to the staff he wont be gone for too long (but he is). Bernard is working on becoming a shop keeper who sells stuff at a school store and going for a business major (and the wraith fever gets cured by the MC because it was like something simple that can cured by chemistry) while Logan is the Woodworking student. (and his girlfriend cheats on him with the wolf kids that Caleb joined but after finding out what they did left and kinda disappeared. MC finds him with Bernard's help and then find out he was just sick for like a week and would return but still as a new group wolf kid, and the infection of Bernard/Logan would kinda be skipped because i haven't found anything yet to fit that but I'm thinking hard cause its fun.) Rhoushk and Othra are Honors students in History and theatre (plus everything else) and the lizard tribe is just a large click that follows them. the curse of lust and nameless are just a bully picking at them and tearing some of the clothes making Othra and Rhoushk feel "lewd" or unholy cause the parents raised them that way. also they find out the lizardfolk used to have a tradition that required a third person into a realtionship that would also be a part of the marriage in the future so thats how they make it canon you 3 get married (or you just steal one and make the other hate you). you also "cure the curse" by simply telling him to stop, which in turn he asks you get him something and he would. you get it he does and your the hero of the lizard click. then the witch finds out and says "if he did anything please tell me and i can get him suspended" or something and you can choose to snitch which would be "protecting your mind" or not snitch which would be choosing his side, he overhears either and likes you or doesnt based off your choice. Everett and Booner are like gossip cause everyone thinks there casually screwing but since booner is a homeless guy and Everett is principle nobody fully believes it. you find out by witnessing the same thing but in the office and record it, which you can either show good faith and delete it (or not record at all but show your phone to prove you had it but decided to keep it a secret) or record and blackmail him for better grades and stuff. or record and show to become known as gossip girl for finding the good tea. the orc war could be a big friend group falling apart and it causing fights cause its like a gang war or some shit cause they have weapons and are doing bad stuff. you get involved by doing bad stuff to prove you bad enough to join and end up befriending the leader, the mechanic and the main fighter dude (Orgram, Wolbauk dude and Groth). Gunnar could be like a pervy teacher? idk but he's only perverse to those who agree with his advances and ignores anyone who doesn't cause he doesn't wanna go to jail over screwing the wrong person? (everyone is legal and I guess this college is ok with lewd stuff as long as the grades don't suddenly spike from F's to A's). Ste could be a transfer student/teacher from a farmland heavy place and neva and evar would stay at his home. Viccoria could be like the campus slut who everyone knows want's into everyone else's pant's but are too scared to say shit cause she has screwed pretty much everyone and people enjoy it. Feliar could be the music teacher and also perverse but in a funny way unlike Gunnar. Korg could be an EX member of one of the orc clicks and have been injured so you took him to your dorm room and patched him up. he reveals then he doesn't have anywhere to go since someone blew up his room or something so that's how you get him in your dorm? oh yeah and the northcrest conspiracy storyline could be a student finds a corrupt teacher and its his dad(?). (parenthesis ? cause of lore stuff) and tank could be a childhood friend he stopped from being bullied because other kids thought he looked weird cause he had the weird metal jaw thing on from an accident. also he's massive so they targeted that too, and Gunnar could be an associate of his because Gunnar does a side business of watching children to keep them safe if the parents are rich (even though children shouldn't be allowed 100 feet close to him because of how he acts) and he bonded with Scar cause he thought the kid was cool? I really don't know we need more lore on scar and Gunnar's past XD. The pet's/mounts could be explained by the MC's Mother being a zoologist or something involving animals and she asks him to take care of them and he end's up keeping them or something. thats all I got for now, but its fun coming up with this stuff for this game cause of how fucking amazing the lore is and well written the characters are, and an example of that for me is Logan and Bernard. the Tsundere who can't accept his feeling's and the lovable oaf who is prolly the perfect husband. I had seen so many Tsundere character's and got tired of it and a million lovable oaf's but they ended up being diverse and have stories and a life of there own not based on the single characteristic like some character's out there. like how Logan doesn't always shut out the character and call him stupid or run at first sight, instead he deals with it and just denies his feelings while growing closer to MC because MC refuses to give up on him, and with Bernard he's actually dependable and not just a househusband, he actually work's a high level intelligence job is seen as a leader and has so many people loving how he does things. plus he has a history with losing friend's and learning from his mistakes rather than sticking to the past like some characters who never learn do. I love that and I'm so happy this game exists. (PS to whoever read all this I'm really fucking sorry for the mini book XD)

Do you have an AO3 acc because I would read this.


no, thanks for the compliment on that though

Deleted post

Can someone tell me how to finish the quest with teaming a wolbauk?


you talk to the dude with the other wolbauk's and get some lures then tame it and send it back to the village.

is there a full guide of the game until the latest patch notes?

While not directly, in game they have a quest log that will help you get through basically anything you're trying to get through.

How about the romance between the mc and the characters in the game? (such us logan, and more)

(2 edits)

I'm new in this update. is possible to make sparring with the orcs in the tribe or with Korg? I wish I can earn hero fame for good warrior, to make picnic with Groth or make request for Orgram. I love the art by zoroj and his big orcs

no its not possible and the only way so far to gain like or anything with them is doing the questline given by Orgram

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Omggg omgg omggg you've kept your promise hyao i love you i mean we love you I've been waiting for this update and it's here it's finally here and I'm soooo freaking excited and i want to say this youuu i loveee you hyaaoo thank you thank you😭😩<33

i wanted to ask, unfrotunately only avalaible save for me was logan discouraged to go to bandits, if i encouraged him, would something sexy happen in wolf den new update? to be honest, afraid of asking, because i dont want to play whole game again:D

Encouraged Logan never becomes a werewolf.  He has a bunch of sex scenes with various people but you don't really have a relationship with him on that route.

he also doesnt have any werewolf interactions other than the glory hole.

So there are two routes for logan right?

Why I choose to discouraged him, but why are the "like points" going so slow? Is there another way to increase their point? Help me pls:( what next I should do after seeing the scene in the night of bandits camp?

was someone able to download the file from android? Or is it just me ! the one with the error.

(2 edits)

how to have this even? i'm complete werewolf event long ago (bottom logan) i'm now day 584 ,what did i miss? (i didn't see any time skip at sawmill)

  • Training (Req: Werewolf event done completely, 30 days must pass – you can skip the waiting time with the option at the sawmill)

I can't start "playback time"


This event is only for normal logan, so you aren't able to do this one

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AWW but i want to know what is wolf den 2 tho ,TY

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Not sure if it's been posted yet, but If you hover over the Werewolves' spiral icon in the second half of the wolves den, it'll cause the game to crash.

how do I trigger the third stage of  the "payback" quest? If it is the question mark diagonally situated to the Alpha werewolf? Because if so it does not trigger anything 


Will there be a way to get bottom logan without sending him to the camp? I feel like its kind of evil to send him there in the first place and the route kind of makes it feel like hes becoming a bottom against his will and the protag is into that its kind of a turnoff especially with ste who actually seems like he likes logan genuinely

(1 edit)

I'm actually pretty sure that's the intent - if you encourage Logan, you don't really get a relationship with him and he just runs around having random sex.

Whereas if you discourage him, you then have a relationship with him and end up actually, well, learning about the guy haha.

Discouraging him is clearly the [good] option, but if you're just looking for scenes that option is there too.

The only thing that we can do it now is wait for a new Logan update. With Bernard it took 3 hearts to have sex with him and choose between bottom/top, human/werewolf. So far you can get at maximum 2 hearts with Logan, at least for me. There's no other way than wait or encourage him to raid the camp, but losing the relationship option.

Is an update being posted today?

updates are usually at the end of the month so possibly tonight but that's more on the early side always expect an update in the last 2 days of a month,and if he needs a bit more time the first few days on the next month,since it's october i wouldn't be suprised if he needs soem more time since he could be cooking up some nice things 

Please give us another chance to change decisions with nameless

He warned you if you didn't listened and picked something without thinking that's your fault.

I did the mistake too and restarted my entire game (day 200+), a punishment for not paying attention or ignoring the warning fits for such a strong being tbh.

As a note, restarting your game won't change your choice either.  I'd just keep your save and in the future when you tell him something, make sure you mean it.

What to use to tame the Wolbauk???

wolbauk lure

I practically finished the android version cant wait for the update

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