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I loved the ToS quest addition and def loved Nauxus. Althought, I think I finished the quest too soon and didn't get to do much with him. Is there supposed to be a CG or scene with him aside from the shower at the pond?

Only scene is the scene in the lake thing where you jerk him off.

Hello! Can we do anything sexual with ruben at Northcrest?

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Not at the moment, i wish there was though.

God yes, I second on that haha. And my guess is if we ever get an update for him, he's gonna be a dom. I dunno, he has that vibe on him. Probably will spank you if you make a mistake in his herb lessons. 

I didn't even think about that, but yeah he kinda just.... Feels that way I guess? Like how regular logan always gives off a "give me affection but the wrong affection and you die" vibe.

Does anybody know where the third acolyte is for the quest the priestess gave you?

There one in the dark swamps, one in the temlpe, the last one is near the lake at the woods.

Ok cool, thanks a lot :)

Deleted 3 years ago

It is located in Bareshade's Tavern basement. In order to excavate it you need to obtain a pickaxe either crafting it or buying it from the blacksmith. (Note this activity will make your character tired eventually like chopping wood or other similar activities)

I have a question. Can i get a heart with Logan if i didn't choose him in the werewolf quest?

And let's say that i chose Logan in werewolf quest, will i be able to get 4 hearts with Bernard?


If you choose Logan for the werewolf quest you can still get hearts with Bernard but if you choose Bernard for the werewolf quest then you can't get hearts with Logan


hey im struggling to find the binding powder recipe, can someone please  help me find the recipe

There is not a recipe, you have to buy it from Bernard or Torben

I was wondering what happend if I tell Rhot that i'm fine with him calling me human slut


I think this is a more "kinky" thing that goes around the two of you. It doesn't really affect the story overall

Oh, then I think I made the right decision. thanks 

Hey guys! I have a question, im really new in the game, im in day 7 so youll see hehe. And im a little bit afraid in the part of "fame". Like, i play a lot with the Tease and Horny stuff, so i got a lot of "bad fame", basiquilly a whore in the town and im really scared if i continue like that i will not like the guys in the town or ill get a bad ending. Do i have to stop being a horny whore or it is just a secondary mecanic. HELP, IM REALLY AFREID :C 

No worries,they don't care who you are,you have to raise it to unlock few story and a place in Bareshade。

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Hey guys, is it possible to transfer a save file from PC to Android? 

EDIT: And can I ask, are there other scenes I'm missing with Xer apart from the massage handjob and Fair dating scene? I kind of discovered him way late in the game... (Like after all the quests are done minus all the WIP ones) 

He also has a scene at the Waterfalls though where he tells me to talk to Rourshk about my reputation as a Lizard Tribe Slut. Which doesn't appear in Rourshk's conversation.

Oh and my character is also a slut for Xer (Dunno if that affects scenes with him that I'm missing). Just honestly hope we also get a threesome/spit-roast scene with Xer/Player/Rhot like with Bernard and Caleb. 

Hi everyone, how can I raise my brave fame at Northcrest?

How do I get Caleb to like me more?

ofcurse play with him

how do you play with him because the likes stopped for me at 24

beer him 

do you walk with him at night? Or have you had a sleepover with him along with Bernard?

Guys, how can I make an anti toxin potion to help the wolf in the forest, I'm at the scene where I have to find the cure for werewolves

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This is the recipe:

1-Poison Extract   2-Pulp (red)   3-Angel Leaf   4-Pulp (red)   5-Nothing

hi, thanks for the recipe detail but where can i learn this recipe from? i checked everything and it's no where to be found

how do you find roushk like I cant find the way to battle him


how you gone to the underground lake?

i don't know how i got to the underground lake my be a glitch on my side sorry

god when responding to you i have made a million spelling errors im sorry about that. and your good if its a glitch its not your problem but it will need to be reported so hyao can get it fixed. are you on mobile or pc? also have you done the prequests to unlock the area?

I'm on PC I've unlocked the underground corrupted lake and have done all of the lust cures and all of the lizard treasure as well as the crossover

you said you got the corrupted lake and did lizards treasure and the crossover, does that mean roushk is in the temple at the moment?

oh and I hope this is any problem but I went over to the maker of tavern of sphere and asked if he's thinking of doing another crossover i'm sorry for doing that i just like this game so much and seeing nauxus just shocked me because I've also play'ed tavern of spheres 

Hello, can someone help me?

I've been struggling with the "find roushk" on the curse of lust event, I've already found him, I can battle with him, but it still says it's incomplete, and I also haven't been able to learn reptile's lure from the witch, even thou I have already encountered the raptor.

  Did I do something whrong, or was it that the game just didn't feel like working for me?

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Probs a dumb question, but have you checked the event log for The Curse of Lust (scroll at the bottom) to see if you skipped any steps? Or is it an issue w/ your game?

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That's exactly where the mission doesn't want to work, I have checked and rechecked, didn't miss any steps.

If it really is an issue with my game, I'll just uninstall and reinstall it later

Thank you!!!!

You have to take the raptor back to her, and after that you can learn it in the book at your house, and if I'm not mistaken the "find Roushk" only checks out after defeating him

I would, if the witch at least asked for it, but she didn't, there's no task nor talk, with the day witch and night witch.

As for the find roushk, I'll try to beat his ass in combat and see if it works, thank you!!!

The witch is different if you go there at day or at night. She is either an old or a young woman. Only one of them gives you the quest to bring her the raptor (I think you have to go there at day to get the task, but I'm not sure on that)

you do have to beat him to continue the event


I have a feeling I'm still quite early on but I'm loving it so far! 

The instructions on how to obtain certain ingredients or items can be a bit vague but it's still fun anyway.

Hi, where can i find "wine"? Please.


You can find it at the Northcrest marketplace stands in the food section.


Likes: 60


Where can I see/read more scene of Ste?🐂

I only have the Glory hole with a Discouraged Logan. 🥺

He also visit my house to do some picnic, then he kissed goodbye. And that's it.

I there's more, please do tell me. And thanks in advance! 🥺💕


There's a sexy scene with Ste and Korg if you also have him in the house. 

I still have Korg with me since I'm still figuring Northcrest and Orc clan.

So, how can I trigger that scene with Ste and Korg though? 🥺💕

Ste visit the Hut between 10:00 to 16:00 if I get it right .


I honestly just involved Korg with our conversation, which I think is also an option in the 1st visit IIRC? Because the 2nd visit is when the sexy time happened. I offered us lunch and invited Korg to eat with us... which ended in sexy times lol. 


I didn't know!

Plus, the first visit is all I got, so hopefully, maybe it'll happen soon since I've read that Ste's visit is repeatable, but only a chance that it'll happen any time of day.

But, thanks again! 💕🥺


"Only a chance that it'll happen any time of day." That and plus once a week only so.. better do other quests first lol or just sleep it through the week. 

I wanted ask is there a list or guide in getting hearts for each character in the game cause I want to know which characters that can actually earn hearts?

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There's one by the creator in-game, but it's lacking content since it hasn't been updated.

I believe that rn you can earn hearts with Bernard, Logan, Caleb, Arion, Hayden, Korg, Xeroth, Rhot, Roushk, Othra, and Ste.

(1 edit)

Thank you very much

Are there any plans to add pronoun/trans options for the player character? I'm very interested in this game but not being able to have the parts I do without being seen as a women ruins the immersion for me. other than that personal issue the game looks great so far though! Love to see nsfw projects like this.


I can't imagine that,why you wanna be a trans in a game.I want to tell you if you chose female in this game,there is only fake dick you can play with,not fun at all.So, this is still a game for gay,don't think about it.(Is that trans has v... or  dick,plz don't make it more complicated,that's enough )

I read a lot things about trans,"gene or free will",i don't judge.

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I am a man , but I can not relate to having a dick , so it ruins the immersion to me .  choosing female makes the game talk about having breasts and being a girl , which I also can't relate to. This is why it would be ideal to be able to mix and match parts , and chose what my character is referred to by ( she or he ) . I hope this helps you understand.

Maybe a potion that lets the player change their genitals , so you could chose the male , change your genitals , and still be the male .


You should know,i had thinking about having baby,and  i saw somebody made video or movie about "man having baby".but almost of us wouldn't think about change our genitals.

I'm sorry i can't understand, but i want you  have a happy life,that is the most important thing.


I understand that it wouldn't be for everyone or very high demand , i just think it would be a great feature for players like me who are interested in having non-cis bodys . that's all ^^

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Yeah,why not? You already can create that kind character in "cyberpunk 2077" now,but i haven't see such a story or pornographic fiction yet.I mean you and us,we have different definitions of sexy.So  i don't know who gonna write that for you.

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Where can I find pearls?


Rare random drops from the murlocks in the Cove.

Thank you ^^

So, when was the second version of the threesome added with Caleb and Bernard? I just had that scene today and instead of anal, they gave my character a blowjob. Does this have anything to do with the bottom Logan route? If not, then why am I getting this scene?

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My guess is that your character switched their role or position (which happens if you don't lock it) and the bj scene is the top alternative.

There's an anal scene? I only saw the bj one.

Didn't know positions affected events that much. I got spitroasted by the werewolves honestly lol. 


Any news on if the guide is going to be updated soon for more recent content? :O

My thoughts exactly.

It's been outdated for quite a long while. 👊😔

where can i find emerine?

Emerine is in the mulbury caves.  You can get there via Korg telling you about it, which he will eventually do amidst the discussion of Northcrest/Orc battles.  (There's also a way to get there without Korg, but I don't know what it is).

You can then find it in the section of the cave-dungeon with the Emerine golems (They only show up in that one area).

i explore all mulbury caves and i can't find emerine golems

is there any change for the full moon mission if i never talk to logan about the bandit attack, i mean if i never talk to him to encourage or discourage him to go for the bandits?

(Sorry for my bad english)

Just tried it out and I couldn't progress until I had the discourage/encourage talk with Logan, so I don't think there's a difference with the WW event.

how do i get Ste farm path done? i already got 57 like and one heart, but nothing seems to trigger the path to my house ( im think is needed to the visit)

have you tried talking to him about visiting bareshade?

when you do, you and ste will go to bareshade via the tunnels and eventually introducing him to bernard.

Once done, he'll talk about how he'll stop isolating his family and make a path to his barn to trade crops to bareshade. Thus, triggering the "Country Road" quest.


how do you make xer win in the lizardman contest

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I don't think it's possible for him to win, though (atleast not yet). I tried many times but he still can't win.

Edit: Wait, sorry. He can win.

Now IDK if this is true or not but this is based on what I did.

First you need to root for Xer to win then distract the other three. Distract with a conversation with Grushk and/or Rhot, and have sex with Roushk and/or Rhot.


I love that they added more history to the orc people in addition to getting to know them more (and especially Groth's naked body) and it is also interesting that we delved deeper with the mysterious character the Nameless, now I am excited for the next update and what it will add and personally I hope it is about the tribe of lizards so that I can know more about their plot and in addition to being able to get more hearts with them

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OMG, are you really making me start the game all over, please tell me theres another way, you know what im talking about, no spoilers

Drips... Drips.. Drips..

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Nope - when you pick something in relation to him, make sure you mean it.

(I'm also not completely sure that starting a new game will fix whatever choice you made)

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Agreed, i do really hope there is another way, i do understand the  4th wall breaking-undertale style-you made a choice and You are stuck with it, BUT.... i am not realy that fine with it. :( 

And yeh, i am not sure playing a new game will revert this (not to mention that replaying from scratch after last time when old saves bacame obsolete was problematic alredy, thankfull for the items adding options though)

Any suggestion? So far I have received two visits and now I must return to the temple and decide what to do, it seems a choice between betraying or geting a very powerful enemy


I don't feel like there is a 'correct' answer there (although do make sure, when you are talking to the Nameless, that you say the answer you actually want to say, haha)

The Nameless clearly does not have the best of intentions for, well, anybody.  You are likely included in 'anybody'.  Working with him may result in big perks, but it also could cost you perks with other people.

Then again, he may be too strong to properly stop all the same.  Appeasing him might mitigate what he does.

I personally went with standing firmly against him - I see my herbalist as the only entity standing between the Nameless and Bareshade/Lizards/Orcs/Northcrest, haha, so I'm more than willing to accept the Witch's help.  (Plus I mean, I /said/ I would  help out the witches in advance).

If the goal is just sexytimes, then you'll probably get that either way, just to varying degrees haha.


So it's inevitable, I guess I can't avoid it forever hehe :/



a new patch lets goooo!!!

Hello, where can i find potion to heal shopkeeper? 😭

(1 edit) (+1)

It's Spectral Sirup. I think you'll have to study about Heat Occisia at home then go speak to the Lizard Priestess, so she can tell you how to make it (1: Angel Leaf, 2: Red Pulp, 5: Water Lilly). Then you can make Spectral Sirup (1: Blue Pulp/ 2: Heat Occisia/ 3: Red Pulp/ 4: Heat Occisia/ 5: Blue Pulp)

Thank you so much, now i'm try to find a way to seduce logan, but i think not possible for now. Maybe in future update 😊 

Hey guys. Redoing my save, just curious, what's better; to lose to the Scar in the bandit camp or to win? Obviously losing brings Barrel to Bareshade, but are there any other big things that happen if you win or lose?

Winning brings Barrel to Bareshade too and you get bandits respect, if you defeat Scar by lust you get a scene with him (just text, no image)

Ahh okay. Anything else other than that bit, like later down the line?

Nothing else as far as I have played


I had no idea you could lose that battle and still progress. O_o I guess you learn something new every day

How can I activate Ste visit? He supposed to visit mc house(which one btw) but no matter how i try he doesn't appear

You have to go to your house, the one where the game begins.

Deleted 3 years ago

What I did was just do chores with him around the farm, some quests as well, and spend time with his kids. I think after it stopped notifying me that "Ste likes you more", I went home. Then I dunno if the glory hole thing has any bearing but I spent a LOT of time there as well lol. Then Korg informed me that there was a visitor and it was Ste. I had him in my home now two times already and jerked him off along with Korg. Dunno if a third visit will happen though. 

How do you make the aphrodisiac? 

Aphrodisiac : water lily, blue slime. succubus leaf, nothing, green slime if you mean the love potion it is :. succubus leaf, water lily, succubus leaf, water lily, nymph hair

I  want to cook it in real life,can i?

Just as soon as you find succubus leaves and nymphs

Hey going over the update notes but not seeing how i get the gloryhole scene with caleb, I also apologise since im a blind bitch and may of completely overlooked it while reading them

Gloryhole scenes with Caleb is in his barn actually. I'm assuming you're talking about the Farmstead Gloryhole based on the update? Well, Bareshade also has a glory hole at the barn. Now my question is if Logan also appears in the Gloryhole at Farmstead. 

Oh ok,  what are the requirments for either/both of those since I haven't seen anything for them 

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I'll be honest, I can't recall how I unlocked the gloryhole for the barn, it just came up one day when I went to Caleb.

But what I did was just really raise his Like to me. (Oh and you have to have a Bottom Logan for this one, because I think he is the one who constructs the gloryholes... because he is now a slutty construction man, now that I think about it)

Honestly though, best advice is to visit him everyday and try to make him like you, flirt with him when he does.

After which I have done all of this is when the gloryhole scenes started.


For the Farmstead Gloryholes though... I also just made sure Ste liked me enough until the interaction to question the "holes" in the farm fences comes up (Plus making sure everyone survives in the Country Road questline- indicated as Green fonts in the Event Logs)

Ah ok thanks for the info, got the barn gloryhole with caleb going on just going back and redoing the bottom logan route since havent done that since the old saves thing

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I think the new Nameless visit does not happen when you accept the witch'es help. Or maybe I just don't know how to trigger it. Hovewer, if I reject her help and go to sleep, Nameless appeares and asks me questions. First time he gave a few options, when he asked what I really care about, and I saved the game before it. But each time I use that save and want to check the options again, there is some "boom" happens (after drip drip drip) and instead of different answer options, I see "Did you really think your tricks would work on me every time..." even though I did no tricks. I think it's some sort of bug.


there's no bug on it, the game stick to your decition even if you load an old save, thats why you get that answer from the nameless, i was trying some stupid things and now i regret it, gotta start the hole game bcs of it

Yeah, I realised that now too)

I'm not sure starting a new game will help though, as the choice is  saved into persistent data.

Im sorry but wheres the Iron Blood Village, im a blind ass bitch😔


It should be towards the top of the map where the cave complexes are. You'll have to keep exploring the wasteland area until you encounter an orc who will take you to the village.


Take the cave exit from the troglydite section. The north exit from the Munberry Cave network.


New updaaaate!!!😆❤️❤️

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stares...waiting for the next update,I CAN'T WAIT,MORE MORE MORE


Hello, I need a little help. Do you know how to tame a rapigator or tame any other animal?


As you progress through the plot involving the lizardfolk, the witch will eventually have a quest for you to tame a raptor, in which she'll give you your first Raptor Lures.

Each time you use a lure in the same fight, it gives you increased percentage on your chance to capture the creature.  Get the number over 100 turns to have a 100% chance (This takes five lures, although you can be risky with four if you'd rather)., while that will get you a raptor, the wolf, dog, and horse are obtained in different fashions.  You buy the horse (you get one of three choices), you meet the dog in Bareshade, and you meet the wolf in the Wolf Den.  Since you asked about 'any other animal' that is, haha.  The other 'X Lure' enemies work identically to Raptor Lures catching you Raptors.

Hello, In the battle of the Raptor I put 7 positions, but at the end of the battle it did no't give me the option to tamer, I tried doing it with the ratkin but it does n't give me the opportunity to tamer


That's... that's very strange. 

Was the 'turns' number still over 100 after you won the battle?  As the only thing I can think of that would change that is if you used the lures and then waited until the turn counter went under 100.

Well, that or uh, are you sure you're using Raptor Lures on the raptors?  And it's just the 'lone raptor', not one that's being ridden by a lizardman or something?

If those don't work, try winning the fight in a different way (Tease to victory if you were attacking, attack to victory if you were teasing).  You do have to then win the fight, if that was in question?

If none of that works then I'm at a loss for what you are doing incorrectly.  Maybe go through a step by step?

First of all , I go with all the life points full and without lust, I throw the reptile lure potion (until they are 6) holding the attacks and when I run out of potions, I make two attacks and die or lose. I must emphasize that many of the images of the monsters I do not see, only some appear in others a shadow is seen and those that happen to me so much with examples  the lizarman warrior, raptor, hornet and big rat & ones more, they simply can't be seen. It will be because I use the Android version ? 


Aha, I think that's the problem - you need to then win the encounter after you use the lures.  Attack (or Tease) until one more use will win you the battle, use five lures, then Attack (or Tease) to win the battle.

The enemies not having pictures yet is intentional - Hyao is slowly adding them as Zoroj and Gavel work on them.  So the pictures you're missing are pictures everyone is missing right now.

Is there any way to re-read the letters that your master sends you? I know I'm supposed to make potions but I didn't write it down and now I'm not sure.


You have a scroll icon which shows you your active quests.

If you're that early on, try going to Bareshade and speaking to the shopkeeper there, he may suggest things to do!

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