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Hello, are there specific conditions for the alpha to appear in the top right of the Wolf Den, aside from during the day.  I've only been getting a single wolf or a trio.


The middle wolf of the trio is the alpha

Then shouldn't he drop the Fang that I need for the Bog Witch


For him to drop the fang you need to win by attacking you cannot tease


awesome, thank you


hello! I have a couple of questions on how to do some things, currently I am at day 92 in the update 0.31 and I wanted to ask how I can meet ste and gain a love point for logan. I did this on the old saves but I just dont remember how to now.

To meet Ste you have to save Korg and then come back to Victorias cave where you can save him. To gain a love point with Logan you have to choose to save him during the full moon event and stay with him during that night.

You can also gain another love point for Logan by doing the "I owe you a beer event"

How can i get the "memory of another place" from Roushk?


Hey guys how do I dropkick Gunnar into the nearest star?

can you go to mythshore yet


a question is it possible to get to the orc camp
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It appears to be a work in progress even though it is not marked that way. Not all works in progress say they are works in progress. I have not found any other interaction there besides the one that says it not time yet or whatever the exact wording is. I hope others reply too because I am also curious if anyone has gotten farther.

ok i understand thank you very much
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will a female bandit sprite ever be added? ;-;

Bandits' gang isn't full without her (I'm interested in it even though I'm playing as a homosexual)

There is a female bandit, I don't know about the visuals tho.

yeah she most likely eventually get a sprite, no promises when though.

I have a question . How to enter wolfs den even if its morning ? I tried everything but i cant enter it just say stuff that i cant enter . Pls help

You need to progress the full moon quest until you have to look for wolves den.

But if you are talking about the door in the wolves den, then there is no way you can enter yet.

okay thank you 


Does anyone know how to get mounted by your pets as it says that you can in the wiki but I am not sure if still accurate

Relieve yourself at your house


You have to train them to do it. I think the option only opens up after you've been mounted by animals enough times outside of home. 
Teasing wolves and then submitting to them will accomplish that. There's also a stray dog that will mount you if you have public sex in Bareshade, but you have to have a high bitch rating (and maybe also need experience with wolves?)


How can you be mounted by your pets? like the black wolf.

relieve yourself > Wolf

how do i get gunnar  in the fishing village?

He has always just shown up after I wandered around long enough, have you tried at night? I think it has always been at night now I think on it. But that could just be coincidence.

What can I do with the horse, I only see that it says like and domination

Feed the horse and Tricks will appear. Keep training the horse until the tricks are mastered (it will lower the horse's energy each time and you will need to keep feeding it).

The you can Take the horse and it will shorten your travel time. There is also at least one task that requires you have a mount with you.

how do i feed it

Use the Feed button. It's in the screenshot. The horse eats carrots if I remember correct. You can buy carrots from the shopkeeper Bernard. But there's no harm in just clicking it first and see what happens.

If you don't see the same menu I posted, click the tools icon at Home, then the horse icon (Animals). The menu you described (Like, Dominance) I have only ever seen in the Prison Cells, and you can't keep a horse in prison, so I am not sure what it is you are looking at.

The only other way I know to interact with your animals is at home, 'Check outside " then "Check animals", but the only option for the horse there is "Name horse".

does anything bad happen when you have fun with werewolf bernard in your basement

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Is the option red? If it is then yes if no then no. My reply is like this because I still didn't try saving Logan instead of Bernard... and with Logan the have fun option traumatizes him so...

What do you mean it traumatizes him?

He has a line after the full moon quest of how he doesn't remember how he was when he was a wolf but he remember a cell and someone there with him... Although it might been the way I read it and not necessarily the way it was meant to be, but to me it seems like he dreads that cell and that someone

Oh ok. :)

yeah he remembers something but he's unsure who it was. hyao prolly has a plan for doing that to backfire eventually where he gets mad at you. not yet but someday.


Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, how do you get the Alpha Male Fluids?

Defeat the Alpha Werewolf in the Wolves Den. He appears at night in the lower right hand corner, marked by an "!".

And how do I find the wolf's den

If I'm not mistaken you need to keep looking around the area in the forest and eventually your character will find it or the option becomes available after you get the quest one or the other... Sorry I have a shitty memory I did the quest like four days ago irl...


like same, but yeah its unlocked by a quest from the witch as magnus said.


The Wolves Den unlocks in the Forest when you accept the Cure for lycanthropy task from the Witch at night.

Sex with alpha wolf

2 ways.
beat it in combat an you get alpha male fluids from its blood
raise its lust to 100 an the kinky options let you get the fluids that way

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is there a way to get one heart with logan without picking him during the werewolf event


No. Fortunately picking him does not affect your relationship with Bernard, so you can pick Logan with no negative ramifications with Bernard.

You should pick him to werewolf event. Dont worry about Bernard, you still get hearts from him 3 hearts actually, just by visiting the cabin in the woods every friday night. I picked Logan's path in werewolf event and i still got 3 hearts from Bernard.


4 hearts, which you can obtain by seeing the firework event with bernard.

Does anyone knows the recipe for blinding bomb?

While the game is running if you go to the menu there's a link for the guide which gives you the formulas for all the creations.

what can i do to win the hunting contest

You need to just keep on defeating the cursed lizardmen

i just sat in one spot near the entrance and farmed the lizardman hunter.

Can someone tell me how to get to watch the fireworks with roushk? I invited the lizard tribe. Wat next?

On every Sunday, there's a fair, (which will only appear if you told Bernard about starting the fair), you need a certain amount of pretty much each bomb to start a firework show. You need to set it up before 20:00. If done so, at 20:00-22:00 the firework show would start and you can pick who you want to watch it with.

you also need Roushk to like you a certain amount. plus I'm 50% sure he has to have a heart, i always make sure he has one before i do it because I'm semi obsessed with him. you can try it without the heart and with it to find out tho

Hello, can someone help me, please, I'm in the sanctuary and othra won't let me accept the mission of (subjugation of libido) that I have to do to be able to accept it.

You have to learn Restrain Potion before you can accept that mission. There is a task for Bernard the shopkeeper called "More Potions" that unlocks the recipe for Restrain Potion in your book at home. Study it.


Thank you so much

Can someone explain how do I get the Bentley's Medallion? I know it is on the south munbury cave but I don't know where, and I'm tired of searching there!

Also, how do I enter on that blocked secret passage on the Emerine Golem's cave? The game says I need to gain their trust, but how?

(7 edits) (+1)

The Bentley's Medallion is in the Old Crypt which connects to the south Munbury Cave entrance by a tunnel you have to discover. You have to enter the Crypt from the Munbury Cave side. If you have not discovered the Old Crypt through the other entrance already you may need to first. If you have already discovered the Old Crypt, try raising your perception and looking in the south entrance area some more.

The secret passage in the Emerine Golem part of the Munbury Cave is probably a WIP that you cannot enter yet, at least according to the most experienced players on the Patreon page Comments section. I tend to agree with them.

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Thank you so much! 

how much perception points do i need to acquire for it?



The secret passage in the Emerine Cave is still a WIP yes, but you can still unlock it. You can gain their trust by having sex with them, top or bottom.

how do you get a traveler set

One place is the Rat King's junkyard, you can rummage at one spot in it until you get one, and it's repeatable.

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Can we repeat the I owe you a beer scene again 

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No. Unless you saved over that event it is a one time thing, for now maybe something could change if he gets more hearts....

Is it possible to create a way to raise bitch fame in the ruins, even after the celebration? Like for example if we go in nude it would raise it, etc. That way it would be a lot easier to get the waterfall scenes.

You can talk to Xeroth about how things are going to raise either you bitch or hero fame in the Ruin.

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Is it the slutty tendencies option? That one doesn't raise my bitch fame though...unless its some other option that I dont have :,)

Odd, I got mine up to 11, maybe it has to do with your role and/or position. Yeah, that is the option.

ohh i see, I think I had myself becoming a top from getting enemies to submit too much, lemme try it as a sub

Nope nvm, i have no idea how to get it up ;-;


I think you need to be a bottom for the b*tch fame. Because if youre a top to the enemies instead of gaining points from them, you'll lose it. Because being a top in the story, meant FORCING them to you know wink*  haha. 

And you should be submissive as well, just use 1 (or 2 depends on how much is their lust bar) Lust Potion each Battle, and then Submit. I always do that. Bottom and submissive. And every time i had sex with the enemy, i always gain fame.

A way for increasing bitch fame is to spar with the lizard warrior,not to rhot, and ghusk. Just a random lizard warrior. And just do the instruction i mentioned above.

could always use a save editor to cheat your bitch fame up

Where can I get diabolic herb?pls help me

The Dark Swamp. You can find it or you can buy it from the witch at night.

And how can I find the dark swamp or a witch

Complete the Lost acolytes quest for Ortha the lizard priestess. Go to the Swamp. Explore the Dark Swamp for the Witch's Hut.


Ok thank bae

Does anyone remember how to unlock the scene with Roushk at the waterfall area?

Do you mean the one where he and you make out with each other at the end of the lizard festival in your honor cause you near the curse?


Choose stay with Roushk a little while after the lizard party. And ì he asked you if he hurt you in any way, just say no

How do I cure Bernard's disease?

It's the spectral syrup you learn from studying at home then talking to Othra about. The ingredients are as follows

1. Blue pulp

2. Heat occisia 

3. Red pulp 

4. Heat occisia 

5. Blue pulp.

hey which is ste farm road quest?

Pretty sure that's the one where you build a road to bareshade from his farm.

And with rhot how can speak more to him and he have a some scene or something?, And Logan ? He can to see naked them?jeje

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Rhot and logan both have scenes, Rhot you just need to have his like over a certain amount and then sleep in the priestess' sleeping arrangement she and Roushk made for you. Only at night tho, it will promt you noticing he's watching you sleep then talking to him unlocks the ability to sleep with him at night.

Logan is a little more complex, for him it depends on what your after. Like if you want him as bottom there is a lot of shit for that you can find by progressing other events when you choose to corrupt him. But top wise, not so much. He only has 2 scenes and one of them is a boss fight where the only variants are winning, losing and the sanity ending.which now that I think about is a pretty good amount of variation for a boss..... And the only human scene requires a lot of other quests to be done. Like ste's road, the entire werewolf storyline up until I think caleb, the rng based barrel encounter at the bar during night time and the entirety of the bareshade expansions done.

oh I see, so many things for Logan but I think is good jeje , thanks , y try to speak or something with rhot and Logan , but Ste's were is he ? I made the quest with arion and Victoria but I can't see anymore?

I don't think the viccoria and arion event is a quest so if you mean it's not showing up in your quest log that's normal. If you mean you can't ask arion at all it might be because he's not interested or something else, I'm unsure cause I always had him at one heart when I asked him,so maybe you need more hearts? Unless you already have it in which case I'm unsure.

Thanks, but how to see Hayden naked or something  scene with him?

legit just hang out with him. do his hangout, help him and pay for private baths with him. eventually when his like is high enough he will invite you to a free bath where you fuck aorund.

Is it possible to turn the herbalist into a werewolf?




A lot of people want it, but no.


ikr ;-;

Where is the junkyard?

Explore the area close to the entrance in the bar basement until you discover the tunnel leading to it.

what does sanity do and what happens when you run out

Sanity is kinda like health but if you lose it makes you reload a save rather than respawn at the house. Also gives endings based on certain people and creatures. Like Roushk has one, the slimes, raptors, alpha werewolf and more I can't come up with in the top of my head.

so... I'm playing on Android, and I think this is a bug? Merchant on track day 2.

left side is what merchant is selling, an right is what you have in your bag that you can sell to the merchant.
there nothing wrong

Not that, as you can see in the middle, the description of the items are wrong, it triggers when I changed between item. It is minor but kinda annoying

Unless you want to say your health potion can do damage to other people

I wanna toss a poison on my enemies suddenly because of this lmao.

It says health potion but underneath it says "a regular arrow" and unless you are fucking projectile YEETING that fucker and removed the healing aspect, I think that's what's wrong.

Hello anyone know how to see naked Hayden , o how to have more likes with rhot , or something with Logan ?

Talk to Hayden and ask to rent a room for the night. He'll quote you a price, then quote you a slightly higher price to get a female prostitute to be in your bed (it might be his wife, I'm not sure, never took that offer), and then you can ask him how much to have him join you. If you pay his price (40 gold, I think) you can sleep with him. Normal scene is he fucks your character, but if you're male and you have a high Bareshade Hero score (higher than your bitch score) you can top him. Either way you see his sprite naked.

ohh thanks , but how can to rent a room? With him?

Oh, I'm dumb. As xXToothless113Xx points out I was thinking of Harold, not Hayden.

Hayden is the guy in the bathhouse, not the bartender. That's harold. And yes the female is his wife.

Deleted 2 years ago

Oh, yes I mean Hayden , and I try to bath with him , o help sometimes but nothing more to see more to him

Hello. Anyone know how to give supplies to jester? I give the first the beer and others but , he need supplies .

you have to talk to benard about supplies

mm is the second task , I think the first time I speak with him , but I try again to see, thanks 

Hello, could someone help me, how can I get to the wolf guard?

Wolf guard?


Do you mean prisoner? If you don't and I'm missing something big ima cry cause a wolf guard sounds fucking sick.

is there way to view all the images of scenes like the rat king and Tao?

If you get the 5 dollar patreon version that comes with a gallery, yes! If not no.

Well actually if you save over the scene you can also view it that way if your willing to go through a lot of saves lol

how do you ride the horse so that the travel times are shorter

or is that not a thing

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First you have to train it until you have mastered "ride" then you have to take it.

You should see it in your equipment window.

And don't forget to take it off when you are done.

I  understand you can't enter the underground on a horse.

Just so you know, the map will still reflect the walking time but you will move faster as seen by the game clock.

what will happen to my relationship with logan and bernard now that i finished the bandit quest and submitted and became a whore to the bandit?



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Yeah, bernard just gets flustered when he heard about it. I don't remember what logan does though..... Pretty sure it's nothing.

how do you teach your pets more tricks

like for my dog, i can only do sit

maybe its obvious and I'm dumb but I cant find how you can


You have to raise their like (by feeding them) to learn more tricks.

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