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Does winning or losing fights via lust to the hostile lizardmen randomly encountered in the swamp affect the chances of getting the Bad/Corrupted ending for the Lizard Tribe?

No, as long as they random you're safe. Only in sparring with lizards of the tribe, pleasuring Rhot and the acolytes when met that rises it. And you have to have 10 lust with both warrior and acolytes to get bad ending.


You need to update the guide.  My question: what is the pheromones for?

Currently they are used in the Home Interaction screen (where you can choose to build home improvements) to make potential intruders too horny to beat down your door and wake you up at night. At the top where it lists your available materials there is a button to use them.

Deleted 3 years ago

You need to create Aphrodisiac and use them in that menu.

The traps however... Im still trying to figure out how to make one, but I believe it has something to do with the Junkyard thing.

Deleted 3 years ago

I don't think traps are in game right now. Also coincidence about our names?

What are all the differences between the Logan Bottom route and Normal route again?

Bottom route - no dating

Normal route - dating



This game is so perfect, the creation of an original world with an exciting and well-developed story. Congratulations on the work, i am looking forward to future updates.


I have a question are there any plans to make it that the player can become a werewolf or wererat? If not, would you consider it?

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Hiya, I'm stuck! I cannot enter the second door in the wolf den , says "there's no way for you to deal with such danger" and such. I have the quest from witch to get the wolf fang from pack leader. Tried capturing wereBernard to see if it makes a difference but to nothing changes. Thanks bunches. Also, I do it during day, since quest book tells so.

Deleted 3 years ago

what did you do to fix it?


Hmmm, I been wondering. Is mount option in training for horse and dog is erased in the new updates or i haven't fulfilled a requirement. If their is a requirement what it is?


Last time i got it i had to have the affinity for wild wolves and werewolves high enough to where when you submit to the werewolves the wolves would join in too. Then i could teach him mount after that


Well, my reputation with wild wolf and werewolf is very high after all i use love potion on them but still no able to have mount option in training for horse and dog

Have you submitted to them so they fuck you? You have to raise their lust first so they'll want to fuck after you submit.
You probably need experience being mounted in the wild to unlock doing it at home.

It's quite easy actually. First you need to be above wary with the wolves and then you need to be very horny when you go to the page for training. Then it's just like all the other training.

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey hey! Are you aware that there is a bug inthe Curse of lust event where you try to go to the bad ending of the game where you tricked the priestess of telling her to tell everyone about the existence of the purification lake? For sone reason it forcefully gives you thw good ending of the event.


for bad ending, besides the choices that lead to it, you have to have 10 warrior's lust and 10 acolytes lust to work. I didn't try it, but saw a comment from the author some time ago saying that.

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I have questions- how do you learn  aphrodisiac potion as I have met witch and studied it but has not appeared in learned potions list and when does Vorg escape from Victoria (have given him the key)? sorry if already answered. So far loving the game  

uh korg escapes when you leave the cave, you just wait for him there. if you dont he just disappears.

LD - Guide - Google Sheets this is a guide it hasnt been updated in a while but has most of the potions and stuff on it. and i think you learn it from the witch, her coversations change depending on the time of day/night.


I have a question. I went normal Logan route and now i have only 1 heart with him. Helped him first in WW event, hanged out with him on the fair and even watched fireworks with him. Now the only thing i get with him is workout scene. Is there more content with him or should i wait for updates?


That's about it until next update.

It unsurprisingly takes awhile for Logan to open up to people. ^_^


Oh, thx.

That's OK. I'm very patient, so big guy can take his time. :3

can anyone tell me if i can have more than 1 relationship or no?

You can have multiple relationships.  No relationship locks you out of another at this point.  It does help, however, to make sure you aid Logan over Bernard when given the explicit choice of 'help one of these two'.

oh thanks, have a good day

Does anyone know if you can capture the alpha werewolf?

You can't capture the Alpha Werewolf. Nobody can. Tried it several times before then stop since I was running out of werewolf lure.

(1 edit)

Thanks! You saved me a lot of time :) 

How do you start the Country Road event? I have Ste, but I cannot get the event to start. 

You have to get Ste's like high enough to get him and his kids to visit Bareshade with you. While there he will talk to Bernard about clearing the road that used to exist out of his farm.

How do I get more like from Logan I took him to the fair and took his jobs worked out with him and cut lumber with him but now it's stuck at 43 like what do I do now

Did you choose to save him over bernard? Also complete the country road that helps. I have him at 85 and can help you if you need more help

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I saved Bernard first also how do I get that quest or event

To get the old country road you have to get ste's like high enough that you can 'ween the calves' and take them to Bareshade. Then either take to bernard after or talk with Ste I don't remember, then follow the quest guide in the game

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I may sound pretty dumb for asking this but whats ste

Ste is the 2nd guy you rescue from victoria after you first save Korg

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can you find logan at farmstead After you finish country road

Can anyone help me progress in the lizard quest? I went to ora and i mastered the strong restrain potion yet it wont progress

What exactly said in the quest log?

it was subjugation of lust. Where I needed to delivers 7 strong restraint potions to Ora, I doesn’t seem to recognize that I have the potions, it keeps repeating like I don’t  have them. Thanks for replying to me


i cheated to get the potions an wouldn't let me advance but crafting an mastering both normal an strong versions let me advance so might be the same issue for you

yes it was! thank you!, you not only need to master the strong restrain potion you also need to master the restrain potion in general, thanks so much!

Hi hyao, I love the game not just for H-scenes but the overall game mechanisms and the story as well. But when i downloaded the new update and loaded up a save, I keep getting the following screen. Could you or someone else help?

which version did you load up your save?

Yah I just saw the update log and found out what happened

Deleted 2 years ago

VC has WiFi disconnected ?

How to start relationship with Caleb?

I don't think a real relationship is available for Caleb yet. You can get him to like you with beer, walks, and howling.
You can even have sex with him after a time, but I don't think hearts are available at this time.

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How to walk with him? I only can howl

There are few events. One available if you in good terms with Bernard, if he let you stay for the night there will be dialog option to spent night with Caleb in the old barn. Walking option will open when you rise affection a bit (available only at night). Also later will be sex scene with few options and after you see it "Share beer" will randomly change to another version, where you play "Hide the bone" game with him ;) Also additional option available during the fair.

At what level of like does he have to be?

I'm, eh... A bit confused. I read the comment saying that you can have both Logan and Bernard becoming werewolves, but they would run away and be capturable, but when I was doing Bernard's quest on the last version of the game the story was hinting that Bernard could control when to transform if you healed him.

Is it impossible for healed characters to take control of their lycantropy? Is it just a "Werewolf: yes/no" kinda deal? Cause I liked the concept of having a conscious werewolf, like a man with a superpower, not just a caged beast.

Also, I'm currently progressing through this quest and I'm afraid of making a mistake, cause I kinda like both Logan and Bernard.

Im pretty sure for them to both bw capturable you have to choose one and then lie about the cure.(the red text) when they ask about the cure. After a few days they run off and you can capture them both. This doesnt really affect your status with them more rather gives a heart to the person you saved. And yes they will be able to controll it when you cure them and can change of free will. Logan doesnt have anything that shows that but bernard does

Logan's incredibly keen sense of smell that he develops is from his werewolf nature.

Also he howls while you're with the other werewolves if you get them to howl, heh. 

they both become full werewolves no matter what you choose.
bernard just has mostly all the scenes with him going into his werewolf form.
Tho logan isn't really romanicable as if you encourged him to go to bandit camp then you can fuck him but its more of him being a cock hungry power bottom

Mission Antillycan ? Help

Check the mission log it should help you, click the little scroll at the bottom of your screen

I need alpha fluid but it doesn’t show up instead it has dialogues

Fluid alpha help ?

Wolf's Den Dungeon, exclamation mark near right down corner. At Night, of course.

but he is not showing up for me to tell him what I need

On which step of quest do you now? Did you speak with witch in the Swamps?

yes i am trying to do antillycan but the nice white alpha n appears instead said there is only dialogue. how do i solve?

Try to speak with witch day and night.


I'm having an issue with lost acolytes quest I know I have to check the warriors but I'm in the evening and that Choice isn't there


Nevermind I figured it out

Hey Hyao was there a reason for locking our werewolf friends up and having fun with them?  It was listed as a red option so does it do something to the story?

All it does is it gives you a scene in their werewolf form but im pretty sure red means that it affects your realationship with them to some degree. So just save before and you can see the option 

Does anyone know how to get 10 potion for Acolyte ? i replay so much but this is the best i can do  

I think that might be the highest it can go. As long as the combined Lust for both the Warriors and Acolytes is 10 or greater, you'll get the bad ending for the Lizard Tribe.

So what species am I in this game?




i thought were are attack toaster?

Hi, can someone help me, I've been following the guide for Rhot up until the "spar with the lizardmen 3x", but after that no new conversation from rhot or am I doing it wrong?

I'm not sure, but imo it's better to progress the whole story than trying to develop single character at once, cause the story is complex and one depends on other.


Oh okay thanks a lot 😁

requires you to progress the lizardman lust quest

Thanks but may I know what I have to do for that quest?

So no matter how many times I sleep till morning I cant get the country road quest.  I instead periodically get a dialogue with Korg even though I let him go already :|

Is the event even started? What's in it's log? Also it's not connected with Korg. 

How do i keep my save for New update on cellphone ? (Redmi note 8)

Can you elebaorate? Like keep your saves from update 0.28? Or like save your progress on .30?

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Keep my saves from 0.28!

Do you know How ?


That isnt possible, Hyao did an overhaul of many things in .30 and .28 saves arent compatable so you have to start fresh. But to help you on the grind Hyao added a cheat to add whatever you need just mind the story items

cant as how the game been overhauled the old save data is not compatiable

Deleted 2 years ago

He's there. Check wall crack and try to speak with Vic.

requires some time after you free Ste for victoria to capture herself a new sex toy

hello how could I increse Northcrest's lewd?

have sex with the guards when you try to enter northcrest.

I can't see that option. Something worng with me?

Me too.

Can't see the option for it.

this is it pick the "mess around with the guards" one.

i don't know why you guys don't have this option though?

Probably because my relationship with the guards are negative. Always topped and dominated them.

throw love potions on the northcrest guards or defenders to rise the relationship stat on them.

Got a bug in the misty swamp thing. in the bottom qestion mark I got the text with the blue lizard (forgot his name) about how he knows that part and how the amulet doesnt glow, even though I havent met him yet.

His name is also not shown, only mysterious lizard.

Deleted 2 years ago

It's not a bug, you have to find new ways to improve your relationship with him. Different actions have different caps for how high they can raise the affection meter.

Question: is there any limit to romances? Like, if I romance one character, can I romance the other options, or will I be restricted to the one I started?


Currently there is no such limitation.
Some characters even acknowledge that you're involved with others and say they are fine with it.

nope your able to make harem of lovers at this point in time

I keep going to the wolves den during the day and I can never get in; it says its still "too dangerous". Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? 

Do you have the quest from the witch (at night) to get the claw from the alpha wolf?

Thank you for your response, btw!!

I think I do, the quest that is currently active is Cure for Lycanthropy. When I revisit the witch, I can't "end," the quest because I haven't gotten her the fang - so I think this is the right quest
The only other thing I could think of is if I were to have to wait for the 6 days for Logan to appear in the Wolves Den?

Oh, I think you're going to the wrong spot in the Wolf Den. It's not the spot at the bottom right, he's at the top right.


You lovely person!! I'm an idiot, omfg - thank you!!!

Deleted 1 year ago

You have to lie to the one who stays behind in Bareshade - tell them that you aren't going to be giving them any more wolf's bane.  It will be a red option.

With that, a few days later they'll also run off and be capture-able.

Corrupted Logan is so cute,I love him like that,please consider share some romance options with him,if player doesn't satisfy him,he will fuck everyone as usual.


i expected Logan to get Korg to wreck his bussy

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In lizards celebrations, I can't make the speech and only "do my best" it's available for me, how to unlock make a speech? Please help. 

Hello, and sorry for my ignorance but what does it take to have a lizard man as a prisoner? In addition to the recipe, you need a certain score, some statistics

use 5 reptile lures for 100%
as each turn is % an so using 5 leaves you at 123%

guys how do you get Logan's love 1? Can you still get it if you choose Bernard during Werewolf Event?


Love hearts are not based on total affection, but always event related, so no, you can't get Logan's love 1 if you don't choose to save him during the Werewolf Event.

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