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i love korg so much!can i taste his butt someday,plz!make sure it will be happen  hyao

So I'm on the event where you encounter werewolf bernard (because I chose Logan), I've encountered him a few times with the werewolf lure, but it keeps saying I don't have enough doses of it. How many doses does it take to tame him? (I've tried 3 doses and it still didn't work)

I usually do 10 and that works for me.

Welp time to take a couple of ingame days to get enough resources to make more werewolf lure

lol ikr the game suggests 5 but 10 is overkill, which is my style XD

Where are you hiding the Dwarves mace Hyao?

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He's hiding it in game :3

Oh, I know lol. Eventually, we'll get a task or two that will let us have some type of sexual relations with him. I really want to see it.

who said you cant already :)

Can you? Tell me how. Please.

I'm mainly hinting at his "discount scene" if you have that you already got it, if not it just needs you to show him glafire stone.

My music not working and the sound effects as same on my laptop , how can i fix it?

This game doesn't have music yet, the only audio in game is the rain and droplets during the nightmares events.

My music and sound effects are not working, is there any sound at all or is it just my laptop that isn't working?


There's no music yet, not sound, as far as I remember


Yeah no music and the only audio in game is the rain and droplets during the nightmares.

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Does anybody know how to trigger the scene with scar and guard in the tracks, I've been going to the tracks at night but I've just been attacked by bandits everytime, now I can't progress the game, do I need to be hostile to the bandits?

I think it appears for you to wait for them only at night.
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How do I wait for them? my only option at night is to look around but not wait, I've been stuck at the bandit story for a while now.

maybe it has a bug, try to reload some save.
(3 edits)

Nope, still nothing, is there other requirement to trigger the scar and guard scene?, I talked about the caravan guard and also had the bandit attack bareshade event and talked to Logan about it, but when it comes to the scar event I can't seem to trigger it. Do I need to have a relationship with gunnar to get the scene?

you don't need to have points of relationship with gunnar. talk to Jaster before. and try to find the statue of the lizards looking for in the camp could be that.
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I've found the thief's key but I can figure out where is the treasure, pls help ;-;
And I cant take the note in the crystal thing, tell me how?
And it there anyway to transfer the progress that I'm playing to another device without loss of progress?
Sr my English is bad hope u understand

Yeah I don't think the thieves key does anything right now based on me going everywhere, and no one else mentioned finding it so I think it's a yet to be added thing. Also the more to the crystal thing, I'm a little unsure about what you mean could you explain a bit more? Plus you can't transfer saves cross platform without a cloud save and I don't think this game has that.

The crystal thing is in the cave near the red orcs' camp, It located at the cave where you can find the crystal golem (more specific next to it is a door which are surrounded by wall that I've no idea how to reach it)

Do you mean the end door? The one at the end of the dungeon? If so I reached it and it's still a work in progress. It has yet to have stuff so it might not be a good idea. If I'm wrong please tell me though.

yeah you r right, tks for the info ^w^

np have a good day!

When or where  do you find a place to talkto the gaurd about the river note?

You go to the River`s Bank and take a break until Torben shows up there and you ask to speak to Gunnar. Apologies for the delay.

these 2 long months have been so hard ;p plz tell me the next update will b here soon

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It should be coming in the 30th, or maybe the 29th. Also could be the 31st.... Just know it's coming at the end of this month

Does anyone know how to get the Waterfall scene with the Acolytes, if there is one? I've tried getting the scene with both the male and female character, but all I get are encounters with the warriors and Grushk.

Your character needs to be heterosexual in case he’s male, if she’s female I assume she has to be homosexual. I tried it and the game crashed specifically on the acolytes scene, so be warned. 

Ah, should've thought so. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Hyao, Can you please add a link to the guide in and patreon? 

Wait im dumb i forgot about the link in the game

Deleted 3 years ago

First of all it's alpha made by a single developer, who learn how to do it in process. Second of all, next version will have global changes in mechanics and UI including some of your suggestions, unfortunately it'll wipe all saves. And third, this: "I still belive humanoids like your great Lizardman or the Werewolf should be prioritized.", are just your personal preferences. I, for example, don't like furry at all, and villagers, citizens and some Orcs are my favorites. Here is a place for everyone. Lizards, Werewolves, Rats, Satirs, Ranch and Caves for you, and Orcs, Dwarfs and Humans for me. You always can choose the way you're playing, don't find opponent attractive? There is "Attack" button, and brutal ways to pass the fight. If you want 100% furry game, just try another one, like Uncommon Breed or something.

Deleted 3 years ago

Don't forget that there are no limitations, grind a bit and you can build godlike character, who can do anything ;) As for skipping content - it's add in the game in certain way, bit by bit in each update, plus it's should give you a sense of adventure like in classic fantasy book, not just open world freedom. Just find the way you like. I found Orcs, they're hot xD

i play like 200 hours, when i read about the forced new game i start programming a exp bot, my love for this game give me a very interesting new hobby, also, my bot character is lv 25 in a few hours... he is a war god

Hello, someone knows how to do the last part of the lizards, the guide says that you have to talk to Roushk and let me know that I'm ready, but I talk to him and he doesn't have that option
Deleted 3 years ago

I only saw it once per restart it extra play through for others reasons. So I think it's only once or it happens again after like a century because I have over 300 days in one save.

Deleted 3 years ago

angel leaves are on the track, I think.

Deleted 3 years ago

Oh also your fine asking questions about anything if your confused. It's normal and not everything is Crystal clear.


Nie wierze ze polak zeobil taką gre! Swietna robota. Zaluje ze nie moge zostać patronem, ale jestem mega fanem tej gry. Szkoda ze nie jest w języku polskim to tez bylo by ułatwienie. Pozdro! I czekam na kolejne aktualizacje !

Оу, автор поляк? Круто. xD So Hyao is Pole? Cool! Sorry can't write Polish, but can understand like 90%.

Haha. Gdzies czytałem jego "o sobie" i znalazłem ze jest z Polski. Byłem w szoku haha. Sorry but mine English its bad haha but u understand 90% xD

Oh, I see. I missed it somehow. Good to know anyway that this kind of game was made by a Slavic guy. How is being interesting in such things when you live in Poland? I heard there are some problems. I'm from Russia and here is hard to be any kind of different person, especially if you're LGBT.

Where is the misty abby's?

You unlock it by doing the inbetween worlds quest, if you already have and need to find it. It's in the swamp.

oh ! Thanks

Thanks, so much, other question , how tell to rhot in ready ? Y try to talk but the option I can see 

Hello everyone someone know to get the cure to bernard , the quest say give the antilycan in the basement but where is my basement

if you already built the prison, then on the workshop menu (beside the potion making menu) you can click on it then click on the chain like symbol

Thanks for the answer

how found gunnar to Northcrest conspiracy , y try to speak with him in the road but only sex with him 

Right person wrong place xD Go further and speak with him in other place.

Can someone tell me how to talk with Everett about orcs, please. 🥺🥺🥺

I'm stuck with this quest for month now😭


I have another suggestion, I think it would be kinda cool if you could become a werewolf, no reason, but thought it would be fun.

Deleted 3 years ago

how do i help logan at his job

I think you have to have 13 Strength at least, other than that it was a one-time event.

minimum requirement 12 plus strength but thid is only good for about 10-15 affection

How do you find the emerine golem? All I can find is just cave crawlers ;  ;

There's a secret path above one of the squares that a cave crawler spawns in, it takes you to a room where the Emerine golems are

I don't know if perception plays a part in this but I have 15 just in case, and also seems like a chance thing so going back and fort on this square may help. Hope this helps you.

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Yeah perception does, you need exactly 15 so you lucked out lol

i have 16 perception but still fail to find the secret path

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Does anyone know how to talk with Everett about orcs?

Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out

Can you tell me? I still stuck with that problem 😢

My memory about it is vague, but I'm pretty sure you start talking about it with both everett and korg. After that, they would talk about where they both would meet, which is going to be in feliar's home. Go to feliar and ask him if you could use his home. There, they would meet around nighttime (IDK what time but I'm sure they will tell you about it), and both would have a long conversation and exchanging information and went home after. Currently that's about it as the rest is WIP.

Thank you🥰🥰🥰

what is the point of the mysterious potion?

????? Ive never seen that where yiu find it

You find in the city up north juse keep walking around the market during the day and a seller can come to you selling it

I think you drink it and find out, or it's an exp potion because when I drank it it gave me exp

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Well it's not letting me drink it and also i think your talking about the miracle potion

never mind i just figured it out its a combat use only potion

I look forward to playing with update 30.0 I hope to remember to get the ingredients to make the medicine for lycanthropy

heh same.... I always forget to farm for the things XD, and a garden cause getting it quick in game makes that place busted

someone send me the list of where to find the ingredients

You need to make Wolfs bane and Kill the Alpha werewolf or You can also Tease him and U know...

Hey, I was just wondering if you ever plan on adding sound to the game? If not, thats fine the game is still awesome, it’s just confusing cause theres audio controls.

Heyyyy, I'm now stuck at Full Moon quest.  Specificly, at werewolf Bernard battle. I already using werewolf's lure but it said I need something stronger than that to capture Bernard. Can you guys help me.

Maybe it means your prison? The base one doesn't work for bernard since he's a boss.

I already upgraded my prison to prison (reinforced cells) but the outcome is still the same. After the battle it said you didn't have not enough lure and the dose was too weak to work on someone like Bernard.

oh how many did you use? When I fought him I used 10 and that worked.

I used 2 in my previous battle.

How do you used it? Are you used all 10 werewolf's lures in the beginning if the battle?


Finally, I defeated werewolf Bernard!!! Thank you very much for helping me 

(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

sorry I fell asleep so I couldn't respond.... But congrats on beating him! And yeah I just used the lures and healed if I was almost dead lol

Hello everyone , anyone know how to get the Binding Powder Yet , in try to make the hayden quest soap

You can buy it at the normal shop.

thank you so much , 

but now that I look for the store to buy the binding powder, bernard is sick I think how to get the remedy and where

The remedy is learned for the lizard priestess, but before that you study at home until you need outside help.

thanks so much 

Who should I give the soap to?

Hayden (or something like that)

you ca give it to hayden for a quest, or if i recall correctly, you can use it on yourself to increase appearance for a limited time if i recall

(1 edit)

Hello! Playing the game and I notice in the rat problem quest it says to look around the junkyard. The problem is that I can't find the junkyard. I would like some help please. Also, in the Northcrest's Conspiracy quest it say's to talk to Everett about the orcs but when I talk to him there isn't an option to mention the orcs.

If you explore the cave under the inn, it will lead you to the junkyard. Its an underground path only.

I opened the Proof Of A Warrior quest, which I'm pretty sure Rhot was the one that gave it, but now I finished the Curse Of Lust quest and I don't seem to be able to finish Proof Of A Warrior? Rhot doesn't seem to want to talk about quests.

ok got logan korg CG, mouse king and red panda, the guy from the hotspring and korg. Can anyone tell me which ones i'm missing?

Logan also has a bottom with a bandit CG, and if you count cute CGs as something there's also the lizard tribe being saved but if your not and only want lewd and are ok with straight stuff, corrupted has a CG for that too. Then there's the two bandits in the camp (pretty sure that one stops after winning/losing to scar). Then last you get one of nauxus' backside and him looking at you if you stay at the waterfall with him.

Logan with the bandit must happen before the bandit quest ends no? And the bandits together is random when you explore the camp? I explored a lot and besides the dialog haven't found the CG. I saved the lizard tribe but didn't get a CG. Didn't get the nauxus either. By the way do you get to do more stuff with him if you don't escort him away?

No I finished it and still find him and the bandit at his place during the night, and the two bandits is a random event in the camp but I'm unsure if it still appears after completing the quest as I didn't check. And saving the tribe the CG is when Othra and Roushk hug in the lake after curing Roushk. With nauxus I didn't know you could escort him away, so I don't know what you mean by that. If you mean helping him you do get some more stuff to do with him.

Can you explain how to get each Cg, because i cant figure it out


uh each cg?.... I'll try...


Hi can someone help me, because i cant get the conversetion with Everett about orcs, someone knows what to so?

you have to free korg from vicoria in the river bank cave

How i Learn the RECIPE of Love Potion🙂


I kinda wish that you could invite Arion home, I think that would be kinda cool.

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