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what i need to do to get this quest done im already have restrain potions?

¿Cómo actualizo la última versión sin perder mis partidas guardadas?

Me dice error cada vez que intento instalar el nuevo apk...

Por cierto uso un teléfono.

Is there something im doing wrong? Im on mobile and it keeps crashing every few seconds.

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Color me surprised because I did not realize there were some Gunnar content that I missed lol. We all know what happens to him but it wasn't until today that I found out that there was a Caleb x MC x Gunnar scene... Like??? What? And it was hot too. And upon looking at the update tabs, it was from Update .47 ago. How the hell did I miss that?  

I just found this out because I was getting my Top Logan save up to date since that save was pre Orc War and Northcrest Conspiracy and I guess that's just how long this game is lol. I honestly thought I've seen all the Gunnar scenes but I was wrong. So just to ask, are there more pre Northcrest/Orc war scenes like this added? Not specifically Gunnar's but other easily missed scenes before you progress the Orc War and Northcrest stuff?

omg, I totally missed it, too, would you mind sharing how you got it, please?

I believe this is the event that starts it immediately is "Adventure 1: A helpful neighborhood werewolf" (Required: After seeing ‘The beginning of the end’ event)

And the required event for that as well requires Top Logan, which is also why I missed it I suppose, since my latest save is for the Bottom Logan. 

Also some other requirements for 'The beginning of the end' event – While entering the barn (Req: Caleb like minimum 50, Lizards, Feliar, Korg invited to the fair, Walk with Caleb event done, Werewolf event concluded – the special fight added in the last update for Top Logan.


how can I progress in Kata'rash wood? I keep repeating the same area over and over again

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Im pretty sure it aint finished yet

Damn, I got so excited for the little fun with Vadir druing the trip, was looking forward to seeing him naked finally, but no sprite yet unfortunately. Hopefully next update :)

Guys how do find Garuik after he spends a night at your hut?

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Is garuik the large (bear? Dog?) guy with mustache u met at the road to the farm? I kinda forgot. I think there's not much content about him yet. For now at least. Tbh, i even forgot he exists lol

how do i trigger the ''tamer vs tanner'' event?

U explore the orc village first. Then u will see the tanner & the wolfbauk guy are having an argument. After that u speak to the tanner & the wolfbauk guy

Can anyone tell me if Logan in the normal route (green route), Logan has sex scenes as a bottom or is he just a top?

Just top. Basically Green is Top and Romantic, Red is Bottom and Lustful.

Ah, what a shame... Thanks for the answer.

i need help in this area bruh it's so hard

I’m completely lost at the wolf’s den, how do I get the second floor? It’s only if I choose Logan over Bernard?

Question about the deep jungle: Possible spoilers ahead

I've found the hidden area with the rock in the water and the wooden tablet. Everytime I try to follow the path into the next area I end up back where I was before. Am I missing something else or is that all for now?

does anyone know the way that get 15 score on Logan's fair?


You need to increase your ranged combat stat.

is wolves den second floor only available if logan is a top? i got all the prereqs and when i try to go through the door, it says there is no way for me to deal with it.


New sabal update and I already earned 2 hate hearts so I stop bothering...


what do y'all think Sabals position is in his tribe? like high ranking person like son of the chief, the chief/leader, best hunter or like just a regular Hunter/guard with major trust issues?

I've asked Everett about meeting Tess, but what now? The event log doesn't update but their isn't a message saying that's it's still wip

Alguém me ajuda pfvr, eu escolhi o Logan no evento do lobo, só q não consigo mais coração com o Bernardo e preciso de 40. 

how do i leave East Aigran? I've been stuck there and i have no clue what to do

I wanna ask.. if we past the event can we get that event another day??? Please

idk what events you're talking about, but in general if you miss something the game will just bring it up the next opportunity it can.

okay, thank you

Generally, the game will warn you about missable things or  major choices. For example: there is a particular scene with Logan that is missable, and the Event log makes a point to tell you that you will miss it if you advance a certain questline. 

When in doubt, check the event and relationship logs.

Is there any quick and efficient way to level up? Im currently level 26 , and ive reached the Iron Blood village.

grind higher tier enemies. the troll from the bridge, alpha werewolf, beta werewolf, the bear in the area near the iron blood village ect ect. its just fight the strongest enemy you can beat and encounter without too much trouble.

In the plate quest thing at the junkyard, what do I do? I've got an air plate, a water plate and two earth plates, where do I get an air one? And what do I do with the door that's closed from the other side??

I'm stuck on Northcrest conspiracy, on the part in which I'm supposed to enter murcad cove. Even though I've already done Scar's task, whenever i stand in front of the gate on the fishing village it just tells me "perhaps it's better to keep your distance and not invoke any further hostilites"


Never mind I'm an IDIOT. It was on the world map, not the crestshore dungeon map.....

Ok I have a slight question how do I save Vicoria's new prisoner im stuck on it and I need it for a love point with Logan.

Well, either you can free him the old fashioned way (combat) or have a little sympathy for the hungry lady and find her a more willing replacement.

For some reason rollback never works for me on pc, does anyone have a fix for that or is it just intentional?

u cant rlly rollback, save if you want to test something, i have 1034203540 saves xd


Hello to everyone, I don't know how to unlock "Maul" talk with the Other orcs, someone can help me?

hope we can have more about Logan soon, spending time with him and getting more hearts, definetely the most well constructed character and my favorite in my opinion and spending time with him is just awesome, i need a logan irl x)


Hyao pls add bottom Logan romance route and my soul is yours 😭💔


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I have a problem with Bernard sickness quest! The option to give him the medicine doesn't appear!! Why? (⁠T⁠T⁠) I made the Heat Occisia, but there's only exit option when I go to Bernard... Please anyone,help

I think you just need a few more days to pass by before the option pops up👍


If I recall correctly, Heat Occisia is just one of the ingredients to make the actual medicine for Bernie, which is the Spectral Syrup. I can't remember the full recipe at moment but I know you need Heat Occisia, some berries or pulps, maybe blue or red. But yeah, the medicine is called Spectral Syrup.


ye the actual cure is spectral syrup. Heat Occisia is just an ingredient in the potion lol


Oh! Now I get it... I was confused cuz there wasn't more steps in the quest. So, I guess I shall finish completely the lizards lust curse quest to find more about the medicine, right? Alrighty! Thanks y'all so much for the help!!♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)💕

Definitely complete the lizards quest (The Curse of Lust) but you don't need to finish it (to completion) first to complete Bernard's sickness.

So long as you know, and have made Heat Occisia. You should find the Spectral Sirup in the potion making tab (the mortar and pestle) under learned. I'll put the recipe down as well.

1st: Pulp (Blue)

2nd: Heat Occisia

3rd: Pulp (Red)

4th: Heat Occisia

5th: Pulp (Blue)

I keep seeing the option to make Tank bottom (sub potion + Bottom potion) and when I leave to make the potion, that option disappears when I come back. Does anyone know the requirements to do this? 

My game gets softlocked, as in I am unable to move around or leave but can still reload a save, whenever I give the key to the orc in Vicoria's dungeon. It appears to be bugged but is there a possible workaround?

Guys, I'm having a problem with the quest Country Road, the first task is to sleep until morning, at home, I do it, but it doesn't progress the quest

does anything happen during the night? cause sometimes those events interrupt stuff. if not, maybe your missing some items or a horse? 90% sure you need a horse, beer and meat for one of the parts of that quest

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I tried some more times and ways of doing it, but I'm starting to think that maybe what's making it not work is that I don't have the orc living with me anymore. I progressed with other quests and left the Country Road quest for later... But i appreciate your help! 


oh. if i remember this happened a while ago and it was him being gone, wasn't sure why he blocked it but i think it's cause he has a small part of one of the events lol

Can someone help me, the only step I have left in Northcrest Conspiracy is to wander around in the marketplace but when I go at night nothing happens, it just says that there is nothing interesting to see

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have you met Booner yet? if not try that but I won't lie I had no idea you could even get that far without seeing that event.

So i maxed out Barrel's like to 50 & keep the bandit camp morale high. I remember there's a scene where Barrel keeps sneaking into our house & eventually (spoiler) try to rob us. I tried to get that scene again but to no avail. The only scene i get is Barrel coming to our house drunk. What did i do wrong?

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that event is a one time thing at the bareshade house but I'm pretty sure you can repeat at the forest hut in one of the menu's.

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Oh no no. I mean i replay the game from the moment before Barrel's visit. I encountered the "robbery" before but i didn't save the progress. I'm trying to get to that encounter again

OOOH my bad sorry lol. completely forgot the actual method so I looked through the updates to copy paste the direct thing, hope it helps XD

Your House:

• Barrel's Visit (Req: Barrel was fed in the morning during Wrestling Round Two, Bandit camp morale >25, Night time, Sleep 8h)

What is wrestling round 2 exactly? Is it the moment we give him breakfast after his "morning piss"? I did that many times but that's it. Nothing's changed. And i keep the camp morale high. I think there's a perception test while we're sleeping & him sneaking in? I never get that encounter :(

I don't think that's round 2. I'm pretty sure round 2 is when you have a certain amount of like with him and do the wrestling event at the fair and invite him to your place after the fight to "wrestle" again as a rematch. 

How do you get Barrel to show up to your house? I've been sleeping constantly but he never shows up.

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Make sure to keep the bandit's camp's morale high, it should be >25. Barrel visiting our house is just so random and doesn't happen very often. But, once you get 15 like (iirc) with him, you can find him in the tavern & have sex with him.

How do I get sex exp to master?

Back then i remember getting them by "accident" 

sleep with any enemy a fuck ton until it's maxed lol.

you could also spam a character's sex scene's a lot and that works as well i think

Damn 😫


Not sure which would be easier but would it be possible to impliment either a potion that lets us change our genitals or perhaps have us choose our pronouns at the start of the game? I enjoy the game a lot and I’m mostly curious cause we do have a solid amount of choices (position/sexuality/dominance leaning) so I found it interesting there doesn’t seem to be anything focused on genitals especially with stuff like the feminine potion existing in the game already and the fact there is like a pseudo more corruption path like with the lizard men. Obviously this doesn’t change a LOT but I’d be curious if it’s come up as a suggestion or on the docket at all. 


Ngl the genital change would be interesting, but that would be something to maybe add in the far future, unless Hyao gets some help on remaking most sex scenes

I seem to be having a problem with the actual 'assembly' part of Bareshade Alliance, where you need to visit the fair, but whenever I do nothing pops up, am I doing something wrong?

have you invited everyone already? also how far are you in the orc war plotline?

I invited everyone the game told me to and I've completed everything else that I couldve done at this stage

where did you get the people to invite from? in game or the update notes? also  just in case you missed something I'm asking the next questions cause I'm entirely lost on literally any other solution or explanation.

did Feliar join your opponent or stay with you and have you spoken to him if he was on your side? have you done the solider event with Everett that lets you feed the soliders and him? are the lizards corrupted or cleansed? did you choose the main enemy at the end of the orc questline or stay on the side of the orc tribe, and is your Logan bottom or top?

I cannot trigger the bar scene with Logan/Barrel!
I have done everything but this in trying to get Logan 3d heart. 
Please help.

Is bandit moral above 25?

Yes, thanks it was..... I have long since moved on. Almost done with update .70 :)

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