Hello! This is going to be a long comment so sorry in advance, also english in not my first language so it might have a lot of typos. I just started playing this game about 2 to 3 weeks ago, and I just wanted to say for 1 person making this game it is extremely amazing and very very fun to play. I love the grinding and how you make different potions. The different events and story paths is fun too. I really love the art and the character designs. It would be really cool if there was a mod or if there was a feature in the game (not saying you have to do it, I'm just sharing my opinion) that would allow you to import, or make your own character. Because I love to role-play as my character that is a dragon in his human form, like just how the character is now you don't have to see a face or anything, just the base of it would be fine.
I do have one thing I don't like in the game and that's the fact that you can choose your sexual orientation and being a dominant, switch, bottom but it doesn't change that much in the game. What I mean to say is that I choose my character to be gay and a bottom and yet they still tops sometimes and my character libido still raises when the opposite sex tease, and you would even still have sex with them if it maxes out. Besides that it's still a great game overall keep up the amazingly great work!
I'd say it does matter. Relatively small, but it does. For example sex with Harold in the inn looks differently for dominant character and for any other, women can't dominate some characters at all, for example Harold for that matter. Bottoms have exclussive content with characters like Dulrig or Hayden, some scenes with characters like Feliar, Roushk or Jester are different depending on your dominance, some characters like Tank or Barrel react differently for such characters. There are some scenes with the latter when you can be a bottom yet dominant. Enemies like Nymphs also will react differently to women or gay characters than to women-liking men.
As I understand your point I just want to ask you, how do you think it would look like if you chose heterosexual male as a character. Libido damage would almost never matter as most enemies in the game are males. Also, I can't imagine situation if you would lose and you would be r-worded by male enemy. In other games like this it is still understood that sex is pleasurable then as you are bi/pan-sexual even though. Here, if the character would be hetero, wouldn't this be, well, I don't know, distasteful? Just a little bit? Not to mention, most of game content is male-centered so you limiting yourself to sex with female characters would be really reductive.
I'm not saying that you're wrong, but some mechanics are a lesser evil here and kind of necessary. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with the game. There is also quite unique content with Logan if you're a virgin for that matter. So there's a lot of possibilities, don't let your preferences limit you from finding more about it ;)
I cannot tell you how many times I had to restart my playthrough just for Logan haha. But yeah everything you said does make perfect sense thank you for informing me :)
Hello, a while ago I started playing again, I love seeing the new content but I also had an idea, it's definitely difficult to write so much NSFW so I came up with the idea of expanding the content that already exists without having to add new ones. characters, when you equip clothes or things like the cock ring, it would be interesting to see the enemies vary a little, I always thought it would be really fun if the bandits told you something different when they saw you in just a thong. , I understand that maybe this would be complicated to set up but it would definitely make the game mechanics and interactions deeper, as always, kudos to Hyao for working so hard.
Hola, el español no es mi lengua materna, así que solo estoy usando un traductor. Aquí tienes las formas de conseguir estos ingredientes:
Para el lirio de agua, puedes dar un paseo alrededor del estanque en el bosque o comprarlo a la bruja.
Para la esencia azul, la puedes conseguir matando a los limos azules que también puedes encontrar en el bosque por la noche.
Para las hojas de súcubo, hay un 12% de probabilidad de obtener de 1 a 2 hojas explorando el pantano; también puedes comprarlas a la bruja por la noche.
Para la esencia verde, también se encuentran en el pantano, necesitas matar a los limos verdes.
se ele apareceu na cabana, e você já ajudou ele a entrar na toca dos lobos, nao é mais possível acionar esse evento. você vai ter que recarregar um save antigo e fazer todas as tasks necessárias antes, e evitar ir à cabana à noite
I have the required things needed for a Prison with reinforced cells, but it keeps telling me that I don’t have enough material, although I’ve kept triple checking. How do I fix this?
Did you guys recommended Bareshade? or Northcrest? to Paulo and John.
I offered them Bareshade, it just seemed much safer than NC at the time. I saw in the LD wiki that the event can progress a bit more if you suggested NC, was it a bad idea??
Curious. If some of the character have Corrupted/Red Paths, what would be your "ideal" red path for them and which characters do you have in mind? As far as I know, Logan has the most infamous one of all. Then there's the Lizards, though I haven't tried that path yet honestly. Gunnar has one but it's a main quest thing I think so it doesn't only affect him?
But anyway.
Bernard: I know people have been wanting him to either show dominance or even be a sub lol from what I see from twitter/X. But personally, I kinda want him to... cuck us. This game really has a lot of fetishes covered and seeing as uh, cuckolding hasn't appeared yet, I think a Red Path/Corrupted Bernard would fit.
And since he is also sort of like the "Main" love interest for our character, even though this is more of a polygamist society, us corrupting him to lower his sexual purity and fuck someone else while we watch would be hot. Specifically, Red Path Logan. See? It's all connecting lol. It'd be a sort of vengeance on us for Logan for letting him get fucked in the Bandit Camp. Red Path Bernard wouldn't call us "Love" anymore though, and we'd see him go a slight bit arrogant but not too much.
Everett: Okay, we've got a glimpse of good ol' Santa getting it with his soldiers in a non-canon event. But how about a Red Path for him where this time, there's no memory wiping involved. He'd be exposed to Northcrest for being a slut and even give in to being the Army's Bitch. I still think he should keep his title but he'd loosen his seriousness in a Red Path. Like when we visit him in his camp, we'd see him bouncing on a soldier's cock instead of a dildo. Or maybe when we visit the Barracks, sometimes we'd see him get passed around during the guards' card night.
Hell maybe even see him sometimes on the battlefield giving in to the red orcs and gryphons so openly.
I couldn't think of anyone else more honestly, I swear I had a lot in my mind before writing this but... meh. They're gone from my brain.
What do you think about Caleb? If we choose not to save him, imagine that dumb mutt becomes a wild monster of the night, roaming around the forest like a predator, kidnapping anyone he can to fuck with them.
Then there's also a chance for us to be fucked by him whenever we stroll at night, or we see a CG of him ramming a stranger.
Oh god, tell me you're not a mind reader lol. I actually had a Caleb segment with the same idea as yours but deleted at the last minute because it wasn't as long with my Bernard and Everett paragraphs. LMAO.
Yeah, and I also thought of him joining the Alpha, or whoever gets to be Alpha alongside the Beta Black Wolf as bosses in the Forest Den.
Hell, maybe he'd be one of the werewolves who'd get kidnapped and get a new sprite of being controlled by the Swamp Monster as the story goes on. It would make Normal Bernard to have to be Alpha (For the Bottom Logan route). His story is lacking in that department lol if you make Logan the red path so I think something like this could fluff up Bernard's role in that event.
Skip if you have not played up to the current patch
(1.) I think the Emerine Golems will assist in the killing of the zombie menace in Mythshore. I believe this is a possible route. I think we will befriend Father Golem, telling him about impending danger towards him because of his 'heart'. He will send you on quests or something, you gain his trust, then he helps by clearing out Mythshore because they cannot get spectral fever, and possibly occupying the town. Sending his sons to learn more about life, outside of protecting him, them getting more individuality. Emerine boyfriend when? Literally created to be your boyfriend by Father. Father might also control all the underground tunnels and even war with the rats because they carry spectral fever. Then a possible mass vaccination of ratkin to be cured.
(2.) I do not think the zombies were created by Nameless or the Witch, I think that there is a third threat out there. It's possible that the Witch made the Shapeshifters who in turn created the spectral fever issue but after seeing the real Lionel and the underground crypt with those sigils, I am willing to bet that there is a third big bad. Probably of the necromancer or lich variety. I was actually thinking Ruben is somehow involved due to wanting to preserve and extend his life.
(3.) I'm pretty sure the Witch created the Werewolves and will eventually turn them against the player, due to the nightmare MC had of being attacked by Logan as a werewolf. Meaning Bernard, Logan, Caleb, the Alpha and Beta will be your enemies. Logan did mention that he would like for you to experiment on him as patient 0 to find a true cure for Lycanthrope, I think the player will find a semi cure and 'recover' the werewolves in the forest giving them back their sentience like Caleb did and making a tribe of werewolf people in the forest.
(4.) Hayden will leave Bareshade for the swamps. He will become a swamp king. I don't know if the Nameless created that swamp monster tree or the Witch, or if it has been there long before the curse of lust, but Hayden got attacked by it and survived. He will somehow play a part is dealing with the swamp tree. I think he will either good ending rule the swamp trees, or bad ending get absorbed by the swamp tree like those werewolves.
(5.) Hissh is Roushks or Grushks son. It would be more interesting if he was actually Roushks son, but either is a possibility. Hissh claims to be someone born from the blessing of Lust, and that it is a good thing because it births more lizards, makes lizards stronger, among other things. Yet this curse has only been around for half a year at best due to Orthra's dialogue which gives a narrow time frame of events. If Hissh was born he would have grown to adulthood in an rapid amount of time. Another thought that crossed my mind while writing this, in the curse of lust bad ending, the MC is turned into a lizard woman and lays eggs for the tribe. Perhaps he is someone transformed by the corrupted water into a Lizard man and was originally a human or some other race.
(6.) I believe Sabal is not native to the island. Tao talks about the three races that live on the island. Ursadin, Hogsvine, and Alurines. You would think in all this conflict the fourth tribe would be involved in some way or at least known and spoken of. The reason I think this is because 'Jester' speaks of a lion. I think that the Lion tribe that Sabal originates is actually from the wasteland with the other Orcs, probably in the forest that is now closed off by the Stormclaw tribe. As Groth said Orcs are not the only race who live in the wastelands. We have Harpies, Ogres, Orcs and what else? Where could Jester have seen a lion? Not past the icy mountain, not in the jungle of a remote island, most likely in the wilderness or the plains of death. They have giant bears up there seen in the armor of some of the Orcs, why not Lions?
(7.) The temples, one in the Lizard tribe, one in the ratkin junkyard, one in Lakeshard, a crypt under the ground near Bareshade, I am so curious to learn about more of the history. Tao will surely make discoveries. I personally think that the crypt has to do with the necromancer Lionel I mentioned before, but all these destroyed temples could be an apocalypses scenario, where there was a civilization but it was destroyed by something. Maybe a society dedicated to the Nameless which was destroyed or something? I don't know its pretty interesting.
(8.) I think Bareshade will be destroyed. Perhaps Nameless and Witch working together or just the perfect storm of bad events. Right now Bareshade seems so amazing, but I think it will fall. Logan, Bernard, Caleb, werewolves, into the forest. Hayden taken by the swamp. Blake, Harold, Rose all move to northcrest because of the danger. The bandits will abandon their camp and take over Bareshade; (the bandits being outlaws in northcrest being unable to go there). Your home base in the forest is destroyed. All the problems at once, the Lizards are invaded by their lustful counterparts, the werewolves are attacked by the swamp, the Orcs war among each other, Northcrest shapeshifting noble problem while Zombies and Murcads attack Northcrest. Okay maybe thats too much, but it would be crazy to see occur. I do think Bareshade will be attacked and vacant at some point though. Perhaps by a dragon.
(9.) Rose will become an actual magic using witch. I don't have any evidence, I just think she will become capable of magic at some point.
(10.) Tank is a creation of the Witch. It is possible that he is just some odd half breed, because when Orcs fuck human women Orcs are born not humans. So maybe she was splicing creatures to make a monster of some kind and Tank was her failure.
(11.) The frozen mountain top with the Yeti was destroyed because it had a Gem that the Nameless and Witch want.
I would like to hear some of the theories some of you might have cooked up. Please share with me! :D <3
This is exhilarating, lol. Here are my current thoughts about this game:
1. There are trinkets, right? As far as I know, they are sought after by many—Nameless, Witch, Ruben, heck, even our master could be trying to get his hands on them, and possibly other people too. But... Why? I believe that those trinkets (which I think are orbs) could grant power or extend one's life, or maybe even both. For now, we don't know what Nameless and Mirage are trying to accomplish. But for Ruben, we know he's trying to extend his life. Think about it, Father's heart could be one of those orbs. He said that he wasn't born an emerine golem. If I remember correctly, he was on the verge of death, but then something saved him. It extended his life. What if collecting all of the trinkets could grant immortality? I think Mirage will try to kill Father for that. By the way, did you guys give Nameless both of the trinkets, or just one?
2. Our master could be lying to us. He said in his letter that he left to take care of an urgent matter. If he did do that, there's a chance that he's currently in the Stormclaw tribe, probably trying to help the orcs get out ( I thought he could be there cuz it's the last place we still haven't unlocked yet ) , or in other parts of Aigran. If not that... What if he's part of the Northcrest's Bentley family? Remember, we don't know his origin, not even his real name. Could he be Lord Salvador? The Bentley family are alchemists who excel at creating medicine. They're probably the ones who made Wraithfever in Mythshore, though I don't see any reason why they would do that. It could be an accident too. Anyways, we don't know for sure if our master is a good guy or a bad guy, though I think he cares for us, I just hope we don't get to kill him.
3. The Bentley Family vanished. Could they be running from their responsibilities in Mythshore? Were they taken? If they were taken, it would either be Nameless or Witch who did that, as they're the only ones who can do it without leaving any trace. Or they probably left on their own will too. Nameless and Witch ask people to take their sides. They even did that to us. The question is always why? Why would they need alchemists? All I know is that in the world of Aigran, potions are more powerful than swords...
I'm sure I'm wrong in a lot of aspects in these theories as there are a lot of missing key details. But yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
ay theory time, that's my favorite time! :D just sucks I'm blanking really hard on any of mine lmao. I'll edit if I can think of any but some of yours are really interesting and would incredibly neat to see in game!
I think our teacher is going to be a villain. It'd be anticlimactic if he was away all this time not actually doing something malicious. I'm also starting to think he's the creator of these monsters in Black Wolf event.
I'd honestly be fine with our teacher being a villain but I uh kinda hope he's hot and we can seduce him. Also, now you're making me sus of Ruben. He's always in the right place at the right time and always involved in all the things happening in different quest lines regarding Northcrest. And the fact that we can't fuck with him is making me all the more sus.
And I swear, I freaking forgot about the zombies lol.
Another Theory I forgot I had was that the teacher created the Main Character. That we are a human created through alchemy. The Witch creates monsters and teacher knows about the werewolves, it is possible he knows of the witch and took a favor from her creating a son, aka the main character. The main character also calls his teacher Master often, despite having learned nothing from him at the start of the game. I'm thinking we were literally created to be a servant, but teacher got cold feet, or went to complete his favor. Think about it, no one knows where the main character came from, and only Gunnar talks about you appearing from nowhere and being an extremely capable person. Where are we from? We were made.
That theory also crossed my mind; however, to connect it with my other theory of the teacher being a part of the Bentley family, what if we are too? Remember, people don't know much about that family as they prefer to live in isolation. Only a few members are known to exist, as mentioned by the Quartermaster who also stated that they don't know if Lord Salvador has any children. What if we are one of his children? Did our teacher kidnap us? Were we abandoned by the family and then found by our teacher? Or did Lord Salvador entrust our teacher to take care of us in an attempt to save us, knowing that someone...
or something would come to take the entire Bentley family?
Then after our teacher discovered that the family had vanished, he went to investigate what had happened to try and help our real father. For now, we actually don't know if he's still alive; he's probably been taken as well. Our MC, who's prolly the last of his bloodline, will be the one to save everyone...
I have a BIG question, can you try to seduce Orgram? I mean when we are having a friendly battle or something like that, the desire or lust bar or whatever you say appears, and I get 500...does that mean I can? And how do I do it without getting hurt?
I can't seem to trigger seeing Logan's confrontation with thr bandit in the tavern. Bandit camp morale is above 25. Are there any other requirements for this to trigger?
Nvm, of course it triggers as soon as I make this post XD
Is there something wrong with the Munbury trip with Dulrig? I have completed all the requirements but I can't seem to get the heart. I searched and found that there is an option to "ignore his hand" on the way to the cave, but that option didn't appear in my case. Is there a certain amount of likes I need to get from him before doing the trip?
I'm not sure if you got it by now but The hint for it in game is really sneaky.
Basically you need to do everything on the ride to Munbury trip, protect him at least once, then have sex with him no more than 2 (TOO) times. I would've never gotten it myself without help from here lol. You also need to give him 5 'something' stones (I forgot what they were called) when asked. At least that's what I did.
I actually still haven't got it (cries). I don't know why. I mean, I know I got everything right. I ate him out no more than 2 times, protected him from the 2 emerine golems at turn 11, then just walked around until he was done to give him 5 emerine crystals. After all of that, we'll just go home. The option to "ignore his hand" never appeared the whole trip. What's wrong??? Aozoranokumo said I need to do the discount talk too, and I've already done it. I need help.
So I updated the game from version 0.64.1 to 0.66.1, and I don't know how to update my existing saves into new versions, basically, turning my 64.1 save with over 100 days, into a 66.1 save without having to transfer data, I'm on android btw, Google pixel 6
Well, I like the game and everything but...I have some problems that I'm already solving on my own.
But I would like to ask a question, first... Is it true that I need to be non-Bottom to be able to have relations with Dulrig? or how can I have relations with him? Second... how is Logan submissive? I've seen comments about Logan being submissive with Blake, Orcs or even wolves...I think? or is it just an invention? To be honest, I don't see Logan being a submissive, it would seem too strange to me, plus it cost me a lot to get along with him and win only two hearts, and lastly...how do I get the third heart with Logan?
I forgot to say, my English is not very good so I apologize in advance if you don't understand me.
I'm not sure about your first question. I'm a bottom, and I think I have a pretty good relationship with Dulrig. Could you please be more specifc about the problem you're facing so I could help? Second, Top Logan is really aggressive, so I think you're referring to Bottom Logan. They're probably talking about Bottom Logan being submissive since he's become like a sex machine. You can get Bottom Logan if you encourage him to go to the bandits' camp, though if you do that, you will not be able to have a relationship with him anymore. For your third question, I assume you're trying to get the second heart since it is the hardest one to get and has a lot of requirements. I'll just post the pic. But in case you're really trying to get the third heart, it just says "stay at your hut until Logan decides to pay you a visit." It's only a random chance around 20:00 - 4:00.
Oh, I owe you an apology for not expressing myself well, I see that I was wrong about Dulrig, in reality I said something else but even so when I try to do this it won't let me, and second, the last mission to get Logan's third heart doesn't It works for me, although I already completed the second one and I have a good like with it, it hasn't worked out for me, sorry if I don't understand what I wrote, as I said my English is not my language but I'm trying
Ah, I see what you meant now. Firstly, for Dulrig, yes, if it is a requirement to be a bottom to receive a heart from him, then it is necessary. I'll post the recipe for the bottom potion here, also be sure to have at least 5 green emerine in your invertory (it says it's a requirement). Secondly, to get Logan's third heart, I recommend that you save a file in your hut around 20:00, then take a nap repeatedly. If the time reaches 4:00 and he still hasn't shown up, load the saved file and repeat the process. Keep doing this until he appears—it's a random chance.
I hope this helps.
And don't worry about your English, just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it.
Thank you very much for helping me, although one last question, sorry if it bothered... do I have to have a save point in my cabin that is near the forest or my house that is in Bareshade?
what does the “prisoners” conversation with khalgor do exactly? Because I remember thinking that his personal slave would be korg, because of the requirements for the conversion, but it never unlocked any new areas or options for me.
Firat?? If you meant the festival, as far as I know you just have to start the assembly event and then invite Everett to the official meeting. They'll be there every Sunday after that I think. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
I went to speak to Korg about the fair and a scene played out where I got a choice to tell Korg about an underground trail and Korg left to take it. I didn't think anything of it and now I've progressed quite a bit after that and I can't find him anywhere.
Does Korg permanently leave? If so, I'm now locked out of the Expanding Bareshade quest since I can't talk to him about the fair even though the fair has ended
Ok, I'd like to say that I have a problem. Since a few updates there is some sort of a problem I encounter. Namely the Nameless quest. It is said it's necessary to progress other quests like Orc War and yet it seems to be... bugged? I am supposed to see a crow sent by the witch (I spoke in two different saves with only good one and on the other with "both") about a protection from mind control but now the nameless quest did not begin until I progressed Orc War quest. I understand that might mean to start the game again and I'm fine with that, but it's not the first time I'm stuck like this so I'd really be glad if anyone with more intel on this case could explain what should I do in this situation... I tried to sleep anywhere I could, but I think it only counts if it's in your hut. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me
I did. For like 20 days in a row? How many times do I need to do that?
Ok, now I tried 50 days in a row and still nothing. It seems to simply not trigger. That's the problem, all the time there's only Korg doing stuff around after waking up, nothing else.
A bug that happening constantly another time in a row?
This is not the first time it happen. I had already a few playthroughts stopped at this moment.
I've done lizard's treasure every time. And as far as I remember 'Nameless' quest was getting started around the time when you was supposed to ask witch about mindcontrol protection. Now I'm getting it AFTER doing the whole quest AND after furthering Northcrest Conspiracy and Orc War.
Have you unlocked the Iron Blood Village? And did you had nightmares with Nameless? (if I remember correctly, you're supposed to have 2 nightmares about him)
If you did and it still doesn't work, could you perhaps post a screenshot of your progress of the lizards treasure event and nameless
(also, I think it's a bug that occurs for almost everyone, I too, had it)
Replaying the game after initially playing it for nearly 50 hours, I only just discovered Xeroth is a character that exists. Damn. Who else is hiding out of my sight?
Also, I'm doing a virgin route right now, but I noticed some sexual events, even with anal or oral, don't change your virgin status. I guess these are events Hyao forgot to account for?
Thanks for the info! Im pretty sure you're reefering to this cave but i think i just have to finish some event or progressed through something to encounter the gryphon.
I would if I could, I just dunno how. Still, I suggest you just restart the game; this way, you can fix your past mistakes and make better progress. That's what I did when I lost mine (╥﹏╥). I have no regrets though because I really love the game.
I do also hope that someone who knows how to share save files finds this.
That's an interesting idea to think about. With the help of red orcs, we can conquer numerous parts of Aigran... I doubt it would happen tho. Only Hyao has the POWER, and we can trust only him.
I kinda wanna be an orc slave with him as well lol. And given the competitive nature of the red orcs, I can imagine them pitting us against each other while we both pleasure the orcs. Like who's the best at blowjobs, or who could take x amount of cock, etc.
It'd be like the contest with the Lizards where sometimes Bottom Logan would win or our character would. And then Khalgor and the tribe gets to fuck the winner while the loser watches.
I'd imagine that Bottom Logan always being sexually desperate to get pounded would create some cool scenes with the red orcs.
What strikes me is that when submitting to Khalgor he tells you to beg, if you choose to refrain from begging you start questioning yourself and your eventually forced to beg. I wonder after becoming Khalgor's pet would change events later on in the game because of MC being an orc slut and find yourself with limited choices because of it.
Oooh, and you know since Bottom Logan is a Red Path. Do you think it would also make sense to have him sort of... betray us? Well not like betray us completely but more like align himself with the Red Orcs to be their tribe slut. It'd be like a game changer event like with the Northcrest stuff or with Korg leaving your home to join the other green orcs (I forgot the name of their tribe)
Obviously he'd be missing in Bareshade, possibly sacrificing his other bottom events with the other npcs. Or actually to save that, maybe he'd just go to the Red Orc tribe... during Friday and Saturdays or something, that way he's still somewhat in Bareshade.
Honestly, I'm also thinking of something like this with the Bandit camp lol. Just send Bottom Logan there for a day or two haha.
I am having this problem of missing some content cuz I had to do the "Too horny to sleep" and never managed to, and now there is a bunch of content on the barracks but I had to have done that before.... What is the hidden recquirement?! T_T
I need that for the "A different kind of headache" which is needed for "Unwelcome offer"! Can someone help me with it?
for the Bonding event you need to complete the contest event once, have one heart with either Roushk or Othra and then visit her in the day. after that wait until it's at/after 10:00 or at 18:00 but not any higher.
Roushk's second heart is obtained through completing the bonding event.
I tried doing the Logan corruption route, but couldn't manage to find any of the scenes with him. I checked the outdoor fun area a few nights after encouraging him and observing it, but found nothing. Did I do something wrong, or am I missing something?
so you have to go to the bandit camp an try sneaking in, there a chance for the scene of seeing him getting raped by the thugs. once blake learns of the stuff below the bar an mines it there a chance to see blake an logan fucking. going to logans place at night gets scene with him an the fat thug.
I wish your relationship to enemies changed a lot more. Some like the wolves and ratkin do have unique scenes/dialogue, but a lot of creatures with opinions have virtually no change save for increased lust attack rates and I feel the sanity/gameovers could be used more aswell
I died, I will lose several months of game, and all for doing several missions wrong, so I will resign myself and try to make a new game, but I will always remember all the recipes and events to choose and I will not choose for a long time 😭😭😭
I would like to know too, I thought we had a sprite or CG for our main character, so I tried revisiting different events to see if it enables it. However, that's not the case. Please inform me if anyone answers.
There's only one CG with our MC as of right now I think. Near the very start of the game where you can give Gunnar a blowjob on the Tracks.
But I also saw something on twitter from one of the artists of this game "StanGArt" I think? If I remember correctly, they've done some CG on this game. and there's possibly a top MC CG during your date with Bernard at Northcrest. I think? I wouldn't know though because my character isn't a top. That or that art was just fan art by them as well. Anyway, all I know is there's only one MC CG yet at the moment.
Got it, thank you for the info. Idk why, but I wasn't expecting that we'd look like a shadow 😅. I was just excited; I understand it tho. As players, it depends on us how we would like our MC to look. Welp, I still love it. And speaking of looks, I wonder when we'll be able to have a sprite for Paulo and John, especially Paulo, his description sounds pleasing lol.
If we don't get our own sprites, I do hope that the outfits/armors/weapons in the Equipment tab get at least some worn/equipped sprite art over the blank mannequin for our character in the menu. It'd be nice to see how our outfits look at least.
there's one scene i have seen with this option, if you choose the option "take a short break" on the tracks you have a chance of seeing a new gunnar CG
does anyone knows if i completely locked myself out of the bareshade alliance? i can't unlock everett's relationship page, i think i might have confronted him about booner already but chose to ignore it i guess? something i've likely done a long time ago and felliar is dead on this save as well
I think so because, in order to begin the assembly, you would need to invite Everett, and inviting him would require you 20+ likes from him, or so I think. Though I'm not certain if there's a chance to see them again at night in NC, I believe it would be better to load an old save from before sneaking up on Everett and Booner. This time, don't ignore it and talk to the commander. (keeping it secret will make him like you more, and blackmailing will make him dislike you). On the other hand, you mentioned that Feliar was killed, so yeah, inviting him to the official meeting will only be optional if you had saved him.
considering it's a choice i made... i don't know how long ago, a year + maybe? i guess my only real option would be to restart... maybe one day if something important gets linked to this questline but for the time being i suppose i'll be living with that mistake
so i think the game can be enjoyable, but starting out fresh again with the new update i definitely think the beginning area has been made worse.
for one that double bandit encounter is pretty much a game over encounter if your libido bar is even slightly filled. second it feels like the bats have been given a higher evasion chance turning an already annoying enemy into an unbearable enemy, i actually had to save scum during 4 separate bat encounters because despite having 12 agility i was somehow missing EVERY attack but getting hit by every attack from the bat. it took almost a full half hour to clear out those bats.
it also feels like your libido bar fills up much much faster than it used to causing you to lose fights much easier than before. speaking of, another thing that bugs me is the female bandit being able to raise your libido if your character is gay because that massively breaks immersion just having a gay character getting turned on by something that shouldn't turn them on what-so-ever.
Are you using a bow against the bats? Using ranged attacks increases the accuracy against flying creatures (bats, hornets, harpies, etc.). I think the merchant that hires Gunnar sells a bow and arrow.
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Hello! This is going to be a long comment so sorry in advance, also english in not my first language so it might have a lot of typos. I just started playing this game about 2 to 3 weeks ago, and I just wanted to say for 1 person making this game it is extremely amazing and very very fun to play. I love the grinding and how you make different potions. The different events and story paths is fun too. I really love the art and the character designs. It would be really cool if there was a mod or if there was a feature in the game (not saying you have to do it, I'm just sharing my opinion) that would allow you to import, or make your own character. Because I love to role-play as my character that is a dragon in his human form, like just how the character is now you don't have to see a face or anything, just the base of it would be fine.
I do have one thing I don't like in the game and that's the fact that you can choose your sexual orientation and being a dominant, switch, bottom but it doesn't change that much in the game. What I mean to say is that I choose my character to be gay and a bottom and yet they still tops sometimes and my character libido still raises when the opposite sex tease, and you would even still have sex with them if it maxes out. Besides that it's still a great game overall keep up the amazingly great work!
I'd say it does matter. Relatively small, but it does. For example sex with Harold in the inn looks differently for dominant character and for any other, women can't dominate some characters at all, for example Harold for that matter. Bottoms have exclussive content with characters like Dulrig or Hayden, some scenes with characters like Feliar, Roushk or Jester are different depending on your dominance, some characters like Tank or Barrel react differently for such characters. There are some scenes with the latter when you can be a bottom yet dominant. Enemies like Nymphs also will react differently to women or gay characters than to women-liking men.
As I understand your point I just want to ask you, how do you think it would look like if you chose heterosexual male as a character. Libido damage would almost never matter as most enemies in the game are males. Also, I can't imagine situation if you would lose and you would be r-worded by male enemy. In other games like this it is still understood that sex is pleasurable then as you are bi/pan-sexual even though. Here, if the character would be hetero, wouldn't this be, well, I don't know, distasteful? Just a little bit? Not to mention, most of game content is male-centered so you limiting yourself to sex with female characters would be really reductive.
I'm not saying that you're wrong, but some mechanics are a lesser evil here and kind of necessary. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with the game. There is also quite unique content with Logan if you're a virgin for that matter. So there's a lot of possibilities, don't let your preferences limit you from finding more about it ;)
I cannot tell you how many times I had to restart my playthrough just for Logan haha. But yeah everything you said does make perfect sense thank you for informing me :)
Hello, a while ago I started playing again, I love seeing the new content but I also had an idea, it's definitely difficult to write so much NSFW so I came up with the idea of expanding the content that already exists without having to add new ones. characters, when you equip clothes or things like the cock ring, it would be interesting to see the enemies vary a little, I always thought it would be really fun if the bandits told you something different when they saw you in just a thong. , I understand that maybe this would be complicated to set up but it would definitely make the game mechanics and interactions deeper, as always, kudos to Hyao for working so hard.
How many enemies have those 0 sanity endings?
You can search on lustful desires wiki "sanity ending". It's listed there, as well as how to get them.
Como consigo o fabrico el afrodisiac? Alguien me puede decir
Hola, según la guía lo puedes fabricar así:
Ingrediente 1: Water Lily
Ingrediente 2: Blue Essence
Ingrediente 3: Succubus Leaf
Ingrediente 4: nada
Ingrediente 5: Green Essence
Creo que si o si necesito la receta y no se como conseguirla 😭
Hola, el español no es mi lengua materna, así que solo estoy usando un traductor. Aquí tienes las formas de conseguir estos ingredientes:
Para el lirio de agua, puedes dar un paseo alrededor del estanque en el bosque o comprarlo a la bruja.
Para la esencia azul, la puedes conseguir matando a los limos azules que también puedes encontrar en el bosque por la noche.
Para las hojas de súcubo, hay un 12% de probabilidad de obtener de 1 a 2 hojas explorando el pantano; también puedes comprarlas a la bruja por la noche.
Para la esencia verde, también se encuentran en el pantano, necesitas matar a los limos verdes.
Espero que esto te ayude.
muchas gracias me sirvio bastanye tu respuesta ya fui capas de fabricar la pocion
Alguém sabe porque o evento Logan Ihe deve uma cerveja na sua casa em Sombra.
Pedido: 20h00 - 3h00, 40 Com,
não acontece???
se ele apareceu na cabana, e você já ajudou ele a entrar na toca dos lobos, nao é mais possível acionar esse evento. você vai ter que recarregar um save antigo e fazer todas as tasks necessárias antes, e evitar ir à cabana à noite
I have the required things needed for a Prison with reinforced cells, but it keeps telling me that I don’t have enough material, although I’ve kept triple checking. How do I fix this?
Did you guys recommended Bareshade? or Northcrest? to Paulo and John.
I offered them Bareshade, it just seemed much safer than NC at the time. I saw in the LD wiki that the event can progress a bit more if you suggested NC, was it a bad idea??
Suggesting Bareshade is an option??? I only had option for Northcrest.
EDIT: Oh you need to progress Bareshade Expansion for it... Good to know.
Curious. If some of the character have Corrupted/Red Paths, what would be your "ideal" red path for them and which characters do you have in mind? As far as I know, Logan has the most infamous one of all. Then there's the Lizards, though I haven't tried that path yet honestly. Gunnar has one but it's a main quest thing I think so it doesn't only affect him?
But anyway.
Bernard: I know people have been wanting him to either show dominance or even be a sub lol from what I see from twitter/X. But personally, I kinda want him to... cuck us. This game really has a lot of fetishes covered and seeing as uh, cuckolding hasn't appeared yet, I think a Red Path/Corrupted Bernard would fit.
And since he is also sort of like the "Main" love interest for our character, even though this is more of a polygamist society, us corrupting him to lower his sexual purity and fuck someone else while we watch would be hot. Specifically, Red Path Logan. See? It's all connecting lol. It'd be a sort of vengeance on us for Logan for letting him get fucked in the Bandit Camp. Red Path Bernard wouldn't call us "Love" anymore though, and we'd see him go a slight bit arrogant but not too much.
Everett: Okay, we've got a glimpse of good ol' Santa getting it with his soldiers in a non-canon event. But how about a Red Path for him where this time, there's no memory wiping involved. He'd be exposed to Northcrest for being a slut and even give in to being the Army's Bitch. I still think he should keep his title but he'd loosen his seriousness in a Red Path. Like when we visit him in his camp, we'd see him bouncing on a soldier's cock instead of a dildo. Or maybe when we visit the Barracks, sometimes we'd see him get passed around during the guards' card night.
Hell maybe even see him sometimes on the battlefield giving in to the red orcs and gryphons so openly.
I couldn't think of anyone else more honestly, I swear I had a lot in my mind before writing this but... meh. They're gone from my brain.
What do you think about Caleb? If we choose not to save him, imagine that dumb mutt becomes a wild monster of the night, roaming around the forest like a predator, kidnapping anyone he can to fuck with them.
Then there's also a chance for us to be fucked by him whenever we stroll at night, or we see a CG of him ramming a stranger.
Oh god, tell me you're not a mind reader lol. I actually had a Caleb segment with the same idea as yours but deleted at the last minute because it wasn't as long with my Bernard and Everett paragraphs. LMAO.
Yeah, and I also thought of him joining the Alpha, or whoever gets to be Alpha alongside the Beta Black Wolf as bosses in the Forest Den.
Hell, maybe he'd be one of the werewolves who'd get kidnapped and get a new sprite of being controlled by the Swamp Monster as the story goes on. It would make Normal Bernard to have to be Alpha (For the Bottom Logan route). His story is lacking in that department lol if you make Logan the red path so I think something like this could fluff up Bernard's role in that event.
What’s the word count on this right now? (Also for future reference, is there an easy way to check for it on other VNs?)
If my script computed it correctly, this game has nearly 2 million words.
Will there be a translation into Russian?
How do you trigger the trouble in den?
Theory and Discussion time fellas -
Skip if you have not played up to the current patch
(1.) I think the Emerine Golems will assist in the killing of the zombie menace in Mythshore. I believe this is a possible route. I think we will befriend Father Golem, telling him about impending danger towards him because of his 'heart'. He will send you on quests or something, you gain his trust, then he helps by clearing out Mythshore because they cannot get spectral fever, and possibly occupying the town. Sending his sons to learn more about life, outside of protecting him, them getting more individuality. Emerine boyfriend when? Literally created to be your boyfriend by Father. Father might also control all the underground tunnels and even war with the rats because they carry spectral fever. Then a possible mass vaccination of ratkin to be cured.
(2.) I do not think the zombies were created by Nameless or the Witch, I think that there is a third threat out there. It's possible that the Witch made the Shapeshifters who in turn created the spectral fever issue but after seeing the real Lionel and the underground crypt with those sigils, I am willing to bet that there is a third big bad. Probably of the necromancer or lich variety. I was actually thinking Ruben is somehow involved due to wanting to preserve and extend his life.
(3.) I'm pretty sure the Witch created the Werewolves and will eventually turn them against the player, due to the nightmare MC had of being attacked by Logan as a werewolf. Meaning Bernard, Logan, Caleb, the Alpha and Beta will be your enemies. Logan did mention that he would like for you to experiment on him as patient 0 to find a true cure for Lycanthrope, I think the player will find a semi cure and 'recover' the werewolves in the forest giving them back their sentience like Caleb did and making a tribe of werewolf people in the forest.
(4.) Hayden will leave Bareshade for the swamps. He will become a swamp king. I don't know if the Nameless created that swamp monster tree or the Witch, or if it has been there long before the curse of lust, but Hayden got attacked by it and survived. He will somehow play a part is dealing with the swamp tree. I think he will either good ending rule the swamp trees, or bad ending get absorbed by the swamp tree like those werewolves.
(5.) Hissh is Roushks or Grushks son. It would be more interesting if he was actually Roushks son, but either is a possibility. Hissh claims to be someone born from the blessing of Lust, and that it is a good thing because it births more lizards, makes lizards stronger, among other things. Yet this curse has only been around for half a year at best due to Orthra's dialogue which gives a narrow time frame of events. If Hissh was born he would have grown to adulthood in an rapid amount of time. Another thought that crossed my mind while writing this, in the curse of lust bad ending, the MC is turned into a lizard woman and lays eggs for the tribe. Perhaps he is someone transformed by the corrupted water into a Lizard man and was originally a human or some other race.
(6.) I believe Sabal is not native to the island. Tao talks about the three races that live on the island. Ursadin, Hogsvine, and Alurines. You would think in all this conflict the fourth tribe would be involved in some way or at least known and spoken of. The reason I think this is because 'Jester' speaks of a lion. I think that the Lion tribe that Sabal originates is actually from the wasteland with the other Orcs, probably in the forest that is now closed off by the Stormclaw tribe. As Groth said Orcs are not the only race who live in the wastelands. We have Harpies, Ogres, Orcs and what else? Where could Jester have seen a lion? Not past the icy mountain, not in the jungle of a remote island, most likely in the wilderness or the plains of death. They have giant bears up there seen in the armor of some of the Orcs, why not Lions?
(7.) The temples, one in the Lizard tribe, one in the ratkin junkyard, one in Lakeshard, a crypt under the ground near Bareshade, I am so curious to learn about more of the history. Tao will surely make discoveries. I personally think that the crypt has to do with the necromancer Lionel I mentioned before, but all these destroyed temples could be an apocalypses scenario, where there was a civilization but it was destroyed by something. Maybe a society dedicated to the Nameless which was destroyed or something? I don't know its pretty interesting.
(8.) I think Bareshade will be destroyed. Perhaps Nameless and Witch working together or just the perfect storm of bad events. Right now Bareshade seems so amazing, but I think it will fall. Logan, Bernard, Caleb, werewolves, into the forest. Hayden taken by the swamp. Blake, Harold, Rose all move to northcrest because of the danger. The bandits will abandon their camp and take over Bareshade; (the bandits being outlaws in northcrest being unable to go there). Your home base in the forest is destroyed. All the problems at once, the Lizards are invaded by their lustful counterparts, the werewolves are attacked by the swamp, the Orcs war among each other, Northcrest shapeshifting noble problem while Zombies and Murcads attack Northcrest. Okay maybe thats too much, but it would be crazy to see occur. I do think Bareshade will be attacked and vacant at some point though. Perhaps by a dragon.
(9.) Rose will become an actual magic using witch. I don't have any evidence, I just think she will become capable of magic at some point.
(10.) Tank is a creation of the Witch. It is possible that he is just some odd half breed, because when Orcs fuck human women Orcs are born not humans. So maybe she was splicing creatures to make a monster of some kind and Tank was her failure.
(11.) The frozen mountain top with the Yeti was destroyed because it had a Gem that the Nameless and Witch want.
I would like to hear some of the theories some of you might have cooked up. Please share with me! :D <3
This is exhilarating, lol. Here are my current thoughts about this game:
1. There are trinkets, right? As far as I know, they are sought after by many—Nameless, Witch, Ruben, heck, even our master could be trying to get his hands on them, and possibly other people too. But... Why? I believe that those trinkets (which I think are orbs) could grant power or extend one's life, or maybe even both. For now, we don't know what Nameless and Mirage are trying to accomplish. But for Ruben, we know he's trying to extend his life. Think about it, Father's heart could be one of those orbs. He said that he wasn't born an emerine golem. If I remember correctly, he was on the verge of death, but then something saved him. It extended his life. What if collecting all of the trinkets could grant immortality? I think Mirage will try to kill Father for that. By the way, did you guys give Nameless both of the trinkets, or just one?
2. Our master could be lying to us. He said in his letter that he left to take care of an urgent matter. If he did do that, there's a chance that he's currently in the Stormclaw tribe, probably trying to help the orcs get out ( I thought he could be there cuz it's the last place we still haven't unlocked yet ) , or in other parts of Aigran. If not that... What if he's part of the Northcrest's Bentley family? Remember, we don't know his origin, not even his real name. Could he be Lord Salvador? The Bentley family are alchemists who excel at creating medicine. They're probably the ones who made Wraithfever in Mythshore, though I don't see any reason why they would do that. It could be an accident too. Anyways, we don't know for sure if our master is a good guy or a bad guy, though I think he cares for us, I just hope we don't get to kill him.
3. The Bentley Family vanished. Could they be running from their responsibilities in Mythshore? Were they taken? If they were taken, it would either be Nameless or Witch who did that, as they're the only ones who can do it without leaving any trace. Or they probably left on their own will too. Nameless and Witch ask people to take their sides. They even did that to us. The question is always why? Why would they need alchemists? All I know is that in the world of Aigran, potions are more powerful than swords...
I'm sure I'm wrong in a lot of aspects in these theories as there are a lot of missing key details. But yeah, that's what I'm thinking.
ay theory time, that's my favorite time! :D just sucks I'm blanking really hard on any of mine lmao. I'll edit if I can think of any but some of yours are really interesting and would incredibly neat to see in game!
I think our teacher is going to be a villain. It'd be anticlimactic if he was away all this time not actually doing something malicious. I'm also starting to think he's the creator of these monsters in Black Wolf event.
I'd honestly be fine with our teacher being a villain but I uh kinda hope he's hot and we can seduce him. Also, now you're making me sus of Ruben. He's always in the right place at the right time and always involved in all the things happening in different quest lines regarding Northcrest. And the fact that we can't fuck with him is making me all the more sus.
And I swear, I freaking forgot about the zombies lol.
Another Theory I forgot I had was that the teacher created the Main Character. That we are a human created through alchemy. The Witch creates monsters and teacher knows about the werewolves, it is possible he knows of the witch and took a favor from her creating a son, aka the main character. The main character also calls his teacher Master often, despite having learned nothing from him at the start of the game. I'm thinking we were literally created to be a servant, but teacher got cold feet, or went to complete his favor. Think about it, no one knows where the main character came from, and only Gunnar talks about you appearing from nowhere and being an extremely capable person. Where are we from? We were made.
That theory also crossed my mind; however, to connect it with my other theory of the teacher being a part of the Bentley family, what if we are too? Remember, people don't know much about that family as they prefer to live in isolation. Only a few members are known to exist, as mentioned by the Quartermaster who also stated that they don't know if Lord Salvador has any children. What if we are one of his children? Did our teacher kidnap us? Were we abandoned by the family and then found by our teacher? Or did Lord Salvador entrust our teacher to take care of us in an attempt to save us, knowing that someone...
or something would come to take the entire Bentley family?
Then after our teacher discovered that the family had vanished, he went to investigate what had happened to try and help our real father. For now, we actually don't know if he's still alive; he's probably been taken as well. Our MC, who's prolly the last of his bloodline, will be the one to save everyone...
I had so much fun writing this xD!
I have a BIG question, can you try to seduce Orgram? I mean when we are having a friendly battle or something like that, the desire or lust bar or whatever you say appears, and I get 500...does that mean I can? And how do I do it without getting hurt?
I don't think you can, it'll kinda ask you "Would you really wanna do that in front of his whole tribe?"
not during the fight or any quest event thing right now.
I can't seem to trigger seeing Logan's confrontation with thr bandit in the tavern. Bandit camp morale is above 25. Are there any other requirements for this to trigger?
Nvm, of course it triggers as soon as I make this post XD
I need help I can't play it mobile for some reason😭 My phone won't let me download the game😭😭😭
Is there something wrong with the Munbury trip with Dulrig? I have completed all the requirements but I can't seem to get the heart. I searched and found that there is an option to "ignore his hand" on the way to the cave, but that option didn't appear in my case. Is there a certain amount of likes I need to get from him before doing the trip?
You also need to do the "Discount" talk, otherwise the heart can't be acquired. You need glafire stones for that one.
I'm not sure if you got it by now but The hint for it in game is really sneaky.
Basically you need to do everything on the ride to Munbury trip, protect him at least once, then have sex with him no more than 2 (TOO) times. I would've never gotten it myself without help from here lol. You also need to give him 5 'something' stones (I forgot what they were called) when asked. At least that's what I did.
I actually still haven't got it (cries). I don't know why. I mean, I know I got everything right. I ate him out no more than 2 times, protected him from the 2 emerine golems at turn 11, then just walked around until he was done to give him 5 emerine crystals. After all of that, we'll just go home. The option to "ignore his hand" never appeared the whole trip. What's wrong??? Aozoranokumo said I need to do the discount talk too, and I've already done it. I need help.
Is your relationship with Northcrest defenders above 40 as well? That's also a requirement.
That it! I got the option, I'll finish it to the end and edit if it works.
Edit: it worked! Thanks.
I thought I needed likes from Dulrig himself and I had no idea how to gain some
So I updated the game from version 0.64.1 to 0.66.1, and I don't know how to update my existing saves into new versions, basically, turning my 64.1 save with over 100 days, into a 66.1 save without having to transfer data, I'm on android btw, Google pixel 6
I figured it out, no need to reply anymore
Well, I like the game and everything but...I have some problems that I'm already solving on my own.
But I would like to ask a question, first... Is it true that I need to be non-Bottom to be able to have relations with Dulrig? or how can I have relations with him? Second... how is Logan submissive? I've seen comments about Logan being submissive with Blake, Orcs or even wolves...I think? or is it just an invention? To be honest, I don't see Logan being a submissive, it would seem too strange to me, plus it cost me a lot to get along with him and win only two hearts, and lastly...how do I get the third heart with Logan?
I forgot to say, my English is not very good so I apologize in advance if you don't understand me.
I'm not sure about your first question. I'm a bottom, and I think I have a pretty good relationship with Dulrig. Could you please be more specifc about the problem you're facing so I could help? Second, Top Logan is really aggressive, so I think you're referring to Bottom Logan. They're probably talking about Bottom Logan being submissive since he's become like a sex machine. You can get Bottom Logan if you encourage him to go to the bandits' camp, though if you do that, you will not be able to have a relationship with him anymore. For your third question, I assume you're trying to get the second heart since it is the hardest one to get and has a lot of requirements. I'll just post the pic. But in case you're really trying to get the third heart, it just says "stay at your hut until Logan decides to pay you a visit." It's only a random chance around 20:00 - 4:00.
I hope this helps.
Oh, I owe you an apology for not expressing myself well, I see that I was wrong about Dulrig, in reality I said something else but even so when I try to do this it won't let me, and second, the last mission to get Logan's third heart doesn't It works for me, although I already completed the second one and I have a good like with it, it hasn't worked out for me, sorry if I don't understand what I wrote, as I said my English is not my language but I'm trying
Ah, I see what you meant now. Firstly, for Dulrig, yes, if it is a requirement to be a bottom to receive a heart from him, then it is necessary. I'll post the recipe for the bottom potion here, also be sure to have at least 5 green emerine in your invertory (it says it's a requirement). Secondly, to get Logan's third heart, I recommend that you save a file in your hut around 20:00, then take a nap repeatedly. If the time reaches 4:00 and he still hasn't shown up, load the saved file and repeat the process. Keep doing this until he appears—it's a random chance.
I hope this helps.
And don't worry about your English, just keep practicing and you'll get the hang of it.
Thank you very much for helping me, although one last question, sorry if it bothered... do I have to have a save point in my cabin that is near the forest or my house that is in Bareshade?
You're welcome. :)
Logan will visit you in your forest hut.
what does the “prisoners” conversation with khalgor do exactly? Because I remember thinking that his personal slave would be korg, because of the requirements for the conversion, but it never unlocked any new areas or options for me.
Firat?? If you meant the festival, as far as I know you just have to start the assembly event and then invite Everett to the official meeting. They'll be there every Sunday after that I think. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
I went to speak to Korg about the fair and a scene played out where I got a choice to tell Korg about an underground trail and Korg left to take it. I didn't think anything of it and now I've progressed quite a bit after that and I can't find him anywhere.
Does Korg permanently leave? If so, I'm now locked out of the Expanding Bareshade quest since I can't talk to him about the fair even though the fair has ended
Ok, I'd like to say that I have a problem. Since a few updates there is some sort of a problem I encounter. Namely the Nameless quest. It is said it's necessary to progress other quests like Orc War and yet it seems to be... bugged? I am supposed to see a crow sent by the witch (I spoke in two different saves with only good one and on the other with "both") about a protection from mind control but now the nameless quest did not begin until I progressed Orc War quest. I understand that might mean to start the game again and I'm fine with that, but it's not the first time I'm stuck like this so I'd really be glad if anyone with more intel on this case could explain what should I do in this situation... I tried to sleep anywhere I could, but I think it only counts if it's in your hut. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide me
I kinda don't get the problem...
could you please elaborate more.
To see the crow sent by the witch, you would need to repeatedly sleep until morning in your hut.
I did. For like 20 days in a row? How many times do I need to do that?
Ok, now I tried 50 days in a row and still nothing. It seems to simply not trigger. That's the problem, all the time there's only Korg doing stuff around after waking up, nothing else.
I think it's a bug, have you already done the lizard's treasure?
A bug that happening constantly another time in a row?
This is not the first time it happen. I had already a few playthroughts stopped at this moment.
I've done lizard's treasure every time. And as far as I remember 'Nameless' quest was getting started around the time when you was supposed to ask witch about mindcontrol protection. Now I'm getting it AFTER doing the whole quest AND after furthering Northcrest Conspiracy and Orc War.
Have you unlocked the Iron Blood Village? And did you had nightmares with Nameless? (if I remember correctly, you're supposed to have 2 nightmares about him)
If you did and it still doesn't work, could you perhaps post a screenshot of your progress of the lizards treasure event and nameless
(also, I think it's a bug that occurs for almost everyone, I too, had it)
Replaying the game after initially playing it for nearly 50 hours, I only just discovered Xeroth is a character that exists. Damn. Who else is hiding out of my sight?
Also, I'm doing a virgin route right now, but I noticed some sexual events, even with anal or oral, don't change your virgin status. I guess these are events Hyao forgot to account for?
Alright, I lost my virginity to Logan after 2 days of playing. Worth it.
How do I treat the griffin at the Munbury cave entrance
2 Strong Health Potion, 5 Anti Bleeding Ointment, 5 Meat
What the what?? Where is this gryphon? I searched for it but i couldnt find it... Could it be that i haven' progressed far enough in the game?
its at the entrance of the cave complex near the orc battlefield, it was released in the latest update
Thanks for the info! Im pretty sure you're reefering to this cave but i think i just have to finish some event or progressed through something to encounter the gryphon.
Either way, thank you!!!
I just lost my 2week worth of gameplay
anyone could send me a save file with completed mission with no black heart.
(And also didn't complete 0.65 and 0.66 missions)
I would if I could, I just dunno how. Still, I suggest you just restart the game; this way, you can fix your past mistakes and make better progress. That's what I did when I lost mine (╥﹏╥). I have no regrets though because I really love the game.
I do also hope that someone who knows how to share save files finds this.
So, just curious do you guys think in the future if the MC becomes khalgor's pet would you be able to conquer other locations for the horde.
That's an interesting idea to think about. With the help of red orcs, we can conquer numerous parts of Aigran... I doubt it would happen tho. Only Hyao has the POWER, and we can trust only him.
Could be an interesting Red Path. The Green Path of this would probably be slowly convincing Khalgor to join forces with other orcs as allies.
Also this idea of red orcs conquering cities gave me an idea lol. Petition to bring Bottom Logan to the Red Orc's camp.
I would love to see bottom Logan as an orc slave too lol
I kinda wanna be an orc slave with him as well lol. And given the competitive nature of the red orcs, I can imagine them pitting us against each other while we both pleasure the orcs. Like who's the best at blowjobs, or who could take x amount of cock, etc.
It'd be like the contest with the Lizards where sometimes Bottom Logan would win or our character would. And then Khalgor and the tribe gets to fuck the winner while the loser watches.
I'd imagine that Bottom Logan always being sexually desperate to get pounded would create some cool scenes with the red orcs.
What strikes me is that when submitting to Khalgor he tells you to beg, if you choose to refrain from begging you start questioning yourself and your eventually forced to beg. I wonder after becoming Khalgor's pet would change events later on in the game because of MC being an orc slut and find yourself with limited choices because of it.
Oooh, and you know since Bottom Logan is a Red Path. Do you think it would also make sense to have him sort of... betray us? Well not like betray us completely but more like align himself with the Red Orcs to be their tribe slut. It'd be like a game changer event like with the Northcrest stuff or with Korg leaving your home to join the other green orcs (I forgot the name of their tribe)
Obviously he'd be missing in Bareshade, possibly sacrificing his other bottom events with the other npcs. Or actually to save that, maybe he'd just go to the Red Orc tribe... during Friday and Saturdays or something, that way he's still somewhat in Bareshade.
Honestly, I'm also thinking of something like this with the Bandit camp lol. Just send Bottom Logan there for a day or two haha.
Hi guy how to use love poition on korg
I am having this problem of missing some content cuz I had to do the "Too horny to sleep" and never managed to, and now there is a bunch of content on the barracks but I had to have done that before.... What is the hidden recquirement?! T_T
I need that for the "A different kind of headache" which is needed for "Unwelcome offer"! Can someone help me with it?
I had to use a save editor to make Alden's "Delivery" quest available again. Then you give him lust potions at the end of it.
Daaamn. Well guess that will have to do it! Thanks!
How do you do Othra's bonding and get the second heart for Roushk?
for the Bonding event you need to complete the contest event once, have one heart with either Roushk or Othra and then visit her in the day. after that wait until it's at/after 10:00 or at 18:00 but not any higher.
Roushk's second heart is obtained through completing the bonding event.
I tried doing the Logan corruption route, but couldn't manage to find any of the scenes with him. I checked the outdoor fun area a few nights after encouraging him and observing it, but found nothing. Did I do something wrong, or am I missing something?
so you have to go to the bandit camp an try sneaking in, there a chance for the scene of seeing him getting raped by the thugs.
once blake learns of the stuff below the bar an mines it there a chance to see blake an logan fucking.
going to logans place at night gets scene with him an the fat thug.
its not all of them just ones you can get early on
I wish your relationship to enemies changed a lot more. Some like the wolves and ratkin do have unique scenes/dialogue, but a lot of creatures with opinions have virtually no change save for increased lust attack rates and I feel the sanity/gameovers could be used more aswell
does anyone know what mc gc does
I would like to know too, I thought we had a sprite or CG for our main character, so I tried revisiting different events to see if it enables it. However, that's not the case. Please inform me if anyone answers.
There's only one CG with our MC as of right now I think. Near the very start of the game where you can give Gunnar a blowjob on the Tracks.
But I also saw something on twitter from one of the artists of this game "StanGArt" I think? If I remember correctly, they've done some CG on this game. and there's possibly a top MC CG during your date with Bernard at Northcrest. I think? I wouldn't know though because my character isn't a top. That or that art was just fan art by them as well. Anyway, all I know is there's only one MC CG yet at the moment.
Got it, thank you for the info. Idk why, but I wasn't expecting that we'd look like a shadow 😅. I was just excited; I understand it tho. As players, it depends on us how we would like our MC to look. Welp, I still love it. And speaking of looks, I wonder when we'll be able to have a sprite for Paulo and John, especially Paulo, his description sounds pleasing lol.
If we don't get our own sprites, I do hope that the outfits/armors/weapons in the Equipment tab get at least some worn/equipped sprite art over the blank mannequin for our character in the menu. It'd be nice to see how our outfits look at least.
YESS!! and a variety of outfits would be nice too!
there's one scene i have seen with this option, if you choose the option "take a short break" on the tracks you have a chance of seeing a new gunnar CG
does anyone knows if i completely locked myself out of the bareshade alliance?
i can't unlock everett's relationship page, i think i might have confronted him about booner already but chose to ignore it i guess? something i've likely done a long time ago
and felliar is dead on this save as well
I think so because, in order to begin the assembly, you would need to invite Everett, and inviting him would require you 20+ likes from him, or so I think. Though I'm not certain if there's a chance to see them again at night in NC, I believe it would be better to load an old save from before sneaking up on Everett and Booner. This time, don't ignore it and talk to the commander. (keeping it secret will make him like you more, and blackmailing will make him dislike you). On the other hand, you mentioned that Feliar was killed, so yeah, inviting him to the official meeting will only be optional if you had saved him.
considering it's a choice i made... i don't know how long ago, a year + maybe? i guess my only real option would be to restart... maybe one day if something important gets linked to this questline but for the time being i suppose i'll be living with that mistake
so i think the game can be enjoyable, but starting out fresh again with the new update i definitely think the beginning area has been made worse.
for one that double bandit encounter is pretty much a game over encounter if your libido bar is even slightly filled. second it feels like the bats have been given a higher evasion chance turning an already annoying enemy into an unbearable enemy, i actually had to save scum during 4 separate bat encounters because despite having 12 agility i was somehow missing EVERY attack but getting hit by every attack from the bat. it took almost a full half hour to clear out those bats.
it also feels like your libido bar fills up much much faster than it used to causing you to lose fights much easier than before. speaking of, another thing that bugs me is the female bandit being able to raise your libido if your character is gay because that massively breaks immersion just having a gay character getting turned on by something that shouldn't turn them on what-so-ever.
Are you using a bow against the bats? Using ranged attacks increases the accuracy against flying creatures (bats, hornets, harpies, etc.). I think the merchant that hires Gunnar sells a bow and arrow.
Hope we'll get a sprite for Tank without his mask to go with the scenes where he removes it :3
Hi when I want to get ahead in the events it says The REST of THE EVENT is STILL working IN PROGRESS and this happens in all events what should I do
It means rest of the event hasn't been developed yet, there isn't any content left for you to play.
An update❤️❤️, thankyou Hyao!!