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Is there a chance that the logan second heart event can be triggered instead of logan third heart event. Im unmotivated to start over from the point where I can start back before initiate the event

(1 edit) (+2)

Kinda random and late topic (and probably a spoiler too if you're a new player) BUT hear me out...

Remember the quest where the witch requested to give her an egg from the corrupted lake? I know I might be overthinking things, but... it could be possible that the orange lizardman "leader" (I forgot his name) is the hatchling from that egg we gave to her.

Although kinda questionable how an egg hatched into a full grown buff lizard dude in just a span of days (if you're a speedrunner lol), mind you there is a scene where we witnessed an egg hatching at the corrupted lake and it mentioned the speed growth development of that hatchling. Plus, she's a witch. She probably have tinkered some stuff to it.

It really made me wonder what she did to that egg. I know for a fact she didn't asked us just to have it as a decoration or something. And now that we got introduced to a new(-ish) corrupted lizardman whose intentions are different than the others, it kinda make sense that it's somehow connected to the witch.

This is just to say that if this is somehow right, then there's no doubt that she can't be trusted. I mean, I don't fully trust her, being super shady and all, but daddy squidward wasn't also helping his case.

Also, no shade to the witch if my theory is wrong, but for someone who's been in the game for sooooooo long and has a profession which involves voodoos and enchantments and luring children in candy houses, this beyotch sure is pretty good at laying low and not causing any havoc.


Actually how to help scrap leave

You need to complete Rat king quest, finding runaway ratkins, also you need to find elemental plates, Air (it's has two pieces), Earth, Water.

I have the two pieces now what

two pieces of?

I'm not sure sorry

oh and also a dragonssss tooo 


GOSH i just love your games and update hyao i just hope that in next next update therell be mermans,incubus male, naga tribe or something elf man people or more like that just sayin and also a wendigosss monsterrrr hot boiissss or female or moreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but i just love mermans and incubus males and nagasssssssss 

How to get scrap a heart

can someone help me im doing mining duty quest but why i cant report or get in the miner ?

i think you need to go to mine or report on a specific time try between 6:00 to 10:00 am

still not work

i dont know why buy I delete the game and I regret it so much!!! I was in the 0.58 version and I want to play and I have to do ALL OVER AGAIN??!?! am just stupid guys (¡_¡) 

How to initiate the cross road event? I plan to complete it for Logan second heart.


How get pass this and help Tao

maybe it will be related to the golem?      Btw golem story is still wip,

Thank you for the assistance 

so i'm having trouble when trying to open the game. I downloaded the newest public version on my laptop but when i click on the application it does not open. Idk if this is related but i'm too scared to lose my progress so when i install a new version i don't delete the previous ones. Idk if that's the cause or not 

Were is the the last rat

How do I meet the rats


why is there no option to talk to garuik unlike korg, is garuik just a guest character? even though I invited him to my hut with the agreement to be my personal chef

Where did you find that man


you can look for him here at night


I can't see a lot of character models on the app. Arion, female bandit, two bandits when they attack together etc. Others show up

not every character has a image for them

The updated android file won't install.  It keeps saying there's a parsing error


Please tell me how to get Korg back he is gone and cant find him anywhere!!!!!


if you did the love potion on him then your gonna have to use a older save or start over.
as if you do the love potion on him he gets angry as you were just like the sucubus


is there no other way i mean that is unfair



bro pretty much got traumatized by that succubus. By using the love potion, your basically doing the same thing she did to him. His anger is valid.

i forgot how to start the game 

Can I get 0.14.0 version download link?


I wish you everybody today a happy and fun eve and a merry Xmas. 


I challenge y'all to be able to get, claimed your virginity for Logan but still get Bernard's 4 hearts, but if someone already know it first you are great😎


Nah, I have other interests xD. If... Hyao in the future allows it, I am pouring every ounce of my virginity to my husbando Nameless, wait, no Lloig. I cannon´d in my fic that we name him Lloig. :P 

But I am glad you and Logan are happy together :)


Ahh you name it Lloig, honestly the name is kinda cute (≧▽≦)

Hope my logan irl...  No our logan.:p

You can call me odd but it's his character that makes me love him(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ



Yup, trust me its complicated... xD. You guys can find more about that in the 2nd link. But maybe, just maybe you want to discover how we reach all that in the 1st one :P


I restarted to do this the moment that update came out. :>

what a dedication😂

help i am stuck on the black wolf quest and the curse of lust. for example who else do i go to about the who the werewolf used to be and with ortha how to get her allow you to help

my game no loner has the affection tab in the menu. No people or Monsters

it was moved into quest area

Anybody else having trouble with the Orc quest? I finished everything up to Ograms final challenge but he won’t give me the next quest.

Have you done the witch/nameless quest yet? You need to, since it's connected to the orcs.

Im stuck, I got both the wolves and wolbauks opinions to 100, but still can't get the beast lover feat. I also saw the submit to the wolf group scene in the forest, but still, can't get my own pets affection over 26 or 27.

I'm also struggling on how to get the "public fun" option in Bareshade. Please help with both of these.

beast_lover is a hidden stat, you aren't supposed to see it without save/game editors. The best way to know if beast_lover is high enough is to check whether the pet tricks are fully unlocked. Attacking beast enemies will lower beast_lover, while lewding them in battle will increase it. Pet affection doesn't go any higher than 50.

Remove your pants and enter Bareshade over and over until you have enough lewd fame. Or do lewd things with the drunkard.

I have them all unlocked except for the one that teaches my animals to mount me, and idk how to unlock it


I just told you. Do lewd things to beast enemies, preferably the wolves and corrupted lizards at the underground lake. This will increase the beast_lover score until it unlocks all options. Doing violent things to beasts will lower the beast_lover score and lock the options.

i cannot continue the orc storyline. after the last trial, the chief is supposed to give me a quest but he never does.

The bandit camp quest is not starting for me... It says I need to "explore the forest", but I cant find it?

Bernard is healed already and the relationship with the bandits is at 100.

so i found the secret passage in the junkyard how do i get across to the other side is there a potion or something i need to craft to be able to breath underwater?

That section is unfinished, there's nothing there yet. If you want to go the island you have to free Tao (not enslave him) and clear the passage underground to get to the island. You will need to get rid of some ratkin in the tunnel, then inform Tao, or something like that.

I encouraged Logan to go to the bandit camp and saw the camp scene and talked to him about it but cant get any of the other bottom logan scenes to play. Can someone please help me or tell me what I'm doing wrong?


hey, does anybody have any game recs with a relationship kinda similar to what the pc and gunnar had?

Hello, to get it you have to admit in the card game that you are Gunnar's bitch, this happens in Northcrest, in the barracks of the military at about 20:00-00:00 and also in the merchant's house, where Gunnar says to do it in front of the merchant obeys and then the merchant will ask if you are okay with it, your preciona "I admit to being Gunnar's bitch" then at the end of the events of the Northcrest Conspiracy when fleeing through the caves he'll tell you to go away, Press "Stay" After that, he'll give you your first kiss, call you by name for the first time, and you'll get his heart 

is there gonna be more nudist dateable npc characters mainly orcs there's only a few of them


Dear hyao I beg you make content about Logan Heart 4, Logan is my type who is hard to get and cute at the same time♥️guys did you know that dulrig can get 100 likes? I've tried everything, even at the gloryhole it doesn't increase anymore😖

(1 edit) (+1)

I adore both of these men so god damn much, its insane how much this game has made me adore its cast...

As for getting Dulrig to 100 Like though, I believe the current cap is 75? He doesn't have more than 1 heart available at the moment, so I imagine they'll up the cap as the relationship progresses in updates, but you can get it to the cap by gifting him Ale.

I'm sure you've noticed, but many items, interactions, etc are capped to stop giving more Like at a certain point - for example, Lube caps at ~40, I believe - but the Ale one changes depending on how much you give him and if you agree to "a quick round" afterwards. You need to have his first heart for the higher numbers though, but that already seems to be covered

To break the 60 cap, you need to give him Ale, and then Share another when prompted - you need multiple in your inventory for this. Then after you Share, you need to agree to "a quick round" with him. The second Ale caps at 70, and the "quick round" caps at 75.

The Wiki covers a lot of things, albeit a bit outdated in areas, so i'd definitely advise looking at it if you're lost!

(My Relationships page with Dulrig for reference)

Its works thanks😁♥️


¿Me recomiendas aceptar la protección de la bruja? Acepta o no su protección, sin nombre me va a reprochar la decisión que he tomado.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hola. Yo no acepté la protección de la bruja y despues le dije a Nameless que quería servirle :). Decide lo que mas te apetezca, ya que todavia no sabemos los efectos a largo plazo de todo esto. 

The part of the complex where the golems are, does anyone know how to get to it? It’s seems blocked off. Do I have to talk to someone first?

Does anyone know why it won't let me download the new update and it appears that the download is prohibited?

Guys help i don't want to play the entire thing again the save is gone what can I do I use the Android version

Idk if there is uploaded saves but i lost mine too lol it sucks

I lost mine through pure idiocy. I wanted to test the female route on a new save to see what the difference is while my male route save file was sitting next to it, safely (not). I accidentally mis-clicked since I was so used to saving on that part and overwrote the male save file that has about already hundreds of hours of gameplay. 

I kinda stopped playing after that for a while. 

Here you go. Since you are on Android, you may need a file explorer app capable to opening system folders (this varies by device, though) so that you can copy/paste save files from/to there.

Hope it helps you, if you reinstall the LD

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How do you get inside the "Wolves Den"? I keep reloading + trying but all I get is this text box:

theres a certain story line that allows you to get inside being troubles in the den. you can only get inside after doing that and mid quest

question is why do you want to get inside so badly?

I'm doing the "Full Moon" event, don't you need to get inside the den to capture Bernard/Logan so they can be treated?

you don’t need to be inside the den to treat them

They can be found outside the den by looking but u gotta do other stuff by the storyline if that quest and have some items on you like wolf tame thing (idk the name but it’s used to tame wolfs) and have a jail cell at your house

Can someone help me I don't know where to go or what to do next ;-;

you finished the curst of lust in the swamp an done the bandit camp quest?

I don't know how to done that quest;-;

Sometimes you just have to explore and you might encounter things in an area. For example, search enough times in the swamp and you'll eventually meet the witch. You can also look at your quests to see what you are missing and what routes you can try. Specifically the main quests. Honestly? Just experiment a little, you never know what might come up.

im on windows and im not getting any sound from the game and im not sure what to do any suggestions

yeah me either

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depending on the area it might not have sound yet. 

not all areas an events have sounds

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