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Alguien puede ayudarme? intento hacer los tablones entrando en el ícono de herramientas pero no me deja hacer los tablones, alguien sabe como arreglarlo? 

Que raro. ¿Has comprobado si tienes madera?

(1 edit) (+1)

Is it because you haven't created a workshop yet? You'll have to buy plank and tools from Logan and Bernard first.

(2 edits) (+1)

                            ------ Beware. Possible Spoilers ahead -----

Guys, turns out yesterday, I randomly triggered the scene in which Booner, and Everett are having sex. As many of you might know already, we are given the option to either blackmail him or keep the secret. And I agreed to the second. I dont like really that Booner teases Everett with the aspect of his sexual desires being secret, but hey thats the story so far, and Booner is being Booner. 

Regardless of Hyao do in the end, I believe Hyao could implement one happy ending event for Everett, where with the support of the MC (And perhaps other characters?) he comes out of the closet and comunicates his soldiers what he really likes without shame/embarrasament. 

I know its just a game but It would be inspiring. Right? Coming out of the closet isnt always easy and  its tough to measure when its the "right" time to do so, specially if we take into consideration Everett´s current position and all the pressure that involves.  Therefore it would be pretty cool. 

If he did, this would shut down Booner because now his teasing wouldnt be revelant anymore. 

This could trigger once everything related to: orc´s war, shapeshifters and mythshore events are fully cleared.  

What do you guys think?


I find your idea interesting, if I think it could be implemented in the game, the bad thing would be that in addition to the missions you mentioned are completed there is also the fact that for now Hyao will concentrate on expanding the new part of the map, so after all, that event you mention could be implemented but in the distant future in my opinion.

(1 edit) (+1)

oh, Hyao will absolutely give him a good end or multiple good ends. but Everett coming out wouldn't really make Booner's teasing stop because it's not that he likes men that's being used it's the fact he's a MAJOR slut and I doubt Everett will ever go "hey I like getting butt fucked" to all his soldiers/Northcrest without certain situations being manipulated lol.... also, I don't think anyone would believe Booner and the entire thing is mostly just Everett's and Booner's kink.

like if someone who is known as a MASSIVE perv just randomly said "hey the commander of the entire Northcrest army is a slut" would you believe him? I'm pretty sure this is something both Everett and Booner are both aware of, example being how Everett literally says "no one will believe you if you try and snitch" to try and persuade us to forget and ignore what we just saw when we talk to him about the scene we saw, because it's prolly true that no one would believe some rando who appeared out of thin air claiming the commander is a whore. but the blackmail option still works because he understands if we can get evidence due to what we learned from listening while watching, he is still the one in a worse spot because he won't be able to stop Booner because he refuses to actually be secretive and keep his position in mind, and it would be easy to find someone who could help us. a simple example would be Gunnar or Seth/Scar or Jester/Lionel when we return them home and get rid of the... issue plaguing Northcrest. maybe further on if we befriend Lady Tess, we can call her in if we chose the blackmail route if we just wanna expose him.

I'm also pretty sure it's just the shame and stuff that turns them both on. the idea of Everett being ousted and potentially treated as a slut kinda turns Everett on, while Booner likes having such control and being able to fuck Everett how he likes/when he likes. 

so maybe there could be multiple good endings and a bad ending that seems "good". the main ending would be Everett becoming comfortable in his interests enough and understanding it has nothing to do with his job and shutting down shit of people claiming he isn't good at his job because he likes being submissive in sex by being an insanely good commander like he always has been. a different one would be he becomes more confident again but instead resigns from his position of Commander because he doesn't want to associate his personality outside of work with the army or something and he just does as he wants while helping Northcrest if needed. the last ending would be the "good" one. this one would SEEM to be beneficial to us and Northcrest because Everett would be become focused as all hell and getting shit done fast, but it would be about him repressing the sexual urges and letting Booner just stay in jail for good. eventually though something would go wrong because he stopped being able to focus at all due to being extremely horny and trying to repress it again which would start the reason this path was not actually a good idea and revealing the "good" just meant bad entirely with almost no one benefiting in the end of it except maybe us short term because we got good stuff out of him or something else.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thats really good. Maybe they just both like that. Yes, I agree :D. 

I wonder how Everett met Booner the 1st time. Is there some info in the game I may have missed?

What if Booner used to be a soldier as well? I mean... he definitely has the phisique to be one. And why he ended being a pervy insatiable guy xD? I hope we can learn a bit more at some point. Also... if there is a chance to steer Booner from the exhibitionist path, probably better :P

Do you guys think Booner would fit in Bareshade, if we ever have a chance to bring him with us? I bet the MC would have to convince Booner to wear pants again xD. I cant imagine the interactions with other characters:

Korg and Booner:

Booner: meet grizzly big guy. 

Korg: this human isnt like the other humans Korg met already...

Or Booner and Ste:

Ste: good moorning MC, I brought you some spare seeds for... Am I interrupting something?

Booner: for an herbalist you sure have a lot of friends. He is welcome to visit us and Grizzly as well. 

Mc: I can explain it...

(I know, I can only think of Grizzly related lines/dialogues lol)

And Booner meeting Logan... Ooffs.... Probably bad idea? xD

(1 edit) (+1)

glad you agree, I just hope I'm right. from what I've read in game I'm pretty sure I am but well maybe something will come out later XD

I don't think we know how they first met. I don't remember any dialog about it but maybe when we become closer to Everett or Booner one of them will tell us? also, I don't think there is anything in game yet. maybe not but possibly?

I doubt he was ever a soldier though; he would look hot as one, but something tells me he was always a perv. maybe he grew up rich or taught no one could say no to him but after he grew up into an adult his obsession with sex caused him to get abandoned and because he was used to women/men flocking to him because he was rich, he just accosts people looking for sex thinking anyone would be ok if they are even near him because of his past. wouldn't explain the way he talks though so this feels less likely of an option, and I doubt any noble would have kept him around if he couldn't learn noble/sophisticated speech.... maybe he was raised by orcs? like the perverse ones that enjoy treating MC as a slut if you submit a bunch. they sound like they would raise him like that. doesn't make much sense considering a different character but well.... maybe Booner was an exception? also who are his parents? if he was rich, when was he abandoned? if he was poor did his parents ditch him around orcs and hope they killed him but instead they raised him for some reason? now I'm curious too lol. plus, the fact we have a like thing with him means he can prolly have a route or 2 so depending on his backstory maybe we could do some stuff to help him. if he's a noble maybe we could reintroduce him and help him learn what the word no means. if he was raised by Orcs maybe we could meet his adoptive parents and see where he learned his personality from.

with fitting into Bareshade it's a big maybe.... it's possible he could fit in if we built him a house and in exchange, he would join the guard and actually behave? it could be fun to train him into being the third guard and join the other two. plus, yeah people would try and fuck Booner if he wore no pants and would prolly end up fucked themselves. we would need to prevent that XD. Booner might want something in exchange.... like a visit once in a while ;P also his interactions would be quite funny. I wonder if Korg would be willing to bottom for him? or if Korg would yeet him into outer space. Logan would either sock him or let it happen depending on previous choices. I wonder if corrupted Logan would be able to change Booner into a submissive top because of how.... persuasive he can be. also, we know full well anytime Booner mentions "Grizzly" he pulls it out so it would get awkward if the character wasn't interested lol. maybe Ste would bottom for Booner with us if we just start sucking him off in front of him.... or if Korg would fuck us with Booner.... well unique interactions aplenty XD

Possible bug, have not been able to remove the "tired" status effect after 8 hours of sleep even with it stating that you need 8 hours of sleep to feel better. I'm pretty much always stuck with this debuff.


Are you given sick or abnormal statuses when fighting enemies? If you cut your sleep time too long, you may not recover even if you rest for 8 hours. Try sleeping until morning for a few days in a row, or if you're sick, try taking medicine.

Thanks I'll try sleeping a few more times!


np(:  If there is a part displayed in red letters on your status screen, it is a bad status, so please check it as well.


cleansing water gets rid of all debuffs if you got some of that.

do i have to chose saving logan for the full moon questline to get his first heart?

(This does not lock you out of any of Bernard's hearts)

(1 edit)

I don't even have the option, checking any place in town when the event starts just results in me going to the shop and chasing Bernard. Not sure what to do.

Edit: Bottom Logan locks you out of saving him and getting hearts lol.

Does anyone know if there's a way to transfer the game to another phone? Without having to play from the beginning?

I think you need to copy your whole game folder to a new phone, I'm not sure where it is since I'm not playing on mobile.


muito obrigado amigo, eu vou tentar fazer isso


My pleasure!

What are the effects of positive and negative attitudes towards enemies? And which one is better?

Negative makes the dialogue before the fights more aggressive, positive makes it more lewd, and sometimes leads to additional scenes.

I don't think it will affect the progress of the story so much, so choose whichever you like. By the way, are you from Japan?

i am from thailand

Finally I found someone from the same country!


It's become an Asian tree (:


Just knowing that there another Asian playing this game can make me happy >:D

(2 edits) (+1)

positive is better for some enemies, but most it really doesn't matter what your attitude is with them. like I have some enemies that absolutely despise me but nothing happens, the exception to this is bandits, however they do kinda have a special case as well for rep and stuff because of the morale stat your gotta keep high so they don't attack you after you whoop scars ass or get fucked by the camp. that one is the only one basically required to keep high if you don't want the bandits randomly attacking you again while traveling, and the other part is if your like is low enough a pair of bandits shows up instead of just one of the other 3. the other side though is the opposite. if it's high enough the muscular bandit tells you to suck him off and has a chance to instead fuck your ass at high like. the demand to fuck only occurs at low morale in the camp to when they start attacking again after beating/submitting to scar or having a high like before beating scar and just spamming the tracks until he shows up.

Hi! Long time player, first time commenter. I was curious, are there plugins for Renpy you used in making the battle system and time system? I'm dipping a toe into making a visual novel with combat, but am between using Unity and Renpy and was curious if you coded the system yourself or there was a really good plugin you could recommend.


I'm not an expert in Unity and Renpy, but I'm quite sure that LD, which created from Renpy, is all code-based game without using plugins. If you like the battle and time system like how LD is, I think you may contract Hyao directly, I'm sure Hyao can give you some useful advice.

That's a great idea. I'll probably see if he wouldn't mind sharing some tips as I like how Renpy is set up, but it seems like doing the more complicated stuff could be a lot easier with Unity.

Hey guys.. I've stopped keeping up since 0.35, should I try to continue or should I restart my progress? So many new things are here, I don't think I can keep up!


In my opinion, you can restart it all over if you like since if you have already played 0.35 update, it mean you just finished Full moon event. There another events waiting for you to discover. And the game have cheat mode that can shorten your time from farming ingredients and items. 

Anyway, if you want to keep up all event, canon and non-canon, you can read update logs for more details.

what difference does it make if i played the Full Moon or not?


It will be an important event to deepen the relationship between Bernard and Logan. You will have to choose between them here. It's relatively easy to deepen your love with Bernard, but Logan's process is quite complicated, so it's better to ask here again when the full moon event is over and the wolf's den event occurs. maybe.

Guys I made heat ocasia for the shopkeeper but I can't give it to him what do I do?


You need to make Spectral Sirup from Heat Occisia you have made and give it to him.


I figured it out now, thanks anyway though 

(1 edit) (+3)

R*pey or not, I cant stop offering myself to Booner. Goddamit ;) xDDDD

The same is true for the Alpha Werewolf. The do nothing button when grappled is way to good to ignore. You cant simply stand idle when a big hairy hot dominant creature gets an impressive hard on. Yes, I am a thirsty sl*t. In this game I can do that without real life consequences. 

I am sorry for the graphic comentary though lol. 


Hay alguna forma de jugarlo en español?


¡Hasta ahora no!

Mira que hay veces que me entran ganas de ponerme y poco a poco traducir el juego... Pero no se que me pasa que luego me da pereza >_<

How do I get Logan to love me?

It's been such a complicated and arduous process that it's hard to explain without knowing how far you've progressed with Logan's story.

(5 edits) (+2)

several major things. a VERY basic way to describe it just mentioning the events he gains a heart, they all got prerequisites though that won't be listed unless you need them specifically. 

first heart, choose him instead of bernard at the werewolf attack.

second heart, do an insane amount of big events to progress Northcrest, Ste's farm and Bareshade upgrades plus witness him yell at Barrel. then wait at your house during the night for him to visit. it's pretty rng if he arrives though lol.

third heart, after completing as much of the werewolf story go to your house at the in-game hours of 20:00 to 4:00. anytime in that timeframe is fine and it has a random chance of showing up like the second heart visit does. (also if you've already done as much as possible in the werewolf story but don't have the second heart, avoid the forest home Korg stays in and or the hut in the forest at night like the plague. you can still go there at daytime and Korg is perfectly fine to interact with, just never stay past 20:00 if this event might trigger. the hut is a trap and if you fall for it the second heart disappears forever and you'll be stuck at 2 hearts for until Hyao adds another method to gain the third heart/get the fourth for people who already had 3 hearts with him.)

(1 edit)

Bernard gave me 4 hearts. Can you get 4 hearts with Logan too?

no. 3 is max right now.



Can you clarify a bit on the Korg situation? Should I avoid saving Korg and letting him stay there at all until I get Logan's second heart?


no no I was using Korg staying at the hut as a way to describe the house in specific since technically we get 2. the one in the forest/the one korg stays in with us, and the one in Bareshade Bernard builds us. imo you should ALWAYS save Korg, also let him stay for later stuff since so far not saving him actually locks you out of a shit ton of content. I was not saying to avoid saving Korg. my bad I'll try and edit it to make it more clear.


Gotcha, thanks for the edit!


How do I enter the cave?

Check the Orc’s War in the event log by opening the scroll icon at the bottom of the screen. If you follow the instructions, you should be able to get in. I don't think you can discover a new passage unless you repeat the exploration in the cave several times.

Explore Munbury Complex and find a way to reach the northern exit how to do it??

If you've already reached the Munbury Complex dungeon, check all the icons (?) (magnifying glass) (doors) and all the passages should connect. Are you sure you are checking?

How do I get to Munbury

Were you able to enter the cave you marked on the map?


Dulrig has not given me the second emerine line and so emerine weap / arrow dialog line and Munbury Trip are blocked... Galfire and emerine mined / Discount and gift lines avaible..


Solved by setting values 0/2/0 in dulrig_emerine lines... I don't know what blocked the progression...


I've been playing this game on my laptop for a while and just built a PC, is there any way to transfer over my save data?


<old pc> LustfulDesires/game/save    copy the save folder
<new pc>  LustfulDesires/game                 paste in it

I'm having an odd problem. No matter what save file I load up, it loads up with the exact same info. All the stats, inventory, etc. They have the same exact values.


guys im stuck in other land i dont know i cant go back to my home what should i do?


At the moment, you cannot.  You are in fact trapped over there.


I really do like This game but there's this thing that keeps happening which stops me from enjoying the game. So I there I was, playing innocently, until all of a sudden the game just closes( idk if crash is the better word but that's what happened). When I open the game again, the auto saves are gone and maybe it's been a while since I last saved manually😭😭, so going bck and doing some things over again is unideal. I also tried deleting cache data as previously recommended but that solution was temporary. 

Please look into this. This is for the android version

(1 edit)


Do I need to get a red heart of Gunna before doing Northcrest's conspiracy or something because I charged ahead and now I am anxious about what happened with him.

(1 edit)

No, if you have red heart with him, He will avoid to interact with you. I think it may cause some important event to not trigger.

So im trying to do the bandit camp quest, but in order to move on i need to talk with harold about one of the caravans guards, but when i go to him he doesnt have that as an option to talk about

Have you ever met Gunnar at the track between your home and Bareshade?

How can I get "Far away from home" event?

You need to unlock Lakeshade village and done some event there, so you can investigate market area.


God i fucking love Caleb. Someone really went "He's a talking dog" and Caleb RAN with it. His halloween events are amazing and hes just such a positive character. Are we ever going to get a a scene where he reveals himself to the town? Or one where we invite Rose into our exclusive club?

Caleb really needs a huge reveal.

I think we already revealed him to the town lol. there's an event where we just take him outside and have him volunteer to help people, so they become more accustomed to his existence. it's not a completed event though and I think there is more planned later but it's kinda a reveal lol.

Is there a way to have fun with Ruben


There still no way for that in this recent update (0.53)

Hi guys. For some reason, some enemies aren't showing. For example the "bandits" on the track to Bareshade and the "lizardman fighter" at the temple (spar with the warriors). I only see the backdrop. 
Also some items have a question mark as image: Silver knife for example. 
Is this because the game is a WIP? Anyone else have this issue?


Yes, it is because it is still in WIP

Okay cool, thanks!



(1 edit)

Nothing happens when I talk to Everett. Here's the image.  


Have you already explore Murcad cove? In my logs, I have some quest that you don't.


I explored murcad cove already. I wonder if it's bugged for me. I remember adding some items from the "other" section of the cheat table. Lemme try again without doing that and see how that goes.

Is there a guide to getting all the sex scenes?

where can i find these mountain tavern,snowy mountain,and other place that i can find and where??????


I copy from my previous reply. 

"You need to complete Nortcrest Conspiracy event in green route. So you can process to the redwood forest."

how can i talk to everrett about gunner talking about me when i visit everrett outpost there is no ? on it pls im so confused


You need to finish Bareshade's Expansion event first.

ohhh ok thank you but where should i find the centuers?


You can find them in the Steppe.



If you reach to Redwood forest, you will find a way to the steppe.

Hyao, I messed up with the rat king, I made Tao my property as a joke but I didn't realize I needed to save and I haven't saved for a while so I don't have the option to load it again. Is there any chance you can add a event to let Tao go after a while? I feel real bad for him.


Its not that bad, Imagine having a cute red panda to snuggle with and take wherever you want.


guys hlp

where should i find the snowy mountains,steppe,mountain tavern,redwood forest, im so confused of the updates places and other 



You need to complete Nortcrest Conspiracy event in green route. So you can process to the redwood forest.

how can i talk to him about gunner and what place?

You can find Everett at Northcrest Outpost.

i did but there is no ? on it 


im stuck

im stuck


I think you need to visit to Iron Blood Village again after 2-3 days. The new task should be added.

how do i increase my bandits morale?


You can increase their morale by talking with Jester and give them some money or get a task from Jester.




No problem!

guys where should i find all the plates in the junkyard?


1) Earth plates > First one at 0,5 in 3rd lv. Dungeon. You need to place water plate which drop from Mimic at 0,5 in 2nd lv. dungeon to fill water in a gap and then you need to swim from 0,7 in 3rd lv. Dungeon across a gap to get a plate. > Second one at 7,6 in same lv. dungeon. You need to place 1st earth plate at 6,8 in 3rd lv. Dungeon to open a way. 

2) Air Plate > Left-half from 2nd lv. Dungeon at 2,3. Then, go back to Rat king and talk about a half plate with Tao. > Right-half from talking with Rat king about half plate. > Full Air plate from combine Left and Right half plate. Check on inventory>>Misc.>> click 'use' at any half plate to combine. 

3) Water plate > Drop from defeating a mimic (event droping) in 2nd dungeon at 10,8 (always encouter with Mimic), 8,10 and 10,10 (randomly encouter, sometime you can get useful items from here like some weapons, equipments, potions, bombs, money, etc.)

4) Fire plate > If I remember correctly, there still no way to get that.

what time when evverett and gunner talk on the northest training ground?

how can i talk to evverett about gunner talking about me 

You can find him at Northcrest Outpost.


Hello, Hyao! I somehow noticed a little glitch about the removal of "tired" and "exhausted". 

It seems "Sleep at night" and "Sleep until morning" are implemented in two steps—from sleeping time to 2 a.m. tomorrow as step 1, and from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. as step 2—so that midnight events can happen.

That caused a little problem, since the time argument ultimately passed to update_sleep_time is total time minus 240.

Thus if there is no midnight event at all, moving time in 2 steps is fine while passing the time argument representing only step 1 is not. 

Some other methods that used this incomplete time argument in move_time_rest are affected too i think.

(Sorry for the unpacking, i really meant no disrespect ... It's just the temptation of doing a little modding, and for private use only. i hope it's not one of the deadly sins :-p To be honest, all the hard work over the years, that many branches and possibilities of this story in form of huge amount of code, it shocked me really. i merely know i could never be the man capable of creating this wonder ...)

how can i talk to harold about the caravans guard? i tried to click the *rumors* to talk about it but nothing a ? to talk to about it pls someone tel me


Have you ever met Gunnar? You can find him at the treack way between your home and Bareshade where you found Male bandit. There is a choice to "Take a short break", choose that, and there a change to meet him.

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