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I hope nameless make some appearance in next update 😁

Such interesting and uniqe character I've ever see in vn games


Yes! More Nameless please :D 

Can anyone help me?  My potion recipes disappeared during the game and I couldn't continue.  I've crafted a resistance potion when talking to an NPC.  The NPC said that I didn't learn it, when I opened the crafting recipe it disappeared

did you reload the save before you noticed the recipes disappear?

how do you get more places on the map

what areas do you already have?

2-3 more days 


So my question might seem out of place.... I'm trying to strictly romance Logan, but during the expansion for bareshade Bernard keeps kissing me. Is there a way to avoid that outcome? 


you cannot. there will be some interaction with others. you can, if you play it right, let Logan take your characters virginity. 


Ah. I was hoping if I avoided romance it would stop any kisses. I did succeed with the virginity, I just don't want logan to get mad at me, if that makes him mad.... Haha

Hi old player here is there a guide now just asking for a friend cause i can't teach him all the thing i have found and achieve cause i have a short time memory lost🙂(or I'm just too lazy too explain to him) soo is hyao have a guide site or something 😅

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Hello, I also once searched and found a wiki fandom of this game.

This link (may) has spoilers, be aware of spoilers.


Ohhh my fudgeee cake thank you thank you very much for telling me this actually i was planning to restart a new game soo thanks for this 😄😁

Check the guide I made following the link from my profile

Thanks but I've finished all of it now 😅 i mean all of the quest etc. 


Is there any way on how to reduce lewd fame at the lizard tribe? If so, how?

Refuse to stay after bonding time with Roushk and Othra

Got it, thanks!

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can someone help and tell me where can I find the air plate(All 2 halves of them)?


NVM. I just need to talk to Tao about half of the plate which the Rat King has it.

Yeah, in fact i don't remember every steps to have sex with logan in werewolf form, long time have no play, i know he can fuck you in wolf den at the alpha fight , but i remember it's a random event. Someone can explain every steps please. I'm lost. 

One more question, how can I get aphrodisiac? I went to the lustful desire wiki and it tells me that it can be done by crafting it but it doesn't appear to be done >:{

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Here, the recipe is already in there for a long time tbh. You might not noticed it, idk.

I’m trying to install it on Android, but it says “App not installed”

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does something happen to get 50 likes with the werewolf in prison?

only if you have 2 variants. if you do they both fuck you if you don't it's kinda just a flavor text thing where it becomes a bit different.


Just unlocked tea time with Rose.  Best girl-friend ever!  I hope we get to put her chaotic ideas into action

How do I trigger Dulrig to go on the trip to the cave? I've given a bunch of ores already, I'm confused


Did you discover the EmerlineGolem nests in the Deep Caves of Munbury Mountain and defeat them to get multiple crystals?

Yup, I've got bunch of the green and purple, he already sells the emerline weapons so I have already gave it to him. Ran around all the question mark on the map, am at 100 like with the golems. And still nothing, idk what else I'm missing.

Normally you talk to him then with Rubén and then with him back, that will give you one more talk where you go, return before 10 am to look for him to go to the cave without passing the hour, no he is not going to have a good relationship with the guards and you will have extra content if when you return from the return you give him more ore he may give you his heart

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In the current version, Tao does not appear after returning to his hometown. Can scrap be taken out of the junkyard? I did not know.

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Right now, the orc Korg is probably living with you, so it may be impossible for the current situation. Maybe an update will make your wish come true.

Excuse me, is there a Chinese version of this game?

Okay how rare is the chance for Logan's 'I owe you a beer' event to trigger because it's been hundreds of days and he has not visit.

Do you have one and only one heart with him?

Yes, I've been holding off the werewolf swamp mission because I want the second heart

Excuse me, Do we have to put the werewolf mission on hold? I've finished the werewolf mission and now have two hearts and I haven't even met an event Logan with a Barrel at the bar. Did I fail to proceed?

I think so, that's what I got from the events log at least. It says that 'To have three hearts must be done before finishing the next part of the event.'

I'm giving up on Logan's 3 hearts because it's too much trouble to start over.

Should I relax, sleep or rest to have Logan visit? And how small the chance is to get him to visit because I've been trying for hundreds of days in game but he never visits.

It says that I need to receive a package from Dulrig as a condition for sending gifts to Everett, but how can I receive a package from Dulrig?

Package from Dulrig is a talk you have with Everett after you see his meeting at the warehouse with Booner

I met Everett when I took a walk around the market at night! thank you!


What function do prisoners serve, besides sex scenes, and what do their stats do (like and dominance)?  Do they provide any sort of buff or gameplay use?


For now just sex scenes, the dominance stat change the introduction when you approach to the prisoner if is > 30 the prisoner will be dominant and the scene changes a bit and if it's < -30 the prisoner will be submissive. Now if you have two variations of the same prisoner like the green lizard and the blue lizard you get a bonus scene if both prisoners have the dominance stat > 30 and another if it's < -30. 

Now during the full moon event it's possible to imprison both WereBernard and WereLogan if the dominance stat is < -30 they will be submissive and when you're having fun with one the other will join. If the dominance stat is > 30 they will be dominant and when you're having fun with one the other will join. But if you're having fun with Logan you get an extra scene if you have 2 lizardman, 1 werewolf and 1 ratkin in the cells as well.

Thanks for the intel, Killian.  Is there a reason why the option to fool around with WereBrenard is colored red (like a bad choice)?  It doesn't seem to led to any troubles later...

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I did this in a previous build and never read him say that, is this in the newer builds?

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I need more to happen with Arion or Hayden omggg

Okay, so, could anyone please tell me wether Rhot\Xer group scene exists or not? I donno where to look >,>

For now no


Hyao. Would you add option to have the virginity claimed by Nameless? Pleaseee :3 xD


Hello Hyao. 

I would suggest that you add a full guild for each quest and how to unlock every GC in the game, because I'm totally lost and I don't know where to go.

I just started playing last night, but I'm not seeing some enemies during the fights. Is this a normal bug? Is there anything I can do to fix it?


It's normal  =3

where i can find a supplier for the bandits?


Isn't it directed to the event log in the scroll icon at the bottom of the game screen? It's a bandit camp mission. Maybe if you go see Bernard, you'll be able to talk to him.

Hi everyone. Could someone pls tell me how to make Logan visit my house in Bareshade? I have 2 heats with him.

You can't, it works only with one

I have a quastion ,I've completed all the village expansions and visited the bar at night, but I can't encounter Logan and  Barrel fight. Arion always appears and it's annoying. What should I do now? A bandit has 100 affection.

I can't either, I already have two hearts and I can't activate the event


A lot of people have the same problem, but I can't find a clear solution. There are too many differences in difficulty and difficulty depending on the character, and I've been a little disgusted.

Do you have 100 reputation among Bandits or 100 bandits' morale?

I think the bandit's favorability (evaluation?) is 100. I can see it with the ♡ icon at the bottom left of the screen. Where can I find bandit morale? How do you go up?

Hover your cursor on the Bandit's Camp on the map. You can see the Camp's Morale in the top left of the screen.

How do I do the mission to bring beers and meat to the vandidos? please help

Go to the shopkeeper and the bartender

Hello everyone, is this dialogue part of something bigger?

I'm asking it because I'm playing again from the beggining and I haven't event found the diabosite ores yet.

Can you tell me how do I have this conversation with blake?

I have 52 likes with him and it still hasn't appeared


This dialogue if for Logan. I guess if you can 'Gift' Logan, this will appear. Just a guess though, I forgot how it happened. It just did lol

Thank you for your help  :)

How tf do you have that many likes with him?

I just massaged him every time the option appeared 

Makes sense

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AFAIK this appears when you decided that the gloryhole on Stes fence should be re-created in a "pro Version". Once the weights are done your PC can gift them to Logan. I have no clue to what effect - but I didn't finish the quest connected to it yet...

It's for Logan... Is a gift you can make...

I have a question, what did you use to make this game? Cause I've been looking into making text based games and was pointed to twine, so I'm curious if this was made in twine.


this and many vns use ren'py


nah this was made in ren'py as TrinexxSlayer said.


Awesome, thanks, I just was curious. :3

Someone help me, after unlocking the corrupt place where *explore* appears, how do I explore it because something appears that does not allow me to do so
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I guess you mean the lake with the corrupt water...

If it's about the potions:
Explore until that something does not happen. If your character is fast enough you can escape from fights or use the bomb which is usually successful with most enemies.

If it's about the way:
Your player character needs a source of light. There are at least three items that do shed light. One of these can be made if you char has built a special room in the teachers hut, one will be given as a gift (depends on your choice in a quest) and one can be bought.

Tell me if you want me to be more explicit.

Thank you. I just need a little more explanation please

The bomb is the smoke bomb. It lets you leave the fight immediately and works on almost all foes.

The light sources are a torch, an amulet that the Lizard priestress gives your PC (not available if the witch helped with her light source) and an armor but it's only available way later than the other two.
To make a torch your PC needs to build the toolroom / workbench or so. I can't remember what it's called but it will be obvious when you check the screen that shows you what you can build to improve the teachers hut. To get there you need to click the tool icon in the main screen when your PC is in the hut. It has a hammer and another tool in it - there will be an area "Improvements" that shows you what can be built and what you need for building.


;-) my pleasure

Can someone explain to me the concept of reputation? I understand how to get it, but I don't understand how it works. I'm not sure if I want a higher reputation or a lower reputation, and I don't have any clue what the reputation even does. Does it change dialogue? Does it influence various scenes? If someone could explain this to me in depth I would be very grateful.

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Sorry, not in-dept but maybe this much as a start: In fights it influences if the opponent wants to hurt your PC or rather tries to seduce it.

As well, there is at least one place where your char gets gang-roped if the reputation is "Werewolf: Loving". So a high reputation is not always a good thing.
Then there is a place where NPCs invite your PC to spend time with them, if its reputation is good amongst that group of people - but they instantly throw your PC out if the reputation is bad.

In the end you should try good, bad and neutral and see. So it is not the case that a good or bad or neutral reputation always has exactly that outcome. At least that's my experience so far.

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Decided to play from the start to unlock the second option from Logan. Question, do you have to be fully virgin to unlock the other variant for 'Too Knoty"? Or just the ass? Also please refresh my memory and how do I learn the recipe for restraint potion for the curse of lust quest?

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how do I learn the recipe for restraint potion

Accept the "more potions" quest from Bernard and then look into the potions book in the hut.

Oooooooohhhh lmao. Okay2, thank you so much! 

fully vrgn

Goddammit, I have to start all over again lmao. Thanks!

Is there a third heart for logan? If so how do i get it?

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yes, and to get it you need to have chosen him first in the werewolf storyline for the first heart, then after doing the expansion quests for bareshade + the country road questline and see the fight between Logan and Barrel at the bar you go home and rest at I believe it's either 18:00 or 20:00 to anytime and he should knock then just don't pick the red options and you should get his second heart, which after or before you do that you need to do the werewolf storyline further, doing it after is recommended due to it making your house in the forest unable to sleep in or go to at night unless you wanna progress the werewolf storyline without the second heart (which I think locks you out of a scene and also his third heart). but once you have the second heart you just gotta continue doing what the quest book says on the werewolf storyline. 

editing to add, I checked and the I owe you a beer thing happening after the third heart event does not lock you out of Logan's third heart. you can get Logan's third heart second then do the I owe you a beer thing.

Dammit, I'm almost day 1000 and 'I owe you a beer' hasn't triggered yet. I've completed all requirements.

Deleted 1 year ago

Is there a follow up on sabal? I dont know what tribe hes talking about, though i would guess that theres a prophecy involved.


no not yet.

Where ca i find garuik after talking to him in the path?

He says he will sleep in my home but even though i arrived at my hut he was not there?

so where can i interact with him further?

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He appears sooner or later at the teachers hut. It took quite a while...

Here's what the 0.49-update page (link above) says:

Garuik cooking (Req: Inviting Garuik home, between 22:00 and 24:00 at the player hut)

Who's garuik?

A new NPC. There is not much content about him yet.
If you want to meet him you need to finish a quest that's related to a farm and Bareshade first.

After the road construction finished - everyone survived - what's needed to find Lenny and Roland in Bareshade (or elsewhere)?

An event on the country road to Ste's farm? in my case Once completed, remakes a hole in Ste's farm fence into a Glory Hole. It takes a few days. Once completed, it can be found by Peeking at the Glory Pit at night. I'm just worried that these choices might have a negative impact on my relationship with Ste. Please create a save data and try it.

everyone survived

... in the construction phase. I was trying to express that Lenny and Roland did not die.
If I understood correctly the hole can be reestablished without help but as the game hinted that Blake/Dulrig and Lenny/Roland could help to make a glory hole that has some open/closing mechanism I decided to choose that path. I guess Ste would like that better...
Or I got that all wrong?!


I don't know if that choice is good or bad. I'm just worried because the events on Ste's farm haven't changed at all since then. I'm glad Lenny/Roland both survived.


no you didn't get it wrong, maybe the Ste bit but that's because I have no idea if there's a difference between doing it completely alone or with help since I always get help. but the way you find them is at night, go to Bareshade after getting the dialog from the gloryhole saying you could get help and it should give you a prompt saying "look for (this character)" I'm not certain which one you find at night, but I think it's Lenny. 


Is there another requirement? I just clicked on "check materials needed" again and sent my char right to Bareshade but there is no offer to look for somebody. Maybe it has to be a specific day or not Sunday or such? Arrival @BS 2:40 > Track > BS no "look for" again.

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no there shouldn't be another requirement but I may be missing something... I'm gonna look for my save when I was building the GloryHole and see if I'm missing something. 

edit: nah I was right no extra requirements, you just gotta go there at 20:00 for the time.

 also kinda funny thing about it is when I went with Ste to the gloryhole at night for the first time it didn't take my characters virginity. I know this because I checked the extra requirement on my virgin for Logan save. also you don't need 2 hearts to get the sex scene with Logan, need to correct another comment I made saying you could get locked out if you don't get the second heart...

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Why "the Ste"? Isn't Ste a name? Or is that rather like the Lumberjack - if so, what does Ste mean then?

I wasn't intending it as "The Ste" but like "the Ste part" the is just to mention it's not about him in particular but about what he was involved in. I apologize for that.

can anyone tell me how can i get the chance the (something) in the warren and i dont know how and i forgot..........everyones talking about the warren to get the little chance ...something... in the warren i dont know the steps... 


Can Hugo fuck us?


He was implemented not long ago, I think only blowjob + 'musk sniffing' is available for now with him.

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