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I cant start the "I owe you a beer" event. I seen Clash with Barrel, Evening, Help Done, Like:91 Hearts:2, I did all upgrades and finished Ste's Farmroad. Am i missing something? It never happens when I enter my new house in Bareshade

A lot of people seem to have issue with it. It's a randon event so depends on your luck.

With me it happened, like, out of nowhere. I didn't even knew it could happen and I didn't knew people had so much issue with this.

If you already finished trouble in the den you can't get that Hart... You need tú make before the mission in the den.

(1 edit)

What? I didn't knew it!

On my first save I was just able to do this event right in the end of the game (I forgot to visit the misty abyss lol)

JJejeje sometimes happen... For that a save several times with 4 o 5 days between each other...

You need one and only one heart, otherwise it doesn't get triggered

hey has anyone succeeded in seeing Logan's MC virgin scene? I wasn't able to get to it and I am a little stuck on how to do so...


Yes i was able to! I just checked my stats pretty much after every battle to made sure everything still said virgin. I'm not sure if all 3 has to, but i went ahead and kept them all the same. If any battle had changed them, i would immediately go to my previous file and try again.

alright, I tried that but still had him talk about screwing Bernard. wasn't certain if it worked so thanks for confirming, I'm gonna try again! 


Is not that difficult... Just don't do anything sexual with everyone... No see no touch no nothing... Even whit Berny.


I thought screwing Bernard was required to unlock the event with Logan lol



How do I get Bernard's 4th heart?

Invite him to see the fireworks at the fair weekly event.


Thank you

You're welcome.

how do i trigger logans visit to bareshade house event

A lot of people seem to have trouble with this specific event.

If already have done all the things needed, so you need to wait and pray.


Just imagine the situation.

Soon in the future Bareshade citizens meet themselves at Harold's Bar to discuss how to deal with a specific situation.

In this topic, Logan and Bernard have different point of views and it's your responsability to choose who are you gonna side with.

Whichever you choose, the other will not accept your decision and it's going to go foward without you.

Later in game, the plan of the person you didn't choosed failed and they die right on MC arms, apologizin for all they did.

Just a friend to enemies situation I thought.




Let's be honest.



I uh.. do not have the ability to confirm or deny this statement.


Logan 100%...


I agree. Bernie is such a cute husbando but we do love a man who is not into us

The epitome of evil in disguise, aren't cha?


We need drama, I get the drama


I can't do it anymore. Logan I love you but how am I supposed to keep my ass closed when even the tutorial bandit is hot. I can't even get past sneaking into the bandit's camp at night without surrendering my ass to bandits ughhhhhhhhh

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I think the - play n load - does the trick for this situation.

I now... IS to difficult get virgin to Logan...

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You can cheat 😉 I was trying virgin Logan route and I was skipping texts and accidentally clicked "Accept Hayden proposition" (the first fun time with Hayden) and I kinda panicked but when I check the Mc was still a virgin even after the Hot springs sex. Maybe is a bug or maybe Hayden is secretly a ghost and all the sex you two have was actually him fucking with your mind!! 🤣🤣🤣

I think it does not count maybe? Or it's just a bug though

How can I find 'Aphrodisiac'?

You need to make them... Go with the witch in te morning... And select study...

Really?i did but no success

She'll give you a puzzle and you need to solve it.

Thank you so much, love you so much 

If you have any problems solving it, just ask for help.

No problem

Help needed to finish the Trouble in the Den event: after visiting the Wolves Den, the Dark Swamp and going to the Misty Abyss, it seems I am stuck at this stage (still seeing the lizards in the Misty Abyss) :/

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In the Woolf Den you need to go to the "!" Icon and find a vine. In the Dark Swamp yo find a purple vine  monster and in the Mist Abyss yo go to the tree home of the vine monster ( all up to the right in the "?"

Thank you!

No problem

How do I interact with the Cthulhu looking character again. One you finish the main quest and all the subquests of the lizard tribe you meet this character but I haven't found a way to see this character again

Plz help 

You only meet hen in the events "Treasure Lizard" an the second in the orcs... The nameless even is no finished yet.

How can I get permission to enter the Barracks in Northcrest?

You already see the fuck scene in the market of general and the brutus?

Yes, several times, but when I try to enter the barracks/training grounds I'm thrown out

and... Wen you see them. You blackmail the general o keep his trust??

Please, why can i change language game ?

Is only in English... Dowland Duolingo jejeje


Why is my skill dropping?


There is various way which made your stats drop. You may infect some debuffs, which you can see in this page you have captured. Or you may equip some equipment. But I think you may infect some debuffs, like tried. 


Tired, Exhausted, Drunk, Náusea, Withe Fever and another tinks make you skills drop...

Rest until the morning o make a proper medicine can help.

I would like the game to be in Spanish since my English is very basic

I think Hyao is planning to translate the game in the future. But it's going to take a while.

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If he decides to makes the step I can lend a hand with Spanish free real state no charge. It is my mother tongue after all. There could be some exceptions of course for instance: how do you translate "PLOP PLOP PLOP" xDDD? 


I will star a new file with a woman character... So I wonder 🤔 is all the new stuff are including with a female o it's only with a male gay character.


I think it does not change anything, but there are some exclusive scenes based on your gender, yes.

Just to ask, is a translated version of the game planned in other languages? 👀

Actually I don't know. Probably Hyao will wait to end all the programming and writting part to do it.

Anyway, I'll be here to help to translate the game to Portuguese.

I hope so, I really just know the game but I find it very interesting and I would like to be able to understand it in depth.

Trust me, it's worth it.

I can't wait to see this thing in portuguese, LOL.

How is the relationship with Gauruik, the werebear weredog, I found him in the path through the forest to Ste's farm at nigth and invite him to my house but nothing hapened and I don't know what to do to see him again, is he a WIP?


yeah WIP for now, only the meeting should be available rn

At the starting stat screen there are some typos:

Charisma (Info Hover): 

"Increse" should be Increase. "Influances" should be Influences


Alright, there are a lot more grammatical/spelling errors than I thought. So uh...maybe a proofreader?


I'd still love to see us have the ability to recruit Scar (the main bandit encounter) as a regular lover or party member/roommate. He has such an appealing design and is a pretty interesting character. I'd also still like to see the ability to just...turn off women in general but that's just me. It is sometimes frustrating to get turned down with the dialog that suggests they're uninterested because of my gender despite them doing things at high enough lust.

Similarly, I'd like to see more with Gunnar. Being able to recruit or join him would be pretty fun...or a way to 'convert' him over time into being subservient to us. Would be interesting.


I don't like Scar. I just found him basic, I don't know.

About turn off women I don't agree. The game is not just about MxM content and women NPCs are sometimes really good, like Rose, that is by far my favorite NPC to talk to.


To each their own. Turning him into a companion would give him more depth and make him less basic.

As for this, I suppose I should have been more specific in that I meant turning off Women combat encounters. Aka Female bandits, etc. For ones where they must be present it'd be pretty easy to just genderbend them, such as the Nymphs.


I don't know about that.

I don't think it will be something that is going to happen since it makes no sense to erase female enemies just because you are not atracted to them..?

I think what may happen is your sexual option locking certain interactions with some enemies, like you being a Male and Gay, you would not be able to "Tease" female character nor be teased by them, but again, it does not make too much sense

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When one is misogynistic to the point they can't bear the existence of females in the game they're playing so they just want to "turn off" any female characters with a switch.


I think people need to understand that before this being a porn game, it is a GAME and it has a story and everything. I know people want to play it because they are horny but it's not the only purpose of the game.

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ngl I'm pretty sure everything excluding turning off women is pretty likely for happening, specifically the making Scar a lover because he has a like bar meaning he has a route planned. same with Gunnar, but instead of casual lover I believe he will prolly have maybe 3 separate routes, the "I give in, your in control do what Ya want" route the "Haha were gonna be friends and you're not doing this shit to me so you're going to respect me." and last "reversing the roles, you're the slut now!"

will there be cave lure to capture/tame troglodyte and cave drewlers?

also i think there should be low drop rate seed of swamp monster that u could only have 1 it would grow 3 times  slower than normal plants but the final result would give friendly swamp monster beside getting 2  vine per day from colleting after sex his juice would heal even illneses and fasten plant growth.

PS.: Make roden lure work on rat's coz it's funny it doesn't work on them

if you wouldl like to listen some of my ides for expanding taming and capturing enemis leave a comment. I played a lot of porn games and there is no that fully allow to capture/tame enemies ur game is the closest to that and i made most of my ides under the shower so they should be good

I don't see why would a player want a rat as a prisioner (since it's kinda difficult he'll probably just run away) but as an animal/pet, it could be interesting.


How do I get Arion to take a bath? help please explain to me

This is a fan-made guide by Ben Dover. It may help you for this problem. (see South-Western Region)
Lustful desires fan-made guide (Public locked version) - Google Sheets

I did not find what I was looking for I did not understand

Could you send me a screenshot of that part that you say?

(2 edits)

Muchas gracias, y ahora me podrías mostrar la parte donde explicas como bañar a Arion, si no te importa por favor?Oh, and how do I get Hayden to the stable?

In what part of the game are you stucked?

I'm thinking it's happening to you the same that happened to me.

I strongly recommend you to "Abort" the mission on your Journal task page and start it again.

When I tried it for the first time, I sided with Hayden to bath Arion, but I was unable to progres further. The only solution I found was doing it all again.

If I remember correctly I selected Hayden but then Arion's mission appeared so it's confusing hehe

It's because you can change sides if you want. I don't recommend you to do it though. Or you accept the mission and bath Hayden right off or you side with Hayden and bath Arion. 

I think if you keep changing sides may crash something lol.

It is probable

I just finished giving Bernard Antilycan and it didn't work. I kept going back to the witch to try to progress the story and cure him but it seems like it's now showing up, but I got the option to talk about Caleb. Is it supposed to go this way? Can anyone helppp??? 

Have you gone back to his shop again? If I remember correctly, they said that you need some of his stuff to regain his sanity.

How do i get to lakeshard. Im on android and done the ratkin event making tao my property

Have you met guard ratkins at the island cave entrance? 

After you met them, you need to go back to rat king and talk to him. Then go back to tall them again about Rat king's order and now you can go to Lakeshard. You may need a few days for the departure.

and how do I do the mission to bring meat and beer to the vandidos in the jester mission?

You can buy Meat and Beer from Bernard and bring it to Jester. But if you mean Bandit supplies quest, you also need to talk to Bernard. And if Bernard not available at his shop cause Full moon event, you just need to finish Full moon event or cure him first to bring him back to his shop.

Sooo I accidentally used a Lust potion on Korg. Is there a way to get him back? :(

unfortunately not

Try reloading an autosave, unless its too late

quick question what is the recipe for wolf lure i can't find how to craft it

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wolf bane, X, Aphrodisiacc, Pulp (white), X

wolf lure not werewolf

nvm there isn't such thing

oh sorry i wasnt focus 🤣

Which medicine should I make?  To be able to talk to him?

There would be a new recipe of potion call "Spectral Syrup" in your notebook at your hut. After you learned that you can brew some potions to complete this task. Anyway, just in case you cannot find the recipe, here a recipe.

Where did you get this? What is it?

You can get heat occisia recipe from studying your teacher notebook. Anyway, here a recipe.

How to find the pulp blue/red and heat occisia???

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Pulps are made from 3 each berry, you need to put it all in the slots to craft it. Ex. if you want to craft pulp (red) you need to put 3 berries (red).

And heat occisia recipe I have been posted it on the previous comment.

¿Ayuda por favor?:'( ¿Puedes explicar qué hacer en detalle?

Need to find time to play it 

Going crazy rn

Does anyone know how to do the mission to find Arion's stalker?

just talk to Hayden about it

Which option do I choose then in your chat?

as i remember its said "ask about arion stalker"

I don't get that option in Hayden's chat, what do I do? am i not missing something?

I found a bug the first time I tried it.

If you don't find options to talk neither with Hayden or Arion, just abort the mission and star it over again.

Is it absolutely necessary to complete the "Nameless" event in order for the "Orc's War" event to continue? Perhaps it's because I reached a bad end for the Curse of Lust event because I did not receive the Nameless event. It looks like I've reached a dead end. 


I think in the future it will be needed. But in the future Hyao can add a new Nameless event path for those who choose the Path of Corruption.

how do i get arion to take a bath? Helpmi plis

You need to talk to Hayden, the bathhouse owner, to complete this event.

Nothing appears in his additional work, and at work I have to fight Arion's stalker and I don't know what option I have to press

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If I remember correctly, after you got a task from Arion and pay a visit to Hayden, there should be some new dialogue automatic trigger right when you enter to hot spring. After that, you need to talk to Arion again.

Arion's mission to catch the stalker came out but I aborted it and now it doesn't appear anymore, what do I do?

Have you talk to Arion after you aborted the quest? There should be appeared again after you already abort it.

Hey guys, how do i trigger the forest scouting event with logan?

Did you play in Normal Logan route and finished Trouble in den event? If you already done it, you just have to wait for a week. After you wait for a week, there "a chance" that Logan will visit you at your house, outside Bareshade, by night. If Logan don't visit you even you have wait for a week, just re-enter your house (just go outside and come back to a house) to reset your RNG.

Help cosa devo fare wh

ot sound i doo


Hai fatto una domanda troppo generica che non può avere risposta

non so come fare a incontrarlo di nuovo dopo la prima volta



Quello della foto dello schermo

Fai uno screenshot perchè non si capisce a chi tu ti stia riferendo

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hey can we get a option to jump to a save number? i have like 567 saves..

What do you mean by that?

I have 567 pages of saves and sometimes i accidentally press 9 while moving to the next page. which makes me have to repeatedly press the arrow to get back to the page i was at. so i was suggesting for them to add a 'quick jump' thing for saves. type the page number in a bar or something to get back to pages faster. 

How do you even get to that many saves??

Anyway, it sounds like an issue specific to you, I don't think the devs would see the need to implement a 'save file page quick jump' feature when most players are fine with the 9 available by default.


LMAO I just use one save per route what

So, i was playing in a rush and skipped a few dialogues. What do I do to tame the woulbauk?

You need to craft a woulbauk lure as I remember.


Sooo waiting for Logan in my bareshade house doesn't seem to work, he doesn't appear and I got all other conditions done?

It's and RGN, so dependes on your luck


So you saying it's rng that I spend almost 30 days trying for him to come around?

A lot of people have issues with this specific event.

What conditions have you done?


I mean what else do I need to do???

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Where do I get the ingredients for the Spectral Syrup for the shopkeeper :'(? or how do I do it?

check the recipe book at your home for spectal syrup> then you should be get the "heat occisia" clue> talk to othra about heat occisia then she will told you the ingredients> make it at home and finally the spectal syrup as well(suggest you make 11 cs there will be quest after bernard the shopkeeper is cured) 

gracias por tu ayuda 

Does anyone know how I can talk to Grushk? He's at the waterfall and I can do all that but I can find him anywhere to actually interact with him to gift him potion set for more like.

go train with the lizards you will have the option to talk to him

So I'm trying to complete the werewolf quest and I'm wondering if I get three hearts with Bernard to get Caleb, would I still be able to romance Logan?

Thank you for the help in advance!

If I recall yes you still can it will just take a little longer to have romance but almost certainly yes.

Ah okay good! I started over to romance him and i dont wanna mess anything up! Thank you!

To have 3 hearts with Logan you must choose him first in the werewolf event, then you go for Bernard and Caleb


I have gotten it!  Thank you though, I appreciate it! 

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