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How do I get the second heart with Ste?

(2 edits) (+1)

You can get his 2nd heart only in Normal Logan route. After you finished Country road event, go to Ste house around 12.00-20.00 and there will be some scene happen. If you choose "I want to be there for Ste." and "Try another time." You will get his 2nd heart.

Dear lord, sometimes I really feel like I'm dumb while playing this game

I struggle so much to unlock some events that I end up doing the same (probably useless) things over and over again

I've pratically done everything I could by now and have maxed out my favourite characters (Bernard, Caleb, Roushk, Korg) but somehow I still can't get that second heart with Logan. 

I've done every event, I'm at day 159, Logan is currently at 71L 1H but I really don't know how to trigger this event.

Also, I've read multiple times that there is a Bottom Logan and a Top Logan. And...I never noticed that ? How do I know which Logan is mine ? When does his position is decided ? It's the last thing I have to do before I'm completely caught up, but I have to admit I'm hecking lost


Basically, Bottom Logan choice happens pretty early, if you encourage him to confront the bandits. Discouraging him gives you normal/Top Logan. You'll probably know if you have Bottom Logan, as he'll have a number of scenes you can stumble across of him power-bottoming other characters.

As far as the hearts go, the main one that's missable is during the werewolf event. When you have to make a choice to go after either Bernard or Logan, you have to choose Logan. Logan's the better choice there if you're trying to get hearts on everyone, as Bernard's hearts don't depend on this choice.

I see, I definitively have Top Logan since I discouraged him to confront the bandits
I chose Logan during the werewolf event so I'm good on that point (and it looks like I've found my answer in the other comment below !)

(1 edit) (+2)

You can get 2nd heart with him by done a event name 'I own you a beer'.

The rest of this I just copy from Wildbara

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house in Bareshade at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.

By the way, if you can gain his 1st heart. You are in Normal Logan route.

(1 edit) (+1)

Aaaand thank you, I know where I missed something

Seems like I...completely left out a character since I have no freakin idea who Ste is nor what the Country Road story is

edit : okay nevermind, done a bit of digging and it seems like I have to visit the succubus again, yay

Glad to help you >:D. Hope you enjoy Logan's night visit scene, the most adorable scene (in my opinion.) Don't forget to save before this scene.

What if you wear 'Lucky charm' which Logan give you....


I know the feeling, that's why I'm creating a guide on exel of all the possible events of the game. You have already received answers to your questions, but I want to test my guide, so I'll paste part of it. 

I know some parts are difficult to understand, but I want know If using this table without other explanations, you think you could understand how to gain Logan's hearts or if it's too cryptic. 

-Discourage him 5L BC5Cd LI2
O WEREWOLVES ATTACK ON BARESHADE Day 30; Learn Wolf’s bane; Wait 1 Day; Wolf’s bane: 2; 20:00-24:00 FM07 LI3
-Help Logan 10L Discourage him FM07l LI4
--Stay close to him First H LI5
U FAIR O ENJOY YOUR TIME WITH BERNARD-Assure him you want it 3L LII1wx
O BERNARD’S GIFTS A HOUSE TO YOU More homes (2);Wait 7 Days LII1wy
O Local watchman (4) Logan and Blake Improving Bareshade’s defences; Wait 15 days LII1wz
O WAIT FOR THE ORC -Offer him to rest back at your place Talk with the prisoner-Yes, give him the key LII1x0
O LAST DAY AT THE WORKSITE PARTY AT THE WORKSITE; Sleep until morning; 6:00-12:00 LII1x1
O CLASH WITH BARREL Discourage him; Ask about his well-being after antilycan; Bandit’s morale: 25; Evening; RNG LII1y
A Ask about his work +1LU7 Str:12 LII1z
-Let him in LII3
-xxx-Stop him LII4
-xxx--Grab his hand Second H LII5

A guide like this is definitively going to be helpful, thanks a lot

Seems like I didn't get the "Last day at the worksite" part yet, when/how does that happen ?
For the Bareshade expansion quest, I chose the Fair -> Watchmen -> Houses order,

Last day at the worksite is the last part of the country road quest. If you have trouble on how to trigger this event, I can paste that part, but the ingame guide should be sufficient. 

Why did you feel the need to write "For the Bareshade expansion quest, I chose the Fair -> Watchmen -> Houses order,"? (It's not a derogatory question, I just want to check if, as I though, simply copying/pasting part of the guide is not enough to answer some questions)

For the life of me, I can't even get ONE heart. The clash between Logan and Barrel isn't happening. I've been many times after 8[m to the tavern, Logan is never there. His like is 62. Is it because I stuck with Bernard during the werewolf attack? Am I premanently locked out of Logan now?

Unfortunately, yes

So if I restart the game again and choose Logan, do I get locked out of Bernie content? I want them all!

Choosing Logan has no permanent negative effect on your relation with Bernard

Got an issue with Nameless, I saved before picking an option of what I want, but when I went to pick it acted like I already had and tried a reset. How do I check what pick I supposedly made?


You can't change your choice after you choose in nameless event. Because the choice you choose has been save into persistent file not in save file. If you want to re-choose again, you need to have a previous persistent file (one before you choose a choice.)

(2 edits)

You didn't understand what I was saying. I DIDN'T pick anything yet. I saved, went to meet him and pick and it acted like I already did and reset to try again. I didn't reset, I didn't pick, I just saved before doing the event for the first time and it Acted like I already had. I wanted to know if there is a way to know which choice I apparently did.

Deleted post

The choices are: Keep people safe, Find the teacher, Serve the nameless one, Kill the nameless one, To be left alone, Don't tell. If you want to change your choice you need do delete the current persistent file and place che old persistent file, be aware that doing so may break the game. For now there isn't a clear check, the only thing that you can know is if you sided with him, against him or remained neutral, based of what he tells you during the nightmare in the plains of death.

Damn. I guess I'll have to wait until there is a clear consequence for a choice to know what I "picked".

Alguém sabe como posso conseguir glafire Stone?

Você consegue encontrar glafire na parte da caverna que o cave crawler tá protegendo perto da entrada do complexo

Deleted post

Oh, I just realize it too. I never try to click on >> bottom before lol


Oh thank god so I won't run out of space when the time's come...

(1 edit)

Thank you! I've never noticed, and you can change the name of the page as well as the single saveslot's name. My problem is that I never remember the choices I've done and at the end I delete the old saves in order to not be overwelmed. XD

How do you this?

(1 edit)

Okay so a quick question that might lead to a controversial answer from me : is there really no way to change my choice while facing Nameless ?

I picked the "finding the teacher" option but would honestly have preferred to keep everyone safe (I'm still lucky I hadn't chose anything else). Will it have a serious impact on some characters ?

I grew fond of all the characters I've encountered so far, so I would really hate it if something bad would happen to anyone.

If the game forces me in a deadlock like this, I'll simply drop it.

(1 edit) (+1)

Practically, yes. You can't change your choice after you choose in nameless event. Because the choice you choose has been save into persistent file. If you want to re-choose again, you need to have a previous persistent file (one before you choose a choice.)

I'm not actually sure what a different of each choices and how different path we'll get in a future update, but for sure some choice affect to Nameless's trust.

Is there a way to know what is a persistent file and what isn't ?
I had a previous save 4 days before meeting the Nameless, right before choosing to trust the witch or not, but apparently it didn't work and I was still given the same option

'persistent' file is exist in 2 folders

1) %appdata%/renpy/lustfuldesire...

2) in your game folder, there is a folder name 'game' in this folder has a folder name 'save' and this save folder has another one persistent file 

a file name 'persistent' must be exist in those two folders among all of your save files. You must understand that persistent file ≠ save file and persistent file is a very important file. If you lose this file, your game may occur some bug.

(1 edit)

If you don't mind, I can give you a persistent file before choosing a choice to you if you want to.

It's all a work in progress, so for now there is no difference between finding the eacher and keep everyone save. For now you can kill only 2 NPC, but It's not related to the Nameless choices.

Como consigo a confiança dos Golem de diamante que fica nas cavernas? E como eu consigo fazer um antitóxico para o lobo machucado? Alguém pode me ajudar

Antitoxin Poison Extract Pulp (Red) Angel Leaf Pulp (Red)
Poison Extract Pulp (Green) Mushroom Mushroom Pulp (Green)

Muito obrigado, você sabe como eu consigo glafire Stone?

(1 edit)

MUNBURY MOUNTAIN -[Ninth row; ninth column] - Go through hole 

CRAVLER NEST - [Sixth row; fourth column] or [Sixth row; sixth column] -Excavate

muito obrigado 

I have one problem while experiencing the game ,IDK if u guys have it but I do not see the images of various kinds of enemies such as Bandits (pair),Bandits ( female ),...Tell  me if u guys know why or I should delete the game and download it once again, TY <3.

(1 edit)

The game is still a work in progress, many images are still to be created, nothing wrong with the download.

certain characters and enemies have yet to get sprites, those 2 in particular are included in that.

(2 edits)


Just check on Narram's twitter (one of creator who draw some characters for LD) and found something interested, he draw a new character name "Garuik". He look like a new furry character who may appear in a future update. I just want to discuss with you all about his role in the game and his entrance in a story. Because base on previous story, no one has mention about him or suggest about a character like him before. And he look like alchemist or potion brewer or something that make me think about MC teacher too.


I don't think is the MC's teacher since is not human and it's stated that Bareshade people don't like non humans (unless MC vouches for them). Given that Bareshade people and MC's teacher have a strict relationship, if he was not human i would expect Bareshade people to be more openminded.

Plus NPC sprites usually match the job of the person and the drawing makes me think more of an hunter/herbalist more than full herbalist, so if this NPC belongs to a race cited in he game, I'd say it's an Ursudins, since he has the muscles to start a brawl.

If he belongs to a new race, the black spots make me think about a cowfolk or a dogfolk, while the brown areas in the eyes zone throw me off. I'd need to see the full image to make more conjectures.


I think so, may he be the same race with Ste? But if that so, which Event story he will entrance to? or just a new one?

(1 edit) (+1)

I think Garuik belongs to a "peaceful" race like arion, the green orcs or the alurines, since usually for hostile races, like the red orcs, you meet the enemies before the NPCs, plus given that Garuik has a soothing potion in the sprite, he seems a good guy, and Ste is the only minotaur that is not affected by the corruption (other than his children) and it would be strange to meet another minotaur not affected by the illness, while we can "meet" only two corrupted minotaurs.


That sound interesting.


Narram add a new draw it appears that Garuik has a transformation of some it looks canine.

Hmm, that interesting. May he related to Trouble in the den event? he may be someone who kidnaping werewolf since Narram is a artist who draws a werewolf with tentacle thing too.


Given this new drawing it makes less sense that he's an Ursudins. I mean, Tao knows this race and I think he would have mention that they have a beast mode. On the other hand if I recall correctly Paulo talks about the danger of going to the see caused by the inhabitants of the Islands, so maybe this beast form is what caused the distruction of the ships.

I don't think he's behind the swamp werewolves since one of the sprites has Garuik blushing, so he's romanceable and I don't think MC would date someone who experiment. I'm more inclined to think that the witch is behind that, since she requested a lizard egg to test the modification of the curse of lust, the exiled in the mist talked about Hiss and how he thinks the curse of lust is the next genetic evolution for the lizards, because, while searching for the swamp werewolf, MC says something about putting plants in different environments always related to genetic experiments, plus she's the one that introduces us to the wolf's den.


I see, the witch theory is so interesting. I never think about her before. 


what if he's the white beast people saw lurking around bareshade?


I'm not sure about that since what come in my mind first when I see that dialogue is Alpha werewolf. But if he is a white beast, that would interesting.


i thought alpha too, but all we heard was its big and has white fur, so it could be either lol


I see, that interesting too.


I've just seen Narram's FurAffinity (, you need an account to see the nsfw versions) and it's a dog. Plus checking Narram's twitter it seems that will finally go to the islands!

(1 edit) (+1)

Ah, thank you! I will check it out >:D

Edit: I just found Garuik's doggo form in Narram's twitter. And also new character too! Here


Yes, it's an inhabitant of the island, member of the merchant boar race. I hope they are as horny as the ratkin.


I hope for that too! >:P

I was wondering when I found out what Scrap did by himself alone, if I chose that humans wouldn't do it, I wouldn't be able to have more sex scenes than watching him and bathing him. That may make me upset.

But if I choose Scrap’s corruption route, I am afraid that Scrap will totally  become a normal ratkin in the future. It just like normal Logan, I need to wait. But I really want to have more sex with normal Scrap. Maybe I am too greedy :(

(4 edits) (+1)

Choosing to tell that humans are lewd too Vs choosing to tell that humans wouldn't do it doesn't trigger Scrap corruption, only letting Scrap meeting the Rat King or encourage Him to behave more like a ratkin triggers his corruption. If you want I could verify if there are difference in sex scene between MC and Scrap if he's not corrupted. For now the only difference that I know is that when he's corrupted, he likes eating cum, he has a scene with a ratkin, you have a scene with him and tao, there is a scene at the end of Tao tutoring Scrap and the first time you sleep with him you have a nightmare. if he's not corrupted the only scenes are the two you've cited.

Personally, I'd rather have more sex scenes now and eventually restart the game, rather than wait months for a payoff that might never happen. 

Edit: I was wrong: being honest triggers his corruption. Now I'm questioning if the "right" path is the corrupted one, since in three different occasion you can trigger it and in order to not trigger it, after having watched what he did, you have to lie to him, thus losing 5 likes.


I got it. I chose the corruption route at first, but I regretted it a few days later. Even though I've played to day 250, I decided to take another route at the same time on day 72. Scrap is my favorite character and I think he deserves a good ending (though I will still have sex with him in the corruption route<3) Thanks for your help anyway.

Ok. In the cave complex that you go to the orc village, I remember one of those part having diamond like enemies, but, in this save of mine now I can't find them. There is no passage that bringing me to that part again. Is there something I need to do before unlocking it?


It is a hidden passage way that exist in middle-left of 2nd dungeon (the same level where you choose a way to go to Mythshore or Orc village). You need to have Perception 16 or more and it RNG, so you can step up and down around that area until you discover it.

Oooh, it's RNG. Gotcha, gotcha! Thanks.

You're welcome >:D

I am in a dilemma I have the file before the decision that scraps tell me about the salute (that is, the first step for his heart) but it is day 54 and I have already played a total of 370 days, it is practically redoing all my game that do ! I estimate that 9 days it would take me to remake the game from that point

I wouldn't advise it: someone have said that the author plans to add the possibility of an heart, even if you have chosen the kiss option, in a future update and at least for now it seems that there are not many differences between having and not having that heart.

I would like to ask if what are my gains for working in the brothel? Also just wanted to know if enemy's reputation level does have an effect when applying for the job in the brothel.

(1 edit) (+1)

No, the considerations for working in Entice Brothel is depend on you stats (like appearance, endurance, charisma, etc.) and your sex experience.

(1 edit)

Thank you, this I won't need to go find every enemy and ask them for a pounding XD. Oh and also, what can I do when they accepted me at the brothel?


You can work as a whore gaining 200 gold at time whithout waiting days like the other quest. The clients are big beard, edmund (after good ending of new road event) and filty client (maybe after ending new road event, be aware that there is a choice with a negative repercussion). Plus you can talk with Geordi (after new road event)

Oh I see, might as well skip that part for now then. Thank you so much <3

(1 edit)

Entice Brothel part is not a requirement for any events (in this previous update). But you can farm money for working here too.

I did the red option ... but there weren't any repercussions? He actually told me that he liked it.


So, from the end of the new road event you get hints that Geordi is trans. Speaking with him by resting at the brothel he confirm this. 

My theory is that making fun of him makes Geordi like you less since it's a touchy subject, so I did'n make fun of him. I don't think the negative consequences have been implemented yet, but I suppose you receive less likes or can't have Geordi's hart (if implemented). 

Another idea is that it reduces your brothel's reputation, since the encounters should be private, but it's not shown because the 200 gold gain message overlaps.

About Mythshore:

-I've invited Paul to Bareshade and cured John. I can't interact with them until future upgrades? Is saying nothing the only way to interact with them after curing John?

- Zone 60: BASEMENT-Go inside and Zone 107: PIER -Check the pier are still WIP?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yes, the rest of this event is still work in process. You can not interact with Paulo and John after you cure John.

I'm not sure about zone system so I may misunderstand about zone you mention. But if pier mean a area where Paulo has mention to and basement mean the door that we choose to shut the door tights, yes, it still work in process.

Can you kindly explain about zone system for me? like how to call zone. Because I usually confused when I read update logs.


The nomenclature for the zone is made putting one next to the other the number of the box's raw minus 1 and the number of the box's column minus one, so zone 60 is the box placed in the seventh raw and first column, zone 107 is the box placed in the eleventh raw and eight column. Zone 107 should be the passage to the second level of Mythshore, but I have some doubts because the last time I did this doungeon was nearly a year ago.


Thank you. So I understand it correctly.

I have my Ste stuck at 55 Like and 2 Hearts and I heard people can get more like but how? Nothing I do right now gives me like for him.

Have you encounter Ste visit to MC hut event? Because this event is weekly repeatable and you can gain Ste's like from this event too.

(1 edit)

Ah I only did that once, I have to sleep until morning to encounter that correct, or are you talking about a different event? Also if you could tell me about my logan problem, I have him stuck at a certain like after the beta wolf and alpha wolf fight where I switched characters with him, I gave him a couple gifts and now his like wont go up at all.

For Ste's visit event, you just need to enter your hut around 10.00 - 16.00. It's RNG event that can encounter once a week (except every Sunday). For a trick, if you enter to your hut and the event don't trigger, you can re-enter yout hut again until the event is trigger. (It's work for me too, The power of RNG lol)

For Logan, there still has some events to gain his like and heart like Logan's night visit and fair event (include firework event with him too)

(1 edit)

Aight thanks, you've been a real help recently, and around what time do I go for the night visit, and its at his house right?

(2 edits)

I'm glad to help you! >:D 

Nope, I mean your own house in Bareshade. Please make sure you have been already finish Bareshade's expansion in every aspect. You need to enter to your own house in Bareshade at night (20.00 - 3.00). It also RNG, so if you can't trigger it, please try to re-enter until you can trigger it. And please make sure you have his like enough and already has 1st heart with him.

Ok. I swear that Ruben has some naked sprites, but I never EVER in any save managed to do that??? I finish his works and, that is it, I don't remember ever having any other options with him.


I'm pretty sure that there still no sex content with Ruben in this update (0.42.1). Maybe they add his nake sprite to prepare for his sex scene in future update.

Thank you~

How likely is it that we'll get a walkthrough at some point/someone has one?

I read recently in the comments.. don't remember by who, that the person is currently making one and might post it in June?


I'm creating an exel file with all the interactions that you can have. I want to make sure is complete, consistent and without many error. If you want to know something ask, I'll copy/paste pieces of my file to verify that my guide is clear. Plus I'm noticing that many people are interested in knowing how to obtain hearts and I'm questioning if my guide should have a part specific to that.

TL;DR: Ask what you need to know so I can use my guide to answer and test if it works.

can someone share the newest file 0.42 or 0.43 with android version not PC thank and all character is maximum like or heart is that okay. Thank

How do I get a heart with Scrap?

(1 edit) (+1)

First, make sure you suggest him to hug for greeting and say goodbye instead of kissing. Because if you choose a wrong choice, you can't get his 1st heart (in this update).

Second, after complete some part of The rat's problem event (until it tell you 'The rest of this event is work in process' or something like that) bring Tao with you to explore a junkyard and take a visit to Scrap's place. I'm not so sure about this part but if I remember correctly, at the first time Scrap will hide from you and Tao. Then you should talk with Scrap alone and tell him about Tao.

Third, bring Tao with you while explore a junkyard and take a visit to Scrap's place again. There will have a tea time scene or something like that. At the end of this scene you will gain his 1st heart.

(1 edit)

Can you share the newer file save 0.43 android version thank because I lost all file save. All character is maximum like of hearts is that ok

(3 edits)

It's 0.42 since I'm not a Patreon user. The characters are not at maximum likes or hearts but almost.

(1 edit)

is delete will you repost it again

That weird. The save file is not working

Because someone downloaded it before you. Lets try another time

File 8-5

I'm not download it yet

Hi, I would like to ask if, as of the latest version, what is the maximum number of hearts  and likes we can get from every character. Thanks in advance. 

(1 edit)

Except for Mythshore, I've more or less finished the game and the Likes and Hearts you can gain are at least: Bernard: 95L4H, Logan 79L2H, Hayden: 79L1H, Blake: 38L, Rose: 41L, Caleb: 60L1H, Gunnar: 58L, Torben: 7L, Scar: 9L, Jester: 30L, Tank: 12L, Barrel: 4L, Dulrig: 32L1H, Ruben: 10L, Everett: 10L, Julian: 21L, Zoe: 4L, Booner: 2L, Feliar: 50L, Arion: 71L2H, Harold: 35L, Korg: 63L1H, Orgram: 10L, Groth: 11L, Roghak: 22L, Othra: 63L2H, Rhot: 50L1H, Roushk: 52L2H, Groushk: 24L, Xeroth: 53L1H, Vicoria: 14L, Ste: 59L2H, Rat King: 20L, Tao: 21L, Scrap: 64L1H.

Thank you so much, this will be a big help to make sure I don't miss those hearts. 

You're welcome!

(1 edit) (+1)

You can get 100 likes with both Bernard and Rose also with Vicoria, I think that it's also possible with Logan but I capped at 98, Hayden max is 81, Blake 54 or 56, Caleb 92, Gunnar 73 or 75, Torben 15, Scar 15, Tank 20, Barrel 35, Dulrig 52(or more but I think I capped), Ruben 11, Everett 55, Zoe 5, Booner 5, Feliar goes past 70 at moment I'm at 77 and still can get some more, Arion 98, Harold 38, Madeleine 5, Korg 80, Orgram 11, Groth 14(max but if you want 11 with the chief you can only get 13), Roghak goes past 30 I'm at 32 at the moment but I still didn't hit max,  Othra 71, Rhot 70, Roushk goes past 60 haven't capped yet, Groushk goes past 30, Xeroth 62, Ste 75, Rat king 51, Scrap can go past 80 but I haven't gone there yet, Paulo 51, John 10


Wow! Very interesting! How can you gain likes with Madeleine? How many likes do you have with Tao? Do you know if there are examples of talks or scenes that I have already to unlock because I don't have enough likes?


The people from your list that I didn't include I have the same amount of likes or maxed close to it on my old save I had 21 likes with Tao but on my recent one I have 20 since I was kinda speedrunning that part so I lost one like with him. And to get likes with Madeleine you need to kiss her in the mouth when she asks you for a kiss in exchange for teaching you how to cook and yes generally speaking having a higher amount of likes gives extra scenes with characters but I don't think there's any that's specific to having a high amount of likes since most scenes have a minimum amount to unlock and it's not really that high of a minimum


I think that option shows only if you're not homosexual (I started as bi but since there are more males than females I always forget to drink bi potion), I guess I'll keep that in mind my next playthrough. XD

I'm sure I'm missing something here but how do you get Everett to like you ? I can only met him at the outpost for now and can't speak with him unless it's about the war

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You can catch him having sex at the market at night if you promise to keep his secret when you confront him about that you get likes with him, you also get likes from giving gifts and if you seen the scene of him at the market at night before he meets Feliar and Korg you can encourage him to spend more time with Feliar and see and participe on some of his visits to Feliar's house during the visit you can participate you can choose to do something lewd or not if you don't do anything lewd you can increase Everett's likes

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I was just about to ask... how did you get that many likes?? So I must decide not to do something lewd with him... interesting.

Btw, does his behavior change when you interact with him?

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I didn't notice any behavioral change but I also rarely interact with him unless there's a new interaction on the update note... so I wouldn't know for sure and I have my Everett at 25 I know his max likes because someone else told me, that's also how I learned that you can raise his likes on a weekly basis lol

(2 edits)

Like everyone have said, but you can get 100 like with Arion too. Every time you enter to Arion's stable, there a chance to encounter some Arion having fun himself scene and you can gain his like 1 point. It repeatable so you can repeat it until 100 like

And for Nauxus, I get 53 like with him.

What gifts are currently in the game and to whom can you give them?



  • Fine Wine (Req: Only during evening visit)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Harness, Collar, Leash (Req: Walk event done)


  • Lube (Req: Doing discount scene)


  • Big Black Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)
  • Canine Shaped Dildo (Req: Talk about the package from Dulrig)


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement


  • Flower Arrangement
  • Fruit Tea
  • Exotic Coffee


  • 'No-Horny' Potion Set
  • Big Black Dildo/Canine Shaped Dildo/Equine Shaped Dildo
(1 edit) (+2)

You can also gift Logan a Tank Top. (Normal Logan only)


I didn't know about that, cool!

P.S "Also" and "too" mean the same thing, so using both in a phrase is redundant. ;)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, I'll remember that! >;D

Wait, where can you get some of these gifts ?

I think I never came across the flower arrangement anywhere ?

Item WHERE HOW Notes
'No-horny’ potion set WORKSHOP Learn Restrain potion; Learn Restrain potion (Strong); Learn Lust-relief powder Restrain potion: 5, Restrain potion (Strong): 3; Lust-relief powder: 1
Big Black Dildo BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Canine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Dildo (Equine Shaped) BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Exotic Coffee BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fine Wine BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Flower Arrangement BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Fruit Tea BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Harness TRACK DOMINATE or SUBMIT to Fat Bandit
Lube BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Simple Leash TORBEN’S HOUSE Shop
Spiky Collar BROTHEL Goods and Giggles Shop
Tank Top STANDS Clothes
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Okay so I think I have more or less caught up with the game, or at least most of the events up to date, but I still have a lot of things to do, and byso several questions (since it's actually pretty hard to find how to gain likes and love from the characters) :

- I must haven't paid much attention, so can anyone tell me how to get a traveler's set ? Is it something you can buy or craft ?

- Is there anything to do after being accepted by the orcs ? (other events are described as "work in progress" but there's no such thing with the orc war event)

- Is there a way to know which characters are romanceable and how to get likes/love for them ? There are so many options and I admit I'm kinda lost (something like a guide would be really helpful)

- where do I learn this goddamn restrain potion recipe ? I can't progress in the curse of lust event because of that

- is there a way to romance Hayden or am I just gonna keep flirting with him ? I managed to get to 71 likes with him and no heart

FYI, I'm currently at day 108 and I think I've explored everything I could and did most of the events, there's just the 3rd part of the bareshade's expansion left to do

I chose to romance Bernard, I currently have 4 hearts and 100 likes with him (and 2 hearts + 82 likes with Caleb)

He's the only "route" I've done so far, so I'm pretty interested to know what are the others available (especially Korg and Logan, already got 1 heart for each of them and 75 and 42 likes)

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- You can get a traveler's set by rummaging through the trash piles in the junkyard(I do not know of another way to get it)

- For you to progress the Orc's war you need to start another event that only becomes availabe after finishing the curse of lust(good ending)and reaching the orc village

- The restrain potion can be learned through a task Bernard gives called 'more potions'

- Hayden at the moment only has one heart and you need to go on a date with him and get all the answers to his questions right

- Logan second heart can be achieved after finishing Bareshade's expansion, Country Road and have helped him with his job at the sawmill Korg only has 1 heart at the moment

- I think the plan is to have hearts and romances for all the characters you can get likes with eventually(don't quote me on that) and what gives likes with characters... depends on their personalities mostly, like Logan doesn't like soft/pick me(I don't know how to describe this) people so whenever you're proactive and treat him normaly he likes you granted he's explosive so it's better to stay away from topics he's not ready to talk or doesn't want to talk about another example is Everett the man is extremely repressed and kind uncomfortable with himself so whenever you're supportive of him and relaxed he likes you more

I think that's everything you asked

(3 edits) (+2)

-The first time you should find a traveler set is MUNBURY MOUNTAIN EAST SIDE - Zone 53; Other than that, Like Just Nonsense said, in EXPLORE JUNKJARD - Zone 30.

The main way to obtain a traveler set is at the WORKSHOP at HOME:

First you need to Take Lack of Herbs at the APOTHECARY at NORTHCREST; After learned Healing Herbs you should see the option to craft a traveler set using Tools: 3; Healing Herbs; 3; Meat: 2; Cloth: 1; Wood: 1.

- The last part of the Orc's quest currently doable is the Talk Groth’s scouting mission at ORGRAM’S TENT that start an event and the Talk Orc’s war report at the NORTHCREST OUTPOST. In order to unlock the Talk Groth’s scouting mission you need to go through the PATH OF PURIFICATION in the Curse of Lust, end Lizard's treasure (it starts after finishing the Curse of Lust) end, based of what you want to do with Nameless, it's possible you need to accept/reject the Young Witch's offer.

- Except for Mythshore, I've more or less finished the game and the Likes and Hearts you can gain are at least: Bernard: 95L4H, Logan 79L2H, Hayden: 79L1H, Blake: 38L, Rose: 41L, Caleb: 60L1H, Gunnar: 58L, Torben: 7L, Scar: 9L, Jester: 30L, Tank: 12L, Barrel: 4L, Dulrig: 32L, Ruben: 10L, Everett: 10L, Julian: 21L, Zoe: 4L, Booner: 2L, Feliar: 50L, Arion: 71L2H, Harold: 35L, Korg: 63L1H, Orgram: 10L, Groth: 11L, Roghak: 22L, Othra: 63L2H, Rhot: 50L1H, Roushk: 52L2H, Groushk: 24L, Xeroth: 53L1H, Vicoria: 14L, Ste: 59L2H, Rat King: 20L, Tao: 21L, Scrap: 64L1H.

- I'm creating a guide and I think I'll post it by the end of june, maybe the start of june if I have enough time.

- You need to Take More potion at the GENERAL STORE at BARESHADE.

- This should be the way to gain Hayden's Heart (L=Likes)

HOT SPRING/HAYDEN – CHAT Looking a bit nervous 40L
-A massive swamp monster - Bernard - Rayge First H

For Logan's second hart, I need to complete that part yet, but follow Just Nonsense's instructions and you should be fine.

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Te falta el corazón de Durling, lo obtienes llevándolo a la cueva y minando con él, dale 5 de los minados cuando regreses, él te dará su corazón, (tenerlo antes de completar el gloryhole en Ste granja desbloquea un Lewd interacción  con él) desafortunadamente le halago el corazón de Scraps y el segundo de Caleb. no se como conseguirlos

I didn't know about Dulrig, thanks! I've already completed the gloryhole, so I'm afraid I'll need to wait for my next walkthorugh to see that scene. There isn't a second heart for Caleb, the key just slipped XD. For Scrap's heart you need to visit his house with Tao and don't choose "kiss" as a way to greeting people.

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Sorry about replying in English, I can read Spanish but not write in it... Caleb's second heart you get from doing the picnic with him 3 times I think you need to ask all the questions as well, and to get Scrap's you can not tell him that humans kiss when they first meet but the writer for him said that if you did you'll get another chance to get his first heart in the future

Good to know, thanks for sharing!

I thank you very much, the truth is I thought there was something wrong with Caleb not being able to get his second heart, and with Scraps if I think I did it wrong I chose the kiss option as a greeting (TuT)

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Is there something I have to do to do the country road event? Its telling me to go home and use the sleep until morning option but when I do nothing happens. If you don't know the country road event is for Ste.

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Did Korg stay with you at your hut? This event need Korg to trigger it 

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He didn't is there a way to get him back? If not something game breaking like that would need to be fixed.

Regret to say that but there still no way to bring him back after he left. I suggest you to reload your previous save file that Korg still live at your hut.

how can I get all 4 heart of Bernard. Thank 

You can get 4th Bernard's heart by watching fireworks with him during a fair.


This should help (L=Likes; D=Dislikes) 

If something is unclear or wrong just tell me please.

FOREST GO TO THE COTTAGE HUNT Ask about the hunt; Fr: 18:00-24:00
– Praise the cook +2L
-x-Sleep in one bed L40
-x--Stay close First Heart
-x--Move away +2D
-x- Sleep on the floor – Take the offer +1D
-x- Sleep on the floor – Stick to your decision +1L
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Talk about the hot spring – Agree 1L First Heart
Talk about the hot spring – Tease him a little First Heart
BARESHADE HOT SPRING – WAIT FOR BERNARD DATE WITH BERNARD Talk about the hot spring- Agree or Tease him a little; Sat/Sun: 18:00-24:00
-Lie that you have already paid +1LU:70
-Share the bill +1D
-x-Tease him +2LU:70
-xx-Sit close to him-Look at him Second Heart
GENERAL STORE – LEAVE THE SHOP BERNARD’S INVITE TO VISIT AFTER WORK Ask about his well-being after antilycan?; Second H
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – TALK Plans for the night 2H; 20:00-3:00
BARESHADE GENERAL STORE – STAY FOR THE NIGHT Stay for the night Plans for the night
Only first time
-x- Watchman
-x- Fair
-x- New houses
-xx-Meeting room
-xx-Herbalist table
-Stay Third H
--Take control
---Stay Human
---Change form Don’t choose Discourage transformation
-Leave 10D
BARESHADE FAIR-FIREWORKS Bernard +3L (Exploding bomb: 3; Shocking bomb: 3; Blinding bomb: 3; Water Bomb:3; Sun 20:00-21:00)
--Say you love him Fourth Heart
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Why not use the multiple saveslots like I do? Or are you running out of place?

Deleted post

Ah yes... at least we can name the saveslots, unfortunately the amount of characters we can use per name is limited..

Whoa you play on 3 different platforms? Damn that might be confusing indeed..

hey...if you dont mind, may i have a link for those files?

so will there be a cooking mechanic or is that already implanted in the game ?

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There is a cooking mechanic already though you can only use it when you're on "dungeons" with resting areas or camps, if you know any recipe and have the ingredients to make it then you can cook it to boost your stats temporarily

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how to get a lot of love of Torben. 

You can only gain likes by entering his house and offer a blowjob to Gunnar while he's present

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Just like BendotDover said^

And you can also get some likes with him at the fair. But I think there's a limit to his likes currently... 


Talk Visiting the temple -> Talk How are things going? -> Talk Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes

Okay I got heart. Now the problem is he alway stop before fuck MC why?


You need more likes. This is my guide for all the sex scenes you can do with him (L=Likes, D=Dislikes). I'm certain you need a certain amount of likes to unlock the sex scenes, but I haven't registered them yet. If you find out can you let me know?

Relax +2L How are things going?; Muscle ointment
-Ask him to lay +2L
--You +2L
--Handjob- Lick Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes
--Handjob- Stop Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes
--Snuggle Yes I'd like to see your usual self more
Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes First H How are things going?
Harsh treatment-Yes I'd like to see your usual self more Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes
Harsh treatment-No, I like the way you are now Slutty tendencies-Accept-Yes
Love potion L20; Love potion
-Yes +2L
--Go with the plan - Let Xer top - Inside me
--Go with the plan - Let Xer top - On my face - Swallow
--Go with the plan - Let Xer top - On my face - Don't swallow
--Go with the plan - Let Xer top - On me
--Go with the plan - Fuck the lizard
--Go with the plan - Ride the lizard - Give him oral
--Go with the plan - Ride the lizard - Ride him now
--Go with the plan
--Abort the plan +4D

Its worked,Thank!

You're welcome! Do you happen to know how many likes do you need for the relax sexy scenes?

How do you get the alternate scenes for the love potion all I have is "drink the tea anyway"

Can you show me a screenshot?

I have two problems with Scrap:

1) After Scrap meets Tao you should receive his first heart, but in one of my playthrough, even though he tells me he loves me, nothing happens. Is not dependent on likes since the playtrough with less likes has the heart. I don't know if it's a bug or I have made a wrong choice.

2) When sleeping with Scrap there is a chance that he takes advantage of the fact that you're sleeping. I know there is a possibility of been awakened by Scrap inserting your cock in his ass, but every time he's slutty I receive only a blowjob. There are some requirements to fuck Scrap? I though maybe you need a heart, but whit that I had only my dick touched by Scraps while he sleeps.

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For the first question, did you suggest scrap to kiss for greeting and say goodbye or something? Because you can't get 1st heart with him if you suggest him by that.

For the second question, I think it related to the first question too.

Yeah, I though so. The stange thing is that nevertheless he said he loves me even suggesting the kiss.

Maybe if you choose kiss or hug you have softsex, if you choose the other option you have sex. I'll check in a few days/weeks when I'll create another playthrough.


About some sex scenes, it doesn't related to questions you ask but there a sex scene between Tao and Scrap that you shouldn't miss it too.


Yeah, the one that happens if you bring Tao to Scrap house and you're dominant.


Yes that one, and another one after tutoring event finish.

Tell me how to tame a Wolbauk

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You need to use 5 Wolbauk's lure while fighting it and defeat it. You learn them after the "What can you tell me about wolbauks?" talk in the wolbauks' pen.

how i get Rhot heart?

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You can get Rhot heart by sleep at the ruin around 2-3 nights until you can talk to him about his night visit and confront him, sleep one more night at the ruin and in the next morning tell him he don't need any permission to visit you at night anymore.

thank you

You're welcome >:D

Donde puedo encontrar ( Emerald sea wave ) ??????? 

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it is a potion to create in the house of mc when you visit Scar in his hideout you learn it

Disculpa quien es cusnfo

no me di cuenta del error era cuando*

Disculpa la molestia 😔 podrías decirme cuales son los ingredientes

Why i can't do a thing with Xerath? I have only Relax option

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Have you already met him and done some events with him? If that so, I need to tell you that you can only meet him at his hideout around 9.00 - 0.00. If you go to his hideout so early (before 9.00) or so late (after 0.00), you can't find him. It will remain only empty hideout.

How to get Xeroth's heart?

Find him at his hideout and talk to him about 'slutty tendencies'.

He alway stop before fuck me Why?

Have you completed all his quests? You need more likes to do more things.

I can't see the fireworks with Feliar despite I have seen the two scenes of him playing. Does anyone have the same problem?

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I'm not sure if this is required.. but did you had sex with him prior? Maybe it's only available for bottoms?

You need to have 30 likes with him. But your input makes me question if there is a sex scene that I haven't seen since he sleept in the couch.


There is a sex scene if you choose a cuddle session.


Ok I've discovered that the cuddle session option pops up after you have 50 likes. Thank you all!

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Have you already invited him to the fair? I'm not actually sure but I think you need to invite him to the fair and have enough likes, around 30 maybe. 


Yeah, I have invited him to the fair, but you're right you need also 30 likes. Thank you!

P.S. In the phrasing of the question, you should have used the present perfect: "Have you already invited...''.

(2 edits) (+1)

Oh, That helps me a lot. Thank you for correcting me!  >:D


*helps and *correcting ;)

so will there be a cooking mechanic or is that already implanted in the game ?


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Yes, there are cooking mechanic in this game. You can cooking at some spots in dungeon by setting up traveler set. And then, there will have 3 options, Rest/Cooking/Leave.

By the way, it mostly like crafting at crafting table in your hut.


Cooking recipes are 12 and are obtained from Harold & Madeline after camping for the first time.

guys, how i can get 2nd of roushk??

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You can get 2 hearts for Roushk and Priestess by doing bonding event with them (go talk to Priestess and choose 'Bonding'). Repeat it in every options (I mean you can do this event almost every day, at a certain time.) until the forth option appear to be selected.

thank you <3

You're welcome >:D

Does anyone know if sexual orientation actually changes anything? The female bandits keep seducing my gay male character.


Some story elements and the enemies gender ratio I think(there will be less female encounters tho they'll still happen), and given the very nature of this game everything can make everything aroused so yeah that'll keep happening

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