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(2 edits)

When I press P to take a screenshot, it tells me that it failed to save the screenshot. What can i do to fix this ?

Also, when i try to rewind the dialogue with the rollpad of my mouse it doesn't rewind at all. Why ?

(1 edit)

1. I'm not sure about this kind of question too. Did you already check your free space of a drive that the game located? Or another way, I suggest you to move your game folder to another drive (or folder).

2. I think It default that you can't use rollback thing in this game. Since the dev don't  give us "Back" option for the first time. And if you have encounter with "nameless", I'm sure you will understand.  

(1 edit) (+3)

someone commented about there being a rollback feature but not having any way to use it. I believe Hyao added in it and intended it to be a feature but removed it since it would mostly just be a way to cheat certain things, and the only real benefit for it on this would be if you clicked too fast and skipped dialog you wanted, but you can just use the history button for that.


No no, before like in 0.39 we were able to go back in time by rolling the middle pad of the mouse

Oh I don't know that before since I just start to play in 0.40. Thank for telling me more.

i have a question, if i downloaded the new version my progress will get transferred right? Then if i deleted the old version would my progress get deleted too?

(3 edits) (+1)

I don't know with another version. But in PC Version you can copy file "saves" in file "game" and paste "saves" file into your new "game" file to make sure you won't losing your game progress.

FYI  Game which made by Ren'py engine usually automatic generate backup saves and persistent file in %appdata%>renpy so please don't worry about losing your game progress.


oh wow that's good to know, thank you for the information

How can you get the second heart with Logan? 

(1 edit) (+1)

Gonna copy paste my previous post..

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house in Bareshade at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.

Hope this helps..


That help me too. Thank a lot!

I have some questions. I just finished 'I own you a beer' with Logan and already got 2nd heart with him. (It's great story and kinda heartwarming somehow).

After that, I pay a visit to him again and gift him a flower arrangement. The dialogue has change! And he suggest about hot spring. Is there any event with him at hot spring? or it just my imagination lol

And another question, is 'I own you a beer' event repeatable? Since the MC ask him to pay visit again at MC house and he said not now.

(1 edit) (+1)

waitwaitwaitwait... a hot spring you say? hmm... I did give him a flower and a tank top as a gift after the second heart but no mention about a hotspring? Gonna recheck it later...

So far I know the event isn't repeatable, unfortunately... Would love to be proven wrong..

EDIT: Ok I checked already, he mention that if you want to put a fancy decoration somewhere then you should've visit the hotspring instead of the sawmill... and then your MC is teasing him, so I don't think it was a legit invitation from him :/ 


Aww how sad. But I just get to know that I can also give a tank top as a gift. Thank you very much!

I can't Go with the rat king! Please help 😭😭


Have you tried "looking around"?

i can't find gunnar

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(5 edits) (+1)

If you haven't unlock river bank yet. You may find him by take a short break at a way point between your hut and Bareshade. (You can also find Torben (the merchant) with this too.) (RNG)

If you have been unlock river bank. You may find him by take a short break  at river bank. (You can also find Torben (the merchant) with this too.) (RNG)

If you have been unlock Northcrest. You can find Gunnar by roaming around in residential area daytime, and also find him at the inn by public bath. (Both of this way are RNG.)

If you have been finish Bareshade's  expansion event at living aspect, there will be a house next to your Bareshade house. You can find both Torben and Gunnar at that house in certain day. (There a chance that you can meet only Torben. Just leave his house and enter again.)

Another thing you should know is if you already fight him at fisherman village and you choose to fuck him. You will got a black heart with him that make him avoid to meet you and you cannot have more interaction with him.

I don't know if this can help since you don't tell any detail of your game process (like quest log or something). You can tell me if you try all those and you still cannot find him.

i'm doing the quest where you have to talk to him after finding that note in the cave

(2 edits) (+1)

you can find him by take a break at river bank. He will be there and he will give you a horse too.

Edit I'm not sure that you have to talk with some NPC first or not. But I am sure you will meet him at river bank for Northcrest's Conspiracy event.


can you get a second heart with Logan?


encourage route no
discouraged route yes


Great game! can't believe I just found this


Okay, this one really surprised me. I wasn't expecting a whole lot, mostly because "adult" games don't tend to try supremely hard, but I was wrong. I have been a Fenoxo fan for years, but the quality of this one blows Fenoxo's games out of the water, and with continued development it can only get better. 

For a start the artwork in this game is objectively fantastic. Whether it is for you or not is subjective, but on a technical level it is super high quality. I feel the writer is an ESL speaker, but they are an ESL speaker on a very high level. You can tell they aren't a native speaker through some syntax and sentence flow issues, but the text is all still, not only legible, but engaging. 

You've earned my Patreon support. I look forward to seeing where this all goes.

Everytime i try to tame werewolf its said that i dont have item to hold it? Can someone tell me what should i make so i can take the werewolf to my home and become my pet?


Did you upgrade your home cage? That made to hold werewolf?

(3 edits) (+3)

You need to have prison first. And then reinforce your prison by upgrade it with silver powder (after you build a prison. There will have 2 more option added, reinforce and additional cell).

You can also find silver powder at Logan shop.

How do I get logan first heart??


Check on Logan when the Werewolfs attack.

thanks I had to replay cuz I choosed bernard

last few playthroughs had it force to go after Bernard. As only one playthrough had me pick between Bernard an Logan. Any know why that woudl be?

(1 edit)

Did you encourage him to go to bandit's camp in Bandit attack event (Logan bottom route)? If that so, you can't choose him.  You can only choose to follow him in normal route (by discourage him).


Like Wildbara said, and make sure you don't encourage him to go to bandit's camp in bandit event.

I just suggested Paulo to go to Bareshade and finished John's Sickness conclusion at Mythshore. Then he left and I can't find him and his son again at his hideout. Is it possible to find him after that? or it still WIP that I have to wait for the future update?


Have to wait for future updates.

(1 edit) (+1)


To make Werewolf's Bane i need aconitum,can anyone tell me how to get aconitum?


In the forest that is unlocked after finishing the bandit event

Thanks! You're a lifesaver!


What does it mean to have a black heart???


it means that you will not be able to have anything nice with that person and their treatment of you will be cold, bad, distant or rude


It's a "hate" heart

(2 edits)

I replay for normal logan route today and process around 80% of full moon event. I just curious about the difference between 'have fun with bernard before cure him' and 'cure him without have fun with him'. I see red highlight word on 'have fun with him' so I'm not sure that if I should to have fun first, it will affected to the future event or not? 


All I know is that you kind of traumatize Logan, saying he saw a figure using him when he was at his lowest... Might also be for Bernard?

You can akways use a seperate saveslot just in case..


Thank for your advice!

(1 edit) (-1)

An old devlog stated 

- More fun in hot spring (Hot Spring)
Drunkard – Male submissive, Female dominant. Femboy – Male dominant, different version depends which fame is higher

But even turning myself straight doesn't make me encounter the woman, only men. Have anyone read the scene ot the female dominant?


I think it meant what for gender and role you must be in order to run into him...

either a sub male, dom male/female or be a femboy..?


Ah ok, now I get it: in order to have a scene with the dunkard in that version you must be a submissive male or a dominant female and in order to have a scene with the dunkard in that version you must be a submissive male, hence no female scene. Now, instead, you have both dom and sub scenes for both drunkard and stranger, and a scene for femboy and taking in to account that you can be a hero or a slut you have in total 10 different scenes.

How do i bring korg back if he left the house?

(2 edits)

You can't, you have to go to an earlier saveslot where he still is in your house :/

Deleted post

hey yall

I've seen a bunch of people talking about glory hole scenes in the comments here. was just wonder how to unlock said glory hole?

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Man, I fucking love this game. It's one of the few Bara games I come back to. The story is just amazing and intriguing. What I'm mostly excited about is the story of the original herbalist and the scary green squid thing. When I tell you, he was scarier and creepier than any Horror Movie. Great job Hyao you are doing amazing and take all the time you need, we will be waiting. Hugs and kisses <3 <3 <3  

Hi, I just started playing again and I made a new game because I wanted to try "normal logan". I missed several updates, is it currently possible to get to a sex scene with normal logan? Because otherwise I will resume my old save with bottom logan and leave the new game aside for future updates.

(1 edit) (+2)

There is some new content with Logan but no sex, actually.

Well.. there is a sex scene... but you will get a black heart instead. You do however get the second heart with him if you refuse the sex.. but only if you met the requirements.


If I remember correctly there's a chance of seeing Nauxus swimming naked in a lake but I don't remember how to unlock the place. Does anyone remember it?


not a chance, you get it at the end of the between worlds questline if you choose to go to the lake place with him.


Thank you!


if you use the android version above in the dialog you see an eye touch it and you will see it take a bath

Thanks, windows version too


I love this game, Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into creating and updating it. 

How do I gain second heart from Rousk in Bonding event??

If you read the 0.41 devlog it's stated that it's not here yet..

Help! Where do I get Dulrig's package so I can finally give gifts to Everett? 

(1 edit)

Check your questlog, have you done Dulrig's quest? 

I've finished every quest from him. All I keep getting from him is the equipment remains quest

(1 edit)

Wait, or was this about unlocking the gift option for Everett? Also have you finished Northcrest Conspiracy?

You should also roam around at night in the Resident District to find Everett with Booner.

The gift option for Everett and yes, I have finished the conspiracy. I haven't tried roaming the district at night tho.

I assumed I had to get a quest from Dulrig regarding a package to unlock Everett's gift option. 

Ah. No from what I remember if you gave the package to Everett then you have completed the story of it so far. But yeah you should try roaming at night.. I'm quite sure it was the Residential area.. if not then try the marketplace.

I don´t know if I´m stupid or just blind, but I can´t go beyond the intial stage, there´s only 4 places for me to go


Path to the initial village

Initial village


How I unlock more places?

Also, I have a hateful relation with thieves and wolves, if it helps

The swamp will be unlocked at day 15? It was a certain day... and if you follow the steps explained in your questlog (scroll icon) you will get the rest eventually


In order to unlock the swamp you need to read the letter that appears in your home after the tenth day

how do i get logans second heart?

(5 edits) (+1)

Posted this not long ago, so I'm reposting it here because this question pops up a lot.. (and making it better to understand)

  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, must've checked on Logan first!!!
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight between Logan and Barrel.
  5. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  6. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  7. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  8. Help him with work during the day.
  9. Go to your house at night and Logan will visit you, invite him in, refuse to have sex.

The dialogue will differ between Logan and Barrel depending on your relationship with the bandits, just like your relationship with the werewolfs when Logan visits you, his dialogue will differ as well.


i dont have them in that order but i finished those do i have to go to my own house or to the house in barshade?

Your new house in Bareshade

hi, can you help me? i deleted my save files accidentally can you give me some files if its okay both with bottom logan and normal route please??

For mobile I just updated the game and when I try to click on. Something like a button i can only press it on the top insted of how it would normally  be.


How do I get the 4th option and second heart of the event?


It's not implemented yet

so logan asked me to check on missing wolves and ive already checked in the den but then it said to look near the swamp and i looked there and i found nothing so what do i do

Have you checked the Dark Swamp?


Then you fought the unskipable purple swamp monster. The game then tells you to go to the Misty Abyss.


ohh haha i didnt read that thanks

Isthis where fight of barrel and logan will happen? But how? 

(5 edits) (+3)
  1. Finish Bandit Attack story, Bandit's Camp morale is 25+.
  2. Finish Full Moon story, Logan is cured.
  3. Start Bareshade Expansion story, finish the More Houses part.
  4. Visit the Tavern after 20:00, that triggers the fight.

Depending on your relationship with the bandits, the dialogue will differ between Logan and Barrel.


If you checked on Logan first when the werewolfs attacked, you have your only chance to unlock his 1st heart. And if you want to get his 2nd heart;

  1. Finish Bareshade Expansion completely.
  2. Finish Country Road story, gained from Ste after inviting him to Bareshade.
  3. Visit Logan during daytime, witness his outburst, visit Bareshade at night and follow him.
  4. Help him with work during the day.
  5. Go to your house at night and Logan will visit you.

How to get heart for Roth?

(1 edit)

Sleep at night at their place. Rhot will check on you, repeat this couple times and you can confront him later on. 

Invite him to your room this time and allow him to visit you every night you're there.


Thank you so much for this update! I appreciate it so much. Your game is great! Thank you for all these years.

For some reason the android version seems to be lagging? The response time is slower and compared to the last update its not really working


Anyone else hoping there'll be a area wih centaurs and uoh can romance one? 

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

Well tbh, in my opinion.. not really. I just can't like those half horses-half human beings... But... if they still are animals from both halfs just like the Lynels from the Zelda series... Maybe, just maybe, I'll give that a pass.

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I never thought about Lynel's this way until you mentioned this. now I wanna fuck a Lynel. why did you do this to me dude XD


I'm... sorry... lol

tbh out of everything mentioned, this is sadly the least likely due to how niche it is. but if you mention it in the discord and other people like it, maybe enough people will think about it and eventually it will be enough people and Hyao will confirm or deny the possibility one.

what is contest event?


It's after you complete all the stories imvolving the Lizard tribe. Once done, you got access to a quest from Roth which is the contest.

Who happen to cheat at "Human" Contest due his lizard trait lol.

Why can't I enter the wolf's den?

You're probably trying to enter the door and you can't do that until later

so i found out that i am essentialy f..., as you can only get heart for roushk during celebration event....

Yep... guess you have to start over.. or perhaps go back to an early early saveslot.. but then your discision with Nameless still stands if you want...

So their is no way to move forward with him?

Nope.. his heart is only available during the celebration, and since you need his heart to do the bonding in the new patch..

Never had issue with Roushk. Might because I had good path with lizard.

F for me:/


Can you please tell me where is this celebration event? Thank you

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

It's at the very end of The Curse of Lust story, where you saved the tribe and Roushk. There's one more task to do and that is the celebration.

Edit: My bad, I meant Lizard's Treasure story.. 

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Celebration Event, isnt that where Rhot take warrior dance at waterfall?


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so i finally moved with nameless event, and i am little salty, he is so hot, but i picked up neutral route, naturally i would love to see what would happen if... you know - is there any way how to go around the save block? or it is too late? i dont want to play game for 400 more days

also got stuck, dont know how to start competetion event, and like on roushk got stopped at 47

What did you choose when you chose your ultimate desire when he asked you during his visit..? Did you not choose to se serve him, if so.. will he even warn you during the plains of death event after you met khalgor?

I'm actually curious.. cause I chose to serve him and had sex with him during plains of death event..

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Yes he warns you even if you don't say your ultimate desire is to serve him, I said I wouldn't tell and he still came to warn me.

The visit on the plains of death is just so you can choose to side with him if you regret your previous choice

Ah like that, thnx for clarifying

is there any way how to reroll save? i cannot use alternative save because how it is scripted:I so not even my alternative route i havve

Did you already do the Orc's war nameless visit? If you still didn't you can choose to side with him and have sex when you do. If you did I have no idea of how to redo that other then the nuclear option and I don't think you would want to do that since you would go back to 0 and have to redo everything

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi! Love the new update! Thank you so much for all hardwork you do for this game and i really love playing it. I only have 1 small question and 1 thing to say if that's ok ^-^. 

1-The rollback side option, so you can go back in the text or to change options still doesn't work for me even though i choose an option. I don't know more people has that problem.

2- And i wonder if the update for the android 41.2 is the same as the other 41.3, only that the name is wrong there.

Again thank you so much for you work. You are amazing!! And you game is amazing too. ^-^

kinda late but,

1. someone else stated a while back they found the feature, but it didn't work, I believe that's because Hyao added it in but didn't fully set it up since it has no real use due to us having the history button., other than to kinda just cheat fights by resetting them.

2. I'm pretty sure it's either its exactly the same as the pc one or the bugs in pc weren't in android so they didn't need to update it for a bug android didn't have, or it's taking a minute since it's not Hyao who does the android version.

and third I bet Hyao appreciates the compliments!

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