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I got to a part where Bernard and Hayden kissed, but when I tried to get it again it would not happen. Which are the requirements for this?

Deleted 3 years ago

Yeah that's a one time event.

Deleted 3 years ago

It's pretty simple just ignore it by pressing ignore button...

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

It's been a long time but I can't seem to continue with Bernard to catch Caleb. The option does not appear when we go hunting

(1 edit)

*spoilers but usefull info*

"The Hunt" isn't to find Celeb. The hunt is for raising his likes up to sleep in the same bed with him to progress the story. You find Celeb after choosing between Logan or Bernard

I know, but that interaction It does not appear even though I have more than 40 likes with Bernard

It's something you talk to him about at his home, not the hunting cabin.
You have to have his likes/love up high enough to visit him at home after 19:00 (his house is connected to the shop so you still pick the shop as your destination).

How do I start the scar next step dialogue?  Also can't find or talk to tank in fishing village

That's part of the Patreon release. It won't be available in the public release until the end of the month (approximately).

iv got the patreon 032

Tank is in Scar's hideout in the fishing village, he shouldn't be hard to find.
As for the next step in the dialog, have you found the body of the thief in the caves west of Northcrest? You need to find the object he stole, you'll be able to talk to Scar about it. Not sure if that's a definite requirement, but I know it's relevant in the next thing Scar sends you to do.

yeah I know where he is just haven't encounterd him iv been there tons of times 

Ask Scar about Tank.


Can I fuck pets instead of being fucked


To whom can I use love potions?


Barrel, Blake, shopkeeper, and harold


feliar aswell 

And xeroth

when will there be another update? all missions have been completed until i'm bored

Updates occur near the end of each month.

Will the orc appear again if I let him go instead of going to my place? 


No, hes gone forever.

**Hello, After I download the Version, extracted it to a new folder then open the Game Application, it's not working or launching the game. I tried it on Version 0.28. The Game Application launched successfully.

(1 edit)

Did you delete the previous version?

Now that u mentioned it. I think I download the latest version of the LD Game while the previous version is still there. il delete the latest version again then re-download it.

Thank you!

I've had issues with that before, if that doesn't solve it could be something else. I hope it does solve it though, have a good day!

Yes. thank u for that, it's working properly now after I delete the latest version of LD Game and re-downloading it again. 

I'm glad it helped, hope you enjoy the game!

Hey hyao, im stuck, cant find the alfa wold in the wold den, please help

Also, how can i do so the lizardman in my house follows me to the witch hut?

If you you mean the raptor, you need to equip the raptor as your companion at your home, then you can go to the witch.


Oh  yea... the issue is that i lured a lizardman not a raptor... WHY DID I THINK IT ASKED A LIZARDMAN!?

Lol, well I was happy to help.

The alpha wolf can be found at the top right of the wolves den.

YUUUUUSSS now i can progres, i allrady examined that spot but just found a single normal wolf, thanks

No problem, happy to help.


Will gunner the cocky guard ever give me a heart?


I'm pretty sure he will. Anyone who has a icon in the menu you can see like/love will prolly have a romance or at least dating encounter. Or just a bunch of sex because that's all that person wants.

hello! tell me how you can earn 2 heart of Аrion?

Just do things with him like sparring, sex, bath, give carrots, and the date with him at one point.

After you go on the date with Arion, go talk to Rose.

(4 edits) (+1)

im on day 400 now and yet.... There is no Rhot firework event  popping up and dont know how to talk with Gunner in the Northcrest event....I TRY TO DO EVERYTHING AND NOTHING WORK! *triggered* REEEEEEEEEEE

(1 edit)

Have you invited othra/roushk to barshade yet? And what do you mean when you say you have to talk to gunnar? I know there two parts of the event when you have to talk to him.

Edit: I'm an idiot lol, you have to wait around the rivers bank for the torben (the merchant) then you can talk to gunnar there.

(1 edit)

TYSM for the information!


Happy to help you progress.

I'm curious how much of a like can Ste get. I am currently at 62 with one heart. If I can get more how do I do it? How about Roushk? 

I was able to get Ste up to 99 before the 30 update, but it seem like He got limited.

I'm thinking that as well because on a previous play through I had him higher. There seems to be nothing that allows him to get higher. Now Roushk on the other hand, I have him at like a 78 and still getting him higher. I'm hoping that there is more done with those two on the next update. I like them the most.

Other than this events, what are the other events and how do I trigger or get them started? I'm already done with this events (excpet for Northcrest and Rat).

There are currently no updates of new quests yet. The Northcrest's Conspirancy and Rat Problem are still WIP(work in progress).

Pretty sure those are it.

There is one more event that you can trigger when you invite Ste to the village after you reach a certain like level with him.

how can i unlock the event "ste's new farm road"

You have to find Ste in Viccoria's dungeon, free him, find him again, do all of his quest until you can invite him to bareshade, then you need to "sleep until morning" at your home.


how can i tame the alpha wolf ?without the lour

You can't do for now. Just wait for updates

ok when is the next update?

There normally  is an update every new month 

(1 edit) (-1)

ummm guys? how do i make the Rhot: firework task showed up? the only task i can do right now is hunting contest task which only appear weekly....also... how do i talk with Gunner in the Northcrest event.

(1 edit)

get a heart from Rhot and make sure you've already invited Othra and Roushk to Bareshade.

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits)

already done, then what ?

During the fair every Sunday, set up the fireworks before 20:00, then just wait until 20:00-22:00 for the firework show and Rhot's name should be there when it ask who do you want to watch it with.

For some reason it’s not giving me the option to give supplies to the Infirmary. I have everything I need, but it only gives me the “Maybe later” option.

What's RND? It's a requirement for the The Clash with Barrel. I don't know what it means.

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it means it happens randomly

Oh okay, thanks.

I have to talk to Everett about orcs but I go with him and nothing appears, what do I do?

can i use the love potion on logan

you can't. If you could there should be an option when you talk to logan

how do you get oak wood
the wood i get from the house is named just "wood"

Wonder around in Forest, sometime you will trigger oak tree event then you can gather it.

(1 edit)

i didnt want to romance bernard so i didnt really get more than 1 heart for him ...i only focused on Logan,Arion,Rhot,Gunnar and Sven. my dumb self forgot that i needed to get 2-3 hearts for him to progress the wolf story. is there any way to raise his hearts after completing all the events?


All of his events? Because if you never romances him his events just shouldn't have been completed. So it may mean you just need to see if you can do them the same way you did the first time?

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i already went on the date with him, maxed the helping him in the morning, and everything else but its still the same.

I've just done a Logan playthrough and I was still able to get 3 hearts with Bernard (despite curing Logan first etc). So should be possible. If I remember correctly .. First heart is meeting him at the cottage on Friday and sleeping in same bed (needs high like). Second is going to bathhouse with him, sitting near him, then looking at him so you both kiss (I think anyway) and third I'm not sure but it might the fair or when you stay overnight at his house and you two get it on. I've completed the full moon quest while focusing Logan so should be doable.


Can i ask what enemies can train your, Mouth, Ass, Cock and what is the max level of them? pls and thank you.

(5 edits) (+1)

if you were talking about Sexual Experience then the max level is "Expert"

you should "check nearby area" and seduce wolves for grinding "Mouth" and "Ass" till there is a choice said "accept your position" if you seduce enough amount of wolves (for me its the fastest way)

And for "Cock".... you can fully teasing every type of gender for grinding "Cock"

Its not that long to grind to "Expert" so dont worry darling...

Thank You!


Feel kinda dumb forgetting about that event.... Spent an hour farming the troll on the bridge ;-;

How to get Rhot's heart?

After you save Roushk, the Lizardman Tribe will prepare you a chamber to sleep, sleep in ruin around midnight and you will trigger Rhot was snoop around you, confront him about this and sleep again to trigger some passionate actions with him, after that you will get Rhot's heart.

How to win Logan's heart while I encouraged him to go to the bandit camp
(1 edit) (+4)

You cant. 

Because you cant romance a roaming sex addict.

discourage him if you want to date him.


Is there more storyline on the exiled you find in the new level of the Misty Abyss. I've already asked him about who "Hisss" is and told Roushk about him and don't know if there's more. Can someone help?


I'm pretty sure that's it for now, as of the 0.31 update. The update logs are very specific on what they add.


Ok, thank you for the info.

Someone can tell me Arion’s sex just end at bath?how can I get more connection with him?Please!

There's a few things. Like having sex, going in a date with him, giving him carrots, and sparring with him. (That's as much as I can remember).

Thanks!but sad to know it is exactly all what I can do with him.

I started a new game and now suddenly i'm only getting duo bandit attacks anywhere I can encounter a bandit. (excluding scripted attacks) It's a bit of a bummer since there's no artwork for them, and I really don't know why it's only giving me duo bandit attacks.

Check the bandits reputation. There a point to where if its low, you encounter duo bandits.

(1 edit)

I am re-doing the wolf den and I got the pack leaders fang. But when I go back to the witch and go into task. The option for me to give her the fag has disappeared and in my events log its still unchecked. Any idea whats otg?

Try going to the witch at night.

(1 edit)

How can i get 1 heart from Logan?

Pick him in the werewolf event and cure him.

Does choose Logan in the event affect the number of Benard hearts we can gain ?


No not at all. I chose Logan and stayed with him and still have 4 hearts with bernard.


yeah cause bernards hearts are different events that aren't the werewolf event.

How can I find long range weapons? Like slingshot or bows?

Wonder around Track to meet merchant, he will sell those and arrows.

Thanks a lot!

Is there any advantage to ranged weapons? I noticed razits spear does more damage

How to I keep building up bareshade? I made the walls, but can't do anything else with the town?

You need some time, check Quest Log for how much days left for next expansion or what you need to do.

Oddly, it never showed in the quest log. So I have just been going off of checking every day.

Strange, my Event Log shows Bareshade's Expansion fine, maybe it's a bug? Try to check Bernard's talk 14 days later to see if there's new expansion dialogue. I don't know if you need to processed stories to certain point because I started build Bareshade after I finish all the Event.

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It is still working, which is good, maybe it is just that it is an old save?

Maybe, I started play this game when 0.30.4 come out, so I don't know old save's compatibility, at least my 0.30.4 doesn't have any problem so far.

how do you meet Ste? Ever since the reset I can't remember how I unlocked him in the first place

After you free Korg from Vicoria, I don't remember if you need to processed stories or not, but Ste is the next prisoner, so check Vicoria's dungeon once a while to see if he's there.

Nah just unlock korg and talk to him in the cave or leave him. Either one and then ste should be at viccoria.


is it normal when almost everyone you've interacted really love you but you only have feelings for a green reptile ? .-.


I was not fond of Rhot first, and then I see the part his tail will wrap you if he's happy, come here you damn tsundere reptile! But I do really like all of them, I like Roushk and Xeroth most, they're really gentle, when they said "My beloved xxx" I feel my heart melted...


My entire fucking existence died when Roushk started saying "my hero". I fucking love that big boi lizard man.


I feel kinda bad for Othra tho.... I would like Roushk more if they didn't draw him looks so.....lewd. >~>

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What about when othra said "my warriors", that got me like 😳

Deleted 3 years ago

I may be gay but she also kinda coot just sayin


Completely, like how for like a year I had every character kinda into me but I was only interested in logan lmao


My heart goes to Rhot all the way. I just want to unlock all his hearts if it was possible. I love a fictional character too much.


OMFG SAME! So... im not lonely in this world :D

Deleted post

There are PC build as well.

Maybe it is not compatible with the kind of model of your android phone. It works with my android very well.


I'm having difficulty unlocking the alternate payment methods with the troll. Is there anything I need to do besides submitting to unlock these?

.....fucking. a lot of fucking. i had to have the second best ass and mouth to do it. and an easy way is screwing physically everything you encounter, whether its werewolf or horsemen you met and can make fall in love with you.

I also can't get the "clash with barrel" event for logan... the morale at the bandit camp is between 50-100 everytime I try. I have built the fairgrounds and have one heart / 60 hearts with logan...... am I missing something? maybe it happened and I went through it??? help

Have you tried to go to the bar at night, I think between 20:00-24:00

has anyone managed to find Gunnar at the beach? I saw someone post they previously found this scene a long time ago and I can't get it... i've tried different times of day, with and without tank....

I've found him at the river bank and at the "outdoor fun" area...... any leads?

oh i think they meant the original mini boss fight. like remember when you stalk him to find out where scar is? they could have like submitted or seduced him?

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